SEPTEMBER 19 1949 eorge LeGear on Mound Tanning Nine Win Championship Barrie Tanning ruptured the Industrial Softball League championship Thursday at CGE Park when they defeated Clarke and Clarke 148 in the third and deciding match of the bestintlirce series DA ixtii inning when the the Tanners their margin of tallied six tinirs hroiufli uaf Liaike funitnlitis prunn 2illlilllg margin niy Don Crosbit Burntv iillltllll Were the hattui star or ydnmls NC mm lm the new champions mm unpland Hitllttllll illltliltl iii dou and the Ittliill ionhead lite and billftlc while if Hthl triple and lllglt lcrry kett starred for contributing two safeties CLARKE AND CLARKE Aiiiliy liivctt if Perry of ilartii liAii they mllud iii Xielltnt biosio 2b McNeil Raynor lb lringie 3b Miller ri tlaxiatt lb BARBIE TANNING Robinson 31 rosbie ill McArthui rosbie ichar llatherili if UMPIRES Jack orttilo plate lJolin Wood bases Clarke Tanners COOKSTOWN WIN HOLIDAY GAME FROM MINESING lli il in thxiit ill llit and for ilit fin itll ball lillilllli well scattered over the route ut ttllt tune lttilttl lii anti lillllt cuts llilttl tin and RI iii Barth lins earii lflyllti and lostrs rice LLZlSKtl ballet xnd iliynor ililllt Hwy tlliii on the part or their rind out any Klll laira ifiiyco OConnor iiante virtoiy linzt Wilr warrior in lm iitll stuna fiuiii the third tied it 33 Iaii shoved in the fourth lll Sillultl complete with club ti igt llllxll illlti of the game urthe tiftli lii by outscorznz come back DURK took it Mi 13 012 in ii ii and then Illltlt opponents VALLEY GIRLS Iaike and iaike triei iganiely wiiile at the plum iittl oiue illIIlllt ilfxtll and YVr IhI WINI niaiktt Dixon biauldd liai llt Valley IaXi Sll lriday evening their portion of the sixth giving RENT NEW CAR and Drive it Yourself Call 2772 BARBIE DRIVEA CAR Company pziii lltltlllll fell apiiit iii the on their home diamond to wrap iipl the liarrie and district ladies soft championship games to one Dixons had captured the opening game of the bestiiifive series and after Valleys evened the footing proceeded to victories in the suc ceeding two llcster seven innings while itivini up three hits and issuing no walls lluglics allowed two hits and walked one ball finals three lid duty for Minisinu Maw Was cioiited hard in the early frames Cookstown sped to the front llis worst storm came in the seconi and sixth innings lltll Lloyd Clarke freshman for the liixons was the individual star of the series as she constantly kept the Barrie bats silent In gain ing the filial triumph she kept six Valley hits distributed only in trouble in the seventh inn inc when Barric loaded the sacks with two out Dot Millcr once again ran into bad inning which Cost her an cxccilcnt pitching performance In the second frame the hardflouting Dixons reached her for four hits oiic aiiomer by Lois Manning to scoreless tie young Limited and was IlllRIZ DRlVIlRSELF LICENSEE 69 Collier SS 350 spectators it took the two clubs one hour and it minutes fol complete nine innings rcak with three runs Miller only allowedtwo moie hits after that but errors by her team mates and two walks meant another pair of assurance counters for thc homcstcrs Valley couldnt threaten until fifth wlicn Adanis ss Adams lb Bielby 2b the filled the paths only to have one possible run cut off at the plate and last batter hit into an easy infield out They didnt give up however In the seventh and final frame Eiiccn Key Mlj Longhurst punched out singles after two were out but Mary Wood oor evening at the plate ground ed into fieldcrs choice Lois Manning was tiic batting star for the Dixons She paced her team with two hits and her homer they tilid Beth McLean gtVllO had also in trying mood The diminu ltive centre fielder siappcd two Sons getgood smoking advice when fathers say Smoke Old Chum Enioy the fresh rich avour that makes Old Chum iut right for doyindayoul smoking Start today with package or halfpound tin Iwill order closed door practices for to be seen on the local scene this Man who like tobacco thats always 906 To ID CUT COARSE FOR PIPE CUT FIN parade under the coaChing eyes Exhibition games are in line for the Indiansand full report of this ITml since 88 FOR ROLLING YOUR OWN issue Of thq Barrie Examiner II4 Justcdnt aoriloaeing of ROWE McFADDEN it nonsesno CHAMPS lhrrr were nunv sporting tvrnts when the Barrie than her of ummrne sponsored the Linnqu Farmers Day in Barrie But of the group tin hone shue pitching cuntsst held at the hi slllt of the nnt Park drew the kcrnrst rompe tltion Oscar Rowe of New Lovvell was forced to go all out to dc feat lom McFadden of Utopia in singles Whlll tile above twosome combinrd to edge iarrncc Wingrove iiul Ken Emms in the doubles lion Holding an tillillulilitv of tin The entry from the South Simi coc imagin featuriin ilaiiy full on the mound had too llltltll poi ish for their opponent and itaiiotb oil with an easy ltiii triumph For fivi innings nnrt held Minesing scoreless llllltl liiiil Adams connected for twoinn homer in the szxtii to break the purist411i ouse allowed Lloyd llllgllt te take over the mound work in the eighth and ninth frames and it though Mintsin tlireahnetl to pit lllt seorhig rash he llllllllll to hold them to one run Totise recorded ill llllfttlllli for Russ Maw and Morley Sciizindirn lltigiies and Alan Dawson inlet three zuuitworuii homers respect ivcly The game was exceptionally well played to the delight of tlie GIrant Dawson Ken Wright Earl Carr and Alan Dawson sparked the Cookstown triumph while liir ry and Bill Adams tried iiard fol Mincsing COOKlOWNDawson if Wright if Carr Hughes ss onsc SS Dawson 31 Harvty cf Ciborn 1b Hougliton rf Crawford rf Der mOtt 2b MlNESlNG Miles ii ncy rf Winston Downey 3b Miles cl Clinppcll cl Schandlcn Mincsing till 002 001 Cookstown 241 034 2ixlfi 13 UMPIRES Thompson plate Miles bases in the second stanza started the winning rally Mary McGiiniis Mary Osborne Lois Blight and Mona Dean registered one safety apiece Beth McLean was going con cern for Valleys She hammered out three hits in four trips but failed to travel any further than second base at any time Eilccn Key was singles and each time made the rounds to third but couldnt scamp er the last mile Maij Longhurst obtained the remaining Valicy hit Barrie Valley 000 000 00 Newmarket031 010 x5 HAPFfilVTME OPENS FLYERS TRAINING Fiyer training camp today at Barrie if tll spotlight hours ltl1tt lily in My in Han to on Thursday up llIt ixhib tioii softball tilt llllnttll tootw town and hilllllli at Illtll lark liiiotlar not iii over for th chairman it llilltl iiear HAWKS WIN SOCCER HONORS AT ALLISTON CANADA xi iti in of hearts tor not iliim Iiit in in on ta kll you llllt si lint it int if in Let serious llairis Slalom iiv uni lllll iniiiipions and one tJllllUl inuul gitltlg credit nliire credit is due They were tellpileil HlbtilngiIlllll izi made possible through the untirini efforts of playingcoach Mui llines llieir strong point li iii the lltlfu uilluus An pinning pitrhrr couldnt lll up for an instant or be been rushed oil to the shoners Another bir factor in the tlllllliilltlhltlp roster we the rewrvc strtnulii llitic plrnt oi pauer iii llll pinchhitting department ianc re fair iiiidint club but irIi uea at lllf plate No matter how liiilliint lfill llayri All or Pat lnlind liurlrd they cant win iggiii titiiniit runs lllltll LlILU are not tlirouizli with iutliii cht The stint llilllt of unplug the npaco lrojiliy non season by ilrri Motors The latter were eliiiiinaied by filJIHltl in the ii round and now Luz oppose llltlll tonitziit intens ll2 ill tltltllllrtltlllll semi final match ltlHH ill send the luml ntrIv lllll the lllSL illlilitl finais azaiiiut tllllll lort IiiNicol or ilidland Ship yards llzillli ill lathl to iv iiiiiiitl Lliii lillill Mupport llllllt hopped thi liairi and liiuiriit luli Li iii iil llllill tlliltllliigtllll to Ntuiil3e iim Finlay iiiigitl lii Iill liti llilltl ll lillllti llllli to lllll llit liophf llilllltl iie cupped lllt unlit season llei xiiins ll be only one to why we havent obtained the liltliltlllatl Harrie cannot iimi txn lilil llillili illi TlarRe and larke fumbling possible industrial Softball title to llarrie lanniiiiz the diamonds have rapidly become vanant tlltl tliiiii theoiiaiolrogiliy rate everything has littll cleaned up and waiting for annual league banquets Out of all the ltth crowned champions anadizin Legion of the intermediate group probably trodIditl the roughest road They produer the biggest upset by tilllllpil opzieo in three straight games after losing the ripening pair it any team is worthy of celebration they are Large Scores and poor fielding made for poor season in softball from spectators standpoint lliclc were few thrilling contests and tlil calibre of the gaml is quickly dcseendiiiu We said it before and we say it again junior league is lltttifd immediately Floodlight softball is promised for lilSli and this should do llllltll to aid the financial end of the sport if only playch were being developed Aside from iiall llap iinnns opens liii litlillL Flycr traiiiiiigIIcaiiip today in preparation loi defence of his llA Junior crown ver Till pittlirlitS will be on iiand and ilinms has his fillittlS crossed in hopes that he may find some illltlililt pl Adnms Maw Pi Wendi D0lciiicli will more in likely dwell on condition ill the first session but from that litiilltilill local supporters can rent assured the race wilibe on lltltllt the camp closis lCninis tthNs toitvitv close to Sit aspir ants for litrtiis on the roster of the year clianipimis There are huge llltill also hoping llie liiot ll uniover some star material Of last years entries Toronto hliirlboros and St atliarincs lccpccs appear to be tiie best off The junior Dukes have such outstanding performers as George Armstrong Lorne lirie Larry Hogan and lion llurst returning to the fold plus the addition of Tim Horton number one defcncrman from St Michacls College last season Then too we wouldnt be at all surprised to see Danny Iieki the former lort Arthur Wcst lind Bruin flash settle for Marlie uniform If Syl Apps cant mold championship club from that he wants to pack his bag Down at the Garden lily Art Jackson has no less than 13 returnees including Red Sullivan Gait should make better showing now that tlieyare aided by hicago Black Hawks Stratford and Oshawa have been on the constant prowl for players with the Gncrals winning the case with Doug Towers of Timmins Barrie had Towers ready torcport to camprut Oshawa claimed they had drafted him The OllA investigated the affair and mmduccd verdict in favor of the Guns Guelph Biltmorcs are in the dark wliilc St Mikes will build around Lorne owes the youthful and brilliant nctminiier from Porcupine Combines The loop could be twoteam race with tossup 0n the also rans FLYERS WlN 65 Hap Emms opens his BarrieIDEFEAT Arena in quest tortalent to defend his OHA Junior title Approxi mately 50 embryo players will at tend coming from various points in the Dominion It is expected that coach Emms at least the first week bright spot in the Flycr train ing camp is the return of capable and most reliable trainer Harry Partridge Harry was not expected winter but nevertheless he will be situated at his familiar office desk amid sweaters skatessticks and other dressing room gear Meanwhile EddieI Shore and Earl Siebert have completed oneweek session with their Springfield In dians few players have been moved from the camp but others will don the equipment today and schedule will appear in the next No iiddiiigi conesfirstxj mu nircikvel counts Youtoo must be on your 1065th safeguard your earnings YOU CANT if ya einegular Oftenc53d by lack 0f hulk 90d Ailiston countepattacked Iyyith in the dict gt PostsBrim Filees supply the natural bulky011mm to help keep food wastes moving prompt Enjoywholesome Wheat nnurishment Itoo Posts Bran Flakes are made with other parts of wheat Appetliingas achreal Just astaslily effective General Foods when mndillto light tender bran muffins Follow recipe on package Two sizes largeor sregulnr Insist on Posts IBran Barric Hawks captured what is probably disputed Barrie and district soccer championshipp last main in the hunt for the South week when they defeated RCAF of Camp Borden 10 It was the second of goals to count series and gave the local lads 20 margin They match scheduled for tonight in Al had previously garnered the open liston Coach Roy Emms startled the Al After Bradford Celery Kings loop iiston drew by shoving hisTmound ace Enso Zanatta into battle The er by the same score leaders all season decided against carrying on with the mixed up huge Sault Ste Marie righthander playoffs and Midland Wolves c0n ceded the series to RCAF Barrie arranged final series withthc Flyers last seasons title holders 5m Zanatta was fortunate 10 Showing much improved defen come out with victory His sup port iii tiieIfield was nil Especially so in the sixth when five successive errors were committed Had it not Dalt Emms faststepping forward beenfor these big Enso would have been ablctoboast 110bit dream The team was great as long as he sive play the Hawks blanked their opponents twice to gain the unof ficial crown On the Barrie roster converted beautiful pass by Andy Burlach in to the only score of the game early faiinednine batters in the secondhalf Following this the Hawks laid back and protected their winning margin moneysimply melts iway these daysQgotToloaethialewlownfeliiig gel back my old zip mmsI Dan 120mm and IWib Mcr Arthur being the big factors the minin 3inan unit mun Iifiia wait Millennium imam clcanup position Hewcver theFlyers WCIICwll on their way to decisive Victory when thcgame was called in the seventh They had punched outsevn hits lfoij eight runs and werestill going when A1 MacDonald put halt to Barrie unknotted scoreless game in the third when they slain mcd five hits off Chantler for three rally single run in their half of the third but slowly watched the Flyers scamper for single in the fifth ly whelp you retain vim and vigor and Dan in thersixthI What appeared to be com Product of cut to overtake the deficit column but five in row holds no excuses IBM They were just out of sorts and 929 will Tumbull on Mound Harris Defeat Gage 82 EIWin Third Straight Title lii itiiliiii will iiitiifi to 31th trim th rvtti thl loltll 11 tit Ninth will llli jil trial IiiJl LcILll TiliiiliVi IIIK IIIII Marin iilaid will ii tetanus ii li ltltlt 2ii li Mtnl ii lili lll Ki iliuil iiziiiiLZ Lmll ill inn in Lila lil lailr ILs lillLl ltJ ll lJle lltllii 114 iiii lit to titre Ieiiit half vl tli ltI l2li tli l=lil2 lair bailni lilllitilili final tzip vili litt lldlll thrin tiltilll iInr hard aii ltmliiiv ioi thin imi llll it lltlil li iriuiitvti for lillt 1will at innit Lani and ll IiJrllli ii iii lliil Will in Ji ltllit iiit Tim trip liie trail id the waiw Illll to piin it fillittlil Izill ito await liltlll tlltlll duilit ill it oi iin Airtuidy in iwzati ti with two out Iliottiliiz hum vi liii ltliin iiiinziii ll Iltllil tis tlii ltlllf tint and luiiiluill assured lire ll lt out ill triumph by janiinu Iln liiiid out yttll Iill Itlb had sacks ticlliiii pulled limo last llll limit placed didi showed lie llaiii lill they 1lialil to iilliit only snappy illlll of tlie tittlit pol lane iollldtii imp champions twolime tllitll lioiii figures they lllll relinquished lain ilillll lilpi the hopes of the challengers llll by itill roiiiniJrippti with the lillbtdl eiimty ill the fourth to half the del Iillllltld Eiiild liftlHL the second Min iiuniuiii lllllt lliltl SttnllLL lead smash drove lionu Ramsay opened have and Harris ficit to 11 hi the rlxlll llairis again open Tlllllllilll off with scored rd up double grounded out to short continued contributing bases empty homer to li margin tinge were ll the raiiyim stage in the sevuitli when pcau ended it all by fanning after They were not in Davies Moe lines and when hitting streak rs ilie llllllltllllllt Larry ani one run scored the running after that more than assure great series Gage champs or even make sesaw battle But Harry to do with the llairis title niarcli despite not be to dethronc ouse had filial match Moe Hines stood out for Harris lie hammered hand for iiomcr doubi STRlKES SPARES Barrie Ladics Bowling League With 12 teams instead of eight as last yar this league gets started on Tiles ay Scpt20 The schedule of games for open ing night is as follows case the captains name is ShDll after the team name Kenweil Robinson vs CGE No Glynis Lingerie Dress Lake Side at Barrie Bowling Alleys BarricFlycrs romped to 65 triumph at Alliston Fridayto re Simcoc Baseball championship The series is now tied at two games tlplCCC with the fifth and deciding in each 715 Stars Lcnas Wilsons Pat McLeod Cabins Scanlon vs Harvester Combines Dot Ayclifie Silks Limited Zellers Lewis Brown plies stopped his opponents on one hit missing nohitter in tlieIsixth and final inning to the third last batter Viola Perry Marion McMuikin Bay vic Grocery Doris McKillican vs Blue Taxi Doris Garvin Rosettes tDot Knapp Vs CGE No tha Flcar LEAGUEI STANDINGS Mar Miraculously enough the Flyers broke hitting slump by collecting oilthe combined efforts of Chant lor and IScency IAnd Zanatta con tlibiitedl thfce of them from his BARBIE Euler SOFTBALLI FINALS Bestinseven Harris Gage FridayHarris Gage Harris win championship SOFTBALL FINALS Bestinfivei LLP 18 LADIE VNewmarket Barrie Valley FridayNewm ket TNewmarkct wins championship INDUSTRIALSOFTBALL FINALS Bestiiithree Barrie Barrie Tanning Clarke Clarke Tanning wins champion SIMCOE BASEBALL FINALS Bestinfive ship fort able 61 margin Was unfoldcdinto hectic sixth whenAlliston took advantage of the shaky Barrie in field to tally four times and threat Alliston TonlghtBarIric at Aliston comoo TROPHY SOFTBALL Stayner at Gage Queens Friday iTonighIt The fact that Roy Emms hasbeen forced to revamp his lineup due to the parting ofJim Strachan and Paul IMegeIr from thcIroster could have large bearing on the error but left it rather late WibMcArthur Enso Moe Elle and Dan Poland were thcFlyers buttingstars while Pur Ross St chase was the Allistenkperformer They did makeup it byrsupporting Enso at the together despite the Iiintiring efforts of Zan attathey couldnt be pulled backI to spoil Zanattas nohitter 1liriitl singli to figure lliill Barrie and distm ie Mllti xviiidtzp Steve litnesf Jack lawful keg Ellen playing coach to II illit Kalil Mo tilts rELll lll lit Tl Ill irii ili El till ii um my iiail gin til IIII itlef gtiul fro iyllI and luiiibziil tilt Lcu lazy ll lone star in the ha utvl lit li filili li EccJ piles 8W Jame island BC is the only lattl ill the Ed exclusiy cly dE who to manufacture of commer ll llll xgilusivigs Iiti Hayfield St Dial 3874 ltil lll ille did and by in the seventh and three more in eighth victory it wasnt 116 DunlOp St This Is Your Opportunity To Get Your Fall Suit At Great Saving ALL WOOL TWEED TOPCOATS Regular Price $345 5313 Prise $4501 llarris piled across single tally complete line of all Mens Furnishings Work Clothing Eisenhower Jackets ctc always in stock Let us Outfit not stroiii enough at the plate You for the Cold weather USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN CHICK SANIiLEn MENS WEAR Barrie Phone 3141 Doors East ofBoWliiig Alley SAL At Tremendously REDUCED PRICES Top Value and Quality SUITS At 30 RedUction Tailored from fine Quality Worsteds and Scrgcs ililllklllll XSSXXW REA SAY AB fer Alti plate Barrie Hudson in qur HAPPY CO or HIS HILLM ANS from the nearest gravelled road Ycr this grand car look every lm own thing in iiiliidc5now mud and freezing rain Thanks to in grenheancd engine and xlravlaw gut my Hillman carried mc in perfect safety and comfort over drifts and ruis that would be challenge to any Car For many reasons but especially for its downright dependabilityTm glad bought Hillman Thousandsyes thousandsof motorists in Canada and the USA are enjoying the comfort economy and worldfamous driving qualities of In HiilrnaniI For their convenience permanent network of dealers provides pans and service from coasmo coast in both countries Arrange now for Hilmian demonstratibn rideyoull be glad yoii did miuns iaipviycin animus rouiinoii mi oiiiiiianiiisiijui looms apron mutiny1mm but HiiiM What about wine Drilling With the llILLMAll mum HA5 PERFORMANCE Edna Wilma live on farm 30 miles outside Toronto writes Mr Sup Hockridgc and it is essential for me iolinvc completely reliableIyear rqundtninsportanonto and from the city lnIiadIc Edmund Hdh hemp in my Hillman almost every day last winterand didnt Tl4M CHC III miss single engagement Haifamile of runed country lane who mgr priming IL VS which drifts at the siightesr whisp of wind separates my form In Zg xi