PAGE TWO 11 it 11111 the BY 1111 nc HYDRO HOME ecONOwST 16 pulltzy 14 1ty11111lt11111 111 tl 1llLl ttlli intilt 11 11 Villl 11tk 11 lctkci 111 huhu 111 31 211 It lu lulecl iv 11411l 111 torlng 1l1111t ll 111c tool 1111 Z111 awe11 l111ls 11 lt acll you 11 11111 linn 111111 11 11 l1 11111111111 p1pcl 111 ll yiu 11l11l11111i 111 11 tl1llilttl 1n 1112111 511111 II 11 Ill 111 11 Cash and Carry PURE 1i1l 11111 Al 11111 11111 Wrap 11111cl111lt111l 111l ARTIFICIAL 1c The forr 11 gt =1p 11=i gt1111111111 SABIEANT Co Ltd MARY STREET El IlIIlImI IIlIEIII At Water Front it 1113111 111 111i111h 311115 111 Mix and silt into bowl oncesifted pastry M61616 Meat 15601 cat flour lel c111111 Sililitl h1r1l 111111111 llo11rl 111p M11191 llaking loullcr ls11s1l 111 in tinclIv 11 tbs shoncninu lix lllll1ll 111 1111l sulliciont milk to maki liquid mix in 1i minced cooked mcat tilltltlllippml small onion and chople dill llll1 or cll11l11i11c1l picklcrclish Maki cll in dry ingrcdiouts pour in mcut 111ixturcanrl mix lightly with lork l11ru into greased lout pan Hj 83 llnkc in hot oven 4311 lllJl5 min Scrvc with tomato or brown sauce IN T111 PASTlOllI years we added moronihan hall million telephones and installed new equipment in every ex change in Ontario and Quebec At the same time we were able to make substantial improvements in service But it took lot of money over two hundred million dollarsl There remains in 11611 to be done Many applicants are still waiting for telephone service and many more sub scribers present service is not adequate to their needs We intend to meet their wishes and to cdntinue making the service clearer faster better in every way This will take more millions for new equipment and buildings As inthe past this money must cdme from the savings of thousands of Canadians who are willing to investin the telephone business ts BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 11 ate writes Mrs Margaret Calling of Kitchener Ont Satina certainly givesclOthes anicernish and never have trottbl iyvith afsticky iron writes 1111111 Capling also likeIthIe clean perfumed smell it leaves on clothes With Satinain 11111111111 in 1111111 111 liotatarch Your itOnJi along moot surface no sticking embed 11111111 ironupllkenewand l1l11 111 1111 111 11 111 ill 111111 you 21 11 11 11 11111 111l 11 mm 31111 11 lll 11111111111s 1111 l1l11l ll11 inst lli1111 911111 11111 l11 1l111os tl1lt1 11 l111 11 1111 Hutu11 t1o111 1l111i1111 11 i11112 111 1111 1111 l1 1111111i 11i1111 211 l11111 i11111 11111 I11 11111lll ltoa 111111 3111t11 11 11 l1tl1l111111 111 lzuti lt1111 l1 11 ll ll1 111111 111 11 331 1l111111 to hon 111111 21 11 11 11111 ARI 2111 1i kltlilrii 1111 11 ti limit liroll l11cs 111t111u 111 chitTs 111171 llltllis 111111 111111 l11111111 1111 11 11111111115 11 with 111c TAKE TIP hum1111111111 rivulis uni11 quality and tiuish 111 11l1i1 11lt11111 i1111 l111111cln1l11lt shoild Ulllrl ll11 lklnd 111 bird to till 1l1riz11111is 111 I111stancc 1111111111 1111141111lal1211 tllltll 1A is young luollcl 11 lltlri 1ccllcnl tor broiluu or trying Mr rottedololhes mes easier Mrs t1Ir1r 11111 1lL1ll 1111 111 thick 1111l41l1ull pounds and lip LHUltttl br111lc1 roaster is younlz chickcn ovcr 1l11cc111d1l1alt pounds Iuion an unscxvd y11u111 lnalc chickcn and is ideal for roast 111 rooster is hasbeen louslcl usually ordcrcd as 11 l1111lc1 31 11 is also boiling orastcwilic loyl l5 Almc Allan invites you to ll1 to her cfo The Barrio lixamincx Scnd in your suggestions on homc making and watch this column for itplics CHURCHILL Harvest Thanksgiving sclviccs will be held inSt lctcrs Church on Sunday Sept 23 morning and evening Mrs Graham S11 and Donald of Toronto were rcccnt visitors with and Mrs Concession Congratulations to Mrs Lancaster who won 1st prizc for woan toch and 3rd prize for woven bag at the Canadian Nation 211 Exhibition hurehill WJ Meeting The Chulchill WI held their Sep1 tember meeting at the home of Mrs Plosscr with an attendant of 39 members and visitors The meeting opened with singing of the Institute Ode followed by praycru Roll call brought forth few 1111 the Kingl teresting items towards Tweedsmulr history Mrs the treasurer reported balance on hand of $121 so vote was takw en to send $25 to UEFB for food parcels for Britain chroy WI ex tended an invitation to visit with them on the evening of Oct This was accepted The secretary reported cooperative sprogram meeting to be held in Stroud on Oct 14 Mrs Bonney and Mrs Gordon were nominated as delCv gates to the Area Convention in Barrie on Sept 28 and 29 As means of raising money the rug gestion was made that Graham be asked to show his movies in the hall Mrs BedfordIHisl0rical Research Convener then took charge of the meeting Her motto was We continue to build on the foundations of the past The speaker Mrs Wesley Hindlc was introduced and her topic was De velopment of Simcoe County and she gave very interesting talk Gordon gave current events period of community singing was enjoyed Mrs Sin clair reported the high light her trip to the East coast visit to Prince Edward Island Mrs Kell gave short and colorful des cription on her trip to the West coast number of old pieces of china glass and jewellery were dis played by the members Kell Mrs Stewart Mrs Ken Sturgeon and Mrs Wm Kelly gave Ia demonstration on salads and they as IhOStesses lunch 01 iron Product of General foods Craham 3rd if lohnnys mother has discovered of Mrs served delicious moaopolies do is part of hismeplyza THE llARRIE EXAMINER HARRIS ONTARIO CANADA For Parents Only l13111j 1115 11111 on milkinnlk may be used in cooking 111111f lt111i11w1tl1l1nti Milk is such 11 1111rl111 1l1i11k for child that 01 Slmum wasted 111 11111111 111111 generous 111112 and 1114111 lulu to drink it 111 Hut 510 this 111l1 he has Hat 1111c1l 11111 only to linisli up Ilis mill1 11111 to 1l1i11k it at all llzc 111111 coax or scold or threat 111 llc 1111111 stubborn llt isWhat ktll do askth Mrs loncs 1111111s11111 to drink milk can be cly perplexing problem How should mother copc with it She should try to discovcr why Johnny Idms not want to drink his milk and in 11111 11111111 avoid this cause 11 possible lcrhaps Mothcr has 1111111 too insistent on his drinking milk and also on many other things which do not matter and here is 111111 place Johnny can rlcfy her s11cc1sstully Johnny may be feel 111 bit neglected because Mother has bccn vcry busy with other rlutlcs and he has discovered that rcfusing milk is sure way to locus Mothers attention it may llc that Mother has been 1X1cti11IL Johnny to drink more mill than he can naturally desire attcr hearty meal Johnny may not be feeling very well and his oppotitc is affected or he may have heard father or some other adult expcessing dislike for milk that coaxing scolding and threat cning arc equallyIinetlcctive The right way for Mrs Jones to handle this situation is to ignore it At the same time she can include as much milk as possible in the foods she is preparing and gradually per suadc Johnny to forget he is 011 strikc The best teaching is by example all Mother and Johnny can enjoy together perhaps disguised an egg110g lnilk shake chocolate drink or cocoa he will have his daily quota and in time milk in 1wil1 likely want plain milk too Mothers sometimes make the Imislake of thinking of milk only as drink and not as food They forget that part of childs quart day should be used in other leereals in soups with vegetables 1as mashed potatoes in custards puddings junket and ice cream Evaporated dried and condensed By DEACHMAN It was hot in Ottawa in July yes in Augusttoo Fortunately 1there is bit of grass and tree Ior two adjacent to the apartment so at the end of the day found myself sitting on the lawn reading book and wishing it would rain There were six othersall women engaged in conversationthe wea ther is popular topic Then like bolt from the blue they started to discuss nylons gathered from the conversation that they were not as good as they womenhave anestalgic feeling for the socks that mother used toikntt Suddenly one lady reindrktl They the producers of hosiery 11IaveIde11beia1e1y cut the quality to increase protsthats what That Said is interesting but theresandth side to the story Believe itvor not the consumer is the boss Th con sumer determines thevpolicyiot the manufacturer TheI manufacturer great taskmaster he ntustfplease the coasumer orgO out0 busiJ ness Did they believe in linknot sure Yearby year we apply reason and common to the problems which Vconfr true7 rule that is the basisIof progre So wrote to man whoI knowswthe nylon industrynot tin tchnicnl sense but in practical way Theanswer to your nisher ts one word STYLE JWoineri r124 cently seem to have preferred stockings which look as far as pos sible nonexistent Hosiery manu facturers obliged by producing the next thing inineness to 1111111111 in nllli dont knowI on him ways than as uidin making lives forever in fthe eye Of that used to benothing is Men Milk in Childs Diet For Red Cross 111 Stevenson Reunion AAlsm still11 is 111 1111 11 52111111111 Nancy Cleaver A1151 MINI 1g 1c11lI i11t= Els1 11 II MIN L1H 1111 IIlll 11 lttvt 1H baa i11 1113 111 It NWT my 1I II 1I IIIIIIII IIIIIII III 111 olrl l1c11c11 111 in 311117 ulna 511111w 1m 11 111111 11111s11 1111 111111 111 1111 111 111 11111111 Qt the 411 11s11 111 111 Hour 111 1111 1111 ISIIIWIIIIIIII IIIIII II IIII II III IIII II II IIII tile111111 vl11l II lnnllol lvc ill VWllilrliili 1i III IIIIIIIIIIIII II 111I1111 irlilrII11111 11l1Io tI1 in 111 MI HI llcr houtc 111 III II 111 I1I1 glm Smith 11l 1y IHI1 1111 1111111 wwwv and llohlnc 91211 11N 11111 111 llH KillllttHl il lit has3oJJI fwclll llalc of l111ono 1ll lir 1111115 of Alhstcn l111 II ICIIImIIIII MIIHI IIHI 11 II Ibull of Burma ll111 111211l11111tl arcs All lull in II 11 1111 lll 11 out 111 lllll wimp 14 my My Sept 19 8ch 34 Loblaw l111 111 1111 ll muwd MI Imlnw In er We W1 ave II am 41 If IIIIHIIIIII1 Iii on SqturdGIY sep 11111 1111 11 1111 1111 been In busmess one year We ve made HIII IIIIIIIIIIII II II III II IIII III 1y Hiylyiulrilii 1111 1111 fl Inany frlends dunng pas we ve ii forward to ltlrllmlbl Illlm ilk HIII III monl an We are 00 lng 111 111 11111 111 111 1111111 11 IISII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIINIII 1IIII maklng many lnore 1n the days to come II III II IIIII II II IIIII oIt 111I1111IsI11I11I1I11I I11 11lt Il tum Him AM LISled belOW are few Of the many Items Mr 51mm will dull mi ll 11 week at ecial I1bcautlt11l scrub11 111 1l1111111111 we W1 se lnq 111111 his l111111c 111 his 1111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIICII Annlversary Sale PnceSI II mil ll 1Ilv lll lll tcuicd to baking 11111111111 milk is precious not alMlmll Milli WM ll hw Plnk Blue and hue Idlmlllb 1c 11 turned 3mm the are mam Among tlu out 111toI11 IIu1 III IOI mumm pmuk OIII thc gallwnng vclt 1l1s 1I l11l1 cs II II II 113 Mm plump 101131 mi II11I 1213Ilioatlbgk 1111112332andfnmhix ghtcr of Mcufuld hlrs Jami1 lrain ll Newest 1n Fabrlcs lhlrs Victor l1lc and Miss llcssic dim lingo ChCCSC if of Turmm willhml over Lace Blue Navy 10 15 Milk must have good home carcIurnbull Mr and Mrs lirucc lurn lltliluse it is mlan lht WSl DOTlbull Mr and Mrs Stoplicu hlilnci ishablc of foods Pastcurizcd milkiund Billio of Barric and Mrs llcr Ill should bc purchased from rcliablcftha 1111111tord ot Simcoc 11 11311 2611101 IIIIIII1ILmtItiycholggIIIife mvmmm II 1111 Never leave milk stnndlng on doorsth especially if the 311111 talls than 01 open In 100m The place Ito1 nulk is In tthcoltletI Sophwbor mac the rerrlgelulm ICC boxl Wm Gardener whosc 110th birth or collar Mothers In rural areas dm was on SCMI mI 11r111l on and families on vacation may find Snindw Visitors at 1111 homo for1 1t CWSSITY to carry out me home 10 1113 WIt Illd MW Albelil pastcurlzlng method of boilinglOrton and Paul of oIIlatcr Mr milk for three minutes Chilllnglimd M15 39 myrle ill Himmloni quickly and keeping it cold and M15 ml MW Im lIIm Ills covcrcd La0f Elmalv uml 15 any lmnmll and hubVII LO Mllk Shmlld 131 SIDDCd SlOVlVlf1OV Bohr lWldtF 0f 1l It should never be gulpcd downglrsI 111cc I11 9111II11IM1I III quickly to quench thirst on hot 1111111111 11 not on or WI when this hafmensI the 235111115 Harvey Bedford and Donny ol tric juice of the stomach Iis apt to form milk curds which are tough slow to digest Children Ilove drinking through straw Mother can make little game of taking Ismall sips and pausing between them child likes his own spe eial mug and the nurseryrhyme purchased make food more attract ive As parent you are likely con vlnced that milk is essential for good healththe proteins build bone and muscle and repair the sugar give heat and energy the Icalcium phosphorus lime and oth lcr mineral salts help make bones land teeth blood andtissue while the water is used by the body to carry on waste But in your very enthusiasm for milk the perfect food dont force with every meal The more pres sure the child feels the more like 11y he is to oppose you By ustng lmilk In preparing food by exam lple and by employing tact and imagination avoid that Milk Strike The Costof Fashion vieeable weight of hosiery women were few yearsIago The im provement inthe quality of nylon yarn has made this possible Hos iery made from silk of equal Itine ness would not last nearly as long as hosiery madefrom nylon So it is theladlesbless them who are the cause of the trouble They want ne stockings and the hosiery manufacturers supply them Ifenough brave women de ed the current style and demand ed stockings offheavier gauge they and save mOney But hOW success Iwomens clothes and hats IfThe manufacturers of hosiery do itheyarn and knit the hosiery The knitters of slery know what the Women vimn Asales depend upon the satisfaction of desires ThenI got in touchwith man who knows the factory end of the btlslness Here is his reply iery wears out faster than hosiery which was in common use 1a few iyarsvago To meet consumer de mend the trend ln hoslery since the introduction of nylon has been stadlly tof sheeter Iand sheerer stockln VTlle sheerer hosiery ls andlmakee more fragile stocking 1thanthose made from the heavier yarns chm11mm me the facts itln the rst six months of 1948 0111111 yardage basis approximately 41 or total sales of nylonhosiery leg were 40 denier Sales of 151111111 20denler were zero 5511 heartbeat 101 the rst 1312 months of 1949 151md 20 denier web very different from the setyarncomprlsed 12 of total salesI and large and thus are difcult and dishes for children which can he bodys wear and tear the fats and1 child to drink certain quantity1 would get more wearout of them gt 1ng is the voice ofreason on niatteraftctilrg styles and fashions not make their Own yarn they buy ifThre isTa reasonwhy some hosLI made proportionately ner yarn mommy SEPTEMBER 19I 1949 fTwo New Outposts Hospitals Opened Churchill 124 DUN LOP ST PHONE 3030 of this yarn while 40 denier yarn actually increased over this period by 601 but as pointed out above ldropped from 41 to 34 of the total The word denier as here used refers to the weight of given length of yarn in other words it is measure of neness The two thread Silk Stocking the lint51 Sill stocking made commercially in prewar days was approximately the same weight as 30 denier ny ion stocking So the 15 denier commonly used in nylon hosiery is FINANCE lineth lhe welght 0f the limit Sllk SlOCklngS 0f 1310ld3y5 Ladies What are YOU gOiUg to 101 lilfdjslllllltfllib 2i Sguilqizingelonlm duce strongeryarn wuhevon less weight but there are phyisical bar riers to ultimate achievement We shall never learn how to dress the perfect limb with weightless stocking II 11111 can gala loan of $50 $100 $300 $500 or more at this new convenient Househqldotfice OW you can apply for Household Finance loan right herein Barrie Household Finance Canadas leading Service consumer nance organization has JustOpened an ofce at 26IEliIzabeth Street on the secondoor to serve the SMALL DEPOSIT RESERVES fth YOUR GRUEN men an Women 13 City all nearby communltles If you need loan at any time dont hesitate to bring your problem to Household Finance This service has been specially develOped to meet the needs of men and women who Wish to borrow extra funds foremergencies You are Welcome to apply for any amount to $1000 You may Igepay your loanIinI Convenient monthly instalments Gettinglaloan at Household Finance is aIsimplematter it jYoumerely give usa little information abciut yourself and your job We neyer requireendorsers At no time need III IIYOIIu ask friends or employer to recommend you 01 to vmmmunwa iguarantee repayment ofyourvloanIWelendonyomgearn r1 ing ability and your willingness to repay ilneloy Wish You may bonowtopay your doctorbdentist inSurance pndableotqurqcyl IItaxesmld bills to buy coal make adown paymenton We help recurrence YrbSineSSfr MAKE YOUR cumsmns almost any purpme If loan Is the best solution to your IGRUEN CHOICE NOW NOW selectotyouyrleisure before the grand rush Ollie in and see for complete array of GRUENS newest and smartestwolch creations Qjunvnsr Jewellers DIAMOND MERCHANTS renumop sr trauma 112511 on earblrII problem visit Household today 0r if its not convenient to cometo our ofce just phone or write nunII UIIIIIITI ulna WI lulu 1111111191114 26 Illinbeih sneer smme Phone 5522 Jim 9131