lruckingi Service THURSDAY AUGUST 25 I949 Water Cool or Warm but Ready for 001ch Plenty is Garden Need without Thcir arr many is ac sprinkleis 1111111 11111111 with 11 laidcns ca 1111111 inexpeiislt watci Whiz 111 g1 11w 111 13111 ElllstflltLl 11 111331 IilvidlUHltlc attention spitLid water railfill wan11g pi1lli may save l11tlil Lot 11 any long cl yoquots of 1111111111 and loss iorigh in 12111 311111 to 111 the soil cKist 11 111 211111 gt1ktlhl 1111 111111 i1p1111iit Hanna 111i 11 one iiich 111 1151111 1ujil 111ck anl if this 11w not fail in 1111 littlrl be appliczi tion Do not apply 11 in daily dons but roak 111 gtounti six inches deep at cacti 11p Iltll plication cht comes 1111 llllii 111 water Tllc 1gt1 1111 1iily 11111111111g whcn 1111 still tznorablcI 111x1 during 1h day is shining and the time is 111 1111 cvcii If 111ces sary to water duriir 1111 111ning do not v11 the leaves 111 1111 plants suit1 tiny 11111 remain damp all lliLZIll and this will encourage moulds and fungi Where there is 1111111111 climate and homes have too much shade b111111iic1111r1gc plant diseases by lucpmg leaves damp Sunshine 1111 best pic vcntativc 111y leavcsi 1111 next and 1111 last resort is fungicide Lawns should bc watered ill the morning or while 1111 sun is shin 1111 and 111v1r sprinkled wtthag hand nozzle because the holder tires before the lawn gcts enough smer 01904519 You may obtain $50 to $1000 or the money you need at lloosiciioui Finance 011 your own signature N0 endorsers or other bankahfe security needed mm it advance money for this hose which leaks and scrch OVERDUE mus ithc purpose 11f an irrigation ditch SEASONAL EXPENSES If possible get one the exact length DOCTOR 0R DENTIST Bills Iof your garden row so it can bc REPAIRS 0N HOUSE 01 CAR lifted to another spot when one or or my good 1mm area has been thoroughly soaked canvas hose is good substitute for irrigation ditch pccially important not to wet the leaves of lettuce chard and other leaf crops It water off all vegetable havcs cx ccpt when the sun will dry tiiciii quickly Sonic method 11f flowing watcr dircctly on the soil without washing out miniature gullics is re For vcgctablcs gaidcns it is es lArmy Cadets Get Riding Lessons iFrom Colorful Scot 1111 The amp Borden izcnl is better to keep Onc of 1111 bcst is can1 For bushy flowers there are spc Youmay rePaym mvm cial tubes and nozzles which will monthly instalments arranged to lsprcad the watcr near the roots yourincomc 1111Cssuviccis ilwithout wetting tho lcztvcs Many fwood on mm 1nd mend 11111111 to 1m 1111 cc winch water is allowed to flow directly from the hose without nozzle This is an effective spread ler plants enjoy morning HOUSEHOLD FINANGE 55 Mluluogo Strut loot floon Phone 2394 ORILLIA ONI Noun lo or by oppoinlmanf loam made to roiidenh of nearby tom smvma IRE rustic smcr 181s sects rcd spider in particular limited and must get food area Young plants which ly suffer from insufficient water UPHOLSIERING of all kinds Wide range of covering materials Telephone 4314 for an estimate Barrie Tent 81 Awning Co 34 Bayfield Street While leaves should not be al lowed to remain damp long most mm quite gure in 10111110 shower ibath on day when they will dry look kc western from my quickly Evergicens need frequent back when washing and this discourages in 10mm ride he keeps mom spew and water for the plant within small suc lto be their favorite pastime As iforcman of Baans Brewster llorso Corral thats where Scotty comes in his wing and many 11f thorn are bc lginning to get that western look in the saddle 11 cvcrrcc iid Dontfmd Ig lwhich he has worked With horses shrubs in your watering schedule Newly planted specimens need rcg year When the mm Stems 50015 GWYS one of the last British as freeholders There is the Federal Farm Loans Board for horsed cavalry nits served in instance It will assist 11p to 50 pel cent of the purchase price but not eiiceeding $5000 This was fine when the Board first began to operate and $10000 would buy one of the best farms jaw and 58 lat W3 illitchw in the country but the proportion of help offered today is madlm Dmm much lower because of highly increased land values An inl crease in the amount of assistance in proportion to the in crease in farm values should have taken place At 65the Dominion Government will refund proportion of his income tax as old age pensions How much better it would be to restore it while he still has youth on his side and can set himself up as an independent free enterpriser cap able of making substantial contribution to the economy of lfoot in the stirrup and wound up aMSimtmeaBIucIi130 115 Tiifin St Barrie PHONE 2335 Barrie 61 District Applicator dealer for CRETETITE Quotations gladly given ondust proof ing and waterproong in clear or color for concrete brick or stucco Iron Works Anklnasor ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK Electric WELDING Acetylene Lawn Mowers Repaired STEEL FOR SALE 9IGOWANS1 in 11mm Local Lone DISTANCE my crass on 24 HOUR SERVICE DRIVEURsELigcnns mo permits DRIVEURSELP V2 TON STAKE AND monsoon PANEL per mile Lgagg 15 per mile Alta has been around horses all hammer to hear the old wisecrack THE BARRIE EXAMINER BAliltllI ONTARIO CANADA lnmcs Scotfy Fillllllllll 32 of ialashicls Scotland and llanfl icon on horse trail riding seems 11c has taken the boys undcr Popular with the boys Scotty hat chaps boots and spurs and teaching hes not bound with tales of far places in His family raised thoroughbred Palestine on the Syrian frontier Later he was sent 10 the middle rst car usual cum durum least in the veterinary and remount Italy as muleteer in pack mule company After the war he worked with horses in South Africa the middle east and Germany He thinks the cadets have plenty 2nd some Is be trying to borrow horsemen even the embarrassed lad who mounted with the wrong ifacing the wrong end of his horse HOW TO HAMMER From The Camp Borden Citizen It is little consolation after hit ting your thumb violently with Whyvdonlt you hold the hammer with both hands And in any case itsnot the way thahammeri is hmld soimiich asithehvay the nail is held There are two ways tohammer nail One often leads to smash ed thumb the other to the inser tion of the nail without trouble The correct way is to hold the nail with the thumb and ferengernear the head of the nail If the nail slips the hammer head tends to brush thumb and nger to one side with little damage The wrong way is to support the Simcoc Reformer The statement is freely made that it is now impossible for young man to acquire ownership of farm and operate it I11 some respects it is obviously an exaggeration as many young his life but this is the first time Jul Hamil 11mm 1111 hash11121 I111111111 1111111 on 131 men 111e doing it and in certain cases doing very well but 15mm Wm Wm Wm WM Am will there is much truth in the statement be quite so wmm limisim lhe cadets are attending spc ll 11 11 ll now Idmlb 11 111111 111m 1111 m1 mic camp at Bum and Costs have spirallcd to such an LXtCllt that it is 1mm Arm wmm though many of them have nom tedly difficult for young man to accumulate sufficient inn Training mm WW WM to purchase property buy the necessary livestock and equip ment and secure initial Supplies There is also the fear of buying property at todays inflated prices and having to pay for it from lower prices received from the sale of produce if that depression which many say is just around the corner catches up with us Another difference is that in former years portion of young mans earnings were not siphoned off by an Income Tax Department However then as now it was spiritand determination that counted the most 011 paper it doesnt look possible but young men with will to do it are buying farms and starting out on their own just as young men did quarter or half century ago En buragement in every rway possible should be given to men who are determined to thus establish themselves the nation during its most critical hours if1 or young nger are more or less stationary against the surfacebeing nailed1 If the nail slips the hammer des nail at the base This results in injury became the thumb and fore cends and smashes thumb and fore nger against solid surface Army RCAF Make Mock Attack on Alaska Highway AreaHeId by Enemy Air photos otscene are studiedby officer From left LtCol Cameron Princess Penhale 600 Western Command and Air Vice ugngamnhellglforthwest AirCommand ts Maj 4Gen Getting Started On Farm Again there are many young men tied down to job in agriculture during the war years by what we knew as Selec tive Service denied the opportunity of serving with honour in the armed forces or the more richly renumeiative war pro duction work but who did wonderful job for their country out on their own but there is no recognition of their services the form of assisted farm purchase and they are the men who should be takirfg farms over from those who are no long Some revision of our methods of assisted farm purchase is long overdue Most farms are bought and sold that way so would it not be wise to put it 011 basis to suit the times and while we haVe it in mind greater income taxexemption dur ing purchasing periods wouldnt hurt the cause bit send tpthe UK Itiisthisspotem commanding iHnanciaI lostl inn1141121 11111 111li1111 io1ii 111 firgltl 111 ll111 It 1111 111 tx 1111 11111111 111111114 lin litlhlilll at 11 the 11111 of 1111 11v 11 111 12111115 11211111 11112 financial li is an alternate plan win11113 loci1111111111111111111111l1n1111 111 11 put to on 11111 itut av 11gt111 inn113 divuliiais to 111111 11111 111 111 1liff1ciilty ls tint 111 1111 I1111111nt 111ls ll 11 11111111111 11111 iifi 1111111 111111111111121111 111 111 11 11111111 111 1111 contributory ltllitll 111 1E11 that 111 1111 111171 11111114111111 111111i1 111 11 1111111 111511 ill111 1111 more it 1111c applications lcithcr umvciszil 111noon aha111 ior of 11111111111111 to put 1lll 11 lscluInc on contributory 111 Under consideration now 111111 iiiodificd plan 11111111 111 of lust1111 foic 111 RFSoldiers to Get Winter Training At Petowowo From The amp llorllin itirenl number 111 sunburncd soldiers of opcns next January They will he thc first litniiVt troops 111 undirgo winter Iillllllll at lctawawa Last ycar onlyi members of 111 Active lorc1 111 tcndcd warfare courses held at the School Officers now at work organizina the winter camp said three two wcek courses would he conductch for Reserve Force personnel atid two of threeweeks duration for Active l11rccsol1iicrs About 111 permanent Army 111111 who latcr will go to Fort Churchill Man for further coldwoathcr training will attend the first course At the same time some 1th Reservists will get their initial lesson in liv ing and fightingarmy styleMout doors in subZero temperatures LtCol ll Bingham officvi commandiiig the Royal Canadian Regiment will command the school Chief instructor will be Major Art Wallace Pembroke 0111 who acted in similar capa city last year and Capt Harry Gray of the Royal Canadian Dra goons will be training adjutant Candidates will be tauth how to live and work comfortava in extreme cold methods of travel in snow and an the bush how to care for their weapons under the worst possible conditions and some of the ner points of winter warfare Reserve Force soldiers attendingl the School will be specially select ed from volunteers from unitsi throughout Ontario New Identication Cards For Service Personnel The Canadian Armed AForces ldcnticationBureau started big job last week that of issuing new identication cards to all Army Navy and RCAF personnel and civilian defence employees The bureau expects to have all person nel at Defence Headquarters in Ottawa numbering approximately 7000 completed by the middle of this week Later mobile units will tour all commands and areas across the Dominion preparing cards for the remaining Defence personnel and servicemen and are desirous of starting US CHEESE In Washington the Department of Agriculture dairy experts have recommended price support pro The new standardization identil EFF for American Cheese Theliication cards were introduced rc 011515 in the cheese mark has been Cently as further step in 00011 caused mainly by the United King dinating effort in the three 59 dom due to the donar Shortageilvices streamlined procedure for withdrawing as buyer before thethe task has been set up and Ser anticipated 125 million pound vicemen and civilian employees chase had been completed The are photographed ngerprinted Umted Kingdom had Purmasel and documented at an average rate about 80 million pounds of lcheese of 100 per hour 50 far this year Flight Lieutenant 13 Bower The cheese industry has there of Aylmer Que is in command of fore surplus of someptOmillion the Canadian Armed Forces Identi pounds which it had planned to cation Bureau His secondin eommand Lt Kyle also of Aylmer will have charge ofvthe tial surplus which is behind1 the mobile units demand for price support 41 1111 555551135556 12113911112 AT SUMMER PRICES TORRID HEAT on BURNER Installed $35500 Complete Five Year Oil Contract i11111111111iiiiiiciiiiiiioiico 11111111 tin pirczi t11i1 at aimlily scheme 1111111111 1111111 iiylliJli 111111111111 111 Jug1 11 prlscnt If this is douc 1111 111111 would 111 to opcnly subsidize lo gicatcr gillJicc 111111 at picscnt the systciii 111111111 litllsltill Alically many hundreds of flour llll of lllllftllilIIS arc saving iaiiist their 11111 11111 up to 1111 limit the Sljltltl ti that can be purchased under 111l llomiiiioii 111111 11 1111 present time 1111 present 11111111c1 this by further hilt11111711 111111 11f 1111 present act by Reldfor Drop Pensions For 11111 All 111 111 1111111 1Clil and ct 11112 11111111 cillacl 211 111 U31 Canadian1 at 11gtLIL eligible If nub1 111 11111111 incicase tlic fost July 2111 tin 1111 111 1111 thc l11l1zal and Iiov teal tziiiccin ic to 111 wisdom 11 111111111ut 11111gt 11 111111111 11 llltgt time 1111 111 111 l=111 111111 gt1lli1l thr 1111111 out 11111111111111111 11 ii 11 1111111 11 1111111111111111 111 N111 any actively 1111111 1131121 In to 112111 c1121pl1t1 11 111 1111111 1111 The present 111 1111 11st 111111 if mm HAM up 1111111111 11 111s111 11 111 1111 111 11 oi My Sim 52 1111 a1 it limitl 111 141111111 01111 difficulty us that 1111 121 NM thwp 1AA E11111111111111111111131 1111itll111111i E1 Iilitlilllrttl so as in one 111 111 111 Hump 1111 1111111 11poi111 hire of 11 11i1ilii 1111111 In 11 11 311 1111111111iit llllttlv 1111111 l1is1111111 1111111 111 1111111 11 1111 picc111 31111 and 1111 it 1111 Illl 1111 HIV1f 111111 21 11111111111 liovmcial 111111 11111111 it 111111 1111 11111111111111 1111 111111l 111 aft liki ltnsiuns luniiIr Silicnii 1111 till pct1111 Ill 11 11111 113s 11151111 111pm 11 my 1111111 11111111111 111 1111111 111 Seek MiddleRoad Move MW 11 unnkmp Yet 1111 more wllltlli 1111 prob 31m 11H wupm makc 111111111111111 lltlllftll and ttfltl to obtain than delIlr by individuals amt cithcr on llltll own 111 11111111111 corporate or institutional plans which is all lorcrnment annuity thought is 111 111 LAP DAY He must be 11 daddy cat ever notice how hes always wash inane ing the dishes We Pay Cash For Good Used Cars 11 HILL LTD CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO BARBIE USED CARS 7172182 Bradford St OFFICE 55 Elizabeth St BALANC 1tllilllilc V1 1111111 MILKIVU 11111111er Annuities 1omdfic 011 EAT WALLFLAME METHOD This famous Walllilame Oil lllirucr easily converts your present 111111111 plant from coal to oil 1111111511111111 report it saves up 1112712 or more 1m oilcoststo11 lhonc us toduyl 011 BOIIERS OII FURNACES WATER HEATERS Theres 11 limken Silent Auto matic of the right type and size to meet your home heat ing not11 lrec surveys and cost estimates Phone us today CAMERON ELLIS GIBSON LTD 65 Bradford PHONE 3855 EGGS 14110 More 065 coint flea14 FEE Better feeding Results1 MASTER ml031275 PAGE NINE L111 ptmlthtd machine which period for tilLLlld 111111 calf and non111111 1111114 p1 liberal termm