$SKx AUGUST 25 1949 Photographed on his return home from two weeks vacation spent on tile Maine seaside RT IION MACKENZIE KING esehewed world events and politics in favor of the wildlife lit Killgsmere llusy With his corresoomlellce hes seeking time to compile his mellloirs August 22 Miss Graham of Tillinto is visiting her sister Mls iICCLlLAig James Alexander Graham Baptized Rev Murilo MacInnis took the Serilee lit Guthrie llegtlytlllan Aug Ll lnxlw bit Alexander sonof ilr and Min Alex lI tlrahalll of vlllrellllrc war baptized glwm THORNTON illeenl lgtlItll llob lzlrol liar ric at Peacocks Mr and Mls Philip iliitll Ml and Mls Bernard Joilbltt Ml IIIIUYJJH Jalllleson of Toronto lite tlllroy Ilzllrle Mr and Mls Stuart Maw uarlJe lllford Mr and Ills Ben Worsllop and Wayne tolwell at Jalnlesolls Mls Corbett Jr and Mls Albert lttlll tookstowll Corbetts wzlvEllLEY Mrs llenry Mathews is visiting her daughter in Kearney lelaldene Robinson is ill the hos pital to have her tonvils removed August 22 Mr Brown of Midland visited at Il Ballnlsters Gerald and Kenneth Snider were at Leighton Sniders Maureen and Doris Drinklc are holidaying in Toronto Mr alld Mrs Garfield Brown are on nlotor trip to the West Miss Zelma Drinkill is holiday ing ill the United States and the Soo Miss Audrey Elliott of Toronto spent the weekend with her mother Miss Maysie Reynolds TOIOIIlti is spending some time at her home here Mix and Mrs Jollll Kells returned after couple of weeks at Brights Grove Andrew Russell of Vasey is visit ing with his daughter Mrs John Miller Mr and Mrs Clarence Forbes and Linda of Dalston visited at Hurry Burtchs Mr and Mrs Orton Brown at tended the BalrKenwcll wedding on Wednesday Miss Bessie Wiley who taught here 40 years ago visited at Mrs Scarletts Sunday visitors at John Millers were Mr and Mrs Armour Miller and family from Brights Grove and Ontario Hospital New Toronto Offers year course includ ing your affiliation in General Hospital Class ent ers September 19th Eligible for Provincial Registration Allowances per month 151 year $3000 3rd year $5000 During affiliation $2500 Full maintenance with laun dry and uniforms Junior ma triculation diploma required Apply Superintendent of Nurses DELIVERY on CASH and CARRY BARRIE Victoria St Pillmg 3914 Wanda Mr and Mrs Ilolsey lillfli sister Mrs Frank liickling Barrie Align 22 John Gordon of Dunedin Sptlli Dorothy Hayes of Anten Mills is spending her holidays at Dickcrs Mrs Joe Emllls of Barrie is spending two weeks with Mrs Dalton Emms Mrs Nellie Illlrst Lloyd and md Judy of Oakville were llwellt vls Ana Raw Brllnk accom allied 1L pltzll spent the Weekend with his by hincrson Rochester lWlfe alld lallllly spent last week With her cousins Gloria ochlalle of Angus lS Vls Mr and Mrs Llltendel litillg her grandparents Mr lilliiv Weekend vlsltols Mls ltollllderS Stow Raw Locke or Fawn Md My Mr and Mrs Les Wood alld fam yScholof Nursing spent Sunday with Itll and Mrs IMW Gordon JermCV Pth mm Montgomely Nottawll Mrs Knowles and Alice spent Donna of Hawkestone at Vle ew days with Ml llld Mls Bllltt May Ml and Mls Leonald llowles at Alliston last ith wright and famlly Ml wngm Mrs Metcalf of Essex and Mrs Bugse1 0f Elmnxlile 13 Will Rodgers and son Toronto vis rrlto ugh frienxd it ited with friends here last week Dr and Mrs Jilll Mather and family of Port Arthur are spending itheir holidays with the farmers Mr and Mrs Glen Murday of IIlllS mothm 1310 Sorry to report that Shirleyi dd MCWHIICIS and Charlie Barker was rushed to Collingwood BO all Spent Weekend WithlIospitill where she underwent an rs McWalters Operation Mr and MlS Harvey FlenCh Of Mr and Mrs Montgomervn Toronto visited with Tom Beatty Mom and Mrs Montgomery Jr Id her FCIRIIVCS Nottawa called on Mr and Mrs MY 311d MIS Lloyd Reymlds FId John Gordon Friday Mrs Mont Donnie and MISS Glace Gllgg Vlsll gomcry Sr is staying for visit ed Oliver Griggs WA Meeting M13 311d MIS OlVlllC Lhey ind The Womens Association met at son from Virginia are visiting With tMlS Stephensonvs Mm G00 Duff Tlev GHdMlS FGIHCY read the Scripture and devotional large number attendul the 109 was taken by John Mather OlillIOIl SCIVICO at the united Roll call on Bobbie l3urns Reports THEBARRIIEXAMINKR om ONTARK CANAD OBIT UARY iIIIi JOHN ELSUN Llcl llivsln Il Uill shrill lifi Mk Marco10$ MOIST la IENDER DARK tron told lnli aimed if Uro Haying Becoming More Mechanized ltil liltil ill llll sup covnns All Makes Models dining llll ill in tltlii lllti ilflllltl ltifi llltluuls and equip Kluclli tllllzuia hie IAIU lint decade lletoze the lel ha lrlowel salt llllltil tilltll ll liltlil HltitN lua lll 11111 llt tli it til it Nl leoll illl hills tl lltl in ll lttll allalda llll linlIl lU ltilitl ho Ullillttl lfll3vu WW Jr Id lua mulled foul oi lltil lasso Pltl ll lllllJl lllollltetl Tile lulllltill IiI tllllpliltlli ore lflllll live fillies many lllt lll Mild its in Itlli iltitrlllillllllltti Illltl salts lIillt lll lit ll ERNII illltl wt IIEYIN ligiit Britains Fuzegn Minister chats with an tllailxlyll Jeilh at the first islers at Slitlxlltllllg loun llall ill Ills il lliittlllllt DANGBRIIBLD MOTORS 65 Collier St Phone 2487 toll of tile Council of Mill tll illl lllt ll politic ltl lltlllllll to tile rll iiilih3 IUllt tile It ill llii Sil vl Ill gtltllill il ie ltltlul tractor llx lllIlIl AlilSiOIl II McArthur Bataan Slogan or ipperwash and lJJJ ll lnll liy llaizl Willi have ililllzllll trailllllt trilllllly ilillzlllreli willie Liilllxs will in ttel illliilili lll Julie Doug plulucllt ml trill oil llil ltlETl lllllellt it tlllhett tl llltll cadets tltklltli weapon and it lltlttb from Th uI 0rd me iptilltl and tllllip litrtllttgt llll lll General Douglas MlAillliils faill Iilli ill wilrtulle tlltli but horse ililIl lzlowll mic hopped by lti pel tlllI llcwai ortilllwli Iltltl lhlltlt held their own lltllilil ll Ally It ulell it llll iii lll alrival at camp of in it lilozolzil liltle gtllliS Earl of lllollle lllltl lllllt til illlltllll lltllltti llllollll of rll Station ll illiitltlllltlltll lll liMl lill iilzlllt lllllllll otlbllll llllltles lllllllclllell lell lltti lllllilii rill lit lli be null has been adopted by Call training Ontario back AluruStl oils slogan back iIliilil zlmp sullllller the cadets and ldd with elllpllasls IJ Ruth Mtllllly lgt lsltlllt Iltl hm mun Ipperwzlsh next ollll sglults and lulltets exarlllnulllln lilit lllll Iilt dump rak well to out lll side delivery lakes by six to tile lillll has been cut down to llilll llilitl than two to one increase desire to speed up operations to increase eliicieilcy is regarded as prime lemon for the shift ill and lllachines easolls llltllltii the growing number of tractors the llllploled cash posi tion of tarlllers and the shortage of farm labor ill luthlie ellleteryx Itlllll ltlllli IitlllilVl llld itlltltl lit lt llllorlll Quebec llterbol oliltil Vimdilllliye illlctalig lrll Bald Toronto and Woodstock Lillillltlktl the lllllllai floral tributes lle those flolll lilt postlllllsler and stall of the Bullle Post Office the Zetler lllltl and llllill lllall ear itltl1 of the Barrie iml Office the ileubenlNil shop clllployees and office llltlrwgt tll Silk tell loom Ollal tha llillil Huhts 315 lppelwzlsll We Alnly lllt lllczli llul fills up one but today Will be llrst tllgt litepllal ltllllln lllllLor cases of lliluwr Quill lle specially again that itltlllilll liar lli Louder mics on the lllill iil ml illrival plltlle llllilolltle lltLtlill bentfits lll gained ll ill bots llltltli tllcll le weeks llam as yet to early for lttalled rl poll Iill till experilllellt authorities claim that salislactory IiLJitKI to llllle yearn l1llttl oil tftv lllny vll llld olllei may that is The till authorities lll Ottawa Ipperwash last week with his plzllldparelltsWspnngmill Quit numb mm hm it2llllp are no less pleased with its tended the garden party at Bethel SMWSS than mt boys mining Jimmy RilWll is visiting his the grandlllotiler Mrs illltx Colling the lffmt involved Cadets lit lpperwasll are specially corps illlti only in tlillelal was illid on Wednch Alllolle AndreiJs ytelul tilurcll llo Station mice lil llndlctetl by llet lo llcllllles Pallbearers lvtlllll of iiilllttitllla Cnlwell Alll llitl lll loliiltlt llos llllll August lllethods but other All agree it was well worth line llthoupl zlrslsllti tlt WMS rallford Presbyterian Church audition and The Pines Donald MeCllaig all of ro Illtelul ro Station llStllls fit of St Mr and Mrs DArcy Mchugall selectedby their ollillgwooll visited Mr and Mrs lllit cream of the crop are perlllitlt lild to attend the cillllp where they MCLCmb Allall Rawll of Sunllybrook llos lltttive lllititS itting Mid ttCIiLliil Cellophane was first made in lerlrllllly and France Alex Shelswell lcorlze TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PRIDE of ARABIA to Fuel supply Congoleuillolll Seal Rugs Church cemetery on Sunday Aug 21 Mr and Mrs Herb Colwell and family and Mrs Don Maxwell and family spentNSunday with Gordon French Wallace Kclls and Fred and AI lard Reynolds Harold Frenchand Ernest Stacey of Bracebridgc spent the weekend at their homes Miss Mae Latanville Mrs Roberts of Chicago Mrs Andrews and Mrs Sheppardson of Toronto spent few days with Mr and Mrs Ed Latanville Fz MIDHURST after week with friends in Toron Miss Marion Dicker Toronto was weekend visitor with Miss Doreen Smith Messrs DAngio Laurie Poole and Morgan Orrock are at present in the Hospital Their many friends hopeto see them home gain soon Mr and Mrs Walter Smith Chris tine and Russell Seaforth and Carley Smith Stroud are holiday ing with Mr and Mrs Geo Smith Death of Mrs Readman Sympathy of the community is extended to the members oLthe Prece family in the death of Mrs Laura Readman 3999 Donna Picrcchas returnedhome companiedr b3LMIx3ndMIS Ken $$x of treasurer and visiting committee were read Mrs Lloyd Patton had charge of the topic Homebound Thoughts also poem on The Ladies Aid Meeting closed with hymn followed by prayer light lunch was served by tile host esses Mrs McQuay Mrs Thomas and Mrs Murray KNOCK August 22 David Allen visited last week with friends in Knock Mrs Ostrum Toronto visited her daughter Mrs Paul Pope on Sun day Selby Bowman spent last week with his aunt Mrs VictOr Howard at Grenfelr Mrs John Cowan and son Gor don are visiting this week with friends in Toronto Mervyn Wice is holidaying with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Goodlhand Wyevale Mr and Mrs Earl Shannon and family spent Sundayat Edgar with Mr and Mrs Cecil Sheardown Mr and Mrs Albert Ford and Frank of Grenfel spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Parker Kelcey Mr and Mrs Orval Terry and family and Marie Hunt of Barrie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ed Gibbons Mr and Mrs Bruce Wice ac neth Crawford of Cookstown are enjoying amotor trip to various points north Mr and Mrs Harry Kelcey ac companied by Mr and Mrs Albert Dawson of Barrie visited on Sun day with Mr and Mrs Frank Kelcey at Peterboro Mr and Mrs Bruce Cowan Jean and Ronald motored to Lake of Bays Muskoka onKSunday Maidie and El anor returned1 home with them tenvislting llasthweek with ltheinauntuanduncle Dr and Mrs DQR Cowanand family of Cleveland Ohio Kiiok SewingCircle Knock Sewing Circle hldtheir monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Frank CoWangwith goodly number present After the business Mrs JOhn Collan favoredjwith solo and Mrs Oscar Bowman read poem writtgn by EdgarGust Mrs Allen read an article on an fOld Fashioned Courtship At the close of the meeting the hostess served lunch Next place of meeting will beMrs Hopes on Sept 21 SZkinnymelllwmileli againSzllltihs lotihltlepllimlgor thrill Bony limbs ll one ullrhottowl mullmoon mmital ll Innll nullified atoll poto look moonn man who never iii no Malawian Mo Illsll obtain 11 van 3W all 95 mat Early enroll Wu COFFEE OLLOBLAWS at LOBLAWE FINEST ORANGE PEKOI RBI LABEL TEA BBB LliBIIL TEA BAGS 19c llf34c li cu cm in Sivnrus PURIIY ILOUB OVALTINE Ems PBESERVING SUPPLIES till MASON JARS JELLY IIIMBLEIIS RUBBER JAB RINGS mu SELECTION OF VINEGAB SHCES AND 0TH PIIESERVING SUPPLIES SPECIAL WESTONS BISCUITS BPPLE BLOSSBMS lOBLAWS JACK JILL PEANUT BUTTER onmsnv PICKLIIS ROSE TEA cums CHILI SAUCE QUAKE CORN fullls STRAWBERRY JAM A333 IIIIISTY Mix III ICE CREAM MCLIIIIEIIS JELLY POWERS CLUBIIDIISI LIVES WESTGIIS CRACKMS new BYLMEII PEAS CHOICE my WEST lllIlClI Mix GINGERBREAD eelLB 52 its gt02 JAR 33c 27c 59c 19c 25c 37c 15c 47c 17c 15 279 PKG of mu OZ JAE lQLB PKG IIIFL OZ BTL SWEE MIXED ORANGE PEKQE 57 45c MB or noLL MONT lOZ 05 2441 sLn BAG soz FL 02 TINS UETTE PECTIN OZ JAR zoz no PKGS noz Icavnox 302 mm 20FL OZ1IN uoz mo 58 I90 HORNE AYLMER CHOICE SHOESTBING 220 PIMENTO MANZANILLA WM lanwl sum 121 immune 137 SMALL 73c MEDIUM 93c noz 53c 65 of 12 lutef RED 13c Lois LGB PKG PKG 73773 59c cum 34c lllllirr unsuc muses null null wnx CASHMERE Blitltllllll SUPER Stills lanolin slant soar lion lLB can 126 35c 21c TOILET SOAP Lon 2K6 GIANT CAKES jlala communal axiom Ellesn lruils all 500 nsIQ CBOICI CHOICE Slitlltl fcnolcxz mill tom Boneless BBISIIIZI no please boneless Shoulder Rolllib 49 mm com um mm unit can ram slatgig WI0 45 me 30113 lb 51 49 45 ltlllil 57 BollSI 15 51c tb 49c 95 NOW TH rmous mime Numis VETERANS IIAllAN1S FROM ONTARIOS FINEST OBCHARDS tables5 REMOVED lb 49 1chth two uzoar cm remain WIOOIINB om rm rm sauna IANIll lacuna $0 out 152 119 cannon SLICEPI MAKELOILAWS You Bomyoun rgvoo cnotcilcurur NIGKEN lt 3401 to 1401 ion