Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Aug 1949, p. 11

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Mylo mm THURSDAY AUGUST 25 1949 EXAMIEEEB BARRIE OhTAIHO CANADA and two iarr lclassy Boston forwards minor league defenccnicn ihtamn and Lloyd Durham lwrxos SEEK smut As the tubthan story thc Wings hope and Prtcrs will ptuVldc the offcii sive spaikthe train has locked rm lltc iaut two Stanley Cup Ital In Qtlackvltbtbll the Bruins gain tn garrzto top defencci Last Winter the Brantownezs dida look too strong along the blur line ri tha livcls of llll tumxvii swap New York Rangers steppcd AUSTRIAN GRAIN WNEB EffN The Austrian Minister of am ACTIH 50000 cotton has remadv announced LATELYMIWESI ich is expected YOU MIC 51 agricultural 910 lulil lllc AND 5155 WHAT pzc War ICVEI Bubuidu gt gt gt limit mgr iii winat acrcagc which with im primed riicthods of cultivation and inciter tltlfiill Mcd l5 txpccted to tdutlble production and bring it viIlt thr ilr ilaarsarid tons pnr zdaced in 193s Amtage of other crops ryc oats barlrty and li ifrritrti special ne for llir Barrie Examiner by WILLIAM DIMSDAY lioCkcy becoming more publich lt from ltil sports Ilt spapc r5 IVUI ball mg announcing deals iurrio of ch so llockcy gossip used to prctiy vvcll into thy limelight riouncrrncrrt tiny out cash to blotshirts Manager chcr bought Bud tIIUll Rut Wings Buds bullrt shot ICW liit3 bascLdls book and gaincd of oftwrason space on tho pagts of thc torrtincnts omcious slolc year publicitywise basc had is how kept fairs talk tall throughout tlrc wintcr by and spreading rs to givc hopes to supportcis tbs vnich may not how farcd cll in thc previous season instoati of ill large tet cducation autlmrties berating thc nth mo barons for confined to wintir lr lorlc professional ixploiting with an an lrank flutt Iruttt llk ritiiiihcr have boys Ill thinks will givv lltcftl at least tic scori once in vliih th Rangers lost by goal lilsl lll sliclling irriproVe llic fowl All of liocltcys offtscason puer licity has not bccn good bicauscr bttli puck ti THE SWANKIEST RESTAI RANT tN fa lBUTHElZ TO CALL THE CAR auras LilTLE GtRL lliirtyscvcn ycars old and still grin strong llilt tilt at It lc balar was lllz iwntrc of attraction on busy MonthIii llttl doi pitw thc pttutco of any titan liiiitic tiit ikc Donnellv drscm vzcd at parked lllfhTIILy cf Slitk Illiltlll tiaaiarrs as flat But as teams of the National Lcaguc attract highlypaid public relations directors schoolcd 111 news ipr publicity tlic gaun TilltlliS lrcadlirics at all times Just recently football clubs prepared for cxhibltion contests and hastbail teams fought for llllnl oid lllh iad an advantage in ltltlll 0lttl$ might tlttlillC llltlt is no itiiidliicld llptt tinicr llth to stick ltilir lug lltlftl lliis durable moch has not becn cliiiniad Sins the lav ll tollcd front the Stinkbaker factory It still starts Shrn cranked lhc IIlIIlt headlignts ttc fit by Ullllllll rvrut be llltlllttl with match Ilrc tool box is on the tanninr biaid arid funds klaxon on tlrc sidc of the windstuilrt school age But at lcast tho atr tacks always gave lcagun presir dcnt Tlarcacc irrzpbell chance to say that such was not tbc casc DOCTOR WILL so you now Psvcai TRv HELLO EFFIE1M OVER AT oocrorz KNEEFLEX THE PY5CHIATRI$TYE$ WITH and that hockey providcd finc FOR any LACLmEIIHE MATTER future for Canadas youth MOVIE STARSTHAT llockey evcrr took advantage of thc plight of zcch Davis Cup lllillU Willth NHOm tcnnis star who chose the United lwlNTERESTN UCKLY Aittllll Stillwmd b0Statcs sooner it an Itlltltl to hisi SITNOT Spms Sicmdiry pm homc lithind lllt Iron Curtain adiarr Itltiltls by announcing Just how Jurmldv mp no in Impimm 9315 Id Odmils lEngland will react to the fact tliatt MUJUI 81 announced was it without being lililSllllLtl lits llttll novc by Boston Brains and Dc placed on liockcy ricgotiatlonl 01 HI WINES 10 SIILHKIIILH Ivlist by tcam in tlic country but fensivcly and offensively tcspcc has chosen is not yct clcar WI Tht Wings partcd with hitter opponzrit of oriiniuril alLstar rcarguard Bill Quackcri la SEVERE ruotv Ilit rriuniiipal and public utrlrt Its board itiusai to tho iITaSI liildonan school boards applilt Klllttlt for lttlll2ltil to ptcscnt iiiy bylaw tor Ilt colltgialc was scviie blow By not It ttltlii1 thc approval for the col pass BOWLING ON THE GREEN The truly Way STOP TROUBLE Clean the Cooling System of your car Get lttlfilk risnr Drubny was tallilcd by Boati bush and forward letc lltllttk for thin on the basis of his record with lctc Ilabando and Jimmy PctcrsCzcchoslovakian lympic hockcy ttcarns Its highlv unlikely that lit will bccome biglcaguer ovcr lnight but hcll probably vclcomc lthc chance to play with Boston Olympics an arnatcur farm club of thc BruinsAif he doesnt lccide lot VII fturn professional at tcnnis Fast and Slow Members of thc irtario llovor Round Table arc busy preparing for the 11th Ontario Provincial BR EN NANS llllltAIJ rid of Rust Stole Grease and Sludge Ploy Safe yesvor COURSE coma tNA MOST UNUSUAL DOCTOR l5 SHE ALL Do it loduy Come in and let us show you how the job is done THE BRADY WAY RUSSEI SIRANAGHAN BRADFORD STREET Barrie ONTARIO ROVIIRS PLAN FOR ELEVENTH MOOl MIXED llltAlIlNI liast Kildorian will not 1mm 41 Hum 14m mot 1havrx lllt accorruInitiation rrouncd in lub lllld mixed tournamcnt 11 Iltllnlllilly inflicttr tllit4ll Aug 17 at which urnu luIAIVWOI Man UUST WASDONG 13 THATLL OE lllilft produccu air rrrdtfratcd rut INTERE5TNG Wiley PAY THE NUKSCi old of thrcc wins llcadmg thc TO PUT IN TH PLEAjE pack wore Mrs ltayncr aird Steve DIARY you tiarside who conilnncd to card 6M ME FOR scoreotlllplusonc This tally just rrianngcd to alch Mrs ll Jones and Jun Vtailow3 and Drive it Yourself who finished with score of gt12 plusr iivc ln third position wcrc Mrs BARR lick and lcorgc chb with 31 DRIVE CAR Mrs Ab llowcn and lloy IIutchr ommny mum inson toppcd lllt two list column with high of 43 wlulc Mrs HRllivlltnvlgglgn bul loland and Gerry Quinn tlL thc uricwin brackct winnch with 40 69 Collier bl COUNTY GOLF COLLINGWOOD Moot This annual camp gathering of llll Boy Scouts and their SERVICES leadch will this your bc held at 33 Hayfield St the Goodyear Mcmorial Cup in PHONE 2464 LJIiNiav NIGIII inind jitncy was cnjoycd by irierrrlicrs of the Allairdalc and Bar Motldulv Stlll MIN trrc Lawn Bowling Clubs Friday Day the Simcoc county uiwn Trina 19 on Aliaiidniu giociis From humpiomml largt number of rinks five of Im1 at Hingwoud 14 tlrcnr rccordcd an unblemishcd listr coursc for the first time lf10idri This cwm is hold yearly at Mr lcrkins and Mrs Crcasy Oil gdllflltt courses throughout Nam Barrie carricd tlrc lcad role how1 chsniwgdunxt over as they rcgistcrcd score of lrc cht in inc vcrc Among the critrics p11 the Hocklcy Valley ncar Orange ville during the Labor Day week end from September to Interest in the Ontario Moot is particularly keen because it is cx pecth that the 28 Ontario Rovers at present in Norway attending the Fourth World Rover Moot will be back in time to attend the On tario Rover gathering Army intervenes ll Canada ls Attacked By DOUGLAS IIOW plus two Barrie borric infantry battalionthe only Ionc readyof tcsting the RCAF in1 From The camp Home Clzma support role of tcsting stalls Ottawa AUK WI Continenl and of tcsting the RCAF in de 111 defence plans call for lIllIllCdll fence or its Fort St John airfieldl ate US armed intervention if any Reporters mommy praised the cxpcctcd caabum to the ground Youfvuables can be stol en But it neednt be the worst thing that ever hap pened to yOul Adequate insurance coverage will lighten hcload Sarjcants Insurance Phone 4427 49 Dunlop St of enemy troops but than anyllcon sizable cncmy force strikes Cani 1035mm it taught but hammered ada informed sources said today try atly That was part of the official rc action to press reports on Excr cisc Eagle Canadas biggest peace time landair manoeuvres which were critical of the state of nation al preparedness it barcd It was held along the first 50 miles of the Alaska Highway last weekend The plan for American interven tion is undcrlincd by current plan ning for sequel to Exercise Eagle that will unfold in the Yukon in February with forces of both countries involved An official said Canada now was capable of dealing with pockets siderablc assault would immedi ately bring US arms to bear force of 3000 men say with good armsand some air support would probably call for counter attacking division something con siderably beyond what Canada now has on standing basis and beyond what her plans call for Officials say this ability to bank on American aid fracs Canada fromkeeping large standing forces and allows her to concentrate on small nuclear forces and the train ing of reserves that could be mob ilized in emergency On the subject of Canadas own preparedness high Defence De partment quarters said reporters were wrorig in indicating that the Exercise Eagleshowed the fulll force Canada is capable of muster ing to meet the sort of diversionary raid that is considered the only likely present menace to the coun hat was not the best effort we could mount one source said It Was not an operation to test Canadian defence or to impress any potential enemies it was at the type and quantity of equipr incnt uscd The chiefs of staff met with Deputy Dcfcnce Minister Drury today to consider the press reports illuwas not special meal ing however but an informal dis ctission after one of their regular sessions The whole thing blew up at time when the opening of parliar merit is only ve weeks away Ropercussios there seem prob ablc It also came along at time when Canadas international det fence obligations are moving swiftly toward climax within the ambit of the Atlantic pact On Eagle itself oicials said that as test designed to bring out flaws it was complete success state ment echoed in Montreal by De fcncc Minister Claxton They said the RCAF had provided as many airciaft68as the army asked for To criticism that the planes were old or nonoperational they said Canada was getting new planes as ifast as any one The Princess Patricias ar the rst of three regular infantr bat talions to be given airborne train ing An official saidtoday both the others are underfstrength They are the Royal Canadian Regiment now partly through the training and the Royal 22nd Regiment Regiment They will eventually be included in an airborne bri gade ILLS Defence Secretary Johnson will be here Thursday Diplomatic sources in London said yesterday the USchiefs of staff returned to washington today with tenta tive European approval of four Orillia Tax Collections Improved from I948 Already 7486 of Total to 7442 pertcenl of the total leav golfers will be the rlcfcnding chain pion Emerson rccd of Bar ric who rcccntly won thc Bay of Quintc and Kingston dis trict championships freed ail wcnt as far as tlie semi nal in the Ontario golf cham Wiplfhcr former coan ty champions expected to com petc arc Bill Dymcnt and Art Powell Golfch from rillia Barrie Collirigwoorl and Midland will compete Orillia Packct and Times Tax collections in Orillia this year show slight improvement over 1948 according to figures compiled by the town clcrks of fice The collection of current taxes tip to July 31 shows that of total tax levy less discounts of $373 57404 there has been total That leaves $91397191 still the total In comparison the 1948l collections to the same date camc ing 2468p6cent outstanding on July 31 1948 the figures are not so good The total arrears of taxes as at Janu ary171949 was $2427501 and coll lections to the end of July amountv ed to $10799t68 leaving $1347533l still outstanding By percentages these figures show 4449 per cent ofthearrears collected to the and of July as compared to 6465 per cent collected to the end of July 1948 The towns capital bank loans for sewer sidewalk water main and high sChool debentures as all $28217613l paidin or 7486 per cent of thcl In the tax arrears department Wcs chb and Mrs Lil Wright with 31 plus two for an Allandalc critry Curry Quinn and Mrs Hook sat in third position with 32 plus three while Jim Warlow and Mrs Gordon Spcnccr wvrc fourth with an evcn 30 Edging in for the final prize of tho cvcning wcic Mc Faddcn and Mrs II Armstrong with scorc of 28 43 Jim made my foitunc by hard work and saving John sold used car klixchangc 3i LAFFADAY tit if outstanding or 2425 per cent of t20 You realize Brurnley this means WAR Harrys STICEAMIJNE YOUR CAI SE of Was $339 195 Snappy port rings easy to to stall Gleaming chrome plat Set of as $31 259 CIGARETTE Automatic all cars Unlvcrsa 379 GRINDER Well Complete worth $500 Chrome Chrysler 159 DOOR SPOTTER MIR RORSpitrklinizr chrome De Luxe Mirror jugs new Buicktypei momm nu 575 PAIR GRAVEL SHIELDS cars MHZ48 carburetors Fuel Pumps YARBURETORSPrcclslon liullt Original tEqUipmcnt QualltySAVE UP TO 505 Ford 4cyl 898 For Ford VS 1198 Chev litIll 975 Chev 3218 1245 Plymouth and Most other Dodge 11348 1395 cars roar PUMPSTo fit Fords Clievrolcts Plv mouth Dodge and many others 215 FUEL PUMP REPAIR KITSContain all the parts needed to completely overhaul your fuel pump for economy driving Chev 2030 89 Chev 3748 95 Ford Plymouth mast 79 to 125 models 81 to 125 lto fit littlest other cm and trucks at ulmllnr savings 20 WINDOW ANTI BATTLE Does not tini der window on eratlon SUCTION COAT HANGER Adhcrcs firmly to any smooth surface To fit built momma LAMP 4tvav rum WRENCH Sturrly forcing fits Illl rlni nuts Feature value volt trucks value For cars and 25 $300 smallscale controlled exercise on battalion level to nd answers to some of the questions that face as At Fort St John BC centre of the vmanoe vre reporters were power highcommand that would July 31 were $172552Im include Canada gt CCM Bicycles retals left little doubt that my AN MINER WANT AD Canada would be highly pleased at Sundries Service such recognition One source said the picture wont be deer with TABLISHED my cum told it had he fourfold purpose officials begin discussion in Wash ER 50 YRS Luck of testing training given the ington this month to draft the Charm Princess Patricias Canadian Light framework for pact council and Infantryin their role as anair defence committee gt oo MileCruise citEMnSikokaLakes EVERY SUNDAY arid WEDNESDAY $4651Return Chiidrenazasi INCLUDING BUS and STEAMER FARE Buses Leave Barrier SUNDAYS WEDNESDAYS TRACTOR TIRE 740am DAYLIGHT TIME 700 mm TractorTireFillinq 100 TOPreturn Service Directfrom Dock TicketsdeInformational if Bdrgi Bus TerminalPhdne557l Gm concur 23 PEDAL raDs Totit over clutch and brake pedals FAN BEL or xANITY MI 011 Cllps on D1 visor Large vls ton warm SPINNER lees positive steering control New Safety Engineered BAGKIIP LAMPS These handmme mix1 lliary lamps identical to deluxe or liglnll equip men enable to 11 quickly and safely Gleam inurchrome SAVE 90 SAFELY 515N953 So For most Chevrolet sackw 4249 80 to 95 LIGHT summ 99 other 15to SCHOOL Bring Your gt Repairs In NOW PROMPT SERVICE Dunlap TIRES TUBES Best By Test SPEED WHEELS $1525 Raij Hand Brakes $285 Above AUTOMATIC BACKUP Listen for our WEATHER REPORTS daily at 145 110911 over Battles CKBB WE GARRY OOMPLETI WK AND omunxmmwrr 24 hour Road Not COMPLETE STOCK 0i Bicycle Accessories KEYS CUT for Car House Trunks Scissors Knives Sharpener Dial 3814 33 Bityllgldst

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