OTHE+ 86th Yeorv No 57 Member Audjtiy can of ircuhtlom HOUSE OF HITS First With The Best In Barrie DELIGHTFULLY AIRCONDITIONED LAUGH YOUR BLUES AWAY THIS THURSDAY Tamar SATURDAY ONIINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm EVE SHOWS 645 pm mam il Pitamount presents My Bookem with hot race horse on his hands and two Ute fillies nomad Iurillo Ballond Mary Juno Saunders on his mind on from LUCILLE BALL Sort not DEMARE ON IN SAME PROGRAM Mini 51 THOMAS 51CABOT IGOMEZ introducinl MARY JANE 577 9w FOX NEWS Color Cartoon anti AIR FORCE FIGHTERS GRANADA FNTEBTANMENT Always Delightfully Codi THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONT SHOW SAT 230 pm EVE SHOWS 640 and pm Very Fine Features IliiillWENDEII 2nd Hit 20000000 readers called this the CtilitiIUANNE PAGE llmVllTMlNIIINAIIONAI lull THE HOOSIER HOTSHOTS In Singin Spurs Also iWarners Newsreel PRACTICE Ton NEXT MONDAY Both conductor and membersof the BarrieCitizcns Band are look ing forward to the rehearsal an nounced for next Monday night August 22 in the Market Building iMulcaster St This should mean good start to good season for building up numerically and musically through the coming winter months Bandmaster Bert Churchill has some 30 members and prospects on his list and also invites an ex members of former bands any Vwhere who are now residentsof town or district Young members too and should there be any band instruments not nowin use which might be made available for new Lmembers they would be wel come asset Regular attendance means much to any organization which must cv1 depend upon the faithfulness oflits igtpCrSOTInel but there is particular ly in bandit spirit of camaradie strengthened by the gttendanciof are welcome OrillicrandaBarrieA PostiOffice Picnic On Saturday last under arrange ments completed by the staff of Barrie post officea staff picnic was held in Springwater Park Midhurst jointly with the staff of the OTillia post Office The staffs withtheir families to the number of 125 enjoyed pleas ant associations around the picnic AUTHORIXED A5 ECOND CLAII IAIL IN POST omc DEPAITIEIT OTTAWA that Inf the Barrie mcrcc 5poptilar and wifh his lfinc singing voice Tanadas finucd Died Yesterday gThree Are Rescued errd with heavy It If outboard ad IOIIN STIVIZR rciarymanager of the llziriic chamber of Uliililtltt littote go villi to Port Arthur two years ago tiled ctctla iii Sunybrook llllll fary hospital II was ill years old and single graduate of Men Master University Mr Sliver was ll the insuranc business Itfllt the war in 1939 he joined the Irish Regiment and he served over who was sec scas and at aiiip llorden with the rank of major was following his release from active service he was appointed secretary chamber OI coin here fit was very made many friends genial personality anti number of Ilisiey team lohii cori his interest lll marksman ship and was number of the Ilztrric gun club while here lie was also an ardent fisherman Sur viving Mr Silver are his parents at Mount Albert two brothers While llotiald and Kenneth and two sis tcrs Florence and Blanche Last Week marked the closing of the summer day camp and swim ming program under the direction of the recreation committee in Simcoc ounty Day camps closed witlt special programs at the seven different centres where they were held this summer The swimming program ended with junior inter mediate and senior swimming tests last Saturday morning and after noon at Bardia Pool in Camp Bor den Close to l000 children took ad vantagc of the summer recreation program offered by the county this year Seven hundred children of whom 104 took tests were regis tered in eight swimming classes and 250 attended the various day camps Swimming instruction also aClt companicdcach of the day camps organized The daycamp closings were held from 230 in the afternoon until 930 in the evening for the children Programs for the parents and Womens Institute members who sponsored the program in most of the centres and interested friends were preparcdrinthe afternoon and presented by the children from 730 to 930 in the evening The pro gram consisted of puppet show singing and folk dancingaround campfire games and in some places shadow and dramatic plays and volleyball Puppet shows based on the stor ies of Jack and Beanstalk Han seramtGrete1RumpeIriitskin and Old King Cole were among those presented using paper bag pup pets The children made puppets from papier mache dressed them to suit the characters they were to portray painted scenery and built istages from orange crates storm wtre James iiiillfilt of liarrie and Summer Day Camps Close for Another Year at the Angus day camp Off Big Bay Point Two soldiers were drowned when sudden storm swamped their craft off Big Bay Point yesterday afternoon The two were Pie Steve Martik 3f whose wife lives at 125 Burton avenue Barrie and He John lauhl 20 whose vifc lives at Camp Borden The two were nonswimmers Three other ocettpants of the boat were rescued Ltd Gordon of the Foreign Material Section of Camp Borden W01 Button and Cpl Bert hiss The five soldiers were on duin with German assault boat pow and return They had set out from the LllllgtNML Illii czaf I3itl the day lt and militin flip va rigtr of the to or made othcir incnt dock at liarric in the mom trig lliiil iiicial ini Tlic storm which struck Big Day lz itll loint about noon was of almost timiim Hi ilillli NWT tornado proportions The odd craft DriWmK ltfillltllh HH was swamped and capsized and KM liy sank Howetrr after the outboardil hm MM UH PM motor fell off thi craft rose to tilt UIIWH inimw Illvlil surface lly this time the two who could not swim were beneath the surface but 1h other three seizvd the bobbing craft About l5 lillllllilh lzucr lIlt Illfl was spotted by John Westman ol loilendal Wcsttnan was lookout man on motor launch that was speeding for cover through the The launch was owned and driven by llob Ncwlauds of lori Ohio who holidays at Iollcndal the viii tiim diiks Klt rcti in titi aim la laid for fit irodiis tlltl lili llltllllilll on of llitt tiiltitl ioihd 4Il on in ling itav ioiii load ittl it rcltuiitiig for supplier The tintit failtd to HIV lriip curvo ozd ioifcd over llIA to lili ditch No prison was huit LEAGUE STANDINGS lOlt SOFTBALL thestinvlivti liaiii ii lr on loniitlif llaiir at lroii Quorum Series Passengers aboard launch Jack ifiltMin lift lliirric line was thrown to the surr vivois and they were hauled intuJLnm the launch At the time of the Series rescue the waves were washing oven tili launch and the rain was raging down in sheets The three Vtll taken to Barrie II thrstinfivci alto ii lilAi li iiight iagi fl ltfAi INIIIRMIJDIAIII SOFTBALL Finth Miss Alicc Steer of North Lima Ohio who also worked with the committee last year was in charge of four lay camps at Avcning Midhurst and Satirin nursery day camp for children from four to six was held at Midliurst along with the regular day camp for children from seven to 14 Two camps were also held at Cookstown where Miss Fern Hafiipcl who is with the committee full time was in charge Miss Ilampel was also leader at Angus and Everett Mrs Beryl Harper physical education instructor at Harbord Collegiate in Toronto was in charge of both the clay camp and swimming Classes in the Stayncr area of Wasaga Beach Bruce Edgar was paid helper tipzitii Friday opato at Legion INDllSlltIAL Seminals SOFTBALL fbcantfircci Barrie Tanning ffil fl Illl Bestinvtlircci SIMCOII COUNTY BASEBALL Finals bestinfivc The day camps which along with the swimming classes were almost doubled in number and registra tion this year were held in the county for six weeks Very few failed to qualify their swimming tests held at Barl dia Pool on Saturday morning Mrs Phyllis Moody of the Barrie Recreation Council was the child rens examiner The county rec reation committee is very gratefull SOUIII SIMON Series BASEBALL flicstinfivc in Barrie Last night raiiicdmout Monday Ivy at Barrie Series bestinthrccl Stroud Tonight Alliston at Siroud Series bestintltrce Beeton Palgravo Beeton win series SOUTH SIMCOE SOFTBALL Semifinals Series bestinve Fennclls Cookstown Fennclls win ll Series Dentinfive Bradford Tottenham Tonight at Tottenham to the RCASC School at Camp Borden for their cooperation in lending the pool for the test and being so helpful tothe instructors examiner and candidates Swimming teachers in the coonk gt ty along with Miss Louise Colley the recreation director were Rev Andreas Kaellgren who taught the class at MidlndiGeOig Woods and Mrs Phyllis Jevons of Cooks town Classes were also heldat Waubaushene Innisfil Park Shan ty Bey rectory beach Rumbles Pond at Hillsdale Lake St George near Orillia Tottenham and Stay ner Barrie Firemen Capture County Cup tables in the pavilion at basket lunch Sports were held later Races were run CIT for the children walking Taco for the men and shoertossing contest for the ladies and the dayrendedoff with base ball game Orillia being the vic tors exservice men whose experiences inhband werk should he of great interest to new members LARGER THAN CANADA The uninhabited continent of Antarctica islarger thankiall 0f Canadaf including the new prov ince of Newfoundland if if jWdnesclasri Fridax Saturday Botttliittit AND iii iiflECEBlltn gt time notifyalias abroughtborne the cup from the 25th on Nit7es uncariirfcacm MoMULKlN of ritecabtinor the Barrie iiiilitarv ollf of ilitillllY It pm MWl aiion the Tonight Barrie Tanning at tll OTIO IIRLS SOFTBALL FINALS Wonder Valley 13 Dalston Barrie Tollingwood Tuesday Barrie at Coilingtvood Ivy Alliston 2i Diplfiyltlt JllSl what Miss olley mu lv iuiss rottsiz cotrv Sum itounty lttitJlltiI lilitltll ll flniqiioiou to it lrotiiicc of Jo illti in charm til lltilli and II=lo ii iii xciiriof of turnout pimziaiii II iiig livid Ilrlls illl to iw ItllHilltiltui aim Ilic itiiitiai ilt4i liiiijttl or Illilil lil and Alttilfi liiitii li Iiwiiw Iii iizlw xltilis is iii tlilli fii l1viii1 Iltll1tt illlll lil liiiit liili ildiilxltl ili two rin timl if from Tyliiiifirai on DSHiiiTi iii COMMUNITY writ EFFORT lhcn flit lix clowns lpiiiimr fti by lb totintt Ioricafion Illll illliltt wtr iutcltii1iiii this jylill iilllt iv tniiiiiiiiiiily efforts illl various part of Sillltilz liie iproitc at Shanty llay itvas iti famplc The swim classes at iiiaiity flay EWtli lfflllrlli by the monk Hil ihoiiias luuch and the iworkid under the Ilittfltitt of Miss Lotiisc oiluyg courtly iecrca tioti lllttltil the first class incii llllll dock and 1gticrally made lilt beach safe jfor beginners Iho rrctoiybcath Ewan used and all thi facililics of in iipllr pdllt rccioiy worn made available such as lita lawn and Ike den Rev Ilric ItiLItilltlE of the and residents wovkcd to make piojitf community effort Li Illlllt Benson was in iciiariic of construction lair Wels lllilll had liiiS lift from his btish aiid he donut timbers sawn from these litcs Two poles were con iributcd and delivered lJvilic Oio lclcpiioiie ompany and similar llililiilllilOIl wasmade by lithc rural hydro company William Garner dotinch crib tlitng and planks for divine inlt Jsfriiciors platform Samuel lcrry ltlllillffl cement blocks which were used to anchor the logs the district and staples and similar hardware was provided by the mens club of the church and several sum mer residents assisted the local ilesidetits in the actual work We tried to the do work to rdcrcd declared licv Ilric lards in telling of the work Among the supervisors at the swimming classes were Miss Col lcy George Woods and Miss Helen Nicholson Several of the Iladics assisted in supervising the lboys and girls on tile beach Many learned to swim Rich Plairs for further development iof the protect next summer in cltide large raft which would be suitable as diving platform TOBACCO PRIMING Now UNDER WAY SIMCOE COUNTY Creemore Star Tobacco growers of this area held meeting on Friday night The concensus of opinion all hinged on weather conditions It was agreed rain would be worth thousands of dollars Some growers who said they would start harvesting the crop at once were urged to wait few days by specialist who was speaking for the processors However rain did not come but priming got under way at the rst of the week It is also general in the Norfolk belt where the crop is said to be good The crop in Sunnidale and Tossorontio Town ships is spotty Ithas matured quickly within the past two weeks due to the lack of rain The grow vets are hiring help and the Tush Will be on to the next monthor until an early frost interferes Priming incidentally is the rst stepiof harvesting The term means removing the lower leaves from the stalks and curing them in the heated kilns CHURCHILL EXCURSION Is POPULAR WINNIPEG Aug 19 Tourists from the United States and large representation of Canadians from of Midland president of the Simone County Firemans Association ChiefGiigg of Mid land andC Cause of Penetang The Barrie team Which eastand west left here regently by CNR special train on the13th annualx excursion to the Port of Churchillpit Hudson Bay During thewweeks tour of Mani ttibas northland theparty will visit Dauphin uFlih Flon Sherri don The Pets and will spend 36 hours at Churchill Ateachistop Add Pill flit A3 of IMtel It Two Soldiers Drown tniiiititititlv Approximately Si to buy spikes 391 WI AirConditioned Home of BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA iiioRSOAY AUGUST i8 19i9 For Your Comfort the Brave Tonight Only THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL OUBLE BILL Jiggs and Maggie In Courti loo Yule Renie Riano and Cartoonist George McManus 2ND OUTDOOR ACTION The Sheriff 0f Johnny PICTURE Medicine Bow Cka Brown Give Away New Autos Kiwanis Safety Drive lion orgc Doucett minister of highways nas endorsed the Kiwaui siftty campaign which not tililitl way lcncral chair than of the local comiiittfec is ll Syniiolt lioniiary chairman is Icil Noiris Vicechairman is Illlili lvletiuley secretary is Frwl Snutli lhc Xttllith committee includes members of affairs and sports conunittecs arn and couitcsy stickers being sold to promote the cam IalLll and prizes will be awarded on basis of courtesy shown by the contestants First prize will Ilt fill tlllttlltiil0 inc auto will be given for the lust driver in Ontarios cities and another new auto will be given for the first driver in towns and rural areas The safety emblems to be dis played on the rear windowsof autos cost $100 each In his letter endorsing the cam paign Ilon Mr Doucett wrote Iprcricnce has shown the need for securing the cooperation and active support if local civic and Slltltt groups in any plan to in fluence the behaviour of the in dividuai citizens in the proper use of the streets and highways Your campaign designed to bring about clearer understand ing of theseriousness of the acci dent problem andto make people realize the importance of practising safety surely dcserves the full recognition and active support of both motorists and pedestrians The campaign will be conduct ed throughout September and ini to the month of October TenYearOld Boys Leave Belle Ewart Found at Toronto Two 10yearold boys worried their parents all day Tuesday anti until late that night The boys MGIVln Aik9Iln1MYIQHGDICI man both of Toronto were stay ing at the hotel at Belle Ewart The boys were not at Ewart for the noun or evening meal and an intensive search was started Finally at 10 pm the boys were found in Toronto With out letting anyone know the boys apparently obtained ride to the city the public are Belle If SYNNOTT New Golf Course Opens Saturday NearBig Bay Pt William Watson is manager of the new golf course Operated by the Maple Grove Country Club Limited which opens this Saturday August 20 Situated on the Big 3Bay Point Road six miles east of Painswick the club house and course will be open to the public The owner of the new establish ment is William Taylor The eighthole course which to nine covers 50 acres of land iThe course was laid out by Mr Smith Of Sandy Cove gt LONG HIKE MONTREAL rCPlJack Waters 20 and Bill Thaver 22 of London Ont still had long way logo on their planned roundtheworld hitchhiking tOur when they pass ed through Montreal recently They had completed only 547mi1es of the scheduled 44730mile journey PARKSIIIE limisfil Park NOW CedarIlarimur 0PEN WED NIGHTS Recordingsand your favorite bands entire screen SAT NIGHTS THE MELODY MEN Cabaret Style THE ANSWEIT Tables Reserved rsan iiiiiisifsuamnr VriSlg SUNDAY MORNING 2135351 VICKI Championsyii BARBIE DISTRICTMENS nocturnal when completed will be increased in OVer point theparty will be guests of the local chamber of commerce and will have the opportunity 20 seeing wonderful farming country the nbrthern lakes mines and Manitobas seaport where ocean ships are now loading and unload ing dual Sinicoe County FiremenswAssocidtion tournament at Midland lsvseen onthe left in the above picture with one hand on the trophy other members of the association from the county in the group arefibm left wright Rfltttchie of Elmvale PhtlBlake team beat the second place Penetangteam in the toprnament With one minute and six seconds timein the main event the hose race over Penetangs one minute and 30 seconds time This is the first timethe tro phy has been won by the Barrie Brigade WW birth Barium Slant 730 pm tram patrte Dock mil1 OAN BENT nionwnnnmas nutrition vm inammation Pinon1001 origami lt