harm LAFFADAY And now in crrrirrr nt to show you lltd to after you miss an rv igltlvnns Irrvr 11111 in ram wwmoxsltW$Wa Illllillllilit 21 Most of 11 1ir r1 and Old Man 11 ed into lri 1n 13 ing crop ill dz Alberta some Must BE girl lit in Int 1Htl lr1 haunt llilr5lllItHIUI Erorionilcol size 65 mmmm Dark Promise fr rrwW ELMVALE hirerrStihlrrrit iilr liiiiilv to 111 Ilx Nlrw llll lulur lriillt tor the urclitrul lr Illl lrirzirz 5111 tirt rii llrriv liduard tlzrtclrtr litl Frank lltlltllil l1 lriir NWT liill rill utiit rxrtrrrg 311+ llrlell Mirtttritirn l1rnk imuius tpciri Sumter tllt lil llllilllttl rr t1illr1 Mrs 15111 lrrrirrir 1111 Altn 1v vrsnini lruiidu lti lliririlorr Minrs hlziry and Helen til loroiito rrt lltiltil1lllff llltll parents Miss llurlmru pciit last week Mrs IIiSlltil Moists Audrey ritl Phylli Muir loroirto were the titltrflr 1111 luim for ttl Mr and Mr lrw1n llrrrigt toptgttowrr are the crust ol lr and Mrs Vtllrlkl slrrrr lll licr Hurrir Iltll Irrevorr vrtli till Mr and Mrs Austin Strrrrrrrrirdl lliriiistoii Irllttl rt lorrcy lust tltgt Sorr Wilirrui eris ltltll rllclxrrirdrt r1ulircrrl Sttltill operation in llrw Ill3 lpital Barrie lust tll Mr and Mrs lerry Clrapplc wvrr in Toronto on Sunday to cc llltll Mr and Mrs 13 lurloek and Mr and Mrs If lllrrek havelsorr liurrie of iloirtreul 51Wnt ill on who III the lumrritzil returned from holidayier rt tol 11113 Buy and Ottawa Miss ltobertu Loclicud lurlidiiycil with her grandparent lVll and Mrs It lilutii Mrs Thos Sloan and you David Iriiirr Ottawa 111 llhlltdllnl l1 rl1l1 the III4L Ill 1Il ill vi lorlt= itlil Iltdll Elriiriirm ii17i31 111rtlli1l 1141 lit rlii 11 1h lillialir lv m1 to ir li1 il liuiopc anI lit Zliilrtl riir West 11 grepi ll roilu 1111 illriilllrlln rrr 1111 111 11 al1t lv trrorir utvt=1rv 11 ilic pin 11 rrrrt 1111 il rililiir lzil iii1rir in our 111l Mr rrl tl= Htuirirrrrazton and irir lrrtoiito lit 11iiir tlrrr 11l illl Ulitltt l1lli Iirrr llu lhiix lgtrv lrllm on Saturday lrlt llorrx liiultlrrk ilt spending Mrs 1t Iltll ltltlllitlltlll llilh xii11 c1211 Iiri ilr rtloirriry ri 1111111tvillc 1r lrlclrrr and ion lluy morril ol littroll aretrsztmizwvtth lurr 1114 Mrs liturrey Set Franklin has been trans ivrrctt to lt1crr lm and the liarrirly intent harms next week iliit the West The monthly irreetiritt of the llri1r1 ul was held on Wednes rdzry rltlilrooii 111 Mrs ltuddiclts llll the lriHtlcrrt Mrs 11 Walk lom lll clmrric llltlt were reven rtvcrr rrurrrbcr prim111 lilmft to arrest in West 11 letlrirrrst illlililitll left 1111s rrrornlng vlllltli 1111 the western lrovhiccs l1l ot Viiilllliiif are visiting the forrn crn uircle Andrew estck with the trainers sisteMrs llclirlirr1 fvlr and Mrs Mervyn lrrroiilo spent the weekend with irruiniire tor the week Mr and Mrs lus rand daughter latr days lwith Mr illlt McGi Mr and Mrs Arvin Simpson and Larry Mr and Mrs Bate and Patty were at OneEye Point for the weekend Mr and Mrs Thos Downey and Miss Evelyn Miss Ermie Helps and brother Hilliard Toronto and Miss Glenna Dowrrcy Orillia spent Sunday at Downcys Mr and Mrs qurell spent few Mrs George BAXTER LJ iltll Holland and by they itill 111 tor the 1111 Corbett lrlt 11 t1isiiop Mrs torlrett rew Herb MeFarlane THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIRONTARIO Lu hHL CANADA MW 0010 iwetr2oua wMMEIO rm manna to no For your it FiLLO LITTLE 100mb WOULD 50L TELL Home 11 CEO35 PALM wmi 11s GETTING CLEAR AaAin SEE you TELLING THIS MAN ANOlll BECAU5 OF THE THATW ARE GONG wriv DIDNT you TELL ME you HIRED New titlttltletl Kit411 r1 IMF411111 lorctttiligntt mrml Summer WWHO ME NOT ME DEArzwirHntuote can 15 THE ONLY ONE SEEA new MINK CM THATiOUARE 07sz exv manoraounare wmmwm CtAR WA merm NEW PRETTY SECRETARY HE tJUST HlREDw MIFAWWWAKEZI WASTO SAY HIRED HER WEEK AGO ANPI GOTA Seed SowirigEahsyv By This Simple Technique narrow for Fall crop they have tried it only to haVE the seeds lie inert in the soil or the seedlings die in infancy board used to shade The row after sowing wrll speed germination surmisng ntlmbcr 0f expeli or it may be mixed with sifted top 00d gardeners do not sow short soil or sand mixtIIre of top harvcst vegetables in midsummer soil and sand is good if the soil is Many complain black with little clay content Cover the seeds lightly leaving slight depression which will col lect moisture Now proyide shade RAISE ill m2 August 15 Threshing is almost completed in this localitytwo weeks earlier than last year which was record Crops are exceptionally good for this dry season Mr and Mrs Bell Mrs McMastcr and Viola and Mr and Mrs Allen Miller were guests at the McMasterWhitelock ved ding in Cookstown United Church Saturday Visitors last week were Mr and Mrs Albert Clarke Toronto with the formers cousin Arthur Dob son David McMaster and Mrs Bartlam Regina with Mrs Al len Miller and other relatives Congratulations to Austin Bow man Stroud who was chosen to play in the allstar baseball game in Toronto Saturday night Aus tin also collected the prize for the longest hit of the day at the Utopia baseball tournament Aug lst CLOWES b1 August 15 Lawrence Fraser is spending few days at Parry Sound and R05 seaug Mrs Wm Coxof Gollingwood Mrs Ethel Abbey of Windsor spent few days last week with Mr and WoodRot Method gfound by Science iMeans Big Saving By nosanr OEIGER WASHINGTON Aug 15 AP lScrentisu finally have Isolated substance they believe Sets of the rotting process in wood This opens two fields for reacarch that may add billions of dollars to litre value of the continents timber Eforests and wood products First the scientists want to know rnurc about the substance so they can use it to value the disintegra tion of wood This could make It rnc profitable to convert many two substances by simple natural lttittxni into valuable products For tllstulltt sawdust might be 2convtrtrd to cattle feed This is 3now being done but by coinplicat led and costly methods Also it would establish timber tonsis as flew major source for the berrzirre substances that are the basis of many synthetic prod ucts such as UllI the insect killer Most of these bcnunc derivatives now come from oil dwindling resource compared With timber Second when science knows more about the new rotstarting substance it may develop other substances that neutralize it and prthnt wuod from rotting or at least slow down thcprocess Scientists have called the new substance lignin oxidase and they have produced it from mushrooms This means it might be produced by cultivation If it can be ob taiired in large quantities itmight be used to speed the rotting pro cess iii sawdust or otherwaste products At present the waste has to be changed by chemical processes from one substance totmothei un til useful product is obtained HUNGARIAN HAS NEW INDUSTRY iIN FLOUR MILL NEW YORK Aug l5 CP lFrom an old flour mill in the vil llage of Clifford Chambers near lStratiordonAvon small new industry is sending fabrics to North America It took aHungarianborn textile idesigner Scottish woollens and fine English handlooming to create the industry known as Tibors Fab rics An impressive collection of the cloths has just been introduced to the American market by the Ham bro House of Design to be sold only to authorized decorators and department stores Tibor Reich the designer con lvertcd the mill and trained local girls to handloom his original de signs These designs are first cre ated by him on loom and only after much experimentation are they entrusted to the workers Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh chose one of the fab lrics for their new home Clarence House It is soft tweedy tex tile with threedimensional effect in oysterstone color with silver metallic thread glinting through it The threedimensional pattern is achieved by several means through the use of colors includ ing several hues of individual yarns through use of variety of the yarns and through the unusual weaves designed by Reich Among other handsome hand loomed fabrics is an exotic mar oonandwhite cloth in bold stripes with touch of gold The maroon is made up of several tones of red nubby material in white grad uated yellow and offwhite stripes gives futuristic effect with the yellow stripes growing larger and K9 Ioo DABN Iitlmell Iizrby it may be cold outside but that doesnt worry Quiziirirn reason number one why wolves form circle in the Arctic Qitlanna hails from Nome Alaska and will make her screen debut in Arctlc Manhunt Rayon is one of these products Sugar and alcohol are others Scientists say It may be possible to produCe the rolling without rc sorting to outside products such as lignirr oxidase 11 is thought this may be done by producing certain conditions that would make the wood Itself speed up the process Thus nature itself may be made to do part of job that now costs industries millions of dollars year iir factory expenses HAS 20YEAR RECORD REGINA 4Pr Morris of Melville Sash came back to the Regina Exhibition this year for his 20111 and last yr arr as sup erintendent of the grain show Now deputy sheriff of Melville Mr Mor ris first piloted the show in 1930 He is planning grain show in Melville this summer PROMPT REUEF fROM SUNBURN and insect bites Pain Relieving Antiseptic Healing An allpurpose ointment with re markable anaesthetic and antlsepttc properties widely prescribed for speedy relief of burnin itchlng or paln Promotes rapi healing of cuts burns abscesses pl les ski rashes Non no Dellcately Ee anolln base nouns SEDOCAINE OINTMENT ill PertlirMiz and MrsAankMcEarzTTJAEM1LILILQILbuttecasevwhenromathehotgunAmulchnspeat MpsMpeaeoegALL1hEEhhe eesmaller 18110 and Bernice 0f 531in were walls algswm lust as they mrdried lawn clippings burlap saw Sorry to report that Mrs Ross guests of Rcv and Mrs Mc 101 Spring Vealherv Wlllh dust or similar material will serve Bidwell is patient in the RV Hos IFarlane at the parsonage lo the 5WD prewutwns WhChiSo will narrow bo rd placed pital Barrie Her friends here AN We are sorry to report that can be taken Dime them from above the drill and held up with wish her speedy recovery drouthand heat But there ithol blocks an inch hi 50 air Mrs Vic Ma gt excuse for giving up the job he wooa the ls Spendmg fe and Jane Jack Hunter and Mar garet Stewart ofQrillia Skinner of London and Ilene Key of Bar illlaurice Whetham Is seriously 111 tie at Dan Keys Mr and Mrs 1in Toronto General Hospital The FFeoHlie long of freslr a1gogcjetfinbteeze Enioy the Ithriltmfoldip in the sea ThisEyeing visit us down in the Maritimes See ourhis toricvgtownsv and beautiful countryside the rugged covet ond SUanlhed the rolong our shores me youWarmly its In Lorri $25106 $2415 $5835 FOR MEN Two detachable pouches made to our specifies tions to give comfort and maximum support 7Ex perlenced Fitters to serve you for all Surgical Sup ports abusers DRUG STORE Barrie Electric 59GOWAN Ze in SUPPOR DRlVlNCI mtirt Iron arks jarrhinitis or ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK ELDINGAcetylene LcIWn Mowersllepoimd STEELroasan till all ESY lnrany friends wishfor him lspcedy recovery Mrs Simpson belt of Toronto Bishop QETIING SEASONS MIXED MOOSE JAW Sask Local beekeepers say their bees Seem to be rushing the season In lt stead of allowingtlfe queen bees to work in the brood neststhe bees areapparently preparing for winter hibernation by filling the brood nests with honey Pneumatic cushion and Miss1 Mary Miss Margie and Bruce Cor are spending coupleof Weeks with Mrs CP cause of few failures Beans beets carrots turnips and rutabagas and endive Chinese cabbage Brussels sprouts and broc coli should all be sown in late June or early July for Fall harvest otherwise much of your garden will be idle and your diet willbe lacking these excellent foods All you have to do is to make sure the seeds you sow have pools ture sufficient to germinate them rand that when they sprout they will not find hard sunbaked crust of clay soil over them which they cannot penetrate Itis easy to do thisFirst make the drill in whieh you sow the seeds deeper than in the Spring Let the hose run in it until the soil is soaked at least six inches deep Now sow the seeds and cover them with porous soil con taining as little clay aspossible Peat alone makes argood covering tuttitaint 0111212118 will circulate below Keep soilmoist by sprinkling if neces saryuntil the seeds sprout As soon as sprouts appear the covering must be removed to give all possible light and the seedling plants should be sprinkled daily until they become established Af ter that they will thrive on the care given the rest of the garden Lettuce suffers so much from heat it is better to wait until mid July to sow it If days are above 90 degrees put the seed in moist towel and keep in the refrigerator overnight Dry the seeds before sowing Germination will be much better andthe seedling plants will grow rapidly inthe cooler nights which come after midJuly Before sowing seed of any fallow crop the soil should befed with at least two pounds of plant food for each 100 square row days in Toronto with her mother Mrs Sampson who underwent an operation All wish her speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Thos Horne Mr and Mrs Geo Home of Vancouver BC and Albert Home of Hawke stonewere recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Francis Horne Betty and Laura Bidwell are spending their holidays with their Bennett and Robert of Jarratt at Frank Maddens WI Proud toHelp Church Renovation The Womens Institute were proud to have the privilege of cleaning and painting the African Church in preparation for its Cen tennial service held on Aug 14 Clowes WI were pioneers of this prolect Through the interest and feet or 100 feet of grandparents Mr and Mrs Geo Bidwell Craighurst George is visiting with Mr and Mrs Ber tram of Barrie Weekend visitors Mr and Mrs Raymer Olive and Russell of Toronto Mrs Wm Jaqpbs of Tor onto Mrs Lennox and Mrs Emms of Barrie Mr and Mrs Jack Church David andTeddy of Eg bert Mind Mrs Byron Hunter nu THE HoBBYSHQPIiE efforts of Miss Melliey several substantial donations were receiv ed from interested former residents now living in different parts of Canada and the USA The reno vation of this historic landmark adds much interest to the com munity larger attendance en joyed the open air service held on the grounds on Sunday afternoon August 14 OUT 12 Palermo LESS No reasonablefoffef refused on either singlet bulkquolity mast Toyo Handicrafted Girls GREETING CARDS rq sitrpllwoxmeu Craft Model Craft Leathercraft Ere SHTOW Transit2 staplem tlore Power intranet novel Now 2rd Paper Book and rape Dispenser EM6Wm1st 01m count tlon Electrician on Spaceneat with lm $100