THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY AUGUSTIB 1919 GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS LESS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR SALE OF LAWN MOWEIIS $1535 $1595 51795 End of Season You Get the Benefit HAVE YOU GOOD FLASHLIGHIZ $100 $119 $200 $225 $295 Al mu prim MPH lmmm IMMUNE you can altord to fiddle with an old one lllulib IIII ROAD It Illa PIER IIIJILIII for every user and more economically cooked food at the same time Slain OUR WINDOW DISPLAY UP SUPER IIEALIII SAUCEIANS Roasters Dutch Ovens Triple Sets Cotiibination Cookers Willi Su er IlcIlth voii buv for In Earning Spending srorirj nutLARICN Aug l7i vimn said definite no to tth tip 5t Jammy uuwdml ionnnunist party It polled onlyt Litiollm 0f U514 and may Ill1y SOVIng rrmnmu mm pvmmuilij per cent if the vote Vtstl IIlt Ul Wt 1ICt5 0r IIIOIT 115 Ill StL III LAFFADAY CANADIAN FOR BETTER GARDENS IN 1950 APPLY COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER NOW Sheep Manure Makes flood Garden 30c 75c $125 $235 $425 MILORGANIIR $150 $240 $390 GARDENITII $240 $390 ily dzgg rig these into the soil now plants will receive the full benefit in 1950 COMMON WIRE NAILS per lb 101 Most of the wanted sizes here at present UIS and SAUCERS FOR EVERY DAY 85c gt15c 50c 05c 85c Some plain others decorated JLItII SETS Pieces The ice lip jug and six oz Tumblers have gold band decorations TOMATO DECORAIEI JUICE SETS $175 32 oz Ice lip jug and tumblers Western ietitiaiiys lightning political inillltn were grien scan to take over the Loin Elm new federal reprin ftl lxitii zlliiul ltf It iii list Littiitsti EIIitltz Iivon power in 1033 gthari 311001100 Zeimans went to llit polls Ilkditiitolh were that the parties ipiacing rust and third in the oiing itvriultl form criiiservative mali Etion government They are the hristirr Democrats attd the liee Dciiiocirrls both favoring free eti iterpizse Their chief opposition iwril be the Secondplace Stiillll ilciiiorirts who campaigned on ai ipiatforiii of nationalization of liigi thfC DO You Stand iindiistries cAMPAIGN tilllkfillityllv IliiiIL it would been silly to try it out on iin finetheres no how there MARRIED ARE FOR mans Budgie therapy is 2111 WIN VICTORY giltals iFPItlltl STRUUD Graves Allen Used Cars 46 Monarch Sedan 46 Pontiac Sedan 46 Buick Sedan 46 Nash Sedan ii 41 Pontiac Sedan 40 Ford Coach 11 11 39 Plymouth Coach Iriti rc it 1ittli Itishop UITUiGillldillf thr area under British 13 WW mecr ofan UHM 8m mwpm oinc in and htt for yourself 1hr pines are right Lu IWUII and tioii also turned down extreme ztilii Iiilll Maclxrreit of liar ioiari routs It to Mr lostph Coffey Stone PM mg on of the late Mr and Mrs Stone of llond llead 1Mlipi pt COPACO 143 THIRD GAME lhc opaco softball stock mar iut sutleied drop Monday even Illi at Queens lark when they absorbed at 113 pounding from Mali In mi mum mu There are some folk who seem to be able to make ilairiascus on Sunday the niiddle cast state of Syria passed under civilian government representing most shades of political opinion The new cabinet took control at the request of Col Sanii lleniiawi who led the coup which took the lives of Marshal Husni Zziyim anl lreruicr Muhscn Rey Berari Ihty themselves had come to power by force in success of everything they try while others have tough time doing even one thing wan yet mph have the special place to fill OPEN STOCK DINNERWARE PLATES 35c 45c and 55c CUPS and SAUCERS per set FRUITS 2for 35c OAIMEALS I2c OPEN VEGETABLE BOWLS 85c COVERED VEGETABLE BOWLS $225 IIIILDRENSFALCON WARE Deep Plates Mugs Bowls EIICII Sl29 irc ili II in bill it ii in 1I trin itii 11 and tin oiiit tiru tllltllllli itutiunmn lluzcaii of son didnt fall iii the Hm ll lim Win i1i lltllll twirliiiuitxi il ole 15 il 1111 the ltiiitltl divas lil In m7 Klllll THOSE CATTLE CONTENTED Use Black Flag Fly Spray Gal Sl10 FLY DEI for HOUSEHOLD USE 290 450 ii ti Iilllli liriA Itll on The new premier is Ilascni Bey Atassi lltbycarold former presid 111 two Lilliu vi cut 37 Plymouth Coupe 34 Chrys Coupe 44 Int lon lickup tl vi llil iii tiltit II but llllillll lit iilli Mdxlitd for Used Cars at Graves gt tiiiitrtvii 12 in itll suportcSt htItlunt yvmciiwii rii liricc ttlil ttlllt lIl IIIINIICS 31h for ti 1111 oi thc iiiiii l171li ti ii till Ir tittif in in II inci uilk zt 46 Pontiac Coach 41 Pontiac Sedan 41 Ford Coach 31 Ford Coupc TRUCKS L41 Ford Ton latiel 38Wlll 13 Ton Pickup PHONE 3533 14 Clapperton St titticd 111 to tan iiiin tccorriiii lozit was Sure itilril I1lt trict iii to tier tl 1illiii ntlllittllilw iii itlltiillillltt loin ill lin lttd In tic South ioc hiit ill vuwiii litori cictl iili iltll run In the llll ttiiec Innings Scott gttltltti on Itlllltlliib auntie in tlic llllllliti tiiriitc itoiiuii Milled on riiht llllt iii blow Ill the ccv oiid and Hayden crossed the plate on ltlrcliac double iti thc tiiird lilvxtiod Webzi punched lion Wicc Ilitfllt iii the tllilll tor Strouti lionc counter KETTLE FAST CONVENIENT NEW Low mcr ECONOMICAL $I250 EPLETTS Furniture Electric Phone 3721 mac ll Maire Your Appoinliiiciil FORA tanadizin Legion in the third game of Hit bcstinilyt finals for the Intciriiediute championship The lackers had captured wins irri noon 11 iihriiunzitltii rii litrl Ilittl riu but similri Ictciily pruvc that it 11 Illlll well off in lie has named 11 Syrian pol iticians to serve ill what was an nounced as an interim governriient The cabinet said it would rule only until GRAVY BOAT and STAND set $200 SUGAR Covd $150 CREAMS 89c It 10111 the people of this country spctit Sitlttltllllltltltlll or iiiltil of liltil incoorcs on goods and servic in the opening two contests and were favored to take it three straight llowever the Legion fighting with their backs to the wall finally solved the Clifl Dutch Foster fastball to prolong the series Willi Foster leaving for holidays played the Legion stand on ex cellent chance of gaining victory and forcing fifth and deciding till constitutional government could be set up Big United oil cotiipanies are getting ready leave Canton the refugee capital of the Chinese Nationalists in the advancing the face drives and expected to be absent for Fri ICU Olllll tomb rm9 ltlt 111$ day when the fourth game will be Dllllll Wt 0f tho Cndlltltd City Tlic American StandardVacuum Oil company is withdrawing its en tire foreign stall leaving Chinese to look after the interests of the es liicy saved311100111111011or llti of their riicoiiies in 1017 by com paiisori they spent $1Lilllllltililillf or ill of lltll incomes and mating ti lo vic Sllfitllllllldltlt or till of what they took in Packers will likely send their star third baseman Gord Dyer to the mound while the Legion are certain to string along with Ron lIlllllo who has hurch good ball liic fact Is that in ltlltl although in nice names thus rm tilitiliti spent more on goods aiid Th illm 35 DltChCIS duel mum than um did in Iiit7 tlicltll the most part as Foster and proportion of their spending to Bllllll PWCUCHHY threw SCOICICSS their total incomes was less than ball 111 fKt PQCRCIS Who it was the tear bi fore And furth 010le 10 SCON 130019 didnt gain criiiorc not only were they able to 11 10 millilltl until the fth frame save more ill 1010 than tiicy did 111 It 100de VClY 191110 ill thill10lnt 1917 but the proportion of savings as there seemed to be no evndence largest American China Othersthe British Shell Oil and the United CalTex companyarc taking out families of its foreign staff Official reports said that Foo going on around the city SCClt chow 430 miles northeast of Can company to total earnings was greater inl HHS In taxes the tllthllS of this coun try also had brcak iti 1018 In 1047 Tiof their total personal in come went to the government in the form of direct taxes Last year this figure dropped to 082 ll of which is pretty hill IOlltl ing and not calculated to add to our literary status but powerful proof that we were as nation pretty well fixed last year Lo FARM IIILDREN MACHINES1 tliarmcrs Advocate Recently in western Ontario at farmer was convicted of cruelty 101 his 10yearold daughter whom he prodded with ii pitchtork whilc she was operating the tractor Uni of the favorite crew cracking And then the Foster foundation collapsed In the top portion of the sixth Legion raced for seven runs and four more in the seventh to sport an 111 lead before Copaco pulled out of their nose dive Birnic insured no Copaco out break would be produced as he worked hard to hold the losers rally to one run in the seventh and another single counter in the ninth but Legion had added three more to eld comfortably Bill Toles Ken Ramsay Ham mick and Ron Birnie figured heav ily in the Legion triumph as they paced the twoinning rally Frank Tersigni Red Peelar and Foster were prominent gures for Copacol ILAITERS are 95c and $195 32 Piece BREAKFAST SEI $895 66 Piece DINNER SET $2595 Green and Silver Decoration on Cream Background Dainty Number States and British Communist southChina port 98 104 DUNLOP ST firm in souili States except by sea lleavy lighting isiovcr MEMO TO ADVERTISERS only about Newspaper Advertising fit the introduction of the iincdllTALlAN CHEESE the circumstances TIN FLY SIRAYERS Otily 30c FRUIT JARS PINTS AND QUARTS ZINC JAR RINGS TOO CONNOR WASHER SPECIAL Onc Only shop soiled model for sale PRESTO ALUMINUM WARE SETS only SALE Pieces Pyrex Lids only $2595 HARRY ARMSTRONG PHONE 280 ton is cut oil by oriiuiuuisi troops Isaw fight went on early this week INDIAS FAITH Nanchang northeast of Content 10 miles twolhirds of the 352000000 sons of India The llindir religion claims over per weapon were not greatly different from those Cheese pmducuon Italy dur jibmnim In manyfrmmexceptmg 1948 was about 48 million Do you know of any measure forflie value of kudwr gt2 ww tiori is thenpubiished in ABC reports that it is with pride and devotion that parents permit their children to operate machinery and thus cXI pose them to real but unnecessary dangers Farm children far too young for the task are driving tractors and operating machines that requirci the skill and experience common only to adults In secondary in dustry where safety is sought and Obtained through rigid but never theless sane legislation such dang orous practices would not be per mitted Safety is one of the main object ives of the agricultural engineer ingclubs organized all across On tario this year thile watching machinerydemonstration at one of the Grassland Days where child ren of all ages were clinging to the implements bystander remarked These agricultural engineering clubs are doing ne jobrent amount 1033 or 35 million pounds were pounds pounds icompardw7th536 million pounds in 1938 In 1948 exports of cheesetoialled 15 million pounds and thisyear they are expected to The United Kingdom will import by contract thisyear about 15 mil lion pounds of Italian cheese and Belgium 22 million pounds BeL fore the war Italys total exports approximately 55 million Amphibioiis Craft Work Minister WETASKIWIN Alta Aug 15 thewatr onto the land and pro ceed down the road under its own power the chances are you are not seeing things Its probably Breton town 70 miles southwest CP If you are out Pigepn Lake way andsee boat glide out of the creation of Jake Friesen of newspaper circulationto 11m adverfisersuclt as the standards that business man uses in buying merchandise Yes In the wellknown standards that have been approved and adopted by ad vertisersnamely ABC standards What is AB ABC stands for Audit Bureau of Circu lations cooperative assciciation of 2000 advertisers advertising agencies and pub berslup lishers in the United States and Canada Wliat is the Bureau work fortheuse andprotction ofadvrtiri What do these reports Show ABCreports tell how much circulation newspaper has where this Circulation is how it was obtained how much people paid for it and many other veried facts that advertisers shouldknow when they buy advertising Are all publications eligible forA men No Only those With paid circulationThls IS Important to advertisers because it is we irtt they farm machinery demonstration under government auspices is theI last place one would think where children would be allowed to risk their lifeandlimb in such pub lic way It would be better tb demonstrate in some dramatic of Edmonton Mr Friesens machine may best be described as hydroplane on wheels The 15foot 400pound the bestproof ofinterest and purchasing poWer on the part Of the raders and periodicals so that advertisers can Ofd if Stand fa aluminum craft is driven bitan air if space ml i5 GinIS fill9733105170159724 Winbf Offlw Audit plane propeller poweredby mot is andvcrietlifacts aiid gurcsv Bureaujof Oscillations 0rcycle engine and is tted with mannrrlthat oftenhappens tOBoys hzfigfttfgaje efermtwoirf Yes we arcproud of our Circulation and and girls when they faieexposed How daesABCaccomliltsl11118 to the hazardsinherent in modern pmiem 15mounled brehmd vthe We want our adyeltlsels to know Just machines boats COCRpit Whmh seats three whatthcy get for their money when they advertise in Our columns The audited cogfgxbg man at the wel THE PERENNIA BORDER information in our ABC report givey Toaudit the circulation of newspaper3 The Burjau has targeting of erperl named auditors Thes nieiivisitthepub rt Iislicr members annually and make audits Faujjs the mg unonprepare the bears shore lowers the wheels ground for the perennial border Sud drives up 50 the land Com It looksbestzplaced arong bound ing from land to water the wheels My of the lawn with background are raised When the boatyloats dicing for dependable smartlystyled liar makesvgdsoline go twice afar Hive Fords neWIy styled improved Ba and Prefcct Available for $1580 of shrubs or evergreens It should be where it will get plenty of sun shine and some protection from the prevailing winds The majority of perennials should be planted in thefSprlng Iris and ipeonies hoWever are bst moved during August and early Septem iber and many other perennials imay be planted little later No protection other than snow is nec essary In situations where snow blows off the border brush may be used to hold the snowbut usu allyvsuch spot 15 not aLsultable one Top speedis about six miles per owner hopes to boostthese speeds glue to drive the propeller Mr Friesen minister of the Christian Missionary Alliance in hisspare time before completing it Everyone of the 7000 rivets iii its sleek aluminum covering was driven by hand The builder gained his know ledge of working on aluminum dur ing the war years when he was IBYAN EXAMINER Wm an PIIOINE 241411 aircraft plant in Toronto houron water 20 on land Thev by installing more poWerful en worked on the craft forV15 months employed as machinist and tteru at the Boeing aircraft plant in Vancouver and the DeHavIlliind of their circulation records This informauf The Barrie Examiner This newspaper is member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation of our latest refer giving audited facts and gures about them thecompletefacts As for rally our circulation