Prysoiis Grille the roaring 20s of the Barrie and District Senior Softball League tel it is better to give than to receive Thursday night at Queens Purl1 In replay of an early season stalemate the Grillers didnt ap pear like club which NJS hung for victory They lltrd ther at this stage if the the ninth as Devi threw hard on the top of the bat in list Fred Norris and Al Shewchuk were the leading batters on Her ris roster each collecting two hits with Moe Hines Frank Hutchin son Stove Hines Doug Ramsay ry and Lorne Davies scoring one each all Larry Lougheed Bob Plan and tfllilltl to eonguirny Richardson recurdcd two second place from Gage Matois lniliits each for Prysons Harold the standings Hopper ec Cook Ray Garlepy They folloued their 310g 50andChuek Lawrence tallied one Well that they handed the league Cillll leading Harris Motorineu eight un prysons on 001 004310 earned runs to di up 93 ILCIUH an 000 004 beg lrysons have two Lames ll hand both with llarrls and the Ulmm DWI Edger plate must map unto triumphs or be con tent with third rung Iliey tan gle with the Motormcn again Tues day night at Queens Park and loss can mean the senior playoff picture will commence lliursday Coach Moe Iife produced sur prise starter on the mound in Bob Mallion who has not seen action for some time Mallion was reported to have giVen up the hurlingy end of the game due to doctors orders Barrie Valley Taxi came from However he worked as though behind in the sixth inning with nothing was wrong with his in thrcc runs to defeat Barrie Stransl ternal organ For five innings mans 54 at Shear Park Wednesday he lzcll llaiiis to twohit hall tvhilenight in the first of their bestin IIISWSIUSSFITCWI 2tliv111 three scmivtinal series The sec 0nd game will be played at Queens Meanwhile Lorne Davies was flr Park on Wednesday ing good ball for flierilavored Since coach Doug ledger un green shirts but he didnt obtain covered hurler Dorothy Knapp an honorable mention until Harris Stransmans have met with consid movcd in front 43 in the sixth erable success but they continue frame to be nosed out of victories With the onerun lead to work Valley collected nine hits off her on Davies throw onehit ball in but only scored 111 the first and the next three innings to prevent sixth innings The big blow off lryson rally Errors on the part Knapp was Mary Lookcrs home of the Grillers enabled Harris to run with two mates aboard which fully five more runs and charge Mnllion with defeat he didnt do Paddy Miles bases 1111EGiiis RALLY 10 WIN 111351 GAME 51 ji proved to be the winning clout Stransmans may have left their serve lplayofl rally too late but they tllC Irysons piled 11p 20 lead in making battle out of it After the second when Larry Lougheedlthe first inning the score stood at 22 and Stransnxms moved ahead Ray 42 in the fourth with 1sz unearn on an ed runs The three successive hits Knapp In the top of the sixth Irysoiis issued toDot Miller Mary Wood managed another run and again It and Mary Looker in lhc Sixth was Larry Loughecd who did the were disastrous The onerun mar punehing He poled doublc dyer gin was all Valley needed although Fred Norris in left field to scndStransmans did attempt to break Ccc Cook home free Loughccd out with rallies in the sixth and actually could have made triple seventh out of this smash but he neglected Marjorie Longhurst Joyce Rog to touch first and returned to do ers Dot Miller and Mary Wood so before carrying on carried the heavy bats forthe vin 1he ship sank for Mallion in the ncrs withrtwo hits each while bottom half of the sixth when his Betty Smith was the ion2 Stians right elder Bob Flatt dropped man performer to garner two off fly ball which was the turning Dot Miller point of the game Harris went 2f32lll VETS ELIMINATE enth on unearned feats FROM PLAYOFFS Prysons went down in order in Canadian Legion defeated Mine sing 03 at Queens Park Wednes day night to eliminate thelatter from the intermediate softball playoffs Legion now await the winner the CopacoLakeview struggle Veteran Ron Birnie wasthe man responsible for the upset victory He gave two home runs to Mine sing but they camewith the sacks empty Aside from these blows he was scarcely touched Meanwhile Legion snapped onto four runs in the rst frame all that was required to force elimina tion However they took no chances and added single counters in the fourth and sixt McKiIlican Toles and Hammick starred for the Legion while Bill Adams and Ross Miles never gave up for Minesing lined out single over second to score Harold Hopper and Garicpy crossed the plate error to Steve Hines Return of many names to his ha THE CHIEF RETURNS brought about this wee place of honor in front of carved from wood by Pem by members of tlic Hastings21nd Prince Ed cot to Petawawa for Chief is shown above discussing training broke woodcarver 10 miles from Ietawawa replaces the wooden le whofotcd their beloved wooden Indian mine ward Regiment Belletil training from his he Hasty Pee huts the problems with RSM Angus Duffy Belleville alderman The Chief Indian that accompanied the unit overseas and who now lies buried on French beach The boys buried him so that the enemy wouldnt capture him when the Hasty Pees were forced to vacate the beaches In 1940 RSM Duffy has been withthc regiment for 20 years and for the past 10 has been Regimental SergeanbMajor CANADIAN ARMY PHOTO SPORT ANGLES ny GEORGE STOREY of IN THIS WORLD OF WOE and Malice supporters enter Emms palace And just what do they hear We wont have good hockey team this year We will do well to finish in the playoffs SINCE PESSIMISTIC Hap wont come out withthe true details we are lending portion of this column to hockey in order that subscribers who begin their annual raceforseats todaywill have clearcut picture of the 194950 possibilities IN THE FIRST PLACE we have sat on Emms doorstep for two suc cessive seasons and each time October rolls around he thinks his club is the worst In fact they are the crummicst bunch of players to ever don aBarr1e Flycr uniform BARRIES RECORDin four years of Junior perhaps the most im struggling is pressive of any competing Oshawa Generals and St Michaels College rliled supreme for long intervals but Sprigme TAXIS they have seen much moreaction than the Flyers THE INITIAL YEAR was didnt make the playoffs 105111 The next year round with Gall St Mikes GALT BOASTED such Lee Fogolin and Dean Me Pavelich Jim Uniac the of other sensationalists the series to the limit poor and Emms expected that Barrie but in the final contest of the schedule willtowin spirit carried them to the semifinal Red Wings who were the lone clubto likely succeed casual glance at traffic always seems to bring View of licensed cab weaving its nifty bit faster than anyone else We know taxi drivers aregood drivers and their accident rateis low But the law is law Safety of pedes trians and the notsoskilful driv ers of other cars should be consid1 ered POWELL RIVER llFE INSURED 0AM no run 053 FOR ANY AND EVERY PURPOSE Doctor Donlhl or Hamlin Bllll Coal or Fuel Home Repair Moving Expomq Taxu or old Bills Uqu have anonymiqu or would like financial advice roof phone at callbday Nils8 playeri as Terry Sawchuk in the nets Bride on defence and Fred Glover Marty GieSebrecht brothcrs Wiscmanund host front Against heavy odds Flyers forged THAT SEASON gave indication of better things to come It was the blessed of the greatest hockey record irl Barrie The apple was in full bloom the following year Emms whipped determined grOup of youngsters into championship form He finished third in the standings and rjockeyed his way foamupset title over the powerful Windsor Spitfires The AllOntario and the Eastern Canada crowns were his next victims but he wasstopped cold in theJVlemorial Cup finalsnot by Port ArthurWest EndBruins but by injuries CONSCIENTIOUS SUPPORTERS didnt expect history to repeat itself in 194748 when Flyers again opposed Windsor in the OHA playoffs Theyentered the series with crippled remguard Chances were nil Reporters had field day writing on Happy and his tears Weecantpossibly win game the crafty coach Said before his boys took the ice WHAT HAPPENED jThat ishistory too They captured pair of sizzling triumphs in Windsor and polished offthe Spits on home ice Fourstraight wins and not afanwould have predicted such THEY WENT 0N to eliminate Toronto Marlboros in straight gamesfor an easy rompto their second successive OHA title and deposited Porcupine Combines by the wayside in the AllOntario finals Flyers metystiff opposition in thelMontreal Forum againstthe bruis FINAN Componu Ltd Will newsman SQUARE BARRIE he Chief hes known by ppy hunting grounds near Pembroke was summer manoeuvres Surpervising this weeks registration work and other ill def Coac place on the Ontario Jttllttil Senior allstar team 11111111 playe the Toronto junior and seiaor at Uljday 11 glit Those on hand shoe ion for position hence 1111131111 gun busy in trying to tlgttllllllll was best lie finally llltll1lltl 111111 boy most of them are v911 l1lo11 Barrie and district From lllt lo cal clubs Morgan chose Alvin tlc ldroppjng back to juvenile By KEN ROBINSON Barrie Recreation Counsellor BASEBALL Local baseball enthusiasts 1m doubtcdly That seems to be the motto best 1012 Foot Long arm fromlttQLdmzlujillil lllhlllll latsent officer commanding the befitting this playground and of held in Barrie Tlmrsmufmsi Rifles is IfCol Cox course the reason is the smiling SUITABLE FOR The ist Bunny Morgaiison of Thy Ttlj and coached by Morgan of the Philly team is doing much to encourage better baseball for 1h youngsters throughout Ontario It was nice to see two local boy Chosen for the Junior AllStar teamagainst the Toronto All Stars and also to see Win Law selected as coinaiiager of the Snior All Stars It must also be grafifyin for those who have hard to rescue baseball locally to seefour Barrie teams entered in ithc OBA playdowns starting from scratch in the 513000 of three years lSOCCER slight hitch 111 the Barrie and district league playoffs has been Hroned out and the four teams hit ltheir semifinal series next week lThe MidlandAir Force game has been discarded through mis understanding of eligibility and it is expected to see the semifinal week On league showing Brad ford are possibly the favorites with Midland5 upswing in the second half of the schedule giv ing them better than evcii chance BEACH AND PLAYGROUND Participation 011 the beach and playgrounds continue to maintain highly gratifying daily aver age with beach figures well ahead of last year Total playground may possibly his slightly under last years figures butdaily average is much better with the credit being given to larger and more varied programj The next five weeks hold pack ed program with noless than five industrial tours and four special events which should leave per sonnel and leaders gasping come the first school bell PLAYGROUND SOFTBALL Junior softball is going in full swing with the Polecats out front at the moment and being well pushed by the Clapperton St Clip persend the Arena Mice pleas ing aspect of these playground leagues is the fluctuating leader ship due to holidays porttime reasons which Pointers During Workout 11 0DDFEILOWS PLAYGROUND iiip 131an for tallest Park dinier one prong but boys run Lo lingooi can 11 no 11 ndzi Sphlladxipfiiu Illllllcr Morgan undue Elie grade Jun Barrett and k9b1ffkl lid 21111 innitf 111 thiiiiugtiy Ell hustled it luntnail 111 1511 Dank both uiitlieldcrs and 53 mm jdkhfui mg in fig 91 is rtlmaigii 11 1121 211 umk and 111 Fax 31 Sub Kahlil31s My 11 1It1li 11111 at like IS Edit mink i1i jul HI pack lazuli ullclld my Am lmgapgngrulilr rid Wk ll Itll Lil 31 Minter day in ll lilAl in Bath line all liuiii Janetvtllt John Born on 1151 haul ripen Will 13 lilv UUHESNYS boll moved into 11 111311 my 51 row was the lone diamond imb nun helpingJ nit pi1y1o1i1ei ill in Zoleieiforpu This tour 11 I1Ilt to catch Morgans eye veiv day since the opening Ml mm res of hiltlulllltlrl 11 Jpni 1w hfztuiai ltedmeu presented three iii 111211 ths limited liponsored by the Phillie loiunlo it 111 it 1125llnl W83 Maple Leaf and ll Itiltlfrlirifitt fol 111 making the flip to bl UTE llle WIN 11 of mili Tclegium and 111mm an 1ilf11111u tastin Ronni111 hustling WmV lH drifted llluzil aitni 1111111111124 lb klep and John Woods heavy HWY l5 14d 53 Slim mill Fulton 1111 disn 111 at 11 the suiting outfielder gmddmmlmn We llilllllld 31d of Morgan and liann Marl Moi 1111 was late in arriving at gmmfrmb DIWKWUM IIiltl hrltiiu gonson tilitknl then 1111 1111 Iitlll 111 tl12lxtlll but he soon mad up bullml Lll if kliuVilttflt 111 be llllttl hull v1le when they 11 no 111 11l 31w 114 time lie 11ch all students from sidewalk llu1ltlli Hi ll class romn 1A flu 211 11 in tin bleachers and deinonstrar laminar11113 titidl ramp The small ttnnunt mas 11111 1rioii techniques which Would QtbjthsPAuK llln tinlxl 1111 lr tlli1tl into disappointing to Hum 111 121 1111f1rllvldlllgplilys Ever hear of ltll honest dog 11111 11111 11 pirpons of bill baseballinmdvd Median in then placed outilelders in the Well we haw one 1m ll liml thorium 11 311mm 1litl coil Qutte pleased With the talent 3111s palliies and had them practice the ball one day and euryoii liul llatl 1mm be Will of the bos Weie llVl113 to make 121111uws to the plate Une Harrie tried to coax him into revealing manned 1111 if the adet stars at Maple Leaf Stadium 51n ed plenty of hustle and deteunlna to partake in the charity affair and Ill sports Leod big and IllUtlthllli calcite John Dubson and Winston Law Who has lllt Dtkb 773 llietllt 11111 111 broadcast from Barrie budgetsand l1i lwere chosen to act as ellmanagers 0W El ivukinu ll lllIlfl iron 11m 111111 fioin 1300 to Brewer who started the season of the Ontario allstar teams and ltlUlU ill all Id Will 1515 1330 111 illllii lx itususi iwith Barrie Fiver Juniors 11111V the other dur Thu design was 11 school conducted by 1lllltlll worked so winners declared by the end of this possibly of ing high leveL with separate switch vs ALPS HOSPITALITY Hospice is the name given to the The Shades are gOOd grade suk Pick Up WW lSpeciulrcwet Camp 841le Opens From The Burden ltlunl One fifty boyu but rig Willi fist and swim the work second annual uifd afiitl L13 By PHYLLIS MOODY Morgan ROCK AND IN NISFII 11 the school and two Weir ti till Bill Hagan was exceptionally grind at this all 111 next mch was on the 111 an lltc hiding place but he was veiy Seitie aloof and snooty about the vhoh thing and did pond Job of pie= zli While 11111 911113 ps out at ll111a 141 ti llltltlllh and be drilled them 111 lVldmgu hfl hm VAwtain lellllll ill ill1ltlltll 11 tiling ground balls and throws Tlfv 53jl ffk on basic iillllitll ValetI 111 the 11 the bases There was not too bfb ling lllj TRUMAN EhIVilianll arm 31 1112 1111 the third much time spent on butting but Iifallvll fikxllh 11Infiliguonp ktil 111 ourk at ihldlgull lIHI demonstrate the cor llhjkgf flu riiel imllolxlv lie11111 Vitu 1ft nay to contact Willi inside and lfl ll lnilr and 12 it will number muth lug of sightniii 11127 ara ilo he 111111111oon hour to the close of soxoyniulsr PLAYGRUUND 111 111111ltl 13 with Will 1111 SvgtgtlOII Morgan conducted The youngsters here must tliiive1ll baseball game placing new play sum ppgwouw hm l1o will pm in the 1111111 amount eis on the field frequently appeared at any rate Peg 111 1W lvllllll ll lll attended luncheon at the Royal York Hotel Saturday log with s6me flovuis above him In haste she forgot to mark whichl was the top of the picture the string was just stuck in the back at random and we will be interest ed to see whcther or not the lop maintains his normal position sits up or stands on his head sr MARYS PLAYGROUND The coolest spot in town on hot day is right here We have yet to go to that ground and fail to be bathed 111 the most refresh ing breeze you ever came across The nrx llil ouncll which ltoiidurls the taiiioiu Day Parade at the anadian Nata 111 Exhibition 1s authority for the dateinent that there Will be httwevn 40000 aild iOlder than Confederation Two Army Units Meet Two of flu oldest regiments iii lthe anadiaii Army Reserve Force lfhi llaliiax Rifles 123rd Armoured llegnnent and the Queens York IRangers I21th Armoured Regi 111 iiti got together at letawawa ilasl Week for six days of intensch lfield training 00000 service men and women in the parade this your Forty bands will provide marching music Navy Army and 11 lnrce Will he re presented As iisnal there ivill be 1111111eroiis 1llltlltill Legion posts in attendant1 111111 1111 fr bugle bands lloth regiments can trace their ill 11 llUl 110 lily MilliW llllll ill origin to the days before fon couuts for all the energy display ffcderalion ed by the supervisor and all her History of 11111 Halifax Rifles 110 ldats back to May 1860 and of ST VIVCFNTv pARK thc Queens York Rangers to Keep Your Sunny Side Up September 1866 who is proud of the fact that two supcrvisor Miss Petersen We former premiers of Canada Sir have yet to see her with frown 0U FBOARD MOTOR lharls Tripper and Sir Robert on her face We ciivy people like Complete with oars and attachments for carry ing on top of car Bordcnsetved with the regiment Ithat The late lion Mothers lltllllltl LieutenanlGovcrnor of Nova Scofizi also served with the They seem to get so much more out of life BIG FAMILY NOW lcently held its first reunion hero stance is the ninth member of hiSAbout vfainily to serve in the regiment His father and seven brothers at one time or another enlisted in and served witn the unit PeaTed 015a Salt 7Scot Claims Cure mL Special Reduction Ssvcral members of the Rifles WATERLOO Ont CPI The can trace their families associa Gingrich clan migrated to Canada in In 19 car lion With the regiment for generaInom Pennsylvania in 1801 and 10 lions Capt Barnaby for in 1000 descendants of the original settlers from Pennsylvan ia Indiana and Ontario were pres cnt RUPTUnEn YOU own rr ro YOURSELF T0 INVESTIGATE THE DOBBS muss METHOD 55 Elizabeth St BARRIE Glasgow Aug CPISixteen fyciirs ago Scot from Lockcrbicl 31 Foley got tired of shaking salt cellars that wouldnt pour Now hes finally invented one FOR TREATmENT 0F RUPTURE gwhich he saw wmthe Duhpor ITS BULBLESS ITSHVBELTLESSI ITS STRAPLESS ipatcnt saltpourer stopper He bel EXCIIISWE Barrie Agent gan manufacture of the device when his son left the army and the invention will be on display ghere in the Scottish Industries Ex ESSA ROAD ALLANDALE hvibition in September August Spcials TrilighttLamps These lovely lamps have heavy senior league due to many boys being able to play in the morn ings while another group cannot play at that time butwould prec fer evening games This is problem faced every three or four years as age groupings move up above the age limits and leave sparse year until the younger lgroup move up to senior competi ition DRAMA It is pleasing to note that the Kempenfeldt Summer Theatre is again enjoying successful sea 1son good turnout has beenwn hand for each performance and more importance is that participation is also maintain bronze plated carved bases and fluted pprights Fitted with three candle lights homes of rest provided by various mean new faces every game snag has been struck in the igglfRoyals who eventually placed the coveted MemorialtCup on their WK in noun or TEES to not stand chancethattjng a=500 percentage clip fsexceptione gal In fact it demonstrates thostatement illdont bellow Emms when he says vine wont reachjthe playoffs He is uncanny that gentleman gt SOMEQO PUCKSTERS will parade before superior judge Emms this Falhand ifthere arelno hockey playersin the bunch he wont stop lookvlnguntilhe finds some Wewould like to go on record as of now with sayingBarrie willfinishfourth or better this year CRUISING THE DIAMONDSin hectic those toys The Barrier Senior softballiers pro finishing off tie games with Prysons Grille the only team able to impove their position They must capture capture wins in thelrnext twenties WainscotMotors or con cede sewnammo to Gage Motors Gringo our with thelengueu leaders Tuesday night at Queens Park and thistreat shoule hold plenty of excitement CANADIAN LEGION appear to be the black horse ofthe inter ging to gainxa playoff berth they shattered mediate playoffs Just mana Minesing with two straightwins andnowawait4he4vlnnerefLa ry and Copacoi The latter two play their third and deciding mom 5533 liefjrifl It 15149 opirllngog 55PASSENGEKSCHOQL$3113 2127 we afaroncciigssigg VWITH COMPLETE AYAMIM MilkmenL view Uz garne tonight at Queens wBARRIE VALLEY TAXI and Newmrkotj Dixon have taken onegame leadaafn ctr sentle scallions do like ladles softball nee Dixon conrpom mwgludluerclionfafmghtlnMialand whileavolley of climb Karrie Slimming wowsit MIDLAND WOLVES commenced their soccer playoffs with RCAF orpgrpp Bordonfins butcher losingthewnm tilt filled Jprotestrandiwon Hence 1he fight tontheftrophy in soccer will off digitally hedBzigfm visit Barri Hawkiiot the Fall EHSEASQNSJEMS lindhis Flyeis were said monastic orders as shelter for tra vellers passing over the Alps It egg shell with braided trimming AugustiSpecial Lam28 TABLE LAMES Theseare attractive lampsln assorted coins and with parchment shades illlegular price 352511017 STOREHOURS