Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1949, p. 9

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FROM JULY 27 TO THE list at Martyrs Shrine at Forte Ste lug towns are furnishing characters for this great musical Marie near Midland there will be mammoth pageant stag ed Five hundred persons will take part in the pageant and four stages will be used all at different Levels on the slope of the steep hill on the grounds of the shrine The surround Entire Midhurst Output 0f Trees for 35 Years Would Reforest Simcoe In brief presented to the legis lature Ulllllllllto on conservation at Barrie last Friday II Cran ston of Mid merit that it made the take and would all state the trees produced at Midhurst Forest station for the next 35 years to are major both in physical and educational sense 12000 ACRES YEARLY FISH IlIIlFllfN in the northern part of Simmer met ounty are suffering depiction of ing to erosion because of the Mt spectacle which depicts the martyrdom of the four martyrs slain in 1649 Saints Jean dc Iliebeuf Gabriel Lalemant Charles Gariiicr and Noel Chabailel llere is the shrine and the location of the pageant such project in lllllLS of llllllll dries school children be required ployiiltilt offers much better IlaLin Work from three to six days tional iiiVestment tiltllllllllilfnillllllllllly in such forest plots under than most which have been utilidequatc direction and that Slnllll izcd in past years itancously primary and secondary school courses be amended to in riclude ICilltl instruction on soil Many or mdmmm and forest culture lroviucial ar might also be desirable It may be of interest to note that the Midland Kiwanis Club on rits acre reforestation plot has their fish resources and contribut ll fvgtxhohmqglmfmlimlll Eh planted in the last three your 20000 es banks We realize that any legls 0V In the past 27 years Simcoe Iounty as municipality has planted about 12000 acres or an reforest Siiricoe County He waslmtlitlle of 450 acres per year At presenting brief oli behalf ofhis rate and having the Kiwanis Club of which he lS planting undertaken by townships president The following is copy of the report as pri recen selitetl survey of Siiucoe County revealed that over 200000 acres were useful only if returned It lhkcs approxi plaut one acre Thus 300 million ticcs would be needed to roforcst to forest cover mater 1000 waste land from to this output uireiil flow of Midlutrst one of the largest of the provincial nurseries million trees annually is about six licplantingi of these 200000 acres of Simcoel County alone would therefore re quire the entire production of Mid hurst nursery or about onethird of the entire provincial output for 35 years cutting Arid this estimate does not allow for replacement of new We therefore recommend that the production of existing provin cial nurseries be expanded and that new nurseries be established in areas where reforestation needs RENT NEW CAR and Drive it Yourself Call 2772 BARRIE DRIVE CAR Company Limited HERTZ DRlVURSELF LICENSEE 69 Collier St greas MINARD Vl Whenratistrained mus cles take the fun from shing rub in Minards Leaves them relaxed cool Quick drying eless no man odor IMENT Picnic Withoutgq Coke It might be possible for example for local municipalities to acquire in mind towns and villages as well ill would take many centuries to re ltorest 200000 acres in the County lit is increasingly apparent despitei lthe excellent leadership given in this respect by municipal authori1 tics in Simcoc that this approach lalone is not sufficient Private quate Too much of it is concen planting in this County while the highest in Ontario is also inade rtrated at the moment on Christ mas Irees most profitable crop when the trees are supplied with out charge by the provincial gov ernment hilt only shortterm expedient Private individuals are seldom prepared to wait the ne iccssary 50 to 125 years necessary lto make an investment in reforest iation pay 00 and banks insurance companies etc have not seen fit to enter this field In Or0 Township Simcoe Coun ty there are an estimated acres and in Tiny Township similar large acreage of marginal and submarginal land much of which is completely idle It con tains some hardwood bush but is largely light soil unsuitable for anything but forest cover What value there was in the soil has been farmed out Yet planted to forest it is estimated that on tree crop basis each 300 acres could in time support family Thus as many as 500 families could in Cm and Tiny Townships alone find profitable employment in forest culture on soil new unproductive High educational and road costs arising from large tracts of idle land would be overcome and lumbering industry reestablished To undertake such project wouldhowever require major in Vestment of public or private funds running into several millions of dollars and dividends would not be possible in under half century Soil however would be rebuilt and employment provided With reasonable expectation of the return of the entire capital together with interest thereon We therefore recommend that the provincial government in co operation with local and federal governments explore plans to en courage private invstment in such projectsthrough greater tax ex emptions on reforested property and substantially larger invstment of public funds on reforestation lprojects which have reasonable expectation of longrun return on capital the land on funds advanced by pri vate or public sources provided the provincial and federalauthori and direct the project Certainly must necessayily be 2floods each Spring tell their own tiESwere prepared to underwrite lative measures to combat this cril complex ltl eauso so many private land owners would be involved The giavrty of the situation cannot however be ltflflllllllilllftl lncrcasuig IROIICR MANAGEMENT 53 Finally we believe that ill isuflicrcut emphasis has been placed iin fhe past by all our people on instruction for youth in proper management of the land Only very small percentage of our farm lyouth earl afford to attend Ontario Agricultural College Midland Ki wauis lub established last year scholarship under which one young man from this district is being sent each year to the twoyear course in practical agriculture at bill such opportunities must necessarily be limited by cost We therefore recommend that the provincialggovernment estab lish in each farm area of 200 square miles demonstration school farm operated by the province but staffed with the exception of one or two instructors by young men and women who would be drawn lfrom the farms of the immediate area Thc pupils would contribute their labor in operating the farm in return for board story We therefore recommend that provincial and municipal agencies give immediate consideration to the enactment of legislation setting minimum size standards for tree cutting and that plan of compen sation be established under which public funds might be used to ac quirehforcst areas which are con sidered to be essential to the main tenance of watersheds We realize that the question of compensation for treelots which would be frozen by minimum cutting laws has bogged down the introduction of the latter and feel that it must be solved beforc municipalities can be expected to take further action EDUCATION INADEQUAIE Education in our pLimary and secondary schools as to the nation al value of our soil and our forests TOO MUCH SPEED has we believe been far from Many accidents occur when rela adequate Toomuch of our think lively low speeds 310 Chiliely T00 ing has evolved froma concept of St 01 C0milllOS cheap land and inexhaustible tour her WATCH HOLIDAY DRIVE We therefore recommend that That holiday drive can end in greater encouragement be given disasterfor yourself or for some by provincial and municipal auth small child that is holidaying too critics to the establishment of munlt Watch for children on the Streets icipal reforestation projects that and highways Remember speed as in certain Scandinavran coun kills New CanadaAustralia Air Mail Service Opened THE BARRIE Insure ONTARIO CANADA Want More Nurseries and Earlier Promote Reforestation Im liilvsiiy ccuariittcv of Duf fi llJi Somme torrirtws lllllnlttl luv for picstrtallou to the legl Trees From log on loads is problem tilt That every clicotlragciliclll be given to pIUlIlill sound forest lflillx tirillilv iozi irrittee on tcltlatllilllilgtlllvlll and cutting practices and ion ltilflllg was held in Biillbd this end we would suggest coin itl li ll lllltyilitl lot itllrllm Olii pm II Airticiwhi Itofccnoii In in live tll of Who lltllitllli count fire hazards lli ioiiiiiiitiw agiud that at Iltltittlllttll re production cut it tiitlil icfoiniatmu piogiaiiiitmg and iiaarkctiug gt0 that the tiiiiii czxiii on Siiiicoc llltllllltihl valuable gt1rrtlt5 may lllllrltl touritlt lti cwopiliitioillgrown and nutrktteii iii llrv brat xtllll ill iiipirtiicnl of lands andliidvzilitigc pit iit ti brig 15 lllt stony and watersupplying areas mill for agricultural purposes rather than to the level areas where protection is of less impor liiiee That in purchasing land for reforestation purposes special at tention be given to land use and it the present time land suitable for agricultural purposes should tot he purchased That in selecting our areas for eforestation in the immediate fu ure consideration should be given owardproviding protection from rasshoppcrs and rose chafers by orest cover The loss from these wo insects has been sufficiently cverc in certain areas notably the llandale Wyevale and Perkins ie1d sand plains of Simcoc county offset the cost of tree plantingiin nany instances That the establismciit of per nanent windbreaks be encouraged in areas where snow and sand drift vr nirvij Allir iteilbzr unity Matilde um PENETANGEOTTLINGQQL GUI WHEN OANADIANrACmrc LINE Empresrt ofVanoduveIleft VancOuver July 13 to inaugurate the companys new lttfmspuclo service to Sydney Australlavla San Francisco Honolulu and Fiji new Canadian alr mallrcervlce to Kuwaitthe FIJI own mammary phenomenon Azyan would of mail phllatelllts fr heecaptainoi inculcate took official delivery of the first mallsro power shortlybe master Turner ot Vgn Megan included inthe 150 000 first ight oovers sent over uremia better cultural practices etc as reported Where ditches were forc fivlwts We appreciate the con niaoiioii 1mm made through our Illllllilztl fiiicstiy stations but are loumlul if our pics iit tin plant in tiograri dr iiig any more than litlllL the annual wastage of TUI val llt W4 rm of the opinion that the is air orpoilaiiip time for minorloin of lltt planting to ploA our areas of eiodablo oil to produce illllftLtltlt crop oii iiotiilmltlcllvt land and to llllilli ltiltlll crop loud against tin Iliilrl llliifl uch grle lifiillliltw and ciizifcis Ilils lll in turn bpr to rcstoic our fallriil wrat supply llllt to lllt hiavy snow falls lll llltw ttllllllt and iiziriicrous sand uii ilti llifllllll an liilpoltailt factor in the control of drilling lllitOMMICNIMIIONS iii That the ploviircial gov iiiiiiiiit be urged to iricrcas slip ioit to the provincial department ll lands and forests that suf ficrclit trees may be produced at the iiiliscius to ltlttl the need That methods of earlier ticc lllllllillnll be given consideration That there be more followup on private plantings lib That encoriragemciit and practical assistance to given vhcn possible Ill liclpliigf armors to es tabliin farm forests illltl wind breaks where sound land use pro gram iiidicatcs the nerd of such planting That lllf advisory or fielilmaii flVltt of the department of lands uul forests he stepped up since llt planting experience and mail powcr appear to he the limiting factors Ill farm planting programs and that lllf purchase of tree platit iiig machinery by the department of lands and forests be increased fo the point where such equipment iporatcd by trained men might be iviiilable forwprivafd planting at nominal cost That the department of lands lllfi forests extend subsidy on rce planting uuicliiiiery equal to that paid by the department of highways will awlhat the county forest program be directed to the hilly tlt That all encouragement and trilllllmll bc givtii to boys and girlJ lforcstry clubs and other plopc dcslgrrd to promote il11lltil ariil restoration of our Ultgtl itv lsoillces such as whool plots firwlv slup school forests and planting lenionstlatluiis tllUtll Drainage Ac Costly Says Isaac King of loticiihaui picxciu led bil to ill legislature ltllll iiultce on conservation lit the SH ting lll llarlie last Friday lliii chairrrian of the agricultural ttilllr lllllltt of South Slmcoe ItItllt to dimonstratlori farms iliaiiiaizc and flood control in the bill The brief follows DEMONSIRAIION FARMS ui oiruiiittec is agreed lllit 2lllt we have many practical farm crs demonstrating good sound prur ciplcs in so far as farm and soil management are concerned that we do not need viioilirl dciiiolistra tion farm lll these two counties At the present illilf we have county farm in each county and it would be posrrililc to hic lillltlll slratlonal work carried out on these farms If lfllllHlSlltlltill farm vcici established it would have to lll better than the other faiiiis lll llu iarea and at the same time means would have to beadoptod lo lllt to the farmer that it was ttlltlll ically sound This would be very hard to do since all government owned property is in the eyes of the public supported by an lll hausliblc source of funds Fur thcrmorc on one farm it is not possible to have all the soil types and conditions which would make is possible to demonstrate the bes practices for all soils of the two counties or for even all soils within township However because of our partic ular Setprbgny 1ihiflggfjlv merit Fuel Supply is up 11 vxnl llimih llii assistance be given in war in t0lln establishing drainage field daxr program and when the answers are found demonstration areas are vital in an educational ploglallito put these answers in the hands of the farmer it is easier to slrowliiui than to tell him Recommendations That no demonstration farms be set up in the area bill depart mental assistance be given in set ting up demonstrations at courin farms already existing These farms are already owned by the counties and if demonst rat ions were established on such farms it would be easier for the public to have free access to them t2 Demonstration projects should be encouraged 6n the privately owned farms of the county and adequate funds should be made available to offset the experimen tal risk in such projects FLOOD CONTROL Situation 1None of the surveys of main watersheds in the province is to be found in the counties of Simcoe and Dufferin and at the present time considerable damage is being done by excessive flooding from some of our rivers such as the Nottawasaga Much expensive work can be done with flood control having waterways deepened dams built etc but the most effective way is to have better control of the large amounts of water on our farms and in our forests number of areas were cited whre areas were reforested in the 1920s and today the level of water throughoutthe summer months is considerably higher than it was at that time and also there are no marked flooding conditionsin the spring This reforesting as well as be ing an important factor in the con trolling of oods will tend to raise the water table and wepworit have the serious shortageof water which we experience during some years Recommendation If That DominionProvincial survey be taken of the water shreds of Dufferin and Simcoe counties with view to making recommen dations on flood control in this area That more infprmation be made availablepn planting of main trees maintaining existing forests means of better flood control DRAINAGE SITUATION Large areas of land particularly in Dufferin county would make very good agricultural lands if they were drained In number of these areas outlet drains are necessaryin order to have means of getting rid of the surplus water Uiider thdirection of the drain age act it is possible to force ditch by having petition signed and presented to municipal coun cil number of cases have been ed by this meansa few years ago paid off Therefore it would seem that ditcheshave been forced on mun icipalities where there were strong economic reasons for nothavingl such ditches One ycase invpartiq cular was cited where $50000 was spentto drain the Tecumseth swamp This drain has we will admit opened good agricultural land that at the same time hasl dralnedrland which is useless for Proves Unnecessarily tltl1lt llltll iiitllll iii liltllti to fill tl il II llll ti Hi this It Jul it HI Khulna llltllnttn ol ltlll atcuriiiiodzitioli Itlu lllilllillll of obtaining 111 lllllit to do liiiiiieo work Uhmliliji VHm Jitluirit while ut lin the lllllllll leccnt idlh much more tiliv cm in ltfflllltlhllti Ill imp Illnvuiicu oldici Would lu lllti ltLJtltl the us of heavy llli HI WW Hm Wm that ciiluezy and dyluiiiiltc If dclrioii HM mi him my Army siiatioiizil voik could be done lll lmyhphl HM IHUd mm illi aica to slunv llitl could be li Mi illl Illlllllti and today the farms are idle but stillthe cost of the ditchhasto be HELPFUL SERVICE IN planning for the future of your estate many things must be taken liitu maul ftlltll some of which He very oiiqlct incl fiiltllfe ElWinlised training and vypt iiellcc if the IKJII results are to be secured During the put an ft larva served nialiy tiltlll ill vAfltlu of the experience thus hllel may be lllfilul to you May we talk it over obligation THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Hood on Toronto Barrie Office l3 Dunlop Stree yum In Business Newfoundland To Get Army Bachelors Sometimes llttl11 zrwr It lu Livk for Ni tuloiurili ll =l lltl have no yot lrtliflll ii brief Aiiiiy lllltitrit ri lltlztax le polriblc in tin isiint of illillll to owl from fJiiiiuidlzind ilLi llilit iiiiiii would lll potii to llll pzotliicc Isaac King vii litl tlv producing giovl wet lslllll flui llii liililiiliinii illt lit of file no lolu by llltp newer untbods more llieviw ill youl gill and elig uitcicst would he crcaled in this llllt too repaid 0Itl lllftllll lit coimncndiitlon That lllt drainage act be llu rtziilcl lll ililifax was the iiiodlficd so that before drain can be forch by lttlllltill land uc illlt be taken of the area Ill tllllill llils lllt should be taken With it to balancing the ousting ccoiioiiilc value of the whole aria a7iiiit the probable economic rllllt Jilltl the drain would fttlllllrfl lf llltISlllll iiaiv advantage from such drain is not greater than llll disadvan tage llltll llie pitilioii should be ignored and no dram dug That the supply of drainage file for agricultural purposes be iu vesllgat with the object of pro ducing iii adcquate supply at price consistent with laild values it That drainage macliirlerybe made available by the municipal ity supported by grants from the provincial government to the ex tent of part of the initial pay cliicf iiiilitaiv luarlqiiriitvrt Nova icolia for our ltltl years of DELIVERY OR CASH and CARRY BARRIE YiCioricr St Phone 3914 wlicieidciuouitrtloiial work may he viewer by the farmers TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 24 Concrete Blocks Gravel Sand INNISFIL CONCRETE PRODUCTS RR Barrie Phones1 Stroud 211151 Barrie 2339 ARMSTRONG LEE BEN LEE Marions SIIIIJIIIS PortraitsWedding Groups Commercial Passports Amateur Photo Finishing 8HOUR SERVICE 63 ELIZABETH ST PHONE 5440 BARRIE ARIAZING EASY AY TAKES OFF UGLY FAT Reduces up to lbs In days or NO COST TO YOU Then IS new simple plan that helps reduce fat apots without starvation dieting without palnful ex arclse without massage its amazing MINEX dietary reducing plan works wonders for fat folks where excess weight is caused by overcallus Pounds shrink from arms hlps waist thighs bust and legs when food regimen in MTNEX dletary plan is followed Test this amazing easy wav to alenderlu waistline to make bulgerdlsappar tu wearclnthurtmtmryumoor MenJunt when retain their Mrs younger nethnt up manna Make Ills day If dietary lent Your husband friendsnel hbora will no quick to notice the improvement in your lgure See if you dont feel better look better and losethat too fat teellng start the MYNEX dietary plan now DIMYNEX dietary plan guarantees results or no cost to you nlmply return empty package and full purchase price will be refunded you in not completelv satisfied If on reducing diet and on and nmuary vitamins and mineral MYNEX in than an an fund to supply At Your TAMBLYN DRUG sro in PB PHOTO auriculture and spoiled breaswbtch

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