URSDAY 28 1949 Cattle Are WW exports of pedigree cattle set mural 01L BRIEF Continued from page one crs are so Concerned about getting out of the soil enough to live by that they give littlethouglit to putting anything back When their general economic condition improves they may put something back The history of the past quarter century in Canada proves that while economic prosperity for agri culture does not necessarily and of itself lead to wiser land use econ oiiiic adversity docs invariably lead to soil dqpletion and wastage of natural resources This being the case we would strongly recommend that the iovcriiiiiciit of the Province of Ontario give all possible support to the Canadian federation of agri culture mid the federal government in expanding twoway channels of trade which will find suitable market for Canadian agricultural VI rroducts and in exploring outlets for surplus stocksI through the food and Eigriculturc organization or other world organizations In so do iiiiz we might hope to accomplish wo objectives to distribute our urplus produce to the needy and preserve our agricultural econ iiiy at level essential to soil for tility maintenance In return for such reasonable at tionlo the agricultural economy larnicr might reasonably be ex cted and in extreme cases be re hired to iefrain from ooilrmining fziiid other wastage of natural re rvrurn rr if ourccs IIhc federation of agriculture ould also recognize the part play in the maintenancenof agricul ural prosperity by the regular ser icis bf the department of agri ulturc the Ontario agricultural allege marketing legislation at the roviiicial level and agricultural Epigaiiizations We would urge that Il LSlessor LICENSED zincriotier HOUSEHOLD armors ram STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Phone 2577 Barrio ti =84 ported hardy and capable of standing those services and organizations be strengthened and expanded to en sure for the agricultural economy profitable level We would further urge in order to avoid duplication of effort that where expansion involvpstlit es tablishment of new service this be set up to work in very close citoperation with the existing re gulai services of the department of agriculture ib The federation of agriculture feels that simply because farmeis are more prosperous it does not fol low thzii they will be concerned about conserving the resources of the earth It may be too that lwhcre they are concerned they lack adequate information There lforc we would stress the need for education and would refer the com mittee to Page of the above meri tioiied report and would recom iiieiid the following in cooperation with the department of education where such cooperation is access ary and possible i1 The implementation of the items on Pa of th report so thatthc scho is may ground work for the future care of the soil in basic reverence for the soil and sense of the importance of conserving it That the beginnings made in public school he continued and ex panded in the secondary school program That the boys and girls club work and the junior farmers pro gram be used as an opportunity for practical ducation in soil conser That the educational program regarding soil conservation be ex ttnded to all established farmers and an attempt be made to reach as many adults as possible In this regard we point to the avenues now open for this purpose short courses under the department of agriculture community night class os organized by the federation of agriculture in coopcration with the department of agriculture and the department of education the farm radio forum the womens institutes and any other adult group which will study conservation Ic The federation of agriculture studied the question of reforesta jccts but feel that these matters will be discussed bythe soils and reforestation committees Aoa ENGLISH TAVERNS Many English taverns trace their origins to mOnasteries because monks built rest houses for pil grims on their way to shrines at Rochester and Canterbury Pos sibly the most famous tavern is the Tabard Inn celebrated in the to men with the surname of Leav enworth Canterbury Tales of Chaucer tion and the question of soil pro Now Coing In SmallEcnm Ses MEET SOME MIDGETS of the bovine worldDextem small breed of cattle gaining pepularity with British farmers because three can be reared in the attendants are Grinstcad Trixie left and Grinstead Hawk heifers of LeonorIslet Stock Farm Hor sliam Sussex where Britains largest herd of Dexters ls reared Despite their size Dexters are re to severe winters British farmers long famed for their CWktNUW the Dexler midget breed creating many demands from overseas place of one of normal breed Pictured with LIT BRISTOW PLUMBING on HEATING EIAgencyiforllurney lltltllil Furnaces if alespfficeud Shwroom in all Tries faiciieaung rim BARRIE BARIIRIEI ONTARIO CANADA DEDICATED Continued from page one Rev Carder related the steps taken by the Presbytery to purchase the property after the decision was made to acquire camp site oin IlVl ot six years illst The ceremony of dedication was conducted by Rey Bewell chairman of Sinicoc Presbytery In his remarks Mr litwell paidi tribute to 1th than persons both clergy and lay people who had vworkcd lo=inake the camp sible The camp was dedicalcdl To the glory of God and to the Cllllsllllll training of all who may be using it campfire proiiiam was con ducted by ltv Mr Hayward More than lot persons including parents of campers aid iiiiiiibeis Iof congregations in various pzirtsl of the lresbyteiy attended the dedication servrce velop the camp is still on and the young peoples union of the pres bylery has undertaken project l0 IlllSL $1200 Miss Lois laris oil is chainmin 3YPU this year Barrie boys who llaiid the first camp are Kenneth Bezivt My MM MI WNW MW Tim Ilaok Bobby ciouighicyifiliimm lb milile le ICC IUIIWS ml Kitllltrti 5mm Buster Walton Iiay Walton Allan WWW by Rm hlmly Mmny mum RomIv Ross Fox well of lllllllrllslhll5 Ltlillo my 51 and Evil1igli Wayne partridg lawn Dewy girls liiolitii aip friltlldllll it days JIIIV 2511a and Ronald Carter The United liuiili in Sinicoe but this is the first year for the at the parsonage 98labvlh Wilfred wimwr Toronto iqvis hm Monday AUK lv ng100lllll has sponsored camps for cziiiii site to be owned by the Iloiit forget the toniiiiiinity pic pm If there Will be camp of at young people in previous yearspresbytcry me at Bass Lake in Aurmt ll itiiig with his brother George Wis Illtl Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Woodrow McConnell on the arrival of baby son Mr Woods of Hamilton was with his family at the Riverbcnd Cabins for the weekend Miss Beverley McClung of Itiv ersidc is holidaying with her aunt Mrs It McClung Bill Hounsoine his wife and fain ily of Winnipeg are holidaying with the formers parents The Womens Institute held very successful tea and bake sale at Parksidc Inn Friday afternoon Mr and Mrs Roy Eakley and baby Wayne of Toronto were with Mr and Mrs Wm Eakley for the weekend Miss Helen Hounsome of Tor onto is spending fortnights holi day with her parcnts Mr and Mrs Chas Hounsomc Miss Ethel Armstrong Coiling wood Miss Dorothy Rawn of ch ern Bridge and Mrs Elizabeth Bishop of Barrie were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Rawn during the past week =l WAVERLE zzf July 23 Brittain of Vasey visited with relatives and friends here Mr and Mrs EdBell Toronto are visiting with relatives here Gerald and Kenneth Snider of Toronto spent the weekend Iwith their parents Jack Bannister and Gordon Brown of Toronto spent the week uy H0 Tuesday am to SPECIAL MCCORMICKS BISCUITS The family of the late MrsIsaac French have the sympathy of the community in the loss of mothr $420 YEAR SCHOLARSHIP Yale UniverSity has for two years been advertising to find applications for its $420ayearl Leavenworth Scholarship open Swifts Spinning Limits PRIDE 54c SURE Imam curtains Wigs Hm Mitch mun pus random Strum cexcwmm NMSMIf ltr mmcurio DroolII COMp Site Chairman REV The camping rm fluids dCIlS Clllillllllll of the board of Ilreclu rhyme Albeit Bethune oi ilOlS til the Hlillcii Presbytery Ull ited Bay it July Jl of that illketl lftll Idrlclupcd tuulnl Sphllbiuib bytho Woinons ltisttt lcainp of tilt lltiI now holidaying mtg was held llil the camp are attending Midland LIDAY STORE HOURS Friday 830 to pm Saturday 830 to pm Closed Monday August chiies nupux cums SPECIALI QUALITY lOBLAW PRODUCT end at Bannisters Mr aners George Brock and rue yum Betty Jane of Windsor are holi LOBLAWSALPINE CLUB 45W Im daying at Mrs Norman Drinklesd c033 ogoifrlis 23c spm rm 37c Mr and Mrs Arbing and Mr an ng MrsI Boness and son Iof Grand LOBLAWSALPINE CLUBI 30 an Weincrsanuls Tgggglz1c 333 Michi Wed lllllIBIE Sllll has oz mg muranasnusnu sir 51c FOR THE HOLIDAy OUTING Ii dMClKll WW6 Imam Donna a2nd Dreiininarbf Jack IgAORz 35 unk mum Toronto attended the funeral of 0125c Munro MANZANILLA KRAFT LODLAWSJACK JILL is 35 srL 47c 302 10c Mrs Isaac French 01 Pun HM Jim JAR Death of Mrs Isaac French Chunky III ICE Box hog rum QUEEN mum MZI ii suitesmum mi NEW bitritumo lLI DISCO any on mn Ilsa 27 zc Eggs not 20 19c 3mm 30213 Sllll DRESSING orflxi l9c minimums 9c cLov VALLEY SA noon mmm Lufthansa no me Ingrown noise Emismmss siiiiiiiiiimejcf 23c shnmciismmi 26c IO RENC BROCRDE 293 nusiiinii st10 sriiumrs its 25 cameras Qua 10 no GIANII CAKE Lou PKG to no Appicby has returned home after two weeks wrth relatins at Oaknlie and Carleton All engoyed seeing the lIX Macaorm l0 Wedding and sliower gifts of SI IENDER MOIST DARK and M1 Walter tairuthcrs Ross and Marie Lang spent fun day wick with grandparents Mr and Mr Im cqgk Sorry to report that Lawreniv Fliilcr is patient in the ltV flu pitai Barrie All wish him speedy iecm Mr and Mrs Bennett of We Mrs Kriicely and Llilltllill of and Mrs Hctiin of Harrie liverybmly welcome In xvixiv hairs ill the ltacll cunlrsll liae Womaiis Avociation will Stayner ienewid old acquaint wliah WU by ilis Fraser and Jlsttl at the home of Mrs llaiidy lilltgtlltlgt here last xvick loiiii llaud llillhlll lizckei waK Sr on Tuesday August Iiicent visitors here were tli lllttrcn as the ftzIVUulftllH litlIl land Mrs Bertram Mrs lrii tioiilon Siielswill an lltt in stem nox Mrs Burns Mr and Mrs till man After tieit of Ltt llandy of Ilariie Mr and Mix czcain hank Madden moved leoigc lliilwcll of raigliuist with vote oi thanks to di and Mi friends Ilael Hayes of Edgar at Pililman for littl llinltlllllily IIIIWEIJI of Buliielv Dickens llleiie Key of Maine ilazry Sound at liaseis lltlltll camp on Georgianl lach was dedicated last ommunlty Picnic lhe tiilll site of lit acres The annual oiiiinunity picnic Bought and Sold F57 Belle rices ull 3i iiI II VIaIliwin Ill tli sllllllJI at ncsliil Alltllll 73 pct McLean home on July 2l ple sat down to bouiiteous sup few miles from llv Ixli liewell is also day to 12 1b 29 XL Blllllls monitors 24c nun suiriins KRAFT PLAIN 35a VELVEETll curs SWEETIIEABT DRINKING IllinlI Million IVES rrusuro auras oz nit RAYMOND TINS 27c 27c 1301 JORDAN BTL um mu PAID 7c 37 802 PKG 3201 1462 BTL 39c CTN corn sum riggcv rum rrsn mam naazye EllLllSEllLISMOKIID sumoiv sump 1197c cnossr 83111qu nor stump 1ch TIN gawle LOLWSIBREAID fIm yr SLICED unsucrm 236 wmrg 333 wuou wuss1 ll macxw want clmcz nan TiIan wrru CHEESE IN TOMATO SAUCE tritium CHERRIES octane lIBBYS sum oz rms rum rancr 33 25 nosrox mm IN tomto swc IEKiln 21 ylll Pith Elena 035 21c ums Fancyunpluan AS To 5sz mm oz rm 16 amour micr ill02 PIKG WWW untrue 21 ISBN not II uAu FIRST MEATS it25 mum 0I Dwkt cow ontimn Fm lc Avmm ritxcr mum qricrror mu aunts most Quitowe ready Meats FlltST ms 10 or COLD rum picnic mucus ui57iIAmsum lililhi Wt 52 or rum mi 52 t147c11 in 119 IIAN muuuo mm crt0icr IIIIII Pom In alibi chickeniiraczrmum 59 Ia anagram vain savoring minim am