THURSDAY JULY 211 1949 THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA PAGE Barrie Examiner classified Ads High in Results Low in ca Bring or Phone your ArtDial MILBelow 530 oclock Saturday or chnuduy 2c word cash minimum 35c word charged minimum 50c Box numbn 25c nxtra HELP WANTED EACCUMMODATION WANTKD FOR SALE FOR SALE ROOM AND BOARD CORNERSTONE LA All YOU IA if It it Alllll 15 you unitutm 1010 Roy and Mrs lidw UI f29 FORD for sale cheap also 12301161414 FOR SALE clibzip Told 1MMTWWMHW tr mm JEAN Tu lilSli WASHER arid handy man DIIIlell With box Green on 11 at phone 4655 RECONDITIONED 1mm LHgIIL my New mi HEM 135152pI ion for sale Taylors Itcpair 5m ML UM hilfimmw wanted Applv Iloblndalc Inn 93 highways 51 BINDER t3 Orval 511 1v ii Hume Mi 510 btup mu on any ay CPCPLE reqmre motin 22m Cancr LUGRMOW LON Rum Phone 34 752plAtttlhliltiAllW in summer ixgiiiiifiifitufiii Itll nitric APABLIIZ GIRL for mothers hepiISic apartment or ouse in sonirmr cottage Apply to Box1 or earlier Cali 805r3 any morning7 tK1R SPANIUI If 942 HARLEYDAVIDSON 45 mo ifuihii who were won drm 17 larric Exniniiicr 41213 5318 mm 8mm JBlulklc mCChamfan jigenfmvlm gimmum 195Ip lURGENTLY NEEDED or 4r00m buddy scat saddle bags $810 cash Rev Mr Chan 111111 RELIABLE MAN who woiildllilrlelunfurnished apt or house will do Eglnlgllbnltllhuri igbdlc iii Lilli mum ewmngpmm 757i u4 All Emmim of Ili Ioiiiicil uiro Nipm Ich us and we fVI 31 iilw mil Lo uttddl Job 5000 110 Alloy gown decoratini Two adu in It ii in in bum 10 Wt 0f Ilmfriig iwo Children phone 4349 115152 MALF COI II llllS Juk Ilin KL mHEIR53f wmduw VOOD FOR bALE lliiifl tiil 11H txttliilnn of Aid lliiv will by in Iliilliv next 111 iotwatcr EURGENTLY NEEDED by aduns nic 1th Linc Anicn Mills lziili$lid mgpk 053mg Gram QUANTHY mle and beech 10 14 will 11 bttl itmnt in dirty witlllthlll 411131 gay WOMAN OR Gilli for parttime or unfurnished rooms or house my lMiiyor Phone 2939 7w52bigttltvvv Wood for sale Itioiu 15i24 NINE plus for salt 11x nook otd 71 work Room and board if icquirby Aug Good reward Phone LEN TMWI It Uj Strond 047t1b J4 Ame Angus liighggd gt stIiIIIt 11ii1 in In 71113311 tn motor driven 111 44114 on All It ilii iv will cd Box 215 Barrie Exam5065 after pm Central 11429 is illlNilllt MasseyHarris ft cutl 90 ti in yt gt on 11 iIiMi iitllllt on fiiloill lioni South 01 F529 DIMdc KOO our 9c IWOIking good Exchange for hayiARiHHXH Ioidwood and soft v1 111 ttl liIiIImI 110 lWANTED TO RENTBell Tclc dfn XGU 430 soil Watkins Cralgliurstiivood slabs lllVl lcngths Dciivcr REG SHORTHORN Bl illiy Iw iii Is ml lxc thlilillisilld for 5900 am 5500 wave OOK fcmaIc cxpcricnccd injphonc cmploycc with no childrcn Home 845ml Barrie 75l52p cd Dcnis Slitaid lainsWick sale mom 61mm out llix lilitktf It llliilttllh liawkcis c351 anivioris 150 ity in funeral cooking Apply Szivaiiiiahiscckiiig orv4roomcd apartment BATTERY RAD 1mm will Hlom 5mm UFI 04084PTditiC 9435ll 1hlI ml Th ovcr Olimpia ltcstaurnt jodizc Cedar Iiarbor Phone 32r10jas soon as possible Tclpligge workmg Cundmun 85+ IWVSZb NORMAN nioftorl bitmapuh lWvonD Hm Sm 8mm Hmd SHOHTUORV in mm Slcc gt15253pi4990 11 non tins In pcr tt Ion lion II RILISTERE hunoflh MIDENT ww52p laying cornirstonc for tlec now ilitll Iainipiiig The Ttlii Awning hits tent cation message Was drlivich 11 LImlil 11gt 01 ill in IIleit iv iiiioplid $150 LlUFd LlVingSlUll Shanty Jzci pm Mt $35 Cm or salc 14 months Gilllltl IikldI l=liily liIl 13 Burton rend motion was presented and adopth and notions will be sent to certain llplly holders advis ing tlicm to have their sidewalks repaired under the supervision of Mr Hawmorne V039 tom the board of works The side E1 FCTRIC RANCF 1un hply WOMAN WANTED to takc care of URGENTLY WANTED 0r lllziy Phone Oro 92 iSZp l0 llmlllIIVI AMv PI JI COXI Hills lo I415in Ill MIl HM id olden miipll in Village on liigiiumoms furnished or unfurnisth EmVI IIII 177 llgw Wdlvmliic Fonst lliunc lilnivnlv rilll luilld kfliLlaPfmf illinnirn III loionio was In way Pcrnuincnt Apply by quiet couple with 7yciirold SL OLIVER COMBINE 611 cut used Dll34 SMALL DUAL lCltiOSlI Vlliillt Im g0 51lmmh ffm Jlllid IIEUIHHHII iltcidtlil 11 13 Barrio Examiner l5254 bTihoy Apply Box 22 Barrie EXI EDAI 100 ilwo Nil C31 b0 590 019 Ur $11115 rid VLI Ill iiniiiiiil 11 iluiidnv Ills motor Mmimilltr 115213 11 vrf3iillltlll Apply Cilmpbc Brosrt Tiw phone 2155 121 LlI1l PM Milfhbm Iiiiv icoiii oiii iii Milli1 and MAN to take charge of garden swim 713 him itiltvsuouj phone 43 752D1 leMMIR LOITAGES tHw In 111 mlwiil oi hialltltl to Nomi mil inok Um mun days week POULTRY 11 DURHAM CALVIIIS also ilMI lav ioi piopiIity and iiiiilil iwii 1x UH pril loOctobcr 1n Barrio KcIan AIILES Duchess now Windy OFSUMMIIIR OiIAlE Iunnsiied plow Phonc 843MB swanui liIVC imbiic WW of 13 NW iiildt Itll Il 3918 Boxi BATHVIUBS dun md klumntookln 50C Gtt biskct Also 19 BI Hon in El ilp tiil livlziu lmd ittll ppiiltd HUM kc 99 mm 1152biaoo Six MONTHS 0m pulipis $250cnbincts Maliy Wtllltiiztoii Iwmfmkens Sims fmd Lip mldlft x1l11 inn giving H1 Wm lmiquwmd RH VMHW mm Bani ialccc also Ford tractor and pluwllOtCl 1721 Erma 298 ByIMd St Barngv Q352b 1930 LDSMQBUK Mullnii now 1mh Md AHIW wnnm Spcmi Mmlcs Beauty 381 Exppmchpn cIm $1400 Kcer RR Strand 5152 1mm Al WT ml R1 IFRAHO Hi It I321 blitlUV 1th dm 1L1 itlllld 111w lll Miltiiilx on liiimito 10 hillolntli bi lipular $500 milk mute Good with horsosIREF fl 1115419196 3f0itllllllIlY furnisliod liousc JohnuwmmthRLSiroiid lilr 112i MM Inmlmmm would munch now 535 also 15 co Short hours good pay Permanent CARTAGE AND MOVING 15 La Wm mo 7272MOTORCYCLE AERIAL 500cckccpiiiit iotizilzos turnout monthly mm fqmn Annldwhl wrwo WM 57 Fzcmng appom eniploynicnt Apply to Box 23 good condition twin mahogany cnd for for shoitir pIriods Contact YOUNG HOLSIEIN Odd591mi AM WWII md AM Mmhimvnl mm 37 95m 33 hxmmm 1539IC00KECARTAGE and SIORAGEJMANS BICYCLE ioi siilc llioiitfmmcs Wm MC MT 199 mm BEm5l APP JI tlioiiiiht tlicic should 1w moon our 1th liliiiiins L003 and Long Dianne MOVNL404 liner in or lictivicn lZlAlplY basemmt Partmcnh 133 10119 401 iiibml lnmstil PhUllL IIMW II MARRIED or single man wanted General Carine Conuacm 43 llllllup 5L 752p 14 it up 111 it tic loo will to 15 lol illlixii Jlttliii bought 1M and gm igIli oi cfI Cit liltilllliiliil lllllt Aid =l an mm mne E538 Road Pone 3359 822 Hum mm mt com separate house for married man BAND SAM for sale Vincent l2 aiidali on 11110 for root iiiillIOOOI IEAM of lioiMs for Ml INH will II tllmtll WHHIHHN ii oollioi Iinil liiiioiion sirecu iIOLDING BABY AIIIIIAGR ma ii Apply 51mm agm expectedy i0 PROPERTY FOR SALE mun mod wmmnm Tclwhmw NIL good as new new blade m5 of 51 wock Am Edam well matched mm 1mm hm in Wmmvd mm mmwmw mm apmw Box 20 Barrie Examiner I52b 30213 7mm rcpaircd $7850 without motor Log Tahiti llzlilit ltlliltv iApily John Coward RR liar11 Sch pomll imi more had mm HW In hnml former 1101150 for Scmllg 00d lilTKLT 13 MI Bum 28211l 933 ltllil 1m iiiltliiilt Illld lil 011 SUN be WEN WANTED full time Steady LOT FOR SALE north side Napier PIANO phone 3561 74be hml uh Mk II mmrmon he Wm tarround jobs Your opportunity St 50x100 $175 Call 5474 16521 IIl IV NW 10 BUILT THIS YEAR IIwimmized3 GOOD WORK HORSES sound It nitcrrd to accommodate tour 0lcmndepressionprooftrade Ap Drseso Strum PhylglOAK BEDROOM SUITE 9piccc thrccromiicd plywoodlincd siiiniiind right in cvcrl way Altiill PMhffifmfll llm1iil lg iiiinilics Pit CA McMartin The First Co BUILDING LOT OF 5310 Cje modern style Two six 11 white nicr ittiilzc on iiorginn llay ncarGco Moir Cookstown illillllt lillULI 33 VHHTnfq if you 1111 looking for 31211170 Packers of Ontario Lim of Allandiilc Phone 448 16a2p MOTORCYC II Iwardrobes Odd chcst of drawers Thnrnhuly in mm sopiombprm733i QIWJLZI 01 fII Hum Mum Chum it I4752b Mfg Folding top bed with mattress Oclobci llcnvv Wiring insidc toi lmlSI 1h MW vigil 11 In um shop JSMALI HOUSEI acret C1950 to fgvnvgllmn mm 75 lKEiifigillionc 4327 751521 lci Write Ari Iiillllliigt Tilllillililly PUREBRED YORKSHIRE vciili siliiuistrId lllt school iniitlit blI ngn Sm can thSCthAI wantcdI shortlidtownuclcclric Ph 4655 lbo2b 285052p hugs boil sohxcsf llaollvm tll11til Iat thillEStnl tlimc and 46 Staph 01gtlCXig01 3300MED HOUSE large lot 56 SUNBLAM SIIAVL MAST ER in i0A120H12Olwggrbomgbdu2 RIngolocn onwn 9521 hiyuiithul 25112151115 ntle Ili DiztiVli linirilicssmg 14 Jddrcqso mph machines me 165 Telms and possession Apply good rcondition used six WOQRS new 115 fwccmry Cleclnfranc LOST AND FOUND l1hlt 311 Whool hmm cralcd by Alpha Mclsazic will 137154 IvvWiSS 127 Henry SL 165213 can 177 732 IibiiiiICI Phone 2332 or apply 52 26 513313111 FIGSl mil Town icrk Smith said it Isllli All to Aug G05 an CDS 081 Clappcrton St 52p ch so so IOOt sows Ilt or ioiriiys 11 $903350 Barrie 152531 l7ROOMED semidelith bFle ZWHIQULD IRNILRV Win ClASE gilt LAKL MIX lOStlJIle in August Bcrt NICDCIlIlUll Lol films WHYSHPEIIHH Kl 9191 llllllIIN llY DOG lh Cm Box 29 new lliwn Inowci otlici llllLifS DION F32 10111 out to 111 ant Ill Balls pp 5448 Phone 4151 74521 NLSTLE pERMANENT mnCth 12 con TCwmbcm ilic schools vilhonl consent of tlic MOM mhy 81 in Exammer dryer and Sltmlmo at $150 CH TWO SHOULDER IUltSES lost John Stivvt iliioitcd to police the SIT NS VANTED iii In nd 11 ph JFRSEY COW ycais old 111111 Ulllltli 1171111 11 mrton lc P0 11 HAY BARN With traCk 30X50I CEMENT 80mm and American IiOwliiit lVliiiiliL Anni Helms wmu IChHdmns mm Change tifiil looking Cow and good niiik mayor lililtoiiitod the following 11d WW by it 1011 Polk 11 L1 mum Apply Fisher Canton Hillsdalc RII 113353530 75 Donal boldtitcr am 74522353 25qu lmldc please or due AUKI Ward G00df01kconliniittcc to nch with the pub 00 liiid Illiliuc against Mrs woMAN 13yelr01d boy PC Phone Moonstone 165253DT pwne Mincsing Phone 714 95251liljlic school board Rccvc Hart and Dumtmt 59i MIC 51180110 130 kc ion as housekee or EATONIA WALL TENT 912 DOC 10ng ni bhck Aldlrnicn Corbctt Merrick 11am Hiitlitll it it to Ill Ill artic illofgvg umry write ox BUILDINGS FOR ISALE lnCIUdlng Er g5 round dininiy roomtablcWcsting with white gaff 01 52 mmed SADDLE MARE for 5111110 Glycars My Hamilton Harrison and Ayrcs Clciiiiiiciis Illiiidirssing will be Barri Nomincr 252p small house thdt movablc mil 818x21 752b house COHSOIC mle high ChairMugs Coiiizici Town Police Old 00d 001k we lbctxtpiamlt 310500 lltlltlillh JULY 29 to Aug Phone 4569 after pm 165052 11nd Play 99 All In 300d Condi Town 11allBarric Reward I752p grffhgse moggdnlwglJ 93232 Sirnt Bakopooipc was prcsciit to inclusivc 5253 fobwgn gind FOR QUICK SALE furnished TENT WITH FLOOR lIlxl2 10 Phonc 4022 752p Mask council to issue billiard room Wit Mr crs co 02 dUCk Pasonabm Phone 5208 FOUNDTh kmgs Of ladys GRFY TEAM rs old iiso sot license Baklcllgc 510m not imiiicdiIitclv WIiilillc 111121 the sum Stqu 501d cn ms 69 Innisfil St 7521 LYNDEE CHALLENGLRI lhlrtce Elco wristwatch ll jcwcl Own St The business Adair Ever Kosy KablnsWasaga Beach 1652b months dam Marmor Rose re er mIi liivc sun int for harness I929 Oldsmobile scdnn It unop may suggest mngum could Everett ring MOTORCYCLE 1935 H1110 DWid cord of 526491 in ourlactaons advt yA vallg Viiaply Apply Mervm Dobson Now Low would also include Shot siinc be given at mcctmgrm 25256p CplllgER BUILDING LOT gorlsatlet son 74 Phone wmiqmgn 2489 priCe reasonable Russe Drysdale ppy Phone Crccmorc 4iro 972b plarioi IllldAIltdillRItil wa er seweran lg E1 15 ariison rs am on ingio experienced pply Abbotts 91 Dundonald between and GI 751521 mv PM 22 52 Egg 533N312 $0111 0313105 REG HOLSTEIN cow yrs Iold Aid Am spoke in favor of 05 135110 lh 51 1652 CONVERTIBLE GOCARTgood as CYLINDER TYPE Goblin vacuum and friendly Straycd home just due Aug 12 5030 REifr tlImin llplCim Com chand FRAME BUILDING 44x25 in WI Must Sld 01m Flt mndmm Highwt 10 05 $an Elaiggtoiierid $113110 841 riliiii 0th m0 er amp 330 10015 in Stmud Phone oogh Clam Amish to Sir $7 50 Phone 3806 02b eluding Spray Priced for quick Balllt C1111 00 811 14 952b 2525311 2455 ayner 018 163529 GliRAGE DOOR approx 95m sale $39 cash Ph 3092 752p WILL THE PARTY whq picked PUREBRED Berkshire sows 7cm attended the council meeting walks him in broken by heavy With track and walkin door Yale up the hitch hiker at Orillla bus 1d 13 istcrod Iio rcgistcr complaint He said COOK STOVE Cl months ie 0i tiucks seivmi the premises lock Phone 9067 752p are Cwex C93 station Saturday evening July 23 Wining Brad he lost mu local glchryl Ell CHOI BUILDING LOTS for and wood kitchen cabmet dla If YOIkShllC Gordon kl sale 03 tdtown 9n highway be ai knm 3111138119 him 033 Way so ford Phone Cookstown 15 ring storc last Saturday and he report Md Harrimn morth the INJHLHWH 6fIuiII4t ELECTRIC HOT PLATES onc SC 93 en Barrie please phone 1mg 7E1m 21 952p mime but they didnl 5r gas satmn Phone with oven Apply 73 Cumberland Wilet 56 dIShesI MYSI W0bb 53 vale concerning personal effects l0 II IId wmo Wm krlg Sgns LE wanted Tele 12 1652 St or phone 5782 752p Park St Phone 4961 752p lein the can 1752p italic an 30110 was front of private DitllllStS are BLACK MARE for sale good 5111 tI Ck lo the old police 353p mm he the town Iht police Will be ask COUNTRY STORE for sale Near gle or double Holstein COWS dl 18 also want el F1 ENGLISH PRAMb1ack and cream $5101 lI I7 to ddVlSL those 10s onSIUe to LIVE POHXBY wanted any agrnelpooi fang trage gignger soiriqabicfxin 530 IdondiiigiEEWieP g0d C0dition $103 babYS com AUTOMOBILES dyOlgiecgilemelsfgc$333608 cd to know who gave the police gave an unauthorized signs Ie quantity Ibwcrap metalsnhides 110 Mpg War 0585153 Elliott 133mg RR 752p mode chair $1 cook stove with hot phone I805 9452p authority to put the peanut wagon moved within 24 hours etc it Pchko 33 Collier St xammer water front and reservoir $30 1935 FORD SEDAN good condi iin front of Barrie Meat Market 2983 813119 98J2 34660 SUNSHINE baby carriage with melting Chm $3 Ph 4763 7529 tion Phone 5290 135217 GREY HORSE vrs Old 16001bs for an hour and half on Satur Thc Millcr Posting Servicei igusLiiiiNiiidiiiiaiileodmesimigiiiii Sleighs mamm Very gOOd condi black mare 12 yrs 1600 lbs Reg day The mattch wow discuss be instructh to remove the POiLsiRYANpid miss iimteii and I1V1y Wide APPlY BOX on $25 Phone 3082 752 EOEIilchingtliiItidngih iuprgiici 317 FORDdiCWh 58131818 film Durham 10 mm and led brimV by COMIC and 3C board on Blalic St inimcdiatel 93 03 lion one er Us Ilalcgueughq mg and Poultry Sta 14 Barrie Examiner 16521 CHRoME TABLE and six chairs with steel roof also steam tractor Eli con 13529 deer hound pups months T910 10 was take phone 11r3 Stmud Apply Emi Aid Mciliclr chainan mill no 77 35284pT ACRE +roomed cottage with to match also Ice box in good 111 003 running order Chas Ells est Pram 952 vc Hllt chairman of fin condition Phone 5479 752p mere Shanty Bay RR 175052 37 FORD COACH 31 Model the mcolmg dunn the comrmttee RENT option of hydrg wintetzrizgd large stoIne gag Ford bedroom for rent Phone anco renamed to the finanCIal re discusswn LM bung good land and 51 mm e5 mm 0W mme 1220 WALLACE tractor new McCD W9 TRACTOR 45x50 1111 4476 1352 port for the first six months of minimum road by reliable iate 905595510 KI Pedwen Lit overhaul job $300 Apply to Ar corple An 0x 11 Barrie Examiner Mandala Exper fine op to old profit Rawleigh Pro Dept 452bP LINE AND fire teal seller illuminated tle Lake 1652531 5ROOMED HOUSE insulated hy Idro water builtin cupboards acre land mile northof Angus High way 90 Price reasonable Julian Smith Angus 165211 NEW 5ROOM insul brick house fully insulated modern bathroom Compact kitchen hardwoodfloors automatic electric heater furnace central possession 79 James St 165253pTl BRICK BUNGALOW in Allandale Near school rooms and three piece bath A11 newly decorated on good lot 10WtaxesReasonable Apply 51 Cumbrhand St Allan dale 165152b iw FARM FOR SALE SE cumer LOt Con Medonte 50 acres thur Gordon 17r22 Ivy 752p BARN 26x40 16 ft posts double floor downstairs single floor up stairs Phone Iyy 11r42 752x SPACE HEATER in perfect con dition used two months cost $47 bargain at $25 Ph 2951 752p NEW SCALE Williams piano bed room suite also odd vanity bench andodd dresser Ph 2791 752p EOT AIR FURNACE complet with pipes New Idea No 522D McCaw 75 Owen St 752p CHOICE PERENNIAL phlox roots mixed colors Come and pick your gtzlors 25c root Apply Penetang 752p late model on rubber complete With starter and lights Mc Caw 80 Bay St Hamilton Phone 37124 days and 28502 ev enings 75253b AUSTIN MOTOR complete with transmission battery radiator and selfstarter ready to run Good for boat car stationary motor etc Bricccheapr Don Reid Box 261 BarriaPO 752b NATIONAL PRESSURE COOKER grand for canning and cooking in Lise six months in perfect condi tion Price $1850 Also for sale 2burner hot plate with oven Phone 2518 752p GREAT DANE Marvern Leas Lady Almita 254893 female black wtth white paws tips of tail chest and muzzle white Age year four 29 DURANT sedan gOOd motor Priced for quick sale Apply 117 Burton Avc 1352b 1941 FARGO lzton pickup in ex cclicnt condition Apply Playfords Store Hillsdale 1352b 29FORD for sale cheap also 28 DurantIwithIIbox Green on 11 at 93 highways 135152p TWO 1930 MODEL Fordcoach es Apply Elmer Crowe 168 Tif fin 81 Highway 90 1352p 1928 BUICK in good running con ditionVery reasonable Apply Box 15 Barrie Examiner 13521 41 FORD DELUXE in excellent condition $950 cash Phone 4626 Mrs Gallaugher 57 Dufferin MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIENCED painter and dc corator Free estimates Phone 3473 Miller 54552ptTl FOR PAINTER or decorator call 3893 or see Miller 52 Mc Donald St Barrie 552p PAINTINGariddecorating Prompt service good workmanship Lunsted Ph Oro 404 53753pT HOUSE AND PROPERTY repairs efficiently carried out by Beres ford Phone 3945 Barrie 54653p CONTRACTINGBrick and Block work our specialty Free estimates 1W Sprouie and son Phone 3281 54854pTi RICHARDS EAKIN concrctc 1949 and asked for the total ex penditures This information was SEED AND FEED HAY AND ALFALFA for sale in field second cut 15 acres Potter 9th Linc Stroud Phone 11 ring 11 1052 QUANTITY OF HAY square bales $30 ton Lloyd Fisher RR Col lingwood Phone 4211 1052p 20 ACRES light hay orjor pasture Phone Elmvalc 52113 1052pl CHOICE ALFALFA and timothy hay balcd about 30 tons Prrce $27 per ton at the farm Apply to Smythe Glen Huron RR Phone 332 Creemore 1052p rcport from Henry showed that parking meter ceipts from April to July 101111 year totalled 3334738 This $33437 more than for the corms spending period year ago Lennox wrote of the extra hours put in by liimsclf on this we and the welfare work and thy council dccidcd tocompcnsate bird for thc ovcriinic by prov time off atitlic closCof the season VA letter from Garrick ask ing to have the bus service to east end extended and improv was referred to the traffic cv mittee The SOIdicrs Settlementand erans Land Act authorities wro offering severalb acres of Ian owned by this organization at price of approximately $4000 Th LADYS BICYCLE good cOndition nths Innoculated PriceIreason Stu 13521L0ntr3cmrs Founjationsvsmewalksv barn house pigpen Silo Posses $20 Apply Andersoms at Holly abge Can be seen 11 Victoria St Stoops steps etc Phone 5710 Bar sion at One Appiy to Fisher 1929 NASH dan ood condition me 135052 Ganton Himaale R0 Telephone on Highway 27l corner 12th Innis Barrie Phone 5781 51 52b 59 me this year Be Write now Nat finial ro ucts Distributors 85 John 5ROOMED HOUSE with large dining kitchen garage attached COCKSHUTT TRACTORbn rub sold this week Phone 11r3 Stroud PLASTERING Stucco work Will matter wasl referred to the WP MUST BE WRECKED summer kitchen approx 13x13 Make me an offer 50 Maple Ave Phone ber equipped with starter lights and power takeoff and 6speed transmission 2furrow Fleury trac Apply Reg Pratt 13521 1933 DODGE excellent condition accept outoftown jobs Apply 4059 55054p Walter Barron 33 Gunn St Plfone pcrty committee with authorityit act Negotiations had been 5er ed to acquire some of this Ian alwavambl sank Barrie 1652 gusts or rent at ame asad Henry Elrick 93 75253 Barrie 1e 115429 4ROOMID HOUSE 011 111th pimitzfmege 66 Toriitiiiibiii st 3447 bggegiimofghiadigfv girgdeaii FUMIGATION complete confid pm did priop00831113111if iii 11 smiles fromIBarrie fu Vslze I7cmCKs lightsfdefroster seat covers all cntial guaranteed servme Prem ADDISON RADIO $2000 Phone 01181 nisneauilctuimtiiiAll IIImgr with mind its We itilisErATib stills inserts torturous idiomati 4871 BOX ru ferAPPIY BOX BalflleExam Stetiigidveif iiiiin r0531 dudeaggri HPWSBovprers RR 2g Barrie Tele MONTH OLD PULLETS Baited Phone Fv rowmns 3439 Oril KITCHEN RANGE Empire with BARBIEEXAMIN Btffe Mutbe Moonstone 1652a53pbt1 111 52 es goo es Stteet South Hamilton 0111 45131 ern conveniences Lot 66 fcIfront coach Apply Jones RR sealed beam lights radio heater THEWOOLSLEY REUNION to be brick bungalow locatioHHan 251 C938 reSidential BLANKETQ carpets scatter rugs stayner 752 good tires Phone 2583 1352p held in Angus Saturday July 30 dale immediate possession Also VITAL CONCERN IPROPEIRTY FOR ione made from your Old materialI For Bring apicnic basket All wel large 31Oomed bungaldw plus 011 heated air conditioned all mod 3484 75052x ton plow narrow bottom 29 Ford newmotor paint job slip covers REASONABLYPRICEDI 540de for building rental houses There is saying Giant Oaks on 11 1933 PLYMOUTH coupe in good come 552b bathroom Wcli constructed and NEW MODERN NHA house Ill 5382 elm mi 915232Amgmiffloligglttgcondiuoncuescoumeeeuem IinsulatedNPHCFiWu WuHems gm 8611 IHHOUSEI toreH urmHWWOUd oors and gunmen Water may be de ply after six to Mrs Richardson ICKUP BALING field or stacks Real Estate 15 me St Phone grow Some acorns have like nicely located large garden Im SUNSHINE STROLLER and also livered from your nearest creek Wellington St Bar square balesalso hay and straw 2377 165211 beenfsown in town and ther mediate ossession Down Ib Ph ft re arba Id GARAGE FOR RENT cmral ment balgnce $29 month Pg two Sunshine tricycles smaILsme Denis Moran White Rose Servtce 13 52b wan 9d C9011 calm en one room 812132 Barrie 552 7ROOMED brick residnc with in ii lid of viiaico Apply 36 Sophia St 154321 Duckworth St 105253p Egg Wk 3319 Tale233 Sllgliglyfem St2732551551 1949 AUSTIN sedan 1900 mileage plete with hardwood floors budb cern the residents of our tent still tinwarranty 1948 Chev lton FUR REMODELLING repairing In kitchen hot air heating possgs cI FUR ROOM for an IMMEDIATE POSSESSION four SADDLE nke new ralsopset of ELECTRIC 500 De Laval gdap truck just like new small mile7 andnjelihingiat moderate rates sion Sept Other properties ava11 Manl Ecm Gentl man preferred Telephone moms modem very modest terms team harness in good condition teed perfect $75 electri Rem age Apply Boyds Garage Pains AMilburn your local furrier 299 able CouttsIRealEstateH15 Owen j1 2792 155213 three 6roorned homes for quick plyI Cliff BmWn Telephone frewuswlbs tainlessdisc slight Wick 1352 Elizabeth St Telephone 811r1ng St Phone 2377 165Zp CUTTER possession reasonable trmsu We 31 12 752p bizused $9obench separath A1 22 54560ptT RNISHED DOMI for I$15nyufarmthemarkpfm 1942 PLYMOUTH deluxe coupe BEDROOM Wellifurniisrhed 0911 ernr Elricki Realtors Bar 20 0NEW600x16tircsandtubes avnew grtugedhand electric excellent conditionmand appear PUPPIESGood hOmes Wanted tral 91 W9rsley St 01 phone me 165211 used washing machinepbicycle in bench 50 5e armors tapick from agree Must be Sold Best offer ac for six collie pups Mother medium 2852 15429 Sirme counI sdamest mam sap cepted 58 Penetang St Telephone size Wonderful pet and watch 752b 3900 1352 do Potter 9th Line Stroud 2ROOMED furnished apartment ggiglsmd for rent Telephone residential iareacemral hardwmd islfzglioiiiegiegio 311 rigidnib Phgme 11r11 552p for rent also 111 Circulating heat Iii529 floors Inewly decorated complete 10FTPLYWOOD PUNT and pam an makes Expert repair latlaDURANT sedan Cyl new er baby Carriage Ph 2322 1552 meernu 011 unit aircondrttonedfurnace hD Neptune outboardmotorIBoth tires good motor scaled beams GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all have good variety to choose from good repair Apply slimchang LIGHT housekgepirig rooms SOLIDBRICK HOUSE rooms 843133 Tom ices 118 InnisfiIPackers 171101117 3005 IBARRIE be abstainers and Hymnal Apply 39 19 Barrie Exam in good condition Phone 4185 grkIZIF Dibgeglrisllzdzigf 231535211 What offers Apply Peter Willl makes of electric appliances BOYS TWOWHEEL bleCIEi age ply 210 Elizabeth St 1P5 pa mgr 464253551 67pm 75253p Renfrew dealel Phone Moon son PainsWick Phone Stroud Washer overhuls specialty yeaIS Phone Slim 19 ring 34521 tone 31 742p 191421 1352 Home Appliance Shop Dial 3432 NEWIRUG BRICK rooms hurd GASOLINE BLOW TORCH quart IrII 4424 533tfb ZRQOMED APARTMENTfor rent wood doors but water shearing size 62incIIIchainIvise set of pipe MOWY To LOAN CHEV COUPE tires almost KITCHENETTE SUITE table and Capital Require Pm Oblecl t0 Chlldren ImmEd With oil IIovel landscaped lot dies ratchetl38 to size new neW good running condition EXCHANGE 50 acres garden land chairs Phone 3751 752p Shell late 9035955101 Ph 31115 1552 fairly central Isomany others Phonc12832 752tfx NATIONAL HOUSING LOANS canoe 15 ft new last year in for house trailer in good con Indusmia es from 000 Terms to suit For II perfect order Barre Tele dition and accommodate four 300 AMP TRANSFORMER electric with 335 33nggictgltlldgg actionftontaclf How Realty ADDING MACHINES and type bullders loans properties nanced phone 2953 1352p Patterson RR Barrie Tele welder for saleI GreenHigh company at current rates mortgages pmh phone 21311 552b way 11 triiles from Barrio op earnings offers 1552p emvkitchen with human Icup phone swim 752 RocksGood layingstrainAiic each 1990 MODEL FORD w1tli four 11a H954ptTl reservoir bed Ph 841r14 1521 bond ibedrooms and 3piece Phone 841r2 arrie ITomKenn new tires scaled beam lightsscar lFURNISHED apartment 3915 xes Phone IStroud CEDAR POSTS 25c and down Shanty Bay 244852p covers newvmotor and transmrsf CONCRETE contracting Stoops DINING ROOM SUITEI oak2 good tallied electric stove and refrig 1H2p1 alsoa40cords of softwood at $521 sionI with only 5000 miles on Iateps Isidewalks curbs floorS condition china cabinet buffet aton Adults only Abstaittrdzr cord DaveMiller RR Barrie PULLETS 100 Hamp Rock theln This carts ipexcellent con small foundations general repairs tablelantl chairm Ph 31 0521 gggsggtggglimBngidtlfglyBrlceif or phone 805r22 752p Weeks old These ppllets are tea Blist Icash ofter gt BatseniFenL battering ijnsichesand VIA 1111 or rm servxc ca ar GI SON FUR ACESca roa ELECTRICIEWOR VI Ihlck Hatchery 165 111 pm row IPxiic lie thered and Ineed no heat Kelly Ph 5220 ha 0116 arrivingi ave insta it 1011 no outboard mo 11 1212 fore the fall rush Joe Bait oat With Bayiield St P11 BRAY STARTED CHICKS and 001933 33003 startedg ullets available now go ChevIcoach If ht dayoldsi IFdrgla dellvatw the 11 $75 l930 Iliatchpguorde It II iniofo