THE BARRIE +E1XAMIN rf ir5gaunt MW rr THURSDAY lli3fi ffFT PARKE ONTARIO Czb THURSDAY JULY 28 l949 21 Sec 4Poge 17 to 22 WW AAw IIII IIMIIIVM Ml EVENTS District Scouts at Animal iamboree PIW Mn II II II III WA in tlt ie zir xa mar and lizike sale atiBarrie mar kit Saturday July 30 52h Dancing at Pine Crest every Fri Ik rmr wvv day night to Russ Ronald and his 3ng Circus Africa Thrills and Laughs II II Orchestra Adniiuon 50c 4Btfthi First With The Best In Home minim at Heifer giday July to tie music axtons or DELIGHTFULLY AIRCONDITIONED Dancing from rigging Big PlClureS Are R9911qu Dance at Slizinty Bay Hall every Wodnesday night Stroud Moun At The taineers Admission 50c Lunch counter 29tlthi of homemade baking to he lo Nc lll Sit dz Continuous Show Sat p111 ift llltiilll liily Blip illiciin aligiriicx or AIII II II MI EveI Shows 655 and pImI DIIIIciiiIithTIIhntion III IM IIIII IIIIIIltIIIIUIIth FIIIIinItiiiiIIIV to FIVE BOY SCOUTS from thts Strict have been attendmg IIII III THE BABY ITS COLD OUTSIDE ff Music by Stroud Mountaineers the bitr jamborde near Ottawa luring mo mi ween pnnr of VJ Admission 50c Lunch counter 52pg them are seen here left to ght Bob Livingston 8m Coles TECHNICOLOR Musical Ht BoaniiIfiigomIenvaIrIIny dIingIIIaInlgnlietJlnl lluiidy and Roger Welsman The fifth scout from this min an to Norm Burling district Ronald Slicttcll was not present when this pictureg nd HIS Kings MC 900 Dm WllS tilkCll EXAMINER PHOTO MIL antMT Alllsmn Lions Club nnnual sum 311InfillIsilllllalyhdllly1011 MILLONDOLLAR III In IIIII In IIyI LII mu mm and dam mm mmin lille BROOKEJOE BESSERSHEMP HOWARDDiiected lW CHARMS BARlON FOR CAMP BORDEN Lucky draw for bicycle both nights 52h Barn dance every Wednesday Starts Sunday Midnite 1205 lhi It llootli onstruction night at 100 Nobles new barn at Bond Head Music of Don Gilles in for mnsimcon of orchestra Good floor lunch coiin ii In Admission SOCI OkHime and NH thIn 00 entral Mort gaze and Housing homes at iunp Borden lhe cstimiited cost of the project is 51000000 Thc dwell ings will hf crected for the De partment of National Detonce under direction of the Central mode dancing 41mm IIlio Barrie Lions frolic at the iost office square opened last There Will be daily vocational Biblc school in ollier St Baptist mm dnd to give Mr John Fan real treat tonight and huich for one week conducted Friday beer packing equipmem for another season by Mr and Mrs Miner 01 Lauderdale Florida who have been conducting schools in various NONE With many entertaining plniCSI They will arrive in Bar lizaines the Lions Club are holding WWW 11 011m Cori irie Sunday July 31 School will Mutt Show tonight which should start Monday Aug at am create much interest All chil MMa KI lChiIidren of an denominations are dren who have nonpedigreed in this contcst Inp dancersI vocalI cordially invited to attend 52p dog are allowed to enter with Isis illlptIStllliltlS tricksters corn Hamba tournamentI auspices of each entry receivuig prize edizins and instrument performers Utopia Recreation Committee to There will also be limb prizes for Ill held CiVlC IlOlidY MondaY the dog With the longest tall the AIS Killi tht big lucky 02 August lst at Utopia Community shortest tall the canine who can 4W 10 ltill Will take place inirk Prizes $75 $35 $15 at perform the most tricks and the Plus Cartoon and News Ilcast tcams to enter Grimes best dressed dniz This all adds start at 12 noon sharp Entries tip to one big fun parade evcn solmg for England must be made before game time mg On Friday evening an amateur Special prizes for horseshoe pitch Int contests Admission Adults contest will be held with no an 50 children 25 Co itte II BCIII Phone C8341I5m$rrIeeI and intion needed ontestmts miy zenter the same evening merely by tirni his been awarded con lto AU Gilbert MCMRSWF phone if3 IV placing their name in at the boat CImI 00 I52p boom by mm Anything goesiIIIII ALSO MON TUE WED Matinees Mon and Wed 230 IIIIIIII HARDBALL TOURNAMENT PRIZES $75 $35 $15 Civic Holiday Monday August Utopia Community Park Admission Adults 500 Children 25c GAME TIME 12 noon SHARP Entries must be made before game time risotto MICHAEL ROBINSON 10year PAnKsmn and Mrs Kenneth Robinson of Barrie will sail July 30 or Eng land Michael who is the eldest of family of four wrote some told son of Recreation Counsellor lmrisfil Park Cedar Harbour paperslierc and has gained admit gauge to the Perse School at Cam Id Il ge In England Michael will Recordlngs and Your travel four miles to school and Will be enrolled as day boarder favorlte bands on the screen tltiatthis he Will have his noon meal school Each year one Can unboun IVI uncuonm Extra Added adian iISIIadmitted to the school and one boy fmm eaCh 0f the 0th lt iI If Screen Treats Tables Reserved commonwealth countries Mr and Mrs Robinson and family have left July 30 Michael Robinson recent Eve Shows 655 and pm icggioivt bQuiibeth csltythlhere lsyhcompletEd Grade at Victoria carnec aon II II 901 II Mi whom Green start 3333 gt mm mi Noith Ducrm Simcoe league Hesr1011 now and Still riSing ISomesay twas luck Some say twospluck gt Semifinals HE says to ADVERTISING CREEMORE vs BARBIE Juvzrircns IThursdqyIuly28 at pm TRSDAYfltlDAY SATURDA Wednesday Friday Saturday Nites Continuous Show Sat 230 pmI BIGGEST HIT PROGRAM EVER IPLAYIEDIAT THE GRANADA BOB HUNTER AND HIS 10 PIIECEBANB Reservations The Barrie Examiner 309 tf 939 Phone 9001 4702 Deianeyinoat Lines Ferry Service each nan Hour can provide you with advertising service to V5 gt suit your business Saturday July 30 at pm PHONE 2414 oi 2415 Startln at 730 pm from Barrie Dock vuirdrr CAN BE itEiiiTEi FOIt wubumos TWICE WEEKLY 00 CIRCULATION Pa Bruunds Essa and BRIDGE PARTIES ETCI ADMISSION 25c lot Wtmlatlt Phage 9001 or 4702 VVVVVVMWV5 II nommiynniu Hm OnMotidayrAugust It civic holi day thewicktsat the post office Willbq open jIfrom am to undo but thelobby willIbeopen from amIto6Ipm Thore will Featur the one deliveryof mail in the fore Inoon bgtlrural malldeliviiifyand special eiveryserv ces eras usual Street letter boxesjwillibe cleared once Only tho collectionto commence at 130 pm Mail will ib Ircceived and despatched as Down JMinetxs avrlion usIuaIlLHu SUNDAYuMmNIGnTJg95 111 NOTICE Will the holder of ticket No gt 4014 cf the Barrie Kiwanis Karntval draw which took place On July iileas call for your prtze Ij See Decal1e ht chlers Limited We have iIbeen nimble to locate you by Sunday Nile Julia ONE MINUTE minim Speciolehciiturcs if its root arsmviijnous NOW WI Tl gt humin AGlllctll Ii