THE BARRIE among BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MM wW DAY JULY 28 19 scsoar acrivmss NEWS tlFTtltlliSIthN DS3 mm from many inland cities or toqu Jill 313 JUN 315 Want fpgagiwxi meg be played here Ion Sundays or not rm 1AiUiiiJ lioticasmgI Liana question of whether we Will MI duh and Shawn HS hurl mm me dug P93019135 hillerrm pcni day in liariic lilcaiair Corrigaii Ill5 tanaplmll iioll llt PlUglum ilfhtit goddncleafi WW LUSH 1mm mm by mm JV MRMNY RIVER lom zbnn 11 Stamp and doughj isio ducts by Misscs Non ic aialwiiit lll lliillalo NY Kiiccsliaw iiu Ilil gt1 Lilottl lfic Lillibl fail writ NH 15m5 mm WW ll itlllrt itllVl dull My PHELPSTO fill lilztali ifiii ll Eltnll ll ilrl Eliittiitli for it tcw July 25 30 Miss Kay Loftos of Toronto is it trump 1U1f liouxaziu Im in Honor of holidaying with her parents to Mothu Jack litintuit tor swim iictii ititiii Mr and Mrs Frank ONeill of it iligt ll liil cribstained at lUtOnto are spending holidays with lt hii landlay pciidtiig his two is ulclowu at tioi 13 ONtlll itiliill xl lll litrlln lltlt salillifiiy Jilly 23 ill Ans5 Milly and Catherine llltl at fllllllt lll iloillci llittc who NH Toronto are Spendlwi ili ltllll who in licrn scri iicl ili uek Aslld3V wm mm mm only ill is lililillli and ti able ti Mir luck Kidd iUNtlll to lc up again Moziiiznaii Elis lcd VlSllUTS Wllll MIS Hull were Mr and Mi tuniiingliain Wil irli lt thini Alclmaii Miss M15 and Mls Ed Llllus Emu peg you itcic witkciid tlil of Milltil air iiidii and ers Molly All M17 ml Mli Chi19$ corll Wilsons llulllltl lluiltt xii Monkinanguii and son of Chicago Ill Mrs No Gdnlkbuttlubutunltsofanewtypb power hm 310 these oddly negm Qllmn in Al Th in Cr PS dun 93333 Wk chumlnmmtble by roadnecessltat lug canstructlon independent funstabilizing units Plan Is ono of many submitted to the UN Scientific Conference on Conser Mrs Taylor liars ictoined fromiupi it 14mg Wm ll heller of Montreal Mr and V3001 and Ill hatlon of UNSCCUB meeting soon iliona llcatli lcic she has bcciiI MIS Hall of Toronto and ll fiillllg Hks liolidayll liiitul it Iittmg Iimflnd Mis John Basfoid of fort lilliiilt who of lillHlItUll is ila Elli Iltlllll ll ltllt whilc Mt Mc it iltli HMS tgtl lltltl oii lucsday nish on his lliilltlil lam1mm flilv ill at tlii horn of Mi iiid Mrs llo of Midland It lleIHnil iiis Adm um mil th it Mr IIHMIHH ml lloughtori for lcw days llol lil llz Sunday School and lhcii Miss llilcii llavis and fillgt8 Llca Iitlflil llll of tho Auxd lbll Wl llilll lec gtllillllllll Vitks iiIi li 311 pztsitiitl and Mrs vacation with lricnds at lllll Nolai in clirgc oi lflt or NWc ll lkllltllll llli 1in riiHW blIIllllllll II JIM gunnndmy up gunnumgpiaiio lll ltlllttl Mrs IIII INN II mm in Mrs All Mt dlll H1 10 Mllli Mrs ll liilt and Miss Ruby llill Ml dlli iil ll ir rIlllilllllllll it iftlllllIIl withli mdliilis all llIIlf pm lt lhtlinlkdt ni mm Ill mlle The WMS Mr and Mis ll Garner oi iuilmu to mottlth tlllltlltll the Mi and Mlb II Taylor took WM owk mum RM tillgtlitlltt oi llt Sabbath At the tin to Whitney last weekend ii HI io lii lllilllll tlu isstinbltd Mrs Iockt and daughter Mcrni ll ll lA lllt on IIE mm held their monthly inectliig at the church with good attendance and shanahzm Cut and Severely laul Sliuiialiaii cut one of his hands sevcrcly on power saw July 95 when flt was working at Wasagnl Blair mm 0mm viqle Rcach lie was treated at RV guralher daughter Al pital Barrie We hope he is soon lzm 0ka wcll and able to be out again SHANIIY BAY Jul iiiwlnir of the lfiiitcd the president in charge Arrange ments for the annual picnic to be held at Memorial Park wcrc made book was givcn by Mrs ll Mc Mr and Mrs Lang from Re Cuaig cullcction of Christmas gina Sask and Mr and Mrs Mc EDOIlilld and son from zikvillc jvisited Mr and Mrs Dan McAr thur last week cards were on display Anyone wishing to order the cards may do so by applying to Mrs Grant Ans dcll The ncxt meeting will be at the home of Mrs Ansdoll when the speaker will be Mr Royal lilicu iultltiitiill and lilici rs Quarters locl lirtl ziiil tlass tciitrc ilisihis ii llll Iiifly lower litltf llli Miss llall Mllllti thltl Illlllt tiially hungry Sta Zulcts top llllli litcreation llzill tlltlt iiIijlit piotcsniuiuil ittciilion to Stirill hurts by llll Nursuig Sistir lowcr right airy dotinitoias make for sound Hlttll Mosiiiizil fiil= will pl Kill do llllllilfl Stul zitlcts from liiitml llll inil Swidcn loii lcft Ships Mm John CunwIlhc fourth chapter of the study July 23 Central wus of Central Church HUM mun hIm dwmnnmwd ILloilli liail llllltl on lllt sun lioltll from Ntw Brunswick and Mr and 0IIGANIZIC lrtllt ItliNllS his icstaniant business mm will and tho llllltllill plaInd giants on Mrs Roland Locke and Joyce of INSULATION Mlllll2ll out Itll lliu for ainpaliii to lt lllllit ioi the Mitchell lifltillllill Iilllll Illll swmniiing pool pionwt ll tinii couiplilcd lin loud iiiiii club Tllt town tllliilllltlllll rural iltlll and former llltfllll will lll taii vasscd for funil ulqtion for hospitality but its better to deserve it Thats why the west is so proud and so glad to ex tend the warm hand of friendship to visitors from for and near lets prove it to you this year llllllil Will our trust rocks gitp352sz me VG $4585 ass By LEWIS MILLIGAN llcfoic and during the war and won at the close of it Mr ll lricsllcy llll British lltltlll ziud playwrighl was rabid Socialist liidccd In some of his political writings and radio broadcasts hc SJLlllttl lo bc quite ready to ac cipt oiiiiiiunisniI asiii Russia llc workcd for the election of tlic Labor Govctiiiiicut and lookcd for ward to new cra of social jus ticc and plenty under systcm of economic planning and nationaliza lion With thccapitalist and the profit motive out of lllt way tlicre would be no more rich and cvcrybody would hch fair sliarc ofcvcrytliiiig believe that Mr IricIstlcy was very sinccre in ill this for he had decp sympathy for llic mill work ers of Lancashirc and Yorkshirc who suffered cxtrcmc poverty during the depression of thc tliir tics But although lic may still claim to be Socialist licis very critical if not disillusioiicd one Mr Priestley docs not like austerity particularly in cutablcs and drinkablcs for he is more than somewhat of an epicurc llu pines for the former days wlicn hr could not only get good squarc meal but good allround our to sustain his rotundity and Falstaff ian good humor obvious and seriousness is always breaking in He no longer rails againstthc idle rich forvthcrc arc none or few to rail against siiicc thcyliave been cooked into iii digcncc and he now has kind word for the taxridden capitalists DEIENDENT 0N PROFITS Mr Priestley has come to realize that he himselfsas novelist and playwright is capitalist and is dependent upon profits for the maintenance of his enterprises In his weekly letter to The New Statesman the leading Socialist journal he complains about the empty seats at the Philadelphia tlrchcslra loo many of tho pcoplc li rays who could lllllltllllli such an lll tlitslra could not llic plltt of idriussioii adds of bcing tough classcs namo football lEngland thcrc cmpty people who lltltl tests still havc sonic lash to spam wor spend it whether they have it to spare or class parciits spcnd loss on them sclvcs than any othcr rtcstablisli furniture stori licic lll Soaking The Middle Classes and Martha Law of loronto calch and Mrs lack Mtulkllltllll on friends lltlt during the wcck Mr and Mrs Sherman larsons of Toronto wcrc wcckcnd visitors with Miss Spcncc and hlislayli Mr and Mrs llllltlsilll lilioy of Long Branch are spciidiiig few days vacation with rclatchs and touctrts in London afford to pay And ho is one of the rcsulls with the middle My Louis or the Dy tcam had conic lo would havc bccn sciils but llltll llic isportiiig con This and Mrs lliirford liaic sold their Lodge at Alcoiial llcach Ihc new proprictor takc possession on rlhiirsday Mr and Mrs Mcuish and Miss Fiaiiccs havc rcturiicd after spcnd ing two wccks holidays If Gaft lowmanvillc and othcr places If Jog nol Many middle Smiun of chncsday for sixweeks tiip llIlltl isiltl at Mr and Mrs John tricnds in town ii Flslltlnuis lhc wccldnd with licr parents Mr being niarricd is well again aftti licr bricf stay in the RV Hospital Barrio Mr andsMrs Harry Rccd leftisjstm Mary and Mrsf ll IIickling hits Wittington of Farn ham Sprrcy England who has bccn spending several weeks with her sistcr Mrs Handy is sail ing on tliq Queen Mary on July tl back to England grammar Mr and Mrs ch Why of ay crliys last tcuk Sr AuntIlla of llllllI IrcNuptial Wedding Shower The Community Hall was filled capacity on Monday night for wcdding shower for Margaret ch son aiidyH0vard Brooks who aru shortly Boss lltl Mrs Dumond Plilltfd f01 Singsong imd RW Wc arc glad Roscmary Dumond RChulds 05 MC f0 10 9V9 ing Dancing brought to close very ciijoyable occasion to music Mrs Minnic McBride Pat and supphed by Mr R058 and Mr Pen Slicila of Hamilton kins listcvzin Sask hcr parcnts Mr and Dumond Mrs Austin of Mimico spent Toronto recently visitcd with Mr5 the community txccpt lhc poorcst And some imusic litiUkS now llicy 111ch to watch cicry shilling This on our lifc llltlll lllit and drama is having effect licic IIIIIZSTIilEY DOESNT LIKE IT From this it would appcai tliatMl5 Jile Kidd Toronmv Ml hume soakedjand Mrs Bruce McLean Brian and thc rich for all tlicy were ioithiBobby of Barricund Wm Lozovof are now soaking tbciiig tough Camp Borden were weekend visit with the middle classcs and Mr ors at Mr and Mrs Kidds is Mr and Mrs Elsmcrc Lewis and that he dc laughter who werc early residents lpcnds for the sale of his books and Ior Cookstown and now of Erin the patronage of his plays is playwrilcrI but produccr and he points out that although the charges seats have only incrcascd 10 per behind the sccncs we are faced with cxpcnscs that arc two or flircc liundrcd per cent higher than they Vcrc before the wait Mr Priestley puts the blame for thcsc increased osts upon adjust lmcnt by taxation mucli simplc faith is pinned cIsII pccially by incn outside thc dustySteps 0031 bankluDlCY have Hmconvcrted Mr Piicstleys figures govorniii ant lricsllcy Idocsiit like it for iupoii lhosc classs only also He still tries to 01 illieatrc be cheerful but the effort is loo cent which so arena of debits and credits gives the following example Weiinto Canadian money will say that am asked to ay rcnt for West Fllnd NQT NATIONALIZATION theatre that before the war rent ied for $600 Now it is true that out of that cxccss $800 the govcrnL $1400 wool mcnt lJLOIIC way or another willl take whacking great cut That givcs Sir Stafford Tripps and per 4Pleiiiy3tme to for llllllltllltllfprllltlle attention tv ngo It NIIa an Finance yongecute fast but 4M2 Thergsnofuturistproduction here even Chung wIehandIe thousands of people each year Yourreluiremcnts are considered ayments are geared to petabnalii loan serviceI 1ndividually Rap puringoineIan surguce gt no extrachst NIo iidorsers equirecl If you have auaIncial prob vleniiconsultNiagaia Finance rjgh trauma $5665 nopiypimr Sablsrtto chat to Vancouvcr and will visit his biolhcr in Victoria while in BC Bill Lcmmon and Don Wesson liavc takcn positions for the holi cruise boats lhc Iagamo rind ls llltldtl Miss Gladys Andrews Mr and dale Mrs Ed KlCllttOl of Buffalo and Mrs George Gallingcr of New York Vcrc gucsls of Mr and Mrs Norman Campbell during the work haps Mr Ancurin Bevan more 1money to play about with but it still leaves me grappling willian uiieconomic lCIll and brings scr ious theatrical production few Of course the socialist way out of this financial difficulty would be for the government to nation theatiic5tpm But Mr Priestley says alize or subsidize duchons lhe does not want that becausel sooner or later the Central Office of Information will be asking me what propose to put on next gnd why It seems that Mr Priestley is or was quite willing that other pro duction enterprises should nationalized or controlled and day scason on the Muskoka Lakcsi be risich Mrs llcsourdic lust wcck Mr and Mrs Gerald lrucii at tindcd the wedding of tlicir niece Miss Sharpc Ioronto on Sat urday Miss Margarct McCallrcy of New York ity and Mrs Eugene Smith losic Dumond this wcck Barn Film at John Derbys The community was suddenly startled at the fire call in Brcnt wood on Friday at six oclock John Derbys barn took fire and famicd by high wind threatened the whole building bucket bri gadc was quicklyformcd and hold thc firc in check uiilil tlic Camp Borden fire rccls arrived on the sccnc and cxtingiiishcd it coni plctcly Mrsi Justin McBride hap pened to notice the smoke from their car as thcy hadjust driven into Mr and Mrs George Scliells As rcsult help was soon on the scene comma Mrs Badger of Toronto visited Mrs Hall last weekend Mr and Mrs Davis of Buffalo visited Mr and Mrs Muir last Monday Congratulations to Dr Melton and MislMelton Catherine Gra ham who were married last Sat urday Sailing for China III Mr and Mrs Francis Mail and children are staying until next Fri day July 29 with Mr and Mrs GIMuir prior to theirsailing for China They will be pleased and family lslttd Mr and Mrs tor the community served the lab Mr and Mrs Thomas Vcry Successful Tea and Bazaar St Thomas Church Giilld held at very successful garden tea and bazaar in the Rectory grounds on Samuel Wednesday July 20 The tea tab lcs were decked with colorful bou ducts and many of the young ladies lcs Thcfish pond was real at traction bcing ably cared for by the Misses Ann Simpson Barbara Annc Terry and Diane Richards MrsH Reedy and Mrs George Lark poured tea Mrs Martin was in charge of the homebaking table Mrs George Simpson cold drinks Miss Wortley home made candy Mrs Cecil Sutton and Mrs Norman Wortley looked after the White Elephant table and baz aar table big Thank You to all who helped in any way to put over the annual Tea and Bazaar CHURCHILL July 18 Miss Georgie Reive has been hols idaying with her parents Mrs Beamish and children have gone to Ottawa for vacation Miss Joan Archer of Wyebridge is vlsiting her cousin Lois Burke Mr and Mrs Sturgeon and flamily visited in Milliken on Mon ay Mrs Thos Sproule and Mrs Roper of Toronto visited at Sloans Mrs Clute Beverley and Joan of Toronto spent the wk with Mrs Ken Doyle and Marilyn of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Saddler of Essex were recent visitors with Mrs Browning Mrs Charles Wilson of Estevan Saskatchewan and Mrs Will son of Toronto have been guests protectedfor you with awpyr Ilheavily taxed by the government lbut he draws the line at theatrical production in which he is himself engaged He does not want the planners interfering with or die ltating what he writes or produces ion the stage And as for his com plaint about the government be ing tough with the middle classes 1in the way of taxation who else is there to get tough with The rich have been soaked big indus tries have been nationalized and relieved of taxation and the small business man and salaried middle class in general have to bear the increased burden of the Welfare State ANGUS July 21 While paintingat oneof her houses this week MrsVrri Hod1 gin had the misfbrtune to break one of her arms Mr and Mrs WilliamVjMuir and Mr and Mrs LOrne Pheonix of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Fred Latimer and Mrs Derian ster the past week Mrs Duckworth an her cousin Mrs Lloyd Beaten of count Saskfrvisited with frteiids and relatives at I0ro Station and Hawkestone on Monday iMrs Vic McMastjer and MrsVC WDuckwort1rrrTotored to Glen Mohr Camp near Beaverton on Saturday July 16Their suns Keith McMasfer and iLeonard Duckworth returned home withl days Funeral oi Kritzsimmm Fltrgimmonst 6am0hthOltl son Of Mr and Mrs Lprne Fitzsim ons who died Tuesday auiyita in the RV Hospital Barrie from this aunt MI asks on Thprsday Interment was made in the Angus Cemetery to have their friends call Its tightllpped STWOR Chancelgr II them afterattending camp forvten ggmdfggagrggmm thelremly Isl Stafford en route to the House Commons where oer and Mrs Sloan for the last week Entertained at Afternoon T93 MiIss Helen Bell entertained eight girl friends of Mary Alkin at an afternoon tea and they presented number of pieces of crystal in Corn Flower pattern Passed the Entrance Congratulations to the successful pupils in Entrance exami ions Yotamoto Charles Alcorn ygars work SS No Leon rd Burke SS No and Ella CautionTed Sutton Don Sturgeon Donald Fer rier years work Death of Ronald kilo We eatgnd SY natal and Mrs WilliamIMc Ieown in loss of their small died folk lPieseptatton to Mafl Ladies of the tutu EPA tOllofl Weft1 exam It charge 01th clinics can tried the News Haul iniw of Britain xcliequer thin last Wels told Brit in that rarities The funeralfor RObeItKeniith cdmmitments for purchase in the dollar area must he It tted rcpt where urgent ton rest ls proved Decl ii of BltlSli sales tn the UmtedStats was ll61d was cited as the reason forthe tumbling Ctltms deied that rltain hadaiiydntentlo od Eduatln 211311 99le 69 Colllerg Street BARBIE Base CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Telephone 14949 Barrie Iron Works All Kinds Of ORNAMENTAL IRON Electric WELDING Acetylene Lawn Mowers Repaiied STEEL FOR SALE GOWAN sr PHONE 5046 00 Mile Cruise or Muskolm Lukes EVERY SUNDAY and WEDNESDAY $465 Return Children $245 INCLUDING BUS and STEAMER FARE Leave Barrie SUNDAYS 740am DAYLIGHT TIME 700 Clan Baum sgrvicepixggi grammar Tickets and Information cit Barrie Bus Terminal II Phori 5571 at arimuimm at CAR TQM swim AND 14 II10c per mile I15 permits wsnusspars