Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1949, p. 1

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If EconOmic Level GoodFor Farmers Member Audit Bur eau of irculaiiom 86m wasng 527 THE wmomuo A5 IECOND CLAN IAIL Tell POSY OfHCi DKPAIIIENT OTTAWA GovernorGenerals Four Day The staff work has been excellent remarked His Excellency The GovernorGeneral of Canada Viscount Alexander of Tunis during his address at Springwater Iiirk Midliurst on Friday July 22 This was the final event of the fourday tour of Huronia by Viscount and Viseountess Alexander Few people realize the tremendous amount of planning the details to be arranged the timing necessary for visit of this nature As matter of fact the first step was taken well over one year ago when an official invitation was extended to Ills Excellency by the Huronia Historic Sites and Tourist Association which comprises the north ern part of the County of Slmcoe and the area of the County of Grey along Georgian Bay OVEREH MANY MILES Many nullr must be covered to dc CVTY V35 Filth 011 the time sec llnrouia many municipalities mle DWI111 visitcil runny historic Sites ins icci ed many official functions atfcnd MANY ITAHS WORKED OFT rmmny ml was plum Details of the tour Wll worked mm days mt mo out by Norman lruke of Barrie time could be taken for inspection llrXSdom mom ASSWIH of municipal msmlinl 1mm lion in conjunction with officials ml and agricultural Wm 01 in of the various municipalities but Mn Wm Down necessary everything had to be approved by rm mGwen leave His Excellency and the staff at unadu on July 24 for London on idea 0mm NW 01 is Mujesty Finally the official program was ml was mt rm days released Tour No 73 by the lovL mm pmmum was mu crnorGencral and this was earl iicd out as planned dkccpt that id ml to the druil with there was less time available for ms amClC we mp Mk each function This called for care readers press um the Via ful timing and as llis Excellency Regal mm mm the mid vanml Sm work using time Their Excellencies arrived in military term It is fact that Baffle at 90 pm EDST MMdW durinu mm days the View July 18 untilthey left AllandalcI Itcgal lnrty were at every function 900 ml Fnlayv JUIY 22 Oiily the highlights will be re counted lor this information we contacted iii ll Nettlcton of Bar rio vicepresident of the lluronia Association who accompanied Mr jClarke on the fourday tour They liravclled with the ViceRegal Par ty to see that all arrangements were carried out smoothly TORONTO IO ALLANIALE Viscountess Alexander and her Ladyinwaiting Miss Anslicc Gibbs travelled to Toronto from Ottawa Monday by train llis Ex cellency accompanied by Mr Delante assistant secretary and Capt CliiehesierClark aide dcCamp flew to Malton where they were met by Capt Kelly RCN Honorary ADC special ViceRegal train with evmy accommodation and attendants car ried the party from Union Station to Allandale and was placed for the night onthe siding by Barrie Bathing Beach Mr Clarke met His Excellency briefly The train left for Meaford at 820 Tuesday morning MEAFORD VISIT First official visit of the uronia tour was at Meaford where the train was met by Acting Mayor Dr Howard and Mrs Howard the lnnisfil Cleroymon REV MORRIS JR is the new United Church minister at Streets werethronged as the Vice Regal Party proceeded by car to the Town Hall where Their Ex cellencies were received by Colin Bennett MPeleet and Mrs Bennett At the Cenotaph was guard of honor from the Canadian Legion also members of the IODE Girl Guides Boy Scouts Cubs and the Meaford Band An engraved scroll with an il luminated address was presented to the GovernorGeneral who then placed wreath on theCen otaph Members of Council town Stroud and he also serves at Lefroy United Church Born at Orange ville he is the son of Rev Morris now of MaltgnLMr Morris Jr attended the University at T0 ionto and he was ordained in 1943l He went to Weyburn Sask and later to Alberta where he acted as field secretary for Christian ed ucation Many years ago two uncles of Mr Morris taught school at Nantyr and some of the members of the Stroud and Lefroy congreg ations recall their present clergy mans uncles Mr Morris who is single succeeds Rev Paisley and township officials and their who has gone to Chatsworth wives were presented to Their mgt Soil DepletedDess Soil is depleted lesslwhen farm ers are in good economic con dition Donald Bell declared in pre senting brief to the legislature committee on conservation which had hearingatrBarrie last Fri day Mr BellVespra township far meris president of the Simcoe county federation of agriculture The following is Cppy of the brief as presented by Mr Bell The federation is agreed that for all practical purposes the statement issued by the special committee on postwar soil conservation and land utilization program to the Simcoe ecunty council anuatl 1944 is ap plicable to conditions infl949 gt1t istrue that some progress has beenmade and that here and there projects have been carried out which improved the situation But it is also truerthat there has been going on aprocess of deterioration so that the overall situation does not seem to be greatly improved Deforestation is going on along with reforestation It might be not ed that the process oferbsioniS often speeded up by too intensive cultivation It is also true that even good land may have soil prob xlem althOugh its owners are not aware of it most if not all farm lands On heavy more level types while there is little erosion the land is often mere compact leW ito In medium types of land With even slight soil slopes sheet erosion is quiteevident and dowerproduc tion is apparent On more hilly areas both of clay andcsand types erOSiOn is Severe and production at decreasing level In addition there arose number of areas lacking in production proximately onethird of the coun ty is in deed of agricultural lime stone Probably the greatest single need is marked steppingup of organic matter or humusin the soil Recommendations The federation of agriculture would make the following recom mendationsa Whilethere may be need of special projects in diain gel and reforestation and rebuild of the soil carriedout on pro 95 of conservation if it isadone at all isidoneon farms by farmers themselves Farmers are likely to put fertil ityrback into thosoilby wise con servation methods lithey are at an economicleve where they can ai 301 19 ti In general soil depletion affectsl at 1040 am The escort was com drain heavy to work and may opp Escbgir gradually become less productive ears to clear theWway By police thrOugh drainage problems and ap interest and pridewhich was not vincial basisdtremains true that Regal Partyrthroughiallthe way OWEN somm Vim Visit to TheHuronia District Portrait of Governor General in Huronia HUNDREDS of candid camera shots were made when Vis count Alexander visited Huronia fer four days last week but this is believed to bekthe only formal portrait This photo graph was taken at the Armoury at Owen Sound by Gordon Buzza who had set up his equipment there especially for the occasion OWEN SOUND SUNTIMES most colorful in view of the pres ence of large group of Indians in full native regalia from Cape Croker and the Saugecn Reserve Their Excellencies arrived in the county seat of Grey shortly after Excellencies The GovernorGeng al talked with many of the veter ans visit was made to the modern new iMcaford Public School after which His Excellency reviewed the fine Meaford fishing fleet in the harbor MILITARY CROSS PRESENTED feature of the Meaford visit was the presentation by the Gover norGeneral of the Military Cross to Honorary Captain the Reverend Harold Appleyard rector of Christ Church Meaford padre of Meaford branch of the Legion and also of the 45th AntiTank Regiment RCA Grey and Simcoe Foresters Capt Appleyard was padre of the Royal Regiment of Canada dur ing the war and the Military Cross was awarded for Services beyond the call of duty at Dieppe am to page six please Generals visit to Huronia and special hearing on conservation The third section jeep escort was provided by the 4th AT Regt from Meaford section of the er to Owen Sound leaving Meaford All sections include local and manded by Capt Arthur Traplin and the 531 features of Owen Sound Their Excellencies were in the leading car which was the custom built Buick of some 140inch wheelbase General Motors made for the King and Queen on the occa sion of the Royal Tour of May 1939 The ViceRegal chauffeur drove it to Barrie from Ottawa then to Meafordr in timeto meetthe train The Second car Cadillac with special chauffeur sentfrom Oshawa by GM Carried Miss Gibbs and Mr Delaute Following next was the Huronia officials car car rying Mr Clarke and Mr Nettle ton and for part of the tour Mr McDowellPublie Relations Director for the GNR In each lo cality the official press car com pleted the entourage Throughout the tour the Ontario ProvincialPolice provide an ex collent patrol Inspector Woodfrom Toronto was in cnarge throughout There weremotorcycles and patrol radio the constables were able tol warn thtoWn police well in ad Vance Local police picked upthel escorton entering each municipal ity On the highway all through the tour motorcycle officer went well ahead blocked all Sideroads warn ed big trucks tothe side andgenv erally cleared the way This escort wasinvaluable in keeping the tour on time because at almost every stop there were some extra re quests made to His Excellency to visit or inspect Some point of local on the official program and the GovernorGeneral gt to agreedHence seine timewas lost here and there In order to reach the next point on time and not keep the local of ficial party waiting it was neces sary to make up time on the high way and the OPP got the Vice rr WASHCOOPERATIION of theGae Twenties prov Theviait to OwenSound was special this week advertising in connection with the grand opening of the new Home Appliance Building in Barrie the Kinsmen Clubs peanutw tag day to go volatiles Lies ommies Leviticildt are Kay Demberline Key WellWin and Emuia NO MONDAY lSSUE BARRIE EXAMINER ON crvnc HOLIDAY nt Monday August has bun proclaimed ivic Holiday In elmHing this annual holi di thrrr ill be no issue of The Barrie Examiner Houryer all the news and Advertising for lllls issue will be carried over and published in the regular Thursday edi lion The futures will include the special columns usually published in the Monday rdilt lion well For Parents Only Anne Allen Home Eco nomist Spurtangles The rst olumn and other features tlw all the news of the week lk lllvr nci issue of The Barrie Examiner ill he in the news stands on lliursdziy afternoon August nowurc 0N Till GREEN vllilhll3 fl HOLIDAY llltllii Alludili lawn bowling club luti largo Scotch doubles uuiuuunnl on iiie lltllll at lllll Jill links are expected in mnuiclc There are prizes for all lln lli hnzh wuh two wins built with one viu and other pitii to team With luck draw All lllllli inus be filed with Jim Wailm or Steve laisuie louinuunnl lllllllllllOt before Sat lllllil July 30 llll llfllJiS Allaurlulv lawn bowling club planed bowl to Barrie Friday night 1m mixed pine tournament with lo lug pric apunm the number one ticket cic Ah Meliaddn and Mrs llltp lliouiivuir who rolled to pur of Mir for score of 27 plus one iccnnd were Mrs Frank luring and Mrs Sciuincns with one vui and score of 27 ll Webb and Mrs ll Matthews sat Ill llllll position with one and scor of 26 plus two Fourth were lop leicar and Mrs Sutherland with one win and score of 24 while Jack Marlee and Mrs Napier learned to take fifth spot with one score of 22 TAKE IT HAS Spring and summer are danger ous season on the highways for the birds ifid animals of field and for est This year take it bit easy Mr Motorist Drive carefully and 3an vldlifewand maybe your own life AASSIZ BC ADVANCE LOOK AT RR CROSSINGS Many people in cars get killed Jot railway grade crossings in spite of the signs and signals The De partment of Highwaysu reminds motorists that all traffic signs are signs of lifeif you watch for them and obey them Barrie Examiner Sections In Todays Issue 22 Pages This issue of The Barrie Examiner has four sections totalling 22 pages The first section has front page news of the vernor other stories of local in rest The second sectionhas sports newsand pictures and pages and 10 there are reports of some of the briefs presented at the inTBarrie last Friday contains news and nlt3z The fourth section contains the classified section theatres and amusements and other news items customarily published in this district news stories and pictures There will be no issue of The Barrie Examiner next Monday civic holiday and the Thursday August issue will contain report of the news for the entire week hawk like girls ided that allowed win win and ABC kl PAID AS 05 IARCH ll 137 ARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARlO CANADA THURSDAY JULY 28 1949 on Section lPages an Twice Weekly MONDAY and THURSDAY to6 Not Enough Signs lTraffic Direction Confuses Tourists BANDMASTER BUILDING INSPECTGR Ilcrt hinclull recently ill pointed lhlflillllufld the flame itixcns lland and Monday nigii he nus chmcn by the town council us llio new building lflfillKllll fu iiniiic Mr hurchill has been lilllli ninfor 15 yenis and he served six years overseas vih the Will Loyal llfllilllllluli licginicnl While urciu seas he was soloist with the band and he was also pianist with the zinudinn orps unccrt lnrly The lni llais BERT CHURCHILL Asa troops soloist entertaining the Mr Churchill did novelty numbers on the organ specializing on electric organs Prior to the war he had been flil bandinaster of the Frontiers incns Band in Edmonton Alberta Mrs Cliurcliill is also an accom plished pianist and musician In fact they often play organ and piano duets Oneson Brian 18 plays trumpet and is member of the Barrie Band Two daugh ters arevocalists in selecting Mr Churchill as town building inspector the coun cillors considered his war service and also the fact that he had been emplbyed in some building inspec tion with Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation The salary as building inspectorwill be $1600 plusfive cents mileage his duties will commence Augist SCOUTS REWARD THE PAS Man CPY Scoutcr Arthur Deslauriers has won the Boy Scout gilt cross for hisbravery in rescuing his younger brother and sister from their aming house last April The award was an nounced by Viscount Alexander governorgeneral and chief scout of Canada ONLY ONE The Gila Monster Texas and New Mexico is the only poisonous lizard in the world Local Girls Aid Kinsmen to Raise Money to Send Thirty Boys to Camp Waiiwin three girls who donated their time and effort which Willenable 30 underpriv ileged childrenzito attend aweeksf vacation at Hawlfltivervomplin Haliburton county On the right Marjorie Longhuriit hugs the of Arizona Ald Hziinbly introduced the portunity of getting back on are heading Reeve liar spoke of tourists rcnrlnng Midliurnt before lcarnmg tiny Hll on life wrong highway and then hnvuig in drch back to llurric to gel liutk on the highway 10 rillia and North tiny Aid Harrison referred to the me lhod in which traffic police sent all cars straight through at certain iii llSIllll no matter where the motorists wanted to go lie said there was considerable amount of crs got on the alternate routes which were not Very well marked with signs Referring to the traffic confusion Atty llambly thought it was not good way to treat tourists and he felt more consuicration might be the regular highway routes through Barrie Speaking about traffic Ald Ayn es said the trouble was that the volume of traffic had reached the saturation point in Barrie Even with the regular routes and the alternate routes throuin the town there was too much traffic on busy jammed Aid Corbett saidhe could agree with Ald Ayrcs that there was simply too much traffic through Barrie and he suggested If any one has better suggestion for handling traffic lets hear it iconfusiou especially when strang1 given in directing the traffic overi weekends Both through routes are Last Mondayjiight members of the town council discussed the weekend traffic problem in Barrie and majority agreed that it was very confusing especially for tourists subject when he spoke of vis ltors being directed over alternate routes without much op thc highways for which they hairman of the traffic com mittee Aid Harrison said he had gone around the alternate routes in an effort to find some method of geasing the traffic pressure but he Hind been unable to do so He said he would be glad to hear from anyone who had plan for solving lihe nuffie problem in Barrie Aid ilaiiison also spoke of traf fic being tied up for miles by ruins shunting across Essa Road and lizilclwni street Ald Norton Sllld lic lhouglil there would be less shunting of trains across the high way routes on weekends in the fu lure Mayor Mayor suggested 5olniion to the traffic problem Imight be lakeshorc road around the town Some of the councillors told of thcn own difficulties getting around town on Saturdays even when they know where they wanted to go llohcc were directing traffic straight lthrough certain intersections and it was difficult to reach some lsirects The circuitous route around ihe adjacent to the Five Points added to the general confusion ysevcral thought the situation would he cased by erecting more direction signs at various intersections throughout the town meeting of the traffic commit fee will be held in the near futures Dedicated Bought last fall and developed this summer by the United Church Simcoe Presbytery Camp on Geor gian Bay in Toy Township was dedicated last Thursday evening July 21 The first group of campers boys between and 15years had ar rived the day prior to the dedica tion ceremony The camp which is only few miles out of Midland is on 80 acres of land known as the Hud son Farm The property with 960 feet of waterfront was purchased last fall for $6000 company was set up to oper ate the eamp and Rev Bewell of Barrie was named chair man of the board of directors Thedirectors are appointed by Simcoe Presbytery of the United Church of Canada After property was acquired last fall plans werestarted for financial campaign which was or ganized during the winter months The work done on this campaign enabled development of the camp site to the extent of $4000 this spring and summer The main building is 24 by 50 feet This is used as dining hall and kitchen Five cabins each 14 by 16 feet have been erected and these have accommodation for 10 pers us in each Smaller cabin to accommodate the cooks is now under construction Water for the camp is obtained from spring on the property and United Church CamImp Thursday pressure system will be installed at later date Electrical wiring of the dining hall and the cabins will be completed shortly Much of the work on the build ing and the property has been ldonc by volunteer labor On one occasion there were 30 laymen from Creemore and on another day there were 22 several of whom were from the Elmvale district From time to time there have been volunteer workers from other congregations Rev John Hayward of Sun dridge is camp director and others on the staff are Rev James Card er of Burton Avenue Barrie Rev Andreas Kaellgren of Hillsdale Rev Watson French of Uhthoffa Rev JR Holden of Coldwater and Ronald Keast of Barrie Mr Kaellgren is the chief swimming instructor and Ronald Keast is the assistant swimming instructor Mr Holden is business manager Mrs Roy Newson of Barrie and her sis ter Miss Elma McDonald are th cooks Rev Mr Kaellgren was chair last Thursday evening In an address in which he re viewed the history of the property Hopkins of Midland recalled lthat he knew the Hudson family Duringhis remarks he mentioned the historical interest of the dis trict being not far from the old military road fromMuddy iYork lto Penetang Turn to page five please man for the dediiionserviceheld

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