Member Auditliur can of irculations 86th Yeorw No 43 THE POST Recreation Program Carried Through Critical 1946 Period By Federationof Agriculture By LOIISII OLLEY facl that throuin the communin intclings licltl undci lic auspiccs ll ll 11 ll 51 of thc tcdcration of agriculturc 11 Him lumm iccrcation dncctor was iiitrudurcd coopcratcd illl IIIL community In mm DRUNK mum lIIt training llhlilttlt to bring Slit had thi opportunity of talking to Illtiii about the possibilitics and gttopc of Illt iccication program and to ask tlicm about tlicir intcr director of iltltultttll to tlic conti ty Tilt Ictitiatiou of agriculturc Ctiiililliliiiil towaai tiavctliiig is pcnscs and rrroiupaiists salary at csts Young and old took part in in4 llll llw sotial iccicalion which addcd to 1111 ItlltiASIIIp aliil fritndly undcr which xvas llilil Jiitill by com inunity llIt liltlltltt1 iiistituic and fcdcration ot itiitililtltt stillitlliii In iunc litiii just ittci tho iccication conic to tlic county sistaiiri to lllt program which canic from Illt cxtcnsion ticparl mum of thc Univcrsity of Toronto was cut oil dircctor had Ihcsc wcrc the tangiblt ways lil mmwm which Ill lttltlllltl ot agriculture hclpcd tiic iccication program in Simcoc county to iztl undcr way lint moic iiiipoitant still was thc li lookcd as though Ihc rccrcal lion program would havc to 101111 btil tlic fcdcration of agriculturc would not allow this to happcii Arrangcnicnts wcrc inadc to liavc tlic rccrcatioii coiiuiiiitcc sct up iforiually by tlic council of thc county of Siuicoc so that grant lfroui thc provincial tuivcimuciit Lavould bc fortluoming lhcn lhc chcrition of agriculturc plcdgcd full linaucial support which iiicant grant of $1500 to tho program luntil tlic cnd of thc ycai Iiarly in 19117 dclcgation from thc fcdcratiou of agriculture and the rccrcation committee attcndcd thc Junc scssion of county coliti cil to ask for grant for the rcc rcation program contribution of $2000 was made and the federa tion of agriculture madc an addiw Itional grant of $500 in ordcr that thc budget requirements might be met In 1040 thcrccrcation committco received the major part of its rcv cnucs from the county council and thcrcforc was able to stand upon its own 1001 Without the tangible backingr of the federation of agriculture which made it possible to demonstrate the worth of the program to the people before it was necessary to ask the council for full support it is not likely that the program would have survived 15f lOIrR ClOffES RECIIPElWTf A7 007 yclfMIi Clothes need vacation too need to regain their vitality and bounce so they can re turn to the old grind newlook ing refreshed We do all that for your clothes safely in expensively Try usl PS Going on June jaunt For your on vacation well have you looking snappior and fooling happier Youre right day and night with liner dryrloaningi This Includes Moth Proofing by RECREATION HIGHLIGHTS An average of eight leadership schools and courses held every year in different centres of Simcoc County for those interested in so cial recreation music informal sports drama and crafts insunzo MOTII PROOF EELNIEP sisrrn Assistance and leadership given at community recreation nights banquets parties picnics eld days etc it ARTS AND CRAFTS thriving arts and crafts asso ciation which has helped to organ ize classes in many rural communi ticsand is now helping to sponsor erDAYSPEClAL IOWtIlllFARES To EASTERN QUEBEC and la MARITIMES Enjoy that holi day DownEast visit home or awaywiihfriends in fares return limit 21 days with stopovers permitted SHIRTS 24Hour Laundry Service DIAL 2471 FOR PICK UP 0F COATS SUITS DRESSES HATS SLIP COVER DRAPES CURTAINS BLANKETS BUGS ETC VNuQSiejrice CLEANERS 74 Elizabeth St Dial 2471 JUNE 20 to SEPTEMBER Inclusive Consul any Canadian Pacic Railway Agent 1100 Mile Cruise molMuskokuLakes EVERY SUNDAYand WEDNESDAY $465 Return Children$245 INCLUDINGBUS and STEAMER FARE Buses Leave Barrie SUNDAYS WEDNESDAYS gt mom DAYLIGHT TIME 700 don Return Service Direct from Dock Tickets and Information at Barrie Bus Terminal Phone 5571 on onion LINES mamvat Warmun AUIHORIIED AS SECOND CLASS IAIL OT 1U of Graduate gt six riiontlisl it special doors and glassblock fill THEiBA RIEZ+ BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA llti OFFICE DIPAIIIENT OTTAWA Vote as you like MISS FRANCES LOU lRAleldl cs1 daughter of Mr and Mrs 111 liain Craig Iccl St graduatcd with Bachelor of Arts lcrcc from tho Univcrsity of Io vcrc handed Miss Craig IiCI grad and harp ist with the conccrt roiito at tho rcccnt convocation band while attcnding BCI was on the staff aflfailing to do so will not bc pcia and Mail lastimiltctl to cujoj tho Toronto Globe Summer but will be leaving early in Jilly to spend the Summer at instructcd to ontact lliosc abscnt Banff countywide quilt and rug fair to be bold in Midland July 28 to 30 Ill flip 111 tbc ill 5010 As far as IllJ rccords rctil 1ak Th sccrctary has btcii lart wcck and tin cast any cadct inight bc ovcrlookcd vaivcr forms will be availablc from Illt ac couiitant at tho lioyal liank in Barrio An advisory service to communi ties interested in developing corn munity recreation projects special interest groups in various forms of recreation such as drama music sports etc SWIM CLASSES Lcarnltoswim classes for children registered in 1948 in ve centres Innistil Iark Bass Lake Springhurst Beach Oro Memorial Park and Midland 10 Development of day camp pro gram for rural children Assistance torural children in developing their programs of phys ical education andrccretibn First Post War Armoury Construted Ottawa 15 JuneThe fir5t DOSI turned in on Sept be used the Will almOlIrY I0 be bum in Can following January to save year ada will go to the city of Sault Ste and speed up the assessment The informed Reeve Marie Ont for the use of its 49th county Heavy AntiAircraft Regiment De fence Minister Brooke Claxton said here today Construction is expect ed to start early this Fall and will take about oneyear to complete at cost of more than $75000000 The strategic importance of the area together with the inadequate accommodation at preSent available to the Reserve Force there dictat ed the choice of Sault Ste Marie With completion of the new armoury it is anticipated that the 49th Regiment will ex pand rapidly into one of the most active Reserve Force units in Ont ario Mr Claxton said that all armour ies to be built in the future will be designed for use both as commun ity centres and as Reserve Force training establishments The Sault SteyMarie structure as the first of thesewill contain and washroOm facilities lecture theatre with projection equipment and stage and large drill floor which may be used for indoor sports Other facilities will include custodians office training rooms regimental museum and library band room public lounge with ladies powder room and snack bar In addition the site has been chosen with view to providing outdoor space for field sports For purely military purposes the armoury will contain adequate of fice space gun sheds garages workshops quartermasters stores lecture theatre mess hallsand miniature range Plans call for an exterior finish of concrete modern flatroof de sign and wide entrance with aboVe The wellknown badge of the Royal Canadian Artilleryp in metal willsurmount the main ent rance AVOIDED 13v issuers some type of plants can be treat ed with chemicals which absorbed through the roots make theiplants toxic to insects LAFFeAIDAY synvcr town Ill lllt Dakota ioi all isv liiarty ill thc scivrcc linatitx attti lwliicli thc cadcts this last amjlgcthcr again in the itnll system of assessment to conic into effect was changed Shepherd chairman of the cquali zation committee morning session of the council the past three summers with 500600 books had been effect come into effect in 1952 lor James Hart of Barrio felt that tion Dcputy Recvc Andrew Tud motion should make it clear that the levy was to be made in 1952 gested public recreation rooms with cloak RSDAY JU NE iHonOr Graduate of At last Iiiifrs Iiilitllt tlic tlliil iiiaiiding oftic iiiittiiicctl that tluougn Ilic lilitlll of II Insiointm Ilth touauaiiding UIIILJI of ltlAl Nation tauip Bordcii iiiriitiirit had occn cornplctvd for our final paiadt till next Fall Ihis parativ is it Illl Iltlllll oft tiitcitauiincnl lIlIl callwl fort Friday ltIIlI 31 at pm Tiotcl Illt Iliiu lilt tvill Ic iinifoiiiis Cadcts 1ll lt lllt Aiiimuiy by scivic bus at lb piii ail iivini in tinic to iritc suppcr in 1110 Aiiinons 513 llltl tiipl planned Iolloucd by llitillil ll iatlici in 1111 antccn for ltlltllllttlll and tho tiip hoiiic aiilni in town MK IIV Ulivullul 01111 Ilarric about pin illl will lnnmrv at Toronto Ihosc on barmlc last lllll will ll li Himi tho usual waich llliIV iradnato at farm for sigiiaturc by thcir par liulil lllJIic ol lttlc listitiittt cuts and instructod to turn Illtlll ill 11 ll JIiHl Mrs It in duly sillucd ncst tctlt Ilioc llll Illl it ltlcltlll with thy lttwaich otiiicil at Ottawa Alia htl PA AS CI NARci 2919 but VOTE JuneZ Mascot To March In Parade Composite Troops 1II liOIIIHIN IIIIZIINI Utiz II lit Svtotitl Wuili War Iziiigtl farm in lat gzccn iMI um o1 1111 for llh tiitl to liabiauihns nit vit Lat rty Ila lll fii iiinrw lotic tar Liz n1w co of the iiili Nov iii iii Illirsai Will 11am botanic platr lit tht iriaizuiioili paiativ on 21 Jttiic Picksd up on an ltrtii batllctulti as lad voandcd roll by liootn of tlic 1115 is 11 iililr ciss Ira HIitt ina id liic=t Illi rci nitnt has appcaitrl tho past ion ycai litr itpnucnt1 llilgtlllligt liltllltlt Willilltlt oi stivico ribbons Illlit would iiipw and tlic nious init chm of llll litzssais Aftci thc liorsc was icpatriattii to Canada 111 10313 lllltl sliowc oi oats and coiifctii iiicnzbcrs 25 pai of carviul grooming itincns Kings ounty gavc llt thc loin of tho ouuty including Iii tit inalicnahlc right to roam lionviE buds and vcgitalilc gaidciu willi oul fcar of wuidmg up 111 glut factory She even has liltlilllti ship card in tho Canadian lmiiiou tiiilllltlt with lioofprint and all in 11 May July It Illt incinbcrs of thc Boys and iirls Clubs of Smicoc ountjz and tlicii Icadcrs liavc planncd to visit the Ontario Agricultural ollogc at Uiiclpli good turnout sprcc is cxprctcd for till wc got to Ilnough inc coopcration ot 11 loltoii director of public rcla FOR INTRODUCING CARD ASSESSMENT The year for tions at thc collcgc an lilltlCSIlllLI and criticatioiial program has bccn arraiigcd liuscs will pick up thc mcmbcrs at rillia iiitluic Midland the county card Barrio Ponc froiii 1952 to Colling 1951 on motion of Rccvc George tang liliilVillt Richardson that to do lliat lic would havc to changc tlic asstss mcut act as it statctl in the mic book that Illt equalization sclicdulc had to be prcscntcd at session Following the passing oftlic mn at the Friday on the to the would Council motion would cqualixat ion The previous the mic that and that thclhopc of iillia remarked that lit Ewas unablc to scc tlitlt they had lmadc any headway as the system Councillor Earl Richardson sug would come into effect at 1111 same that the assessment rnli time as had bccn statcd in tlic lniiginal motion this Was confusing my AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2414 clerk RT EON WINSTON CHURCHILL the inevitable cigar clenched between his teeth and looking the picture of health Is cheered by the crowd as he steps from his car on arrival at Epsom Downs to watch the running of the 1949 Derby pc cd that the OAC this year will exceed the wood and Allistoii They Will ar rivc at the College by 1030 Ihc girls will bc shown thc latcst inno vations in domestic scicnco at Illac lonald Institute litlt tho boys takc part in livcstock judging compctition under thc dircction oi the dcpartmcnt of animal husband Il lhc group will bc gucsts of thc collcgc in the college dining hall for dinner and after llillltl will bc welcomed by President Itcck and addressed by the ColIcgc Chaplain Rcv Young and girlswill be divided into small groups and wil be shown the in tcrcsting work which is being done by the dairy poultry field bus banclry and horticulture depart inciits tunity to question the cxpcrts in these departments and will bc the various ilCldS concerned Supper will be served in the col lcgc dining hall before the mem bors return home As might be expected this in teresting and worthwhile tour is Jcr popular event and it is ex numbcr visiting 200 mark of former years too of the county Council is assist ing in financingthe trip again and will be welcome addition to the group Vesrra Tommi30100 it Ws it Children transferring into any of the following schools or commencing school for the first time in September I949 are to be registered for enrolment Mrs Reta Fra lick Board Representative will be present at 2nd Line No 17 June24 130 230 pm Midhurst No June 24 300 400 pm 7thLine No June 28 130 230pm Grenfel No47 June 28 300 400 pm Pine Grove No 13 June 130 230 pm Ferndaie No12 Julie 29 300 400 pm Cundles No June 30 300 400 pm Children six years of age by Feb 1950 are Those presently enrolled need not register Kr Registration for Fall Term 1949 ElectREG Shoe N0th Member of Barrie Town Council Member of Arena Commission Operator of Restaurant mgIIeteranoI first World war ActiVein Sports vMenilier of Itioiisifltiluli oI mousse nulmkioiorrnurvp CQWONMTII AMINE Illt unit provrdcd her with lllIlllltz Ilillottiil of grccn pastuics oat4 and During the afternoon the boys They will have an oppori shown the latest devclopmcnts in The special agricultural commitm Action Now Twice Weekly MON DAY and in THURSDAY Secri on Zthcges to l6 BARRIE LEGION Berlins Yes and No Election li Sir Ilitlit to Vote ch 111 In the Soviet sittors orrts1nic1 11 ii Ila it 11211 man and woman voter is fiiitc pi tar at 121 outrun of hour parlor used for gantry plum on IlltIj imin citr lion day In spite of the signs watt 15mm livzln iii Ilt lll till aiors toiuinunistloininath re lliiir wi incl by Han TVt on about tilltIltill of the ballots ma ittisxo tori 0a insult ill almost unanimous approval at tho jtttiiilllttlll ticket siliiilllllflltl by signs lllllltt lail li tHitI iI 11 but IHHVN GREAT ICNENIY lfi WW HIV1 Ill For crow shooting the best le ylliliillh lllltl i11 io gt11 coy is astntlcd iicat Horned Owl 1101 tabloid at llit crows natural cricmy ions iloucr boutiuwt ipolctl it Iid Alis ud hl lawn1 in 1114 io tIIiti itllt 111 FIRST TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AI PHONE lilack powder thc first cxplosivc titvclopcd in thc vcstcrn world as roiiginatcd 1000 ycars ago RH I0llliASliItlI ANY STYLE PRICED FROM $4750 SIIIS IN STOCK Ready while you wait $4750 to $6350 ODI IANIS FOR SUMMER all sizes $875 to $1995 SIIIAW IIAIS ALL SIZES $100 to $350 IT SHIRTS SIOIII SHIRTS SWIM TRUNKS WILF TODD MIINS and BOYS WEAR 55 Dunlop SL BARBIE IIIIEN Hill THE SEASON BlWBjPOIIII Hotel Under New Management An ideal spot to entertain your friends and guests Dancing Saturday Niles after July Good Orchestra Movies SundayNiles after Dinner First Run Pictures ONLY 10 MILES FROM BARBIE to