Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jun 1949, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT The First Column iliilllt oit to HIIJIU Rt Hi Sci ligJ again if iv In Etii tuna lwl if nil liic zcrlac inic II to its Ill not ttillll lhttltlIiiK hells tlt Hull 11 Wm will ziixtiinl it in im tv ltlt Lian1 p1ilii it iii lmmHL lIotii iiliatvtl HAL itczitici its nuns iii Is ii lr Mir on lll in in fit lt guy imumhl lact til iii HI ill Iranfniri if tho 14 le ti csztii iit tripart has 713cm pcciil ttlli ci illlllilltfl by First latkcis iI loil hIINitill it tho Iititlliix gti1d prist wciit of Midland ionic than thou from all pots of ilt iiilctl lllt cw tit itiLaIct Woodrow llli Moon ltlli was tiic iziil utaicst liVii ltitli liitiii Ali and Mix Iolin lioni tutii thanticvrllc travcllcd thv IIIIIIxl tllnltllltt to attcurxl lhc tttl All lllil Shacklcton of In laltw hum iml tho nrvslciy inan llnlt You cant illiml to tilc iliaiiicsl NOW is the Illilt to hiii our bialtcs looltcd ItH tlic go xioiitgiio ittci Ionic in today II i1 llicic wcrc 1101 ill Ll bums Ill tlic jar and Illt IllIt it to ltgttltll Ityor of lilmvali hit lililbt pct lll 13 ill llCle tlic lltiill 111 the Um MUFFIN WHY tillIti riliiitlcr and main ill tlic atljustiiicnis Wll Wv ill llulllillll oi ioWii llill Iantilsi IltttWNlll It glVL THU itllttl lilllC Itl ii Iicioainiii lllltltll Jilltl Ionnanrc lloiii lclat dont put off iom Ml HMS lll hm pump and licpt thc crowd iilltl 51101 1111 1Uiilti10 it ilriouiiliou thc day lbn lctlciatioii diicctois vcic loam it with thc succcss of thc mcui and plan to Iiold anothcl picnic maxi sunnuci Iii prcvious ycars tlic fcdcration IIItYhLIZII IAJIIHIII it FARGO llllll nual uicctiug in conncction with th lllllt picnic Ihis ycar how Factory Approved Service PHONE 12 27 II llusl hlilillfli MANAGER cvci thc annual inccting will bc lltltl lIl lloccinbcr BAR Itlll Yaw as you Iikcmbut Vote Mon died in dctcncc of our dcnr gocratic iilJllISlLI us show our ap iprcciation by cxmcising our right to Votc Your ltillll to vote is also spoiisiliility acctpt it DISTRIBUTORS FOR CIIRYCO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES And See for Your Own Complete Guaranteed Satisfaction the Wide Range and Delicious Variety of the Fine Food at Your Dominion Stores virus E0690 Thurs Fri Sat Jun 232445 SERVIETTES 25 outrunSin ouaun TOMATOES Zuniiam25lt momma WAXPAPER reitvir 31 Doe moo 27c ng2 LO its at 48c MEAT BALLS harem 37lt Blillfs it BOLOGNA alzii 35 P0RK BEANSZ 331 15 197 36 OIIVES hitter 3239 J3r 29 DcminoGinger Ale m10c 50 deposit on bottle FR and LIBLES TEXAS FIRM RED QUALITY MEATS BipeTomatoes masts RIBS Prime Rib Roast 54 BLADE BONE erMovrmj ONT SNOW WHITE Cauliflower SWEET JUICY sunmsr cal oranges 29w LEAN BONELESS 4129 SMOKED SLICED doz Connrwcnor Grapefruit SWEET rqu lla Oranges DEAMEALED ArrivingiFreshDainEiOntarioiGrownmpmwprswam Lettuce Hothouse Tomatoes Celery GreenOnions gt ea 0959 Cibbage Spinach cucumbers Beets sees woaao rm or gr Shipping tags All mankind sold at your Dominion Store Is uncondition wll hag our tor spluranagegr lor particulars aily guarantcod to give you IOOI sotlstlttlon lopgnding mtlan 029 DOMINION STORES llMtiED Three Thousand Enjoy Federation Picnic lic itllit lIlIltl wcic vl11t= 111 li It iiutitni Ill li=iic will lic lli on July vauw funici Ioiui lititliilt Ill oia lltllll 111 In til no intuitst uriiiicd cou llt ii illtl hits iitllt Iazl lil Midland uid ll ycais lw titiipli must iciiiitl bill vi 1r and Mrs liclt Man HW iit llthldll Island niuiicd with rizo itineran sea Brisketj 39c Cottage Rolls it 610 37 THE HARRIET EXAMINER BARBIE Strawberries 35 Cents Soon Sold at Market it 11 gtlliillillt mitt tut itl the fast iimiiinig lhcyt lgttltl at Xv wins 1ttriil thiskct szing rtzicktns icighing IIllli lift it pounds Liliiitlllttl uttl iliiulit linoizx iia iitllgtlitgt sold at fly hunt illil IllItllilgt 11 ill ililgt llllltllt ltrhtl tiill Kiulifloxiri and cabbagc plants stilllvtllttlttl Aitii thc last til llic lol main plans Town Council Briefs Itontiuuml iiorn pagn oncl llltsl llttlVtfl il1lirliilll hill uy from the tNIt Illtll includ t=l thc piopcit from Alinct Ionit aiouuri tho bay to Maiy St lip thought llto ltiilJlllltl of thc gtli would lt along in low it lioiiilt llti pi opcit Itliilll Wilson chairman of the coinnnttco picscntcd This iitllliJlltIHIltl put of tiiliiill los limit Ncwton and also sonic lots from 11 llIiicu IIitii lots uc oni iuun and vnuld lic ltsttl In build icntal houses touncil adopt cd Ihc iilitiil IllitIlIttl by Aid Wilson ticrtisc for budding iiispcctoi at salary of $1200 ycai plus cight cciits nulc tiatcl cxpvnscs It was points rd out this would illtllltlt all btulrluii1 tiadcs with tho cxccption of tlltllltill inspcctioii and it would parttunc position llic ton Ii will orisponricncc in conntction llll tlic lanc north of lituilop and cast of lwcn St was icati 011 mn lion of licptilv llccvc iilfllil tlic council dccidcd to again submit thc original olfci of 33300 to tlic llilttlllt lcmplc ompany for their propcrty This is thc only suction of thc laicway not acquucd for this lauo Smith as sccrctary of thc policc coiiuinssion wrotp lcttci to thc town council cxprcssing dissatisfaction that thc council had rcduccd thc policc budget for 1940 by $1000 This matter was dis ONTARIO CANADA Summer Time Table Effective Friday June 24111 LEAVE BARR Io Toronto ti 50 in 10 40 in 00 in 250 pm 125 pm 030 ti in 055 pm 135 am To Norlli titty 1030 in x1250 in 100 pm 505 pm 735 p111 050 pm 155 am Slo Huntsville only To Irillia only Io iravcnliurst oiin To Wasaga licach 1010 am 330 p111 735 pin lo Owen Sound 1040 am 330 pm 735 pm To lcnclang 1040 ani 100 p111 330 pin IZi5 p111 050 pm ilun llol gnriat only Daylight Time Tickets and Information at Barrie Bus Terminal 73 tollicr St PHONE 5571 our COACH line Life Insurance to 1mg in tiqn LIBERAL RALLY minimit from page one liig it tairatias gicat 1st pain 11 declared and idrit tla policy could hiili tnia 11 liltt inlto owe it ilzc honor of itilt timiiitiiig Alix St Lanciit and then ill in The and ltIitt gtIilai in tili and gave llilik rousing chrcrs Mr St Iaur acknowlutgcd the Qiccrs by inviting lll gicat throng to chcci ilic ttiiitlliliilt tlprmnr lll address Mr Laiucnt said it was the first time tic had cvcr urn ti labcial iiiiLI ltltlllltl Iltilttliii tho Ioroiitoniaus he said Iin pcoplc of Ioionto have sonictinns fclt tlicy wcr not stifli lcuntly rcpitstutrd in tlic national govciiiiiicin but lic vcuton to say that soon of thc iiicmbcrs of the govciunicn itll in iccciit innS tticic lliltl not bccn cnougli labcial ltnciubcrs in thc house of commons from Toronto lltfciliii to ativicc being gcner oust issucd from Toronto that it was trim for changc Mr St Laiircnt tvd tlic pcoplr would tale nitagc of Iliat ad vicc by scndini to Ottawa coin tzmunt of liihcial incinbcrs llic pcakcr intntioncd thc sit niIicanct of thc cutiy of New foundland into Lonfcdciation on March Iil and cxpicsscd satisfac witli thc icccnt piowincial clcction huh lttlttl Iabcral gmcriimcnt in anadas iicwcst proviucc Ihi North Atlantic lrcaty sigli cd for anavla in Washington last April was also lltfl by the spcak cr lhc liuiic Minister said the fundamcntal basis of our parlia lllllllllli Iviimciacy was tlic belief that th 11 lltll bc two sidcs to many tIltlItIl of public policyl ll wont on to say that pcoplc could lllftl about thcin and still bc honcsi and patriotic in Ilitll divcrizcnl vicws Ilc addcd how cvcr that lit tho prcscnl campaign many auadians coilSldtiNl it onc of tho old partics had conducts cd his campaign in way that did not sticiiglhcn our dcmocratic syslcin living attcntion to the Liberal rccord tIlltt Mr St Laurent said the party in IMF had prom rcducc taxcs cusscd and 11 was statcd that 10 Promote Research Work havo bccn kcpt itliltilltlis uiidcrstood the com mission bad surplus of Mir 31000 and tho budgct had hccn rc duccd whcn an cffort was bcini madc to strike thc tax rate On motion of Aid Wilson Smith as clcrk of the town Barric was asked to write letter to thc police commission explain ing how thc rcdiiction came about The commissioners had asked for 3135500 for 1949 for Wf projccts at the medical schools of sociation In Medical Schools Lifc insurance companics opcrt ating iii Canada will provide funds additional iucdical rcscaiclil auadian universities the CanH adian Life Insurance Officcrs Asi decided at its annuall lillLIllllZ As an indication of that natnrc of the proposed cxpcndil turcs the suggestion was approvE ed that the additional fundsbct 19 was icmmdi mm the used for maintaining research folt illlS hoard enclosing for $Ii00in payment for parts at and 10 on the east side of Bradford St This is part of what is known as Rogers Park The lots rave been sold by the parks board to Allandalc Motors for used car lot While the money belongs to the parks board the information have some times geat difculty was channeled through the town council Thc parks board was authorized antce an adequate income OVCl 11 to orcct once along the south period of years side of Kcmpcnfeldt St to stop vehicles from parking on the park uca across the street from Oven ance of research Studies of polio den College and St Vincents Park Clement Green was authorized third year to park his bus on the market square Mr Green is operating bus service from Barrie to Alconal Reach and Big Bay Point for the ummer months letter was read from the Bar ric district high school board ask ing council to have the arena con tractors move their equipment and material to the northeast corner of the grounds Members of the ircna commission explained that it would be necessary to usethe south end of the arena grounds erect the supporting timbers The town clerk was advisedto told in abeyance the lease which would give the high school board he rights to certain property ormerlv known as the agricultural park This propertyis to be leas CI to the high school boardon the conditiOn that they leaie certain rights to the KiwanisCIubfor the levelopment0fsp0rts field letterfrom the township of Vespra suggested that an agree mentbe drawn up between the town and the township regarding fire protection service This letter was referred to Ald Hambly rhairman of the fire and light com mittee for report from his com mittee Robert Campbell engineer for warded an application from the department of healthfor the con SunnidaleRoad and St Vincent St bylaw to provide for this work will be prepared Several tendersfor $215000 dec bentureswere received These dc bentures are being issued to fin ance an expansion program for the waterworks department of the public utilities The tender of Ames Company at 93379 was accepted Mayor Mayor expressed thanks to the council for flowers sent to Mrs Mayor and himself when they celebrated their 25th The Mayor referred with regret to thugpassing of twomunicipal servants during the past weely Frederick Kennedy and James Case Mr Kennedy had served several years as tax collector and Mr Case had served many years on the police force Letters of sympathy will be sentrto the next of kin lit Reeve James Hart was chairman duringthe committee of the whole discussion Cltize get the kind of goverrn ment they deserve Vote on June 27 lb wedding anniversary on June 18 Cheqlll lowships in those medical schools where present financral resources those from the other beef produc arc not adequate to support out standing rcscarch workers Most medical school laboratories in anada were well equipped to carry on extensive research workW Iowcvcr the medical schools retaining the research and outstanding in acquiring services of workers through inability to guai will also make for the continu Thc companies unds available of ageing myolitis and processes in their Both studies are nqw Use Weeklies for Ads Many weekly newspapers in the Dominion will ag be used to carry the institutional messages of the more British and United States life in surance companies operating in Canada BEEF CATTLE MEN PLANTO FINANCE ORGANIZATION By WARNICA The Ontario Beef Cattle Produc ers Association is built on sound foundation being made up of one director and two voting delegates appointed by each county At the annual meeting of this association the directors appoint an executive of eight which is re sponsible for planning and putting into effect the projects for the year It endeavors to keep prices and marketings as near to parity as possible Throughout the war and the re adjustment period the Ontario Beef Cattle Producers Association has sent representatives along with ing provinces to Ottayva when it wasfelt adjustment should be made in price health regulations struction of sewers on InniSfil St and the tariff Tliis united effort has had very satisfactory results The ASsociation also assistswith tubergularfree area work rwarble campaigns vaccinationof calves againstBangs Disease andthe im provement of the quality of beef cattle by assisting With inspected bull sales and sales of feeder cat tleu To date this organization has been nanced by grant from the Ontario Department of Agriculture and the voluntary work of the executive This cannot be expect ed to continue and ways and means are being planned this year tobave the industry nanceits own organization In so doingit will bepbble graduate increase thebenets that can be derived The importance of beef in the diet and its high food value has not been kept before the public and it is the intention of the Associa tion to present campaign to ac quaintconsumers with the merits of beef as an essential food Ontario Live Stock Branch de serves thanks for their help and1 cooperation and word of appre ciation isrrnerited by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture with than 50 Canadian Mr St Iaurcnt quotcd Globe and Mail cditorial saying Canadas immigration policy was not cxlcn sivc enough 11c then read from Montreal iicwspapcr an advcrlt tiscmcnt sponsoer by the Conscr vativcs which expressed diver gcnt attitude to immigration St imattcr of rcgict that thc lcadcr of He PMSTLAURENT Clitc cut ll iscd to cxpaiid social services to P1 iinc lot the site 11 nan iit tzrpl 1i it hum Iiasscd trichsdiid as llitiJrl th lalivzal supportezs discussed llit rally and expressed llirli coizisi OWN Millisl St THE SIGN THURSDAY JUNE 23 1949 Lani ElLP mw OF GOOD LU Fainmis Sariitonc Service nationally advertised in leading inzigvrzincs iittltitc thc national debt and to All these promises II Scientific process for dry cleaning all types of summer fabrics Prompt courteous service Minor Repairing at no extra cost asked What would be the immi gration policy which had to try to reconcile the Globe and Mail and the Progres sive Conservative in Qucbcc In conclusion Mr St cracy the people of this country The Simcoe North delegates and left pin rcturncd to thc station which the Ontario Beef Cattle Producers is affiliated of government advertisements Laurent referred to his 36 years at the bar and he said 111 was now placmg his case before the judge of demo The rally was adjourned by 10 Toronto an hour and half later PISIRCT OFF Call us today for this better kind of Dry Cleaning The Wright Cleaner CLEANING DYEING and REPAIRING inSurance Company attend IondonCInada lC ill Phone 5531 524 DUNLOP VsT BARRIE As family man you will need money to provide for your wife should she live longer than you to assure your children of good education to enable you to retire comfortably =to pay Succession Duties and other last expenses possibly to pay off aimOrt gage on your home Money for these purposes catibe provided by properly planned life insurance Youcan obtain freedom from nancial worries through the competent counsel which London Life represent atives are qualied to give iizn been

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