Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jun 1949, p. 6

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At an == HURCHILL hie llans THE BARRiE EXAMINER BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA Iamily to Settle in anada erBRIDGi 211 Junt t1 1111111 1111 31 thrktt 1s z1 thlits 11111 yi 1111131 1111111 513111 $11aa 141 11 11 511 ll Finlt11 11111V 1111 gt11lt 5111111 fills liviloi 111 11111s1111111gt VV iii1111 y1lt 11115111 utiHV VlmJl 1x11111111 511 wan 1111 i1111Vl 111111 at 11314314 1111111 11 52111 1111111s111y 1l 11 lit 1111 111m 111 IVfVV VVVVVVV 111 11 1111 llkl 11 lmuslliul 1111 it 1111 111 311 1111 x11 111 11111 11 s11111 1111 11111 1111111 $11 111 11111 11111 v11111i 11 lill1 111111t1 till 1111 111 l111111 11111 1111 ii VV 11 li 11111 iii 11111111 VVV 111 VVVV 1nl1111 11 V1 111 1111111 ulln 11 111111l11 11 11111 ltllllls 11gt1111n 11 qurn 1111 1111 V1 1V V1 11 113111 VV 11111 11111111 or 1111111111 11 111 111 11111111 11111111 jV 11 11111 1gt1 1l11 1111 pussatl 111il1111l 1111 111111 111 1919 VV HIV1t 1111111 1111 11s11i11111 13111 1V 1111211 Mrs 11111 lillllllgtll iVV111V1V11 11 1111 111111 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r11 HAWW 31111111 1111 1111 1111 211111 All Un Mllllh11 13V 111 111111 11 1111 11 cm 15mm owl1311 will MI Hl will Mi lliml 5111 11 11111 illgt llutln loll lw11111V 11 lflllilunni 11111 111 1111111 1111111 111 111111 1111 1711 11 111 11 1111111V 1112 11111 311 111gtt11V11 111111 5111111 11 11111111111 11 111 111111111 1111111 and 11 11 1111 7111 Hurt5 Missi 11111 V111 11 V111u 1V11111 31111111 1111131111 511 Alt1112 11111 1s 1111mm 11111 1111111 111 11111111111 and 111111 11111 MM 1111 11 MunJa 1111 11 1111s 111111111 1V 111111111 Vii11 1111 1111111111 and 11 11111 2111131 111 1111111 1111 11115 3111111 lhuisdav June 11 1111111 1t11111 l1gt 111 ia11s 111111 1111 1m 5115 It The 2111 Was 11 111111 11111111 11 1H ilitlll 1111 1111 11 11 l111 11 111111las 1111211 111 L11 111 1111 111 1111 x11 MeMmtq r111111111ll Vlliu 11111 11111s 11111 1111 111111 1111 1111FV ml itlll gill Will Himl Illlllt in lJrk Jill 33 111111rtlil 111111 1111110111 Noblel e1 WIN 1I 111111 311 111111 1111 HL VVVV Ilm Vt 11111lt 111111111 111 1111 111 and 511111111111111 on then way I111Lullilljl VIN VV llaptist 1111111 1111111111 to 111111n Sunday evening ghxvnh 111111 it VLI have 1111 1111 at 71111 111st1a1l 111 Mr and Mrs hus Stone and 11111 1m1 11 11 ll 1n the 11n111 1111 11111111 1s 11 131111111111 Stayner visited with be 111111 11 1111115111 111111 1111 1111 1221 i1lt Stones mother Mrs Maude 15111111 H111 and the 1111111111y 11v1c1s lll 1111111111l on lhursday June 111 MFQHMV MUN be 111 uu1 t1111111atulati11ns to Miss Helen WV Mb 1111 my Hm Allan lhuuan 1111tts 1111lV111111aI1l1 1111111 11111111111 1111 11111111 Annual lw llmum mum0 will 1111 11 1N1 3mm WWIII 511111111 lantrance cert1heate on their GENERAL No more backbrealjng hours of boiling by hand more wrestling with VClumsy weighted brush tlstguitleyuur new ii 001 Polisher over wast1i surt11 es and you get speedyuglcuuuing polish to protect and beautify your tlonrs Epletts Authorized G111 Dealer 139 Dunlop St Varaishes Paint Enamels Wax ElECTRle 11001 Polisher 15911 two and two tambs wool buffers TERMS ARRANGED FURNITURE ELECTRIC Phone 3721 NEW w000 srAri30000 WHEN mural institute 1111111 Nottaua 1111 llnus day 111111 111 11 111111111 an 111 11111111 11111111111 WA Met at lrs 111s The Womans Asaelation 11111 at Mrs it 111s 1111 Wednesday 1111111 ing with hymn S1r1pt1u1 read 111154 was taken by Mrs Stain ton ltoll Lall 11s11ous1s were 15111111t11i1111 111 intern41 re the oyal land 111a Lunch 1s11v1d by 1111 hostesses Mrs 11 Mrs 1111111 1111111 and Mrs 3111111111 WAVERLEY iitl Mrs Johnson of Lindsay is visit Iinu her sister Mrs Eva Ilrinkle Mr and Mrs Morr1s 1111111111 and girls are 1111 trio 1o Windsor June Joy and 111th liornsby spvndinu week 11 the beach Mr and Mrs 1111111111 Lawson 1N1w Toronto visited at Mrs lIl 111otts recently Mr andiirs Armin Wood and 1atbarinexof Midland spent Sun dav with 1111 Millers number from irre attended 1111c Federation of Aeiiculture Field 1lay in Midland Saturday If jurton 11 Was Beach amt fiianna Burton and Lois Gibson of i11111110 spent the weekend here Miss Maisie ieylloltls visited at 11110 ironic of Arthur Reynolds She has just returned from trip to Los Angeles illt Mr and Mrs Clarke French Eric Reynolds Mr and Mrs Complete with Reynolds and daughter spent polishing brushes Thursday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Clarence Bannister and family Miss Mabel Munroe and Alfred Munroe of Midland 1visitV11d at Bannisters linThree new elders were appoint 1ed to the church board and ve new members were added to the membership roll in the United Church on Sunday Congratulations to Marilyn Brotvn and Warren French who 1131ssed the 2nd form 01 high school on their years work also to An netta Hoskin Ruth and Joy Horns by and Doreen Reynolds who passed grade11 on their years work WITH SCARFES Sczzrfes Wood Preservatives seals new wood againstidccay and attacks by insectsminVi mizes later repairsand replacements Easy inexpensive to apply before painting onporch steps window sash arbours lawnfurnituranyexposed wV od Provn effective by exhaustive scientic tests ovr lannly Topic The V1llage was read by Mrs 1lut11b1rsou i111 11111111111 11113111 111111 hymn CENTRAL 0110 June 311 Sorry to 11111111 riIs Win it1 A1111ur and Mn 1111111 ll11d under the dotlors and eonllned to their beds Mr and l1r ilurlnnn Miss 111ta 111111112111 and Mr liurmall 811 were visitim 1i1r iearcy for 1111 weekend Mrs it ll Summr and daughter llanula 1111111 lloston are spending 11111111 111111 at 1111 11111111 111 Mr and lillt il1 W111 L1i11ti111 The man trientls of Mrs lirl itolnnson are 111111 11 111111 5111 home after ten days in 1111 1111 lia Soldiers itlemorial llospital Mr and M15 Ralph Dunn and children from gema Rusk and Mrs illorrison Barrie visited relatives in this connnunity one day last week Mr and Mrs Duncan Mctuaig Marian Nan anl iortloll McCuaigt from Toronto were weekend visit ors with Mr and Mrs Peter Mc Cuaig They also 111111111111 111 Gra venhurst Mrs Mawdslcy returningr with them to spend few days with her parents 11111 AllMETAL AllPURPOSE susunBAN 111s work 1lrs Maude Copeland Mr and Mr Mrs took Rogers lia Mr 11lt 111111 111 Galbraith spent burst lark hirs Colleen to lriday mening gtth11111 grounds 111mg 11 the school between 645 and jiveryone 11111 Dough and turn Mrs and 1811111 and Sunday in and pupils June 21 on All are asked picnic basket and arrivr WPlCOlllC 915653 New Feed Mill The farmers in this area will be Robert 111111151 Abbie Rogers and Vivian Mid invite 1111 ratepayers of the community their annual school picnic on 1111 the to year after year pleased toTknow thatthc 111w feed1 mill built by the CNR siding now operating done large volume of grinding Mr Robinson will be carrying compete line of Shur Gain stock and poultry feeds also and rolling salt minerals very modern and the service fast and efficient Robinson on at Craigvale 151 and has alreadyl etc The mill be cool Thick Insulation is 43b The farmer auburbanite or merchant will find the Sub urban ideal for load hauling With th rear seat folded forward did the tailbiiard down Atherefs carrying space feet inches long and an extreme inside body widthot feet It Will do anything light dlivery unit will doand 11s 11 ltantl convertible into ll passenger sedan New 11111111171171011111 W001 curs HEATING cosrs 1181 Mucn AS INSULVAIE NOW Put thick blanket of GYPROC WOOL between your rooms and the outside weather GYPROC WOOL will soon pay for itself by cutting down your fuel bills and will continue to save you money In subzero weather your rooms can be warm in Summer heat they can with GYPROC WOOL THURSDAY CONCRETE BLOCKS Also Gravel and Sand INNISFIL CONCRETE PRODUCTS 1111 43113011 Phones sraouo 211151 BARBIE 2369 sITNSULATION Furthermore GYPROC WOOL wont burn It acts as barrier to the spread of tiamcs Give your home this FIRE PROTECTION Low in cost Easy to install li1r sale at linildvrs SH Lumber Insulation Ihuersr ms fan la Gypsum Lime and Al basllne Canada limiIVed Vancouver Toronto Calgary Wlnnlgeg Montreal W549 YOULL FIND wide range of uses for this newALLMETAI Dodge 51111111112111 Openthe wide doors and yimll be amazed ail the seatingcapacity and the space provided for luggagandvacatipn equipment in thitrnewest Dodge Theres plenty oi headleq and elbow room in both trout andrear gents Its lively 97 hp eygtne operates with tradlltcmal Dodgdepend ability and economy gives you ampl poyver tor hill climbing and heavy going 011 the beaten track Low pressure tires SafetyHim wheels luXury 11111111111111 and powerful hydraulic 1111111111 assure you sate 1111100111 ride With the rear sat 16111911 flush with 11111 iliiot an easy duehand opera tion the new Dodge Suburban Can double as roomy panel delivery vehicle Youcan edslly lod it with any type 01 merchndise without wotty its allmetal lntrior ls hard to damage the longwearing vinylfabric upholstery it 31110n and easily washable Inspect thls great new 1111111111511 to the tamaus Dodge line at your DodgeDeSotodealts showrooms Youll nd it that th canyouvo always wanted at price you Vale Willing to pay See 111 beautiful new Dodge modelsi the DisllucllVe DeSOto with Tipfo gear 5111111111111 1116 famous dependable Dodge VolsRated trucks er 35 CQLLIERST DANGERFIELD MOTORS PHONE 2487 MONKMANSV GARAGE Cookstown Phone 68WV JUNE 23 1949

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