Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jun 1949, p. 4

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PAGE OUR BARR ONTARIO CAMD THE 5MA 77 777 17TZZZZI cc rie mie Ilililllt 11111 11111 Hall the llwi 1111 211111 1119 111111 Rev Robson Named 11er tl tttl 111 The 1101 15 VVH Hmlhri 111 tiulw mc 1111111 agc tl Ktl l1tgt1 111 gt1 difcllthi 11 tic11 13111111311 111111s11llr and r19 olh Im 111 11111111111 11111311 Norths WWI itlltt 1111H11111 1111 11 11111111 111wi ix VI it Jul Jit Hi 111311 uttctwuri ll ll ltw ilstl t1tL 1l 1111 51 11 11 A1t1 1511111 2111131 r11V1111r HIII hum nV and MH Vmunm n13 1211 lt1 leilbt Ul 1IIIIIVII tI 11111 11111111141 Ming 531111 VVV VVVVVVV VV tintnl 1111111111111 11 l1111l1t lw 111111VV 111 ptjjgwi 11 111 111131111111 =1 VVIsWlitit Hi AI1IIINSIIEIL 11 5U lilo ii iii Is 131 itll ltl 11135145 storm lltIAtl ltlltil 11 11 if Mini allllmL 11 wt tttr 5111111 1111 11 double11111 r1 LiIi Ill itklWw JillV ll l1lVl lb V111111nV 511111 wrung VV 111 I111 111111111111111 with lit RVHHMV litttinV June it 1919 when lcali va it 11 V1V1 It Vlwl 21VVl IV It Vt1l11111 1111zg1111 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ShVulkl1mmh V0 1llt1s 111 Like 1111111 1111 Satin HW Inn Nw ROM 111111111 Wilt biossoms and carried 111 i1111 111 11111 was attended 1er the tannhcs VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV MVVVSUVMVVVVV A1 Vol thv 11111111111rs 111 11113113111112 11 KM mm win VV VV Rest islltx 1111111V1111 0111111 11111 pink taffeta IIil short pmk veil V17 11 11111111 W11111r11 1111111111111 to was caught wuh pink roses and 111 V111 1111p111 11 11 1111111 111111 11111111111111111115 111111 5111 111111 noun Mrs 1Vll111 and 111 hmmum Of Mm pmnmmnsV 1tt11111 111 11111111111 11111 11111111 VVV VV VVV 11 llcn as Lloomsmdn fol ol 1111 111 11s 1111 1111 his brothers and the ushers were VT 11 This gaylittleKit holds thebosic incompdrable preparations Ihotevery woman needs For beauty in her life Guard your beauty with SLACKS lt81 SLACK SUITS PULLOVIIRS Cordigmi Sweaters JANT ZEN GLENAYR RENNIE rooKE SHIRTS Blazers and Shorties SUMMER COATS Elizabeth Arden Essentials for Loveliness treasure added radiance with delightful and attering ElizabethArden makefup In Black Browm Red or Greensimuloted alligator $5 1111 111 lritlay and the tlclvgatc VV VV VV and llamld billfll h1otl111 of the IV lillilllNitl VI iliit II SPIIHCJ llIIt IIIII1FV bridoV 11111111111 llllliiiliitllttlll of tlu 11mm 11111117111111 Knox ircshvtcrian VIVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV WVHV HVVVHV VI VVVVVV VV rmvplttlll followed on the MI Hu lawn of the home of the brides 11 Itltttlml rliltllLlt Hill tltl1ttKPl1l11111 ll 11H when Dornlhv Mac v1 111 11111 the 111111tr 1t1111tv 11111111 11m 11111111 1m ilV lliltlts mom 10 111 11111111 and 15 hit urnwind 1Mi 1111114 Hlrtth rossland iv1c1mvml dip of pnmm 10 vlth wlntc accessories She MH IMll 11HIM 0H ill 11111111 111 Intriiwtte to Harry $1VVV1VVV VVVVVVVVVVVV in pme TVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVKV KVVVV VVf MVV VVVVVV v1 corsagc of red roses The i110 11 of lllt 11100111 VOIc dross 111111 111 been nicmbu of tin Jnhn 1111mm mmmlo RWV i111rrlnll institute ltII 1001 3111 WINit i1 it itlSCY Vlih Willie RCCCS me Han moire htl If VVlVlVIV1V VV sories corsnge of pink roses gdmm Klailnfv md dllf0 30 15 pd ddi SilllilllWVS SCIVCd l0 VV11V VVVVVVVVrVVVVVV 111V 11111 music hm 95 VVNSV 5hrVlnlll1lld1115513$ llmSl 11 ubolmwn gum me wed 11 V4 VVV1 VV 1111211133m mmr Mwmmn Al mm mm Rnvsnn nm1inmi VVV hcrta Hamilton Dundas Ivy Bar yV VVV VV 11ci1111111a111111cb hc1 idllKVl VV $4an Illllllrlh thVV lVlthVVthCilVllVVVVth bndo wme gown of wth gig Net loucll lmonto and An Get Your Summel Wuldlobe lttffcta with l1cc volc and r111dvt1N 1h at suppcl at amp RdWlC 01 lFl Ct anlV HP Via last Vrutav evening Committees fin li3hh an NK tiara Falls and Michigan the bride In GOOCI Shape NOW 11rlc of Ameluau Beaut loses were ahpointcd from among the MV V0n VVVVVVVVVVVVV W010 MU deaidlne Mill Wllh executive for the coming year white accessories and corsage er VcnmV Those nes the Dude was lmdcsniaid 1n of red mSCSV on their 18mm the Phone PICkup 11111111 the 11111111 nearly 11 attics lunch out were Miss Margaret Sinclair president Mrs it Big Mrs Stanley Foley MrhE Wu Incson Mrs George Wardlc Miss Rhoda Young Mrs McKen zie Mrs Lloyd Copeland Mrs Monknian and Mrs Leighton Clarke Mrs Rawson IS v1cc president of the club 011 Saturday June 11 many To ronto friends gathered at the home of Mr andMrs Trewin Hum ber Bay in honor of Dr and Mrs Corbett who celebrated their silver wedding anniversary last Saturday surprise dinner party was given for Dr and Mrs Corbett by many of their friends from To ronto Owen Sound and Barrie on Saturday at their home RR Barrie Mrs Dorothy McQuay and her daughter Vivian entertained at miscellaneous shower for Miss Gladys Bobbettc at their home 105 Dunlop St on Monday even ing About 15 friends of the bridetobe were present at the shower which took the form of mock wedding Lunch was served by the hostesses The lounge room of the club house was gailydecorated for the annual invitation dance of the ladies committee of the Golf and Country Club last Saturday ev ening Wally Perkins Bob Powell and Ross Ronald provided music for dancing for 60 couples and buffet lunch was served from table attractively centred with lupinsV In charge of arrangements for the evening were the social committee of Mrs Empke Mrs Gray Mrs Glass and Mrs Harris Mr and Mrs Ralph Cunningham who left Barrie last Sunday morn ing for Saskatchewan were given sendoff last Friday evening by the staff of Robinson Hardware senior staff member for the past seven years The staff their 1wives and families numbering about 32 inrall travelled out to Midhurst Park for farewell pic nic supper er and Mrs Cun ningham were presented with an electric percolator by MissiChar lotte Keen on behalf of the staff and an electric tea kettle by Alvin Robinson on behalf of the manage ment Ed Green made farewell speech on behalf of the staff Mr and Mrs Cunningham were motor Ving first to Tompkins Saskatche viIan the home of Mrs Cunning on 11111111 3931325 him scudnlhalmatw V3711 mar DELIVERY DA DODGE 811 65 Center St gown of baby blue moire taffeta and carried cascade of pink macs Allen Tubman Brantford was groomsman for his brother The lMillbrook Caledon East and Bar Mr and Mrs Orvel Dash RR where Mr Cunningham had been Vvorr As You Lira 113111 Von1 lune 27 lvan Allen brother of the groom llill ANSIIIAIII thllflS wort Earl Tubman Hamil ton and Lorne Whitton Phelpston rccsption followed the cere mony in the Sunday School room of the church The mother of the bride were dress of navy petit point crepe with navy aCCessories and corsagc of red roses to rcV ceivc the guests Assisting herl was the grooms mother innavy sheer with white accessories wear ing corsage of red roses Guests attended from Brant ford Hamilton Toronto Markham me The bride and groom left on motortrip through Northern On tario the bridewearing suit of navy gabardinerith white acces sories anda corsage of red roses GRAHAMDASH In Collier Street UnitedChurch Barrie on Saturday afternoon June 11 1949 at three oclock Loraine Ethel Dash daughter of becamthhe bride of Harold Gra ham son of Mr and Mrs Ernest Graham Cundles Rev Lewis performed the marriage ceremony and Lloyd Tuffouluplasyed the wedding music Given in marriage by her father the bride wore gown of white satin Vwith inserts of lace fashion ed with fitted bodice and full skirt Her fulllength veil fell from beaded coronet headdress and she carried cascade of red roses and lilyoftheVvalley The sister of the groom Miss Marjorie Graham was maid of honor in gown of pink net over satin She wore matching halo headdress and mittens and shoulderlength veil and carried cascade of Talisman roses The bridesmaids Misses Sackett and Doreen Brien cousins of the bride from Toronto were in lilac taffeta with matching mit tens and held headdresses from which fell shoulderlength veils They carried cascades of yellow roses The junior bridesmaid Miss Mar lene DashV sister ofthe brideworef aVfloorlength dressof blue taf feta with matching mittens and pinkroses RVonald Graham was groomsman for his brother and William Dash and Clifford Graham were ushers Barrie Lois halo hat and carried cascade of RSDAY JUNE 23 1949 ride and groom will reside in gentle ppm TOMAIOJUICE whenyou buy tins at the regular price and present coupon below to your grocer Tests made recently in 390 grocery stores across Canadaurevced the itinaiing fact that out of women prefer Libbys Gentle Pren Tomatotjuice regardless of price This isccrtainly wonderful tribute to Libbysavour and quality yet we believe that everybody would have chosen Libbys hadthey sampled it Thats why were offering youone tin of LibbysTomatojuice FREE so that every family will know the unsur assed gardenfreshness of Libbys hams parents At the reception which followed WW ARE YOU PRICE CONSCIGUS IF so DANGERFIELDS IS THE PLACE TO DO BUSINESS Gar Repairs and Body Work Cost You Less ALL VWORK FULLY GUARANTEED NGERFIELD MOTORS DESOTO DISTRIBUTORS Phone 2487 Cam as favourite tomato juice We want youto try itNQW 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