Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jun 1949, p. 3

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THURSDAY JUNE 23 1949 WIN mm lxcfll has unzked It Inc mutual nuns on ih LI on =1 ml Kifl= Wl Ill anus Illll of ILL mi the Si ttlx ii th HI LIilluiiliglldffislitll io agrztsiiurr llvai Il lumber lldtlt mod Nye tf 11 VVV VVVVVV VVIVVV VV VVVdV VVVVVVV VVVV long it um Vine it W7 hllowmg WM mmcm WAY LEW my iiifdl LIN County and integrated wnh Iliv Wan ulncu fEIlt WV luminomty Night Lluss Program More iIVJrV liefrnu gt flung durum on than Iin 05 VVIV in 104344 Ihc fursn radio forum Id nil oIIl iil lzrkinrwi VVN VV pmgium Ius zlllvglditf mil in VVVVVV VVVVV VV VVV VV VV II tint will rigid lVugt Iln omnidirin lllft lrniumg Sinich county program All sub bVVVVVVV VV VV Ilri3t my iii Iii ill 11 itll tilt hum lilldll lladlllllp 3H WHUd bumdvuns it till pills II but miner not no fonivieilw spuii Um 5W1 nil 59 all Nld Inn Mimi my VVVC dun pm in the Iziiicr romuiumtiu tln cnium Silo tuu community study HV HHIW nVltI itxr VV FVVVVVVVVVVVV VV AKHVNUVW Mmrk vrls carried out by Mr Mc Elulzih Vtzlt Ulgttl to latch ILI VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV limi up For CCUS orpnnmcrl on provisional basis Liliane bl Will9 Fm liigiiiiilda of IllIr cxpnnsion st in chli lionold lupinan was lozuml by ol Th ll dismlon EIIIUPS 10le Eml hln liim plum for ill isrbornc In tho limo Ill ll ii on pnco IIgtr tlzc Inllposv of IiigaiiizatiiVIdV lot gflicial VmeetingsV hold liliSVV VEIann 1943 to 1949 IhiVsV poxVV or HE tir Vt4mm penm Nov ll 21 mil pituitziilis ms con lillli iron at Illian lull on Jun llilii iI Ailtliliilui inik Uni Fuiei llmbnr In March brwruilitunim Uf but the basis of the tIiucniIoIIJl utinn of xiculuc orgnnIcdtlll liviltlul llltvllllHS wuv liliiivi PWEUMH SHWW WHY hi VVV1V VVV VHV YVVddVium amp and mp m1 fin Iin unnnnnnd liiiilil rim of Mlzihlll lumdrni Anni Hfmy WIIIIIIHL Nihinm llifillm MUN 1VVm lho nsult of this row In 1040 lllii Siuiili IIgtIllIIX III Iin ii iI in ii VV ln 10 IIrltltililflllliN iii Ilrr county WWIHUHHHS WHS lupin 13 of Wild ml on rung mm them permanent fitleliilioll oiV HIiill Vol IIII IUIVHIVfrdvmpnn vV 1i linui tizIrijliilil ill 194041 In agricultuic organization vus sII up Elm nnn of llirn lln timiiroili bod bv JIun liHl dirtcior of adult Illltiiilvll Ill Ill4 VV VV AAl in the inn 941 mp mum irimiiici of scisknicluuan lici 110qu and educational program of lllmllwnv lIVillVI 41 flu SlnnUp uumy Federation Ur tlw tiiIIcViul lmuirl of tyevulc Agriculiurc vns vslnblishcd us flu Ull VhUWl WRV illllllliltlml Ilsninglbil with vlcw Io Mtilfllli Mr Mor tln bond of dn IIlors lllllllllllll committee was Sm WWW liflLLlllw lnmmmimi mjpnukc mum basis as timwioi oi Lil ll lining mgan Thu program Cm hourd was fuvoralllc and Mr MoiV lmmw mm and adupmd my rison took lVLl his Iiuliis on Aug US ltiiii lln urrmigInimu lic Vmunily program for study and dc tiou initiated by ILll utulcr Ilic iirociion of David Smith David Smith was named scorc tury of thc Simcot county forlorn Iion of agriculture zit flint timc lliis appointmcnt brought togcilr or iv ilonnl liltlll organization and its educa iogruni in un iIiIul irrnngc lolcrution mudc Sillittl contribution to thc budch of flFl in rvturn for tho scrviccs of llzivid Smith as scciciury And it gave liiln an opportunity to build ihv RIGHT Theres money when you need it by mail now from HFCHHOUSEllold Finance Corporation of Canada To make loan just clip and mail the attached coupon for complete information without obligation Loans are made promptly without delay This new service brings HOUSEHOLD FINANCES friendly courteous service to everybody By far the most people who borrow from consumer nance company use HFG So borrow the right way borrow the money you need from HFC by mail HOUSEHOLD FINANCE educational program on orgniiimtionnl busc llic Iiiiiig0 mm Ir mil minimal 55 Missingge Street Em ORILLIA ONT Hour to or by appolnimoan 55 Mississaza St East Orillla Om Norm Addrm City cm MI carrotml Household Finance Corporation of Canard vlezlgteil me without obligation how can at loch Dy nnnnhi WA Putin Vs ye VI vhf z$bf 21 must niiisatuass inn Pittwrit cunnonu onrnrrsr MILEAGE BARGAIN Hms ml opportunity on $00107 tires and tubes lion big mileage big I06 Goodyear Vlo suit ydln purse and purpose Remember Gadyeur Built Up rtord mam Ihui always lam your cost per mile Drive in today cull flit tiitli hilt till his TUBES LIFEOUVAHOS IAITERIES twvch tlu lll InIl tlu ltlitliiiitlli of agriculture contiuucd and Mr Morrison urer of Simcoe county fvdcrution of ugriruliurc that oilicv until lhc prcsvnl lime in March 31 1040 lln llnzintlnl support chcrniioh of Agriculture dccidcd to tho continuance of the program ofi education which lllt lll lind cur ricil on strong in the lcudership hill llni program will go on cations were ncccptcd livcunu srIivtziryirIus He has tIlllllllilLIi in of the Simcoc Count tissumi lull rcsponsibiliiy for changi is conteinplulvil Specially Written for THE BARRIE EXAMINER By LORNE FRAME OTTAWA June 20 normAnon this weck from 051 candidates across Canndd for 202 jobs at Ottawa of Commons seats to be filled by the votes of odious June The jobs are the vacant llousc some 8000000 Cami 27 The number of Commons seats has increased front 245 in the lust ptitllatneht to 202 The 17 new deals where added to the 215i parliament through redlsV tribuiion and entry of Newfound land iuto Confederation New foundland has seven representa tives while Membersmof the last house mean busy campaigningi Prime Minister Louis St Laurentl got back into the election frayV this week after resting his ihrout from an attack of laryngitis He circulated mostly in western Quca bec and eastern Ontario with rain concentrating during the dying moments of the campaign and Social Creditor So lon Low is in Social Credit AlL berta Happy Over Wheat Deal Were happy over United States ac lion last Week International Wheat Agreement tied the agreement last Apriland the United States are thooiily two countries that have agreement to date Ottawa officials feel that other members of the 41 nation grain pact will follow suit members bearing 80 per cent of thxexport load and 70 per cent of the import load before the dead line July lied Statbstiiogether provide more than 30 per cent of the exports bill before her parliament which Ottawa expects will be approved before the deadline Aug will provide 203000000 bushels of wheat and the US 108000000 of the Australia will 0000000 the first of its type in Canadas trading history Canadas contract With the Uiiltd Kingdom l5 ex pected to be merged into the in ternational pact when the Anglo July 1950 The UK has indicat ed she willenter the international agreement as an importer $180 bushelis loWerthan the VZKCanada nowreceives fromfthe crop conditions last whekV in ii regular telegraphic cm southwestern and south cen liqu designed my AMTOIOFS Progressive Conservative leader1 George Drew has the second last week of the camm palgn to his natiVe Ontario been devoting Coldwell CCF leader is on Saskatchewan Government officials in Ottawa in ratifying thel Canadawhose parliament rati ratified the Ratification must be made by Canada and the Un Australia another exporter has The agreement goes for four years Canada total of 456000000 provide another annual The multilateral agreement is Canadian agreement runs out in TIrej agreements top piles of The moat sevierc drought on re cord is deteriorating crops in the groater part of Ontario the min initih Bureau of statistics reported survey of Canadian crop condi lions Central tions of Ontario arehardest hit urgently needed in these sections Crop conditions in most of eastern and northern Ontario were considered satisfactory Rain also was needed in west tftll saskatcncwan and in central north central Alberta were thrlvmg in otiior parts of prairies British ColumbiaI Que betand the Mortimer the report said New Sliver nonn Royal Canadian Mint craftsman silvr dollar to commemorate Newfoundlands eu try ftb Confederation to rule The cabinet iaexpecte on the destgn within few weeks Once apprOval has been obtained 01193le and an orderincouncil passedVlt is believed some 1500000 coins Will struck The design depicts John Cabotii into effectJ rind summon sc WOODBURY TECH POWDER Iiivavs KEEP THEM HANDY AUTO FIRST AID 250 Clvu You Tint Sufi Summer Claw Without Burning UTILITY 125 TRAVEL KIT95 YARDLEY HOUSEHOLD KIT350 Lows ABSORBEHT GAME 35 3110 warrnrnoor inurswr 20 511 mucmou gt gum mmh mngmglma Ad 25 id 33203 nm romnan fll VVVV stills fistrillttflztth 21303453 33ninuellw3i$ 14 11 52 20 1618 lxzpbxl When can in touch with such VVVVVJSJVVVIIVIVVVMY olden from Manitoulin hom oVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 33 has gone fowvardtoihe Community Lem limb Pei Shop HBI Lake PERomeVVVVVVVVVV 23 Show Rood Long Branch Ontario might be one contact BJHIC lumor Chamber of Commach could get you In touch With several could in that Your loner Programmes Branch Department of Education at tention Miss Can You will be hearing from BANOAID ADHESIVE BANDAGE lllin or Miss Ca dwcly cnty So could the Onllm Ontario Board of Trade GYM $558 9c You up in in gout will In its iVown Indcnd olVV good fishing lets so Mh any plus ianonMN who luau IIVw OlhtilllV uc VV KuYn JELLYT 40 55 FOVVVV on em our no mf3 KATE AITKEN 225 nits Stink 19mm on 250 BEITchEEONV6Vuil 01 8mm KOLYIOS TOOTH PASTE TIMOTURE IODINE zffm 29 CHANEL No with IIC CHIEF lNDlAN KAP la 43 CHANEL No 22 GARDENIA Relieves SILOTVN TABLETSm 19 cum or RUSSIE Headache ASPIRIN 18 29 79 330550 aurora 25 49c 74 119 Neuralgia AtKAsurz 29 51 up Stomach mecca on an 29c sec 119 ll 613 114le 393 125 09 Vowm 25c 49 pr can EILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS 29 Stops inspiration 39 trnavmmr MILK Ol lit 29 59 39 16 or 89 on 336 FAMILY SIZE PARFINOL MINERAL Oil 15 37 POISON WY LOTION 33 SEIOLITJOPES 23 SANTAXlliTOILET PAPER 40296 WAKE PAPER loomum 28 WINSUM LOTIONW VVVVVV 33 COLDJBEAM mu sou msc om ATE DOROTHY GRAY HOT WEATHER COLOGNE 125 snuiisu srru iiriiirii sms 29c tantamountschism 80x iig saca2 to 35 48 123 AlR FORCE TYPE lNNER sum cussrs lillZOli nines Slay Sharp Longer 10 for MAD MAKE Quality Ground and Made the Maker of gnu10x Polished Lens Marlin Gum Exceptional 135 IIIIncl Value mt Monnu Aunumc vmnror KM ANT CMONIES SUNBURN CREAM Cones it luscious tan discourages burn Reg 100 mu nuns SPECIAL Stimulate iheLiver Bile to VVVV VJWV ion eiuous range avore TixfJJts Actolanol helps Qulckly elieve Restorative Vitamin For offset dryness 00 Supplement Every Ar bring out lovely Larges Selling Antiseptic highlights in your Liver Pills hair Reg 100 in England VV Need militarism trial Sin 15 llings 35c atly for 150 Home uni lERMANENT consumers VV Nothing gti1yir hints rkelimw corms Tm cam gamut443 grit Good for 33 insect Bums 41 EXTON BRAND lRlSTLES nmum GnuMud to 10 If Pntutlon IM luck In MOIIIIIOOI 0mm SOIIV No More Getting up at Night Take Cin Fills to Help Relieve Kidney and Bladder Trouble HASIIC CURLERS OMIth tzzzz ITS NEW gnVVVaggVi uni Ciemisiamnr 4011 You Cin Dope or run dTer commits llflltm on boils on HOURSMom rugs fiiungliri inn ajgoimV W90 33 in oil39in Saturday escort Wamlllnsnma 1mm rm DLlVY PhmZSSO

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