PAGE TWENTYFOUR Promote Get Out The Vote Campaign gttcn he was tilirrirtflnd icl if 1121151 WDIH sliir lllc talc ltl to mourn are low was Murray iii lLlixL tl at lzolne his and on mother itirncli of it aim and ftttllCn iztr Itlrrii ieit from QM ll llit liariirlion Siayrlcr arid GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS Just What You Need Two RealiyGOOd Used ICE BOXES One large Domestic Retrig S2500 One Commercial 5126 two doors 55000 This one is porcelain enamel lined and just as good as new Heliums lrctii Aiming oi lltc Mutt gtIlrlllll cililtlltlirlltr of HIV heat and wt Wclt glad to welcome comradcs ilgas and lilnixalc branches lia liltsliltss part of ilic meeting cry lilicrcstriig ls irilporiarit puposrlioils for thc iziiploycliitiit branch were carried MaxWell Electric Washers 1750 An excellent washer in every way shocked that James lilzak llrcl rcclliibttl to limit liiatri at Lls loltt Ni Lot it on 11 Ho on Monday June 11411 My lilltlr ias born June are John and ii had lived all in llrit lie iicd air 1111 of St Anti toicrilii Church and iiiciziircr ii llll iic 1001 tic look ktli lllltlirl lztitirtitllVl part in lililllltlilttl ltiIullgt lie was school 11sict for El cligt dlcctor of Fins ttlltillltlilii lloird from 191049 tlii1issioiarr ol Hos Municipal lnc was ml Equipped with the ftllllOliI Lovell Wrirrger ll lilt thin lull illllliti the mcctill the beautiful rallto which we lrzlvc ltttll enjoy 11 ioi sonic time was tollilally ilirHtiilitI to our branch by llios litiii which ititlcll tiliriillcl titlll to kind gcsturcs Mr Jcbb has ex tlidcd to us osiladls Harris ACE REFRIGERATORS are S5295 MONARCH REFRIGERAIORS 330850 for use with ice of course Lawn Hose 12 34 and inch Conner Electric Washers $15950 and $19250 CONNOR GAS WASHERS $22900 HENRY Itlltlts liairibcl out ot birthday xi poriar 1orlic Mrs the School Mrs niccc nci last wcrl Mr and Mrs on lOtl liiolur ii lllroucii Eastern Ontario Mrs spending this ttli with lll motil or Mrs Win lcrii Mr Mrs onto with Jas liiicilic Mr and Mrs arl Ylllicis arid lllolnbilry Mr and children guests of Player on Sunday Laurence ford Texas friends on Tuesday and is spending few weeks at uitlialrd licacll Mrs Smith lItJliln was home for lEil ii Dr tiic ttliltlli lr fill 1rtti days with lilcrid wcck Mrs ilo of Miss days Alteratiolc Hoard Queen St Heardtill liii liti limiio iilsiilxtiwli =l hurst last neck Mrs liaiiidz 111 1iiiir lo lo lc Tiaiii and Visiicd Mr and Mrs Mrs Wm Whale the pleasure of low days with her sister Mrs Rcmcmbcr July 12 will be cclc brath iii lIlriivalc this year expected march Mrs lioward llowson and child ren Collingwooll spent last wcck loriiicrs tlt ll LIT lozi ii ilii inillr ELMVALE tilli yilillli liiazi at Jili ltliy ii rli lit and Lauri lil Kidd ri Mctoltiilan hail mil lt1l oii lill on 11 leckcud Mlllici tiltili and illnlil ill ill till partills Mctli litii Sillyl icckcnd and Mrs fibirr ili 1x Tinonto IIillii Toronto is orllo With Player llrl paicrriw lltllilli lllv iallirs ii Toronto had The SS ill 11 11 is titty lodges will ooper on tilrric wcdding itiotiicr Mrs were Mrs the and Illoncl ss ers assisting Morton ot Weather callcd on lillllitllt Cooper aiiicroir and soil Canadian iailadiaiis gm illlll 315 zaillll oi the ilfrr liic lr Mrs iiilliiirll Jillilltitti llltilil oi liai held at Midland on Saillidaygmll lelicit iclliiiri 1lit iiiipsiiii 111 and Siayncr ullktlrd with band at Mattawa rii daughter tiliricd home with iron aftcr spurid couple oi wccks gucsis it June at the piano march lrills lic lclt lo lrllt BARBARA Ill1 of Ot tlcl leirliical from this coili touiiiy pH iiielrbcrs 21 licloulra Sci Mrs Milncr Toronto spent the at it ill acks irlcludcd Roger Mycrs and child rrlipclS Mrs ihos ilobsorr and llrclitla1o ronto at IIdgar Beardsails Mr arid Mrs lrcd King and children 1or friends oldwatcl at Miss lictty Stewart Toronto at Stewarts Miss Dorccir lcaisoir Toronto at Pearsons Shower for BrideElect room of Si irurch was prcttily decorated with 15 pink and Willie strcamcrs arid pc orries for the shower of Miss Doris 16 Miss played oopcr tscortcd by Gwen Jones as groom entered the room places at the front prcscnicd by Mrs Ella McKnight Margaret the names and good wishes were Gillen and lcggic very the friends for the beautiful gifts Iand good wishcs merits were served by the ladies Miss Miss and took Thc gifts vcic Graham isscs Ritchie Dainty ttflLSii LOIISII 11111 MRIll Murray liioiipsoli lit1 or zlriip liiiitlill gilcslx or Mr and Mrs Kill lint Villi Mia Mcl liowal and sons 1Illri and Mr Win Duncan tirl ilus spent for lilcrs Mrs Marlon rc wltii lrcl 11c Slilrlcy Players Andrews Elnrvaic cemetery Mary the floral tributes were those from St Church their read Oth Norma Miss graciously thande he resided until his death McLAItICX of ii=illlltll Qllt and DOROTHY SIIICA ol are ttlllltllli St Johns 318 ioliiiwrs pai Friii it 11 Miss iiw tltwitlrlll or lhi Johns Whit illrgtltlcti lt Illi illllt lliitilili llio at Mrs Killrs on Iliiwtiii llil sixteen and ilirtc illill pics Mrs ialtcr Middleton icd lli dcoioris items of busincss included the following coiiirriri itt was appointed to pack thc tllrlllllli il Europe fills John Curr president of rililool WMS gayc all ilitcrcstiiig account oi the day she spciil at Toronto oriici lincc Mrs 11 11 Whitney ittltltltfi lltt1111l solo roll call was ari swcicd by cisc on Joy Mrs 1111 lholirson icpoitcd on the Supply parcci The final chapter of the study book was ably pre scntcd by Mrs llcil Mrs Mclt laillril ilti lri praycr Miss Fos tcl gave brief report of the Sim cow licsbyicrial hold at ticciiiorc Light ltlllSllllillilS wclc scrvcti by ilrc hostess at the close of llic meeting The Late llromrrs ecii lraiiam ill liczriilr for the past itt lholiias ccil irahairr passed away at his ironic Lot orl 1loson June 1010 The funeral service was corrducid by Hurgcss intcrriicilt was made in were Reg Bertram Rowicv Wm Clement Alvin Grccniaw Art Jainiesorr and John Lainbic Among the beautiful Andrews Presbytcrian oloiiliiiorr llodgl 4011 A1 AM The Neighbors and SS No ill Irlos chil Graham was the son of Mr on it lilos ember 21 189 He married Ber tha Draper Jilrrc 11 1030 and moved to Lot Corr Plus where member of the Presbyterian cral member of Coronation Mas Suiiiitii Status it SPr 103 Fiild Mattresses 50 repp and plastic covered cushions Just the thing for yourvfandah lawn or cotr tagen Sizes and 46 Filled with tempered coil spring unit covered with heavy striped damask tick ing in attractive blue shad es Heavy roll edge ventil ators and side handles for easy turning Regular $2550 and $2675 For $1975 Summer Cushions Boal or Chair Cushions Brightly colored cretonne Covered with durable fibre and fitted with four ties to secure themtoa chairseat and back Regular $195 $49 For the balance 01 June the store Closes Wednesday afternoons Commencing Mon day luly 4th the store will be closed all day Monday and open all day wednesday for July and August as in former years NITURE Dunlapst BARRIE STOVEO Pie 44 held at his late rcsrdcircc on llltlt licv 11 The pallbcar Harvey and Mrs David Graham of Lot He was born on Nowi He was Church in politics he was ibw the honeymoon trip Til lltlll to rat izils Town 3ip toiincilloi from January 1934 to March litlit and January 1949 ilil his death tic had been ac ttic ulrtli one wwck ploi to 1115 iiiail lhc lillllilli servicc licld at hilt iait hoiiic on Juiic it was ltlrrd rd by lly large gathering of tilciills and relatins it was loiiductcd by ltcv Hiirgcss zllti irritriicril was made in Elin llt tractor The lillilttiltigt tlt illillllttl of the lliriivalc lilili Lodge Altx Mcirrth Lloyd lcirori iii liibirian Sam Kim illl1 ltolvt Illtlllltll arid Allan lilltllli lllc beautiful liolal trib iiics llliltiiitti those from St Andv rev lunch lturzri liydro liar Ilr Stromboigarlsoii Ltd lllilit School Stall No AgrlcuiI turai Society lilinialc urlirrg tlali lllllinlli District LionsClrrb iouiilrip of 1los Hos Municipal lclophortc System Iilllllllt 1001 Lodge No 111111 lie lcics to mourn iilgt will the litiiiitl Ida llcas man onc daughter Mrs lloward licwsoa IMlldrcdi of Collingiiooti llllti sous Earl lllgin arid Hugh all or lerrrralc three brothers Mel irl arid Herbert of Elinvalc and 111155111 of Kitllllltk Saslc tlircc lslilS Mrs Wallace iuic iilthcir iMrs Dan ltowat Mabel and Mrs Hcardsail all of IIimvalc litlllllVi and liicrids attended troiri olliirgwood It Rugbym Hillflitl 1cfroy Toronto Pairy rSourid 1iroriibur 1crrctang and liairic Siirisoopcr Wedding pretty Juiic wedding took place in St Andrews Presbyterian Church Iillliilt on Saturday illiillt ill 1040 at It oclock when Doris Lillian only daughter of Mr and Mrs llios Cooper Elmvalc was united in marriage to Ray Ed iward Sims eldest son of Mr and Mrs A1 Sims Toronto Rev Burgess officiated The wed ding music was played by Miss lMary Currie and the soloist was iMiss Dorothy Rattle of Toronto who sang Because during the signing of the register The ccre molly was pcrfornrcd in setting of lpink and white pennies and orange blossoms The bride given in marriage by icr father looked charming in 111 floorlerigth gown of corded ivory tzifieta with legotmutton slccvcsl land soft draped skirt which fell The high buttoned neckline was trimmed with line lacc Hcr French tullc illusion iveil fcll fulllength from head ldrcss ofpcar1tintcd orange blos soms She carried cascade of red iroscs and babys breath Miss Betty Sims of Toronto sister of lthc groom was bridesmaid wear iing coral corded silk taffeta off tileshoulder gown with halo of pink roses and dipped carnations She carried nosegay of roses and sweet peas Kenneth Cooper bro ther of the bride was groomsman and Earl Thomson cousin of the bride and Allan Sims brother of the groom were ushers Follow ing the ceremony reception was held at Crowes Inn Mrs Cooper mother of the bride received in frock of powder blue sheer with grcy accessories She was assrstcd by Miss Hamilton an aunt of the groom wearing gured Jersey frockandwhite accessories For to Montreal and other points East the bride donned beige suit with green accessories On their returnthcy will reside in Toronto ArirLEdwards Nuptiais charming summer wedding took place in St Johns United Church on Saturday June 11 1949 when Miss Marjorie Marie Ed wards only daughter of Mr and Mrs Edgar Edwards Elmvale be came the bride of John Wesley Archer youngest son of Mrs Rob ert Archer and the late Robert Archer Elmvale Rev Mc Farlanc officiated The bride given in marriage by her father was lovely in oorlength gown of white faconne crepe made with tted bodice and bouffant skirt and he fingertip veil of illusion net wasgheldwin place with lilyofr thevalley She carried bouquet ofBriarclier red roses white os trich feathers and ribbons The maid of honor was Miss Pearl Ed wards of Vasey in oorlength gown of primrose taffeta with gertip veil and she carried bouquet of Johanna Hill roses Miss Alice Barnes was bridesmaid in oorlength gown of blue taeta with matching crown hair dress and bouquet of Johanna Hill roses with pink ribbon Mar lene Bell asower girl was pretty in oorlength dress of pink taf feta and she carried basket of mixed roses withpink and blue streamers Morley Lyons cousrn of the groom was groomsman and Jim Archer and Donald Edwards brothers of the bride and groom were ushers The wedding music was played by Mrs Elmer Feigefg hen and Mrs Whitney was soloist Before the ceremony she sang Ill Walk Beside Yourand1 Because during the signing of the register of reception was held in the SS room where Mrs Edwards mother of the bride received in dress of dark grey crepe with navy acfej cessories and corsageof Johannap Hill roses She was assisted byz the grooms mother in blackgsills with blackaccessories and corsage of Briarcliffe roses The tables were beautifully decorated the brides centred with threestorey Cake with an arch trimming For travelling the bride wore pow der blue gabardinelsuit withzblack accessories black purseand core sage of red roses After honey moon spent at Toronto Hamilton arid Niagara Falls the newly wed cOuptewrll reside in ElmVale Out1 reftown guests were present from Toronto Orillia Beavertome lilton Barrie Vaseyand New ell into train point for recording the good work iiillt by all organizations doing Re lief and Welfare work in order to rillcling We radc to red ilic gratiiutic of the llltllli its to Mr 1cbb Following the 1111331th meeting are ivill favorxtl with an inter iiiii and tllSiltltlHtditlli by 11 Stewart KC and Mac Iiici Kt The principal topic ibcrlrslti by the two gcnilcrlicrl was the lcgal points involved ilr purchasing home Mr Maclxlrcrl and Mr Stewart pointed out very carefully and plainly the various uilslakcs liablc to occur with rc spici to titlc description of pro pcil agreement of purchase etc The drawing up of wills was also touched upon and points of prob otl iiiisulidcrstaiidliig wcrc cx pllilltii lollowiiig the talk Mr Stcwartl and Mr Mlic1llltll cry kindly an swcrcd thc iruincrous liilcstioilsi asked by the cumralics plcscnt 110 it was quite ciiticnt took tirt kcciicst interest in thc discussion This is the second time N110 Mac lircri lllti Mr Stewart have doli lied valuable time for the mcriibcrs of Harrie Branch and they were thanked on behalf of members by toiiiladc Norbert Moran WONDERFUL ARRAY Welfare Council Now boys word regarding the ilarllc and District Welfare Cotill cll The Council is centralization PASSED avoid duplicating and overlapping of lrclp extended to those ill need The organizations are requested to for ward report of their activities to Comrade Al Harris who is ther Corresponding Secretary by Aug if possible This lCpOit will be plit up in booklet form each or ganization receiving copy liesure to keep Monday cvcii iiig Jilly open for our regular have number of good applications for initiation and as yorl know Swell Cellulose Mop 98 104 DUNLOP ELECTRIC memes 155300 to $8495 ELECTRIC HOTPLATES ELECTRIC FANS jsiiies $7957to $1195 ELECTRIC FANS Floor Model $3300 Now is the time to really enjoy these ONE USED BIKE Gents selling for $20 ONE SLIGHTLY USED BIKE Ladies One 219 GalloriGalviWATER BOILER In very good condition for $2500 TANK Portable gramme 3155111 Insecticides of Many Kinds to help control plant and flower pests DECORATED and PLAIN DINNERWARE Sets of 32 56 and 96 pieces FROM and the VALUES ARE UNSUR NOVELTY PIGABANKS $195 295 $395 MIRACLE MOPS ARE ent Comrade Biggs Provincial we are buying Coni Secretary and Comrade Maurice VimS illOVmCial Dlcsid Scarlc District Pensions Advocate 5198 15777731500 $3500 TO CHOOSE BLUE or PINK Self ernger ST and of particular interest CHILDREN with us that evening This meet ing will be distinctly outstanding Any Length You Wish HOSE COUPLINGS Sprayers Etc SALE of BURNER AIROGAS STOVES Made by Coleman Legs High Back Regular Price is $4970 SALE $3995 Oil Stoves and Burner with or without legs Siiigl and Two Burner Ovens too BURNER GAS SIOVES $1395 $1050 capacity $795 to $1095 SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS Many many people afflicted with rheumatic troubles of one kind or another have obtained marvellous results by taking the juice of lemon unsweetened before breakfast Have you tried this WM BEACH BALLS RUBBER TOYS FOR 4912 75c 98c $295 $325 PLASTIC WATER RINGS $125 Red and White Yellow and White RUBBER DOLLS on SALE $129 Flags For Decoration 77 5e 10c 15c 20c $398 PICNIC BASKETS Fitted and Plain HA RRY ARMSTRONG PHONE 2801 Legion Driliirllcad Service lil lia Sunday Jilly 17 watch for fur ther particulars Sunday JuneZSth Childrens Day Phone 2139 Square dr Round Metal Pails with lithographch dc signs Complete with galvanized metal shovel hav ing handle Choose from two sizes SAND PLAY SETS two moulds one shovel and dishes on card Zelier Value At per set 19c VGARDEN PLAY SET metal hoe rake and spade Each approx 20ins long Red green 250 Set SNAP0N WATER WINGS 24 his by 20 ins Vinylite plas tic with selfsealing valve heatsealed seams $129 Ea rubber Onepiece in gay coloringsir 7in to 13insizes ZellerValue RUBBER TOYS Disney Mickey Mouse Fire Truck Roadst er Tractorvand Super Racer 39c and79e ANKLE SOCKS HALF SOCKS Good quality Cotton or comfy RayonCotton with Lastex tops in colors thatll go with her summer frocks Sizes 5to 89 219 to 39c Summer Hats STRAINS AND FELTS in wonderfully pretty assortment of styles and colorsAll daint ily trimmed See the grand 901 lection ZeilerVaiue PLASTIC BAGS PLASTIC CALFS AND PLAS TIC PATENTS Choose from many dainty styles Summer White and accessoryright colors Zenovalue 55 85C SUMMER SHOES Comfy Butcher Linens Sturdy Kip Leathers Grand assortment of styles Choose from Childrens and Mrsses srzes $219 wooL CApDIoAN Botany Long sleevv es Red pale blue pink $298 SHORTS Sanforlzed Cotton Drill White and colors Sizes to 14 $149 SLACKS sizes to 14 Sanforized Cot ton Drill Lovely colors $198 5BIIYS WEE MISS Zellels 60 Dunlop St Barrie JUNE 25 IS AJIAY DEVOIEI T031110 LITTLE FOLKS wholl be needing host of things to play with and live in all summer Shopfor playtime novelties and apparel at Zcilers The Values are Noteworthy Special value Sailor Pants REGULAR $298 VALUE Made of stur dy sanforized Cotton Drill with laced back wide bottoms wide waistband belt loops Navy Sizes 26 to 34 Childrens Day Featurelp ManSize Reg 5139 Value Sport Shirts SIZES to 14 Of longwear ing slabweave stitched main seams Choose from many handsome col ors Childrens Day Feature Tags SPORT SHIRTS WESTERN SHIRTS Sizes to to 14 Cotton Broadcloth or sturdy Cotton Drill Check this Value boy will like WESTERN DUNGAREES 24 to 34 Blue Denim with turned up bottoms $275 WHOOPEE PANTS Sizes to 14 26 to 32 Sturdy Cotton or Drill fabric Navy BATHING TRUNKS See the beachgoing collection of styles and colors including the famous Box er type Theyre styled for com fort Great variety of sizes $149 $198 POLO SHIRTS small mer dium large Fine Cotton Mesh Crewneck short sleeves Choose from Plain or striped 7796 Boys Wear sectiim Gotrds Satisfactory Money Refunded Fer the Junior Miss sizes $129 $198 3193 Sizes to 14 Gay Cotton Prints Onepiece flaredskirt style with attached haltertop elasticShirred waist Grand assortment of colorings patterns HANKIES ins sq Featuring lover designs in grand variety of prints Striped styles 80 Ea COTTON TSHIRTS sizes film 14 Solidcolor and attractively 89c and $100 STORE nouns Monday Tuesday Thursday amf Friday 900 can to 530 pm Wednesday 900 rum to 12 noon Saturday 900 am to 855 pm