illURSDAY JUNE 23 I949 wW Million 11113 429 32 littiilI liliiri LI rhllj ii 211 IliAh III21 in ll I55 amt iltllltl Spa1 Softball Iaiilt 1111 Iil xcth pm iii ghitlllliiklli IiIIui p11 itltwloilliltt xliipli It1l thysons Illiigtltiiy to rat 129 iltlttHfdgc ll1ll Iluppci snappy Iiysi 1Tiiii liitlpgittl ritwiiti spill tit iltjt IU 11 pile lint fir tamti Ilh ptlt clii It l1 oJ in the uprising it twoyvai hathng chairm 111 ItililI liitllilitlrtiii star ma IMtllEliIl Willi the illlllls Iliillizltllill rliaptntl onto mo iozilm averagi lliursday lltlltt 11mm his mark from 391 to 107 lnin alt lllt only 100 or IRIltl liizicl ill the hagui who haw turn to tho piatc 11mm 111 llltllv Stuntlink dcp litlillllt ccntlc ticidcr ioi iltllih Motoix patcs his Itlllllllll ltIl 3715 lillt Iic Strausnian llt1ll iaue Motors Ili Illll tttatnry also hcads twoilthcr iiipziltiilcnts and Itdtlltitkttl tor leadership in another iic has llUlIItlI toiii home runs two lillltl than any other player and pact the ionsbattiddn column vith llt ticd Willi lord Roach of laizc Motors and Bob liittick of lll ill most Ionlilcs with thicc luv to IlalrisMotors undcfcatcd iwoitl lack luinbull and Lorin liayiis show the blast pitching 11 uicx Vllli Ililtl wins apicci and liysons Johnny Snachc no losscs Examiner Sports Calendar Sill ltlAlJrl pm Srnior iltlltrleY Harris at Ilymns IQ1ttf littli tiasc 1511111 Intermediate hitlliA lrtlcv it Loparii 15251 iagltrl at All =Qlcriis uIUNiiAY Million atlascv1rw Hillel11 ttlh at topaco hiiraz Ladiu iiilfilSliAi Vallry Iil at anniikct MONDAY Ntxxriiazkct li Milt Iritl Industrial FRIDAY ttill at Ilarric Iaii 11111 ttihr South Simeoc iiilday games cancelled insrm 110130 p111 South Sinicoe IltillAY iyy Lit tlilll Utopia Iiillll Stimuli at Iiiurnton IIVCHII at Illl11i MONDAY ilariii at lalgiayr Alliston it Utopia Ilcoton at Ivy Stlotitl at livcrttt lluftcrillSinicoc illllltSIlAY iillia at iluriic SrxillliliAY lttllltlit at ol Iingwood SFlt tIllllAY ilarric at Midland IltA l1 at Ill allfoid LEAGUE STANDINGS TE BAKER EARRIE ONTARIO CANADA SOUTH SIMCOE BALL GAMES POSTPONED llxrr touxr plrsltlflll of thr South Simcor hulttull Luxur has announced that ngcs schedulril for this tri lliy June 31 llJ Ilrtli un crtlcd doc to NW junior Lirnr rrs firhi 111 at iuilph Also lht South Sinicor Lugur ill stage their Miriqu blnllll game for the injtlrrd players fund this Saturday June 25 at trunclls hr 11 allstar lull from lllr group ldtklr Sun Vullr Scniors of Toronto 211m timi is art for p111 mv OSHAWA PAIR WIN HONORS AT GUN CLUB Alt llrivik and Nvif Full of Iiitit ion liib IiltI txyo Itllt than Ittl liWisa Illitl liliwt Itilobi of tla Ilarrii inn lnll lltltt clip Etuch tIir tuoimzin Itltltl prii 32hr Ilariii inn tournament Sun day Block and Fill showii worr of Ill out or possibll 2110 winlc lwirs and Iatohi tUlttl 191 In In round llrock connected for 99 which giiyl hrizi overall high gun honors for the day Mac 1111 ccond lIi IIII Uilllitlllilili il Twiss but shootoil mo nccts stay The Ilznrii star was ticd Willi Full both showing score of 51 ll KLN ROBINSON Burir Recreation tuunscllor mm Illsrlull Wt would yriiltii liu 11Igctiuli tint tl diamond and gt1lilxl lilttli lnr Illvitl tlx agricultural tilt ft 11w by tin iiascliiill tlllllltt 121 tiJil vr nuch fol Ir liili ti Illtit and partici tartan oi til li lilrlillr IllilllJ Ilil nor noarn and we mean l1il lliiti ti1illlllll Itulllil illtI nv goinl iai toward popli IltlIElli lllt unnr and lilltlll the prod total luthrr alil ill Hoccir lnv of 11 11 mil millot the runand IIltl Ion oi tht Iiiiilt and Ill Ilicl ttI linguc to know that the lntaiio football rrociatioii Uliiliivltllt has IlllS ntar for thc iiit hill at up the machinery to hold an hitario intcinirdiatc soc tl championship Iintiicx will In llitltitlttl lloin the cight tIlSlllC haguwi lnch function outsnlr thc Ilalgi llt and Illll will incllidc IIIt Iiitllll and Iitr1ct winncrs cntrzll Ontario ltccrcation Zone An idea lligtIllllllNl last ycar and IititiiI tIIiltII itlllill today is Illt filial cunntnr lllttllllIL and picnic fwllll linbcatcn howcycr but Alqu SENIOR SOFTBALL litlt Iww caidvd thc bothr toicml Li ppm mun WUWIHIIHI onc bchind ill thc victory column In XI mld lllilllili lt ill WWI Still IILIS ilitiillc Walker tlllllli IliilllS ii Milli 1W um nmriv minim liimrliiuk Midhmi Thv WtV mm Smkmm mm IIIgI I572Icnivrgcd llttiltitl in llltll rcr ois wrth all stall that can Ilt mm mm my rm mm BIII Hymns II 4333 spcctivo classes ulillitIIilttIl with spand and many ntoinpanilI by HIIMIIIIH III GIIIIII MIIIIIIS III IS MI 31111111 gun for class It lIIIi 97 and llllt illtgtf and tIllItlltll will Ibc IIIIUIIIII with my INTEHIIHHAHI SOFTBALL llarold McNahh was high gun in on hand with the litiilllt totalling NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW WIIIkIIII III IINI plclass wrthriil aboyc hlty llltillillll huslncss IILIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII WIIII IIII IIIchva IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII St Catlrziriiiis won the IitlllilllStSFlllll will hi hold at commlunty III II IIIIIII III III IHQ Imam II II II II II II ttani championship producing In house with Illt party niovrng1 to Minmin II scorc of 1171 out of 500 ihiniltlidlunst tor steaktry lunchcon humid mmt 1mm mm Il TIC highest mark was 97 and Iowcxt 93 It has lltlll found that this is 11 WULHU LII There Were numerous pltllitlSplttltlltl opportunity for scasonul llSUIlS in 111 lttUlt pzints in the tournament coming stall to intct with various director must Ioiiblc plats with thrcc boll MM01WMIR$LL from Port lcrry Oshawa St arid compare administration inat BIIIIHIIIIII Zilllilrlllt5 Kitchener loronto tors ctc Sonic of BarricsISununcrE Fume Itircston and London playground pcrsonncl Vlll tnkoi IIIIkStIIwn over the chapcroning of tho I1mnhm sssrcg CIilIlltll who conic along and oth Iphurchiill stairs will act as junior hostesses atI llond Iicad 54 PM lwo runs in the eighth inning BARRIE AND DISTRICT iiBmw ixammr 1mm 44 and gun Minosing LADIES SOFTBALL In ncxt fucsdays cdition of The 55 victory over Canadian ch Exzimincr special feature will ion at Queens Park Monday in Ncyvmzlrkcl be run in thc sccond section head an intermediate so all on 11 10 Midland ed up undcra summer recreation liltlil Ilairic Valley wm RCSCC Ipicturc of Barrie and DISIIICL It enabled Minesing to jump in Barrie Stiansmans iMany organizations have cooperat dcadlock with standing to occupy to secondplace Copaco in the league whilc Legion continuc the collar It was definitely pitchers duel between lion Birnie of the Legion and Morley Schandlcn of Minesing pair of seasoned veterans Bilrite kcpi Mincsing confined to single runs while SchandicnI wcakcncd only once during that nineinning test Mincsing broke first ice in the second stanza as El Crawford making liiinnilial appearance of the your scored on Morley Schmid Icns hit They made it 20 ill the third only to have Legion take the front in the fourth with four runs However Mincsiug fought back from the deficit garnering sinI gle counter in the fifth and one 111 the sixth Neither club could break the deadlock until the eighth when Mincsing opened the top half with pair of markets which gave them the ball game Legion tried vainly to catch up and tallied once in the bottom half of the eighth but couldnt supply the run in the ninth which would have sent the game into extra innings Harry Adams Glen Bielby and Morley Schandlen Iwere best for Minesing while Scott Toies Ham mick and Birnie losers MINESINGW Downey cf IH Adams SS Adams 1b Beilby 2b Adams if Johnston rf Downey 31 Crawford Schand len LEGIONTales if Scott 1b Ham mick Pickering 311 Miles rf Ramsay cf Birnie Bird 55 Win grove 2b UMPIRESeGeorge Miles plate Bud Knapp bases starred for the Last night 15 Stransmans NORTH DUFFERINSIMCOE scoreValley BASEBALL 10 Collingwood 1000 Crccmorc 600 Barrio 333 Oiillizi 000 Bradford Bambi RCAF Midland 11111111911111 GE NINE 3113 Clarke and Clarke opened their industrial softball season in over whelming numbers at CGE dia mond Friday as they soundly trounced the Electricians 3113 They broke out in the rst in ning with nine runs and were never headed The fourth frame was the lone battings they failed to enjoy score They blanketed CGE in the sev enth tallying 14 runs an inning when 11 men stood at theplate CLARKEK CLARKE Rivett if DAmbrosio White cf Earth 21 Ferguson 3b Rayner lb Mc Neil Haskell Copeland rf CGE Oakes Sinith Lynn Draper cf Ernston cf Taylor rf Winterburn rf Henson if Lums den if Hobbs 2b Dunn lb Evans 3b Elliott ss UMPIRE George LeGear Government affairs are YUURLT affairscast your ballot on June 27 DEPENDABLE Used Cars 1949 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETMASTEB JSED 1947 PLYMOUTHCLUB COUPE 1947 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN 1946 PLYMOUTHSPECIAL COACH 1942DODGE SEDAN 1942BU1CK SPECIAL SEDAN 1941 CHRYSLERROYAL SEDAN 1941 FORD DELUXE SEDAN 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH 1937 CHEVRoLRTCoACH 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1947 FARGO 12 TON PICKUP 1942 FORD TON STAKE HD EQUIP PHONE 5355 Harold H111 Limited CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO BARBIE ALL ON OUR LOT AT 172182 BRADFORD ST Iim MeGregor In Charge Kempenfclt Parade Thursday June 10 The Barrie corps were hosts to thc Midland Scu cadet corps on Thursday night and one of Iovents of the evening was base ball game The lads from Midland teiHowever the Barrie lltdS wer short some of their best players who were on duty with the Bugle Ibzmd at game time Cadets Gill Cripps Dclong and CFO Lcmmon starred on the Barrie team while the Midland team showed well tmlvarious articles will have much emerged the victors in this encouri balanced group with all lads putl ting forth good effort It is ex pected to have return matchin the near future when Barrie will be at full strength with the addit ion of such lads as Cadets Tiapnell Ferguson Madore and PO Drum mond and other good ball players from the band After the ball game the Midland and Barrie sea cadets corps held short parade proceeding from the Armoury along Toronto Ross and Hayfield Sts returning to the Arm oury viaElizabeth Street Parade Sunday June 19 Cadets were mustered at 10 am Sunday morning and paraded to St Georges Anglican Church Allan daieto attend services Attendance was very good with only one cadet adriftcadet Armand Marion of Anson Division After services cadetsr paraded backltto the Arm oury via Tiffin Innisfil and Eccles Sts TheWeather was excessively Warm but the cadets made very excellent showing and were con gratulated on their department by heir executive Officer Lieutenant Kelly Building Fund Notes Tickets are now onsale for the RadioPhonograph Combination and various other prizes All prizes have been donated and the entire prQCeeds will go towards the Bar rie Sea Cadet Building FUnd 1Tickets may be purchased from any member of RCSCC Kempenfelt The Home Appliance Shop or Har rie Flower Shop cadets has been very encouraging with Cadets Brett and Collier lead ing the corps in this undertaking Harry Holmes of Newmarket re cently donated $10 to the boys Harry was formerly propietor of the Corner Cupboard and aniactive member of Barrie Lions Club and has taken keen interest irr the progress of the BarrieCIorps Other donations have been promised and will be announced in this column later Sub Lieut Harris OIW IIM PARKER WINS WITH KNOCKOUT rrie Boxing ClubsJim Parker con liqu his sweeping march in amateur heavyweight ranks Tues day iiight at Oakwood Stadium in Toronto as he seared his second knockout victory within week In scheduled verounder he disposdof Killer Riggs of Strat ford at the one minute and 20 sec ond mark of the second rbund Parker was so superior over his opponent that be Riggs on the canvass five times uring the short fourminute and 20second tussle 1n theirlast meeting Parker managed to win decision triumph at Hamilton Riggs tipped the scales at 254 pounds 60 pounds bet ter than Parker The manager of the Barrie Box ing Club Orv Dash reports his draw to be made on August for So far the sale of tickets by the fsions and will probably see action Ichnngcs in pllying rules it wouldl British Columbia cd in placing their sumincr activit ies before the public giving their stories of memberships activitics special programs etc The recrea1 tion council cxprcsscs thanks to The Exainincr for this cooperation and We feel those who read the better picture of what Barrie and district has to offer inthc way of summer recreation both to the residents and visitors Playground Softball The recreation oftice wishes tot make contact with all boys who will be entering teams in the sumt mor senior and junior playground softball leagues It is assumed that ages for both these icagucsI will remain the same with the possibility of some slight change in the eligibility rules for the senior league Any alterations in the rules and regulations will only bcl made by majority olevoteof the representatives of teams so if anyone contemplates requesting be appreciated if the Recreation Office is contacted immediately SWIMMING AND WATER The swimming and water safety instructors course got off to swimming staitI on Tuesday night with 25 candidates participat their ing permanent addresses ranging from New Brunswick to Mrs Joyce Tyrrell assistant diri ector Ontario division swimming and water safety program and Ali Sivell summer director of the camp areas spent the rst eyening screening the candidates They were assisted by Mrs Phyllis Moody Barries assistant director of recreation and Glen Bending who is at present with the RCAF undergoing summer training as flight cadet Mr Bending comes from New Liskeard where he is an instructor and an examiner There are ve Barrie boys on the course Laurie Spencer and Paul Kenney who will be the instruct ars at the Barrie beachpand Ken neth Chapman Brian Trapneli and Bernard Cryderman who are at tempting to qualify for various swimming instructor positionsin and around Simcoe county Speak ing of the county Rev Kaell gren from Hillsdaleis taking the course as well as TomEvans and Bob Compton from Bradford These people will be working und er the direction of Miss Louise Colley director of recreation for Simcoe county II The final dayof the course will see the presentations being made at Camp Borden with Colonel Todd aspiciaiIin charge and rep resentatives from the Barrie branch of the Canadian Red Cross the RCAF and the Barrie recrea tion Council From twelvehour course four years ago the training new has ex tended to strenuous 30hours of practical and class room work and those candidates who successfully Qualify are well trained to carry out this important work of instruc tion in swimming and water safe ty boys are swiftly clearing up minor injuries received in training ses in thenext show at Oakwood slated for Monday July HAZARD T0 FIREMEN II Overhead wires in business and industrial areas represent one of the biggest hazards faced by re men According to survey of Canadian fire chiefs overhead wireshave been the cause of many serious accidents Itiindil c1 Iltlitir IVItlllt icr Midland lll yrs Ilriici Wright Midland 11H yrs Kinl incth Lisk Ilccton ihrccliizgtd raci lllliIVSl lloh RACE EVENTS FEDERATION Lilli may ili IiI l1 mij chi iiittl 1111111314 II liiiilZIJ IIllitil i179 iii Ii giilx 11111 11 ii illii1 lEIl iIIVIHJHI SlilI1Iti tiiiti 111 togHi ll Ilarm WI Sharing lm ilItltI or Iit tail pilllr clawl la iownslnp tile Iivdtiaiion tngotuai in pilii 111M hv Hittitfl ili lllt fatal lninsfil liacloil la top by Iltill Junior lliinoi lfl lwI Stioiitl IlltlfltI tlitl Ivan from Midland Slnpyaiih iii hi pytho inaiiis lay lzad Iilll Ho lli thi wnns and TH in lo Illl rtltllili Vixpia lini to itilillt Piiillila llll Ital pulf in Ilit ltorwsloc ltitlllil John Siroiid arid iaixrout lti iltitlfttl as thilllls ilntis ttrtllIHI as ioiIowx Iillics livcnts Ilillllll iticc Mix William Archl tlI North llthI orange and tea spoon law MIS Kori Ixohnasm RR V4151 Slitlt kirk Mix Kin Robinson catch the run All Iona Illll toldwatci Mrs Kin Robinson balloon IntiIIMII Til William Archer hililrins ICvtnls ilils races78 ycaix Sailtlrai Robinson Vastly 910 yrs VlIma Bolycti oldwatlr illJ yrs llali Woodrow Moonstoiic litIf Woodrow liloonstonc iloys races VHl yrs Ilolibic Ab bott Toronto 910 yrs Ioc IIouiii F13 Rumncy Ilrian ultllltS lgiilsn Ioi campers TIRES ltliiiliii Many other useful articles ideal for nowiiuc ON Till 911m fs fut IliC tilg Midland ITlmyalc HWWWWD SHIPYARDS WIN FROM COPACO 61 Midland tll urn Mitirath Itodncy Fostcr and no six innings Copaco couldnt lircak scvcnth whcn Earl punched out tiiplc icorgc DAmbrosio Shipyards captured oyvr opzico Saturday af iri pi Xlllllilltill softball tilt at Mitlltiiill ihc hm victors loliiid Cliff Dutch likc but Vole Paint Specmls Cream SemiGloss gal$1850 Ivory Primer gal $1850 Fender Ports Fender Flaps Hydraulic Bumper tack new low prices all new Automatic Windshield Wiper $559 475 20 IIIIIIIIIIII $1082 on 24c qt 950 gal 500 19 Padlocks 300 each 450 $1147 Sealed beam driving and 450 20 $1150 paSSiitg light $540 450 75 500 20 Universal mounting 525 18 Foglight $520 Drivingiand sealed 600 650 17 beam $594 700 15 $2469 way light Tracwr Tires 30 $2000 Streamliner clearance light $149 Bicycle tires26 xI112 28 209 600 16 600 16503119 65f 16 uhnunnun uni Bicycle Tubes IReg $895 120 Ilurilop St nu1 Extra Special FRI and SAT ONLY Illens Tropical Slacks SPECIIALslss Take Advantage of HE Anti Glare lightlit$195 HandESpot light sealed beam $735 Backup lamps $495 $369 $225 ea Grease Guns $398 112 $150 49221 1$241 Pressure Gauge $2003 $254 Spinner wheels I85cand $231 $290 Exhaust Extension $125 $139 $1249 gt and $165 Bomber Auto Horn 112 Ton Jack Ton Jack Bumper Jack VentilatingrElectrlc Fan Ventilating Fan Vacuum $608 BATTERIES ALLSIZES and many otheraccessorles IRP rhoi COOKSTOWN WINS HOME GAME 181 FROM BOND HEAD tlticlli mystciy as thcy con ncctid for five cxtrabasc blows ml gooseegg lliitil thc top half of tilt Moi limit In still Hg good citiIchVotc as you Army Blankets wool Reg $450 Brown Exterior gal $1850 Special $329 Cream Interior gal $1850 Canvas Cots $595 Olive Drab Army gal $1200 Lanterns Coleman Kerosene S439 Cream SemiGloss per gal $395 Pup Tents complete $780 Red Exterior per gal $325 Bell Tents man $3950 Cream Gray Enamel Hunting Knives asst sizes per gal $395 $129 to $298 Pittsburg Gray and White Folding Chairs $285 Gloss per quart $125 Gritis Barbecue 98c Murphy Cream Enamel Fishing Rods $189 $239 per quart $125 Thelmic Jug $427 Scarfes Floor Varnish Gas Cans gal $298 per quart $200 Steel Water Cans $200 Regular line of Abbotts paints Tennis Shoes 89 all colors um95c qt $350 gal Oars Boat $198 ea Paint brushes all sizes Havcrsacks canvas 69c Bathing Trunks $198 5399211111111 $1233 Brake Rening Machine and Grinders First Aid KitSI metal box new Reg $19950 Specral $15000 complete $398 Friction Jacks $698 Pocket Knives 3on Scout $249 Dash Fencers 79c Goggles Army Air ForceMulch Fender Guides 9240 cm Utensilsv Dimes Cutlely Tail Light Truck $230 new body and tires $12500 Silvertown Trailer all metal new tires designed to carry boat and freight $17500 Walk iniFrigidaire complete with unit coils doors and frames $47500 Used large Kelvinator freezing unit $15000 Watering Cans $200 Clothes line 50ft 69c Thermos bottles 95c Wrenches hammers Snipsand many other articles at reduced prices Table Lamps Brass $449 Carving self made in Sheffield $298 PAGE TWENTYTKRKE RU IAIJIIS lItill lr Im at tl ill Scull 51113 It 11 Wonder Illll IMHHLIA izc cl Illc liaiitri 11 III IIIIUII WI BIN IIII again Snowing to iii tt nal II IAI II tlrpaltitwizt filthla Jun ll tin Im Itrlll stiulilpui litllll Iltiil It LI Station ii hid iu ttroitstnwti Ilulsmn IIIHIIiIquIit IiI Half Lutizr pcitlxlllal tiri1 Ill itt 1li Sir Silvioii all Al Iiiiiiiilyl 32 his ZIUIIIIIC TV 11 int Dalston II II ii gtwl1I 17131 III hll ittoriild Itohit zior loll Ii wonder ilidiiih if Sign llz LitnlrLi Ilt Mi yianIir Vul tt11I MAI 41 sil It gilc It1iIli JIIIiIl Ilitrgl 33 rl lliI 111 tXytIltlJt and floral litai lllv Stataiiz at Shanty 114111 dillu totild only tag the ij11dir1li Hz ll 59H llilvll jlltlrl Iii IIIH raftI31 3131 leiL111 lll which did no iiziriz vlllx ll Ti Al run in 11114 gttllll alal 1111 14 munI HS ilomt Illad to garlic tinii 11 Willa lmh voting ol 11 tiiiii lllliitt im tl It lrlttll HI and ljI mtg 111 Iloi Ilr llgt toiiw nun ill Iilllillll loin halo itl 11111 11 ii plnir JR lilliliitl 12 UI IdIliitIIih to itiil tol1v Kiowatun litunaliik hiin and for iIiItt tiIENtlJAt lil INH 34 Ham pmpr nzngs lw 11411th lo gtltlt or llll lilllinlll Itl II1Ifl in lac llr Utilx tiIoiii IILI am lira iltitoi VItanuhili lnlt Itlllsl Illillry to irtlttl Ill hits to support IiH liiil icns IIyriits hani piifoiiiirict but Zippiuplllzlt he 11213 acv liarviy ialli filliiughpf fhmgilii hungIf Hmi ll ImIII Ill ookstowri Wcrc always 111 front IIHll lltltll Scdim izt gtilli 1111 1111 II iiiliia Ilr llrtl IIlmyalr walk AMI Humid whim llhm Illi Itit httlitll II II nailing in the liftl Iltl thin tili MI Lu iIIHIIQJii iilvrilllill ini ttI Ilir pitillii Ill liiitln Illill hilllil iiozlIl Martin also 11 itl in 1946 Kit112 Scclgiil IUIIMUI Ink wnaai Willi thiii Illlgt tIo of HII lIvIIHi CIIIIDII litn fulfil for triplvs Single liii ilizl Iliiiili Abbott Io tit iiglstcrld by Illli lllllllllr Illlll IIIyill httlitll 1111le mm lgilpr Iimcison lohn lltittlllltlllI Ilill Ihapcr ltfltlt 11141 th Span Sum and soil IaiiII Ilaiiii light JUIHI Drlllmll il ml taintlc Sylwa happvlliown Iiclce collcctcd Ilontl licatl lrlI IUIId idl Illll lillogtii Ilulia IrcliiiiIlUH llll Illlt Iltlitix htdiill Midland IlltIiils 121111 Noreen IlUNI Ill2A1 ihompsiliz Illa 11y MIMI CUM Shuts nihivilint l111gtlillllI Iiccrc if Brown 1h liachy Ilaltct Midland whvilharrou Itcyiiolds rf Murray K1 liliti lsctl ars lt iIJWPS tiailt lliki and Edward Swabs gt5 Ilzlrkcr lib iiav li icitcst Scr Station iillanil Iliii1tl Don anip IISIUVH Ilaxvmn Mar llrll Itll LII tho nightgown Ilciyl ton 55 Wilgll Harvey cl ill dlE Joins Ill Midland and Ilzii oiisc If Ken inwford if 111 bola Imilailv Midland strutr hat cllinsoii if Icinimm lb Iioughioii JH Idw Slim lion Itiilltilitll itt style girls lb Draper 211 Dcrinott Illll lyllit tliitli Iortcn Shula imij lion anip VLMIIIlIIS It Itciyc plitcI 1941 pupa mph locll uh ratc Iatil and iltll latson baScs both of hllrcnill II II Swain Illillit boat lltttwlllcii Ilonii Iicad 000 0001 IT Ill 15 bl dd Swain Bryan Ilath and lioh Icgg ookxtown Ill Hills in Ill Zl Iiliif llfil Stdttll lfiill llodlrc Sedan Truck thcn Iiiick PHONE 3533 14 lappcrton St rlllll SURPLUS MARKET Specials for this Week Camping Specials LOWEST PRICES Cottage Supplies Lowest Prices Beds steel Springs $875 Mattresses $398 Blankets flanncltete pl$379 Blankets all wool $495 Blankets white navy $695 Sheets 68 96 special $695 Pillow cases ca 590 Drapes Homespun pr $298 Drapes Satinette pr $198 Rugs imported $400 Lamp Coleman $995 SliOWOlCtlltaillS plastic $295 Drapes plastic $295 Carpet Sweepers $795 Dish rack wire 98c Bathing trunks wool and satin $198 to $329 Kitchen chairs leather seats ea $395 Refrigerfltor Pyrex set $898 Sponges DCelO 39c Polisher floor 49c 590 $155 Paper towel holders $149 Lime Squeezec 98c HARDWARE Speciais Silvertown Trailer all metal Model 4193 60 cycle Michaels Floor Polisher Reg $18950 gt Special $13950 Beatty Litter Carrier new Reg $2600 SPECIAL FRI and SAT ONLY Hammers 69 Assorted Selection the Rm 39 it sormALl si likntu Um Sta Shanty Bay 1919 iMC 11 loii Pickup 19 Ford Ton Pickup $l950 Dal Eh I1 It 21 Votemom v11