31ENENTT0 BARBIE BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA URSDAY JUNE 23 1949 TT Iii WHW TmW THE RECORD of JULIAN FERGUSON MC He served his country in 191418 He knows VETERANS problems Contributions to Debates in the House of Commons made by Julian ll Ferguson since he was elected in Simcoe North in 1945 according to government records I946 Air cadet squadrons Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Canadian information service Cooperatives taxation of Finance estimates FrenchEninsh military dictionary Income war tax bill Judges Act amendment bill National defence estimates National health and welfare estimates Permanent force Camp Borden facilities Public printing and stationery bill Radio license fees Redistribution Royal Canadian Air Force Veterans in butcher business Wheat floor prices 1918 He served as member of Parliament 194549 for Simcoe North He knows OUR problems 1945 Agriculture Estimates Canadian Flag Canadian Forces demobilization Chalk River atomic energy plant Collingwood Shipyards Emergency powers bill Excess profits tax Fairmiles sale Ford Motor Co strike Gravenhurst sanatorium meat Income wartax bill Iron and iron products imports Munitions and supply estimates National housing bill Park Steamship Company Permits to exservicemen re business Public works estimates Reconstruction and supply bill Royal Canadian Mounted Police Royal Canadian Navy UN food agriculture organization Veterans Affairs estimates War expenditures and demobilization British Empire dismemberment of Budget Canadian National Railways bill Canadian wheat board bill twice Carillon at Niagara Falls Civil service bill Collingwood letter carrier service Communist party in trade movements Emergency powers bill Emigration of Yugoslavs from Canada Fertilizers AcIt Amendment bill Government employees compensation bill His Majesty the King Immigration Act Amendment bill Ink used in government offices Manitoba Civil Liberties Association Merchant seamen claims of Nails shortagesand black market Polish veterans Itran5portation Post office estimates Rural mail contractors Russian espionage efforts in Canada Sugar control Income tax bill lncome War Tax Act amendment bill Japanese in Canada Labor unions negotiation ship owners Make This Your Canada reference Mines and resources estimates National battlefields bill National General Insurance Co bill National health and welfare estimates OttawaToronto day coach service Postmasterships veterans preference Privilege references twice Progressive Conservative annual Reconstruction and supply estimates Seamens stike an inland waters Transitional measures bill Transport estimates Unemployment insurance bill Veterans affairs estimates Veterans of last war Vocational training bill War veterans allowance bill Wartime Housing Limited Yugoslavia Iegation propaganda Sydney NS steel plate mill Taxation spending policy attitude CCF I948 Agricultural prices support bill Agricultural products bill Air services Barrie dock extension Bell Telephone Co bill Blind persons pensions of Brown Mervyn in Highwood coal leases flyelections results of Civilian war pensions allowances Collingwood harbor work Customs Act amendment bill Diplomatic service superannuation Dominion coal board Emergency exchange conservation Excise Tax Act amendment bill Family allowances Farmers iricome tax German natibnals to enter Canada Import restrictions I947 Agricultural products bill Agriculture estimates Award of merit oats apples productn Mr Ferguson has received and IansvVered more than onethousand letters on behalf of his peopleli not for you for your neighbors ASK THEM Ierguson has served on the fol lowing committees in the House of Commons LabourVeterans Agri cultural Business Trade and Com merce His worthy contributions to debate have been noted in Hansard his efforts have been evident in not only Simcoe North but in the Iwhole Dominion Mr Ferguson has completed four and onehalf years as our represent ativeior Simcoe North in the House of Commons Since his election in I945 Simcoe North has received more favorable publicity than ever before Compare his record with any Liberal representative we have ever had WE HAVE RREAL MAN Rspngsznrm usNow Keep ThisMan inOttawa ThisAdvertisement Sponsored and Paid For InterestedCitizens of Barrie and Vicinity ii oq