Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jun 1949, p. 20

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Lmi iii PAGE EIGHTEEN lllli FRESH STRAWBERRY SUNDAE 20c LUNCH AT BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy 21 ELIZABETH ST Inn ilitlltUIISLliLKC iiNlrflII HI Iiofc Zianrr of time ItllllllillJilIlH Mrvuc at 730 Iii liiititl of 70 p1il on illdl I3 ISRS DEALS Accounts of social event and of visitors to and from Barrie and Alluidalc are appreciated by the social department 1th It INTON ENGLISH BONE CHINA I1I liltitl to offer the following distinctive liIIicl Interns in The Worlds Most litlllrllllil China ANCESTRAL LORRAINE MARLOW WE INVITE YOU TO CALL Englith China Gift Shop DICK STEELE COR COLLIER PHONE 2395 BAYEIEIJ sr COllier St United Church Rev Lewis MA BD Minister Lloyd Tufford Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY JUNE 26 1949 ll AMMORNING SERVICE Communion MASONIC SERVICE llllI Wor ilro Rev James Semple of Grand Lodge of Canada in Pro IncI of Ontario will preach PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED Till CHURCH SCHOOL HS llIllJUIIIOI Intermediate Senior Depts to am Young MeIIs Class 11 lilllNUISCly Beginners Primary Depts Central United Church REV BEWELL BA Minister MRS LENOVER Choir Leader Mr SMITH Organist and SUNDAY JUNE 26 1949 ll amMORNING WORSHIP Iommurrion Service and Reception of new members rimEVENING WORSHIP The Minister CHURCH SCHOOL 945 amTheGeneral School ll am4Beginners and Primary liailman electronic organ will be used in the services this Sunday Eliseer Hall 19 Parkside Drive SUNDAY JUNE 26 1949 ll AM BREAKING 0F BREAD PMSUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS pmGOSPEL MEETING gWed 313M Prayer Meeting welcome Seats free No Collection GRACE GOSPEL HALL 37MigryStreet SUNDAYJUNE261IJ9 71100 amBELIEVERS MEETING 945 amSUNDAY SCHOOL pmGOSPEL MEETING EVERYBODY WELCOME First Baptist Church REV LUCK BA up gt Minister Miss Elsie crougiily ATcM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY JUNE 20 1949 050 am4SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 am 9THE GATE or HEAVEN pm DIVINE GUIDANCE SlIl ThD Grand Chaplain 11 Ln Burton Avenue United Church Rev Carder Minister Mr II Deriipsey Organist and Choir Leader SINDAY JUNE 20 1949 ii InfMORNING WORSHIP Baptism Communion Service 1045 aniJr Intermediate and Sr Departments iNurscry Beginners and Primary No Evening Service HOLLY SERVICES 945 am and 1045 am The Salvation Army 60 COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly Worship Sr Captain and Mrs Strachan SUNDAY JUNE 26 1949 11 amHOLINESS MEETING 230 parSUNDAY SCHOOL 700 mmSALVATION MEETING Thursr2 pmHome League Thurs 800 pm Midweek meeting Only stranger once at the Army SummerBible school starts July 4th 930 arn send the children biz1 St Andrews Presbyterian REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister Mr Craig Hamilton Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY JUNE 26 19497 11 amMORNG WORSHIP ll amTHE CHURCH SCHOOL pm EVENING WORSHIP Annual Sunday School and Con gregational Picnic Wednesda July Springwater Park COME TO CHURCH l=l Collier St Baptist Church Independent REV MITCHELL Minister SUNDAY JUNE26 1949 11amThe Alps of the New Testament l2noon1BIBLE SCHOOL pmEvangelistic Service SubjThe Superiority of the Christian Faith Hear Christhonburing messages Wed pmPrayer Meditation SJuly 4th 15th Visitors Cordially Welcome Church 200 Bayfield St Phone 4572 IIEV AND ministers SUNDAY JUNE 26 1949 Light and Life Gospel program AlienateSUNDAY SCHOOL b22321 don whcrc he will tcach III thc ncw socialion at the Hotel Slzitlciv ill conjunctlon with the New oil State Press Association Juno LJsi lreturncdhomc after 10day visit with the lzlftcrs sister and brother lMyrtle anti Grover Glass in Lori don wcrc the lblothcr Mr and Mrs Lloyd iurnb lof Ihorndale on happy visit ended on Monday aftcr noon young singers heard at the Royal lConservatory of Music Recital last EFriday night tIi lt will Setting tinyiiiilz hits Iiin It all Hi II III fiiyg ly li lItl All lIl her law Ylss Jail LIIIItIr lir1I Imi Miss ittill iirsrt iI rIiilI vs II Sizlaiax sI ls tilil lr lf Iioriiaea tctl Iii Sunday nigh by fin to Winnipeg to altrnil IIII Ioilvcrrlion of thc tirrIIlI aid Mr tltlilllttli MI and ll 7Iriric III ts and Jun Jr itiiil iltti to Im Scund after spindtrzy the lattcr partIlls John MIclcod lluniogi Mrs Dwight Lalnlicll ltIill lluwsorih tIIiuinbuK tllno lil with llti liullllir win lion ilcr litllitll Illi lltl week to sprint Jul lluwlcy lr and lrlt Slirt EII loft Ist Saturday litlltlt ill the States ll thI llltlltZIti trII IEII iciiliiolr illt tlIIIlIII icliiiid ttllII III tiutlpl in II Page ll Violentc Mt Nail II of lino Iltoir Is iitIIIi erc horm of Mn Moiitirgu lccd who III Winnipeg for couple of dock Iltcnding lllttlilll of the tIr admn Lilltttl Association Mr and Mrs Ulthl XIIIIIlztii lch last Saturday by llilill for larlllc flty NJ wlrclc they Irc attcndlng the lrltcrnatlorial litI filll convention Tiltll hiltlt2 Miss Mary Lou IIllis of London accompanied tlicm Maullcc lcarcc Il has coir plctcd with honors lilt specialist course in industrial Arts and Crafts It the University ol loronto In the Fall hc vrll reside III ioIr Stlltitil Il Walls arc District High Mr and Mrs the ntaImQuebec division of the Canadian chkly Newspapers As MI and Mrs Lester iumb have district they Willlc in the of Mr iumbs guests couple of days were spent in Toronto cnroulc Mr and Mrs McKinnon of St Thomas spent few days at the weekend witll Mr and Mrs logo of Mr and Mrs Iosslcy Georgian Bay where the Miss Doreen Carmichael daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Carmichael Toronto was one of the lovely Doreen has studying piano and singing at the Conservatory since Novembch She was pupil of Miss Jessie Bryson while in Barrie lcf Itlallon airport at l22r III lIIIiuI iIilIc lit and Ir tl Kingston Jamaica at ill Ebc or friends at party in honor In Buffalo for the convcanoII of been mung pupil Lilsinl hiitl iii liciivlltgt Iilrilgil ii Sllllllnl proudI lItuI Ill IIilli toti liIIlIti Williarl and Mrs if the Iflll In tilIII gtoii of All lti lZIII liar ic llrIllit 31 THWIWV 111 illrrv IllI tiltl of June llp will Iliit Mrs Villioll ddl Isl ton illll will to announci Hrh MM IlI tiiiclilllltlli of llltil ilt lIIi lltil Iil=r iritIInIIIt Kt It lirlitXJtiiillitt illilcil Tll IIIl llrtlfiilil II II llilllllltlt pIIIIIIISc IIIlIIlI illllltti tit prorniscs llllli yIII want rim to llltilll lit 1c 31 oc And tlltll proimw to do as I3 Fri lili AI iii ha IIIItIplItrti his third II cIleIv tlllIiilttliilii IIt Illl llI of Toronto Mrs lcai ti forthci Kay Mclrciirl RN Iillsil staff of the Royal IIIIIII lionpztal tor the Summer Mirilck grandson of Mr Illorricii McDonald 5L Bar lllllt pin in was Incl by friends and llltl wLIEI them for the night to lltlltk the next IIIorIIIIIg iiiiltt xlIo was student at St uIle tlt tollcge Aurorir for thcl Ill left by litllAlllillciltl wI Ind illllttd lit Bogota tIIIoIIlIa at 313 In to spend the sIIInrIcz with his parcnts Mr and lil llaiyic Merrick Mr and Mrs llirlchcy liliIkI Strccl entertained num 77 or MI and Mrs iiillph unninghani alclrcusiill Mr and Mrs Cunning lIiIII tit presented wrth iI silver butter dish during tllc evening and Mr and Mrs McEneIIy on tcrfaiIIid few friends last Wedf Iicsday evening in honor and Mrs Italph Cunningham who of Mr left by motor for Saskatchewan on Sunday morning new precedent last odnesday Ialtcrnoon wllcn hc invrted every Imdy lil Simcoe County to attend the annual Wardens outing in Springwalcl Park Midhurst and to bring along their families and picnic supper In previous lyears the outing and picnic had bccn an individual invitation affair Around 500 people turned out at Warden Evans invitation to enjoy an afternoon and evening of games contests and dancing The afternoon began at 230 with Doug Peacock is with the On tario Pulp and Paper Co for the Summer at Heron Bay Lake Sup erior doing aerial photography reception by the warden Mrs lEvans and committee composed of Benson reeve of Pene ltang Herbert Brokenshirc chair Mainstay of The tillers or the soil are the backbone of all that is worthwhile in Canada and the mainstay of our churches declared Rev Young BSA chaplain of On tario Agricultural College Guelph speaking at the service of public worship in Springwater Park Mid hurst Sunday afternoon June 19 The occasion was the annual church gathering of the Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture Despite the extremely hot day the pavilion was lled and many others sat about to listen Rev GeorgeMorrison of Wye vale Was chairman in the absench due to illness of Rev Mc Farlane of Elmvale head of the rural life committee of the federa tion He was assisted by Rev Clements of Minesing and Rev Stubbs of Elmvale The music was directed by Lloyd Tufford and Mrs Black stock of Barrie featuring the glee club of Victoria School am gratied to nd that the powerstobe in the province and in the county federation have real izedthe importance of thespiritual life of the CountrysideReV Mr Young said jThe Bible isa farm ers book avery real book in its reference to farm life It is of very great signicance that Jesus Christ was country boy brought up in acountry town and He never 22 FREE METHODlST MRS CHASE Tune mason cm 030 for Evangelistic Service 730 pm Thursday evening prayer meeting and Bible Study 745 pm Strangers welcome Come and wor chip With us == got over the rural backgrbund of His earlylife The speaker referred to many of the parables faund in the Bible Today he said thetext would be from the parableof the sewer WhatsoVer man soweth that also shallhe reap Rev Mr Young pointed out that the kind of seed that was sown was of realmeaning to those who tilled the soil Whenthe sower goes forth to plant Eamething won derful always happens themira cle of birth and growth and the glory of the harvest When sow you are helping God to ork Hisdivine plan The soil is Gods secret gift to us The whole secret of the miracle Of growth is in the soil The speaker continued to show how the soil determines what kind of people we will turnout to be leor soils make poor people he emphasized We ailvshouid do our part to make the life of man more gem in 1895 Tillers of the Soil Are Churches abundant Butthe farmer more tllall any other man was worker lwith God The best ofknowledge and the best of production in the lwrong kind of people could lead only to disaster So the spiritual ivalues of our peOpie must be llooked after rst some of us will thank God we Iwere brought up in rural church RevrMr Young said That church represents God Do notlet your church down but keep it going stronger than ever It means more than you may think to Iyour community Dry Spell Broken By RecenIMShowers The dry spell that haunted Bar rie and district destroying alarge percentage of crops in the latter part of May and most of June ter minated in various districts during the past week Most of the districts ehjoyed showers at one time or another However the temperature remained very warm with high of being reached and 80s con stantly until yesterdayn AI June 16 817 63 June 17 84 65 June 18 84 66 June 19 85 64 JuneI20 91 64 June 21 87 59 June 22 75 Local Dostoer Attend Meetingot Collingwood lliiiifiillx illlit lidkt placc quietly In July Ilil Kiltllilltl prior to their departure for Sask ItIIlIbIt llall cldcst son or Riv tillltl Mrs ii Ball Woodhull lhc wcddrng Is to lake Warden Evans Picnic Draws Crowd To Springwaier Park Chittick and the two couples then went Iip to the summer cot Dr and Mrs Turnbuli Dr and Mrs Turnbuli Dr Bigelow and Mrs Isabel Chittiek were among those present at the meeting of the Simcoe County Mddical Association in Collingwood last Wednesday after noon Members of the medical Saints Anglican Church speakers from Toronto profession from all over the county attended the meeting which was held inthe parish hall of All On the program were several Tea was served for those attend ing at the home of Dr and Mrs Harvie in Collingwood Iagt DISCOVERED IN 1895 German physicist William Xrays were discOverbdbwhd 111 Marion IIIIlIIlc to John lair titrcrln Mrs iiirrolti Iilii the itltllll Ii Liilltl gton of late Iroulo lilt wedding to take place tail In July 43p llII Irigcrricnt is announced of liIIIIIla lilt Suttillli IlIiigthI of Mr llltllllilt1ll and late Airs ilairrpton of littliiilt Iorh England to William liltion youngest son of IIl and Mrs SoIIr Ncwrilarkct thI wedding lo ilip lilchaids Lll lr and Mrs ii IillzIkII Strict iiarric iInIiouncI lll lilZitllltlll of tthr cldcst daugh lIILchI Mac to Mr llonovzul Itiritaiio filliltt September it at ii III in tlic irIIIity lnitcd MIIiroriul thapcl ilill APTO June 20 lrving arson has returned after Mrs hornc six vccks with her lltiiltlilllill at iairlgstafl ongIiItIIiations to ll Kallis who was married icccnfly Ml and Mrs Kanis attended the tcd drug in Toronto Mr Mrs llrornton and Mrs Darinos and llrraii spent the vcckcrid at arsons VMrs Dairnos and Brian arc remaining with and her parents Maloi and Mrs Brimstin 11 Ctmill lUilllli number of neighbors and friends were entertained at the home of Mr and Mrs Alcx amcr on last Tuesday evening when the aluminum slriitcd dinner lemon with choice rcprcscritafjvc their warc lardcn liiirlcs Evans KC scf man of the Wasaga Beach improve incIIt District Colernan county treasurer Fred Hunter remx of Tceumseth Herbert Hughes rech of West Gwillini bury ClillOld Lockhiirl recve of Innisfrl George Shepherd reeve of Cicernorc and Simpson county clerk sports committee of members of the county office staffs Jean Amos Ann Middleton Dorothy Miller and Pauline Robinson had arranged for several events and contests for the afternoon Among them were bag blowing contest potato race candy kiss scram ble threelegged race getting ready for the party calling hub bie in the morning slow motion backward race and baseball game between Bradford and Fen nells Winner of getting ready for the party was Mrs Eric Coker of Avening Mrs Clifford Lockharf won calling hubbie in the morning and Mrs Bateman went shoe kicking contest Jimmy Weomans of Bradford was the fastest run ner in the park and Alice Patton of Avening and Dicky Wioshimura of Bradford won the backward race Dicky alsowonthe potato race for boys and Alice won the slow motion for girls Bill Hart of Barrie won the slow motion for boys and Jean McKei vey of Beeton won the potato race for girls Mrs Joseph Spicher of Sunni dale won the prize for the oldest person on the grounds donated by Simpson The prize for the youngest person was donated by Coleman Judge Harvie chairman at the picnic supper introduced the warden and his family to the guests Speakers at the supper were the warden and Mrs Evans Coleman Simpson and Adamson park superintend ent Music for the afternoon and evenings dancing at the pavilion was provided by Harold Bell and Jerry Roberts and their orchestra In Charge of thegeneral manage ment of the picnic were Banting Coleman Jones and Eric Simpson rLoeris for the JUNE Bulbs Artistlcally by Designed Harris Flower Shlili 99 Dunlop St If Qlieens Hotel fro St Andrews WMS 1i Iiii Wilma i1t llr dailgirtcl If Inljnl lilvifgtliiii and iileillialil 5r all leis vi Ix IIIII ll IIIIIIth lolrmrszi tititittll Swims HgIgtlgjitl 1p no study lo ll was 1M ii II tIirI tJIIfllri tl 3i iIII fy Ili ill ifIItIrrleII litri WWW Nd ilnulin tilll IIlIIEl Illi it iiil Id IM WV illiiurgts Ind iltll oil tltlzll hum Iirzth II Wtoru lil Jilly In Nd It gt lmrc pool Liltcirzinmm cf ItLttl iillll in MAUI VlIlLtilLIIS Iiii nvrril =ItIIIs wle gilliWWll lfic IIIIIiI ilrc liter llJUll lltiidil liIII II clusl withI McCcrw Reports =llrr If tin Ilclxlliirwr Artistes fIzl tlm his Intid li Itll llvilli ilJiltHHti ll rtlillltflt ltitlll lgy Illr Juliolis Iild llill lcd by All MIMAIIIII ltic sctrrtriiy Alis liltnftlfltvll lead llll liiifltlit III lllt last lliftl and ttlttillltlllit Mrs lc II fiiw lltftllti social half hour was Iljoyad following the lirttllll till Inc which llii if gtcltcil by illl lzoslcss will tiic assistant of tlill llltlllltlt llic Ilcliiiinorl Ironic was decorated llll iris and oiiIllil poplins for IIl CONVENT PUPILS PRESENT PIANO VOCAL RECITAL Ilrolire lrczit III illiiiltfliilin lilltltlltl almost litl parrot IIiIi llllltl1 llltlltittl lill pititrii ItlIl IIIII Ittliill Illtlll ltl willie of lift til by the lllllilh of St Josephs tonvcrit Silltllll last Monday ttll log The program which was little longer than lnotlicr yIzns llliiilll$ with it piano lilo by lllltt of thc yuungII pupils Intoincllc Sclecb lit tyIItliiii Lloyd and iiiylc ucu lick lwo piano ducts licy Did tllc llldtllc played by llzirbiiru ineson and laylc tuculick and Scottish Anus played by Mar Itiirct Kirroll zInd llcttj Kenning fori wcrc illtliltlttl in the progriurr The playing of liiicll prelude and Little Wlllic and the Wind by NIIImiIn by Margaret itlL1lFtlll was one of lllt outstanding pcr formantcs of lllt cvcnnigi Roscmary Saso sang two vocal selections Lillie litimbic Wliclc lo You Slccpf and Lady April and Joanna Caruso sang lie The llcst of Wliritcvcr You Are icr iildine Saundcrs vocal sclcctions wcrc Dance of the Highland iiolk and The Little lrinccss ing students was lyric soprano JcannIttc Caruso who sang April Morn wally song and tliamin adcs Si JEtais Jardincr Loves iardcni Coloriitura soprano Ger aldine liarnmicks sclcctions wcrc Verdis Ah Furs Si Irui from LII Traviatll and Snowflakes by Mallinson Piano solos were played byBzIr liara Intson Bobbie Corbett Joan McVeigh Mary Ellen Fllliclgll Gayle Cuculick Antoincfte Scal etfa Patricia Carroll Norinc Mc Kinnon Brian Cooper Ruth Daley Hilda Ziegler Heather Thomas Suzanne Farrell Patsy Marion Elizabeth McVeigh Betty Kenning ton Lois Robertson Marie Mc Bride Margaret Ferguson Carole Marshall Judy Laurie Robert Thompson Margaret Carroll Ann Marie Hargreaves Madlyn 5150 and Neil Hurtibese has LARGER THAN CANADA The uninhabited continent of Antarctica is larger thanall of Canada including the new prov ince of Newfoundland 0=o=ro=o==o===o=o==ouomono==l Iivi =lo=oz== one Schoi Convention llolly Ililifcd Juucl lcaching was the theme of Iiitolchntion Rev Carder corKlted servi Re EIIigslc of Norwood was re special speaker of the day his bjcct being Are you more thani signpost THURSDAY JUNE 23 The chances are you CAN Thousands of Canadians who thought they couldnt ollord Sterling Silver ore find ing that the best in silverware is well within reach of even moderate incomes Come in and let us show you how economical it is today my Patterns shown left to right Pine Tree Enchantress Prelude Northern lights Ar 97 Minnow lter22y REEVES JEWELLERS DIAMOND MERCHANTS 76DUNLOI ST RevE Pugsley Speaker Among fllc more advanced sing Convention lht Innisfil the Opposite Post Office Township was It rclI opening worship on the proper use of Sunday liolly Sunday Hit LIIoII held in le Illtcly lhe vlsc Inin hm their learning lucsday vice Chinese After more guagc in the world he tiny riiindrop contributes to the refreshing shower OUR Ballot on Iune 27 will help to hoose the GovernmentolConada for re next four years VOTEas you THINK but VOTE ntributed by the Public and Business Affairs Committee of Barrie Kiwanis Club ROGERY FRESH rnurs ANDVEGETABLES EDISPLAYED on YOUR coNvENIENcE OUR NEWDM Door Fruit Market STRinERRIEs Now IS THETIME TORESERVE THEM TOMORROW MAY BE LEMONSI To LATE FRESH DAILY To ETC ALL ARRIV PRES IN TOWN Ifuicv Swii FRESH HOME MAIVSAUSAGE BOLOGNA SLICEDR PIECE LEAN BACON settles iBIade Roots smegma 19c ii negation ize 344s chdoz GRAPEFRUITRERIPEFIRM for zscgtOMATozs auALriv MEATS =40cu 390 Ii 380a NEpAItROTs FRESH BEETs ASPARAGUS LETTUCE ARA13H GREENONIONS SPINACH CABBAGE TOMAf FRESH EVERY DAY LOWEST lbs for 3996 BARRIE IVII Ross liubbcrt conducfcd very thoughtprovoliiIlg discussion ltl ltltll The evening closed with Rev NewtonSmith conducting the wor ship serviccnnd Mr Fred Cook Bradford taking the dcdicafion scr people speak English than any other lane 0=0m0=0=9=0= ETORANGES Size 252s 49 doz ii

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