5A0 TWO THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRE ONTARIO CANADA M4 THE BARBIE EXAMINER The 1949 WY ll KIA diff E54 whw 11m mnusnln rm MEMBIR mi Filmed TWIN 03 Cl 01 an ICl ti 41 gt31 is Audit Bumu Circulotionl GOIN To THE MAKE AGUY VVVVVV VVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVV VVV on un Cwndian Weekly untopen Alsodatlon madARE Town of Barrie 3300 rlir DO 667 rihmXMj HMMMHM rlrsrornr Au IANABINC 3110 13 Man 33g QC 1m WALLS Outside Canada $350 361 HIIiiihfyrngsixlm 3111 EN Cl31 SHE Single Copies Monday 3C Thursday 13C Funds uc In hr LouIi to my fix Hm will ii will 3W lIIloI III HimIIIUI Ii lrIIllllr VW VVV Ing high uhoois and grnia or nil gully VV Every ownstnp Shouxd have in 35 but grad inhhuuhhn KUlb Hill IIKUKULIJHKFlt2lv libfilth IfltlliiI official dum in well concealed lUtLillilll imumcipnlmcs of nm county llol illl pimp lug LIhUUI mpI 11 VVVDIAV v011 V0 kn Ugh lppre VVV Vm 16cm my sum 534 lmnnpmg Stunted intent on UN XOIHMOW lt Allan5 ihl Wlhllt lialkiiblt lIUiNIQ HUGE Abh or iii xi public place should be mad Nilr iv of the llllillitipdilflt VIVVVVVVVVVVV mu VVVLVV the VVVVMHVV VVlVVVVVV VVVV VV VVVV VVVVVVV VVVV ms VVVVVVVVVVVUVVVV 100R VVVVV VVVVVVVVVSVVVVV WVVS VVVVVVVVV fur VVVVV VVVVVVVV ll now iflifl it Li Vi 11 bylaw pftbtllild Iln noun Huh gt 1H 190 l3 lllm Lum AdVULJu buggtbb iLiIlflitll at the Fridnl sowon fol mn me twin at MWWV iowlng the submissuni ul Iir voln W35 032498 while in 1943 it wus 5503l inn Chums by VV lull ilitl may brown larger on June 3711i Financial Troubles now llam mp UV lschoul boards MTV mt Humm pHc Ht lln sum of 537148 is in iIIiV LUernmmu to 1e tent IA Ml iand Colinch it tho snnn mournrt IlIIb llII BIUWUI 01 1110 CUUHUY to refusal to raise taxes there is it growing in Wm WPMV known to the funeral prolbnon llliil WV 73000 mi Voters and mumr rd nllitai assist from lay and Muiontv lownshipsi gt dhpoxnlm an ELA VI fwd bier shown on tht tlliml mllllul mll ELH imrcusc oi 142000 win recorded four years mum 1001 much gab1 pulmmmls 1500 records in I947 as living IIsuiIntst one of reverent mom MM 1m Luci ln lal tllth wus lump iV sonn mun any plan to reduce other rovpin US WVme Tm mum hm VV UU Um 19 1911 Kurt doumuss an mcnt IfxptlldltilltSH remarks tilt lAILtilft not lmin discovvicd by the iVlltl UlkbeL bCJUIy llitll II lilt Silllicl vote With the IfulltlllSLE Viv lurid high school bourd until it was id ixtcndcd miny youn lclloWs under 1d 1M PAHW mp Jme 50551 rst you Tinl HIPInillysrisl mm voted for the first time in 1921 110i good example of how Canadas world 161ng of TM and Mydmv MW wTOifRVE ASWE ships ccrfificd as to iin itgtsilciiI OUWBUHVW drum If church or re was it tremendous leap from 1833320 trade has developed is seen in the MM 3119300 and each election since hos sccn DUIL of the Brazuian Governments Tram to liil incrcusc ranging from about 50000 tIileeau big increase in we is shown 6313000 for 1947 and 1048 Canadas exports to Brazil last your reached total of 328000000 while Cuuudiuu imports of Brazilian products amounted to 320559000 GREAT PROVINCE Now discoveries of oil in Alberta have iocusscd attention on the tubulous nuturul rcsources of the most westerly of Innudzis tincc pruiric provinces SIvcrzil years ago geologists estimated the province had enough oil to supply the world for centuries at the rate of consumption thcu in effect However since then thc rich lcduc and Redwnter fields have bcen found in addition to many less spcctucular oil producing areas This emphasis on oil has overshadowed in The greatest issuc cvlr turned out by Canadian nCWspupcr wa of 232 pages on Saturday June 11 by The ndon Frcc Prcss to commemorate its 100th anniversary Eilfll copy weighed 3V2 pounds The comprehen sive contents which took year to prepare covered most of Western Ontario with his torical and descriptive material There wcrc over million words of news copy and 400 advertisements It was indeed very finc llf by paying iful thut which thcy have nlrIzidyi tlic public mind the diversity and abundance journalistic em which will take 5mm of Albertas assets for building great and beating by other papers as they reach the prosperous community Coal natural gas and ccntennlulV One of me Staffers of mo Fm fertile soil all available in tremendous Press is Barrington GilmyV formeny of BM NV quantities are only some of the assets rieV who covered the Telegram beat in um In addition to cattle and hogs the sout county before the WMV vcstcrn corner of the province has exten SW0 irrigalm 935 Wthh pmduce Spedallz The Acton Free Press opines that One of Allfll SALMON cd yields of sugar beets peas and beans as the noticeable differences between govmp VIVVIVi nVin liduiVVr lt illllt llllllltl mcnt administration and private business is that with government control the customer is always wrong and in competitive or priv zite ownership the customer may be right and is at least given the benefit of the doubt That is an exceedingly broad state ment and may be true in many cases With out being accused of turning socialist we can point out many examplesof publicenterprisc wcll as the usual grains An almost incredible amount of coalis present Coal outcroppings occur in almost every part of the province and there are all types There are occasional pockets of an thracite but not in commercial quantities Cheap natural gas allows enticing openings for industrial development Alberta is called prairie province but more than threequarters of the province is covered with trees much of the growth be ing of marketable size Sit 11 vice ONE and Hydro for example Fortun ately in Canada we do not have too much Other lesst weuknown lifsouriies mimdef state operationof business What the Acton unglIrs plIzisurc Sun1y not 1511 contractor undertakes some clay for pot cry making uge eposr editoris 0mm 0mm doubt is the dam 81 mm nnn um mm by But thing he figures the cost then 21m pIrrzuudrtl lniicr things ofllVCS illt PIiCIP If they figure and dledto Wln 811d 0111 of what could happen if we let the state take over everything Freedomwill be gone then and the customer wont be right government in democratic fashion is sup posed to beVservant of the people not the master salt furfarming fishing and numerous wat crpower sites In addition to all these riches Alberta is the gateway to Alaska the Yukon and the Northwest Territories It is key point in proposed international air routes Some industrial leaders and economists il have predicted that the province has the 1m from inn Potts who is posted greatestlfuture of any part of Canada lt9 It lllI nuiis NuIicn training At present agriculture is Albertas primary WHY FIREWORKS ARE RESTRCTED lVVsintiVoVn ll lIsquiniuli British Co lllllll IHanover Post Springtime Victoria Day and firecrackers setnil to go hand in hand and sometimes lead intozi bit of trouble Theres not much trouble with thefun if firecrackers are used sensibly Unfortunately there is also the funny fellow who wants to hold unto the explosion and has to learn the hot wuy Then there are the ones who throw these explosives wide regardless of where they light and theres al ways the smart alec who may be quiteV an old boy who likes to playfully throw them on peoples feet or in doorways These fellows should hot be allowed to have firc crackers whether theyyare five of fifty years old This use should be restricted to those who will use them as any explosivcshould be handledat safe distapce from people or property Its this foolish use ofifirecrackers and Vbadhandling of fireworks that have made it necessaryfor many municipalities tol pass laws restrictingytheir use IS THE VEST ON THE WAY OUT The Despatch Columbus Ohio Is the vestone of the hardiest and most lived of all conVEntional male garmentson its way out survey of the mens wear trade in Chicago indicates that it is The retsre various Wartime restrictions made the standard for doublebreasted suits two instead of three pigci good many garment manufacturers never have gotten aroundto restoring the vest for obvious reasons Millions of young men came backl from the armed forces accustomed to wearing at industry but it is conceivable that some day manufacturing now only in its infancy may outstrip in annual value even oil production as well as grain and cattle RECORDS FOR VILLAGES Seldom do we see in the community news in the local newspaper coverage so varied anchompiete as that which Lefroy furnish cd to The Examiner last week It was in fact valuable historical story of life in the vil lage and neighborhood Nonresidents areV hereby enabled to acquire good idea of what brisk life according to size may be enjoyed in village ofsuchV size Last weeks Lefroy correspondence is valuable record that should be put away and added to as the news evelops In lmost every community of one size or another thereare possibly 10 or 12 organ izations Why not add Village Historical Society Not only would the preservation of local history bevery valuable and grow more interestingas the weeks go by but closer cohesion and finer community spirit would be built up This might makeia good subject for the HistoricResearch Committee of the Womens Institute to consider Burromgr NOTES The WincheStgrv Press registers complaint against the failurefof many rural residents to have the lettering immaii b0xes put on in such style as to be easily legible as driv 235935591 WISE Snesestion attired without pmcabie agrarian tohbld pens pencils numerous othr minor imppdimenta and to Result of the Atlantic Pact is that as Mr Sega it ckdgopgorgazermty jewelry er an re are practical conglderaV In gimes me 13 me man tions that appear to be bringing about the decline of is 130de military Prew the vest Originally waistconts not only had sartorial VatiOns of the Atlantic Pact go steadily appeal but were neededjor warmth cldse fitting ahead and the Vweamn worm avoidscom vest worn under anreatcoat was areol comfort in plt anemic catapuVV cold weather Today except for outdoor workers firms are too small military blouse and tie sans vest Andfor somei years past there has been trend among youngeri men to leave their vesls on hanger in the wardrobe pullover sweater The result of all this has been the gradual development of no vest psychology which tends to establish the idesthat the wacistmat toVIise the older ndme isjr garment for olden men However habit is nonverqu thing Menhave been wearing vests for several centuries although the scanty undergarb of today ishsober beside the billow Still are millions of men Who do not feel properly heated trains bribes and automobiles Homes and litn Sn ltlxitlinii Ilic nlicl lin liniiinr of Jlillt ii 11 AipllciIi lllllll might llllilltt down live mil Iio lth on IIcl St cIleusI as highly as oihcr propor tics of equal value The must cithcr make use of the side wqu on tho west side which is so budly in hood of rcpnir that ii isl only good fortunc that tho lown lills not had brokcn poop huvc triple and fullcn on it or use the dusty road lnnIic salmon lltlllVl now Killlptllltliil liny gnus ono the llllliltSHilll Ilili Ilu oiijrct mg fish was not so muchihnt we might hnw food but because this fish puts up such vigorous but ilo ylun hookuti and local zin which generally give the customer goOd SCI rod and reci ill and litfltilll uni lirs lcllinv hook Juno if llitll Stilllt ickini our buy with this fight tlS Ind isilors niny look for hid Io stlnt longlhy liiilllIS with stcm find the liziriicr lili icliin flights for Ilu grcutIr the It would li longer lIIVilIVc funny 21 ooc is ully iIlzui lnln ilu spunky litilc VlltlS nvnyuiihout his lliltAlER ltllliS FROM lhc following is icitcr iccciv living nntivc of Barrio would could intcrcst you in ncws from llllS Nuden int liciorc IoirirnLncc would ROrJIIWMOW llln town money Illll from 1111 iii ilipuyIrs of sumIs Hlt oilcd at tho cxpousr of lmlil liltiSI on tho Iillto Sllttlsi InIl fliorc taxpayers who have loV suullow lltl not hurlch inough not fuyorvd muy JtttlVC this scri paid 111 IIllllll iwiio h2ch ltttlVLd ii iniiflll thinks We ridiculously wrongly they complete tracts zit ii 1055 if they are business men that they often lose for they figure careful ly before they put in their tender Our council mostly of busincss men undertake to do thing cstimatc then expect some of the taxpayers to go without benefits or pay second time Ald llarrisoii payers would complain lcss if they know how much the oiling would cost them did not know or find out the cost or they would of tlic pupils and tho ciuiin vus for our Imwral Immc 1H9 pupil duys for Toy and 37 pupil iuys for Mulonic lhc committee on cducrition sup gcslctl Lhui lllt IiIlcuniiou for ln nVrruv TOIHEllVlNG 7m out tlinl Suntn Iimsnl Ullll withl PHONE 5133 HAHN out his brooches litmusi sniiivom iinighi ovvrrun his csinnntc rAxinxviziI June 10 1949 yII tllfllll WHAT IF IrVoeJ RAIN JUNE727 lln rri lllt town The lllltS inst bocuusc 15c liucnl foot ECIDE now that nothing is going to stop you from casting your vote in Election Dayneitl1cr rain nor press sure of business nor the thought that your vote isnt important with iliosI Hillicr the sliurc too or stupid to on Donnld Sf but We are tux vctcrans on the east side It is important Down through the long cavalcade of historyf and through two terrible wars in this centurymen have fought to puy claims for nnklcs or bonus whim their con dont suppose priceless heritage the right to vote in freedom for they leaders of Our choice which is made up without proper thought the ratey Evidently the council have oilcd all or long unfortunate using instead when the weather requires asleeveless mg flowered waitscoais of colonial times And there has planned to buildV Hockey VS men donut need somuih clothing They ride in like to foil you that my mother scnrls mi illt Barrio Exnmincr regularly llflltI uni ublc to kcepl up with tho locul VnIws especially the sportingr vcnts in which am most intcrcstcd 135st wcckV wc hard the boxing finals of ill new entry section and am plcnscd to soy flint Barrie was rcprcscntcd lhc glovebearer which car icd Kcmpcnfcldt colors was lightweight from word lot which also was resident Ros4 sell Tony MatiliEivsVOSCKS Al though hc lost the fight to lad from Winnipeg with previous ring experience he did well in winning ihrcc bouts to reach the finals Thcrc are three other Barric boys here who have chosen the life of sailor They are Dave Watsoif Bruce McMillan and Ken Caldwell Jim Hawkins another Barrie boy lcft lust week for Stra ducona whore he has been trans Vfcrrcd 21nd will enjoy 30day leave am sorry to say that Ken Cald well is in the hospital due to an accident in May 24 celebrations lie was in the fields gun crew and while they were making run in Athletic Park he his of the wheels passed over fell in front of the gun and one stomach It Was tough break for none of the streets How nice it is to know that plans are in progress to drill holes on the front street for merchants flags while citizens are stumbling over holes in the where wonder if of our merchants have been in Toronto on special days and noticed flags on the buildings owned or rented by merchants dont think they expect the city to arrange rplaccs for their flags Flags are niceV as they make you feel all Warm and patriotic butlhen oiled streets are dice and lot healthier than flags think it is time the iowu citi 7Nis woke up and demand coun cilwho look before they leap out if they do make mistake make4 all the town pay not just loose on the DonaldPeel streets of the town The people on those streets have waited patiently thinking that they were just little slow getting to them gt Santa Clausparade would be grand for our kiddies but watch in the HON hospital hercin Victoria and it doesnt seem much larger than therone Barrie new to the people of Victoria tion atrNoden and the navy life is very good If you see few sailors Walking the streets of BVarVrVierinVa coilpl of months dont worry it leave Asto the weather here it gets quite cool and brcezy We have had few warm days and the ther mometermanagedv to touch 80 de grees couple of times Ill take Ontario any day and lets just say nice town like Bar ihe veSts But we dontlookfor its disappearance overnight IS ridiculedtn wium inijl numb Several attendedt amid held by the new Vin Sprint ten of lms etnem and Vgo foitune Vtuie day Just air the avers of brave centan lfifeatiVng to 15 ives ave littlea ecton or vests Gravy stains b3 53 nmmanyv 30V requiremtil whole suitng to the cleaner whereas VcidumtlomVsmrtmemwnly one more item inl ford momentum so of their size the familrrvashinz It looks toVrus list thecards are stacked against Wes Cochrane and VHnry Banting at Iinglfean churcbiin A1 imam onSunday The LOBA of too marched to couple Mr and 1m Spears re entertained of on Monday Ivy all Ewerybody odswnlres for these other centres Yours truly Den Potts 01mm or DONALD 51 To the Editor The Barrie Examiner Council Briefs onight was aston ished to read Kenbut lid is recovering rapidly They are building anewarena We get lots of sports and recra will only be us home on 30days rie B5rrfpople arwell ofhmd dont let anyone fool you about Dear Sir In reading the Town eputy Reeve Grif finsreply to Mrs Hamiltons en wiry as to why DonaldSireet could not be oiled $5000 of the towns money had been budgeted for oil andthis had been spent sidewalk else Shocking Political not rum Jimrz41 CPR Toronto 1000 i030 pm