Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jun 1949, p. 16

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PAGE FOURIEEN Cou tyvCounOil Agrees Midland Be Assessed or Care Of Children Ilm 11 drllute Lianaxi 1s 11 111111111 1i 11111 117131 11 111111111 The 111 11 1411 1411111 hiltli 1111 111111 1121111 11 51111311 1111 111 11 wcie council 11 1111111 ll 11 1111 111 11 T11 111111 11 111111 11 11 11111 1112 11c tltgttlgtI11l Yorkshire Breeders Put Up Fine Show52 Sold at $102 Average 1511 gt111111111 bounty UIEIIII 4111 5111 Iltltl Fair 1111 III 11 111111 111c Sold 111121111 31 11 11114111 111 average price 111 1111111 brought $813511 11x 11111111111 51112110 13 head W1 liltill 1E1 lll 11 111111 11w rliodiit 11 111 Iii111 Mr cil 11111 had hi it 11111111 clenll 11111 511119 11111 lt 11 111 purchaSed by 1111 111111c1n buyers Iop lt11lc was sold by It 111 1111111111111 to II 11 11 P111011 for $16500 tlt11111111 showed the 11151 11111 Grant of Stay 111111 open sow and of Stroud first prize breeders of Simcoe foun 11 out some top notch 111 gam5 111 151115 1111i 111 which they deserve 11 11111 11 1111111 Get New Pep Vim Vigor 1111 11 l11gt1111k Branch loronto pre 11111cd to W111 lrant on be half of the Simcoe County York 111r11 Incidcrs 111ed sow purchased 111 11111 slc from Carscadden for Fggugemlj ll 51111111 lhis sow was presented to gentllfllgslnrlzldlo 312 11111111 2n appreciation of the mm 15 111111 he has done for the club and 00 111 to 1111p 111111 reestablish his herd 111111 111111g binned out last Fall the Ontario Wm 11111111 111 1111 LID Deck no 11 ltuvrd llrla are now They 111 tonic NM on Guaranteed Trust Certicates lrSllill for any amount for term of 11111111 guaranteed bothestoprincipel 111111 1111111151 Interest cheques mailed to r111il1 1111111115 on due date or at holders 14111111 may be allowed to iiceuuiulate at 11111111111111interest 11 1111111 investment for individuals oom 11111111 tilttlltirlMtI by law for cemetery 11111115 11111111111 ttnd other trustees THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Head Office Toronto Barrie Oice l3 Dunlop Strod 38 years In Beale BUY THE LARBI 25 PACKAGE 480 comca 72 POIfl fMj 1131111511 antl Adler it citJar way both trademark mean In um thing llu 131111111111 lu tillll 11111 of 1111 ALL gave IV 1w IIII II 1111 11Il It It When 111111111 1111 111 111 III tlil 11 1lIIIll1rll 11121111 don 11111111I1 11111111 111111 111 1111 liuiwl 11111 11 11111 1111121 111 the 11111 11111S 11 111k1 pend 1111 7111 11111115 111 11 If the parity 111 5112 111111 in 111111 be $11111 i=1 tipprox112111111 This 15 111111111 111 11111111111111111 the cost 111 111 1111 lower Now 1111111 111111 the British 11111111 costs 11111111 up 11111 cd Killtllldttl 11111 1111 for the 1111111111111 1111211 somewhat 11111111111111 ll l111 importer may 111111 111111111 111 l1gt 111112111111111 111 11111 11111111111111 11111111111 whcrc 111111111 1l111 lowm 1111111 1111 Britain W1 lt1v1 1111 cline 111 tlc 111111 11 111 1111111 pound might itliN 11111111 111 1111 ll Illitlkcl llllltilll 111111111 Ii 111111 pulled to seek supplies 111 1111111 countries where 111 11111111111111111 of the currency 11111 greatci1 and real wages lower than they were at home After the war 11115 economic posi Mon of Canada and 11111 1111111311 States was on 11111111111lil sound basis We 111111 been through 1111 wnr spent much 1111111111 but our capacity to produce was llitllhttl not reduced With duction the wounds hcal There is llUllltlltIIIlI 111Kile 1111 goods in Europe and 111 all 11111 other countries 111 the world but the dilliculty is in securing Ameri can or Canadian dollars wuh which to make the purclias1s The reasons for 1111 quite clear the world 111111v 11111111 111111115 The demand for 1111111111111 11111 A111lt erican dollars with wlurh to buy brings what is t111111 fliard money that is our money is dilli cult to obtain Ilurclorc dispitc the desire for 1111111111111 and Aldtlk can commodities llttloptzil 1111111 tries find it hard to buy in 1111111121 or in the United 51111111 We that is the citizens of 7111 ada and the U11i1ed51111eslii1ie done what We could to relieve 1111 situation Ciedit has been extend ed to European countries Marshall aid from the United States loans from Canada lThese partial remedies The countries of Europe try to solVe the problem by trad 1111 with each other even trad ing with Russia They can allord to pay more for the goods of other countries because the currency of these countries is more easily ob tained it costs less There is one supreme remedy All the countries of Europe c1111 tinue to impose high tauills 1111 11111113 111 211 1111l he 1111 1111111 11111 l1 1111111 11 11 Ill 111 11131 111 illl 11 11111 IlltltitLtI pio 111 war soon 11 111 uuoiiruf The Problem of Exchange 111111111 If llllltl lOwering of tariff barriers within BARRY sv W11 n11=l 111 1311 11I1I of the 2111 111111111110 11111c 11 111 11 Slilllth 111 1111111 1111 11111 111 11 111 gt111 111 11131 111 11111 21111111 111 IlilpA 11 111111 1111 1111t1111s 1111111 II i11 14 now 11111111 11111 111 1151 111 adopt Unit 11 1111111111111 gtl11s 1111c of 1111311 lc1lgt 111 111 1111 1111121111111 of A111 1111 111111111 1111 1111111 11111 1111 111 111 to gt1111111 remedy 111111111111111111 11 11111 1111111 11 more re 111r 11111 1111 1111111 1151111 The 11111 111111111111 1110 1111 Illclltlll larill i1111ue 1111515 is the 111 11111111 v111l1i recovery 111111111 States should take 1111111111 now which England c111tu1y ago the Unit hould 111come tree 111111111 Would this injur 11211111 81111115 It would do 111 11111111111 1111111 level 111 111111111 1111111 111 other possible 1111111111 11 1111111 Icad 111 1111 1111111111111211111 111 all those 1111111111111s through 11111111 1111111111 States now tries 111 1111 11111 1111 111 1111 pitfalls it 111 11111 1111111 1111121111 and into 1111111 111 1111111111111111y lalls 11111111 1115 11111111 111111111111 Ameri c1111 111111111115 with cheap goods Not chance in 11111 world though Il1tgt 1111111 11111 below present levels 11111111111 harm to anybody The 111111111 51111115 under true 011 tcrpiiw well always EI1 full value 111 exports 1111 hoods imported but the 11111111111 would broaden 1III 111111111 11 1111 111 111 11111111 VIVII 11 11 111111 111 t1s iltilli 1111 1111Ii 111111 wa111111c11111 the 111111111 111111111 of trade throughout 1111 01111 111111 more is needed 111111 11 is of 11111 importancc 11111111 There should be 5111111 1111111111 111 foreign invest 1111111 Americas iiivcntivc capa city Americas know how would increakc production per 111111 111 labor 111111111yed That is essential to world iccovcry supreme blow 11111111151 Yoiiiinunism Why 11111115 increased production high er rciil earnings per unit of labor 11111i 111 1311 1111ploycd There is no other means by which real wages can be raised MIDHURST WA Meeting The WA 11101 Mrs Dan Nash and was in charge Mis Lynn Russell missionary Miss Slander of Barrie have very inspirational talk on China which was enjoyed by 11111 There were sixteen members1 present and 11151 two visitors who were former workers for the WA and Midhurst Church Mrs Sr of Barrie and Mrs George Coulis Sr letter of thanks wasl 1111111 and donation enclosed from Goobel Toronto who thanked mum BARRY ONTARIO CARADI 11 was felt 11 at the home of Gill Assessment Amendment By Reeve Middleton For Flos 1111 11 11114 111 11 li LI12111 lclg111il 5111111 cul L1 1131 c111117ill1111 1111 11l of ii 11 111111 111111 1111 11111111g 211 111131 11 1111 l11lilllgt 171 5111 lcol11clc1 111 111 111 112 131 1012 11 ll ItMll 11 Ill 1111 1111111 111111 c1 11111Ir n311111 111111 111111c1 11 Twp Is Lost Simcoe County Buys 186 Orillia Acres For Reforestation iic 1111111111311 and 111lt 1111 111111i11 l1i11i111 11111 111 1111111 gtlt111 1111lt lilgtltll 51 iiiiiuwil 1111 Ioll111l1 112111 at 1111i11gt vtllfl 111 114111 council 011 111111111 11 11 111111 1x 51111111111 1111 1L1 1111 cl lot 11111 111111 1121 111 1111 111 1gt 131 11 11 1111 1ol 1151 iiilll 11111 111 1111 11111 1111 the 1111 1111111S11111gtIX 1121 the west 11111 11 111111 s1 lliiYt 1111111111 1111111111111 imiil 11111111111111111111 1111111 111 1111 11111lt1 1111 11111 111111 11 11111111111 112111 111111111 1111111 price 111 111 11 11111 11 1111 1111111 11 111 The bylaw xill conic 111111 11 1ccc1v1111 the 1111111111 111 111111gtlc1 111 1111113 111111 11111gttr Council Asked To Relieve Drury TO Write History last weeks session 11111 coun 111 of Snucoc 11111111 11 11s112111 to consider some 11111111111111111 whereby Ii 1111y county sher 111 might be able to devote 1111111 111111 to the task of writuzi 1111111 IJIlllgllllg up to date the history 1111 the county Norman ltllltn president ofthc 111111111111 Tourist and Historic Sites Association 11p piared last Friday 111111111111 111lore the council to present resout1oi1f 111 the effect made at l1111114 Illtllllllg at the l1111y1 Shrine The association fcll 11111 lliurys wealth 11f information the IllilllCIVLIII bc of 111111 sistance in 1111 futurc $111111 Drury was unable to make much 1lr 1111 headway in the work because of the pressure of his other position that he should be alg lowed to spend more time on the writing of the history Mr Clarke thanked the councili on behalf of the association for the road markers which had been installed on county roads 111111111112 six and 21 the ladies for their kindness drrrlv ing the illness other brother and sister Miss Gill and Mr Gill The July meeting will be held all Trinccssrpresent Citriileiige Cup vlTMDPER STOUT wlll he the II stlto have 11111 name en mi son the Princess Elizabeth Chal en Cavalry The event was held at first time bein PB 88 ELIZABETH It ge Cuo for the Household the Rlchmon Horse Sh wfor th Picture shows Trooper Stout on 1315 horse Ci resented with the Princess Elizabeth Challenge Watching tanner GwaliorGeneral Cenada up 111 the Earl material In orer 111111111741111111 111111111 1Mrs Stan Walls on Tuesday July 1r ll 1111 1111 11111111111 11111111 11ui1t 111 left it up 11111111 1111111111 1111 lie 11111111 11 11111114 1111 1111111 I111111 111 1111 511119111 11111111 11111 111 111 111111 1111 1111 111111 111 111111111 111111 11 1111111111111 1111 11111li 11 11rl 11111 to 111411 111 1111111 111 111 311 1111111 1111 1111 111 luv 1111 Illlll111 111 11111111111l11l 11111 111 1111 1411 111111111 1111 111 111111111111 911117 11111121111 11111 1111111 lllLIIII 1111 1112 11111111I 111111 111 p111pcrtv 11111111 811111111 11111 111yil111 1111 gt111111111111 11111 111 1111 111121111111 11111 icyj 111 5111111 up crl 111 111 1111111111 1111111 11 lit 1111Ii11t 111I 1111111111 11 II 315 111 111111 1111 1111111 111 lTzi1z111 111111 1111111 111111 1111 1111111 111111111p1111y 111 thcl 11c plilla 1111111 15 13111 111111 1111 111111 11 1111111 111 111111111 1111 11111111 on 1111 111111 111 ll said 11211 it would not 111 l1c1 1111 other 11111lilpt hilt 11111111 111111 111 11 11111111 oi 11111 11111 111 two 1111115 111 IIhnviili 111111 131111 1111 readjustine them 111111111111 l1111111111111 1111111 was lost ltttVc Shepherd of oldwalcr 1111111111f1 of the committee on 11111111111111111 pointed 11111 111111 1111 11111121111111 11111 zonc ovcr 1111cotu1 1y 11y 11111101111111 and had arriv 111 111 thc 11511111 on 1111 schedule 17111 111 11111 yslcm 11151zomplctlt 1111 11111111 l11 111151 111 lx 111111111111 111111 would 11111 be able 111 gt111 exactly the IIELIII figures 41111111111 59 Summer Homes and Cottages 111111111111111111111 1111n 11111 1111 11 111 111 1c 51 11 11111 11 11 1111111 1191 111111111 11lt 111 111111111 11111111113 1111111151 1111 1111 IlviJI 111 TWEED STEEL WORKS lIMIIlD Dom IWE010NL 27 lsemn 5500000 YEARLY 11 blip $51111 111311 11112g 111 111115 year 11s vzigested business Denier Cut Oil URSDAY JUNE 23 1949 FOUND CAPE HORN ape 1111211 132 51111111111 tip of South 1111 was LIJVKII by the lttc11 lu1lot Sclmttlclil 111 16115 PEACE OF MIND IS CHEAP AT THIS PRICE VFRY home contains valuable per 11 111 sonal property such as furs jewry pictures etc which if stolen or destroyed by fire could not be 161 placed without financial embarrassment You can insure against this financial loss by means of North America Companies all risk policy which has been designed to pro vide the broadest possible coverage at very low premium rates For the sake of your peace of mind consult your Insurance Agent or Broker today about this North America Companies 531 risk insurance protection INSURANCECOMPANY NORTH AMERICA COMPANIES CANADIAN HEAD OFFICETORONTO FIRE MARINE CASUALTY Service Ofces throughout Canada INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA INDEMNIIY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORIH AMIRtCA THE AlttANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA PHILADEIPHIA HRE AND WNE INSURANCE COMPANY MALCOMSDIIS 4I DUNLOP ST Insurance Agency DIAL 3735 The Home of GOOd Insurance since 1899 FLYNN 89 Dunlap Street IIINES Dial 2443 WWWWWWWMMWWWM WWWWWWWWWMWWM IIICIII REFIWAR PRICES TIRE VALUES concur Theres big mileage Goodyear tire to suit War purse and purpose To enioy new high In motoringicomfort ride on Goodyears new SuperCushionthe tire that gives ybu smoother softer safer ride Then theres that great taveurltethe GoodYear Deluxethe nest standard tire on the market Rememberyou can buy these tires at less than piewar prices ge Ib TRADEIII Auomilcrs Heres real opportunity to save money on new ies At most Goodyear 16111111 Your old tires are worth money in the form of generous tradein allowance let your Goodyear dealer quote you price on the unused mileage in your present tires 5322 BUDGET 111111111111 11111 up Theres nonead 1111111111 yqurrelfitligvtires you 11111111 because you happen to be short otnhdy cash Many Goodyear dealers offer leasytopay budget plans designed to suit your convenience DrIve in to your nearesteoodyear dealer today and ask about budget term on new Goodyoar tires nus run on 511 111111111 111111115 m1c11 Titus mm TIRES runs ofurrcumsw saunas BuvvuowSAVE MONEYAVOID TIRE noun Seeyour Goodyear Dealerjwiilldut delay To NAND

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