NTAoARA FOR ANY AND EVERYPURPOSE The Wilson Building SQUARE hoosing Your MP It llllllN rt it my Ill 7ir ll il examinations 1rdc or iii Illitll izts nit thr it ir lid defriizte lslllliltlgtlt of icgt irirt theiczr ie lllllii out the evidenci The All lflilll Iriirllli gt5 rtiil bitch to Apprrv lli or llltifrrl ixxues our tri lllill lry ltil he pui ItJl lln iri Hiri=oxiizity tlrlrrll llr WIII rzir undid evcry IllrtIl llgtlt of toiiiziturrr in Eliito lrtl iuilllllt lllrv or irLft around tin other Illilltliilr acne iztli rtv there is much to tieire writiirl ltllltll lll tire ru Mr is To The lriiu llt Illlll rr llllltll Hamil mo IllIlII LIMN lip unhapnu olvcd is lulpfif llic pr llllllll tins to people back home the trgtl which iilr oriftorr lllll lr dint in ilzc llid linic urli burll twirlciim Ive lrrrl sharp in Itllillt Nothiir Allandale MOIOIS coined by this zlttrrridc doi no pay liiiocl iii irzill HhMB even in an exchange or urrd The mind of th llriiiEr should turn it ill tririw to lc actual facts before the llrrlll man who knows the facts it rtcr of the siliizitpu if rm lr lthe power of logical ltr1rrtl lliuri for thise rirtrlatws ii cioo lllu your Il They are upnizir ly riiipoirant iMemoriql Ceremonies At Dieppe l9 August OTIAWA Ill lrrnc lwcrity icicht veterans icprecntriig aii gtadian Army units which llltlll Epated in the lieppc Hard of ltll will trike part in this years meni gAugust Army Headquarters an nounced today yoa can get The party will be flown by the RCAI from Montreal to Northolt England on August and will then go on bytrain and boat to the continent They will return to Canada on 22 August The group will include warrant land noncommissioned officers and commissioned officers up to the rank of major and will be selected INSURED DAN from units which took part in the um 05 Dieppe Raid or which perpetuate participating units Doctor Denim or Helpltal our Coal or Fuel 011 House Repel Movlng Expense Take or old Ellie etc being nominated by the various Reserve Force units through their respective Command Headquarters Quebec Command will send three ofTicers and two other ranks Cen tral Command three officers and two other ranks and Western Command one officer and two oth er ranks MajorGeneral It you have money problem or would lilre iinancial advice trio phone or call today N04 NIAGARA FINANCE Oompopu Ltd Walford Itaintgeneral and now Montreal business man will join the party in Europe and will be in command during the ceremonies on 19 Aug ust FRENCH Poms France has about 550 inland navigation ports of which Paris Rouen and Strasbourg each nor yw mally handle over 1000000 tons annually he ROCKET FUEL Liquid hydrogen powerful propellant is being used as rocket fuel in tests conducted in the US BARRIE PHONE 5533 WE GUARANTEE SAVINGS erN TIMKEN orr BURNERS We know Timken WellFlame Oil Burner lethe moat eoonbmlcelend we want to prove it to you with our guan entee of eevlnge We have eooompliehed eevlngl up to 25 on fuel and electricity for many Of our tradein ctrtome We williet your present burner free Then on the bash the bet rieulte we will tell you emctly what eele we will guarantee with new quiken WellFlame Oil Burner Inetelled In your preeent bollervor furnace Wove this guarantee in writing enemybelch howbeckbule No Mothno chance You love or we mun four preeont brunetad refund yomvmoney Act newwhile epoclel undolawman are In effect Oder for Only NO down payr WmsmmmIMorueutoday cannon ours Gibson Ltd 10 81 monsoon MKEN sirenanuromairo OILJOILEIS PUINAC WA HIATIIQ Vorial ceremonies at Droppe on IEII wintryinc land through the Marrtiriics Candidates for the trip are now tidbit Lisrriiioycd CB CBE MM ED former adju Arrows Mark Britons Working for Recovery With us Equipment The type of equipment Britain would Mr Lid tIllllLulI in ob tiining without Eltl iMArshall Aid and Thus IIJVr Ile its recov ry from vJT Lillich retirded is and pictured here lt an UlllCLL coil site in NUTLIIUIIIlttTIJTHI Tying its own tlctlric generitor the mobile inorrsters first Link is of earth hetireeii the surface and the rail An iden of its sire can be githered from the men inirked with arrows in the pictures 011 to work ibelou The assembly picture Liken from the end of the tllllllt 213 foot jib also shows left and centre derrirks used for The job In the other shot foot centre foreground is mised as the imclrariiml giant moves to the site British miners in the first three months of this cir pro duced iierrly million more long corresponding period III year luric ill and Mrs IIitoll TC atirl and Mrs luk Lairulrlair ric motor trip to llillllthr Mr Mr Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Eldon Wire were Mrs Gould of Lansing Mrs Kidd and Mn and Mrs Ralstoti of loronto Presentation to Rev and Mrs Paisley and Mrs Jack On Monday evening June 13 large representative gathering of Stroud United Church congregav tion met in the church school room to spend social time with llmtl and Mrs Paisley and Mrs Jack before their departure tori liatswortlL Sam Brolcy presided and short program of music and after whichl titer and Mrs Paisley and Mrsl Jaek were invited to the platfoirii1 On behalf of the congregation Gordon Mason read an address to Rev and Mrs Paisley and they were presented with hand fsome mantel chick and occasional chair Mrs Goodfellow then read an address to Mrs Paisley land Mrs Jack from the women of the congregation and Mrs Paisley was presented with pearl peek lace and Mrs Jack with bcril lamp After the ladies had voicedi their thanks and appreciation forl their gifts Mr Paisley very Irttiiig 1y expressed his sincere gratitudeI for all the kindnesses and support shown him during his years pastorate in Stroud and the many happy memories he would always have of Stroud and community The ladies then served lunch All were pleased to have Rev and Mrs Doggett and Mr and Mrs Wm Boake of Thornton present Next Sunday June 26 Rev Paisley will preach his farewell smn in Stroud leaving for his new home in Chatsworth on June 29 Rev John Morris is takingr over the charge of Stroud and Le froy Womens Institute Although the afternoon was ex ceedingly warm largeattendancv was present at the WT meeting on June 16 in the Hall New business included Mrs Hughes reported the collection for the Blind $5360 plans made to attend the Rug and Quilt Fair in Midland Friday July 29 bychartered bus also arrange ments made for community gar den party in aid of the Hall watch for advts The program was pre pared by the resolutions conven ers Mrs Small and Mrs IN OUR TIME the giint walking Ingliire im ported in sections from the 15 Weighing 11501ong tons and LAr the removal of3l million lourr Ions hich Show Asseriibly riglitr llltl tons of coal than they did in the THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA KNOCK June It Alla Krocl or Ilrrrc rsllcii Mi lilllll orrri ltlrl Mrs Mrs slrlrcrm liliiirl it moi imp pulpinor iirglfrllrlilltl Quilting was IIr main Congratulations to Mr and Mrs GRANT MAYOR yum WmM irrcr of the rITciriooii Mrs Ewart Johnson who celebrated tn Aim in uhlgvirll of Ihoinr liclccv read an article on llrrs their 20th wedding anniversary on 150 DUMOPSM SIM pi Wm Mtgerrands and llr teth liowman Sunday June 19 pp Twpnu lc It papcr otl Iloiicrsf llaris Miss Alma and Don Gallaugher WV Mr and Mrs loo oclrraiii iit Willi It lllt lll Sunday llll Mr and DIIS l0 Grey zit Iilll ed on Mr and Mrs lll liHltlIlll and family gtlltlll Sunday with friends at litafoul Mr and Mrs larlicr liciccj anI Ella spent Sunday with and Mrs lelci Vliulalt iirrilcl Mr and Mrs labour and roiirrl ot Ioroiito sprttt Sunday with Mr and Mrs Mr larrl Iopc Iltl Mrs ecil and family IIdgar Mr and Mrs arl Sunday Mr and Shear lozrsrr vssrtctl wrtli Shannon on ioolhrrird Mrs Spring Mrs Small spoke on the motto Resolved that each rucrii her make 1949 banner year for Stroer Institute planted the proper wording and presentations of resolutions clc Seyeral resolutions were lratirrrl including one to the llall rushv1 advising some Arm of fire protec tion and tire extinguishers for the Hall also one reuucsting all evil products tirade ol riirrmiril Ir manufactures use iii bags for their products like those used in the United States instead of the present sort The roll call question on Instituti work vas very interesting 11 lllllllli being answered by Mrs Iiuglics piano solo and the Maypolc Dath by eight school girls accompanied by Illll teachers Misses Webb and Hubbert was heartily applrrrrdcrl The conclusion of the program featured very smart and brigrnat guessing contest by Mrs Nelson of things used in the kitchen all white which the members were allowed to touch taste or smell Prizes were won by Mrs Brady Mrs Black and Mrs ll Wal lace LARGE FAMILY One fairiin of moths have been known to eat 92 pounds of wool year The pampas are wide trerlcrtz plains found in the Argentine and used by ranchers to graze stock By Howie Hunt nob goodimgoodyrotitboardiiiiotgrs aracl oo the parka IIdna May Spring gavc llcid lilr speriillarlicr Kuhny wrtli good at Mrs Spring cv EPontecorvO Parllt Now Ready For Use rfll BURDEN CITIZEN llllS IS iiicoiporatul llllu Ia fully 1k igar attractive cool Walk lill il lsLLI ii atarlable for the nature lgt1 ravine 11l is now ready for lr uzuc weeks now the This is your park and the ginnings of your recreation grounds Its atlLtcri lrtttltllt rl ithe citizens of atop Borden Mk awund will 15 used it Will grow if it It ML and RH from neglected it will die the usual ling ltpdllllllll the bath holdinng death or ll Malccuil 12 riruing pool itself aridflnllecls Th park ll lam ml mmmmm my dunk bwlh weight of the Comiriunrty miners cii llllftlrtlltllllv behind the and me commanding 0mm hind it It is hoped that it will be Well used and thoroughly llllrtl and if you have any srrggtstrims is to how the Park can he riiipiovcd upon in any way just gteiid them along to this h0WSpprl Ix trirfi norking on pro lrililtlllg the grounds wriiiritittg pool appoi VI liin all started with lytlz ml rm It new to In Trix step was the clearing the property North and East oi the gtlllllll11ll pool and during the course of this work the under Itiiisli via cleared away low branches were trimmed oil the gtlltIl tiers and picnic tables were Irpllltml and painted and putmi Samuel Ill so Ul underneath the trees The rict step was name for the park which was chosen by oloiicl lorld lontecorvo is the panic of llll1l in the Iiri Valley in Italy captured by the Ist anl iniiiiii li on 123 May 1944 Ther Ztlllltlll value of the name was one lllr chicf factors in the choice Ilv leilncsday arrangements liavrnrr hccn completed for life izuzrid attendant for the pool the ljllllllllllo and IttS of coiriiiieirced lto till thc swiniriiing pool and it is lllopill that by the time this pirper to press the pool will be ready for use CHARTERED rll7NlI 69 Collier Street llAIiITlli lilcpiroirc 1M9 lllltS ESTABLISHED 99 Here is pleasant spot for pic nic It is hoped to add to the park as time lines on and as its popu rlarity is proved The next logical step of course is the erection of wrngs and slides for the children ind possibly the construction of vadiirg pool for the small fry who ltro not large enough to venture lInto the pool It is also intended to clear the brush and deadwood ilong the old Lovers Lane be lts Crud lrcclingj Yes its great feeling as mum Unwind mnplc tolualiln to spend your lurrluclurl in mm njoy life with free mind IITIllll run Lil rinrr you have provided for your fttlllllllt lllllllr illi on tincntnl Life Family IlltlIlI llrn This plan completely solic your prolicru lt rrrto tween the Park ant the 11 maticallv crcalcs illl estate that prll rc urrr triiul Hospital Ihrs woodland path whlch IS no mlmssable because mantra iiir pun nu is II it III of ml undwmvwm was much their air Itlllllcdltltc and regular monthly rrrivriu to ttISed route between the Hospital replace the loss of your sala II tlc rll rozri death In addition tlt lllr Ilil ol Illl IIIIlIlltIlIlIl period your dependents rcccin tlrc lull mine and Lee llallduriirg the war When and 99 rKillr and 1r= Arthur inodv of the policy Asli your Ioutiucirlul Ill1llilllnl til of llllttl Falls Mr and ve about this plan today iii Ken Crawford and ilirlitril THE coNirNENTAr IIFE INSURANRE COMPANY Mr aan Mrs Aubrey Slessor and Mr and Mrs lIarry Slessor ill teiided the wedding of Aileen Sles sot and Cliff Mears HEAD OFIICF TORONTO The Knock Sewing rrclc held monthly Illllllllt of Mrs and Frank Anderson of Alliston Cnmnnnv visited Mr and Mrs Gordon Bid well Sunday ElfA IRA iiclrl rt lunislil Iirli on lllljl 20 Lunch was then served No others 91mm when you compare Compare Features No other line of trucks in its price range has all these features 4Speed SyiichroMesh Transmission Splined RearAxle Hub Connection cotOperated Parking Brake Steering Column Gearshift The Cab That Breathes The FlexiMounted Cab Uniweld AllSteel Cab Construction Fulloating Hypoid Rear Axle AllRound Visi bility with RearCorner Windows Articulated Brakeshoe Linkage Hydrovac Power Brakes WideBase Wheels Multiple color options Heafing and ventilating system and rearcorner win dow with do luxe equipment optional at extra cost Compare QWIFTY Theres outstanding quality in every inch and ounce of Chevrolet trucks an extra measure of massive strength anddUrability Theyre built to take it the rough going and the hard pounding irrevry feature of body Cab enginefand chassis Compare Performance Only these trucks have the ThriftMaster LoadMaster and Torque Master ValvelnHead engines Chevrolets three champions for low7gost Operation lowcost upkeep Andrthey have more power Witheconomy than any engines of their size in the world THERES CHEVROLETTRUCK FOR EVERY JOB with capacities from 4000 ibis Io Toooorbs Gvwi ARMS MO one no 8389 Elizabeth Slat Rani