Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jun 1949, p. 11

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Twice Weekly MONDAY and THURSDAY THE+ Member Audit Bur eau of Circulation BARR EXAMINER Minimums AS srcono cuss run or AB hit PAID 367 86th Yeor NO Voteas you like but VOTE JuneZ Recreation Program Carried Through Critical 1946 Period By Federation of Agriculture lly lllgtll OLLII lit the lill lIl llllh lllt ounlv federatztai of agriculture cooperated with the community life training lllsllllllt to bring director of litltinllttll to the couri ty The ltdiratmn of agriculture eoiitributeti louaai tiavelling ex pelises and ueonipanmts aluy at St nicoe recreation director scope of the recreation ganti to ask them about their interv tests Young and old took part in ll ltl Hmwl social rteieation which added to WNW Wt nu0 the fellowship and frzendly under thnli was gtltltl illll by Ioni standing inunity lite training institute and In 11 ie LH 2st federation til agruultuie after the icereation come to the county tinaiieial as sistanee to the program which came from the extrjision depart iiiector lliese tlt the Iitlttillilt ways in which the iedeialion of agriculture helped the incieatinn program int Sinirot county to get under way llut more important Still was the mt It looked as though the recrea tion program would have to fold but the federation of Igrieulture would not allow this to happen Arrangements were made to have the recreation committee set up forinallyby the council of the county of Siineoe so that grant ltltilll thr provincial government ltltll be forthcoming Then the itederation of agriculture pledged full financial support wliieli meant la grant of $1500 to the program until the end of the year Early in 1017 delegation from the federation of agriculture and the recreation committee attended the June session of county couri cil to ask for grant for the rec reatiori program contribution iof $2000 was made and the federa Ition of agriculture made an addi Itional grant of $500 in order that Clothes need vacation too the budch requirements might he need to regain their vitality and bounce so they can re turn to the old grind newlook ing refreshed We do all that for your clothes safely in expensively Try usl It ValR Offt5 REIIPEPATf 47 00W armoryw In 1040 the recreation committee received the major part of its rcv enucs from the county council and therefore was able to stand upon its own feet Without the tangible backing of the fcdcratiop of agriculture which made it pos rblc to demonstrate the worth of 10 program to the people before was necessary to ask the council for full support it is not likely that the program would have survived P$ Going on June taunt For your own vocation well have you toolting noppior and feeling happier Youre right day and nlgtiLylh finer dryelouningl This Includes RECREATION HIGLleS An average of eight leadership schools and courses held every year in different centres of Simcoc County for those interested in so cial recreation music informal sports drama and crafts msurti ASSIstancc and leadership given at community recreation nights 9EA9 banquets parties picnics eld SYS Ht days etc ARTS AND CRAFTS thriving arts and crafts asso ciation which has helped to organ ize classes in many rural communi ties and is now helping to sponsor 2uiAsrcmi LowmliFAREs DIAL 2471 FOR PICK ULOF COATS WE Jam SUITS MARITIMES DRESSES HATS SLIP COVERS DRAPES CURTAINS vBLANKETS RUGS ETC linioy that holi day DownEast aivisit home or awaywitbfriends fares return limit 21days with stopovers permitted JUNE 20 to SEPTEMBER inclusive Consul any Canadian Pacic Railway Agent KEEN CLEANERS 74 Elizabeth St Dial 2471 100 Mile Cruise ol MuskokpLakos EVERY SUNDAY andWEDNESDAY $465 Return Children$245 INCLUDING BUS andSTEAMER FARE Buses Leave Barrie SUNDAYS WEDNESDAYS 574107ci9rn DRYLIGHrwuu rooms Return Service Direct from Dock Tickets and Information at Barrie Bus Terminal PhOne 5571 THE POST OHICE DEPAIIIENY OHAHA faet that through the community liueetings held lllltltl the auspieesi of the federation of agiieiiltuie the was introduced to riirat people all over the county She had the opportunity of lflllilll to thin about the possibilities and program six months had merit of the Uniieistty of Toronto lU of Graduate MISS FRANCES LOU CRAIGmIdv est daughter of Mr and Mrs Wil liam Craig Pool 81 Barrie graduated with Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of To ronto at the recent convocation Miss Craig BCI grad and harp ist with the concert band while attending BCI was on the staff of the Toronto Globe and Mail last Summer but will be leaving early in July to spend the Summer at Banff countywide quilt and rug fair to be held in Midland July 28 to 30 An advisory service to communi ties interested in developing com munity recreation projects andl special intcrcst groups in various forms of recreation such as drama music sports etc SWIM CLASSES Learnltoswim classes for the past three summers with 500000 children registered in 1948 in five centres Innisfll Park Bass Lake Springhurst Beach Oro Memorial Park and Midland Development of day camp pro gram for rural children Assistance to rural children in developing their programs of phys ical education and recreation First Post War Armoury Construtted Ottawa 15 JuneThe first post war armoury to be built in Can ada will go to the city of Sault Ste Marie Ont for the use of its 49th Heavy AntiAircraft Regiment Dc fence Minister Brooke Claxton said here today Construction is expect ed to start early thisFall and will take about one year to complete at cost Vof more than $75000000 The strategic importance of the area together with the inadequate accommodation at present available to the Reserve Force there dictat ed the choice of Sault Ste Marie With completion of the new armoury it is anticipated that the 49thH Regiment will ex pand rapidly into one of the most active Reserve Force units in Ont ario Mr Claxton said that all armour ies to be built in the future will be designed for use both as commun ytlu ougu CADETS WILL FLY 1N DAKOTA JUNE 24 At last Putins parade the eom inandiiig tillltl aluminard that the ktdnrs of ll lalonite lllt tuitlniiiliiig flltl of ltil Station killll Borden lllltillillltlil had been completed for our final paiallc till next liall naturl of tllttl for This parade Is in the entertainment ilitl is Friday June pin the llllit lgtr zll be unitoiins Cadets wiil thr Aiinuury by seivu lt at Iltl our ai riving In time to nave supper in the Aiiineiis Mess Later trip over town in the Dakota for all is planned followed by theatre party in the service lllitlt attei which the cadets ll gather in the canteen for refreshments and the trip home ar1vmg Iii town about pm These on were handed lllli waiver form for signature by their par cuts and instructed to trim them in duly signed next week Those failing to do so will not be per mitted to enjoy the flip in the Dak The aeietai has been instructed to Contact those absent lait week and in case any cadet might be overlooked waiver forms will be available from the countant at the Barrie ae lloyal Bank in good turnout is expected for lltgtl iisual pa rue the this last spree till we get to gether again in the Fall DATEEDVANCED FOR INTRODUCING CARD ASSESSMENT The year for the county card system of assessment to come into effect was changed from 1952 to 1951 on motion of Reeve George Shepherdchairman of the equali zation committee at the Friday morning session of the council The previous motion on the books had been worded to the effect that equalization would come into effect in 1952 Council lor James Hart of Barrie felt that this was confusing and that thel motion should make it clear that the levy was to be made in 1952 Councillor Earl Richardson sug gested that the assessment roll turned in on Sept be used thel following January to save year and speed up the assessment The county clerk informed Rcevc ity centres and as Reserve Force training establishments The Sault Ste Marie structure as the first of these will contain public recreation rooms with cloak and washroom facilities lecture theatre with projection equipment and stage and large drill floor which may be usedfor indoor sports Other facilities will include custodians office training rooms regirpgtal museum and library band room public lounge with ladies powder room and snack bar In addition the site has been chosen with view to providing outdoorpace for field sports For purely military purposes the armourydwill contain adequate of fice space gun sheds garages workshops quartermasters stores lecture theatre mess halls and miniature range Plans call for an exterior finish of concrete modern flatroof de sign and wide entrance with special doors and glasssblock till above The wellknown badge of the Royal CanadianArtillery in metal will surmount the main ent rance Avomisu 3v INSECTS Some type of plarits can be treat ed with chemicals which absorbed through the Roots make the plants toxic to insects LAFFfLDAY BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JUNE i949 AS OF MARCH Honor Graduate of Ntlltt gtti ipwr Ii ICIIWIN lltl1lllll grad llilltl lltllt lniiIisdy of Toronto with but elvw honors in lingin win liIv graduate of llzuiie lllnlllt oll Iziate lllgtllltlll ll the son of Mr and Mrs lloglutii liy ltltl i5 presently with llh lttniatli ouneil at Ottawa for the Stimuli lMascot To March In Parade Composite Troops tII BURDEN IIIZIINI flit the Serotirl Ioill Wan inost fauzeil IraatotrJ to her green illl tvl for few dag llilitliilii IIle it niil of that eity llllllttHs ltittt zeot It the itl lliissais lll place in the 21 June battletielt by loops ol the tin the Fifth la anrt nai l1ltgt the reizzinent liar ltiptillitl in the past lottz jtili llIr repiineiita trappings llltltttii otilplttv lti ot servue ribbons tluee llll tltltl Yla tili crvix lit are 11111 an elmd up on an Italian lt xvoi uni tlli of the lliirriars 11 ligtv it 12 tlll lllrlt ii litrltii Iz irmizizimtb paimlu un badly Wounded Ivll and the famous unit palf After the horse was lttiiitl iateil to tanada in 1010 mid shower of Noah and confetti member of the unit piovided her llll litItzniel penston of green pastuies oats and careful grooming Citizens of Kings ounty gave her the brew rloin of the ounty ineluiiini tne inalienable right to roam ower betts and vegetable gardens with tout ear of Winding up in 1121 ifartory She even has member ship card in the Canadian Legion eoniplete with lioofprinl and all As far as the records Simcoe County to Visit OAC lll111 July it the members of the lloys and 11115 lubs ot Sinieoe County and their Leaders have planned to visit the Ontario Agricultural ollege at Guelph Through ine cooperation ot loltoii director of public rela tions at the eollege an interesting and educational program has been arranged fluxes will pick up the members at rillia Guthrie Barrie Pene tang Midland llllllll0 Coiling Riehardson that to do that he would have to change theasscss incnt act as it stated in the rule book that the equalization schedule had to be presented at the June session Following the passing of the mo tion Deputy Reeve Andrew Tudw hope of rillia remarked that he was unable to see lhiit they had made any headway as the system would come into effect at the same time as had been stated in the original motion my AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2414 RT HON WINSTON CHURCHIL the Inevitable cigar clenched between his teeth and looking the picture of health is cheered by the crowd as he steps from his car on arrival at EpsomDownl to watch the running oi the 1949 Derby School Regina Iii iaiiiiemglio itVespralownsliip SchIIol Area Sch00ls Chlldren transferring into ahon the following schools or Commencing schoOl for thefirst time in September 1940 are to be registeredfor enrolment Mrs Reta vFra lick Board Representative willbe present at angLine No17 Juhe24130 230 pm Midhurst No June 24 300 400 pm 7thLineNo 5iune 28130 230pm7 Grentell No7 June 28 300 400 pm Pine Grove No l3June 29 130 230 pm Ferndale No 12 June 29 Candies N0 June 30 300 Childrenlrslx years of age by Feb 1950 are 00 400 pm 400 pm eligible Those presently enrolled need not register wood and Alliston They will ar rive at the College by 1030 om reveal Lalru Two Hundred Boys and Girls TRY AN EXAMINER WANT Al The girls all be shown the latest inno rations in domestic scienee at llue lonald Institute while the boys take part in livestock judging competition under the direction of the department of animal husband rv The group will be guests of the college in the college dining hall for dinner and after dinner will be welcomed by President Iteek and addressed by the College Chaplain Rev Young and girls will bedividcd into small tcresting work which is being done by the dairy poultry eld hus bande horticulture depart nients these departments and shown the latest developments in the various elds concerned bers return home As might be cxpcctcd this in teresting and worthwhile tour is wry popular event and it is ex pected that the number visiting the OAC this year will excecdthc 200 mark of former years The special agricultural commit tee of the county council is assist ing in financing the trip again and will be welcome addition to the group During the afternoon the boysi groups and will be shown the inl They will havc an oppor tunity to question the experts in will bc Supper will be served in the col loge dining hall before the mem Member of Barrie Town Council 1319 Section 2Poges to l6 BARRIE LEGION Berlins ch and No Election Surrauirled iut suns uiglntt treat to vote Yes at in the Soviet tinrs iitwSlilti llvt ttl II Ia 1131 man and woman voter wthangc lrtiiillgt at It will lltt III beer parlor used for 11 p11 pimp on Inttr lrtlfll tron day In spite of the signs 55 rm1m auteur illalt Ill ectlins Ilitlllllllltltilllln510d rc ttirnv setmek nv voltm NI on about linothird of the ballots Lina YesNi tlftllttltii result 111 almost unaninunis approval of the government ticket liinti Lou has full pa Ittltt llitil lliiee tllliv ago sh lilliltlltl at Lady Alexand ll lluwIr lioutiutt lllli belnz Illl spected by the Governor iirural IIniztizltvii lint thitlllll thr ROWS iRICAT ENEMY lor emw shooting the best dc Ioy is astulled lreat Horned Owl the eros natural enemy lIRSI EXPLOSION lllaek powder the first explosive developed In the western world PHONE 2414 wa originated 1000 years ago 5k 1lLOREDTOMICASURli ANY STYLE PRICED FROM $4750 SUITS IN SlK Ready while you wait $4750 to $6350 01 PA FOR SUMMER all 51205 $875 to $1995 STRAW IIAIS ALL SIZES $100 to $350 SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS SWIM TRUNKS MENS and BOYS warm 55 Durilop SL BARBIE 1A PEN Hill THE SEASON BlgjBtPlj Hotel Under New Management An ideal spot to entertain your friends and guests 77 Dancing Saturday Niles after July Good Orchestra MoIics Sunday Niles after Dinner First Run Pictures ONLY 10 MILES FROM BARBIE North Membervof Arena Commission if illhlaltralll Veteran of FirstWorld War Active in Sports Member 01511101195105 Old ranrsuEn BlfIHE boom term counterculture

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