Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jun 1949, p. 10

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SHAY JUNY 23 1919 rAltr 133 Ion lllz pttinl 2mm lia PM home passed pleasantly as laticial supporters discussm PAGE EIGHT WMw The First Column liiil angltw THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA ThreeThouSand Enjoy Time Table tiip Illt Lt rally and expressed their wnfzu one in Prime Minister St Laur Ltil lxtzltle wit to lllIIlJlH it limited Lirlrlf Effective Friday June 21th ca Oranges CAL New onor Us gt 15 tg titlev It iru hLtilI lllftllh wriltl it Ir Itllti llllv of fur Wedding xli liming around paper fumiytiamt WI rnatini iiitiay It Itrnlit 11 till 1x 11 nie xtizt To rill lrtIt r2 lit llll Tilt 51 fliexeil Lil Ilure ttw gtt1il the pliI Itt Tl Erttiirtw 11 tfoe hf Ill li1t Hf ttlxttl in gtptlml iwxi lonzittti by It lnlIgt ltNItoil llii liltiiltl pint vtIt lo tl Mullantl Ill If lgtill CHECKUP is cheaper than SMASHUP Il iriiie Cvvir tliafl iltetl lion ail ltitlr of Itv lltlttl the ex it VJ iti Ill1 Willlt kitt it 111 lll if ittinn liaELh 1ll l=e if an Iun up nund faultr louri lttltlllti unil Harbor be gt Ill Milli Itttl ll lltllt Pail till Midland tl il Imus 11 ti=tlplp Inm ietiuili Tlr and Mrs ller Man tnistiau Island In Iiiierl ago iiIt Iinriio till Moon was the girl nearest lll ltitn tvizfiulu 111 and ll lohu lloxiawuu tiantzevillt lllillttll thv liltlil tlIllI to attend he puiitr dll llniig Shackleton of tlri Like tlltri led the myster man It llIl ir lhere weie 1100 litiil in the jtil and the prit mnt lit toepli liver of lIlinvale llw Willi Morrison of Wye Ile lliiltaltl Hell of llaiilt eitl liappill of iown lllll Louise oltrv inrreation vdnettor autt Mullins of others directed the huge tilttltt and kept the crowd inter Siltct Illl unnorrovv rd fluorinhouv the lay Harold Ilill Limited plmisrtt With the sittttss of the IIRYSLIJR ILIMOITII FARGO event and plan to hold anotliei pieiue next summer Factory Approved Service PHONE 2137 In previous years the federation II llLSI SICIIVIIIC MANAGER loudest Iniiiud eon lltllll of tik lhu rant ittortl to Like llttittl NOW Is the time to lllt our brakes looked it litme they 10 iiong not after itilllC in today and let us tllttlx them Our liralle apet Illil will tltLth the fluid in the master cylinder and lllllt all the iltljllSttlltiitt tietesxaiy to give you Ptltttl brake per formance Dont delay dont put off your tttltlilltttl direetors were of Igrieulture had held the an tmial meeting in connection with title liine picnic This year how ever the animal meeting will be lltltl in December gt BARRIIC Vote as you like vlilll Vtlt Men died III defence of our dem Iruiailt Iiglits let us show our ap tpreciatiou by exercising our right to Vote Your right to vote is also 10 ponstbilityaecept it DISTRIBUTORS FOR CHRYCO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES And See for Your Own Complete Guaranteed Satisfaction the Wide Range and Delicious Variety of the Fine Foods at Your Dominion Stores SERVIETTESim 2W 25 WAX PAPER tutti no 3itni23 DOGEOODRZIR 2i27c7 MADELEINE DE VERCIIERESSTDOR KONSERT no UR 25 MEAT BALLS 37c trittjglkBOLOGNiR Pours BEA 53331 tsglkldm ES Mg $36 EOTIAVTES tater 92 DeminOGinger Ale 0510 FR UIT and VE GE IleLES TEXAS FIRM RED Ripe Tomatoes Values Effective Thou Fri Sat June 23 24 25 UINTlSTD QUALITI lb lag Five Roses Hedlundt 160 With Gravy Tin Dessert Powders Brunswick III 011 Or lur QUALMY MEETS tFIRST RIBS IIIII Roast ONT ASNOW WHITE Cauliflower it 191129 swuisn JUICY suNiusr be highest markat prlcos for out Inlet LEAN BONELESS 344s doz SWEET JUICY 2503 SMOKED SLICED Fla Oranges Lettuee Hothmiie TomatoesteIery Green oniif vi cabbage Spinach Cucumbers Beets gt gt EGGS WANTED NI merchandise told at your DonIIIiIon Stan In uncondition ally guarantetd to give you 100 utlifutten Prime it BLADE BONE RenovEDi lb lgBeeI Brisket 39c izss PEAMEALED Breakfast Bacon Arriving Fresh Daily7 Ontario Grown MAPLE AESLICVED den Sitpptne tale DOMINION sibrssimnro at our lions Shmaria or for particularl legigrading nation 29 oval Was accepted Federation Picnic Strawberries 35 Cents If llallltt ill vt1 111 tr turf 1145 ftniilllIILZ The quart basket xveigbaig lion tenuuiiet Jl Iri iilllgtllt Mlll ti flr mil potatoes il it gtliiiit birth gt Ziuiillvmri and limiter planty whl along uili the lat of the to iialt plants Town Council Briefs ituntinued from page Illll he had ltiilttl waterfront tll veyrfiom the Nll tlittll llltltitl tl the plopeit tioiii blunti iwiut Iiotind tln ilav Marv Htw lle liotuzlit the remainder of the survey would lll aznm Iii lev Iiolll Ilrl property letoi thw of Wilmn ilmlllflzill of the ttttltllttltt pieseiited at This littllIlIlJIlilttl purrI itililll ll lliilll Newton and also some lots Iiolii It vlmIIn llusi lots ale our tuna St and would be used tot build iental houses touneil adopt ell the report liltivlllttl by AM Wilson for till of cents The oun will 1tltlll5 litllltllltl lthlutltu at $1200 year plus eight mile iltll IXlit uses It was point ed out this would include all building trades With the exeeptioii of electrical inspection and it would lltlIvltlilt position oi spondenee in connection with the lane noith of llunlop and east of in en St was read ino tion of tiepuiv Reeve iriffin the ttltlllttl decided to again suhiiiifl the original offer of $2200 to the Masonie leinple oinpany for their property This is the only section of the laneway not acquired for Illl lane Smith as secretary of the tiilltt commission tltilp letter to the town council expressing dissatisfaction that the council had reduced the police budget for1940 by 51000 This matter was dis cussed and it was stated that the ouneillors understood the com mission had surplus of over $1000 and the budget had been reA Itueed when an effort was being made to strike the tax rate On motion of Ald Vilson Smith as clerk of the town of Barriewas asked to write letter to the police commission explain ing how the reduction came about The commissioners had asked for 325500 for 1049 letter was received from the walks hoard enclosing chcqtid for $300 in payment for parts of rt and 10 on the cast side of Bradford St This is part of what IS known as Rogers Park The lots Iavc been sold by the parks board to Allandalc Motors for used car lot While the money belongs to the parks board the information was channeled through the town council The parks board was authorized to erect fence along the south side of Kcmpcnfeldt St to stop vehicles from parking on the park irca across the street from Oven dcn College and St Vineccnts Park Clement Green was authorized to park his bus on the market square Mr Green is operating bus servicefrom Barrie to Alconal Beach and Big Bay Point for the tllmef months letter was read from the Bar ric district high school board ask ing council to have the arena con tractors move their equipment and material to the northeast corner of the grounds Members of the Irena commission explainedthat it would be necessary to use the south end of the arena grounds erect th supporting timbers The town clerk was advised to told in abeyance the lease which would give the high school board he rights to certain property ormerlv known as the agricultural park This property is to be teas to the high school boardon the condition that they lease certain rights to the Kiwanis Club for the levelopment of sports field letter from the township of VeSpra suggested that an agree mcnt be drawn up between the town and the township regarding fire protection service This letter was referred to Ald Hambly hairman of the fire and light com mittee for report from his com mittee Robert Campbell engineer for warded an application from the department of health for the cen struction of sewers onalnnisfil St Sunnidale Road and St Vincent St bylaw to provide for this work will bgprepared Several tenders for $215000 de bentureswere received These dc bentures are beihg issued to fin ance an expansion program for the waterworks department of the oublic utilities Thetender of Ames Company at 98379 Mayor Mayor ekpreSsed thanks to the council for flowers sent to Mrs Mayor and himself when they celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on June 18 The Mayor referred with regret to the passing of two municipal servants during the past week Frederick Kennedy and James Case Mr Kennedy had served several years as tax collector and Mr Case had served many years on the police force Letters of sympathy will be sent to the next of kin Reeve James Hart was chairman during the committee of the whole discussion tgt Citlzebg get the kindof govemi ment they deserve Vote on June 27 British and United States life in those from the other beef produc cooperation and word of appre llIAlI BARRIE To Toronto 50 am 1040 um 00 50 pm 125 pin it 30 pm 25 11111 055 pm 135 am To North llay 1030 in x12 50 In 100 pm 505 pm 735 pm 050 pm am wlo Iluutxvillc only lo tirillia only Io iravcnhurst only To Wasaga Beach 1010 am 330 pm 735 pm To Owen Sound 1040 am 330 pm 735 pm To Ienctang 1040 am 100 p111 330 pm 735 pm 050 pm llASIIII IIoI gwhat only Daylight Time Tickets and Inforriiatlou at Barrie Bus Terminal 73 ollicr St PHONE 5571 our 0011011 IIIIEs Life Insurance to Promote Research Work In Medical Schools Life insurance companies oper aunt in Canada will provide funds for additional medical research projects at the medical schools of anadian universities the Can adian Life Insurance Officers Aslt sociation decided at its annual meeting As an indication of the nature of the proposed expendi tures the suggestion was approv ed that the additional funds be used for maintaining research fcl lowships in those medical schools where present financial resources are not adequate to support out standing rcscarch workers Most medical school laboratories In Canada were well equipped to carry on extensive research work However the medical schools have some times great difficulty in acquiring and retaining the services of lotitstanding research workers through inability to guarr antcc an adequatcincomc over period of years The companies will also make funds available for the continu ance of research studies of polio myolitis and processes of ageing Both studies are now in their third year Use Weeklies for Ads Many weekly newspapers in the Dominion will ag be used to carry the institutional messages of the more than 50 Canadian surane companies operating in Canada BEEF CATTLE MEN PLAN TO FINANCE ORGANIZATION By WARNICA The Ontario Beef Cattle Produc ers Association is built on sound foundation being made up of one director and two voting delegatesr appointed by each county At the annual meeting of this association the directors appoint an executive of eight which is re sponsible for planning and putting into effect the projects for the year It endeavors to keep prices and marketings as near to parity as possible Throughout the war and there adjustment period the Ontario Beef Cattle Producers Association has sent representatives along with ing provinces to Ottawa when it was felt adjustment should be made in price health regulations and the tariff This united effort has had very satisfactory results The Association alsoassists with tubercularfree area work warble fly campaigns vaccination of calves againstBangs Disease and the im provement lofthe quality of beef cattle by assisting with inspected tle gt To date this organization has been financed by grant from the Ontario Department of Agriculture and the voluntary work of the executiVe This cannot be expecta ed to continue and ways and means are being planned this year to have the industry nance its own organization In so doing it will be possible greatly to increase the benets that can be derived The importance ofrrbeef in the diet and its high food value has not been kept before the public and it is the intention of the Associa tion to present campaign to ac quaint consumers with the merits ofbeef as an essential food Ontario Live Stock Branch de serves thanks for their help and ieliar rlt goveiiinient wax limp for change eleet ltill =ipril speaker timdaniental basis eould differ bull sales and saleslof feeder cats ttontuizzttl from page one ixtila 11 tld ll Zunaias greal pm it lttiitltll anti itiuel the it lamlat Iizey route mrp tan tnl Eltwit lougt 311 llow iI=ItiiIu then Mi hall tile honor ttllz St Laurent and Men The and late and gave thiee lt eheeis Mr St Laur lll tkklltbltlttl llle tdttels llltill th gleat throng to cheer tle Jxllilliitile in ti lliellll11 lit address Mr Sty 1itiien MIlll it was 2le first time li had our reel Liberal meet ig lolonto Iitltlltdlt the loiontonians he llltl The rtitlle of Toronto have gtvlltttlltligt felt they were not sulfi Lltllll IepItsrnttd in the national oveinmenl but he went on to say that some of the members of the felt in recent times Ilitlt llfltl not lltlll illiiitgll lilbiltll DOORS SASH FRAMES of iii or GOOD LJIBEIL jHE 516 56 Ellen Street PHONE 2517 members in The hoiin of commons fiom luinnto IIIfeline to advice being gener ously thletl fiom loronto that it Mr St Laurent vtt1liiittl the people would tin advantage of that ad vee In sending to Ottawa row tiiIgInt of Liberal ineinbiis The tilgtttl imntioiied the sig iiitieanee of the entry of New foundland iiito IIandeiation on Maieli 31 and tXllltSStd satisfac tion vili the littlll provincial llltll Ileeted Liberal Imvermuint in anadas newest liltnllltt The North Atlantie lieatv sign ed for anada in Washington last was also cited by the The Minister said the of our parlia mentary lliiiiotiaty was the belief that there Ioult be two sides to manv ltllllltill of litlllllt policy ll went on to say that people about them and still be honed and patriotic in their divergent views lle added how ever that lit the present campaign many aiiadians considered it matter of regret that the leader of one of the old parties had conduct ed his campaign in way that lid not stiengthen our democratic system living attention to the Liberal record 111 office Mr St Laurent said the party in 1045 had prom ised to expand social services to reduce the national debt and to reduce taxes All these promises have been kept Mr St Laurent quoted Globe and Mail editorial saying Canadas immigration policy was not extenlt sivc enough He then read from Montreal newspaper an adver lzinie vzitiVEFviliirli expressed diver gent attitude to immigration He asked What would be the immi gration policy of government which had to try to reconcile the Globe and Mail and the Progres sivc Conservatch advertisements in Quebec In conclusion Mr St Laurent rcfcrrcd to his 36 years at the bar and hp said he was now placing his case before the judge of demo cracy the people of this country The rally was adjourned by 10 pm The Sinicoe North delegates returned to the station and left Toronto an hour and half later oration is merited by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture with which the Ontario Beef Cattle Producers Ia affiliated Famous Saiiitone Service nationally advertised in leading magazines Scientic process for dry cleaning all tvpcs of summer fabrics Prompt courteous service liscnicut sponsored by the Conser Minor Repairing at no extra cost Call us today for this better kind of Dry Cleaning The Wright Cleaners CLEANING DYEING and REPAIRING Phone 5531 As family man you will need money tO provide for your wife shOuld she live longer than you to assure your children of good education to enableyou to retire comfortably ito pay Succession Duties and other last expenses epossiblv to pay off mortv gage on your home gt Money for these purposes can be provided by prOperly planned lifeinsuranCeYofi can obtain freedom from nancial worries which London Life represent iativcs Larequalied to give Insurance Company dwaf LOndolsCnqdn through the competent counsel

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