traiisferrcd to thc structions to farmers to plant 311 ryearsv ago and the tour should be againlhe publicity We getiinthe terry eandidateshavebeeHeature Member Audit Bur eau of Circulation The First Column Current Comment on News of Week Here we are again The second Thursday effort Again too much riiaterial left over from our Monday edition We are litginning to feel better over twiceweekly piiblic anon lliuisdays arc not cut at all and we also have Monday issui which is growing 111 popularity every week It is getting to the point where some advertisers want the first of the wch tl1l1t111 only Our subscribers will notice we have many advertisers using both tllllttllri It has not been too easy There have been some lif ficultics But we are proud of the staff They were interested 111 gr 111g forward with the times and have done remarkable job We had no idea it would be so trying Any publisher who thinks it is easy to move from weekly to iiiweekly can have some free advice Despite this we hopc to take the next step in the not too distant future tri weekly 7011 Monday The Examiner instal led tlie latest mailing equipment an Elliot addressing machine This is not in complete operation even as yet It will take several weeks to get our large subscription list new system Home subscribers may have iiotic ed the change on Monday instead of the old yellow sticker pasted on ybur copy of The Examiner your name and address was neatly printed on the front page top right We have been waiting for this i11 stallatiori long time It should save much time in our subscription and mailing departments There should be no more having to set columns of type for the mailini list no more pulling at galley proofs cutting and pasting rolls of names stamping each name by hand on every paper with stickers often coming off Also in future you wont find labels pasted over headings and pictures That was welcome rain on DISPLAY OF GYMNASTICS showing the work done through the years course of physical education was part of demon stration given by the students of Ovenden College at the Speech Day Under the direc Tuesday afternoon It was no downpour but it did lot of good Howeler it was not nearly eroiough Considerable more is needed and even then will it be too late The rain on Tuesday only got into the soil about an inch The relief was patchy It helped such crops as tomato potato tobacco but was probably too late to save the heat stiicken strawberries Maybe the raspberrieslwill fare better Hay crops may be as much as 75 per cent down Feed and pasture sit nations are stillalmoiit deepen Department of Agriculture has been issuing emergency growth in dari grass oats peassweet clover and millet as replacement crops which canbe sown in lateJune and will thrive in wellwarmed soil Farmers at Midhurst are not let ting the drought stop them from entertaining the Kiwanians of Bar rie in their annual gettogether next Monday evening The orginal invitation from Midhurst was for strawberries and you can be sure they will have the luscious berries some way or another for their guests Today some 25 United States newspaper editors are visiting Sim coe County for few hours at leastThey are guests of the Out ario Department 10f Travel and Publicity the Ontario Hotel Associ ation and the OntarioQuebec div ision of the Ontario Weekly News papers Association It is an annual visit with somewhat changed route of 1600 miles every year There are different publishers every year selected by the press associations of 12 American states They assembledat Windsor last Thursday and they have been conducted through Ontario with stops at St Thomas Port Stanley Simcoe Niagara Toronto Cobourg Smith Falls Ottawa Pembroke Des Joachims the Hydro develop ment and North Bay Last night they stopped at Sundridge Today they will visit Honey Harbor the MartyrsShrine Midland Penetang Wasaga Beach Collingwood and on to Owen Sound From there to London Chatham Sarnia and Am herstburg We had similar group visit Barrie and Camp Borden six due for stop here about next year States isrinvaluable for the tourist flndustryJBakat home the visitors iyvrifetabout their trip in consider able detail Itis good neighbor liness and good publicity Hon Earlltowe just arrived back at Newton Robinson Wednesday from his extensive Western tour He has been speaking in leading Western Canada centres for two weeks For the next four days he vwill concentrate on BufferinSim coe which riding he has represent ed in the House of commons for the past 24 years The battle of hydro poles has been going on in North Simcoe for several weeks much to the con cern of hydro officials Parliamen In placards and their supporters have tacked these on every avail able post and hydro or telephone pole on the mainroads of the con stituency Placards have gone up then down and they go again One pole on H1 hWay 20had no less than dozen cards of the same candidate However only few more days and we can settle down againto some degree of normalcy and the business of governing the country can proceed 11in Our sports xpert has been as they were introduced by troubled of recent weeks ecause chairman the heading on his column Sport Gladstone Currie taut please 86th Year No 43 AUIilORlltO AS SICGNC CLASS IAIL 111 PCSY liiltjl DEPARIIENI OIIAIA Tea Served at Ovenden College Speech Day Examiner Will Provide Election Results Monday 11 election day Monday June 27 The Barrie Examiner will as usual provide news service by giving returns by telephone If the weather is good there will also he an CA WAS SERVED on the lawn of Second 1lousc for parents and guests attendingr the annual Speech Day at vorrdcn College on Ketchum MA Paed Juno presented 011 to the music tans entitle headmaster of Trinity College School was spctikct for the afternoon The program Calisthenics at Ovenden College Ceremony the assemble entatlon of mencemeut tion of Miss Marion Gilbert the students Scherzoto Schubert at Ovenden STUDENTS OF THE MIDDLE and senior school at 0v Collegeare seen doing scherzo to music by Schubert during the display of dancing at the annual Speech Day 200 From Sirncoe Hear St Laurent When it was not possible to have Prime Minister Louis St Laurent visit Barrie made to takeBarrie to visit Mr St Laurent Thus it was that 200 Liberal supporters of candidate Gladstone Currie travelled by special train to Toronto onTues day evening The fact that it was Mii Currics 45th birthday added extra interest to the trip and large birthday cake was cut and served shortly after the train left the Allandalo station Included in the party were dele gertegsfrom Barrie sixfrom F105 six from Collingwood and six from Sunnidale William Hughes mens chairman df Barrie and Mrs Ted Ineson womens Chair man of Barrie and Donald Duff Sunnidale chairman were among those on the train While the birthday cakeend soft drinks Were served on the trip the travellers gatheredvin small groups to talk about prev ious political rallies such as the time Prime Minister Mackenzie King spoke at the Barrie arena several years ago WThe train trip passed quickly and everyone arrived at the union station in time to hav lunch before going to the Maple Lleaf Gardens At the gardens huge throng gathered early The Simcoe North supporters of Mr Currie had blOCk of Seats in the blues The gardens had been specially decor ated forthe occasion and the plat form was attractive withferns and potted plants andflowers At one end pf the building there were ree re pus one Wilfrid Laurier one of Mackenzie King and the other of Louis St Laurent With the exception of few hundred seats at the top of the greys all the seats were occupied including hundreds of chairs that had been set up out the ground floor in front of the platform Proinptly at pm party of candidates marched down the main aisle and took their plucesdirect 1y behind the main platform The candidates were applauded in turn the received not only the moderate applause of the arrangements were ovation from his 12000 persons in the Maple Leaf Gardens but an extra volume of 200 supporters grouped togetherto the right and just above the speakers platform After these candidates were in troduced there was second par ade to the plhtform when Rt Hon Howe Hon Pear son and other senior government officials entered These persons took their places on the main plat form Finally there was third entry at the end of the great arena The thousands of persons rose from their seats and applauded joyous 1y as party of pipers heralded the triumphal arrival of Prime Minister Louis St Laurent Accompanying Mr St Laurent was Mrs St Laurent daughter and granddaughter The occas ion was marked with the flashing of photographers lights and one bulbexplodd like thoughno person was injured Reaching the platform Mr St Laurent acknowledged the ovation from all sections of the building apd his face glowed with delight as he wasobviously well pleased Flowers were presented to the ladies by Miss Radford young Liberal candidate and the photoj graphers had another sessiongwith the flash bulbs LVB Pearson onuLester Pearson minister external affairs addressed the gathering briefly He said he had just comedown from his riding of Algoma where we produce moose fish hockey players and members of the Liberal party Referring to Mr St Laufent he ascribed himasfselfeffacimgno like some others in public life In conclusion Mr Pearson said he could agree the Conservatives were on the march Theyre not only on the march theyre on the run Lets kep them going Howe Rt Hon Howe minister of traZle andvcommerce recalled the his cry of the Liberal party since the time of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and through the successful years ofRt Hon Mackenzie King He criticized the Conservatives and CCFers for saying there would be another depressions We are Turn to pale eightypleaae big too included enden members of council agreed shot 31 the lawn during and follow short original ballet of Kabzilcvskys The Ionied The Travelling Players Smith Studio Photo performed calisthenics and exercises furl parents and guests on the lawn of Second House following the pres awards and prizes and com peeches in First House Smith Studio Photo Mayor over the council meeting last Mon Mayor presided day night The meeting wasI opened at 730 pm and was con cluded before 11 pm The Mayor referred to the fact that two mem bers of council were candidates in the federal election to be held next Monday June 27 and suggestedI that there be no meeting of the council next week The other Ald Gladstone Currie is the Liberal candidate and Ald Reginald Ayres is the ccr candidate Harry Morren was present to lask that Agnes sr beArelosed He explained that this street was best tween North and Rose Sis andl was on property owned by him1 It had never been opened up and he wished to have it closed be cause he was selling some pro perty The matter was referred by council to the town planning board Harry Armstrong appeared belt lfore council to ask for deed to the property west of the arena to build new curling rink When Deputy Reeve Griffin suggested longterm lease Mr Armstrong said this would not be satisfactory to the members of the club who were investing large amounts of Park money During discussion of the location of the curling club build for ing it Was suggested that it should face Elizabeth sr be in line withl the present arena and parallel to it Mr Armstrong said it would be 40 feet shorter than the arena After some further discussion De puty Reeve Griffin presented motion that the site be deeded to the curling club for twovoting shares shares are $50 each Coun ch voted in favor Reeve Hart chairman of the finance eommittee reported there had been 21 applicants for the position of accountant for the town office These had been reduced to six applicants and therewou1df be furtherreport from the fin ahce committee Ald Pugh spoke about the trains there was an antinoise bylawi The Mayor replied that there wasJ Ald Norton railway employees explained that the engineers were required by law to whistle ap preaching crossing where there wasno wigwag signal or warning bell For example warning hell or light at the Bald win St crossing near the Coop He added that it was also often necessary to blow the whistle be cause so many people walked on the tracks some evenings The Mayor stated that on Sundays there were many persons walki along the tracks at the east en and if the whistle wasnt blown the people might not hear the trains ever there is no such bylaw in effect in Barrie Turn to page eightpleese stint Bruce Johnston and Harold sect pests reported last summer Wednesday and Saturday whistling in Barrie and asked if there is no Cape Breton Island Services 11 munity Park Bond Head Wednes Ald Pugh also inquired regard ing smoke nuisance bylaw Hows Deputy Reeve Genoa reported BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JUNE 1949 nouncemcnts at the post offi The Examiner is receiving John Mitchinson works Bell Telephone in making thi The polls will close at pm DST and it is expected some news will be available 2414 The Examiner will have complete returns for Sini coe North and also plans to boring ridings of DufferinSiincoc and Siincoc East There will be five telcphoi on Monday night until lloclock Examiner numbers are 2414 and 2415 It so happens that the next three con secutive numbers in Barrie phone exchange are in the General Electric office 2410 2417 2418 The lli have kindly allowed us to have the Bell 11 book these up in line with our own numbers But you only have to dial 21H and unless all five are busy through to The Examiner iauinns Lions Club President lll llruce Johnston was installed as president of the Lions club of Barrio at the regular meeting in the cmnrnunity house last Friday night llc succeeds Dr Sey inour Allan Cook was installed as vice picsidcnt George Wilson as tail twister and Hill McBride as lion tanicr Donald Cameron was installed to succeed Ilobert Nichols as treasurl er and Roger llollinger was instaIl led to succeed Jack Gable as secl rclary installed as directorswerc MacAiiley Bert qunett Jack Rich ardson and Noel Stephenson The installation was conductedl by two past deputy district goverl nors Frank Dobson and Arthurl Pugh Iii reviewing the work of the past year Dr Seymour retiring president referred to the carnival the iipnstrel show the ice carnival in cooperation with the Kiwanians and club visits to Owen Sound and Ehnvalc Robert Nichols reported briefly on the finances and statement will be published in the near future This year the Lions international convention will be held at New York from July 17 to 20 Presid Forster will represent the Barrie club ROSE CHAFERS INVADE WARD huge invasion of rose cliafers has been creating havoc in the gardens of Allandale this sum mer There were few of these in but the dry weather of June has been ideal for their development and they are now very numer ous The rose chafer attacks all types of cropsespecially plants in bloom Flowersand blossoms are con sumed and all types of leaves The insect is about three eightbs of an inch long and yel lowishbrown in color Itcomes out of the ground about the end of May or early June The adults feed for about three weeks and then die The eggs are laid from three to Dont forget the Beardsall reunl ion on June 30 St Vincents 43pl Keep Wednesday July 13 open monster community garden party at Stroud 43bl Dance at Cookstown Pavilion every Friday night to Don Gilkes and his orchestra 43tfb Dance atShanty Bay Hall every Wednesday night Stroud Moun taineers Admission 50c Lunch counter 29tfth Dancing at the Jolly Farmer Elmvale begins June 29 and every June July and August 43455 The McFadden Pinic will be held at Springwater Park Mid hurst Sunday June 26 Supper served at oclock 43p ParentTeachers meeting at Sti Josephs High School June 28 Guest speaker Ken Robinson re creation director Music by St Marys school children 43b Bingo Legion Hall Owen St Monday June 27 pm auspies Ladies Auxiliary Good prizes 43p Lawn supper St Georges Church Allandale that was tube held June 22 has been postponed until Wednesday June 29 57 pm 3943b Dancing eVery Friday night Beeton Community Memorial Re creation Hall to Norm Hurling His Kings Men $00 pm 100 am 33th Dont miss the Ivy Presbyterian Anniversary Sunday June 26 Guest speaker Rev Mr Georges of am and 730 pm 43p Strawberry festival ham salad plate straWberries auspices Bond Head United Church WMS Com day June 29 Supper 530 to 800 pan Ball game and threeact comedy play Miss Chatterbox Young People Burton Avenue titted Church Barrie Sale of goods during evening Adults 35 children 000 40581 manager of General Electric and 13E Garrick local manager of the about three weeks connect it Ml PAH A511 Hutu ce square by loud speaker complete cooperation from the tanadian service possible by eight oclock Telephone get results from the ncigli re lines Optil to the public you will automatically get Johnston DR HRIKIC JOHNSTON six inches below the ground early in June usually in sariklyvistzxt soils The young larvae hatch in and feed on roots of grass and other crops un til lall and then go into the pupal Harold Whitesidc plant protection division Dominion department of agricul ture is explaining control meas ures to harrassed gardeners whol telephone tlieofficc of the local agricultural representative First waste land should be brok of the of the en up early in June again in mid July and then in late Fall This will help destroy the mags larvae and adults For immediate control dusting or spraying with DDT is effective dust applied directly or 50 wettable DDT spray of one ounces to three gallons of water is recommended Crops such as strawberries and leafy vegetables should not be sprayed with DDT Mr Whiteside said the problem demanded community action in order to prevent the rose chafers from spreading and becoming more serious menace in the dis trict next summer Democracybe sure June 27 to Vote on ENTS Dance at Baxter Friday July to the music of Paxtonis or chestra Dancing from 930 to 130 gt 8tfbT The annual Tracy Reunion will be held at Springwater Park Mid burst July starting at 130 sharp 43b BritishIsrael World Federationl meeting Monday June 27 pm Barrie Orange Hall Speaker Rev Couldrey Subject Operation Armageddon 43b stage until next year The free election is the heart of 345 Sectvm Page Next Monday June thousands of couuty 21111 L111 1=1 llrt polls to elect the representatives who Twice Weekly MONDAY and THURSDAY t08 lFederal Election Vote Next Monday Simcoe Candidates PHONE 2414 electors in Simcoe wrll serve them 111 the House of 11111111111115 for the next four COUNTY PROPERTY REPORT ADOPTED The 11111211v ori toiiiitv pin My 111th 11 lllt vwdrrcsday l1111111r1 gtllvll that 11ivr1l 1111 111x111111 l11l 1111111 1111iic lili 111 the count buildings snicc llzt Iainrai aron Home lizirlI linlrairirun coronatth hairrnaii lrl wlllrl lc iiport It the Willil Hi The Uliltti oi the childrens 111d owivty hart rim11 111 conditioned el 11 of 31511 $17 11poiled chair 111111 ltlclrnrdon lhp results obi llllltll by tin ncw Installation were lllll 1I1f1rtor pay t1 lcplioin had been Illl sliillrrl 111 iii iipstinis hall of the court house Illll mat rack bail litlll lllilLttl lm wall ill lllt foot of 111 51111 for the 111m of tho illillliivl of the council and otlni pcrsoin runnng to the court house The following tenders for the 311pply of p1o111o11 for the county pool and coal for 1h1 gaol and court house had lien lot from April 1911 to March Ill 1050 Groceries ltoy MW nlr bread ttoii l1c1l 1111rp111y llltl icorgc Wiles milk titizcns Dairy llairlc Allaiirlale Dairy Lachicw Dairy and Smiths Farm Dairy 111mm months eachi and coal anicroii llllls Gibson Limit cd car AN EXAMINER WANT AI 111il1li 11111 dalr approxiiriatviv 1111 years 111cr1 are at least two candidates contesting the three rrdnrgs ur Sizncoc county llr calidtriatv lltgitigiiii 1111 Ferguson t1 111 Sirncoe North Glad and Julian onscrva ll1 110111 tnrlndcs Barrie Siayrzciz lllrnvale Viviinure Jsxaga Beach and the ltlllvllllia Vtzxlr Hos Sunni anrl Nlllliitllil lhcrc me 230 you llu cantlzilafm Ayny ilmr1l lltllll1 ill 1I1llt rr Snncoc 11m Margaret Mzirchildon 171211111 1511 etia Robinson Liberal lhck Shelton and lilinvr Wood lro bus The rid ing of Sinrmr 1211 includes ril 111 Midland liiictang and other niunicnialitirs in the townships of OM Mcdorih liiiy Iay Matche dash and lrillra There are only 111 llliItllllSlllllI two candidates riding Earl Rowe of Newton Robinson Ping Win and Richard Mttltlloch Of arigcvillc Liberal lhis riding includes the Suncoc townships of Initial 11941 lossoiiilitlu West i1llnnbury lcciiirisetli Adjala thoi111iiic1p1lit1clt 111 these town shps such as AlliSltlll and Brad ford 11111 Sttlltlll of Duffcrin onnly The poll Will be open until in DSI llniv good choice of candidatczi in each of the three rulings and every citizen should exercise his right to vote next Monday For results of the voting in the three Simcoc iidiugs telephone The Barrie Examiner next Monday night Hydro PolePolitical Posters Party Workers Tack Them Up The political posters put up so carefully on hydro poles in Barrie were torn down Monday afternoon and lucsday by employees of the public utilities commission Graduate of of Employees Tear Em Down Salter PUC manager said the pla cards would bc counted and an ac count for the work will be for warded to the candidates week ago last Thursday Mr Salter hart dontactcd the Barrie of fices of tli Liberal and Progres sive Conservative candidates He said that in each case promise had been made that the posters would be removed The Liberals removed few posters However two or three days later most of the posters were still very much in evidence and it was reported to the PUC that many more had been pos ted by one of the parties It wasthen that Mr Salter took action to have the political adver tising removed by the PUC em ployees At the town council meeting Monday night Deputy Reeve GritV fin spoke about the posters and asked if there was not town by law against this type of advertis ing He understood that one of the members of council had posted some of these signs Ald Hambly in reply said some postcrshad been taken down when ordered by the PUC However he added that some were put up by people from Collingwood after the orders had been made to take them down The councillor said he had been in touch with the PUC and he understood that all the post ers would be removed and the part ies concerned would be charged for JOHN PETER BOYS BA 5011 Of the work one prorata basis Mr and Mrs John Boys of Barrie Course in Modern History and Modern Languages from Trinity College University of Toronto He was seventh in the university in this course Mr and Mrs Boys attended the convocation June 10 Peter is sailing from Halifax on the Aquitania July for Europe where he will travel with three friends in England France Ger many taking three weeks Cologne University Canada early in October Asked about the bylaw glimuated the Honor Salter said there were three rea sons why theposts should not be used in this manner First the post ers were unsightly Second big tacks were often used and these were dangerous for man climbing pole with spikes And third these tacks could puncture the rubber gloves used by linemen The PUC manager emphasized that the life and Holland He is 3150 of lineman depended on his rub course at her gloves and it was necessary to returning to protect the poles as much as pos sible Examiner Election Special Annual church service of LOL 3112 LTD Midhurst at St Pauls Anglican Church June 26 3gtpm Friends and visiting bre thren cordially invited 43b ngarn dance Levery Wednesday night at Joe Noblesnew barn at Bond Head Good music good floor lunch counter Admission 50c Oldtimeand modern danc mg 43tfbT Baxter Strawberry festival Thursday Junes 30 supper 530 730 pm Threeact play Miss Chatterbox by YoungAPeople Bur ton Ave United Church Admis sion 75c35c =4344b Hard times barn dance Gibbins barn two miles south cf Stroud Friday June 24 auspices Stroud Baseball Club Good music Prizes for best hard time costumes 42431 Have you an alcoholic problem Come to the Barrie AA group meeting every Friday evening 830 pm in Library Hall 1Every body welcome 43p Innisl District Orange Lodge Annual Church Service at Ivy An glican Church Sunday July 730 pm DST Parade at Ivy Orange Hall pmElmvale Young Britons Band will lead parade 43451 Ontario Horticultural Association district EA will holdits annual basket picnic at Little Lake Park Midland Wednesday pm June 29 It you wish to attend contact Anderson Pres or Harry Morren Secy Refreshments AndRecreation Feature COmes out Next Tuesday menu Take notice of the following The Examiner will not Next Mondays Barrie Examiner jwill be double fea ture speciallelction issue witha recreation Supple be published as usual on Monday afternoon but instead will go to press bright and early TUESDAY MORNING and so will have thcelection results Town subscribers and book stores which normally get their papers Monday afternoon and evening will get them Tuesday some time before noon Ruralsubscribers will get their copies as usual in the mail on Tuesday The secondfeature of next Mondays issue which will again be publishedintwosections is feature on Sum mer Recreational activities in Barneyas provided by the Recreation Council There will be manyvpictures of heal activities and stories of the various sporting and retire9 ationat groups affiliated with the RecreatiOn Connolly In addition tofall this information Theixmhiherwilli carry the 1usua1Monday features Spottangles The tng Bowl For Parents 0n1yThe FirstColumn lard information andrall the uptosdate weekend cm of Barrie and Simone County Look for The Examiners electio special next Tiitssday The in Thursday course berpdliliihedIVas usual Advertisers pendents are ashedtto take notecfj Examiner plant Will be clotted hth and 2IfherewtllibeiioMonday publication wltlresuine on Jit