Member Audit Hur eau of irculations Rt Hon tended the Till1 national Trade Fair in loriintii UIII day last week ocliiaiii and tamin Egr Mr and Mrs Spccrs ivy are spariding 1in days Wlill lili Ed litilinm number honI tin roniiiiuiiity attended tlic IiiltWtii partyat Mr niixtzihlcs on and Mrs Mrs itttlt Friday 1111211 and Wyiwzili week Bruce Wicc and M15 non Miss Iltilttlil Shannon spent last Mr 21111 Mrs Kenneth Crawford ooktztInVii CIlltlltlilllill111115 to Mr and Mrs who won ltLtlliiy and Mi spcnt 111 loudliand days daughters 11011 last Mrs Shan cw with work With Ilugli married Ilcnry WHY NOT BE Ilad June 19 Illiile FATHERS DAY SUNDAY JUNE l9th look your vary tmartul your youngut lor thoml Waur honor cleaner latherevery illne drnpm plant failing PeCiIOIYPOI At modest prices youltoo can So yoududedml with our motehleis dryclounlng revvicclu Ilia best drycleaning money can buyl This Includes Moth Proofing by urvico that uSANii Tmsun MOTH PROOF CLEANING SYSI Ht SHIRTS 445HouLLaundryeTvicc DIAL 2471 FOR PICK UP OF COATS SUITS DRESSES HATS SLIP COVERS DRAPES CURTAINS BLANKETS UGS ET NitService CLEANERS 74 Elizabeth st Dial 2471 communion Sikvlcif PHONE BARRIE 847331 East ofDalston mile off Highway 93 RT ON HOWE Minister of Trade and Commerce Air Force Day By lllllll Ilxamilur Staff Winding road through young 111tS1l0111111 glistening in the past buildings old and new large and smallmore guards and per sonnelsystematic parking with no confusion on the huge hangar areaa clean breeze across the miles of open country with the Caledonia Hills faint in the haze Thc skirl of pipes and the swing of snorranscars and more cars of all ages sizes and conditions beautiful children wilting like flowers in the heat but still wide eycda voice overhead from the announcerthe precision of the trumpet bandmarch music inter spersed vwlth Imelodrofthe lyresu Ibuilding after building with sys tematic orderly displays Of metal work wood work and technical equipmentlarge brown bundles tumbling over in rowdainty white parachutes collapsing one by onethe shriek of Vampire travelling faster than the sound of its power unitHarvards whirling like aerial Dervisheswholesome sandwiches and cold pop from brown tentrockets falling on dry grassa fire fighting crew ex tinguishing the resulting firea huge bomber towed backward to the area by tiny yellow tractor like Tussock moth and an ant more colorful marching and band musicmore smiling Air Force boys directing traffic but again thc grove of reforested pinga taxia skid burn on the pave menta young doe lying dead be side the treesexit N01111 Sinicuc iii the Iiillilkllllllllg VAUIHOVRVIIKO AISHSECOM cuss VIAILIV 86111 YearN0 YHE r051 omc DEPAIYMENY oiiAwA Howe Speaker Rally At Collingwood June Gladstone Currie Collingwood Enterpriselliilletini An enthusiastic meeting gltttl ed the lion llowc Miiiistcrt of Trade and InlllltHt in thei CIl Auditorium on Saturday cvl cniiig when he spoke on behalf of Gladstone Ctlltlt of Barrio Liberal Cillltllttitlt for the riding oft federal election He was intro duccd by William Robinson MP of Midland member for East Siiii con and on rising was given tremendous UVHIIOII Mr Howu congratulated the rid int on its selection of candidateI and believed the CIIUICQ Would not be difficult to make 1n the over all picture he fell assured that 1110 11031 uoycriinuuit would he Liberal one And he remarked it is much better to have ll prescntativo with the governincin than with the opposition know your Conservative candidate and think if were voting would choose Gladstone Currie Mr Howe told of having been consulting engineer in the design ing and constructionof the Col lingwood Teriiiinnls elevator and liad spent considerable time licrc tin 102324 when it became very familiar With the harbor situation Two years ago he said thi Canada Steainsliips apprmichcd us yregarding two large ships they wanted to build one of them in lCoIlingwood but in order to do so there would have to be certain harbor improvements The result is that we have harbor imprch inciit procraiii of $000000 This will greatly iinprovcthc harbor BARRIE EX MINER RIE ONTARIO CANADA THUR Imperial Oil Employees Educational Meeting IMPERIAL 011 LIMITED on May 30 held an Employees Edu tzitional meeting in Barrie Sales agents and route salesmen from Barrio Orillizi Midland Elnivalc and Collingwood areas together with their wives were the guests Accident frcc buttons wcic prcchtcd to many of the route salesmen by Burns district manager from Lcasidc office The record chalked up by Allan Watt Barrie routc salesman who had 10 accidentfree years on the job and covered over 300000 miles was outstanding Photo above Shows Mr Burns and local industrial conditions as well The Liberal party he stated is running on its record and is the only party that is No one semitropical heatlifted barriers has heard Consvwmwo my mm TcourtCWS mmrdsismns leading the Conservative party really cxI isted prior to this ddtion The Liberals have been in power since 1896 with only two interruptions 1911 to 1921 and 1030 to 1035 Con tinuing he reviewed the outstand ing calm of3i1 warm LamarI tons to many other route salesmen and thc rccord of the Liberal government since that time By country was returning to state of reasonable prosperity The great job of reconstruction which followed the war was given mention and this Mr Howe felt hadecnamafoi achievement in itself We made what we thought the best possible provision for the returned men he said Elabor ate plans were launcth to convert war plants over for peacetime pro duction Two hundred million dollars was voted to support floor price program and an exten sive social security program laid out The Liberals were correct in their belief thatthere would be no depression and each year has been better one for Canada It is strange that at election time our opponents prach depressionit is only election propaganda Trade he continued is at its highest level This has been the greatest year in exports in both value and volume than in any year The financial income was three times that of 193839 The trade situation is at great level We are told we are losing our British connection which is un grounded Canada is great trad TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD ing country Before the war it PHONE 2414 eeksricLService To Wasaga Beach Leave Barrie 1055 am 410 pm 755 pm Leave Wasaga Beach 750 am 220 pm 510 pm Daylight limc aSat Sun and Mon b48312 and Sun cTFrtq Sat and Sun Tickets lnformation at ABARIIIE BUS TERMINAL 733001111311 St Phone 557 With Gold Storage Lockers oind GRAY oicH INES ii initial 84 sons ANNOUNCE the OPENINGDI 1510116 Frosted Foods was ninth in the world today we are the third exporting country There is greater trade between thannxmA909ie$ Lin the world We are the prfncipal sup plier to theiUnited Kingdom and have trade commitments to 42 countries throughout the world True for while the dollar situ ation was unbalanced due to un balanced trade but this has been righted and the dollar difficulty corrected We have contracts for 140 mil lion bushels of wheat to Great Britain as well as pork gggs and cheeseas much as we can ex port In fact now we may not be able to fill the contracts for pork and eggs Tobacco and lum ber are being exported and we are back in the salmon and apple markets again am very happy say that we have sold all the sur plus production for the balance of this year as well To my mind merit to find any basis for dis aster think wehave better Ral anced government than in 1935 have team that ishard to beat Wehave never heard of aLCon Turn to page eleven please SE Canada and the United States SponsmedbytheBCI Band wasan Mr Atkinson the ministerprcach to be in the position whereI can itwould be difficult at themog The new men comingin arWe11 qualified and experienced and we presenting Mr Watt right with the Driving Button Photo alongside shows Stanley Napier Imperial Oil Company pensioner of Barrie who with Mrs Napier attended the gathering at Robindalc Inn Other Officials present includa cd Pope personnel manager Fuller cost and Operations manager and Smith resident manager Barrie who was chairman Mr Burns presented Driving But Fox thanked Rev Mr Atkin 1938 19391 Lb inenthad COIKIIICIOIISI iihgssveihlc son and his people on behalf of the cadets for very enjoyablc PViilliiixlITSuiulay June 10 RUSSC Kcnipcnfcll will parade to thr Church of linillaiid Allandaic for the 1030 iiioriiing scriicc IIn hisreporfi upresBented to the vtull swing from June 9414 Prn uiie mee in arrie District 9v ICollcgiatc Institute Board on Mon EDIT mietmgs WI be Jun H3 day Principal Bowman stat We to mall repmts to cd that the Students Council car Silldems and the W055 by JillV ricd out voting recently Gerald Mr Bowman said Entrance Thc Lucifer an early match Patterson was named Head Boy examinations Wm be conducted ER tipped with CiliOlEiit of potash GOT LUCIFERT and Jean Carruthcrs Head Girl paste and sulphide was ignited by VOWIE is by Silldenis 811d Stall the couegmte June 2829 scratching on sandpaper Admission 50C Prop Chas Students are selected for allround Aitendance report for May W355 SDAY JUNE i6 1919 $519101 4221 Siion 2POges to i4 Twice Weekly MON DAY THURSDAY etain Your Rights by VOTING June 27Barrieiegion rattle than the former $500 limit UJtllllliitil his Canton of Me niiity lllt1tti that presentation tic Illiltii tlti 11110 Millet Winner Of llli allitaiio public speaking rout 12o apr irid before couri touicillwi Fred lluntir nioyed 11 at the Tu session 32x ttiv uiditv pay tire public lt iii izipwtors for preparing Tm 19er of the grand jury at Variii ilizii the ounty lithiiiiitdl the county court the prevtous IrilpitJ wtak was Itdti by the county 74 Liilit at the Junday session villiui Rttii unveil iiiiliuial tlillllliilit ronmuttic from Victoria Coun giant to liit 1y JJS pr sent Monday afternoon Jiitl izspirtors of North and The tliziiriruii of the committee Saul Szmiw in llitil awed spray which is here to obtain informa tiu illwi 13111 314 ltlflbilitl ll lllt it riiiisiiitiui tiori about high school areas spoke La ch woids to the council mem ViiiiiXiliir lutltts lelcr iimyuidnis 1that girrihl 11111I11111ti 12c ap1 poiiJri to luck place to haul tin The county clerk read letter iiiIm iii Eliciawardens of thrifmin the department of welfare with istatinit that they would hear 25 pcr cent of the iicccssar run tr Ieik Simpson lt1ilt chidrcus aid SOCITISOSttltI porn1 la the pioviiicial ItllittilMLIl Council had requested merit 11 agriculure had pioiiiiswlpzirmcnt of 50 per cent of the cost to pay 311 per tlll rif ht sai of the socicty following the Janu of 1111 ouiity wccd inspectors ary sesSion lIIOREITOMEASURE ANY STYLE PRICED FROM $4750 SIIIS IN STOCK Ready while you wait $4750 to $6350 ODD PANTS FOR SUMMER all sizes $875 to $1995 STKAW HATS ALL SIZES $100 to $350 SPORTSIIIRTS SWIM TRUNKS FATHERS DAY IUNE 19m WILF TODD IIEFBXE Rain or Shine INSURANCE IS NEEDED TO COVER THE MANY HAZARDS THAT EXIST MALCOMSONS 41 Dunlop St INSURANCE AGENCY Dial 3735 PINE CREST For Finer Dancing amt Eviylday Nite pang TO ROSS RONALD HIS ORCHESTRA miles north of Barrie on Highway 27 one mile west toward Anten Mills proficiency enrolment 666 per cent attendance Cadet Inspection 96 average 6324 The annual Cadet Corps inspec wmymcwmm tion was held May 26 at Queens Park the principal stated About It 450 students put on an excellentI performance The boys were dir ected by Mr Nesbitt Mr Cock burn and Mr Synnott the girls by Miss Gore and Miss Kelso We were pleased to have the chairman of the Board present and the girls were delighted when he presented trophy for the best platoon Mr Bowman said This JSWWVISSIV will be obtained and formally prc senth at the Commencement ex RCSCC Kempenfelt visith the ercrscs Church of England Cooksiown Sunday evening parading prior to theservice from the school grounds in Cookstown to the church Rev 1411 With RCSCC Kempenfett Music Festival The International Music Festival outstanding success the reported very interesting sermon continued It was pleasure2 10 specially prepared for the occasion act as host to two nemgamza entitled Fifty Years of Age This tions such as the Hornell Band and was greatly enjoyed by the cadets the Riverdale Collegiate Choir as it applied to themselves in Publicity given to this event by large measure Revl Mr Atkin Tiie BarTie Examiner both in story sons theme being the Sportsman of and in picture was appreciated by time bdween YOUth 311d 50 years the Collegiate After the service cake tea and During the Spring term the colddrinkswere served in the Camera club has been active tak Parish Hall and the cadets and ing individual group and class pic officers renewed acquaintance with lures The remodelled supply room 1h congregation this being their is being used as studio and dark third ViSit 10 COOkSIOWn Lieut room Graduation Dance The Students Council held the annual graduation dance May 23 Dress was optional and am sure the Boardwould have been proud of the fine appearance of the young people especially the girls in their evening gowns Mr Bowman Te ported The entire appointmcnts of this functionfwere of high cali bre The camera club Set up studio 11 the junior gym and took pictures ofsome 50 couples You May Have Request Numbers If played Ior yourself Or friends by writing The MailvBCIgT croni vonlpLIA Piograni Daily from 330 to pin Also Listen to MUSIC Especially for You EVERY SUNDAT 1245 to 100pin Win Trophy at Toronto On May 21 Miss Coleridge took shorthand team toTorontOto compete in an open contest con ducted by publishing rm En tered in Class students taking tthe oneyear speciallcourse and competing against 12 schools Miss Coleridges group took first place with 951 thereby winning tro phy for the school Betty Reid was third in individ ua1score with 977 and won trophy Miss Coleridge is to be congratulated Students of thej team were Margaret Handy Lor With Sanalloy Super Freezcr Covered Me zitKeeper Glass Topped Humidrawer Convnient StorDor From $298 up quird to produce the history 01 the school year CFORQRIILIA RADIO DIAL 1450 Ruminations raine Lawrence June Morrison Wi iHerbert Morrow Betty Reid =Thmugh th courte Year Book Overtones The Year Book Overtones is THE due off the press Staff advisors are Miss Rickard and Mr Knox WRIGHT CLEANERS great amount ofwork was re BARRIE 3f Cldpprtcinsta pie 33432 faili2 it IVrstiiioi chptsafc Willi Westinghouse TRUETEMP Only the Westinghouse TRUETEMP Refrigeratoi gives your food the positive protection of constant cold which is necessary for the most efcient pre servation of your food Food is the big item in your budget today Evcn small pro portion of spoilage or waste is serious drain on your income Thats why its so import ant to have your Westinghouac Refrigerator NOW Thats whyito bettcririhvelpment today then eve before You are invited to drop in to our stein to see the latest madcls of the Westmi house Refrigerator Youll be delighted with the roomy storage space and 1a eaAytqclyean utreanuine item