PAGE FIVE IHLTRSIIAY JUNE Eb 1949 $00000 Blua Cross Patient THE BARRLE EXAMIITER ONTARIO CANADK Instal Mrs Bruce Johnston OBITUARY LA Dng President of Lions Auxiliary IiUIIIRI LOGAN HELM it in it $vtlt iiihivi lai iifa ll3 tlItL iii Auxliiy tot It at their at wl itzaw isoik tIItil on by ii at lib ii Li rat alt Obvt it annua is 11 ir Hplmzisvii ed by iltiI lfn pit ii Ittititltl itoii cxccaiiyc icitu Mr nOOOO OO OtiiiJx llliili YW Oi lit San In WOO istllftllirt TEO Byczs Is HI ii hits inf mt yuhndr gt Rciw Lnil aqu yil iit011ukihiiiilfymigxUVI can lg IJT1 Oil VH OOOOOO on in his ii11it 4in LiIIZITt Save the hildiczi Itznd Sltltl hit ii at to fiai at MVP lOlONmOO to the Iliiiiai oncci Hand anus xvas theioi er ue or iMis John Mia tote litmsti 33 Your Dollar at nd hp gm pp My OMEN needy families at liiistinas iozisiiiiiati lltltiii Dom 5mm up IV OE Ff itiiray and Mrs so ililvl=ilt OIOOOOIOO$OOOISOlilctpfti OO OU Otx Ofalrity OtOILi up 111 1til gt lothu ii lixflifHIlllwlillilllItll iiiiiiictid IMF am rm lm MM 51 is isZtr and liliiliizl lli Y1Hoii IL IL KthiiivlaOl by HOW ikc illltlit ltiztlih iicycli at ttiep OO SO in vam Ola MuttL hm it toning kLions tlub Lainiial Stillatlv ingmssq Sm whitide MO Ode 01 to Among the ritual lliHIlIttI antimony saii ltSlittstti sale of may mm cv It III Tim Im With ii Wit llit but in tlie tinaiici con listllitllllltlt candv at th Iiois Mzn TL hm WA UH igvmmltw idrlilitll Op Jpn II venet 511 Allan Hurts itiich ism 50 59 mm June ll at It pm from IIti indiehm than tr ii la 31 art SAMMY YFZ lliltilI1O1AII son of Mr and Mrs OSlIlltlUSlthO ye was IdUH mingling Slfiusr khan C5 AV TUWM 1131 Midi it it l= ill thll the halfaiiilliontli patsciit to be hospitalized under the Blue ross llan mm mm smrm llclilitlit in laik Lawn Semitidy TRY AN EXAMINER WANT All lii Al Hi stone tlilLiltllh cottage looks Ituliiill and sale of cook books t$375t for IItltlttliti The Nurse Iletty Jean Lisle of Hospital for Sick hii lttll HIHHH 52in to his mother after triatnicnt fut severe scald up WNW Elfiumil PM Bumi caused by III Utiillllhttl ioffei bot looklii on are Sammys fattici Ml shim In bunkit and sirtcr litiiiii ttilvic deputy director Blue ross Plan and lm LKHI Hm Mi for lIopitil an and hospital doctor Hum Nmm smvw hm Ht Off to the itlit Itlt Quarry Island and the siioic fioni the Sev dd III in IIinitV Ilziiliotti tItJtIti UV Visible on geiiit day fly ltlllllllll her head left Mis Matiniis Citll Rug Fair Has 7000 Pieces Aiiioiinttii eliiiiit it the Illlil It hippeiied that the Miiiiiiiis and Ill tan in be held llt Midland kiioiving the limitations of Triple see past the tUllltt of tlic iiitur oal flock with the white towers of Siincoc IIlcvator gtliltlIllllin close In Il 15343 IN it till Wmk Ilay in an entertainment sense Hhmd ed by Mis liiiiis of Triple brought alone giant Jigsaw puz llay Without boarding Luich as late They left the panic on their to the relative iiicilts of the cX dcpartiiie and the widow and her liibits that may be on view it isimh sat down to have some fun safe to say that few if any will with it They ivorde on it for 10 cxcccd Mis Mattiius in the amount days but finally perseverance von Hf Wtk Hltillltll lJtth it ll oiit and the puzzle was completed ished product was accomplished to the last piece Design of Mis htsigniis quilt in John said his mother if can Mrs Magiiiis and her son Johii who operates the Magiiiisi boat and power machinery shop ilii Iort McNicolI live at lripli flay tlie year round Mr Magnus Siti died some six years ago at St An drews Hospital Midland from the effects of too much work duringl the war lie was pontoon iiispcctori for II1IlAlllIIIIlIIL plants in Mid Indian Vttitlltlt lime is not spend ten days on jigsaw punle Ms mm hm in dim lm Him that lumOu Oliind Ienetang and rillia When of the present era have ever at She did imp If hvum mum WW Toronto forced business in restrictions Mrs Magiius will also have aii1 DOIHI wartime tempted to complete Mrs Mat other fine piece on display at the hm iitis is frankly of the opinion that the quilt is not worth the amount fair velvet crazy quilt The mm Ch mm W1 of work IIioIttI There are some working of the latter quilt did not mWlrlV Milt titllttt pieces of cotton to be sewn drive Mrs Magnus nearly so WI crazy as the cotton one did how ever Its pieces are much larger One of the first families to re aliZe the possibilities of the Triple together all by hand Interviewed recently by the Free liess lIeiald Mrs Magiiiis obviously Oasin no and easier to handle This report Buy mm 1m Mwusv Runwd mood to start another of the same ct after giixiiig at the thousands of mmidmubh lump 5mm 71 915 or ILSIIIll tiny little oneinch triangular piec which still remain in their control Althoiigh she fully realizes she is sitting on potential gold mine Mrs IVIttLUltlS has never been in any cs necessary for the rings all of which had to be cut singly felt he would have been candidate for The Indian Wedding lting is ii series of interlocking circles some thing bettcr than foot in diame ter of little colored cotton pieces the class in Cutting out paper hurry 10 SC any ha mluabl0 These small triangular pieces dolls had he been called on to 10m about an inch to side somewhat help resemble arrows and probably give Lovely Setting Thls mmmmlha do the quilt its name The finishing One thing is in Mrs Magnus great deal 0f mlkmg blltv 30 favor for the undertaking of such TDD 3113 may be developed tiresome and relatively unprofit lccordlllg 10511 Of 090 able job For it is an unprofitable OPUS already cm job CW persons would want to my quiet people and we want to keep quilt maker ml sample of the Triple Bay the way we havecomc finished product if the costs of the to love it declared Mrs Magnus makers time were included But Mrs Magnus fortunately can lay down her work anytime she feels tired and gaze out on one of the most pleasing prospects which could be seen anywhere Lgoca ed oirtlie third bay which iple Bay its name the neat of just one of these circles takes better than days work according to the Triple ltay expert It took me all winter to make the quilt but time is no object in Triple Bay Mrs Magniis told this paper Nearly iavc lp At one point around Christmas time Mrs Magnus very nearly packed up on the task entirely Its not worth all this trouble had guests for Christmas who gives anadvian Fashion she told her son John disgustedly otiivn tiiiir Mixrs 259 SPECIAL wrsrous riscutrs MB WEDDING um museum rim29c SPECIAL QUALITY PRODUCT OF THE LOBLAW IAKERY EACH 29c he CHOCOLATE GOLD woz GINGERBREAD MADEIRA CAKE SPECIAL unciuoto AS 10 SIZE GAS 34c 36c Friday 830 to pm signsCathay SUN 3351i 050 105 srom nouns Loauws m3= ion av uest av urs we immune you Good service ramm numpmm oztifn35ckLimit NAIITANT Tiiwrmj at ur av WIONDSHIELDWATER BATTERY OIL wanna use 16 si HARRY uonnzs ASSORTED Favours JELLY pownms tinJan GOLD SEAL WHITE FIIONCYTIIN 701 ms I7 Anglo Seriiice Station 235 Bradford St Nectr cation Hotl TIN QUAKER WHEAT FLIIIIES PKG FREE WITH NEWSPAPER COUPON lb 54 CAsHMin 750 mm con sit Torin nssurs at 32c cm 59c LAWRASONS Os if Inca sunset 13 iii mists15c TOILET $049 WT if we ii MllNYILOWEIIS axis 15 131 tiiiiiiiii FOR raucous suns 1401 litlt we my 365 nusO hirer PKGO 35 LARct PKG 35c mu MEATS mun SOAP Jaw Wto tiiSiiiiiEiir Bouom cm 12 sums tirnsrii iVlTIINE s7 802 TIN QUALII pillow RIGHTITheres money when you need it by mail now from HF CHousehold Finance Corporation of Canada To make lovely print with scarf neck line by Canadian designer Its good to wear now and all through the summer YOU DONT PAY FOR excess fat or bone when you alQanillfstclipandmailthe attached couponforvcompiete information without obligation Leans are Omade promptly lambs if9 dag5 finder beefagexs wiihouidia at aria statutes This newservice bringsHOUSEHOLD FITN 11 te FINANCES friendly courteousservice special occasionsisWeIl as regular family meals to evrybbdy By far the most people who borrow from consumer nance company use HFC So borrow the Tight Way borrow the money you need fromHFC by maill routs n5 LB 51 LOBLAW QUALITYXBEEF BONILESS nomsmits SHORT BIB nonsr Substitutes AY WEI Tomio mowers NoWsLICED such ots Mallets Iomwsniiriin IO Sgotr Cane Sudan Grass etc can In5 an BUD ROAST BLADE REMOVED 49 Fm sunris Pun SEVILLE Ononeless soc mxrnunttmumnunu OO OO 55 Mlsslssaga Street Earl 253535 Boneless LB 39 053 ONO Vegetable and cm WM WAKE PAPER 32 3813 FINEST QUAEY TABLE READY MEATS mm or PPM PIMENTO MANZANILLO Ms Oct 77 my Now Flower Plants m0 HWFSZI IIIB HOUSE 0m ictiiim 47 MITCII CHICKEN SLICED 13526 Grim gt Cabbage 12 swan mun plexus rir27c 359 $3955 79 Ptcasetellmcwilhout obligations howlunletlt Tomatoes eIC 16 No 01 mint 6m NamOO Tm 49 own Co no CHOICE 20FL CHOICE cm to mm Secdsmcn since 1811 48 Omuwpuocnmn gszanglm