Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jun 1949, p. 3

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jfcarr51a by three cats 1111111 playing yard and Wu $dcil but now making new 11 Sllss Patricia Kidd in RV liradustin has Mis Patricia Kidd v11 111 of lle 11 allltlriili c1111 131111111i gt1nlittl 1111 Jarir 13 11 =51 undi ttl lllitlladd lion 1111 lluxl V1111111 wnkendIlopitai Bdlllt 111 iihltlllf ouse Securrs 3rd Year rec Eldon Nellly at Varsity ulcl loiIIiiinl Congratulations to 3111111513 11111 who has Ullle 1115 111111 year 111 inn11111111111 enginecinig at the li1 3111211 ll Toronto Attended ll lonvrnlion Mrs tuir was in King fston for 11 Ic day attending 1111 IMMKILL IliiViIitlltl toliVtIilzoli 111 iii Vtilli L113 Aux11s Iiristi11 lenipeiainc 111111111 fund Visllctl Odessa and 14111 on her return trip 111111113 George Whyte Appointed lrineipai deiains 511111111 1I 111111 111111 Alis lit15 41111 11111 11 Rubyi thvo Vlljlc who has llttll Li 31 1111111 111 St Johns vAitcaclitr for 11111 last ll y1111 11 Lilltliiltil 1111 111111 Iltitlil lxliIVjv ltlliilt Stlimil lihx 11111 111 15111111 licad itI l111l1y gugcd its piincipiil 111 ookstown Mn 1111 1111 11 1111111111 11gtI111 the ensuing ycai Mi Whytc 111711111111 ti11111 111111 1111 11111111111 vili succeed Miss Rilla Jack 111111 Mis Morgan iititlnlll trndered her resignation 1111111 gt11t liiloid Spinde 11 l11111111 cessfully teaching here 1111 111111 Vttkllitl 1121 it 1111 his llliltl151ciiis Mi and Mrs Spindloc 122 Ladies ANN United is Ni and Mrs Ailuir Ilzinscn Umlud Hum were ttltlill liIll at 1111 home of hic llaiirrns 11111111111 lid gar Miss Joyce 11111 111 Toronto is spending 1111111 With her aunts Mrs loodmn 111111 11111 hllpscti 11111 woody Mrs 111diay Mr and Mrs liacc and Betty lillthd home on inct at 1111 home of Mrs it Draper with ladies present The 11111111 ing was presided ULl by Mis Lewis and Mrs Iltltllll was secre ltiny ill the absence of Mrs Blue After the business was discussed Mrs Cotise took charge if the pro gram There were siVcral read ings and 11 contest after winch NUIMIIHII if mmm mm dainty lunch was served and 1w luv ml hour enchd by all 011 Sunday tilllll 311 Ladcts sunle id 11 Iliccn ot Illl Sea adct WI WNW 1035 Ihc ookslown Womens Chris tian Icniperimcc Union 1111d four Contests in elocution on May 11 111 the United Church liano solos oips 1111111 llairic paratch to St Johns Anglican liiirclr Mr and Mis llllti vcrc visitors on lhuisday at the home of Mrs lllLIS biotin1s It by Jack and Eric Reynolds Vocal and Jack lxcli lhistictown duets by Misses Muriel and Shirley Mr and Mrs ii lcbb Mrs liii Allen Leonard Anion and Ray Wilson and Mr and Mrs Walk cr attended the funeral of Mr Chainicr at 01111111 on lhursday Lintrick and recitation by Mar garet Sellers were enjoyed by all Miss Iiindle acted as chairman Swimming classes will be held and the contest was lircctcd by 1111111 11115 Will 1111115111 lmk Mrs John Farts superintendent of Anyone interested may contact medal contests Rev Lewis Mrs Thas lcvons the convcncr gave short talk and otlcrcd Mi lllltI IVIIS Ktil ClilWIOIlI prayer were at Wycvalc 111 the home of Mrs rawfords parents Mr and Mrs loodhaiid for the week end Attacked by ats Little Alaync Jzigos was illlllCliLd Presbyterian WA The Presbyterian WA met at tiic home of Mrs Chas Copeland with 20 ladies present The business and the arranging of the Sunday School picnic for June 22 at lnnis til Park was discussed Mrs Hopper Was in charge of the nicel iiig Miss Wallace song solo and conducted contest which was won by Mrs Munibcrson Jr The Currie sisters sang The Sun flower Song Mrs Sauntcr of Le froy displayed an Angora rabbit and demonstrated the making of yarn and spoke about the feeding and rearing of rabbits After wards social hour was spent over cup of tea May Institute meeting The May meeting of the WI took place Thursday evening in the Town Hall with 15 members and one guest present andMrs Cousc presiding Mrs Jevons act BP Asphalt Shingles for the Roof CAMEpl ELLIs GIBitli iLTD 65 Bradfords ONE 3855 ing as Secretary and Mrs Patton atq at the piano The roll call was wTg 61 311 aids Heres the smartlystyled allnew Admiral portable that willmake hit with every member of your fam ily Exquisiter styled in Lustrcx plastic Emperor Red with French Gold trim 4it operates instantane ously on AC or DC as well asbatteryAutomaticswitch eliminates accidental bat tery drain when used on geniously concealed in hinged lid gives amazing reception Alnico No speaker Ideal for vacationing and traVellingheres the portable thatsiu season any timeW1 year MODEL ll Heres the perfect extra radio that deserves place In evry home Rich and clear with the range and depth of many console radius New gheckefed grille and exquisiteieasyto rend 111111 longdifc tubes Builtin aeroscope Alnico No speaker ACDG Superbly Styled impetigo ed mahogany or ivory plas tic BIG in performance SMALL only in price Ieeture for feature Admiral offers the beef yaluel See them at 10111310113 HARDWARE Corner 1111s Road and Gowan St GOOD PARKING BAREIE 13997 1111 Durham CCF Candidate Federation of Agriculture picnic at JAMES KENNY is the ttl cativ diatc 111 the foilhconnng Ittltlql elections 111 1lllliiilll Count 111 tliiio Mi Kenny I1 school teacher for 111 31111111 at Shanty 1111 and ookstown iics1itly 111 is 1111 Illc public school Hall at 11111 llopc During the war be wind as captain with 11111 RtASt our seas and previously was 1111 tillltt in the 21111 Reseive Battalion 111 and Siincoc loicstciz lliolo The Canadian Statesman IIUlllliillllt uiiswercd by My llohhy After the cxtciisivc busiiicss was 111 cusscd Mrs litiiitcr tool charge 111 the program singsong with Mrs Iatton 111 the piano was 111 joyed Miss ll linker Iclitl paper on oining Events The gucst speaker was Miss Louise toilcy Recreation Director for Sinicoc County She gave most interest ing account of 11111 Work 111 iicr dc partincnt While the connnittcc was preparing lunch Mrs 1131111111 conducted contest which was won by Mrs Ramsay EDGAR kw Miss Minnie for few days Lance 13111111 oi Alliston visited at Gordon Laudcrs Mrs Slicnrdown few days at Lindsay Mrs Harry Slcssor spent few days in Toronto last Week Mr and Mrs Lorne llandy 111 Barrie spent Sunday at Dec lurt ridgcs Clarence Brown and Jean Dunn spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wilson Brown Mr and Mrs Hayes 111111111111 ily spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs Vic Dickcrs Clowcs Mr and Mrs Sanderson of Shanty Bay spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs Aub Slessors Dont forget the Simeoc County June ll Link is in Toronto is Spctiditlt Little Lake Midland onSaturday June 18 Mrs Geo Wilson has returned to her home at Long Point after week with her mother Mrs Bert McAllistcr Mr and Mrs Gray and dangli for Jean and Mr and Mrs lllviii Iullock of 8111111 Ste Marie spent day with Mr and Mrs Geo Hackett last week Mr and Mrs Cecil Dicker of Toronto are spending their holi days with Mrs Dicker and Mr and Mrs Fred Hodges All are glad toknow that Mrs Shelswell is able to leave llic hospital She is with her 5011 Gor don Shelswell Of Clowes Mr and Mrs Newton Spence of Shanty Bay and Walter McLean Carol and Bobbie of Toronto visit ed at Harvey Bonneys MINESING June 13 Miss Betty Maw Temple was weekend visitor at her home here Mrs John Plowright Stayncr spent last week visiting her sister Mrs Oliver Wilson Mr and Mrs George Dusto left unatriprraiitoRe IIIE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA PAGE THE 11 8111 ASIA Ntixtlxiilsmut 11 at 3111 151111 id Sill Lile and 1111 11111 to 1111 the c121 1111111iatii ochan two 111 on 111 nzanatattairig 1111 ital1511111 1i11111 11 211111 of Mrs Rauiis father 111ii lt1 1111 11111 Nrwngd4m BETTER IIII Kx iioimr Iilitfti USED CARS Ia1111111 11111rs conducted IJ Motors ll 111 111 of agii 11 11311111 111 appurt IRY Ax izxanixiaa WANT Al up 531 an Jamiln1 CITY BOARDERS How could 11mm to board city chil dren for the iummel We live on hunt could take children preferably pieschool ate and only for the summer We have l21oom brick house with six bedrooms Wnic to the Childrens Aid Society 32 Isabella 511m Tovonio or the Protestant Childrens Homes 380 Sl1e1 boumc Street Toronto Stating your accommodation your location and the advantages 01 your home Im sure either one of lhcte organizations would be glad of your hospitality for their children YOUTH HOSTELS My friend and plan to vilit the British Isles Ihif summer time Cenldlan youth hostels ination Where should we apply for membership WouIJ this entitle in to admiiiion to youth bowels in the British JUNEIOrh YAHDLEYSHAVING aow1 VALOR SHAVING BOWL Iilu Canadian Youth Hostels are situated at Classic Avenue no in cm is 212111 PYRouceiicsccloylozdr from British Youth Hostels Overnight accommodation run LOTION 100 about 30 cents night Meals are also reasonable MILK FOR BABIES My grandchild 11 26 1111111111113 and THERMOS BOTTLES PT drinks low Iourouneo ariitileihofv milk nag and some 450 6509 ebtlMlNUM mSIJyPIebgfyn pzziljilisi childish Iliztwnellzii one and three years should average at least pint of milk day and 11p PLASTIC to quart 1t posnble It should not be given by bottle say the cup Specialists 11 this age but rather In cup in puddings or 5015 irzidsizxigsaglcoolisquid should be given any child alter pm Ekgggl 3TQANS Send your quritlnns to KAT AITKEN 125 Imis St Toronto boxes of 23 Bu675 waggwasixcxsous 225 REMINGTON TRIPLE Ff Worlds Only Razor with vlon STREAK RAZOR 1935 Olgaggggapzoggm MIIIIMIIIIC BIMIE 8111116111 Quickdeuei LAVENDER 23330 23 95 glltmls 338 mm ea ac ex 51 LOTION Hausa mm comm smwnm 11111111 49 Add Mdlslh STANDARD wilh REPAIR KIT Delightfully Cooling RONSON LIGHTER MENNENS SHAVING BHEAM and Rdlesllng BANKER wail REIvAerKlT 111111 WINDSIIIELD 1035 CREAM 39 39 BELL 11011 1111111111 11101111 315 Willam 516 19 nuaarnsar sunveanusars ll With NATURAL 31115111551 GILLETTE AHISTOCRAT IANGE 89 199 299 393 1112011 11123111 500 SIMMS SHAVING BHUSHEg 00 61EIEE35iEHAZOH 497 ck Re 1e 650 Qm ataikiiliiiissiuvms sci GILLETTE MILOIID iuzoii Keeps the hair In place all day for Two gt WITH IOIBLADE Guards against Una lmV HECLHHHHH DISPENSER Mm GAILOHD SHAVING SET GILLETTE ROCKET RAZOR Give hair gleaming lustre CUTS SCRAPES THREE WITH 10min mm 4o 3an Blades 1111111111 tum POISON WYlv Im DSPENSER gt s24 133153111573713311 Gmee pack Ihllll new Gillette live Elude 2112 BEVLON MATCH MAKER Nail Enamel Adhevon late Coat unwrapped and natty IN Gdlaiiu nial gina and Strasbourg Sask Mr and Mrs Albert Pirie Georgetown visited Mr and Mrs Frank Channel last week Rev Bunt of Angus occu pied the pulpit in the United Church on Sunday in exchange with Rev Clements Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Arthur Pain Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Arthur Pain and his bride the former Miss Elsie Page of Barrie who were married last Wednesday in Barrie and who are taking up residence on the Ninth Concession number from here attended the wedding and re caption WYEBRIDGE June 13 Edwards and English spnt Friday in Barrie Mr and MrsCharles Friday Mr and Mrs Townes Elmvale visited Mr and MrsnS Ellery Sunday Norma Hounsome spent the weekendat Balm Beach with M1 and Mrs Ridout Mr and Mrs Ridout havegonc to their summer home and busi lness at Balm Beach Marlon Downer Toronto and Bob Downer Sarnia spent the weekiid with their parents Mr and Mrs Brown and son chewan visited their niece Mrs 1A Rawn and family Thursday June 13 Mr and Mrs Bothwell To ronto George Hennard of Sault Ste Marie FC Debenham oi Centraiia spent the weekend with Debenham and Mrs Moore Brown and wife from Saskat Mrs Shepherd Toronto visited DALSTON holiday Insect Bites 11111 mzo 1111101111 LOTIO 1223 33 11111111011111 Poison Ivy 1mm 1111mm 81111811 159 WWW are 11111 mad NYLON BRISTLE Rtg 199 we mots BI with Vitamin Bi PADS R1 0VWW Lucio ENVELOPE ms 11 10 Bottle Riglog Rein113 Im0 5553713 855 79 NOVO PLASTIC 111131 Purses 19 DOROTHY GRAY HOT WEATHER mu you pownm FAD commit 125 23 For 111111995110 Duchess PicNib Epsom sm igEDICgNAiiY PURE 11 VAcuUM comes 15 gg Headaches 63 leg113c HOUSEHOLD 111111101 63 gufmma mm 98 Take 1111111 1A cure11x m1 IIIIWIIII 29 For Relief of Periodic Pains and Headaches 13111 1111111 WIIIIIIIIIEEI 11111111111111 11 11111 fainting rot1 21111111J151111 one110110 Cream new This package cents DECORAT PLATES ATIRA IVE SERVIETTES rsnlllo containing Halgene Silllplelnenll Ob saleiy siopspmpirutlon FOOD 22ng 24 110 May be 11111111on Serving illan Sizes Bedtime average memo an Completef Only for Utmost Comfort and Protection xxaaxxnuaxaxxauaxau Hie DETTOI 111 uomn ANTISEPTIC In em IIIES Lanirm Vfor Hay Fever Slut your ball an treatment for IV Fever II least one cubs com saw 111111111 1111111111111 1111111th 11111111111111 Completd with Paris Hali $32105 Cream Shampoo HATCH month below the Remove so uoxl Pl Rinse Such ulylofollow direction Com 511611 f6 naturallooking we Pams PERSONAL USES min 1111 11111111111 Cream 111m s75 01m Night Ctlcm Shampoo and Pam Noll Style ugh lot of 48 Kills Cum Em Wont Hurt You non nouns4111111 111 r111 11 11111111 1330 111 111 DELIVERY 030 pm Wednesday 830 mm to l230pmloturduy 830 1111 P116110 2650 11110 p111 ope1 mry Sunday I216 was to pan

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