Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jun 1949, p. 20

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PAGE TWENTY SOUTH SIMCOE JR FARMERS we no 1x 11 Qualifying Round for iClub Championship lil tlll iii tI in itlnliq ll 11 litlltl iIlI for tl tt lltIlli ll llllldl 1L ll ill1 l1t LEAGUE STANDINGS Harrie Senior Softball WIN WILLARD CUP CEDAR BRAE CLUB lt fill it it illil Itll tat jllii ll 1U 35 South Sinieoe Ramhall BM ll It littlo llLizi lll it la Ltd 12 Tail llle ii itll nowuitc lilo too ON THE GREEN WML Miss iiotiiiJIs BARRIE KIWANIANS linlltllin Stillliil it Billllt lupin ll ll double lltiil on Illt it lien llllt Illl won the 11V lzllzllts lit Villard lropliy at the golf tool part tiom Illll tolirliitlitelit luestlay in To haul liallle lnlt dale ronto sponsored by the River Spenttl diluted Simirolt of date Kiwanis Club for Kiiian loitenhiil in the to lHiiltl IllT ians iii the district lwelit llll pin oi llr Leonid tite Kiwanis clubs were re Matthews of iiidite the 511 presented at the tournament ond draw lil aitii plus of one playd idur Br finished with 144 iiliiztj WI Ilinks loitel ot luitnltliittln Fred Norris Jolili lonilin Alvin when It gt WWI 731i son George Dangerfield and tiiieewul llliltlxtl ill core et Brute ltltlllcy represented 30 the Barrie club in the handi lltiltlllli down llild illwe Wyn eap eyelit In addition Me lillmei of lotlllliul Auto will luliy won first lirize for low of pills it 1115 litV NIH net lit holes with til alid Nor fioin Potter in the lust ioiind leis was summit with it Tom Fourth with one will was Nels IN hm gm Mr Maijee who scored lit pills last nine with 41 Li llliill RESTRICTION RECOVERY lROJIKT 10 Iilllttst sinirle Iitmll tilt In England for many years at jeel ill Britain is the new lion and til the Magila Carla woman steel works near hlillilllllll South could not legally aecust man of murder ANNOUNCEMENT Wales We are llpen or Business CUSTOM GRINDING ROLLING MIXING ShurGain reeds ii lloililvsolw CBAIGVALE Phone Stroud 18r4 School Registration for Fall Term 1949 Vespla Township School Area Schools Childrentransferring into any of the following schools or commencing school for the firsttime in September lick Board Representative will be presentatr 2nd Line No 17 June 24 130 230 pm Midhurst No0 June 24 300 400 pm 7th Line No June 28 130 230 pm Greniel No June 28 300 400 pm Pine Grove N0 13 June 29 130 230 pm Ferndale No 12 June 29 300 400 pm Cundles No June 30 300 400 pm Children six years of age by Feb 1950 are eligible Those presently enrolled need not register SW DEPENDABLE 5050 1946 MONARCH COACH $1495oo DIAL 5566 Barrie Men Golfers Stall Ietets regains his ring il 1949 are to be registered for enrolment Mrs Reta Fra house afterwards for tea 1938 LINCOLN Sea black $85000 1940 DODGE sED newmotor $85000 1935 DODGE CCU Mec Chan $22500 1940 PLYM COACH recon 1933 BUICK SEDAN $15000 1940 DESOTO BED blue $77500 1933 ESSEXSEDAN $12500 USED TRUCKS NEW TRUCKS 1948 DODGE PANEL $149500 Available as required in ton tdh and 1940INT194 base $99500 12 ton 1942 INT 176 wbase $47500 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY MountsoN Mount SALES THE BARRY EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRED ltlllNDLEY DON wetter utilisation 13 Owen Sound and George Spearin oi llarrie two sisters llclen Mrs Boomer and Betty Waller children William and Jolln Spear lRliD INDIICY ills IHIl lotto plane of his care lyioi lili aunt atiliiatlzl ot tllltlir ct tilliiltltl illl ilitil illiiklih st e1 inciting psi LIMI mm ten of AF Kl AM No 236 of which Running Broad Jliuip lielen ssioiial lite late Mr bplttllll W35 deceased was member The pailt ILdlulllglllllll Jlean lunn May HeldWillltl Ilttl MIHLIR mmm mm mmhc hearers were Addison McKenzie Kirkwood garnered ins lust trllunpli ili miniv illne as eletiily outboxell Reg Illtll lllttltll lliixlllli lltli it three rounds The Halli el weight put up pleasing botll lot the ailwood tans Up and coming Joe ieters llrep has been off to ll lets for weight class tlitiniln iotltine Keenan loodenware Ltd Kathleen Maiioiiey of Barrie who survives lllltllltl and wile are three broth liliitli Jtilie It lloln at Jarratt on Sept 11 1362 petl clogo visual in John Mr McLeanhadrliwd in Barrie for elli of JAt ill ilit iiinior Iitl the past Elli years MILTON ANTON 45 iwlr dlowu ilttlit Ziu liltiitillitggt Milton llt iJItltlt vlio ul Bishop ight vchz lgi it =1 tIlIl ANNEX oi itae tiiallnen ltl 14 and Mr Mldliurst il iltiltltlll UII ilnllty Angli ti on Thursday liltl pill The lltlltallell by llxk isle Sound Slliliiiiesl ll tolls liii lealn Willi deep re lllt sudden passing of Lawr ior the Surriying besides his John and Frank Speaiin of Mrs and Fred of Owen Sound two JOHN MCLICAN loiiii McLean died at his home i2 liiflii St Barrie on Friday 1949 iii his 87th year lie farmed on the lcnetang tettgtlitlitil until his retirement 10 years due to isiliillllttl ankle bttt wav 111 WIN ltl mUVUd t0 TIIIIn Sl ed an OK for the bout lit fought Mr McLean was the son of the 1th three rounds llll his anklt taped and pure Sanelli It hood run for the Victory bout has liliil Manager Irv Dash was pleased titll the showing ottiie Bari considerably handicapped Syd layloi fast travelling bani tannreight from Midhurst touch with success in the lit iweysl tilt fill and was unable to kepp his ippoultiiient Iaylors talent Well known Ill Toronto boxing circles and he is expected Ito meet Morris on future cardi Jim larker of the Barrie Bonn ting Club crack heavyweight ofthe amateur ranks scored another knockout in his mounting career Monday night at Hamilton vWhen the floored Lyle Staff of St Cath iarincs Ill the tifth round Parker lworked through the semifinal Ebout on the card is lDylnenl Mrst Seagram Win Largest TwoBall Largest twobail lsomc ever held at Barrie Golf lCluh was on Sunday afternoon Fifty members took part despite lthe steaming heat and played ninel holcs First prize went to Billl Dynicnt and Mrs Seagrami with 35 net Tied for second low not with 36 iwer Johnny Johnson and Mrs Harold Smith Fred McConkey and ers Jack Corby Dymcntv and iMrs Seaglam had the best gross score 40 but did not qualify for prizes having already taken 10w net There was tie for the low gross of 48 between Doug Ram isay and Miss Grace Brymner Seagram and Mrs Angus Mc Nabb mixed four The players gathered in the club BARBIE lrlez for linoEton of oulson predeceased lost lllllt in the011 Feb Iber of the Presbyterian Church Taylor Toronto Foursome at Barrie Club lbands death few years later she lmarried George Jaquith of Orillia late James and Rachel McLean of Iznralt in Oio Township His igsini lie the former Elizabeth Edger him lie was ment on 1942 He is sumived by five sons ldgerton of Barrie Russell of Bar boys especially IJ ot Icters wliolric Percy of Collingwood Wal1 lace of Thornton and Stuart oft Toronto and five daughters Mrs wasC Henry Laura of Thornton slatetl to mett ltrank Morris hoMrs Caldwell lHazel of Crown met lUlilltd States as confined to lttl with shortl spell of Hill Mrs Glanville lllilda of Tessie of Toronto and Marion at home There are also 10 grandchildren The funeral was held0n Mone day Julie 13 at the Lloyd and Steckley Funeral Home Rev James Ferguson conducted the service Pallbearers were six nephews Dr Melville Seymour of Orillia Vern Seymour of Oril lia William Switzer of Crown Hill James Switzer of Barrid William Edgcrton of Crown Hill and Ivan Mchan of Dalston Interment was in Barrie Udion Cemetery MRS JESSIE JAQUITH In the Toronto Globe and Mail on Monday June 13 ap peered anotice of the death on June 10 1949 at TorqulD of JessieJaquith wife of the late Jaquith of Orillia Most of the older residents ofi Barrie will remember Mrs Jaquith as the former Miss Jessie Burns daughter of Robert Burns an em ployee of the Graham Tannery Dunlop Street whdse home was at the southeast corner of Mulcas ter Streetback of Market Square andnextdtibr to the present James Dougallhome Asa young woman she 3was clerk in John WaitSons dry goods store later Fraser and now occupied by Wrights Cleaners Later she married Char lie Beldinthere about 1895 son of Belding prominent lumbrerman ofe Barrie in early days Subsequently following her hus who had been fellow clerk in Watsons store in the earlier years and spent her remaining years in Orillia and her husbands deathl occurred there few years ago As far as surmised here her Only remaining relatives and abrotherh Harry ianoronto The late Mrs Fred Grant and the late MrspBen Smith the Misses Annie and Mossie Chapman were rst cousins ofMrs Jaquith RUSSELLE COULTEB Thornt0n Correspondence Thecommunity was shocked on Wednesday when they heard that Russell Coplter had died at his home on Con Innisl without a5 minutes warning The late Russell llilsworthCoulil ter was son of the late Alexander Coulter and Sarah Browley Hei was born in this community sevent tythree years ago and had lived here all his life He was deeply interested in the affairs of the community He was Liberal in politics and member of Trinity United Church At the timed his death he was member of the Board of Stewards He was very fond of music and had been valued member of the choir and Thornton male quartet In November 1911 he married Miss Olive Cunningham of Therm are sister RubyMrs Joe Ryan in Chicago John of ltloosejaw and one sister Mrs McKenzie Evelyn of Castor Alberta The tuneral held from his late residence was tlt largely attended and the senice was conducted by Rev Lewis of ookstown and the brethI Arthur in lliornton cemetery There were many beautiful tloral tributes tes tifying to the esteem in which de ceased was held ton who survives him along With the following childreh Elsworth PALGRAVE WINS OBITUARY FROM BEETON If ii the elelllii ii llilg ni 12m lri rte etl Sam rir lllil captgiv IUNIOR FARMERS CHAVEZ FIELD DAY him llltwl In haunt The 1l Sanctie iilio 1111 rt rl IthlcfvllI Nlill itltu at ttie ItIIIJ Iiltlip it ingli Dram Buyx Ewnls iPsizl liaii Ilwss Fulctillmg LlJiLI LL fgtlllf 3113 Race Stan Robinson Jolie and tied Jean Dunth input Tin0v Maxie Reynolds Lloyd tan Ill his Kilktyood John Eliot Wilson Harold Qilllilan GUTHHIE MtCtlaig Fletcher Bob Aililstrullg Race Ross Buy John litlay McLean OIlC LOftlBlNlIS Allan ilkme Caldwell Mic 28111 McLean Flvltlltl Hob Al lustrous Bill lite531M DYES filo THURSDAY JUNE 16 1949 Ill owli Ilitklilg Before the First Would War lei mud mle in H1 mum UHLHH Hm finally lllttlr nearly pet will or Lilli lll lt ll lit Jami Shut Ittl BOD I3fl in 9115 went down il llst tn Harlot tt lit llil lite1m ilaiold Oiiiniall 3tle to illve as lhzn it clitllcu tanning llltud Jump Itoss Me 34313 11 ARE sum iible it out 11111 to Illk IJLAI naililiit llainai Iluleitl thunk lioug Wll Tm ht igngihi In mph his Visliitgtoli sarlttl lui stondtl llr and Yasll ll Icrime was opened ill 1W by Ill ha gale wag later to ton no the winning 11111 chiral mi Jim this letulg Combined they auntll ital twill an early 5de llgy the Iv lit til the second zillilt luv the llllltl but lalgllaxt UALSIUN 1ll llilll ltitliillii llltt Kim bun tl 11 each of llll tliiill tifill sizlnxas ioi tiit lead lizltu Mills and ltct itina lief Alberta lxt it lilalou itltvd twice in lltli selv xlrllllt Wilson ss at like ItilltlJl Writ If Ziillqlillfiugil 3ii VASICY Rtlltl Julitn ilatly I3 Do tJIIIHIHLIIIHH ii Induswjkzs Lockhail Lois Iliown lb Mae illll All PM il Nappnd ll Iliatk jth mmvl and Liam llln in twin liobn ll and filllaugh Interment llarbaia lliown ll Dolltn Mc Iilll to lleltoii lllli llloian JHl MIMU iu Jack and lion llalton lllltltl lllf it ll Will gt lllltl2 lllll Sllltll ls WONDER VALLEY mm 77 Laldziell lcorglna ills Ib Shirley UIOPIA Ht WillH Spmuin Hm 3rd whit lllLI DII litldilltl Dillllt tlI tomato spent itinday wuh Mrs call wdnesday morning ll To Ill lr Speirin who immm Mr and Mrs lllbert ItMaster id eiuldien Visited Mr arid Mrs of the boyr wad llialth until Monday evening Humid olltts Newtonbrook lllsi Mintsine and when he ttlllllillllll of letling ill 113 mm lie llIti recovered from his sud Guests with Mr and Mrs Allen din lillgt xlzlier over the weekend for the Hi HittersMiller wedding were Mrs VAHA gt MS MATT ilell and Miss Patricia ieppri BUN11 it 121 lfiipufi nd Misses Margaret alid Dorothy Sinzlizn and the late ladward out Ul TUWHU Splallu In his early youth he It do MM toltli to tilts city with his parents Aux and RH TOWN Mrsn 0m COMBINICS lit re ttlhll his ttllltiiilttll here and Him icmwlo Ur Tnnvnduly for many years was elliployed by Lmnux Ruth and Mme Stiller Wimtitlvtl 01 arriv GMsiti lib llill MelaIll 11 Allan oast tliiee ltlllbgttlttlLtI hat mm ho AF zit WIISUllllrowli ef ilowaid aidwell it WISle GUNS Ilnwl Lake Yukon who tlew home fort 111m pmvhw SS lli late pearln was llllll HHHMV and Hm mum 1h led 11 Owen Sound in 1934 to suniv by Um ill MINIMM Mil Ml Russell Maw Bill Adams lb The first on Sunday afternoon lirls Events Doggett assisted by Rev lt Ilalbert Boakci Jamieson Stewart and llenry Interment took place iiiois Brown Illil mallet Valle cattle and v15 in lIlr lllt players Wilma rilwii 33 milShirley Wilson Lil Ilelezi Illtllill Ilium tlziua lllonlpsmi ll thltx Not ma ll Joyce Ililkltng itltigli ll Marlon tough tl lhitlr lllckling it Margaret tlongh ss Vasey boys emerged the Winners tournament io Combines lug is the lineup of the boys trams Robinson lb inson Lib ll Kirkwood Zlii iili ney if 11 Waplcs ct tainpbtll lld Robinson Miles llieklinu John McLean 21 Al Hutchin Ilob Armstrong 2b Allan MeNabb 31 Murray Amos rf Ilcrt Maw ct Glen Adams If llarry Adams ss three event are listed below 75yard dash Jean Dunn iielen iedlingliiun Diane Jones Girls Relay Race DALSTON lAlberta Kay Shirley Wilson ilelen lcdlingiiam Jean Dunn VASEY Reba Jones lJolies May Kirkwood VALLEY Bernice Caldwell Nor CaldWell Shirley in 11 pictlizl tii 15 ltd Lyons Ullll Altlatli ll Caldwell lIilitlltii 14b Maliol lt ii st vs the final lol It then in RECORD Edwards Roi SS lohn urrie THEN DllAL AT iii each tield Diane WON DER 65 Collier St Ilieklingl HEELS 50c to $1295 Eric llitllisid May We Suggest For Fathers Day AFFORD TO PA SILK CASTING LINE MANY OTHER ITEMS FOR THE FISHERMAN BOYS and GIRLS FISHIMI IAllillE Al PRICES YOU CAN CCM BICYCLES WE SELL THEM WE SERVICE IHEM SELLING AN sizkvuiso CCM uierems oyizil 40 YEARS Dial 3874 URRYS 36 Baylield St Do You Count Your Dollars DANGERFIELDS AND GET FULL VALUE FOR EVERY PENNY Repairs to All Makes of Cars PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU DANGERFIELD MOTORS DODGE DESOTO DISTRIBUTORS Phone 2487 El HAGAN Service Manager THE SURPLUS MARKET specials for this Week AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALS Brake Relining Machine and Grinder new Reg $19950 Special $15000 Friction Jacks $098 Travelling Rugs $298 Dash Fencers 790 Electrical Fender Guides $240 Tail Light Truck $230 Fender Ports $296 HandESpot light sealed beam $735 Backup lamps $495 $369 $225 ea Grease Guns $398 Pressure Gange Spinner wheels 5c and $231 Exhaust Extension $125 $139 $149 and $165 Bomber Auto Horn 112 TonJack Bumper Jack $300 iVentilating Electric an =$525 Ventilating Fan Vacuum $608 ATTERIES ALL SIZES and manyfother accessories gt TIRES Al new low prices lull new 415 20 $1082 500 10 450 21 450 20 450 75 500 20 525 18 650 16 600 650 17 700 15 Tractor Tires 30 $2000 Bicycle tires 26x 112 28 112 $150 TUBES 200 20 coo 10 $241 600 050 650 16 Bicycle Tubes nunn Fender Flaps $150 Hydraulic Bumper jack $049 Automatic Windshield wiper $559 Oil 24c qt 95c gal Padlocks 30c each Sealed beam driving and passing light $540 Universal mounting Foglight $520 Driving and Foglight sealed beam waylight $l35 Streamliner clearance light $149 Anti Glare light $l95 frames Ton Jack Paint Specials Cream SemiGloss gal$1850 Ivory Priner gal $1850 Brown Exterior gal $1850 Cream Interior gal $1850 Olive Drab Army gal $1200 Cream SemiGloss per gal $395 fliedExterior per gal $325 Cream Gray Enamel per gal $395 Pittsburg Gray and White Gloss per quart $125 Murphy Cream Enamel per quart $125 Scarfes Floor Varnish per quart $200 Regular line ofAbbottspaintsf all colors 95c qt $350 gal Paint brushes all sizes HARDWARE Specials Silvertown Trailer all metal new body and tires $12500 SilvertownTrailer all metal new tires designed to carry boat and freight $175oo Walk in Frigidaire complete with unit coils doors and Used large Kelvinator freezing unit $15000 Model 4193 60 cycle Michaels Floor Polisher Reg $18950 Special $13950 Beatty Litter Carrier new Reg $2000 $1950 Camp cots folding $595 Folding chairsj sz85 Watering Cans $200 and gallon cans $200 $239 Mattressesqsingle bed $395 Clothes 1111550 ft 09c Thermos bottles 950 Wrenches hammers snips and many other articlesatreduced prices Army man Bell Tent $3950 Table Lamps Brass $449 Carving set made in Sheffield $298 Take $47500 PCELQjswnge lgal PicnicThermosw$427 All Wool Red blankets 68 62 $495 62 $495 2411 wool Green blanket 68 Sheets 31 SPECIALV DRAPES $198 $298 $325 Advantage of Theta Attractive Prices Clothing Mens Sport Shirts $298 Mens DressShirtsReg $395 $325 YoungervBoys Shirts 980 Mens Sport Coats $500 and up Eisenhower Jackets $695 Boots Army rebuilds $449 Work Boots $298 Tennis Shoes 89c Mens 8a Boys Scampers $259 Sun Glasses for day nite Driving $349 All styles and sizes mens and boys bathing trunks Mens high quality twill summer weight pantin light andfdark blueg khaki and fawn shades all sizes $379 Mens Bib Overalls blue $298 and $389 Mens Coveralls Mens all woolwork sox 59c 65c and 79c Mens Fancy Cashmere Sox 69c Mens Fancy Cashmere Sheri Sox 69ci Mens Underwear white shirts upn Shorts Mens Leather Work Gloves $169 MensWork Shimkhaki light and dark blue colors Mens Cotton Work Gloves 290 Speciulslor Refrigerator Pyrex Set Pillow Sunshine Sheets Sizes72 96 68 90 Pillows $149 TllEllltPlts MARKET 120 Dunlogg Plioue5454 Prop an Shannan Women $298 39c 8196 99 White Navy Blankets $695 EMERSON and liarrje Bachelor Queens the ton he charge is practising to St eek was while much curling rink have you thing coming worthwhile old foresight our boys QM pr pr Pr pr In 59c 65c 30c i9 590$

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