Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jun 1949, p. 2

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You read all the papers youre thoroughly other calculating machine yet constructed Givein to this federal rev compelling andl 3011 cant understand why yOure slightly butl neigh no1 Come to THE BARBIE EXAMINER MEMBER OI Class Weeklies of Clam Audi Bureau of Circulation Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association 1131 of Build 53 unuisuio nu Published Twice Weekly TI BARBIE EXAMINER Monday and Thursday MaclAlIEN union in 11111112111 mime WALLS Iichiuiotu 1111 tatSinus Imsu 3W1 OPINIONS OF OTHERS INlllRItl ll Ni NIUIII II1 III 1x7 p11 1t gt111t1111111 ls stitlllglllt 11 it 1111111 c11llt 9113 lllt tltl llllL ltlllt iiw ti clc 1111111 51311 11 H1311 I1111I1c1111a1t11 111111 gtpirit oi rurixl oidl MIN l111 cry zioin Ilic days stiii 11111111131119 11 11 Iillcis 11111 111ll 111 r11 it IlIli 1131 1111 up 1l1 stat il rtriltihil illi 2311 prtscnt gentration 11 11 location 111 fences lufulnrl 111 Lit113 11111 11 11 11 lillccgtt disputes and 111111 pnlrf 11 11111111 1111 is 111111 51111111 11 the tanning scttazinnts UIhlIlIMA 111 111 11 11115112111113 old Imus tll 31 111 11 1111111 111111 llt Willi 110111 111 Willir 11111 In L111I 1111 11511111 witch JIH 11 buckbreakiiig 21113 l1c11 1111 1M WI 111ml is 111 Mii 11 land clearing was done by hand airtif hit 1111111thnluso my 111mb AliH 1111 11111 11skof removing the llt1gt$lllllll5 Im5 1111111d boulders from 1111c chtIitlttl 11c1 xml 11111111 111111 311111 1311311 ii15111151 111 121111311 n11111cis has 111111 1111111 1111111k1ii small wonder theit 11111 1111111 jealously 11 11 Ill Im 1be 11 ill cardcd cacli precious acre or his clearing 111 113111 1111 r1 11111 11 1111111111 111 Iiayc cry small place 11 1111 bush or that an unscrupulous Mlltl 1111 11111 11 1111 11111111 s11 1111111 is 111 I11 lam 5111111tinies tried to claim land that neigli 119 soc arrziil bunny 111 11111111 11111 1111 slicer 11111 fiIl 111 iiillillttl that 1111 effort would 111 had rciiirctl 1111 the now 1111 illtl 1II iiioitiiiitei pcoplc not only IIIIIIIIiSiiIII iivrriccs of surveyor were hard to come by 11111 disagreements over the proper placing or 1111c Iciicc created bitter cinnin between 11111111cs who could have 111111111 benefit in be im 111 illtiltls Wtth Still illt lJUlllld1 111151 11 11111111 111 said 11111 1111111111113 are out of fashion 111 i11ct1111111111iincishut 11111111111111111 11111 pzcs 111w 11111111 soiliitwr and dccadence lhew pcoplc 111111 11 111 to 1c 171 11in sticngth loci 1111 Iiccd 111 gt1 111111 its existence and 1111 Iltiiinit stiliscrticncc to pi 11w Um ITled over from one generation ttil111 1111 Iliihtill perhaps the schools do not put 1111 Amth 1113191th 1111 Iltjlttilillllll which 11 one time was 1o11t litltIi So far has this gene that dis wm farms were hundpd down from fath niguislicd liltlILiIl author indcducator lir llous 11111 11 111lt1111 asserted recently that the schools were 11 11151111 the old markings of their limits rc inaincd some good and some bad In most cases no necessity arose for surveying or r1surveying and the old line fence stayed piit 13111 in the lastfcw years changes have come over many sections of thecountrysidc 11111115 have been passing entirely or in part out of control of families who originally held them Sale of the property has entailed title searches surveys and the exact determin ation of farm boundaries With the lines fixed by the latest scientific methods sturdy fences go 11p tO protect the owners fields and to prevent his stock from wandering into gardens or grainfields of neighbors holdings And once the source of disagreement has been removed todays far mers can go forward with their neighbors to new heights of community achievement NFlw DRUG TO INCREASE MILKYIELD new drug which can increase the milk yield of dairy COWS is announced by scientists of the Dairy Research Institute Reading England few tasteless tablets of the drug lhyroxiiie have they claim raised the average yield of each test cow by nearly five pints daily turning out weil111str11ctcd savages He thought 1111 thcy had svparatcd education and manners to sticii tltLilkt that the children were actually proud to show there was no connection That is to large cxtcnt true 111 1111s country as well Basically 1111111 ncrs spring from respect but whcrc respect is not inculcatcd 11111 attitudes founded 1111 sound stand 1iils it is not surprisnig that courtesy fails IIIIC HOLIDAY QIIISIION Iloronto Saturday Night it being now clear that the wageearning popu lation of Canada is no longer willing to work on Monday when it falls between Sunday and statu tory holiday there remains nothing for our legis lators to do but to accept this decision and register it in law by making all possible holidays fall not 011 1111 day to which they properly belong but on the nearest Monday thereto if things are allowed to go on as they are the first thing we know people will be taking both Monday and Tuesday off whenever Wednesday is holiday and after while it will occur to them that it is 111111in to come back from the country or the races or the seashore just for Thursday and Friday and what started in to be WEDNESDAY llOlldiIV will be another week off And we must say that we are not convinced that the countrys work can be done in much less than the iimc that we are now devoting to it There are moments when we wonder whether it is actually being done now or whether we are not living to some extent on our accumulated fat TRACTOR IS NO CHILDS TOY iFarmcrs Advocatei salesman at recent machinery demonstration appealed to prospective buyers with the argument that his tractormourned equipment was so easily operated that any child could handle it without difficulty He explained that children could relieve their elders for more exacting labours by guiding his particular tractor 111 cultivating disking and ploughing operations If parents listened to such sales talk and purchased tractors or any other farm equipment with the iii tention of giving occupation to their children farm safety program would be nullified and the num ber of farmaccidcnts would grow to tragic pro portions Some of the most tragic of farm mishaps have taken the lives of farm youngsters entrusted with tractors It is now accepted opinion that no youth underithe age of 12 years should be given the icsponSIbility of tractor operation Stich an arbitrary minimum age is in itself dangerous for boys vary in their development and in their adaptability to the operation of machinery Surely machinery salesmen can find sufficient merit in the goods they are selling to provide them With convincing sales talk without encouraging dangerotmfrm practices responsible fbr the loss of tractoris not childs plaything COALITIONS AND GOVERNMENTS tToronto Saturday Night There is fundamental difference between coali tions effected before or during an election campaign and coalitions or combinations effected among the elected members after the campaign isover The former are for the purpose of preventing party wnich has not clear majority of the voters from getting clear majority of the seats The latter is effected only after an election has failed to give one party supremacy and isfor the purpose of carrying on the Kings government without the necessity of anotheHippeaHovthe voters whichmightbwequally inconclusive There is no proelection coalition in the struggle for control of the Canadian House of Commons and we do not anticipate that the election will fail to give one party clear majority It is however in teresting to consider what would be the situation at Ottawa if the election results were inconclusive There will be three partiesof substantial size and probably any two of these combined would have en oughseats to form government One such combin ation may be immediately rejected as impossible namely the Conservatives and the Socialists That leaves the Liberals free to unite With either the Conservatives or the Socialists Qd WORKERS PRODUCE MORE substantial lncreaSc in the productivity of the worker in Britain is shown by the lat est issue of the Industrial Production Index This index which covers March 1949 gives the production figure for all industries of 130 1946 equals 100 The index number for 1948 as whole is 121 so that the percentage in crease in production on last year was seven and quarter per cent On the otherrhand more workers haVe entered industry Taking this manpower increase as two per cent max imum this means that the improvement in individual output on last year was slightly higher than five per cent THE ACE ELECTRONIC BRAIN The latest techniques in the development of the Ace tthritish Electronic Brain wereshown to the public recently at the National PhysicalLaboratory at Toddington This highspeed computing machine is claimed to be 1000 times faster than any It contains numbers up to thousands otinil lions represented as sequence of powers of two The digits are translated into electrical pulses about onethird of onemillionth of second in length and about onemillionth of second apart It COME TO THE ROLLS By in Toronto Saturday Night Its June twentyseventh lock up your dwelling and Heigh ho Come to the pols AHeigh be Come to the 011st confused newised And theyre all so helpful to Voters Who cant make thein minds up for voting depend on the number of seats held by the respective parties and that the Liberals will unite with the smaller of the two The ConsorVatives cannot unite So dance down the street with jig and with the Socialists and 11 the Conservatives and their caper and stallites should have the largest group In the House but should fall short ofia majority they still could Helglb hOI Come to the 90113 not govern without Liberal aid This fact would put And useyfor advice your particular paper them in rather disadvantageousposition to bar and gaining If the Socialists should be seriously reduced from Heigh ho Come to the 901181 their present strength and should look as if their Did ydu saydtiatyouwlshyouhad notlearn ed to read Illiterate people are lucky indeed And you cant demotion the dailies They have such itiilijmr misquoting Too bad ydiir ambitions constitute no threat to th private enter prise system the Liberals might invoke their aid but for them to give it in such circumstances wouldbe an admission of despair about the future ofsocial no encouragement for any small party entering coalitionrat Ottawa On the other hand strong Con servative party in the next House would have good easonfor tolerating Liberal government for two troubles would make it weaker at the next election and it might therefore release sufficient number of its members to keep the Liberals in pOwer with out the Conservative party accepting any responsibil ity for their policies The only limitation on that technique is that no party can be forced to govern against its will political 11111111111 yet danulded Helen hot Come to thopoilsl The Press for guide is like voting blindfold edbiit thepolls liltitll IU ItthItt Illt Iltliti1 of that Liitllli Our beliefis that in that event the choice 111111 ism The precedent of the Progressive party contains dad just the man who foots the three years in the expectation that economic the training of the children are all rsibilitnyuiteuneonsciouslymany For Parents Only THE BARRIDEELMINER BARRIZ ONTARIO CANADA It Only Take One Bad One Fathers ob The father in most homes 1111 this continent is not much more than an animated pay cheque an outstanding commentator said re cently Is that an accurate description of the head of the house Is bills and put the luggage in the car before motor trip If there is truth in this statement it is about time that all thoughtful citi zens spend some time thinking about fathers place in the fam ily Being an effective father is not simple matter in the modern world The domineering figure of tyrant presented in Barretts of Wimpole Street 01 the lovable hottempered dictator in Clarence Days Life with Father are types of life gone by Perhaps Athel pendulum has swung too far in the other direction Father has be come almost too selfeffacing as far as being vital force in the life of the household Visitors from the Continent are amazed at the dominant role play ed by women in American and Canadian families The spending of the larger part of the family budget the running of the home considered to be amothers responi mothers give their husbands little or no part in the education of their children The pressure of earning living in competitive business world home from early morning until dusk When they do return they1 aretired their nerves on edge Mother Whisks the small fry tol bed as lsoon as possibleins forl teenage boys and girlsmustofl their interests centre outside the home with their own gang They are eagr to be away about their own affairs shortly after father gets home for his evening meal The adolescent boy or girl isl longing for complete independence1 Father may be the backbone of the familyfs economy and the sourcel of generous allowance but the average teenagar hasnt too much respect for the old man Their attitude is not so very different from Mark Twains description of himself in his middle teens When was boy of fourteen my father was so ignorant could hardly stand him around But it is to the great novelists1 credit that like many modern youths approaching maturity he too grew in discernment Be cause he addedzi But when got to be twentyone was astOnished at how much the old man had learned in seven years AFathersjob is first of all to see thatno one not even mother can fill his shoes in his share of the child keeps many fathers away from By Nancy Cleaver job of bringing up children How his or often youngster quotes fathcrMy dad say this My dad does that ilow often is absorbing his parents standards of good and evil In recent review of Arthur Millers Death 111 Salesman Herbert Whittaker makes this es timation This might also be labelled Failure of Father Being of our time Willy Lomaii has substituted for the pride Of workmanship the salesmans eagerness to please the reliance on popularity the ap preciation of face value These things he has instilled in1his two sons Honesty and the rewards of solemn labor he has laughed out of em tenee 313 iii la When he dies his sons rail against the old manand the tragic story points up the false values of modern family Willy Loman failed his two lads with his lack of moral standards with his cynicism towards the things of thc spirit The job of father is much morethan instilling the technique and the importance of material success What ideals are the children in your home learning from you ST TWO OUT OF FOUR ife is full of bounce for Ducky miniature male Pomeranian who was born last August with no front legs Jones Ottawa Ducky gets around with gay little hopping limit this own lill iiciidiiiustcis ilic 11111111s11111111s willi colleagues arc invaluable INSPECTORS 111111111111111 inspectors McI Clcllaii 1portc1i 1111 agriculturall scicnee both at llarric and Mine sing Booth and Jtillllllgs 11111111 1111 general inspcc scinbiics Barrie District Collegiate Board HUN SI NlHJIMINIi IUUI t1x 11 11111 1i111 11111111 6111 11i1111 Illi nll lKil K1111 1111111 iI1 111 liiuli 131111 11111 3111111 1111111 131 111s 11111 lio 111 1I1 2111 1d11ti 1111 111 111111111111 1111 1111111 11 111 11111 1111 111111 112 111 11 11i 11 11111 1111111 111111 11111 1111 JUN 11 1111i 1111i11 111111 t1 suiin 1111 11111111 Iti11 1111 1111111 intasnicr 1111111111 211111 11111111121141 INSIIIANI ll III ltuiiriproii 1111 lctlci 111111 tompai 111 tnnada 11 lIlIlil 111 11ri1 11I ll ltlttilillltlidll 11111 111 11151111wi Il1c gtci rice and 111111111111111 st1111111 titistccs 11nd 11111 illitlllllil cp1sd coniniciidii 11111 111 7112 vicn111 Willli Ill liic gt111111il liltltlld IIIINII1I 1I IIIA 111111113 rcatl iioiii liitici p111 liounan ctiiicciniin his visit fe 1111 1111111111 Educational As st111111111 c1111c11ti11n Apiil 111 Mr lioninian 1111111111i 5111111gt featincs 111V 111 1115 11111111111111111 at the 1111111111111 1111 general and thc mathematics1 lulicvc it is importan to attend such 11111111111st he said contacts iiiadc thc sideline and comparisons assembly 11 clion unrour Reports are studied by the board members 1111111 1111 dcpartmcnt of 0111 item the press noted 111 111 gcnyral report was Mitch ttthc teaching was 111 superior quality none of it was iinszitisfucI vas aboch lions 1orv and most of it average 111 lllt classes with few exceptions pupils stood for oral answers and expressed their thoughts tltlill The principal makes regular observations of classroom work and keeps re cord 1111115 impressions Copies of 11 apprunnl 2111 given to the teachers as well as totl1c board Wc Wtlc favorably impressed with the general bearing and cour teousatl nlion of the pupils at as Tlic school concert band 1111c contribution to the Mr lowman has made auspicious beginning in his first year as principal of this school llis zid1ninistration im pressed 11s as being kindly and ef ficient There are number of extra curricular which offer opportunities for pupils to develop special interests Among these is the Glee Club lIINESING REPORT Mr Jennings visited Mincsing and reported in partI was favor ably impressed with the general spirit of tile school The boys 11nd girls are respectful to their teachers and cooperative in report ing the lessons assured themi ahcy would find sincere welcome it Barrie next year and would be able to fit into classes without lifficulty if they would continue 50 do their part SCHOOL BUSES The following recommendation will be forwarded to the depart ment That all school buses in On tario be painted uniform brighti and distinctive color and thatalll traffic be required by law to stop for standing bus DEMONSTRATION PLOT Application will be made to the board of parks management to lease the three lots on Bradford St north of Brock St for per iod of 15 years for demonstra tion plot for the school agricul tural classes SMALL GYM FOR CLASSROOMS It was decided to have the small gymnasium converted into two classrooms and the property com mittee is to have the1work com pleted during the Summer The makes program an organizations library is to be equipped with tables and counters WIIhoul Endorsers No hank type security Terms to still you Casth day The pet of 819 111111111 111 1x11111111 llolve Square 11l 11111314 111 11111li iliit 1111 1111 111111 llt Jitis 1111 1121Ii11111 111111i1 iaii1iii1i 11 11111 1111111 11111l 1111 1111 1111 11111111111111 111111 111 1111 liitil i1111 11111 1111111211111 ll TORI Nlt GENERAL TRUSTS ii 11 1111 H1 11 ll111 illfll 1Z1111 11111 1111 1111411111 Illtillx s11111111111111111 211 for Stunt 16 1911 THURSDAY JUNE pi Wme MM 11111 ltltlt 11 11 iiltti 1111 111 it 11111111 111 111111 111 1111111111 11 111 11111 111111 1111 1111111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 111 1111 11111 11111111111 llti 1111111111 1111 lllllllillilrll 71 chitin 111 $211 111 111 1111111 911111111 11111 111111 UNIF 11111111 lllll1llli Mil 1351 All Hi le 111 11111 111111111111 111111 1111 111 iicca1 111 111 iioiii 1111 111 111 1111 111111111 iiiczils 1111111 411111 11211 l111 1111111 111c $1 Pres Canadian Bankers iinchiii v1 IIIIACYUIIII BUYER director and gen eral manager of The Provincial Bank of Canada who has been clcctcd president of The Canadian Bankers Association NL TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD 11 Slessor LICENSED AUCTIDNEEI HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Phone 2577 Barrie OFFICE 55 Elizabeth St WWWUFTT 121111000101111 FINGERTIPS The Wilson Building Phone 5533 3111111111111111 I111 11151111111115 Wei Pay Good Used Cars HAROLDIIILL LTD CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO BARRIE SUPERIOR FUNERAL SERVICES ol Idgmlymd BMW WI 11 mil 1mm Lloyd Steekley IIlNIRII HUME IIIUNIE 551 HARRIli 2DAY SPECIAL iowuurAiiis To EASTERN QUEBEC and lhe MARITIMES 150i hm hum HI day Down East 1kf visit home 11 awzi withfriends 11151 summer fares return limit 21 days with swpovers permitted JUNE 211m to SEPTEMBER inclusive Cantu inn yummil Pacific Railway Agni1 Cash For USED CARS 172182 Bradford St Wheii you need cash Quick as 11111 See or call yr Subsidiary ol luluMal Adeeptcneo Contention

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