Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jun 1949, p. 11

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35 ll June Allisiun tiaxiioids last Watson VlSiltfl at wrik Mr and fiiz Toronto ilrlil relatives lrli Illllltl only of Toronto Visit ed Lllll Mi iid Ill Norman ooke rimsill Ilic WA and WMS rumling was postponed lurid lediiesda lcllll 22 All lllt ladies are asked to arrive early as chire colirltltf able businew to attend to so iii if lib ii at Lctil fcv Dicker ili Willi Wiring in liurch Improved The EIllIlIS Electricians have just completed the Wiring of the Unit ed church this being done in conimcitiorailion of the late Mr and Mrs Jiis Lauder by the Land er Family The VAcornplcted the work by having the vcstry Sunday School room and kitchen Wired The lights for theserooms were also donated Soothe them with MINARDS lINIMENTi quick relief Greluliu ilu Iconouicii Fdl II 65c 01 Rub on freely and nob No MOUNT ST LOUIS June l3 Mr and Mis liaiold Flanagan pcid Sunday lll friends in Bar iie Mr Rose Sciioiilen has rc tiirici borne Ellltl Week in Torn llltl lltl mar spent lllP Aillsllrfl lllgt li=lii Laloiide i=f ittcktlltl at llrlc Mr and Mrs Joseph Shaimhan of Port UlbUIIII called on Mrs Frawley Saturday floss Brown of leiiiiskaininr spent the weekend with his moth er Mrs Brown llev Father Hayes is in Toronto this week attending retreat at St Augustine Seminary Mrs iaiiilet and Michael of Toronto are holidaying with her liltlllitl Mrs lrawley Evelyn and Margaret Icndcrgast of Toronto spent the Weekend Willi Mr and Mrs lrawley Getting Swimming Pool Ileady On Tuesday afternoon the Sunni mine liiol committee met at Ilit home of Mr and Mrs liraw lcy Miss Louise follcy recrea tioiial leader from Barrie attended Plans were made for the construc tion of the wharf and llelliZ the both houses Mrs Edmund Jones and Mrs Parker from Ebenezer and Mrs Fallis and Eleanor Edwards of Vascy attended the meeting to make arrangements for swimming lessons for the children from their district SALIVA EMENI Birds use mouth secretions as cement in making nests of mudl sticks grass hair and feathers Car wont start Dont stamp and ragef Find garage and rciirslercd You will have certain color blend of colors perhaps when select ing roof for new home or new roof for your present home but it is equally important that you choose roof that will long withstand the abuse of time and weather Care in manufacture backed by the skill and knowledge which long years of experience con tribute gives Bisco lAsphalt Roofings is You exurcr near 10 lASI Lone TIME in mind liedutiuf AB IE riiitiitnsiino Roof that will inll be Modern Tomorrow IllAli ioonnc tONDON ROOFINGS Imam siiiNoiss standard of excellence which marks them as superior Competent dealers recommend them 77 BISIIOP ASPHALT PAPERS lTD LONDON Oni TORONTO MONIREAL PORTNEUF SIAIION QUEBEC PO meow maulaiiulimp ltOll ROOFINGS SIIIAIIIIIIGSli Fills IUIIIIIP IOOFIIGLMAIEIIIB nonunion ALUMINUM rairiNsuuriou ION COATINGS mm iHlElD Ill PRUTLCTION Rt Hon Howe Speaks at Collingwood Liberal Rally Continued from page nine sciviitivc proizriiiii or Ili lllltl With no program scandal is air otliei way to draw attention and Mr Drew has gained much pub licity through scandals In 1939 he launch the charges in coir nectioii with the llren Gun con tracts Iliis was investigated by judge of llll Supreme Court of Canada and the charge was wholly unfounded As the war progress ed there was the military disaster of llong Kong This was investi gated by commission headed by llhc Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada and these charges were wholly unfounded friend of Drew told me that there was going to be some mics tion raised regarding the North Star planes and IS million dollars on contracts in the past 10 years However the session proceeded the committee on public accounts was in session for over two years and had heard nothing about it had to leave for Euri ope on goveiriinciil business and itwo days after left Drew made his charge about the North Star lplanes Every man concerned with aviation was furious Ihe TCA was raging as it was cutting deeply into air traffic After some time thought an answer from me was required and it was vigor ous enough to draw an editorial on the front of the Globe and Mail And now he has made an at tack on the Claiiadair Company This attack was made at the head lof the lakes in my own con stituency three or four days ago Since then the story has been rag iing in every paper lthink if lone man can choose his time and place to make charge then can Choose the time and place to answerand it could be in the Carleton constituency Canadair was supposed to have been turned over in secret trade to the Electric Boat Com pany of New York who were tied in with ring of munition makers Oneof the men mentioned has been dead for some time There page was congressional investigation in 193334 as to whether the Elec tric Boat Company was one of this ring iltrwas said that great mistake had been made in allow iing them to invest their money in Canada at all The Electric Boat Company is very large and important in the United States have had tele grams from an admiral and sen ator both pointing out the very scandalous talk regarding very fine company Mr Drew in his charges neglected to mention that in the investigation of 193334 the result was that they were com pletely exonerated Algin Hiss connected with the affair is under indictment in the Unitedistates for perjury and is on trial just now And he also is said to have passed secret documents of state tothe Russian Government The ridiculous thing is that Drew would refer to the hearing and not mention that the charges were absolved Canadair is near Montreal at Cartierville and during the war was under management by the Canadian Vickers Company After HARRIS EXAMINER ONTARIO CANADA La ASJ GERMANY the war the Vickers Company wished to discontinue their man zigemcnt We did not wish to close the plant with its 8000 cin ployccs and all the work we had for If to do group was named which we thought could manage the plant efficiently but we were responsible for its progress We urged this group to obtain firi aiices and act as contractors rath er than maiiagcrs but no Canadian firm would undertake the oper ation We learned that the Elec tric float Company of New York would take it as they were anxious to have investment in Canada However made the condition that two million dollars cash capital must be deposited in the companys treasury Drew has picked up that amount and said it was paid to Frankel for his shares in the company It was paid to the treasury of Canadair Mr West came from Seattle as manager The only change was that the company had two million dollars in the treasury and prior to that time under management the company was without money The board of directors are Can adian business men and the com pany is one of which Canada may be proud lts record has been be yond expectations It employs an average of 5000 men and w0lt men It has turned out work for the TCA converted wzir planes in to transport planes conversion work for other clients supplies spare parts has contracts with the British Overseas Airways and with the CPR It is fine indus try with labor relations good and local relations good It is the kind of an industry Canada should be glad to have Just why it has been speared cannot say The facts have been widely misrepresented Drew has His charges are absolutely un founded Just cheap notoriety It has been suggested that these firmsare in the habit of handing out large sums of money If any one wants to think that have taken handOut they are wel come to do so think man in public life receives the treatment his conduct entitleshim to hope this constituency will return Liberal candidate The fight is between the Liberals and the Conservatives Drewis hun gry for blood and hadresorted to every device he can Some of his candidates in French Canada are the type that we put in internment lcamps during the war years Canada is properous coun try and we should have prosper ity We have great natural re sources skill and everything that is needed for great country Make sure you have men with qualifications andexperience and ask you to cast your vote for the Liberal party and Gladlt stone Currie The Liberal candidate Mr Gladstone Currie spoke briefly and very much to the point He is well known in this saction of the riding as his grandparents had come to Nottawasaga Township over 100 yearsgt ago from Islay Scotland He believed Mr St Laurent was one of the greatest statesmen in the world and was proud follow him There had been good gov ernment he felt under the Lib eralsoand particularly since 1935 The Tory appeal seems to be It is once 00 dependents if retirement COnie ii yASSOCiaon Jn It monthly income to your you die before teaching This monthly income teldoubled if you meet with death bynocident LA monthly incOme to you in the event nounn flacci ooooodoooooooooooooooyoooqoooooooo of your total disability through incident monthly income to yo at retirement Ask forour pamphlathoutFold Protection Provides It will interest you HOUGHION Barrie Representative oration reroute oh sickness or for life Li the facts and is aware of theinu this Fall docks extended small dock builtv on the east side and the west side wr time for change lint be said 2i change to whatwwliy shouldnvi put back the clock lnc chance he would suggest and that was more Liberals iii the lloiise of ominoiis than ever be fore Mr urrie was not riiiikini any riisli promises as to what he would or would not do when he went to Ottawa However he did as sure iiis audience that he would work as hard as possible llc felt the Liberal government would be returned and asked his listeners to vote urric so that he might take his place at Ottawa on the right side of the House Preceding the meeting Mr Howe was paraded up Iluroiitario St in procession led by the KilticBaiid and the pipe band Arriving at the collegiate he was piped to the stage Dr Maitland president of the Collingwood Lib eral Association presided and Will him on the platform were officrals of the several mens and womens Liberal associations in the riclingnAIS3 on the platform were Rev and Mrs Currie parents of the candidate happy feature was the presentation to the candidates wife of bouquet of lovely roses by little Miss Penny French Mr Arnold Mc Cattery was well received in violin said civic welcome was extended Mr Howe by Mayor Graydon Kohl who spoke highly of the splendid cooperation liewhad ref ceivcd from Mr Howe on various occasions when he had visited Ot tawa as member of deputations Speaking on behalf of the candi date Mr Currie Mr Kohl made reference to several matters One of these was anl advertisement which appeared in connection with the defeating of the sales tax He was rather amazed that the Conservative candidate in this rid ing had slipped up in that it was Hon Bennett who introduced the 81 sales tax Mr Ferguson he said is challenging the sales tax Many manufacturing concerns are not required to pay sales tax on raw materials think it is the fairest tax that could be placed Mr Kohl had copy of pamphet Trust Must Prevail which has been issued by the Progressive Conservatives Atthis point Mr Kohl intimated that he had not always been Liberal in fact at the last election had sup ported the Conservative party and recalled that at that time at meeting of the executive Mr Fer guson had told of plan to estab lish in this town very fine fac tory for the manufacture of wash ing machines It was going to make city out of Collingwood wonder he said how many of you ladies have purchased one produce think he Was sighted in some respects He cre ated quite bit of dirty linen and washing machine would be con venient This pamphlet is aimed at the CCF Many are sincere in their ing but pull apart the CCF There is not onev word of constructive criticism in the face of what they are offering Vote for the candidate who will best seriie you regardless of party Vote for the party that is going to serve this municipality qu local waterfront had been neglected for someyears Much money was spent Cbut it was all political money andof little advan tage Now $600000has been ap propriated for work in this har bor and should be completed by Piling will be done improved as docking site No dry dock was extended other wise there would not be the num ber of men working there are now Five hundred men are work ing on the newrship in that new dry dock If it had not been qx tended through the government there would be 500 men looking for jobs ask you to consider where your bread and butter is coming from Undoubtedly there will be Liberal government as there is in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia If the representative of this rid ing is on the right side of the fence it will be of great value to this municipalityand this rid ing Has the member here been an asset He has been liability with all the adversew publicity that has been broughtto this munici pality and adverse publicity is not helpful Mr Currie would not ustoopto things as the man seeking Kohl spoke highly ofvthe family allowances election here Concluding Mr and old age pensions and the great benefits they had brought He of these machines he proposed to far belief in the CCF He doesnoth Re The Grenfel griltlifl pa ranged for June l7 has licci car relied Robert Holmes liliilivfi liii on Saturday from Ypsilanti Mitt after two weeks will lti daiitjitci Mrs Schell Last itttk and With Mr and Mr lioiiiiwliy were Mr and Mrs lll Barnard and family Toronto and and Mrs Donald Ferguson and Ilium oi Allandalc 25 Wedding Anniversary Congratulations to Rev and Mrs Birnl Who Will celebrate Ilii Lith wedding EIlIfllitIZii on Kate iirday June l8 Flow Home From Fort William Mr and Mrs It lloinon Lillll Raymond and Mr Norman Spoil and Lorne motored in tiallon Air ill lily iirl port Thursday evening wt Miss Audrey ltlltll wirii lLi borne from Foil William for illl weekend United hurch Anniversary The iltllltl church has ll tll fully decorated Willi llowvii ivir told of KUIIIL to Ottawa ll lilii when Mr Ilowc had llltll of iiiiil assistance in securinii flu mn tract for the mine wccpli liuzdi for the shipyard here jind tiii ltlr cutting reliif costs in this tilllllltl plilily by 50 lliisiga voun rurunr AND CANADAS The Edem ale Carder of All evening there Windalt and of on Guaranteed Trust Certicates compound interest THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Need Ofce Toronto Barrio Office 13 Dunlap Shed so you latcoo quartet by the irenfel choir Frank Ford Teach Us To fiay allllhtibnf services on June lidemale rang Bless This House Clements of Mine was the speaker for the mom and Elev iilelhm for the evening and they deiitiicd very fine messages There as pctlal name for the services morning Jilll Rupert Jesus was special music Mrs Peter ISSUED for any amount for term of ve yum guaranteed bother to principal and interest Interest chispies trialled to reach holders on due date or at holder option may be allowed to Accumulate at An ideal inVPHtlllPlil for individuals omn panies authorized by law for cemetery boards executors and oiliertrustea Conditions have been good the last few years More people are working than ever before making more spending more saving more Isnt that what you want After all you have family to think about you are planning for their future The liberals are planning and working for your familys future too Here are some olfhe things the liberals doingr Family Allowances are Increased Already bi lion dollars bas been invested in Canadas clothed fed arid housedhave better chance for an education and real start in lifebecause of this Liberal measure It has brought new security and wellbeing to countless Canadian homes In Ironing too the Liberals have taken the lead in homes ore homes have been built in Canada in relation to population than in any nation Already million Cana dians live in homes built since the war The liberal government is ready to help solve the lowrental housing problem and and municipalities Ilia Hunt the bent health program Already Ifederal grants are be ing the provinces to increase their health services But the Liberals aim is nationwide contributory everyone the tragedy of inadequate health IN DUFFERINiSIMCOE Vote to Elect liberal Candidate orchard Mccuiio INSERTED BY DuFFERINeIMooELmERAL monsoon children Millions of boys and girls are better 1Biroviding Canadians With decent has offered its cooperation to provinces health insurance plan which will end for care and the nancialistrain of lengthyillness MAKE sun THE LECT Gladstone SIMCOENORTH msamrao BY SIMCOE Nonrn LIBERAL ASSOCIATION lulu employment Liberal measurcsiare help ing to maintain eruployiricnt in Canada at record levels and at the same time unem loyment insurance reserves have been building up The government has encouraged enterprise and high production Plants have expanded new industries started up New opportunities are being created every day Old Age have been steadily increased matically and as right ouonoooovuuuouuooouulooi These are all part of the Liberal program of social betterment program to achieve national standard of social security and human welfare which assures the greatest possible measure of social iustice to all Canadians oinc is CARRIED on Hand the Liberal government But it isnt stopping there Its aim is nationwide laii of contributory pensions which will he everyone to enjoy comfortable and secure old age auto mommampmmm INSERTED BY NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE urriei with Mrs Charles Grant as pianist sang Give My Lift for In the sang lt9

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