Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jun 1949, p. 10

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PAGE TEN Tuw land that 1cl Museum Exhibits Supplied by Simone county will in ii It omen llblllult3 rahtau mbo NO 15 by ttllllllllt$ NI Hill it ili1i 1mm NEWTON ROBINSON LJ lllll iii il ili lmi llii WILL it zli Viiin iii ml lo onti in irilo ini ovi Ml it min llllrtl li il ll iitiu piii thel ill Lil ll lllii il llll iiltililiillll hint no Lllllll ii ii liiiiiv lili ilmii iiiii ii li lint Llilllfl Al lll lll I1 llii olif lllilIII IlIIII iliil isili ili liii ill lll i1 MINESING You in still buy high ii ilii Johnson Viix iii IllL popular priiil wiiiiiiii else givrt rum and furniture Il IIIH rich Iltl lm inure icniiine liiliiioiis Vax make mini easier mo Simplifies dusting No it niltvr its Canadas iI tlioice Mi ilililllii illl or llkl ll itll viiwIiiii MUIIIHYS SIIIIIIII Maurine illiij ill llltlll llliiltNN illl fl ll li Illiki iiiliflliili illll tItll MR AND MRS JOSEPH DALTON SWAN are seen above with their attendants Mr and MrsCarl Glasser oi Chesley following the ceremony which took place recently in Owen Sound The bride is the former Mary Maxine Clark youngest daughter of Mr lull ll ing is making good progress Ex cavating for the basement is now under way Congratulations to Miss Ruth June 13 Smith who was oneof the nurses Elaine Schandlen hail her tonsils glimummmml me RV Hosplml Cmowd in Bum km wvck Barrie on lliursday evening The local LOL is holding its Mr and Mrs Martin and cliurcli service in the Anglican Betty and Mr and Mrs Bob Mar Church on Sunday June 26 at litin and children New Toronto pm called on Midhurst friends on Sun The new Sunday School biiild Portraits Wedding Groups Commercial Passports Amateur Photo Finishing HOUR SERVICE tlf ELIZABETH ST PHONE 5440 BARBIE lav 08 buy tins at the regular price and coupon below entitles you to tin of The amazing fact that out of women prefer Libbys Tomato juice regardless of privawwas revealed in recent tests in 590 grocery storiesacross CanadaWe believe that the other two and Mrs Walter Clark of Dornoch and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Swan of Elmvale Mr and Mrs Swan are residing in Barrie QWEN SOUND SUNTIMES iioses white sweet peas and fern mx WAVERLEY June 13 Mr Price Is visiting with Mr and Mrs Fred Archer Joe Leitliwood of Toronto is visiting at Mr and Mrs Arch er Gordon Brown Toronto spent the weekend with his wife at Bannisters Mr and Mrs Lyman French and son Toronto are holidaying at Freeman Frenchs Mr and Mrs Donald Brown of Orillia spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Orton Brown Mr and Mrs Morris Diinkle and girlsand Miss Eva Drinkle spent Sunday in Toronto Many of the pupils of the school were sateessful in carrying off the prizes at the field day on Friday Mr and Mrs Harry Willis and Wayne have moved into the house recently occupied by Alfred lruax TheJunior ball team has been putting up good games More people of the community should get out and root to help them along Mr and Mrs Lloyd Emms and family Mrs George Emms and daughter Jarratt Corners spent Sunday with the Archers and Emms CRAIGHURST June 13 Mrs Snider spent the weekend in Elmvale Clifford Bell of Orillia was home for the weekend Mrs Hodgson was home from Torontofor couple of days Alfred White of Toronto called on Ern Castons on Saturday Cruikshank spent the week end at his home in Toronto Sorry to report that Mrs Wood ward is in RV Hos ital Barrie by litV thi llcrLlcliiill iiiaiisr Allandalia um lllgit saiiii with fitted bodice lace yokcf hoop skirt of satin and lace iii with matching shoes pink hat and FLYIIUNIlltlnth quiet wedding was performed It Sinclair Dl at afieinoozi June II lilltl when Ediiii toiionBiirioii liairlv youngerdaughter of ihe lati Mr and Mrs Simeon otloiL leiitangiiisliciir vus uiiitid in lo Ilzireiicc William lliiiton recoiid eldest son of the lLIlL Mr and Mrs Louis ltllktl llrilioii lairy Sound Mrs Walter zirler of lsllnglon siriei uf lllu giooiii was matron of honor and the grooininsrnan was Mr Walter Carter Illll Liiiilk jtlsc iilcSS on Saturday Wolt Willi printed silk grey lint and shoulder eorsage of Ophelia roses file matron of honor wore pink silk dress with grey hat Following the ceremony Wed ding dinner was held at the home of the brides cousin Simeon Cot tori ofdiarrie The house wzisl decorated for the occasion with streamers colored bells and rosisl Following trip to several Inl tario citis Mr and Mrs llritton Will reside at Paury Sound ENGLISH4lAltltUIllEltS in the first day of June 1949i baskets of Spring flowers formed lilt setting in ltllttlllllfll United Church Sliiyricr when Violet lltltll liullltlii daughter of Mix and Mrs arruilicis was united in marriage to Robert Charles younger son of Mr iiidi Mrs II Engliin of Siiiideiliiiicll Rev Robert Gialiiiin officiatedl James Patton of iilllllllgloli brol llltlllllilV of the groom was soloist He sang The Lords PrayI er and Blessed Wedding Day The bride entered the church on the arm of her father to tlie strains of Miiidelssolins wedding march played by Mrs IIend crson of Stayiier The bride was charmineg gowned in ivoryl itcrt han of orange blossomsl held her veil of embroidered net which fell into train and she carried shower bouquet of redl Miss Edna Carrutliers sister of the bride was maid of honor in yellow Mrs Johnston also sister of the bride in blue and Mrs James Patton sister of the groom in orchid were brides maids All gowns were of bro caded French organdy with halo and mittens to match their gowns They carried iiosegays of carna tions orchids sweet peas and fern The flower girl was littlel Aulda Marie Brown of Colling wood cousin of the bride in gown of white nylon with pink ribbon trim She carried white net basket of cut flowers with matching flower headdress Wil liam English brother of the groom was groornsman The ushers were Arnott Carruthers brother of the bride and Bruce Power of Sun derland Following the ceremony re ception was held in the church school rooms where 43 guests were received by the bridal couple assisted by the parents The brides mother wore grey crepe dressl gloves and Corsage andfern The grooms mother wore floral jersey dress with black accessories and corsage of white roses and fern The school rooms and tables were artistically arranged and de corated rby the WA of the chyrch who served bountiful banquet Guests were present from Kirk land Lake Cannington Sunder land Myrtle Uxbridge MountAl bert Stiatfotd Thornbury Col lingwood and Brockville For travelling through Northern Ontario the bride donned grey wool gabardine suit with navy accessories On their return they will take up residence at Sunder land Ontario HENRYPEACOCK On Saturday June 1949at the home of the brides parents Thorns ton Marjorie Roberta elder daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Peacock was united inmarriage to Hugh James youngest son of Mr and Mrs Frank Henry The wedding of red roses BarMm We hope no are many thi change The pledged to trip and lutUStlllkl in seeing first food prices are made that Way Illit innrid to iiirullrngc lion and sab of all foods horrificin Arid the Phlglrmitt Conservatives action for more and heticr housing Iiied it llliir election will intan it more housing in record nine The Conservative liiiiyis the family make it your p1iilylliry believe it opinions in ioveinininc are iiiii VEEKIV mean much to hoaxwins gt been mldmg lot to do me ii iir clothes an of Ilii iiilizl THURSQAYJ BUYSWWHYS thORMAIION St RVICE MONTREALAre you one of the many uoiiicn who liar litttll liist its llllc hill uc at time l871949 l0 From noiiasiis an li nits right now If fur lruglitc Lullwii Party is port iiianv iiupioiruii he coin nail and lilt prurith Iii liiiiilll will pi llill lol all who use talk ind lrogrrmivc purlymeo int woiiiriis mount and but 12 illo it lib5 things you Lav The Progrmslve Loiiwiihtiyr iaiiy beta its that the sales lav rlitIILIL be lowered so that you will xvii role for your dollar The are iiiculv lllltlrll or null krill helpful 0o election day rain or shim show your ltilcrld ill good goleriiiiieiit by voting livery vote for the Irogrnsiie liililtldllu Party is step toward better and This message is contributed and paid for by the Progress of us ive Conservatiw party more secure lllllllt for all Cur Sn It New your familys favorite friiilsilad so ile cup pineapple jiilc Here Today Gone Too Soon thats the story of the tea $45 any sons fruits But theres fine way to it ve year round enjoyment of summer ripe fruitsthanks to CERTO Fruit Ieclin For with Cerlo you can preserve all the choice rich flavor of fullyripe fruits in jams and jellies so quickly so easily Ile cuiise Certo recipes cut the boil ing time to just minute for both jams and jellies And results are always sureeven for beginners if they follow exactly the tested recipes in the booklet under the label of each Certo bottle wtlie crispest lettuce fog with IllClNZ VlNEtiAltSiiged iriil rnillowui in wood tJl theyre flavorperfect lliis Fluffy Fruit Salad Dressing will bring out the his in your fruit FJllltlil Combine blending thoroughly after each addltlon li cup sugar l9 teaspoon salt 15 tablespoon flour egg yolk litions on warm June drin You ran the frrgtiltl fruit be sure to make your llrlfx It cup orange juice and table upcom Heinz White Vinegar Cook stirring constantly until very thick Cool old In sillllv beaten eaiz ridingL PdIIy Month 13 This Mono or Juno and be it small friendly iii gathering or eoiiic thing more pliltlh iiillltl tho in host ess knows what joy it iii to enter lllll with JIILLt close at liiiiiil For tliercs no end to the delicious varieties of lgtlILS and that are possible with lell salads Jellv Powders iiigwith Julii coni liining so beautifully with the summers bounty offruits and vegetables the list of enticing favorites is almost lIlllSl Servo quick easy and Wonderfully Coll omical lellO desserts and salads offiir There are sewn delicious lockediii JellO flavors Welcome The Summer Sun with newlooking curtains and upholstery economically Tint cxdycdl summer run in gayly colored bcacl and playtimeclothes made to look like new with the Tintcx beauty treat IIave fun under the ingredients Il NTEX COLOR merit neccsmr REMOVER and All ahric Thith Torts and Dyes Suh Lf tract faded color with the Color Remover and add summerbright color with Allfabric Iinlexl Allfabric Tintex comes in wide range of fashionable shadeseliminates all worry and guesswork from home dyeing Just follow the directions on the package Ask for Allfabric Tintex tomorrowat your favorite drug department or variety store 0nly 15c package wedding music and Mr Grant Mayor was soloist The bride given in marriage by her father were gown of white brocaded satin fitted bodice and long sleeves and full skirt of double net over satin Her fingers tip veil fell from pearlstudded headdress and she carried cas cade of red roses and white carna tions Miss Dorothy Turner of tirad tord was maid othonorrin gown of Nile green nylon bodice full net skirt with matching head dress She carried cascade of yellow roses and carnations The flower girl Eleanor Jackson sister of the bride wore pink feather organdy gown with headdress to match She carried nosegay of pink roses Stanley Copeland brother of the groom was groomsman and the ushers were Bruce Jackson and Ralph Houghton The soloist sang Bless This House before the ceremony and Ill Walk Beside You during the singing of the register reception followed the wed ding in the church parlors The mother of the bride received in grey and black gured silk jerSey with black accessories She wore corsage of red roses and baby mums The grooms mother wore grey crepe with navy accessories She wore corsage of red roses and baby mums Guests Were present from Torl onto Granton Beamsville and Barrie For the Weddingrtrip the bride chose pale blue gabiirdim suit with navy accessories Corsage of red roses She wore The young couple left on motor trip through Northern Ontario and on their re turn they will reside in Newton Hobinson 4gt TONGUE WAS GAUGE Befbre modern chemical analysis was used in the process of making leather soles flexible tanners gaug ed the strength of tanning by tasting them sad SOUS kind to your lovely hands solutions shoppers wouldhave chosen Libbys had they sampled it Thats why were offering one tin bf Libbys Tomato Juicefree so that every family in Canada will know thefunsurpassedygardenresh goodness of Libbys Canadas favourite tomato juice We wantyou to try it NOW so youll buy it again and again RememberLibbys has more than avour to recommend irits an excellent fsome hotweather thirstqueiicher for yoiiiig gsters and grownups tooSo clipchis reopen and get your free tin right away TO YOUR Pununillil slim THIS COUPON ACCEPTABLE AT ANY LIBBYSDEALER ANYWHERE THIS COUPONENTITLES BBARER TO ONE TIN or LIBBYS TOMATO micami with the purchase of cine at the regular price I71tlaiupu336337orhiiimSaiiiypiijghuatiofiin1h no no Ianvn or no no foor on polyp9 TOIDEALER Thisouon Will be redeemed at the going retailiprlce pg tropics chateauioim at nnnnnnpn nmnynnq dietary source of vitamins Aland C411 whole ancf Mrs hos Hodgson were in Toronto at the weekend We are quite proud of our school baseball team They have played well Lire Reg Bertram of Elmvale vtSlted her mother Mrs Snider on Saturday Douglas Readman and girls To ronto visited Mrs Readman dur ing the week Mr and Mrs Perkins Toronto were visitors with Mr and Mrs Currie Baldwin during the week Mr and Mrs Lorne Sommers and son Torontospent the week end with Mr arid Mrs Sam 311813 Rev and Mrs Wm Newman egent the long weekend in OWen and where MrgNewman takes the Sunday serViees Mrs Newman Mrs Sinton Mrs Ern Ellsmere andRev Mason attended the WA Deanery at Fair Valley on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Laidlaw and Mr and Mrs Frank Laidlaw Toronto ViSited Mr and Mrs Cur rie Baldwin at the end of the week on an mmun mar an mono 2114 Skinny menwuiien ceremony took place under an arch in the living room which was de corated with baskets of eonies iris and spiraea Rev Dog gett of Trinity United ChurCh Thornton officiated Given in marriage by herfather the bride wore floorlength ivory satin gown with fulllength veil and halo headdress wore the grooms gift gold cameor locket Miss Mona Henry sister of the groom was bridesmaid in gown ofDale pink moire taffeta with Dinkfflowersinher hair She car ried pink and white carnations Little Miss EleanorPeecOck in rose taffetaand carrying nose say of asters was ower girl The groomaman was James Pen cock brotherrot the bride Nuptial Benetiiction the ceremony Mrs Neville Jamie son playing the Wedding music The mother of the bride wear ing navyprinted silk with navy accessories received the guests She was assisted by the grooms mother Wearing black and black accessories Both were carriages of roses Aboutso guests sat down to wedding breakfast The bride undiaroom left for weddin trip to Northern 0n tario he bride wearin grey gabardine suit with odd necesr series and corsage of red tons CRAIGJACKSON Rev Burton ofciated in Newton Robinson United Church on Saturday afternoon June 1949 at oclock tor the martin or Mary niizaioeui Once doughv ter of Mr and Mrs Dulton Jaclv son to Lawrence Richard Craig of Mr and Mrs Russellcupex land Mrs Grant Mayor played the She carried bouquet of red roses and Satirist Neville Jamiesoneang during Trashbummed perfectly soft amazingly strong Pure white titanic wonderfully absorbent properly balanced for bottom sud strength nous 2259 SHEETS an ii toov1uiitii Pia outlet

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