MONDAY JUNE 13 1949 arris Nose Out Camp Bor 1W 1l Motors Still UnEeEe l1 Folft it the den 86 1111111 zippsimily 11111 11111111111 going 111 111 12111111 11 11 In 1111111 lllfrr 1111 llowmu slug 7L 311 it Hi 51111 Jim 111111111111 nunital lul Azu 11 MM Ml ll1ll lllllil lldlett ill lli1 Lquzl 111 11 1111111 1111 buttti 11111111111113 11111 sunr ll111l 111 11 l11lii lillc 1111 21111 ilJ 31 111111111 tl 111 111111t 1111 11111411 1111 11 l111 Ulllktl down took Elliott 11111 11 1111 11111 Scmliiti and Al11x11ndcr in Ithn 1111 11 11i1 j11 11 111 111 111111 1111 gunu 1111 1111 EEC 11111 11111 11 11 11 Ml UNIM 1111 lii 511111111 tiiunks to i11 111 19111 111 111 11 1111 3111 11111 saipplird by his 14411111111113 A1 111 111111 11 111 111111 111 11111111 turning 111111 111118 1mm 11 J1 11111 11111111111 1l111t IiHI 131111111 Hutchinson Doug Rum l11111 1111 111 111 111 21111111 11111111 111 111 111 11 l111v Harris and Lows bud pup111 1111 111 11111l 1m f1l1t1111111 131 11111 1111 11111111 for thc VinmIs tl111 ll 1111 111 1111 11 121111111l 11211 111 tl11l 11112 11111111111111 tli111l1t1i1111l JET EQIHEFD iillill On 1319 mow TDmnpq 11111113 1tt1i111111 111 11111111111111 Jun 3111111111111 111h tliicrfur l11111111 1111 1111 111111 1111 pliuirs is 111w 2111 1111 1111111111t W11l1111 1111 1111111 11111 111 hr 11111111 11111 1111111 1111 11111 111111 urcrugr 11111111111 1h11 RCAE JIM l11l111111u1l 11111111155 53111 ll111 gt11111 31111 811111 1111111 111 111111 1111 1111 11111 11111 11Il11l11 1i Andy 11111l1111111 1HiUgt illllt Alix Allxundfr more Km 1M 11 11211111 11 111 1111111 1111111 1111 1111111 11111 11211111 1111 111111 111mm and 5111111111 11411111 l111111 H11 11111 11L1 111 311 111 Mcfnrfnnys 511113111 bill that was all 11f mm AH AW 1me It Mr Mrrannpy Hm ARMS my Brmwr heooi11111oesame 11311133330333 11 ml HH mm Hump 11b lltiltlllllSUH SS limnsziy 111 11111 J11 111l111111 1111l 111 11113112111111141111 1111111111 11111111 111 Shlvhk mva Knapp ml VJHVI lllu 11211111 11 1l11 111411 111111112 an ll Nuns Im rr Hut 111111 113 tl1111 liitn 111lt 11P1 WW 74 mm Mk lit Al 111 1111111 211 Audcison mm wm 1111111 11 11111121111111 1111 111111111 111 111 tl11 111111111 111111l1 11111111111llxl NHI HM hm Wm Scotflier cf Alcxundcr 111111 proud to I11 tl111 11111 1l111 1l11l111111l b11111 111111111 1111111 timt 11111 11 VIilkei 1111 1W Em and um hm My llhlllltlx Doug llnlpcr plutc 111111111 l1111 1111 flz11 lilillthllllilln 11111111111111 lh11 11111111111 1111111 hflf 4001M 010 fly iEUIttF STOREY lllllltf 1174 1111 ll111 1111111111111 l1111111 111 1li1 2111111l1 11ml 1111111 11 1l11 fiffii Rt 100 001 1t 1111 111111112111 1111 ll1 il Alfollni 11111 1115 adizcd in tlin 4Qs33j lluiizx 11111111111111 t11 l111 11111 1111 ly Innis 1111111111 11111 1111111111111 ll 1111111111 ll11 in tho 1iizhfl1 11111 ninnznzml 11 11lly for 111111 on walk l11111l Norris 1111111111111 1111 M1111 ll1n11s fly out 111 1111111111 1111 111111 by tl111 Mnforuun Alt11 111311 111lilt1Itl11r11l ltllltlgt1xfl1 1111111111 11111 111111I1111 73 Hm Wound llitl our walk 11111 1111111 111 Slitltll llltll 111111 1111111 II111 111lal11 HITS NEW HIGH 111 opALITY AND NEW LOW $2 7133 IVORY $2995 1f 511135 BEAM rowan ourrur AUTOMATIC 111011111 comm HIGH mum AUDIO mm 511111ch nmmc smxsn AcDC OPERATIO Exquisiter moulded plastic cabinet in smoothsssilk nish Superior long distance reception lnfallible selectivity You will thrill to the rich smooth elastic and colorful tone Why not have the best when you at the lowest price Ouglis Hardware gt 80 Dunlop St BARBIE VPhone25576 311111151 See 1111 many sons follow1Dads taste In tobaccoOld Chum And its only naiurala Old Chum has the right rich fresh avour for dayin dayout smoking V1 Youll nd lot of good smoking in pacing or halfpound tin of Old Chum Man whofffu 11 Tobacco 11111111 always good 15 Lakeviews Swamp CGE Extend Softball Lead lntermediate Group Lnkcvicw Dairy 11111111111111 their lcud in the intermediate softball 111111 Friday night as they swumpcd ifhc Dairymcns fifth straight win lllflg mom rccord of six wins and onc defeat zivcrngc of 162 pcr game 1111 definitcly powcrpuckcd 31 grcpution with plcnfy of dcpth lhcir pitching is solidly 111111 of by Alex St Onge worked six fuccd lfl buffcrs and funncd which is an enviable record in any lunguc He only allowed two hits during his stay Schundlcn took over 11nd allowed one safe blow Lultcvicw got off to slow start us AI Ruddick kept their hands tied for two frames They only counted once in the second that on 1111 error but in the third they blew the game wide open double by Chcdd and home run by Charlie Courscy accounted for major portion of the six runs which crossed the plate They add Ho 1111 five hitsgand three in the fifth CGE were unableto hit the score sheet until the sixth when Lloyd King made the rounds on an error Lakeview got it back in the seventh CGEs naily consist cd of one marker in the ninth Thurlow and Lawrence paced Lakevicw with three hits cuch vhileRed Daviesand Coursey were next in line with two each Jcrmcy King and supplied CGEs only safeties CGE Jcrmcy King lf Wil son lb Walsh 53 Boorman 2b Mar tin 3b Schandlen cf Fleur 11f Ruddick LAKEVIEW Thurlow Chedd 3b Hadden 3b Glenn 2b Davies 3b Lawrence if Frame lf Roach cf Coursey rf Spence 53 St Onge UMPIRES Bud Knapp plate Steve Hines bases LEAGUE STANDINGS BARRTE SENIOR SOFTBALL decided to promote junior calf clubs in the province AN EXAMINER WANT AD Gll 192 ll Qucens Purk lf wus 11ukcvic111s l9 runs gave them a1 total of 114 in seven gamcs for 11111 They takcn innings of this tilt ll 11d another eight runs in the fourth Schandlcn luNlllISlASlS 11111 11111111111 111111111 1111111111 tl11 811111111 Sim 1111 buffuull 1111111111 1111 l1111111 N111 in111 11 11111 How 111111 1l11111 but112111111s1I1111111111131111oniu111111tu111iiv11 111l 11111 111ll 1111111 flu11 1111k 51511111 11111111111M111 Hl hm i1 Mi HH lllmi HM six 1111ms 1111 11111lt11 futii flllhihtll11v1 11h Mummy of 11 iltiitiul lllll ll VANS UPIMM It this 1111 iilfif l111lu111 111lH 11IHH mm mu The IIHIQWQHII 11 1111112 11111121l 11111 111 f1flll1lt 11f wmuhlm 11 11 IN 11111111 111111 11f i111111 l11 1l11111 Liked pomw mu I1111 l111 111311111 1111t1111l1ul 11111111 but hm Inlbhd mp1 111111111 111 hoiuc 11111111111111115 ll11 1111111l11i111u 11 fill flu1111 111uk11111 I11111111 fl111111 up 111 1l111 pluyiuu Slltlllgtll 111 1l111 111151 d111un1111i11g 1111111 ll11 1511111111 111l111t 111 Lilltullllllll llltl1llllthlllilflltilll 1l111 thus 1111 but fun 1111 1111111f11nt11l nlltilli 11111 111 l1111l111l 11111111 f11111t1 1111 fhi lflltl chum 111111115l11p Ill11 111111111 1111111ultly 111s I111l1l by t1111l1xt11un 111 lfHTvltl llllllldfllfxinllrIll 1111134 111111 51111119 11111111191 111 1111111 1l11111l11gt1111 1l1111 Cindi 1h llIllllfilllllgllllll 111111111 111141111 11111111Vl1ut 1111111l I11 1111111111 UV Illnm Mixedth 111l11I 11111111 l11 l11l11115 l1111 11111151111 1111l 11 gt1111111l111 f111111 tl111 11111l1 mm 111 llli first round 111111 11111111 tl11 gt11c1111d 11f 1111pi1 1111111 llutltlicv 11111l11l liclp to curry 1111 STEVE SIMONE has pitchcd good ball for lllf liiidcfculcd crow Lust 5111151111 lu produced pltcll1rs drcum lmllll muttst His support was fair and tli1 portion of the batting order hold up thcir 11nd and still 111 111111l11l something 1trl Wth Mount llcusunt fuldcd Bradford won rights to Lloyd iiffcn and Matt Kncrshuu lhc fornicr took o11r shortstop duties and thc luttcrpcrformcd in right fitId This is just what thc doctor ordcrcd liflcn is consistcnt liittcr wholc Kncc sbaw polcs from tho cleanup position Bradfords prublcm is now solvcd and NW 11n dcfinitcly thc t11nn to knock ovcr for the murblcs MEANV1III1I1I11II11 pcrcnniul strong 111115 CUUliFlUWll md Churc liillIi1vc bccn forccd 111 111111111 rcbuild 111 fill 1111111111i11s ll1r1y 71111511 prcstdcut of tho 11111131111 is currying thc torch for 1111ksf11111n llc has 1111 infield mudc up of practically all youngstcrs 111111111 lfili ycurs of 111111 lli11r11 is 1111 doubt 1l11111t it they 1111111111 111r1fi1 l1111li11141f111111 Cousc but fluy 1111 ulso contributing hits by tho bushel llull lic licvcs the futurc yours will 51111 Cookstowu 111111 of 1111 strongcst in the league 11111111 thcsc luds cuin cxpcricncc Churchill 1111111 111111111 upon the pitching 111 M1 lllultc Coustublc l111 suffcrcd his loss to Fcnnclls 111 1111tz1i11 Icizrcc but thcy l1111 good prospcct 111 lion Browning Don is yours of 1111 H11 is filling the 51111115 of 1111 stublc very wcll while his mutcs 111111 of mu ficuvicst hittmig clubs in the circuit belt their way to victoi i115 TOTTENHAM are also icbuilding 11nd arc 11xpcctcd to bc powerhousc bcforc long Fcnnclls with lord Killtslldw lmrlinir and Constable rcudyif needed 11111 bc lookcd upon to upsct the applecurt if it is going over 11 all At prcsclit they uc sitting in second Tthl closepn thc Bradford hccls Bond llcud have failed to hit the win column duc to incpt pitching Other wise their club is fair with good fielding and hitting If they can latch onto uburlcr with any ability whufsocvcr they can cause plenty of excitement btlorc thc mcrryguround stops llcncc the losingr of Constable by Churchill thc obtaining of new pluycrs by Bradford and Fcnnclls 11nd the rebuilding pro grams byACookstown and lottcnhum have injected into the league balance balance and more balance Wantedone pitcher for Build llcud HERE AND THERE ROY MASON was rcturncd to his duties lust wvck 111111111 il11 1i1ill of 111111 11111111111111 of munugcr with GllLlpllBlltlllOlLS of tin OllA lunior inftcr 1111 nbscucc of one your Roy retired from the cxccufivc lust iFull after 21 disputc with civic officiuls ovcr muttch concerning tnc gncw arena However he is back in action to inaltc Guelph tcum 1complctc once more Every your Roy has munugcdlhc Junior 11 entry for the Royal City witl cxception of last season GRAVENHURST is moving Il along in sporting circles Thetown will have floodlight bull in two wceks time something which Barrie needs immediutclyto save the game The plan is to have two out denei in cleaning up and getting hardhitting heavyweight Parker ready for the new season but like will mix with Lyle Staff of St all drastic remedies it can also be Catharines who is managed by abused Keep an eye on that Amos Dorsey Dorsey fought Camp re Campbellt0n NB Tribune Bordens Fred Brown 111st Winter HTHE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA ated Gages StOp 11 11 1l l1 11 gt11111 11111 11 11 11 r11l11l 1111 I111111 l1 i111 1311 111111u1 ti 111111 1T11 11 11 111 11l111 111111 Z1111 li11 Inn 1111111f111111 11 111i 11111 1111f 11 1111 111111 11 11111111 1111111f 111111 1111i1l1l1 111 111 111111 i1111l111 111 fi1i11l i1 111 liv HAGAN 11111113 1111111310 1113 WIN 31111111111 lligi litlllil 111i1 ll iy lll111l1 l1uil11I P1111111 ll111 1111111 11111111 1111111 111 tl111 1111111 51 1111 in ylellV 1111 11l1111l11 ill l7111 11111111111 1111 111 P1111111 11111111 111 111111 lult 1111 It 11 The 13111115 111 111 ill f1111il 11f tl111 pull 13111 11l 1111 1111 1111l1 111111111l 111111 All 11111 11 1l1111 t11111l1111 111111111111 11 1i111 I111i1l 11111 1111 l1111 1111 111 111 11111111 1111 1l11 l11111 factor 111 fl11 l1111lt 1111 11 1111111 1111111111 151 111111111 111 511111 11111111111 wulkml 51x 1111111111111111111111 111111 111 l1is 1111111s ll 11115 111iiif11 l11111111 111 hr 1tl1 t1111 111l1 1111 liotly 1111 lie 111u1lj1 111 t11111l1l1 That in H111 top l11lf 111 lh11 ll1u1l inning 11l11111 l111 1ll1111111l 11111111 1111l l11ul1l1 1111I 121111 111111111111111l to 111lk fl111111 ill 11111 it 11 1n tl1ir 11111111 il11f 11111111 brokv st1111l1 1111 11111 look 20 l111l 11x l111111 11111l 11111111 I1l11 1111155111l tlu 11112111 111 it 1111111 111111111l tl111 111119 1111in in Afllltr fiftli 1111n11 up t11 llllS l111tl11 lSlllllltS 11ml igtltuui1 11111 111111 111311 lJlil l11 111111111l 111 111x11 11111 11 i1 n1tl1 only our 11111911111111114 Altii lit1111111 1111 11i11111l 111 tlngt third llurru 111f tl11 11111 111 flu11 l111lf of lllllilitl lo 111111 may when l1ul 311114111 rns ginn illlt 1111 1111 1111111 llllllv H111111 11111kinu his first Stilll 11f fl111 31111131111 l11ubl111l 111111 5111111111 1111 Wultci Longs single In 11111 fottltli tl11y wont 1111131111 32 on hits by Wit ilf1ll1tll lim Struchun D1111 11111111s12111d llnunn Ilicy nddcd tl1r1111 11111111 in flic fifth McArtlnir luul 1121111115 and Iluuuii scoring 111111 p111cccdcd to solidly icc thc 141111111 rith firc in thcsixfh Flycrs came up with 1111c 111 llltll Ibcttcr 1111111115 at tho plutc Thcy collected total 111 ll hits ofl Hill of Bcctontlircc going for extra bases Roy Law was the only monibcr field standards withlsix lights cacti and four infield standards 1111th 101 1110 MM 11 failed gain Harris 101three lights each The standards in the outfield 111111 to be 50 fccticmdit fur safe b10111 Gage high with the infield standards 40 feet HARRIS MOTORS of Don EmmS pmli 31111111111 Dun Plysons 2i the Barrie and District Senior Softbull League have decided to withpoiand and Bi Hagm putN 11111 RCAF draw from the newlyformed 1Simcoe County lSocitbull lgopJ They could 11mins 1111 two hug each not combat the problem of paying space 11 iamon Chi inusc Jack Dale Bancm porter and SOUTH SIMCOE SOFTBALL when their opposition visited the town Only one answer mobre play1Keamssupplicd BegumS mm mm df ing areas BOB CHITTICK will be absent from the Piysonsl BEETON Dale 2b Barren CL inneos 413111lle lIneup Tuesdayffwhgn theh Grileifs tackle lllurrils Mptor unwatson 1b Stewart ss Porter Queens Park Bo su ere ippc ingcr on he ion in Bannisten Summmjachnie ggalitggv Thursdays fixture with Gage Motors Ff Kearns Hi BARBIE McArthur 3b Simon Bond Head 13 an lb Emms 11111111211 Brow INTERMEDIATE SOFTBALL cause Hurls 4Hier 19 Eb Loni Poland aw mms 11 zigun Lakeview 121Leads Cookslown to lccton 003 010 01 111 11 C9103 81 Win Over Tottenham WM Minesing the fourhit 0f LOBSTER Legion Harry icouse COOkStown trounced Carniaidian fishcrv scientists esti Tottenham152 at Tottenham on LADIES SOFTBALL zinste that by the time Gulf of gallimfg aTltiixiinlggcegiecoisl St Lawrence lobstcr is four years Newmarket Churchill in the Simcoe sotbll Four prOminent boxers of Barrie told It has CBSI llS shell 23 times Barrie Valley ball standings and district will participate in thcl Midland Th t111egula11 ring show staged by Disl Stransmans me Sixfgmshelnlscgistxjfbligke 11101111 Athletic Club at Oakwood SOUTH SIMCOE BASEBALL out in rash Hurlers Couse and Ed 111 Bill1flhornton were throwing tr 1e ric ball the former giving up two Syd Taylor Of Mldhurst Toe Ba Alliston hits and the latter ve Peters of Barrie Don Waltzice of Ivy Cookstown held a12Olcad going 51101151 and Fred ligandley 0130s Stroud 13 15 info the sixth when they blasted 0f 11 camp B01 6111 me 059 Beeton 113 1032s out 12 hits for 11 runs Harry scheduled on the card ITaylor Palgmve Couse started the re works with P10m15mgbamamflghfvIsslilfg Everett home run 135 leado batter tqmeetFiank Moms who tangle Utopia 111 1Tottenham came back in theii Um the 901d Globes Champion Thornton 111111 half of the frame and found Couse 01 me Umed States leceny 1131111111911211111112112231111 32131 16 lg IZIOH but that Was the end of their rie last Fall on acard spons red cregmore scoring 35 Couse fanned five of the by the Barrie Branch of the an gogglgwoo next six batters to face him adian Legion Nayor is thinking Darin 11 Altogether Couse fanned 15 bat seriously 0f turningDF0f9$i0nal SOCCER tzzsrgd Selle mmngs 101 All four boxers have becn under the tutorship of Orv Dash of Mid Alan Dawson led the Cookstown hush who has hog of young Bradford nine to victory with three hits glovbealers at his schooi RCAF Two each went to Don Harvey Barrie 011111 Couse Ernie Cam Ken lie is also sending some rmglsters Midland Crawford Lloyd Coburn 11101111 Mdland t0 Dalilagage HEIFERS FOR luoughton and mm Demott yglfeggdfgleasleld nbnhis YOUNG FARMERS Bin definstlonlw 311 cial referee for the card is Barries on an Ian CO recreation counsellor Ken Robin KAMLOOPS BC CP The 19d Tottenhams hits son British Columbia Hereford associa Barries Jim Parker Will per to 1101 has started plan de51gned TEND you BONFIRE form in the semifinal bout of to eep young farmers onthe ranch lt es recent meeting of the group Fne IS good fiiend of the gar mg ts boxmg cat am on OgtSQUARE ll1i 1111111 THE WILSON BUILDING PHONE 5533 Emmi rigrmuli gaffe lot PAGE SEVEN Nm Prysons In Sr Softball Motormen Clout Three Hurlers 138 91111111 1111t 31 21 i1 l1 If 11 111 111 11 11 I11 111111 14 111111 Examlnef 11111 111 11 Tin ports en ar 1111 14131 1l 111 1111 1111 Hva ML I11111 811110111 1111121 111111 11111 but Nmim I11 i111 11 Illi l1 l11 in ily 1H 1113 l1111i 11111 11111911111111 i11 pip L1111l11111l1111111 111131 11111111 ll leit Illtl 211 ll 21111114l11 113 1111 LI ll 1511111 li 11f Hm Lakeviews 98 lnf1r1u11l11111 1311131111Ai 111 11 Hill On Mincsmg Diamond 1111111 1a 11 11 1111 It 111111 l1l1111 Illill 11111l 11 li11 11i1l11 ll 1sle 1111111 1111 11111 11111111111111 milllhtll 11111I1111 l11 1111111l11 1111l1l 111111 1l111l 1111 EH 111111111 11111 ALUMNI my It 1lfll1 111111 111l1111l mlrnnlti l1ill1gtill11 111 511111111 11 131111111 11111 11 l11 Sf 111111lt 1i111l1111 11111111 MM 111 1l111 11111111 1111 I111 1111l111il I11111I THVHSIHH mi VF l1111l 11111 1hr 11111111 11 only 1111 111111 111111i11 111111111 lm 111 flu 11litl1 11111111 Il111 11111 1111111111111l lll31llm II limit llf f1111111l lfl flip ll ll 11111 111111111 111111 ll1111111 411211141111 ll111 iltllll 11 111 1111 111111 111111111111 1111 111111 11 mu llj11 11 111111111111f11111 11111 tl111gt 111 111 1111 Kitzlxllllmnr igt111151111 1l11111111l 111111i1111 1111 111 17 dbl IM 11111111 111115 I1uf Iliv l111 1111 if ml tinIv 1w hm ll l1l1 l1111ll lyllllllllllll lIuflcrinSimrni Vlorlvy Scliiuullcn was 1111 the Minmy M11 111111111Hl lol AlllltSllll llt l11111111l THVHHHNY 11H Iv 11111111 l1ttpl1C11l Minmun l111l11n1f Ullmmvmd 011 illu tllilll I11ll 111l1 111 1l11 111111111 Nfllt Tpm IyV llllhll JMAHH Mild 1l1111si1 l1l111111 11 lli11lf1111l 1111211111115111111 Sharing huffing honors with l11111l1 1il11nn 1111 R1111 l11111s who supl plml 111111 llllS for fi11 trips to flip iplutc H111 liouth was tl11 sp1rllt plug in lllt 11111111l1l linndluu six 11111111111 fl1l11ltl liuilcs Vlilcs c111111il111111l Il111111111 to Mincmngs 11mm itl1 1111111 1111t11 11l1111111l 1111l111111111I 111 1111111 1fl111f l11liiud flic 11111111 RUPTUREB YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF iO TNVICSTIGAITI THE DOBBS TRUSS METHOD FOR TREATMENT OF RUPTURIC VlTS BULBLESS ITS BIIIJILESS ITS STRAPLESS Exclusive Barrie Agent WHITTYS DRUG STORE ESSA 1101111 ALLANDALE llf1 l1 17 1111111 ll1Z1 ALLANDALE MOTORS For BETTER Cars TERMS JOHNSONSEAAHOBSE Outboard Motors 212 HP +5 HP AVAILABLE FROM STOCK EXPERT REPAIRS TO ALLMAKES Limited CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO ww JOHNSON MOTORS 55 Elizabeth St Barrie PHONE 2427 i3 fibuguMmw MN BARRIE WV1