DAGE TWO For Parents Only Tiny Tots Play Yard By Nancy Cleaver 11 1ll 111 11 ii111 11 11 11 1111111 Investment H1 111111 lIl 111111 11f111 H111 11 111 111 11111 121111 xvi11 luv111111 ol tli 1111M clnucll 11111111 11 3111111 111 111u 11111 11 HJPH Dr 1111111 is 11111n 11 111 ti1 11 In i11 li 111 1111111111 are k11111l 111 playing in streets ill11 1i11 lf thcrc nothing to athntun 11 111111 112111 jzlst naturally gray111 11111er alea where 111 lilltllts lb 111 l1d 1n the 111 1g111111111111 11 31112111 111 spite or tLlltllll 11 1s 111111i t1 11 and constant warnme 1111 11 111 11 til111 is apt to forch 1111 11111 3111111 111 1111 load and run 111111 Ell10 vlltlli 111111 111 path of trailic af11r 11111 3411 Alf lbw111 1111 I11 rural homc tray 1111 1111 111r 11111111 111 often get into 1111111311 1W 51 1111 1111cl11ne1y or animals Tiny 911 1111 mild 111111l 1111 111111 play material in 11111111111 111 51111111111 51 1711 11111 111 plo gt1111 cacil X11 11111111 how N1 1lll throw 11 last gradually 1111v1111 it 11111111 11s1 1111111 be 111 box 111 surround 11111111 111111tis 111 by 11 c11111111i1 approach Wand pit llll more than 111 k11p 1111111 1111 long periods of ltlll lllUE ECONOMY 11 Maxwell House costs only ll llll fraction of cent more per 1111ks 11 1Illlllllli ll 11 cup than the lowestpriced 111 paint much more for so little 15111111 more coffees sold You get so 1111111 111111 child can lxisclnating for the spot 11111 will 11w moth 1111114 1111 11 there and small boy 1111 ik climb the roof and pntnd 111 1111 plane swing 1lt iligtft v11v popular strong branch of 1111 andstout rope c1111 1111s Stilimflflce for la two1 TlT needed llf 111111 1111 1111 available 21 1111111 11 11111111 111 of galvanized 11 c111f1111and with 11111 SW Vanda11 slink deeply in Iplplu 31 iPRESOYTERlAN MODERATOR 18 111111 17111111111 11 11 11111111 ill llllllllllrt 111 lfI REV OWAN to found 111 has twice MIHtl as illodcrator ot 1111111111111 lrvsllytciy and is former illodcrator of 1111 Synod of llanulton alld London Boosts Member When Dr Towail beeanu 1111111 ltcrcf St Andrew2 711111111 lll 111111 iltoll formation of 1111 United Church of Canada had reduced the congregation from 1101 to 400 1111111 bcrs Now St Andrews has 11111 members and ill reelht years has always 11111 its budget allocations Dr Cowans interest in encour 11121 2111111111 111 11 in cement may gin 11111 111 without much expense FA sin1111 1111111111111 may be made 111111 pianir raised from the tground on sawhorse Thesame iplailk can tartolivcltell into bal iancine board by supporting each lead llll wooden box Children love 1111 $1lltllnlj of motion on swing or 11111111111131 and balanc ilng 11111111 dewops selfcondence 99 Dunlop 81 Any llt of play material which Opp Queens Hotel Artistically Designed by lholpsj child play liappily with himself or others is very worth while aglng men to cater 1111 1111llis1ry was praised by ltrv Latti morc of Smiths Falls who nom inated hiln for the Moderators of fice Mr Lattimore said the church now is calling for new ministers and he added gt Dr Cowan has led nine men in cluding myself into the millistry in the last 12 years The new Moderator is the author of two novels Sandys Son set in the foothills of the Rockies and The Trail of the Sky Pilot with Northern Ontario setting Both were based on his experiences in the ministry HOUSEHOLD HINTS Reprinted From The Camp Borden Citizen To remove match scratches from woodwork rub with slice of lemon Whether waxing floors or furni ture follow the same rules Use wax sparingly but rub more Spread wax0n floor boards up and down not across rub on thin film ofwax then polish up TOclltlrcll group which 111 1111111111 PIRAOYion tho High Seas was no doubt pork and shipq biscuit Nowadays that deli Andi Md thin dons oereal Pans GrapeNuts Flakes is eaten joyfully 11111111111 and 1111111111 made from not oraclan TWO grains runripened wheat land maltod barley please 11mg after wax has disappeal mandiedpeebmnedapricofhalVe ed It is better to use wax every alternate week but do good polish all the time LBoldhbuecdneers of today come aboard with cm breakfagngb zest when GrapeNuts Flakes are in the oiling too bocanno these honey golden akes provide lioirishment they need useful quantities of carbohydrates protein phosphorous iron and other food essentials Say Ahoy Mr Grocer GripeNuts Flakes 6N7 TAKE my time because color to thin the dressing 111 113 11 11 ji uvouo HOME rconomsr 11111 11111111111akcrs This is the 11111 111 111 strenuous outdoor 111111s111g 111111 adcd appetites lla lac11v must cat Well so it is up 111 11s to serve cool tempting 11111s Salads are the best pick ups 11 salad has to be exactly 111c1s111cd 11nd llladc One new ad 111111111 Iperhaps dab of sonic llllltft 1111 111111 Wlll alter the whole charactvi 111 1111 dish You become ciltlllaulslic over your own crea itivc ability when you maix differ cnt coillbillations However be surc to s11s11n salad carefullythe 1zlstcs 1111 test As starter here 1111 111111111 salad suggestions hoppcd lcaf lettuce sliced ladisll grated raw carrot minced 1young onions 1111 French or thick dressing Diced cheese or hard cookcd 1211 or cold meat is good addition tossed in toarscly chopped spinach gra ted raw beet scraped ollion brok 111 crisp bacon and thick dressing Diced cuculllber finely shred 1de11 cabbage chopped toillalo lilinccd chives flaked fish and 50111 cream dressing ookcd Vegetables Diced carrot green peas kid ney beans with minced raw onion land raw cclc1ywitll lllayonnaisc 71 Cooked or canned corll niblcts withh11f as much diced cookcd laililtli and few springs of pep pcrercss or nasturtium leaves with lil1jollllzllsu Cooked cauliflower pieces strips of green beans with sliced law radish and salad dressing Diced cooked potatoes sliced parsley cucumber milled together with chili sauce and mayonnaise ll Shredded cooked cabbage lrcnch dressing Tomato or perfection jelly with diced celery peas and cheese Meat Salads 10 Cubed cooked veal little slivercd ham diced parsley and celery diced Orange and thick dressing 11 Meat potato egg salad maybe spooncd intotomato shellscubed tomato mixed withb cold kidney beans and tart dressing for cold meat roll jellyroll fashion 12 Jellied meat with pieces of to mate diced prunes and nely grat ed cabbage Colorful Salads 13 Grapefruit sectionsdiced or ange cubed canned peaches and rolled in cocoanut 14 Cottage cheese with minced rolled chopped nuts and jelly mold with whipped cream dressing 15 Sliced pineapple fresh sweet ened berries mixdbwith fruit juice and crushed mint leaf half of bail ana rolled in nuts and wedges of creamed cheese One raw vegetable should be chopped coarse when other tossed greens are minced or grated 21Toss greenstogether using fork in each hand 3Add beets only at serving of their running 41115111 fruits thoroughly for salad or they will have tendency Chill plates as well as ingredi ents to hold fragrance and crisp ness Fresh fruit juices are fine in French dressing for fruit molds REQUESTED RECIPES Buttermilk Dressing V2 clove garlic 13 mediumsized green pepper nely chopped hardcooked eggs chopped radishes miuCed teaspoon salt lg teaspoon paprika tablespoons lemon juico tablespoons white vinegar tablespoons cottage cheese cup buttermilk or thick sour cream Rub the salad dressing bowl with the cut clove of garlic In the bowl mix the green pepper hardcookcd egg radishessalt and chopped nuts cubed pineapple and fruitsalad dressing with dates QlrllZN llll of the Netherlands smiles as she accents 11 llgs from ltilllxllzliltlH of Dutch fishermen 11 lletwljk at 5114111111lalace 111111111111 the 111st fresh ltillfllij lauded by the Dutch 111151111111 111 111101111111ac11 year The paprlka Add lemon juice vine gar cottage cheesi and buttermilk lllcat tllll lotaly 1111111 to con binc Serve on head lettuce sliccd cilcllinbcls shredded 111111 so on lllns 1111pc makes 11111111 gem11111 amount of dress 1111 11 may be stored in 1111 re lfrigerator and used as 111111111111 AllStar Dressing tablespoons salad oil 111 cup enriched 1111111 cup water tablespoons 1cmon juice teaspoon salt 31 teaspoon sugar egg yolks cup salad oil teaspoon dry mustard Make white sauce of first 1111111 lillgrcdicnts pour illto combined rc maining ingredients Beat rapidly with rotary or electric heater Makes cups Thousand Island Dressing Combine lug cups AllStar Dress ing hardcooked eggs chopped 111 dill pickles chopped 13 cup chopped celery green pepper minced small onion minced and chili sauce to taste Serve on cool crisp lettuce wedges raw cabbage Anne Allan invites you to write Ito her co The Barrie Illemincr Send in your suggestions on home making problems and watch this column for replies From 48 Reg $298 42 Reg $225 44 Cordee Beg $220 Pure Linen vbMEN Printed Crepe $129 Printed Bengaline $250 Printed Poplin Moire Taffeta $193 $198 Dress Taffeta $125111slrs TEA TOWELLING 111V HOSPITAL GRADUATIO 111111111tel llalrtw 11111 high hope Stir tUIllIllllilttl 113 111 111 llitlldlll effort of Sllllltlll in 11s1 1111e and Ill pal L1 11111 111 till11 sharing 111 git11 11D1lliillll Sla 11111111111 31111114 high 1111 lllellLllt Z11 consider liors milcl Nulszizg 1111 much of interest and aluc 111 111 11111 11pclltd dools 111 111111 01 1111lrllt1 The for more to present llglstti rd urglllt 11111 iaulws 11111111 ol gllal tIlltllli sllc 111111 1111 71 lpb1 WM upumd until 1111 afternoon of June liloI 311 c1rs of 1111 history of 111c ltmal Victoria Hospital since 12191 and 1111 flue splrlt of publlc scrE tU 11111 kccll Interest which had 1lw1s prevailed alilong the hos yltal lllgtlt11 and such olgallilln tions as the Volllcns llospltal Aid 8111 lttlllltl the names of follllcl 1111111 llltllllJtls and 111 11111111211 staff paying 111111111 111 then and 111 tllosc who had 11111111 the hospital such volid11f111 1n1aniyatluu llltlllbtlS of hospital was great humane l1lllilll service throbbing wlth un 1111s111 llllly and one that must 111 conducted on sound lll$lllts 111s1s Ullllkl other business how 1v11 stud Miss alllpblll hospital 1111151 Olltllllt 21 hours day every day 111 the week The Royal Victoria llospital was indeed c11lilmul111y llSStl said the speaker and asign of community stilling It stands as living tri 111111 to the 111111 and women who have labored there down through 1111 years 5111 said that she had been ain illtd at the number of improve ments made ill the hospital ill the way of equipment and congratul 11tcd the board and Miss Shanahan and the organizations who had don ated the equipment 5111 concluded that although the lloyal Victoria llospital was an ex ccllcllt one it was not large en ough Every inch of space she claimed was doillg double service She urged that secretaries of school boards service clubs the press alld radio be contacted to help with the progralll of expansion of hospital facilities Miss Campbell was introduced by Mrs Monlagu Leeds Rev lames Ferguson was chairman for About 500 persons filled the audi torium for the graduation exercis cs reception for the nurses their families and friends followed at tlle Community House Miss Shanahan land Mrs James Ferguson rece the guests at the door Reg $395 Reg $795 98c the evening Rev Newton Smltll gave the invocation and bcnedictiou ived 1ltslzllillalsj 1111 lll llIK wl Ill llll it Pure Wool English Shalllsllin 54 PureWool Brown and WhiteChecll 511 English Suede Coating Beg1595 1495 flrilleScellt Flaiinel Reg $9759 $19 QUILTED1SATIN Reg $225 $198 DRESSMAKER 1241 Dunlap St llll MAKE vw pal 111 11 June Innline of Painswirkl EWolln 11s institute was for Tues ICE The Jill at 1111 loli1 of llls 11111 Si lullv llullV 111111 t1ll 1d1n llldustiiis lllol wri Clllllt MARY STREET The above notice was not 1c At Water Front rs REEVES JEWELLERS DIAMOND MERCHANTS 76 DUNLOI ST $350 $695 Opposite Post Office Reg $279 Reg $149 grgnd sale of fine fabrics forjiinetash special 1y attractive array during this sale WOOLLENS Plaids Stripes Hounds tooth Checks 54 Alpine $198 Rayon Plaids $1129 Rayon Gabardine Reg $250 Plain and Printed i2 Reg 69 PP Broadcbtlr 69910 89c WPrinled FLANNELETTE 49c IES gt Dial 3030 FATHEIIS DAY FOR BETTER CITIZENSHIP AD YOUR PAL SIIIIDJIIE l9 BARBIE $198 CoinDot Slub 89c 59c Printed Pique We re Havmg Sale Sew and Save Week altWilsons June 1318 Yes were having sale ions Be sure to see our lJACKS LAKE W1 prob 15 21 mpianatlci day 3t ks Lake WI niet parts ittsl and pull Mwhsv may g1 11 11 ate11 W11 lhtlll ldlj gathered grs 115 ill3 1111 111 11 1111 llltytting 1qu 13 ll LIN ii1rl1 1311 to lccllg millb lfle mud and ltSLI1 Mr 17L 311111 1lliz 111 lulucl ttml 111 111111111111 mi on Eloy Tim Iiiollo thalhctcf is Fltale 11111 111111 11m lit11 by Alb f1lllail1l1 I11 the 111 1111 $11112 51 111 111 pa tlillll is lill jukl 1if hints E1114 11111 11 111ll1lll yl K1 lh ll111 111k 11111 ii N10