Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jun 1949, p. 6

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Twice Weekly MON DAY and THURSDAY THE+ BARRIE EXAMINER YeOrwqu lUIhURtlLD As snow Lbs IAtL I1 New Public School Being 311111 at Newmarket human FARMERS lPLAN FIELD DAY gSATURDAY IUNE AcC mt FAA AS Lt Li 77 Seltch ZMPege 11 iLt John Hamilton Bush Fire Rages Graduates at Queens lAt Langemark Ranges H111 iVli 33 112 liar c11111111l1ll of Elms 312 11111 11 11 Alun ll1on sIItltI lluy Punk and Dance itllnned fur Sulurdu June lint liltl hf llt 31111 i11 1x As lttfti l1v 1111 11llt1111 fiotll hi 11 It um 1ch 11l11l nuld tl111t11 zl lltltt dun 1t11l 51111 111 Satntday tltitnoon 1111 v11 jtlfllUt It V111ncgt d1111 to E117 11 ll1111t ounxinp hall l1 catntng ludud has 51x classtoozns with pt1nc1pals 11111111 11111111111 lttc hogw and gull softball il Jil 134 yarns 11ilt1111111111 at p111 uttd ii illl cltc binary and gt1111i11 malicr rooms Murra tntzdahl tlllgt vtil 211 l1cld lllll 11i111li until the fund ball my lllfl l111 11 tl1 1ft111no1n ti 41 opening 11111 1111111111111 1111l 111t11l Ii KEN ROBINSON Harm Itvtrmtion ouusrllor El1 lIIIthltllf$llili lIiItIII IIHDI l71ll Slit llIll IN lllllltl llllt Slll Ill Hit WITH SlfHli Slll tic1111 lhilc You Wait prircd at 51700 SIliAW HATS II IZIIS lllll to 5350 WORK SIIIAWS Sltc Mr lilflllll5 Ilfnc to H233 llixg 33 Iluulup st IIIIS AIICIIIIIXIS SKETCH shows the 11c pub ll11nxn pnd llitun 111 lic Mllool to be had at Ncwnuukct The school 111 11v llti 111l11l11l 1l all Hours ill 11 utx lln 1111 11L1 llmt ljt1 11ml lip111 ij and il1n11111 1111111 wr11111111 ltl Il1l Inintztzttl 12w 1l111fc11 1ll111m 1111t tin 1111lt Inuit lull gt11 llill1llltj 11 tin mots in 11i11111on 11 the 11111al1111 bull 111= tot luv 1nl gnls BUYS lilliNlS lllllrranl dash inchalt 1111l1 1111c lipound hot put 1111111111 blinul htghl innup 11l1v uvc Ml hitv 11111 lllll nds 1111l1l LllllS lIVliNlS 71yard dash Homing btoad 1111 1cl1y 11c11 ll gnls 11111 71 funds lillll higttl jump 111ll1all throw Ionc Hum311 nnxmttlcrs were appointed With tlianmcn ttn follows icnctnl Allan llrown and lint 1v lillllltltNL Park and Hall Walter oults Scorckwpms lliil lurk Ampum lltllltttl Lloyd ll1ttl111 Statb 53 llinwatd lintinc Announcer Duncan anc lltbbons lcn Dirk ct l11nchloc M1lcut1 Dance and BUYS WIIAH HAIIIIIII 11111 111l 1L11 2ll 1111t11111 with Flu1 ll 11l111d 11nd Huil Lind 1111 11 111111 lutdi 1Z1 1it11 wound and 11v1 111111t1111nl 11l1l1lr111l llzr Quite Unlooked for vhlu 111vot1E Unexpected Fire Or Accident Insure and Be Sure uncousous ll 11 11 11 inrl 1111 l111n 1111 ll 11llll Midget NHL 3111111 and ll iilli 111l to IE1 1111 15 111 tho stnrh 11donttcd1121 1lt 111d11 11311111 11ltl tln il11l linljlllt 1111111l wrc lgtlll on luwtiax 111 tin xllli 111111bc1 llHll tin ltd 11111 1ppcz1z lot 111111 1ll 11111 5111 in 1lulli md mow 1H l11l11t 1111 111o1 51 11 21151111 111 11 11111 11111 lo 2111L1 lnl1vl ll itllJlil ll lildlt fxng 111 l1 1l 11 plough or burrows is 111111111 YOU NEED FOR ELECTRIEAL LIVING me hll 0093 Fl This sketch shows the floor plan of the new public school at Newmarket There are six classrooms and the one with the bay win dow is planned for the kindergarten The GARDENING 1949 STYLE The quiet serenity of spring gardening the gentle crushing Sllltlld of spade bcig forced into yielding soil or the musical mct allic sound of team pulling being TUllNllVEll TtlllSlEll Toasts two slices at once popular turnover feature Gleaming chrome finish easy to clean attractively designed Complete with ovenware dish set of one large uncovered meat dish and two smaller covered vegetable dishes 111111111s11nw111 GHILL Toasts fries grills warms Automatic heat control law element Beautiful designed in shattered by the rude roar of the4 modern rotary lillcr Elmira lOntJ Signet RAISED FOR FOOD logs were nice raised in Mexico for food SMART ATTRACTIVE TABlE APPllANCES IO BRIGHTEN UP YOUR COOKING VAND HOUSEWORK WESIIN The familics is prcpuratlon for thc way module 175 persons Express 111 IlljtltAlNlNG GROUND All 1111111111 ilV idc BY mstinghouse tilltlllSE AUTlltilllll TDASTER Compact streamlined design toastsu two slices at once Lifelong chrome nish $1550 Westinghouse 11111511111111 Hereselectric cooking at its delicious best Cooks everything from complete oven dinners to tempting angel food cakes Treat your family to roasts thatare thor ougbly done yet deliciously tender and juicy Serve tempting vegetables rich in vitamins with all their full avor retainedl And bake perfectly browned pies cakeslbread orcookies you can uickly prepare all these foo srand many more besides with the West in be Oven sir rursr oursriuomc vuurs 110111130er Roasts tries Cooks Complete Oven Dinner suntan Antusmmum 1111111 Dial the correct treat for each fabric with thermostatic con trol Bevelled butV ton edgclonglife element NOW 47 0MB 1111111111 snot Clapperton StiPhone 3432 yewMi AT stinglhousc begin at home wc livo togclhcr 111 tltc world out crcttc between this classroom and the teachers room so that this lat ter room acts as stage for the Caldwcll Iicld Iizr to he IllI at iuclph Friday June 31 A11111111111111nnt has bccn Icccived junior farmcr OAC on l11id lition tlnsrryctu liuntcd luv honalidc 111c111h11s of thc local junior farmers association The Sclcttinn of North Sinicoc will be made at tho local ticld day Junc Simcoc to be held at tho llnc Ll ompc play at 10 21111 classroom on the right is large enough that lcuu Farm outcst Bring it can be used as uudijium t0 uccom Sponsored by Jr Farmers AssocnS it was d1111l11l lo 1ot1111 1111 At the rcccnt meeting of the lir colors of the North Simcoc llltllUl lLllglmmg courtesy NCWmiUkCl Em and Farmcls Association ltaikcs North Simcoc county wccd inspcc lary judging llliltltlltl lht annual Ilcld day for County ball tczuns aic schctlulcd to l1111y11 111111111 1111211111151111o11111111 to bc SlllClllny competitors for ltht 11l1l Hid notau lull 1111111 1111l1111 111 t111 1111311le 1111111 lllu 11 11111 HI 1111 1111 11113133 ltlllhldlt 11 l111 lit 11 wt Studnu 1Ir1vl111 lllltl 2111111 ll1llllj1 111 llll lllttftrl lC1p1c l111 lli 1ppwt11 111 111 l1 11 111114 11111111 lrlt Baseball llit llvilil Iv 1323 t111111nl llns 1c vl1 t1 junIdle and iltttth conisl b111l 111 tla 111111110 ltnadw 111 11111l11111111g 111mb 1111 tinj hotnc 1111111 111 thc 111c1nbc1 of lllll lltl7l l1l1o11 lcompculion applications to be sent in to lhc agracalttlrul Ullltt 1311 rie 1185111111 as possmic ltclll11111 and scotmg of thc tor discussed the proposed clean ifarms will start curly 111 lnnc 13311111 chool at Newmarket live together in our Soon Be Under Construction The new public school zit New grc nunblc livnlntg the stall marks will be situated on the oulh vcst corner of Sriglc Ave and tricl St on the silt of some of the old camp buildings jlhis llttsc 1ll both lwo vided lillllll illil naturally and vcry lurgt pinchcn 1111 at thc 1t111111clt illthl 11ll type of school is somcwhnlc Similbc used as play arczn by tho pupils rcccntly in Scarboro area by the same archi tects Murray Brown and Elton it contains six classrooms all on one lloor at ground level witll prin cipals and medical offices teach crs room kitchenette library washrooms for teachcrs and pupils ianitors room store room etc here is no basement the boiler and fuel roonis being fourfcct be lur to those ctcctcd low the ground floor level rather than in basement where water trouble might be encountered One of the classrooms is some what larger than normal room and can be converted into small auditorium for school or commun ity use by opening conccrtimi type of partition formed of leath auditorium when desired Off this tcachers room is kitchenette and large storage closet The stage is lanncdso that access is available to it from both sides which would be distinct advantage if the school or community should wish to use if for theatrical purposes This auditoriumwill scat approx imately 175 persons Kindergarten One of the other classrooms is 21 kindergarten with largcbay win dowfacing the south and separate junior lavatories for the boys and girls at their own individual en trances from the porches The floor of this room contains heating coils ensuring comfort for youngsters The design of the classrooms is still 01 course themain feature of the school One wall consists chicflyof window protected by overhanging caves door in this wall leads directly 3th outside and should prove useful for nature instruction or as an emergency exit in case of re From the outside wall Ian acousticallytreated ceil lng slopes upwards to an inner wall against the corridor and as the roof of the corridor is kept low it permits windows in the class rooms in the upper part of the wallLgiving what is known as bi lateral lighting to each room Each classrpom cantains ward robe accommodation with the used air being exhausted through the the in inclement v111h11 The tops of thc clnnmcy and 111 lL11llll bc ligutc lll childs tiluting shaft with carved lhi heating of thc school is donc by low pressure steam xjslcm with lhc supply of heat to thermostatically ventilation of exhaust typo classroinns lhc lgt lllt wax th control lctl thcsc rooms through the lobes and individually controllcd The malcrials used in lltc con struction have been chosen to lo adequately the job intcndcd for them and to withstand the hard wear lhcy will tcrubsc from the hands of more than 200 active boys and girls and at the same timc produce building that has 2111111 tractivc appearance both inside and out Economical is the keynote of the designxand no space has been provided that will not be in constant use Thc building will bc erected on site 550 350 and placed to give maximum play space r1111ll11111l l1 vldtlt gt111 opens lhcrc l111 bccn cnquir vcnl11alcd 11111l11111i1all13 prw construction 111l1d 1131 11111l Acting Stcr11l1clltnnctl ol thc lorotttol l11111v1l1nv will bc condtulitllt lltw 11111111l gt11111111cr school llll 31111111 lullIM 1111111111 ltttllll the tumult of July and thosc uncrcstcd 111 11ll41 1111111111at1011 from th 1111111l1on otltcc llutc appcats to lu 111 competent gtltll of 111 snurtnr 1111 thc coursc to handle li plume ol acting and thc lccs ltsl 111gt111111l Slillon drama we Jvad whcru llcd llarn Sumtncr llhmlrt wlll bc ltcld at Jacksons lotnl during lhc Stillllltll months 111111 hcrc 1x no doubt that some soo1l producltons will result Ltadcrs lruining Traintng tor llarric playgroundE loaders 1s cntcrtng its third week wtth satisfactory results Good at ililllilllll and interest is being 1gtl111tt and ti 2llllt ccrlam that ilhc eventual cmployccs will be wcll lruincd and compctcnt group lunch and Swimming liven bcforc the swimming sca ics as to lhc suitability of the Buy1 water for the forthcoming swimI nnng season 011 Monday an Exam 11111 1ri1torial note carricd tlic antl swcr to thcsc queries and we would again like to pomt out that the Enculth unit has this matter well 111 band and the public may again bc rcassurcd that should the water bccu dccmcd unfit for swnn 111111 purposes the town councill will be informed immediately and thc lliLtSSilly action takcn Burdiu Pool May We call the attention of thc Jordon swimmch to the following information Due to training t11k ing place for the life saving classesl 1r1n Airforce and Barrie per sonncll the pool will be out of bounds f1om7 to ll 011 Monday and lhursday nights until suclrtraini ing has bceucomplcted However1 lhcreis the possibility that the pool may remain open slightly later on these evenings to compensate for thclost hour ROMAN ORIGIN Bitumen is the word ancient Romans applied to the various hydrocarbons llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllluuuunn111113 ECONOMICAL PROTECTION Barns Factory Buildings Garages For Your Home ASPHALI SHINGLES eautitull UNA Bill FlRERESISIING garments hanging there ensuring dry clothing for the pupils as well as ventilation for the rooms each room being individually controll ed Each classrooma in addition contains teachers coat and store cupboard also sink with cup boards at the rear of the room forming project centre Vary in lolor Each room varies in colore these colors being kept light and bright in keeping with the airy rooms The chalk boards are all green glass with harmonizing paler green on the walls surround ing them Each room has pinup board and bookcases for the class library The oors and bases in the corridors and washrooms are of terrazio and in class rooms teachers rooms etc are of lino leum The wash rooms contain an ade quate number of toilet xtures and wash basins with 10W partitions or Homes all buildings are safer when roofed to resist re and Weather You get this protection in roongo that endurcfwhen your use Bisco Asphalt Roohhgs rooms Bisco Asphalt Roll Roongs madc with heavy felt thoroughly saturated with as phalt to make them waterproof longlasting and reresisting obtainable in either slate or smooth surface will solve your roong problems for many years Reliable dealers recommend them 11 0493 lONDON 0100 YORONIO MONYREAL POIINEUF SEAIION IO QUEBEC PO 315110 1151111111 muslin coupon noormcs 11511111111 Sumo HOOVWIND IWIIII IUIIU non aoormos suurumos mrs ultle coouuc 111111113 common uuumuu ion msuunon v00 OIIINGS NR 2111110 vnottctiou ll Ilunlop St INSIICANFIL illY 0w Everyloan lifeinsured without extra charge No endorsers required Rates ar reasonable conveni ent repaymentsi Severalploan Plans available Courteousprivate interviews rollfinmhoue orwrite FINANCE CO llMlTED god930 Your WILSON BUlrimtto gasoline PPHONE 5533

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