Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jun 1949, p. 15

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we nkeaw yun rmmmw LAs Numb IIREV AND PERSONALS Atalanta of social events and of visitors to and from Barrie and Allandilr arr apprreinrd by the sucial departlllrnt IIIUNI 2414 lel liliillsktil ii Ili llfil Hull II 7141 37 liilis 33 il hi 19 iil llv li ills ll Hi mi it tizi Si tiii lll FRESH FRUIT LIMEADE GLASS 10c LUNCH AT BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy 22 ICII7IHIII SI Trinity Anglican Church REV CROSS HA LTH Rector Organist Mrs Roberts stiNliAi lisl Vliitsullilny El QIIOIA tthMlNlON Ititll llll Illlll liiiiiniy illtl liltcilniili Itli Stltliol llilll llloilllia linyii Holy Communion ltciilnileis llitllil llcv Niwliy Iiolissol oi Ollintal Laniiiialics liililly tlllllII pmmlliNlNi PRAYER lieachci litv liilltILlellllt Executive Scciilniy RIC Gospel Hall to Parkside Drive SUNDAY llNIC 10le llIAM BREAKING OF BREAD PMsSUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS pmGOSIEL MEETING Wed PM Prayer Meeting Welcome Seats free No Collection EHML of Central United Church REV JF BEWELL BA Minister MRS LENOVER Choir Leader Mr SMITH Organist SUNDAY JUNE 1949 11 amMORNING WORSHIP Life with Jesus in the Outof Doors tChurch Camp Sundayl pmEVENING WORSHIP What does my Church the II me CHURCH SCHOOL 945 amThe General School 11 amBeginlicrs and Primary tAll members of the Sr School are requested to cooperatc ill the change of timei VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME v== FREE METHODIST Church 200 Bayfield St Phone 4572 MRS CHASE ministersl SUNDAY JUNE 1949 Tune In 900 CHML 030 am for Light and LifeIGospel program 200 rmSUNDAY SCHOOL Evangelistic Service 85 730pm Thursdayevening prayer meeting amdBiblesmaraasgamivj Strangers welcome Come and wor ship with us Burton Avenue United Church RemJ Carder Minister Mr Dempsey Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY JUNE 194s 11 amrMIORINING WORSHIP 10415 amJrlntermediate and Sr Departments 11 rmNursery Beginners and Primary N3 Evening Service glIIDIolY SERVICES 945 am IandIIIOAIS am Thurs pmH0me League Iii il ii it who havi llvt iiiiiloi and irci tic iltl ll aioda iilo llllllil Iii If lain to the llcllaviilaili lr ll it ilalich Itiil Iolonii Kl lil3il is tlv Ilflllil liil Iilililiiiiii i1 Iii iiiiiic tii Ii Illii licn sliiiil illltl SLIlI 511 lliltll Stat lil liiltliiil Hi lii litioliil Ilil iioii and opl Killlalil Sal lili lt iii Haiti Sound naming of loci lac this week tor Illlll whiiic they will tic station ii Itll Swpiiiiliiii liliy III is ll ill lhc ittlIllilllldldlltill and thank liev Lewis MA 81 Minister Lloyd lutford Organist and lioirniastcr sitNoAY iitNl lillii ll AMMOIIN1NG SERVICE rlllli llllRCH SCHOOL 11ng am ltlllltll liltellilediati Senior Depts ltl lllIYtltlll Mens Class illllr Nursery legliiiicrs and Primary llcpts pm IIVICNING SERVICE m2 Collier St Baptist Church Independent REV MITCHELL Minister SUNDAY JUNE 1949 llilnChildrens Day Service IltltllliBIBIdE SCHOOL inIltVFNlNG WORSHIP Communion Reception of new members wde pImINpmyqr Bible Study of the late Mr and Mrs Robert COR DIAL INCOME The Salvation Army 60 COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly Worship Sr Captain and Mrs Strachan SUNDAY JUNE 1949 ll amHOLINESSMEETING 230 pmSUNDAY SCHOOL pmEVANGELISTIC SERVICE Wed pmFellowship Club Tllltls pmPRAYER MEETING Welcome Awaits You St Andrews Presbyterian REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister Mr Craig Hamilton Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY JUNE 1949 11 rimMORNING WORSHIP Preacher The Minister ll hmTIIE CHURCH SCHOOL rimEVENING WORSHIP Preacher The Minister COME TO CHURCH GRACE GOSPEL HALL 37 Mary Street SUNDAY JUNE 1949 lIIlIoo amIBELIEVERS MEETING 945 amSUNDAY SCHOOL biiiiilaosesi MEETING EVERYBODY WELCOME Emma First Baptist Churth REV LUCK BA BD Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley ATCM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY JUNE 1949 950 amSUNDAY SCHOOL Iii amMORNING SERVICE Subjectl In Remembrance of Me ismEVENING SERVICE Subject God and Human Freedom Wed pmPrayer Meeting caiiiisifuiaiied Church F== lIlli lli lit ioizzl ha witii Ill ti liiii it lillt Llis i=3 llii MONK IEl flll tlili TH Illr ii tIJYILi if and Tull If ll Vii ll lloid NaIlt vl of tcliiiiitiis Lulii liilmnlaiyllii ticx vllo lcavi II IIIIIIIIIII Hit ct pazlsli xiii icilitiii c11li Imllill WM 111 iic iiicliibcls durilli the illl 121 il Til iiiimlir litistiiii Ii Italic li ll il iiii ls lilzs lio tc lll viithin Ilii ll wile iiinlor illilil iii in iitlS at ilicoraicd poll and white strcalllcls for Itlli BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA AROUND TOWN By JAN UJct ills slliiwcl itoll and hits 1313 tuillticilzind Iili has lllls tllll til tfimiii iiltltnllllllinl 31 did Ii lil lilld If landliilg Illix NtV all izisli Itl iiiiiiiiiiit ii iii hollol 11it iilltllr St looms of will at liil in it itia till liv litl iiit ltiltl lii llls li last In is cil iii iililii children tlilcs sillil lini lttd plo illddlcii llflililIIlltItll liltc of thc irlilci Illl iiil ll lll Vii il lmis ti iiii ltil iiiiiiiij Illii 1ii Tle lllll iliislliilii Iiwill Mis Iltll Neil Aldcllmlziid Elasucll and ll wt tlic oiiicti Missionary Pinning It hill ll Luis liill5 Iniiiil tiilii illi Jodi til am and licinilinc loli nil ivaldcd illr the Ii itillitlili gtlllll tiic llltrtll liiiisis liiits thenden Spiccll Day and the all At Home of plillcipals and iii ilttlLll iilligi iil iii Hold on Viiiilcsdziy lillii ti Ali llltlllt tell he rivin by flu MA lilacd FRSA of Trinity College llopi liii piognaiii itilil in First lloiisc Iain i1l lgi continued on the Sit oliii llililri lawn iillill EKEIIIIUIII llllsatlll isti ltll ill lilniiil ill Well fine of the first sopciiiitillilellts Mr and ills lho oogiii ii occasion ltllltEll singsoln my Iii ii Maik Nursmg littoralA to llliliiiiii tic II and social tKtIllIlii tlii hiidciohc yum Si my llxlilllillltl lllIl iilll tlilillliiI iiifiiltiii llll llovil llllli Mm ppmImp 75 Immv lllvlts lzllil to It mp oi tltltl oi tIowii with small kitchrll IHHIH iIIM kapmy was Mlle Mr and II It Saw Iiiliiliii llltllfiili itilillitl to the end of lIIIIIIIIK DWI III myII MD 13 altlililtf Ylllit lildsl Jiit t3 mm llouicl was slipclllltclldilit from tl St flll II illi thi lliistcssis Willi ll itttiil til lit1131 and from llitlti to lSltlll pinup jIII IIiI II 37 iiil lllllIilt ti AlliiIIIIIlLlIIIIi MII HIIIIIIIII NIIIIIIIII IIIII IS II Ali and lii llli Walton IIIIIIIIAIlllIlIM13IIIAIIIJIIEIEIII1551prl 1tidliilc iii the school was IIlltS lllllllt vil iii lliziioiiiau III XIIIIIIIII cut at the aliiIiivirsalyccleblation pagiclnilli oi illlli Illlt and the nurses graduation on Mon lllali lilililtli to Last llillrsday evening Mis iliv The school was foulidcd lll Ilalvcv liaiduuiz Ni ii in mm iiiiiiict lilltllaltlll Iiftlll St and 11171 lust 11 years after Florence Mls llaivm llalilwn IliliiIlI the ilss iclaldlnc Mctilllcy who Nizjllllllilitlt had liltllltlltl the lust widdinr iii Inlic llldti liii lain has lgtltlli WW llUltl MUNW school of nursnlp in lintland pail him 37 Ilacory ttii liostcsscs at illls inilillAtHtIll Viscount Alex Mr and Mls Iilllll IlcliliiizhtVllmWW gtl1 MW MIlaiidcr and Lady Alexander tll wish to llllltillll ill lllcli HIV in litisslll ii II and AIIS Tltlftittll Nil lftlitii ll place ill Hi ltllltll Siltiiiii Mr and Mrs llawkcstoiic wish to aniloiincc llli cllgcllnlncllt oi Vivian to Mr of All and Mr Ulilla the marriage to ncsday June 31 at Mltcllcll Squzlic Mrs lcitrililc tolnlcily iif All lilkllllllludfgniilllsq71 xiii otlici liliscilllallcous shower at the EILKcpI Bland MI Bruntull home 51 Burton Avc KWI ElmiHL and pm Nearly lt friends of the brldcto witKoo Th wpddmp WI IIIkI be attended large squarc cake placi ill Zion Evilliiicllcal llilicll 1305 WSlesi Mmm Elmira ltllic Mr and Mrs Stloud wish to announce the cli Artistieal THEIFRIENDLY CHURCH ifoi lncrl Harris Flower Shop 99 Dunlop St Opp Queens Hotel ion Jackson tt ilti lllIiiilllttlltlll illlltc lliliia lai iilillsoll soil iii ll ill initialstin tilt ii ic wedding to taki lil Illllytirinn iy Illlli lit iiil lgtcit Sliilswill of home of lctiibliilteI day Julie ll hcii ilailtihtiil lill liiiilllulilicit son wedding on Saturday June ll district They are Mrs Newton llltl IllllillillI Mrs Annie Roscvoar and Mrs Mrs iiuviii iliitchings oi Allandalc ot Shanty llavi Ilttl Ktlml llUSItSStS ill illillis Illviss of liefloy and MrsI take place on oi1I miscellaneous shower for lll II Luck oi liailic 2110 me miliridctobi held recently Mrs ppm Kennys home lll IlttlSltlt MWWW lapl lst lTIl luiiicI IIlinirahnd nosing iilnouiiccs tivcs attended 11 at pm 1171 Sylvester Mooney ly Designed Si by Saturday About llctlil Sunday lune Conducted by Asst Field Secretary nioo amHOLINESS MEETING 230 pmSUNDAY SCHOOL 700 pmISALVATION MEETING FLOWER and BIRD SUNDAY LISPIECIAIL SERVICES Brigadier MaeGillivray Mrs Murray Soloist NIGHTINGALE OF SUNNIYBROOK HOSPITAL SIS CATHERINE WATT PIANO ACCOMPANIST Mrs The my 33 friends oi lhi lirlilctobe attcndcd the show 2llltll was held at Marion will hecolnc Ithc blide of l1 William Ribnlkill on Satur bride of lleyt week Miss Mar illill Jackson has been entertained at scvcral sllowcls prior to llLl nursing school now ltsidlng in this Miss lltllllct Blllnton and Mrs Floolt were hostesses iii all ten III the frosting was the main attraction of the luncheon seerd by the hostesses hits were pre The recreation room of Collier United Church was decorated with white and purple lilacs for theanntlal Mission Band tea last afternoon tea table had an attractive centre piece ofewnite lilacs and red tulips lace cloth and tall white tapers completed the setting Iollli main lpicscllt at llli celebration last weekend Miss Anne Hutchinson of Orillia was superintendent from 111113 to ltttili llic superintendent fronl 11127 to liliti Miss Aline Wright of Mount Iotcsl is cousin iif Miss Jessie Hunter iil llalile There are four Itiiadtintcs of the group of Toronto friends and wind WEDDINGS mceccczm WINllliIlMSIIIICIIS James Ferguson HLV iis of Lindsay to Fred Windrilm of Orilliti of the late Mr idaughtcr of the late Andrew Mor son mother of the groom received the guests in dress with navy accessories and corsage of roses Relatives from Toronto Mimico and Elmvale attended the wedding The newly married couple are re siding in Barrie wearing Tea was served from 330 to six oclock In charge of the tea were Mrs TheSalvation Ar SrlCapt and MrsIStrcichari OBITUARY EZEKIEL ROBERT FIRMAN Ezekiel Robert Firman died at Niagara Falls New York on Fri day May 20 1949 in his 64th year Born in Toronto in 1885 Mr Fir man moved to Niagara Falls as young boy and had lived there most of his life Mr Firman was the son of the red Firman of Barrie vived by brother Firman I76 Mary Street Barrie two Sis ters Mrs Ferris Goodfellow of T0 ronto and Mrs Alan Macnab of Orillia and daughter Sister Mary Gertrude of St Josephs Convent Watertown New York His wife the fornier Agnes Rodney prede ceased him 19 years The funeral service Was held at the Jennett Funeral Home in Bar Irie on Tuesday afternoon May 24 at two oclock Rev Cross of Trinity Anglican Church con ducted the service Pallbearers were three cousins Ezekiel Fir man George Firman and Chair les Firman all of Barrie two brothersinlawrFerris Goodfellow and Alan Macnab and Richard Bonhurst of Niagara Falls NY Interment was in St Pauls Cem etery Innisl officiated at the wedding of Bertha Shields of blue crepe LlateGeorgeAT Firman and Winii He is sur Titosanity JUNE 19 rh Business as Usual Goes to Washington ism During Alterations III 2c DIAMOND MERCHANTS iti llillllop St BARR pp Post iiylllollolilt imitillo llso is lliili Hit It Wadi is llt naval ittii tic lt il liuibi cf the Liii slaif tiillinioilote av Iii io ilI coliiiiialiitri of lllt Kiliaillali tici JUST IN slroycc llistluoiicile worn it liiolal part in the llillzklik lilttllliull lllI ltttt UPS to llzlltiili oil lltl He now is not clith oiI iaval staff for plans and in llll Washiildiitl he succeeds Lttllillltl lltl While Av Dr IlltMK 97 66 and 42 pcs ANNOUNHIS Is INITNU it Pltltlltft IS II II II Mulnmmn am 01 COLLIER BAYFIELI IIIONII 2395 DICK STEELE Surgeon with OFFICE In KSI0WN hit Illoile oilkstown 901 GETTIHE ltlflSlllillI in You rigs iORTEDFRESH No ai ZHOO pkg GENUINElSPANiSHNOl tARGE SIZE tbs NAlle GROWNIFRESH CURLY IEAF NOl lbs 19 NATIVEGROWN FRESHNOI ea TEXAS Firm Ripe No Hand Selected TOMATOES 14 01 min cello pkg ea Sillltd ill StVLltll Ittttliltd 15 and Mrs Joseph Windlum lhcr PiiiiilmlilinwffrklIiiiloihliilihifiliiililnlii ILIS ccreiilmw took 911100 013011 III MIN fIIIII IIII III IIII Moran IIIcrmumI June 19451 WIIIIUII BIIIIIIIIi IIiIiIIi IIIIIIIIIIIIILILIIHYII Mrs Archibald Show llltAtlllC III IIIIIA IIIIIIIIII III SI AIIIIIEWS ARRIVING DAlLYuFRESH SPRING CROP NATIVE HEAD LETTUCE ww ill mls lake plum Sniurdur Iuni iii If gggs35331 MISS Picsliyioriaii Church OIIIII HOT HOUSE TOMATOES RADISHES GREEN omens ICJleIhtii 51 United llurcti at Georgma Caldwell whose up IVIIiiliisziinliii Iliitlilzligvglouigkgi gt1 Mr Braden Filbert wishes chunks del 80181 pp of Oriliju was groomsman to announce tllii chgligeillciit of 15m llllllfiimeiplafc IIIIZISQLLWIII MII and Mm Winchum Wm 19 FANICY ANN PAGEOVEN FRESH his daughter Fillltl Isabel to 323le lgfnfgedzfvmlngI side in Opium 230225 David Edgar Bulman soil of Mr Anomm miscellaneous Shower CAMPBELLI SUCED WHITE and Mrs Bullnail Egbert The for Miss Caldwell was given by ARNOITAVERILL mumng will wk pm in il CllllC Vesira Womens In The Wedding or Mary Edithl 1070 ac Jill lo 10 of the late Mr Tins Laf slllulC at the home of the llllCIAUIH drmuhle llie engagement is announced Imbe 56 Burton AWI last Monday and Mrs rwalter Averill to Roni YUKON CLUB Contents Only 50 FNMS N0 of Beulah Mac Rowat daughter aid Walter Arnott son of Mr andl 3002 1601 tuning AI 61 BI Ik Loaf II In Brampton recently Mrs Geo M15 Itiham mOlLI ANN PAGE FAMOU Renal Optima Sash to Clar Jackson emermmed relatives anJIISt Borne took place in les 011C NUImn ADPItltm 50 friends at 11 miscellaneous showerr bllllm Wmsc Allandale Sm 802 customers Comel land MFS Home Appmon 0f for the brideelect and her future may Hermon May 21 19 ile Jar Allandale the marriage totaki three oclock Rev Dr CANNED MEAT onesty an accurac are D1800 Cally ill JUNC 371 husmnd Sinclair officiated atthe marriagelI 1202 musts at Ap Mr and Mrs John Walker ofl The bride was given in mar Tin 45 Oro Station and Mr and Mrs Iriage by her eldest brother Ed FANCY IRED We 8113 proud of the high George Strachan of Shanty Bay word Averill of Toronto SheI Is qualitonf our 915 alld the left this week on sixweeks wore streetlength dress of navy Tin low prices at which we sell for the motor trip to the Pacific Coast blue withaIbodicft of emgnmdered ANN pAGE themI On their return they plan to at net over pink ta eta an navy 151 But we prize above nding Cgary WRifIdeo In JuIlly gtfeta dlelrIt Sh wore pull Jar our outaon for $1113 all rs er recen owere WI navy vel LIBBYis icelebrated their golden wedding navy accessories and corsage of Ta est dealing And we exert anniversary Mrs Strachan is pink roses and whitecarnatlons1 Tin every effort to maintain it vi idaughtei of Mr and Mrs Walker Hei attendant was her5lste1 TOILET SOAP Ap prices are lam II and Mrand Mrs Stracban ceie Miss Helen Averill of Toronto Reg Large mark610 the ad brated their silver wedding anni She wore dress of powder blue 3cakvzsza Bars go sis V93 versary few weeks ago The crepe with black accessories and ANN PAGE FAMOUS as or cases Add scales are trip to the West will be the first hat of pink straw Her corsage LaII placed where you can read for Mr Walker since he attended was Talisman roses and white them AP cashiers are 3a harvest excursion 55 years ago carnations CUSTOM GROUND trained to check II lHe recalls that they used horses Morley Arnott of Mimico wasI lb Your pur to power the threshing machine inlgroomsman for his brother es qmcmy and 305m ithe days before the turn of thel reception followed at the FIle CANADIAN COLOURED ately century home of the grooms parents The You can help us maintain CHEESETL 45 our Strict an St dards Of accur acy if you will let us know should we ever mak EVE EM PM MARK star in weighing yin 311 ANOTHER AdsP SERVICE TO ASSURESATISFACTION cha or in addin AND CONFIDENCE Pym bill or in giving you changeI You know what APs low prices should bconu can check each one as youpayand you can check further when you arrive home AdPs system of pricemarkian each item is another service by AP to give you complete condence in WHAT you buy and WHERE you buy Customer Relations Dept IAPIFood Stores 13$ Laughton Ave TorontdtOnt CHECK THE TRIM or YOUR MEATATA NOT ONLY no YOU GET THE seer THERE ls BUTMORE FOR voun money As WELL our CANADAS FINESTI QIUIALITY AI ILAoEllonrour lb sauna1m noes i549 vmrnlnnnlsm 525 FRESH GRADE AUp to lbs smokey roluIliIo roilll 45 llilooli moms 35 sandlix rial 59 W533 48 ni GRADE FRESH L0Na ISLANDI lb 55 ilbzs awnTs FRESHJEISITIGOUQHE Boom stimuli MW Most of our selfservice customers like to check the cash No register slip received at the check stand with each individual error miah brow Shght an item they buy Thats why AP marks the price on every can ease write jar and package to be paid for at the cashiers check stand to

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