ls 2nlpzrl LI An nth gt Ultlcl ll gpulll iii lltt rummnnlty MW mud mm mainly 11nd olntlxrs of distill nil lllslll llutrilllmnl Mm kiiSGklllllv 13 22 rnunlnl ln Vrnt ln lltlll of ill VfthiAkiJn HintJun lnv 37 and ul MM lkvillw fit hilnknann lllli llhnw hulml 100k IIAO LL Numb lrwrclll2l tvlllw IHLI rt lItltt in lls All it llvttlicr 115 Ills vldmv 13 WHEN llxll llillli Shunt xviiv Fmr llglpillp erm With Mr lnosl my ltlcy pklll llav 131 Im Sanllnltznzl tilnwn tll Ml lItltIltl llo to lxpllll lunlllnli Iuiln innin ni llll Iltilt lEtllNltAl nidrvd Stltllllli znd vinai llltilttl lu ItVllttl Ut llltltllll lllpllllll IIOW TO LIIIEi energylook and feel your tart to enjoy litesays Toronto ms Sick and ailing tell rvcry Innn and woman who vmk and tirnl tlint he can nd dill lhit lilr run he wonderlul hulltli it good constipated ll trmllill and rep trird Nlui took thue now Im in new lL like young rAOlllllIlnll llli wine to nny ml lFusIrrToronto Great Tonic with lilorlls on llKlOllEYSBOWELSUVER oshys Tonic rontnim 20 dimrent wvlllrnown to physicians plul Vilzmlin Bl It helps tone up rSlllII by cleansing the bowel and blunt Iroyn the Itonlach and out the kidncys thul helping to lmclle pains and keeps you from nights Thousands of men and rer 45 know tlml Mosbyr Tonic them loci better give them and enrrgy they walk with heir Itcp sparkle in their eyzjl they feel yam younz er You mun nd nal Inning lulp withMosbya Tonic or your money basil Go to your start today largo bottl costn little lor Ollo grout help it givu Availabl ut all Drug and Duran mont ulorn Produd all El do lobomlorlu le Wlndw 0m ABLISHED 1399 Double Proli lion At LOW The Continental Lilo lll lnliralllc plan for thc yol sulnc In annual prcnllnn policy it gives vour Illinin Illn yonrincolnc Oil and pronmu rug lllt yrlns is nccdld most Itrcun ll add your Iinancial illdcpcndc So in addition to the mar Education Olticiol priming this week Iltl Mfr Wlll WulH Hm is lblt to hint Illllllv on Snlllklldl from llm lmnnto rnmd Hmmhl lltcx Orlnt tllurc tor lm Stricken at 72 years pluatp All iulldlltrllllt L73 lllly Lili iuiltll trolls up ily Ml llnsslll IHII Allltllll In Ml lol GILIlIlI Unnmf ltll ursaiv gtUll5 SllIlL in Jul nnll ldtlll my SIMCm SprltlillS Will l1 acnnwnls vasml WW inn and Illi ILKWIlllri Atkin dnle 1n thc cvcnllll lily music by 1hr cllolr Federation SUPP Md Spam lmml The Federation vols snctlMllll Sublhlp runmwd lly spottslusl lllcsduy 31 my my to hail pzlrk lhc crcnlngts cnturlmnmrm Mm About TI lll consisted lit bull mum num bcr llI rims and lml it crclun for tlltllt Grrhlrl Community 1m licrlrl tolnnilllzity soli lrltlllll1 0th llllt lin Irccr ration Olilnlltlt 311 mu is and lwaln Scott in largo pwk pg up sidcs illltllllgtylll hull mi 330 after vllltll nil mm in tho rcnlcl church xhun mini by ganlos ltH Dillyld Ill lls dlllllls Clkt and pic Itllllll the my cnjoynlllc tlclllli in SI FLA Dulish llzn culmslinl at Ll lalri rllic cross and ml lllltl is ollvst llntlllllliltd lllllllllI Hug gm IXlstcncc llulnly ltlll 12mg lhle tlion Policy is the in 11 ll lllan For the llic lilo of the don llprolwlion dur llilllrc illllTllllIIIl lo 1y yea lowcont protrb tion allordcd there is the cndo mt fellllllHm stantiul protsand intretiring Shilucll Ask your IrOtcclion Policy lUt new OFFICE GRANT snys It pays owners of ligh tainly save lot of by using them your speedometer tell of long troublefree and et have passenger tire com on Remember light trucks should haVeguck tires for maximumservlco 150 Dunlap Street to cultivate Goodyear Air wheelTruck Tires mum Moron jnucrllnlllll TIRES Dont take our word for id Equip With Ailwheels and let Continentle Lite llcprcscntativ allt lllt Iltlllllle THE CONTINENTAL llFE IE COMPANY T0 It ltfiigit rrii Purely Canadian Company trucks cer lettuce its story mileage llgt lilonp tilin ll rst rnllrtninld Illt Illll hr Mr nnd Mrs Iilck Howrah urmvm ASHION PLATE and children lolt on llllil llll l7LZIT$2ZL MILK 0F MENESIA 29 FACE MAKEUP Illtll lltW honic tll Ayllncr mo om cowumn MILK OF 00 Original Cum Wlor Mr nnd Mrs Arclnc Lurrw lllltll an MM mII OLWE OIL la ex 19 No Water Need tunnly spent May Ztth in Niugnrn flfkrutfgmf whirls lM Tl liiiuuwimA llmtllillrlzlllgwllllllMnf ggc llll ray and Ii II llllrs llnndy loronto spvnt llnll JH Iloliduy with Mrs Long mom cd trip ii to pm and Mr and Mrs Desjardine and Cllllllll and Clarence Baker Harry Ewart Kidd IorontoyManand Mrs have had successful still to lilch attraction MINESING inn spending nouglltcr and tm Muff 734 31 5sgwall Mb Young ulltlitlmi gs ltl last ml at Utlurd iii tar no Bulls 8mm of llnrrlr ll Mains lltllltlilll ilh Til LLLIVlt ivi hints aliqu Mrs Ilttllil of limit WM lIH vmtlng llLl sitcl II Hulls itll iliwllht Vi lie Harold uopcr llltll lr Ill Mn Mclhlwrl ll Wl Hm1 WUWu Itii Ax 1xwml ll ANT All hm spoilt tlll purl lit1 Mr and Mrs tull or Coltdon md Vll tS ut Barrio VtSllltI on Sunday Mr and Mrs lnm Flinnhi Annl Olchuid ul llll lllt 24th Willi llltll 1mm lulliul lnd ntlirr lltl Hurry luystnn and Shaun 1hr kll illltlldtll milk llllrl1u ll llltlllll lt Stimuli Ulilllrlll mix night Utl lhnlsdny llil Km Marlin Irv put on plummet or Ll Illll in Illl llnll ItlllllI damv tn the nmsn in nonuldl ll tIlllIi Snndnv lllll1 11 ll lnmr NOUHNOW will tll Ml llllI ill lltlllt Brown nns lVUIlU llm Stun ltv llmdlutd Mr lnd Ml Ilvl lilll Dunno llld Clilltlltll and Mr llld ill toaurliulvu Cnlwd llnltlr nulnlln ol Aliltltt uuw lluwurd Sillzlly Ill nt III will tllll Willi lll= purrnts llttl lltt lm ltlLzlnn on Slllldll liltilll lll lu lIl jltln lllt Illrll Ml tnrllnld Sillzlly UI llllllllllllll is llxll gnllll itll sonic lltllt ill ll lrlgzlcl IIIsz lllltllgt wort Mr and EI Ii ilnlillln lllltlllgt Ml rnd II lvr and Mr and All Illll lllll II IIttII 00a om tall in mi new nuw WWIu on SHAKE Will In lug nut IAMmN no rn rlibto mums 8ox Bottle Reg 57c upncily rowd llor ilct luli ollrcrt lllc Young lioplc ut llllmnllg lnd lItllillt llllStlllttI llltll JimIi lnh contcit on Incsdny llllllll Ill tho rnnpc llnll lln hull tnsl Illlltl to cupnclly llll lip Illttllllth lllltlltlltt IIlllt was lnlllty to suit ttl tustcv pllplllnr llltIltllt patriotic llllllllitlS Iiuwl nlllnllcrs and group oi spirit lull lltlllllltlS or llll tinnlv Mrsi llillllrc Ilttlltl with two rmdq nllts llll Album and llll Old SIllllllltl Willcl lllc Iadlnuill OH orlsc 35 Quail null murmur unurznrmr t4 mum cum LBORACIC ACID TAMBIYN Ollllllll PRODUCTS isitcd Mr and Mrs loc Allin null tho lttktlld Mr and Mrs IIllICllISlltl Toronto moved on Slitllrdny inlui Ionl Ilucvcs lpurtxlnllt Congratulations to Mr and Mrsi Illlll Cruise on the lillllill lit 11 baby boy lilirry lollnl vowurilul me vrvr 037432352dc BEEF non mm VITAMIIBl PA CFASIHIION L50 Miss ll Mtllltltl was Illl gilllsl VIllotuixlfilil 125 NW Lon Lpmd olplr amid libIlls Mill llllcluldcn 0mm BORAOIO OINTMEIT 18 LASTRON NAIL ENAMEL llcl Bun in at rum lial till1 loin ln1riilir coLn cam BATH son 25c UPSTICL 00 itll r1 taxiIn his llglsidcnciul itlTllI lhiih moi mon GOLD cREM ienx59 Fm Rd li NtIll won um vIlklTliolilrhiy ii Illnnlivill OELEIIY NERVE TONIC 69 POWDER Mr lllll Mrs lid lt lirnlllnrdJ In Ouulllul Matching Shade OOOOAIIUT OIL SHAMPOO 19 OASTOR OIL FIRST QUALITY 39 MEDICINALLY PURE lb EFFERVESOENT SODIUM PHOSPHATE oz l6 OLEME SOAPLESS SHAMPOO 33 IRON YEAST TABLETS 39 ll Mlcilrsn BOMCIC Help l6oz Container Rg 25c 19 ANTAUD lAlAllVl vAlUAU to Arno Mctnllolllzll SAFETDRY llLEIlllER012c 60c SANTAX TOILET PAPER 29 Vzlusc lllls Itlll continle toi his Iltllllt for the lust low KKOVMI looks owing to illness will 13lllllrElgtgtli TOOTHPAE35 29 49 WWW munJim Nl tn4 unirut unslm llMlirD lltlt Mr and Mrs McCllish and Frances wvrc Sunday visitors with ltIIlltS ill Bowmanvillu PARFINOL PURE MINERAL OIL lo 01 40 in PAROL Adm FAMILY SIZE TIN Eco tops and Shirley wcro 16 or 59 co in 99 Sutllrdlly visitors with Mrs Long Mrs llzlrly Lcndlny Mr lllli Mrs Milt Trace and Betty lczlvo lodlly lnr the West on an exitnth TYN Aun mo in micno luv Miss Betty Davis RN is visiting at her hoan llcrc prior to taking llpnlnsing dlltics ill Churchill for Ask for the cumronrlf News Krocgs in lthc slnnmcr ForTired Mr and Mrs Btlldlck are at inishinu lhcir home hero for few days 52510011 WWI altcr spending the winter months W9S tin Florida Feet Eight Larger Prints Mounted in Home or the weekend arc Attractive Booklet Willizlms Lllil Wesson Violet Ora hznnTor0nto Isobel Dermott Nor lmn Baker Alvin Blacknmrc Ruby Decide Edged Brilliant Uniformity 50 Regular 25c 19 EFFERVESCENT Davis Ted Nixon and Clinrlic SALINE Bottles of l00 lcvons Mr and Mrs Mumbcrson iLAXATIVESwN es 00 iiiiiimd Mrs Mllmbcrson 51 and Kath REFRE SCAM mm lccn spent Monday in New Lowell AM attending thc golden wedding an ens6i LIGHTS nrscmco fi zlt Mrs Dawsons home two hours to am to arid Telephone 90 Cooks gitflctltbillry or M1 and MXS mm Innas 11 rSomhing lrith Batteries D1 BltiCk graduate Bottles of no gmslim 30A and ol the Ontario Veterinary College ENGLISH STYLE Mum MnA illclph intends to establish Mb Tin Regina 35 159 Original $1500 Value iprzicticc here With 1115 office toenaefd Regum 434 sped 59 Good Bul For nttagc oi flout town Mr and Mrs Knicding and sons Ricky and Jim Rockwell sulslulrllszs293959797N0xznl slmlll BREAMJ 30 NEW CREAM DEODORANT Safely Stops Underarm lJack all of Detroit Mich Mr and llrs arr cnna arrle Pets ira ion an or BAlHlNElPS45657595125 llllllj65 165 IggyMgeggmnglihggg Ml SHII INSECT REPEIIENT 301 39 NOXZEMA 49 69 Loo clamor 5301333310 sumll tllllllll 33 69 wllcrs autumn 2345 $2 lleb Miller who was successful in passing histlrst year ln Pharmacy at the University of Toronto IIOXZEMII SUNIAN Oll 30 60 My iuounlmc HUSBAND at our wedding anniversary and want to have the iii In the correct tradition Some lrlend My first Anniver nry loonon some say pper Which ll right Whatgilt would you suggest hour run hul baanP llcullll BllltES rm 5r 79a labourmin lxltclrnn mar vrlvkll vro think mould luxuuntqd What is the endure to hm It boll patentgd Ind manufactundf Applyto patent attorney tor search to be made ol Dalgntrecords ll cleanof conflict applicaL noncan then be made at Ottawa or Washington Cost to you varies between $135 00 and $6500 Your patent attorney will be able to tell you which manulaclurerto approach loi best solos 39 594 The Chelvingum LAXAnvc Aid in Cemetery Renovdtion Among those who came onTucs day to rissist in the work of reno vating Lewis Cemetery Were and Gordon Apperrleyh Ross and JackBunting Albert Bassmngtc magazine subscriptions PATENTr forget the lady is youraunr and introduce her lust generously 95 you would anyorleclse muting OEWITTISllllml Avg Mum unload Prompt Relier For Rheumatichins Thornton Dcll Sykes Barrie Medlllesome Mold Much Enjoyd Cookstown High School players run with lhtir play The Meddlesoinc Mnid directed by Miss Kemp the My husbnnd Ins dened in mail by For Stomach Disrmhrs Duarry Ion ml The cast comprises Headaches Neural la Mll5rwaliel Klllishv 11de ravishing rosered hue lower upon itClLH Bum Brothel inlh0ndf hp MIMImill complemmmy umwleWtvg glk Iommon Doreen Bakcr lormula vim color that reects dichlany subtle tones of gt dount oarlly not all drink icdis 0M $150 your costumes Wear its clinging Iigury Barbara Miller and John Arnold he gay good nines to come rs vaons in pharge ol and MrH0llmnn assipt lng several times In place of Miss Kemp lluccsvthcy hllvo plesonled their play during Mil are May Elnlvalc Bolton l1 Monsglg 13 Noblcton 2t Mono Mills Rosemont 30 gt 1ottcnhzml Hock ley Violet Hill and Ehornton are the pIcnSlllQ 0L this good tllltllelce 1mg ed the play evel where yvebeen tar Relieves Gastric Distmi and lndlgcstion 40 Pills IOO Oi HOURSMon Tu awdam not Vim DELIVERY incurzsso Kldd Newmarkct Rev Tradition says first wedding anniversary IS celelt AUNT SPEAKS Kcll Thistltown Hopper mated with paper gifts For practical wile inlrodm mymr dillyizulliix 33311 lit FORCNTLE mld Art Thomson Tottcnlinm Mr up why not kitchen roller which holds paper towels ourwonmrr geeapr EFFECTNE rind MIS FlimkikBloim 8df51d3 Shier limbo liSTEdMpkm de my wmnVEame me MM juerman Thompson Scott Sharpe wank ua monogramme note paperpor decree that the relationship be not mentioned