Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1949, p. 7

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1i11111 10 en eason at 1m 1111 11 11 II II rig to our 00 no WWII IV qssccsxx360ooooocgesyxslsf II III 11 II oor doverm Ju Us ormen vercome 111 111 rp IV 111 111111 11 mIllenfdld I111 11 HI II It liy GEORGE STOREY III llalllu 31111115 11lll 111ll 111111111111111 I1I 14 33c0IcCIIYcIIQQIIIIIIIIIIIIV 111 tj11111l chaliipums llznl 111 111 11 111 11 l1 Itlllllt at Qlleens lalk 11 1111111t111 11 111111111 111111 11 nk AI ISIRKII 55 MHIIIBAH Jul 111 11W 111 My 1111 illllt 11111 111 thi 1n111 1111 c1111 11 11111 1111 so 1111 11 111 IIIIIIIIIigIIIIIlllIII LIlilyIIlIHlKhl 111 1I1 1Ih11 1111111 iill IillIIrlHH I11HI 11111111111 111111111 11 1115 1111111 11111izi 11 1111 511111311111itlIiill ll1vl iil11 1111 wl mum IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISII IIIIIIIIII II II IIIIII Iii 1IlliEIIiIIIIlI lIlIHII 11 1111 1111 wnv llll 11nlI 111 11113111111111 111111 1111111 311111 111111 11j1jI1 11 gmup 112 11 1111 1111 II II III II worn to slirlvlllcdllp 11111111 11v 1121 111111 Allen11 11111 around Erlml IIII IIIIIIII III IIIIIl IIII III III IIIIIIIIII III IIIIII IIIIIIIIII III HIII lIIII thew finale1 11 1v 111 II II 11111111 311111ivltsl 111 111 1111111 1111111111 11111 I11 11 I1111 gnu I11 IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIva uiIlIitI 1115 11 I111 1I1111111111111 11111II1II1111IIJ 1111 11 Iv11nlt 111111111 I11I11111111111111Il 341 111111 11 111 1111 111 1111 ll KIII M11 Am III III II IIIIIIII IIl1 11 11 11 114 11I1I1II 1111111 club and 11 1111111 111 111 1111 llilil1111 11111 1111111 in 1111 11 11 11I1 I11 1m II 11 IIIIIIIIIIII11 1I1I 1111111alil 1111111 11 111111I1111111111I11111115111 1115 NIH IIIIIIIIIS IIII II MW IIWEI manna 111 1111111 11111 IIIIII HIII IIIIIIIIII IIII III IIIIIIII IIIIIII Ill Id 11 1111111111 tilt1 11 11 But as can 111 expelled lliiNllt1 11111 inn1 i1 11111 lo 1111111 11 llllIIlII 111111111 111111 121 111111 II Wlll 111 131 11111 could not 11lif111li 111111111111f 1111nu 1111111111l 111111 nia I1111111II 141 51111914 11111 llarllsapliliedtli1111zit 111 1111111 1121 ilri1d 111111 111111 1111151113 1111 1111 1111 v1 Harris lof11rs didnt take 112111 seat 111 the llllgtlllllllfl 152 WI llvsons Grille nine nude 111 IhIn lIifelbut flul IIIllIlIlII IlIl IIII IIII 71 11111Ill 11i 1111111111 31 IIJIII II II III IHIJI I1 II villllls 111111111111111 lX 111111511411111111111211 111 to loliltli pllol 11 111 1111 11111111111111 1x51111111 11 nil IIOInh If IIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIflIIlfsiIIIlrr IIINIIIII IlllIlriIIlklII Iplll5 11111111111 two 1111 tlilows 111 1111 IIlIilllllillllIlt 11111115 11111111 llowll Imp 11151 11 III bottomI lillf 11f Ithe ninth Iu1 thlIlIil ItheiI IIIIlIlIlI lInir in 11 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIJIIII IIIIMIII IlIII IIIII IIIIII IIIMIl HIIII IIIIIII II IIll i1 wls justIone of those inI1IIidinfs in tiltlltIgaim tliltIIIeould IIIII IIIIIIILI IIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIS III IIIIIIIIW IllI mm IIMIII lI MHIEI llhIl il last fin11111111115 1I1I I13111I11 111 happen to the best of players and it so happened that liarrIi II IIIIII IINIIIH II I1 II II WWI 11 1m III was cum Nevlhph III IIIIIIIhNId mam Ir 1l11111 with 1111111111 111111 11111 111 111111 Ann 1111111 1111 um 111111v1 great catches inIllIis ri lit fielIlI 1115itiII1 11 1c f1l inehe IIII IIIIIIII III IIMI IlIIlIIIIlI Im 10111111 1111111 111 111 1xtli The 151111 Ill 11 Illll II III III II II II If IOIIm 111111 it 11511 11115111 11 1111 was tic11 1111 11 1111 111111 111 1111 111111 provide IX1111111 in 1111 1I Him11 111 mu Ill 0111 111111111 gims 1111111 11111111 1111111 Allil who 1111111111 1111111 IlUl the livels who 1111 111 111 test were 11111111 11111 AIIIIIIIIIIII II lIIlImmlml 11 111111s blew llltll chance in 11111y 1Ialllil foreignt 11 IlII IIIII 111 111 llIt 111 11 111111117 1111 the two 111111115 111 1111 11111 halt 111111111111111 eniv ll 111v1 lI failed nnsclaldy 11 the plate 111 1111 top half 111 the ninth with 1111 II 11 bases loaded And llso those ltilllllllll ll1l liti 1111111 either 111111 2114 IIIII 111 111111 111 111 ltillttl 111 11 NW 11411 51 ll II 177 11 II lllen haidpunelllng 1111111 l1vlt sill11 111111 only one away llop lit51111 11111111111I 511111V 1111 11W 111 llltlllQLll ill 1111Vlll s11n1uli lead in tlie slloit spate 111 he II II II 1IIII II II IIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIle III IIIIIIII MI IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIII VIIWOIN IN III IIpIIII iis cracked slnele 111 right 1111111111 11tllenet 111111 111111111 luln 1111111111 and 111111 11111111 1111 11 iI III IIIIIII TIIIII IIL VIHIIIHILHII III IV IIII I1IIII WI III IHIIII lh 111111 was played by l11 bull 1111 111s llllllllnl oil sllikis 11 sh slated for duty 1111 1111 111 11 11111111 I1 II II II II II 1111111111111 but just as he moved ill was left 111 lil1111llitti1k to provide sack Noted for her 2111111 tliilll 11 11 II lilil 2111 11 11 11gt 11I1li 11111 11 12111 iIvII GAGE MOTORS mm 11 debut Sim Hum and i111 lIllfI pick 111I1IIlt IloIliIk I1II11I1yI IlIllIiI 111I11I1I1I1 Illp liiltI lilt1l1 1111111I1111III lIfIIlil I1litlIII ltlIII 11I11 I11Il I1111 Il1 IIIIIIIIIII II III III1IIII1 IIIIIIIIA convincingly outsmmcd VII of 1mm Borden NO IIISS In lop 1t11n 115 15 11inI l1I1111 115 11 Ipopptt 11p 11 n1s 11 as 11 11 11111 11 11 1111 III five home rIunc won 1111011111 in IVIH 1mm ma 10m Davies to make 1111 complete trip at 1111 base lllen followed DavI Second base will be 111111111111 11 I1i 1111 11111 11 00d vanIlmhl for wImmm slwlIlIRI 1HUHII Illilhiiideiil 115 11111111 tally 1111 two away 11111 llant who 1111l 115 11 11111171 111 11 1111 StIIrItm Ii gnu iIII form byIdriImIg Im hag qu It was definitely rousing fillisll 1111 llltIerl 11111111 Miles andplayer last season Dido is oaIhM Mnmhmn and mjm Wm II thug Ilium for the opener alld illustrated the l11lI llitttl11l headed 1111 1111111 14111 cowls plenty 111 11111111111 11 11111 1Ig know the IIIImII imidoIImd out Ind IIIIOHI IIIIIIIIW is IIIIIWN proverb the game is not over 1m victory parade with two hil5 each is expected to till 1111 111105 11 11v 111111111 II til the last 1111111 is 11111 home Davies lrank llulcllinsoll111111 111111r without 11111 iliilell 11111 111111 1i l1111liilll ll He made the team run the bases In the only manner lllli vonld gain victory is boys glrncrell 11 hits AbsentIIuon 11111 1111111151 Amlflllblx 111 111111 bitam 111lt11 Laws and 111111 1111 21i 111111 21111 Slzes 910 II 111111 111 llunbull supplied one apiece 111 111111111 11111 1111 infield llttl 11111H 111 111111 1111 II 11115 and 11111 111111 111111 RiiizrgIIIiIlIl BRSQBLILHII5Lawful1II llilllis Motors went the nude but lllil Straelian Murray Richard has Dorothy lxniipp at 111111 and 111 11 11 11111 11 ItI III Icmcd were hit freely despite s1111vili511n and 111111 liittick gave liysons Marion Smith at Hold The out111111 I11 41 I1 UI SlOCk 01 Yard goods IS 1118 llOVV III excellent control 1tllliip11v1i at the plate with two field consists 11f learl opelslid 11 1I 111 1111111111111 1111 FOR THAT MATlliR so Iwill 11H 1131 The Only weak mm Andrunyk gave 111 11 hits with sinkflies Sinxgtlles galliedBwlrel off Leftffl1 l1li1I1111111111111111 A1111 11Ii111 11 111u 1111 11 111111 Slnce WCIL Hu1ereds Cl YClIdS lll doz 151111 111 112 11 111111 111111Il1 11 11111 1111 11111 is lll1ptliciic1 1mm 11111 111s playils 11111 1111 Biimi Oim Pomp 111111 14111111 fol 1xtll bases 1111 I111 111 111 111 1111 111 111 Ill in Chmm SIutLI and Home 11151 Imd 51111 mnmmm their pawnI ncd five 111ml walked two IlILilllIllill1Iltl llopper and Andy And 1111I1111 of the club illllllllI 111Ii11 11 1111 1111 i1gt1Iv1Ilai 9118 Of rOllSlnChIdlng LongOlellIlTl 1111 Thpy innduwd new lull1111 in Charlie wunm 110511 mum11 was bull was nicked for 10 safeties runyt 111111111 upon 111 sit11 I1 111111111 1011 111111111111 1111Ilili 1mm 100 good It may come amund p101 whon 11111 weather mm up with five heading for extra bases lRYSOINS lIllIt 3b Straclian pastures I111 11 1111 11111 In 1111111 1011 ReXOIeUInl BGrOleum lCISpe llllCllCl 11 11I1I11II 1151II III bllt he needed help fiom veteran 811111 Lowe 1n the opener 115015 lmllttl 111 11 1N lt1 111 11111111511 11d H111 11 lI 11 didnt have lefthanded butter on the team All swung for the lIIiltfS WSW1 111111 Im Imlihml 11 Brim iIf Marbpleum and Marble Tlle InlCllCl hm swung hue Thcvtru headache to the UUIHNGCFSI However Illrnbull hit his burl 11 515 Alidlliiiyk II Mmesmg Score SGCOHd 1I1 1111 J1111111111 11111 reak in the Opening stanza when llARlllS Brewei 311 llines lb 11111 11 111111111111 Niiivi in nterme late Loo tunnels SURVIJ 0W 16 Dre50111 533103 Barney we fill 1111 Gllllers latched onto four hits Miles 211 Davies 11 lliltchinson ss 1111 1=1 11 12111111111 II and WIde the 1111011110 1111 50mm 00 13 Kraflmlly IVlndllng 3W3 for three runs After that they IKnapp Harris 11 Laws cf TurnI 3111111511111 11111111 111 1111111111 31 1I IIII IIIII1 0110 111110 It 10315110 30118151011 Of 51 lollms n0W 11115 10 were vell scattered untilth1 ninth 1111111 11 Ramsay Norris lf mummy 111 111111111 11114111 1I1 111113 creased to five Only two teams from last season are still in lwhen they garnered tw11 which lliysons 11111 1011 1111111 it 111111113 Park 15 they 1111111 11 I1 gI 1111I11 the thick of the action The remainder are newcomers For 1111 caused no damgae Harris 0111 1121 121 110 11 11II1Id IIIRMIUW III IIIII II IIIIIII II1III1 II first time in long VllilE 2111 entry from 711ml 3011181 18 Support for both pitchers vasI Umpires Mela11d plate 1311 im1m1 Sump II I1 WM not present The Barrie and listrict Ladies Softball group up poor Hunis 1111111111111111 111111 11 MilneI 11151 IIIIIIIIISII ThII IIIII IIIIIIIIIII MIIIINIIIII 1III III IIIII pears to have the most Solid foundation The entry of awe 11 11 1IHI11Iiy 1II1I11 VIM IIII II Ioutside clubs did wonders It created new interest new rivry II IE but they IIIWI may IIIII III III III III III IIIIIIIII III and better ball The girls can really dish up some nifty games mm lussI IIIIII II II III IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII and they are ready I0 SIIIIII WCIIIIIISdIIYI SIraIIsmImS IInIlI Lakeview Dairy who were lllll 11111111111 11 Illltlttl livlly 111111 Valley Taxi are stile local standard bearers opposingr Midland In 151 II l1111 mum 11 111 II III merellallwv 1948Ch=lm1110n51and Ncwmurket nlxons the league appsaxed rather ordin 11 111 I11 11 1111 llltllllllllllllt 11111111 Dunlop St zaly before the 511111411111 1115111111 11111 1111 MANY FANS are becoming slightly confused in the baseball setup There are three clubs in Barrie and all are competing in leagues over their classification Barrie Flyers underthe leadership of Roy Emms participate in the South Simcoe lntelmcdiateBaselizlll League but are actually juniors Barricstuvenile entry compete in the North Dufferin Simcoe Junior League against collingwood Cleemole and Alliston Thefe is also midget club gaining admittance to juvenile group One thing certainBarrie nines are obtaining crack opposition THE EXPANSION of the Barrie and District soccer League to Italianexprofessional players now working on the Holland Marsh and four students who have starer for college teams Barrie reports title last season with good team Intermediate Softball Second Win in Three 11111111111111 Mung oar Market 98 Elizabeth St Dial 4931 SPECIALS 1936 CHRYSLER SEDAN $25000 it two wins in three starts Friday their initial victory Iwell for CGE strikes by his victims To add to Ihis pitching laurels Mallion con 1940 FORD COACH $92500 Itory which accounted for two im 1941 DODGE COUPE threatened of their win until the eighth frame when Copaco scored RADIO HEATER 81 DEF NEW PAINT $995909 gaining tie ninth and then attempted 10 Dun the game out of their grasp First batter up Red Peelar IeaChed the sacks and then Mallion retired azm OpeIn9 pm II BOB RAMSAX Salesman the next three wIIillowIsL will FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE WHEN asked What she liked about Sterling Trusts depositor in our Savings Deport Iment said like the friendly atmosphere This pleased itsgreatly form our dealings with clients in every departmentsavings estatesmortgageswe have aimed at spirit of friendly coopemtion efciency combined with personal interest in those we are privileged to serve ITlIE ISTERLINGI niu CORPORAIION Handball favorite lurrloIOIiceI 13 Dunlap Sitl IIuymlllulnu ssj outside circles is big lift It is now fiveteam affair with one entry from Barrie Others hail from RICAF Camp Borden Midland Edgar and Bradford The lattei will be particularly strong as they boast four strong entry but RCAF will no doubt be tough They wlm the CGE Victors Over Copaco night at Shear Park as they bested Copaco 98 in anintermediatetest Packers have yet to snap onto Once again Bob Mallion showed He Walked four opponentsbut shoved seven third tributed threebase hit to the vic portant runs in theIsixth frame IElectricans were never seriously four times to draw within one of They held coE scoreless in Ithe THE BARRIE EXAMINER By Foxo heard on Paces 18 13 Gage llictory lOver lllCAl in First lame Cold and desolate weather pre vailed over Shear Park Thursday evening but the newlyformed en tryin the senior softball Gage Motors were warm enough to outslug RCAF of Camp Borden 1813 to start the season rolling ling maroon clad nine served not ice that they are definite contend ers for the senior berries whether it be hockey or football conditions On the other hand RCAF who had previously been reported as weak sisters showod they need not be sneezed at As usual they pro Canadian General Electric maIde dUCEd power at the plate 111151131 ed with three homers and triple in the seven innings played Unfortunately threatening rain and low temperature kept fan support at low ebb What specta tors did turh out found shelter ceipts from the gate would not take care of officials expenses Nevertheless the two clubs dis played thrilling brand of ball with lots of scoring lots ofhits and lots of errors Gage Motors ham mered out total of 12 hits com pard to the Flyers 11 Each team committed six miscues Both clubs used relief hurlers Veteran fireballer Pat Poland started for the winners and pitched stellar rocks until the sixth when earlyseason wealmess crept upon him Flyersclouted Ithree hits for the same number of runs and Bill Raycraft was forced to move in to put out the tire Air Force played their cards on youthfulICharlie Walker and the ladiwas excellent until the third when his control went haywire HG issued four walks to couple with twb hits allowing Gage MotI 015 to tie the score at 55 He stayed in until the fth when Bruce Low relieved with one run her on third and one out Walker Was tagged with the lossthile Poland although needing help gaind the victory nod Air Force took 21 margin in the rst inning on the strength of la tworun circuit smash by Jim McCartney In the second inning third baseman Mickey Gervais con tributed threerun roundtripper and the Flyers were in front 51 Following this Poland settled down and held the homesters scoreless while his mates took lead of 139 Flyers didnt threat en after that They did have the bases loaded in the sixth with one away but RaycraftIretired the next two batters Pacing the Iattack for Gage Mot ors was surprise starter Jim Gil more with three singles Jim played with Harris Motors for the loop In making their debut the busty from the driving wind in cars Bic past two seasons but on opening night elected to play for the new entry Never strong hitter this feat islikc onceinalifetimc to lim Bill Rayeraft and Murdy Camp hell were next in line with two Ihifs while singles weregarnered by Ab Bowen Moe IStransman Gord Roach George Storey and Clare Goring Raycraft and Bowen contributed three and tworun homers respect ively IAlthough Jim McCartney swung the strongest willow for the Fly ers recording two home runs and single his three hits were matched by secondsacker Marty Martel who managed trio of sin glcs Mickey Gervais was also tow er of strengtlrfor the losers He polcda homer in the second with two on board and triple in the Slell Alex Alexander AndyIAnderson and Bruce Low registered one hit each IIIWM GAGE MOTORS Gilmore 3b Bowen cf rf Raycraft iss Ip Stransman 2b McCurdy Roach 1b Storey 11 Campbell rf Goring cf Poland Marshall 55 RCAF Gervais 3b Martel 2b Anderson McCartncy 1b Alex ander ss Goettlerlf Low Scot cher cf Boast rfWalker it UMPIRES Doug Hedger plate Jim McBride base Gage 104 262318 12 fl RICAF 230 043 113 11 FIRST GAME 117 11101111111 Canadian General ElectricIIwait ed too long to place relief hurler Bob Mallion on the mound Wed nesday night hence dropped 107 countto Minesing in an intermed iate softball tilt Starting pitcher Gillespie ran linto trouble in the first inning when he walkedacross four runs Minesing counted another live off him in the second and six more in the third for 15min total before Mallion took over iAfter that the homesters could garner but one counter that in the bottom half of the sixth frame Meanwhile CGE were not hav ing too much success with Ronald of Mineslng They were only able to gain single runs in the rst sec ond third and fth stabztts before BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA BAG SE MEN My lStransmans Girlsl Team heaved by veteran Dick Rowe Rowe hurled onehit ball the sixth when he gave 111 home That was the 11111 score Meanwhile Mineslite mered Bob Bishop for and two runs in three Then Alex St Onge relieved and Daliyinens 11am lli had our was given welcome of four hits and five runs in the fourth Alex St Onge settled down after that allowing but six safeties 111 the same number of innings lie recorded seven strikeouts and walked four Trailing 91 at the end of the sixth inning Lakeview started to take advantage of Dick Rowe tir ingmd jumped on him for rally that almost netted Victory Red Davies poled out circuit smash in the seventh with nobody on to get the ball rolling Then Minesing had short spell of fum bilitis and allowed their opponents to count silt times Lakevicw added another ill the eighth on the strength of round tripper off the bat of Chuck Lawr ence Batting in the bottom half of the ninth the homesters were behind 128 Their desperate drive continued and they netted three runs With two away and the tying runIon third Rowe concentrated on fan ning Alex St Onge to thwart any Dairy attack Most certainly the top star of the night was Dick Rowe He hurled sevenhit ball Iwhile fan1 ningll and contributedIthreC safe ties in his own caus0 to pace the Minesing nines Two hits apiece went toRoss Miles Harry Adams Charlie Miles Glen Adams and Downey FoiIILakeview Dairy Harry Glenn headed the batting depart ment with two Harry Hadden Red Davies Ross Chedd Alex St Onge and Chuck Lawrence each registered one The losers provided three home runs but their inability to obtain themwith men on base led to their downIIfaIl Minesing 002 511 02112 13 Lakcview 000 001 61311 UMPIRES Paddy Milesplate George Miles bases having short outbreakIIIIIin the sixth when they notched trio It as Minesings rst start of the season while it was the Elec tricians firstI defeat in two starts Showing up best for Minesing were Harry Adams Art Johnston and Glen Beelby while Lloyd King and Bob Mallion starred for CGE MINESING Miles Adams HI Adams Beelby Johnston Dow nay Morley Adams Ronald CGE King 35 Walsh lb Thorhe cIMallisfi 3b Schandlen cf Jermey 2b Gillespie Lynn it Hear It Dunn1 rfMartin rt inliin5 1111111 run to flurry Cleiillol 1111111121 Cunt1 industrial League Meeting On lune IlIo Young 111ion who are 9161141111191 their Future

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