Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1949, p. 6

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mwmmumm AGE SIX 43 GUTHRIE 1LW 111 1111 11111 311 1111111 11 ldl in 111 KEYSQIWT 1011 11011811 eanTHUNKS silos lizrc 101111 111111111118 URRYS 36 Boylield St 111 31171 12 Used fill Graves 111 Allen lift 1L 1111 fillrear 1111i1111111111Sell 11117 111111 Sell 11111 11j111111111111111 111111 11111111 111111 11111 1111111 111111 111111 13111111 111d with 11111111 11111 1111il14I111 111111 11111111 Itl 111317 flu1 111111 with 1111i11 11117 111111 11 11111 1111111111 Hayes Station llsell 1115 11 Snpertest Slrv at un1lles 111111 Monarch 1111 111113 11111151111 Seli with 111111111 11111 lItlltl 111111 11111 Mercury T1111 with Radio 111311 Nash foalth 111118 Chrysler Sell 11117 Dodge 8111 19311 lord Cour11 1934 01115 Sedan 1031 Dodge Sed 11140 Ford Ton Pickup 11110 Fargo 13 lon 1111111 PHONE 3533 14 Clapperton St FERNDALE Lj 111111 11111 511111111 Utllltlli 11 11 iv twin 11 11 1111111 115 11 11 11111I1111 11 Ill 111 11 1111 11 111 1111111 1111 111 will1 It 1111111 111 0119121 11 1111 11 11 111 11 11l lll liltl 111 111 11111 111111111 11 11 an 111111 1111111 111111111l 11 11 1511 1151111 township Planning Board 111 1111111111111 appointed 11v 1111 1111 1111111511111 111111 111 111111111 11 111 be highly min 11 11111111 11111111 111111 1ll11111111 1111111 11I11 111 11 hand tiliive 11 or 11111 1111 111 1111 coming veek 111 have 11lznpie111 1111115 IlIltl voluntary 11ilii 111119 111gt 1111111l 11111 lillltl 111l 1l1i fltlptililllill 111 hand in hand 1111151111 Mitchell 111111 liv11 1111111 at 1111 the 111111112 111r and two IllIlllllll 111111 Ivlllols are 111 be congratulated 1A Reminder You cooperation to make 1111 1111111111 111 511111s5 ls 111111111511 11 News items should lie phlined I111 to 111115 111 ll lengthy written lllltl 111111 55111 111 111nu511n I1111111alrie is felt that many of Mr and Mrs Win Akcrs in 11111 llllll Mr and 11115 11111111I III honor of l11idc11111e Miss lItllll llilcliie1111l111111 11 have 1111 different 111ca ucuis of news which are 111 Iilllrvsf 111 residents of 131111111111 111111 district s11 1115 get toutther 111 111111 11111111111 on 1111 map Il11II 115 news 11111111111 11 addition to general news out 1111111111 lllLlflIlll which concern 1111111 residents will be appreciated rwports and Pastimes 11191 week 11111111111 School play line lrove 11 softball line 11111 won 1111 game but the 11111 11111 1111y5 deserve our adliiilauon 111 fine performance The truth 11 that the local 1111y5 consi5t 11f Iiuninrs only us the seniors attend the other school and the item 5111111111 read with three exceptions lItllKllllL Juniors versus Ferndale Seniors At the Bicycle Rodeo in Barrie 1111 winner of the second prize was Illoniile Millburn of lierndale 1111111 niemlicrsof the Boy Seoul lr11op5 were at Midliurst over the holiday weekend They leceivel 111111 practical and theoretical in 111 IHlI 1111F When you go into that cellar or attic and you see that lollipment you have no further use IlItll how about putting it to good ilt picked up Thank you fl ternoon May 21 with the lresid Islruetion on the planting of trees sports use by sending it to the school at 117111idaleI or phoning us to have Sponsors Holy In what may 111 one of the 1151511119 1111111 llulv l1nil 1111111111 the lIlllltll Nations liilieilillion oininis 911111 1111 Palestine in 411151111112 r1blsr11li 1pllir1t11r1 1111115 on the terms of final peace llcrc the ulnlnlxxlolis Principal Secretary lahli 111 11i11e llNlllwstS llle ll order 111 business with luitcd States and the lnrki5h CHURCHILL ELMVALE CHE FHRRiI EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA 1111111 111111 Tull 1L 11111v IUll 11 1310311141 1711 Illllilllilll lit111 lffer 111art llllk 1I 1111111 1111111 111111 l1I1 ii 111 1zi11 II 1111 rll K1131 11 1111111111 11 111le 111 1111111 Knot 11 11411 1111 il1 11111 111 11 111 1111v culw 111 11111111 1111 1111011 I1I111 11 111 1l 111 111 Mlil 111113111 11 llIt 111111 11 1l 1111 15 11 111 111 111 11 21 1111 11 1111 1iln 111 11 i111 11 1111111 11 111 11 1111 1111111 IA 11 111 11y foliowilll Il 111111111 1111 toward permanent settlement III iIiIi IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII 1111111 lIitllsluv lllll1llll is now sponsoring llllllll11 311111 lItllridge of the llepreselltalive ll Yaltin H1 when 111 11111111 hie 11 1111111 1111111111111 1111 11111111 511111111 l11 leienllv installed 111 11 111111u1 11111 lIrllIll 11111111 iii lllltllllll 11111 11 i1 xIlitillli 11111111 11 Hill 1111 111 11115 1111111111 111 lllip 1111115 11111 1111I11 11 111 111 1l dead 1111111 111 11111 lzt 1111 111 Dedication of Lighting 51511111 lIlili SulaJiv 1111 11lel on 111 1111 gt11111111111 111111 111 111111111 111111 1111 11111111 Mutual 1111 1llll 11111 Bruce 111115 111 illumin 11111 llilt 111 1111 of 111111 111 if cause the lamp Revelation 81111115 111 illlllllllllllllltl shalt lsrael LIalltl 11 All 111111 315 I11f11 QII Findlay 1151 WttIKI 111 11111 3115 Linwell Party for Mn lratt III Hum If IhI Nell1111111 111111 01111 1111 11 il11t11111 lu withering gtlllltHll at 1111 III will lUlll of Mls lIltd lIlitll 111 11 1111 1111 1lI 1l tartwell p11lIv 1111chased by Mr and 111s 1111151111 Mrs llatt 1115 11111 111 21115 farm for 23 years 111111 15 11 popular in 111 annular117 A1 number of the Wolnens 111111111 BOND HEAD lILlliillll All 1111 adding me 11111 punhand 1111 CENTRE VESPRA fete wtth Lew and 111 111alu 11 1111111 Mr and Mrs ltlgli 2111111 tour srldxllt 11111 111 In Iiie and Mrs Waite 111 111 1111e glast 1111 111111 Mr lloy 1111111 111w liuasi 1111 flIlll 1111111 11 119111 5111 has done 1111111 lot 111 0311111 111 help make 11 succev r1111 M01015 11111111111 lead 111 vily 11111 111 111 lllhtlllktl by Mrs John Walll HRMD win 1111 behalf of 1111111111111 11111 12111111 congrw Mrs ll Wood pleI 3711511121 11111 Alan lellli 1111 1111111 11111111 lllllll 111111111 1111 31s ll1l1llll 111 111 II lllll 111 the lights that 11111 1111 Il 111 till 1111151111 1141121111 $1111 111 111 MT 11111111 After 1111 player 11 111 111111 1111211 lIIII M11 III II 111111111 the 11111111 fluvi all address 1131 121111 1111 27311 And 1111 1111 lyillli 11111111 upi 11 11 11111111111nl llll 11111111111 11 111 Ill 1111 lItil 1111Il 11 93111111 1L IhIH mm2 v1 iilll 111 1111 11 1111111 iII hm Imd 11I 11111 T1115 1111 11111 11 3111 ll 11 11111111 11 71111111111 1l III II II In Mm 1mm Im IllIIl IZII lIl Ml IIIIII II II FIHI IIlII 11 1111 11111111111 111fore the throne 11111111 11 1111 11111 111 111111 1111 111111 111 l111l IlllllII1IhI3I II NH liiimllix $111 111 5311111151 If 1111 IlII1II1 111111 1plilniilt the liicauing 111111 1111111 Shout111 l111 11111 111w 11 111111 LII11 111111111Slli 11f Altar Lights Salie 111 111 11 111111 ll 11 Ala15 lI II illaly 111111115 111111 111111 lt11111ath is 111ll11 11 VIII III 71 III IIIl ll Il1ll in IlellllL that all point 111 11 and li11 5111111 11111 II II In II Itllv 111111Illtllltlsl1slfl1Il11111 11 1M 11 111 I11 1111 1111111 and llll 111ltl only 111 111 111 111111111 1111 hI III II III II IIIIII II 11111111 II 1111111 111111 11 111 21111111 111s11ll llie 1111 1115111111 11 llural Mi 11111 1111 lIliiztel mm III 01113 511111111 11111111111 1111111 111 1h 1111 iIIllfl 111nd at 11111111111 111111 111v 11na l11111 11111111111 as 111111111111 11115 well well 111111111111 by the people 111 11 11 and 11115 11111111111 111111111 111llililuliity ll ltIl 111 the lie1 l11i11n11 11111 111111111 11II IIIIIIII Festival yet 11111 ll 11 1111111 315 mm 5pm II GI 1111 111111 lvllm lien 1l1uiy llavl 1111111 111111 uialtiillnt 1111 were weekend 115111115 11 ll Sloans lll and Mrs 11111 1r1i Illlli 111W 111111 51 11111 1111111 lolliliiv 11111 llll1 MlI 1111 My 11111111 111 Donnelly 111 Toronto 111111 1113 Flt1 I111111 11 1111 nelly5 h1155 lllll1l Hunter and 2111111111 lollir of Toronto 11 llunters 1111 Slialpley 111 Toronto with 111111 lllowlnnl ll1 111111 Flow 1111 her mother Honor Shown to lathe Hunter Brideelect social gathering of 111 St Peters congregation va5 llelo 1111 Monday evening at the 11111111 llllnlei The best 1ll 111 11111511 111151111 IllI1 ennviyld tit lllllll fly llcv NewlonSnilth Mrs Akers and Mrs 11111111511 presented 1111111 1111 vl5ltinI1 1liallie and Mrs Shaw the gift 11 clielilll 111lls111111 and pair 111 Vim5 After tlliliilly111lizit alid few galiils 1411111111111 11111111 was 5111111 21 Jill Ittkt 1111 5111111 1111111111 1111111llil111 111111111 1111 Sillleol lllsbytelial 11111 11111111114 lit AllielliIi 1111 tinf 111ltlt1lt 11111111 11111 1111111 and 1111 1111111111 11Is parents Mrs Mack liowaf and Judy and 115 1111 1lll attended the I1rlllin 111 Harri 111 Sallllday Mrs Mel liowat and sons lelan1ll Mar lielllildetle 1111 1lLllIlllli with the latI 11 Call 11111 111 1111111111 lll5 Illilil7 11 Show and Lllllll ill Stephanie 11111 111111e 11f ChiI llnitetn 11111111113 of Alllno1ii11 11111 gt11 llililli 11111111 WMS 11 Ill llnlsheil lullllicerlng olirse IIIIII IIIIIIIII II IIIII IIII III litll Honors II 1111s in M11 lttllllll and Mrs oliglafulainns 111 1111111 Suit1111 111mmi IIIIIIII II 1IIIIIIII mm who received honors and Wallace IlIIIIIIIIIII IIIIISKII IIIIII BIIWIII 1111111 who also I111111lll lll IIIIIIII III MIMIIIIIWI haw bIIIInI mlng IIHillIIIIllli 1h visitilw their 111115ins Mrs 11 WISHV or lllIlnl Smith alld ili5 Vlil Kerr It is Sunshine Mission 5111111 11 years 5ince 111er left Ontario The May lilIceting of 1111 Mission MYS 1I 11 Webster Mrs lI held at the home of Campbell Saturday af Band was Margaret ent Shirley llrooks in the ellair and Sylvia Kell at the piano The liieeting opened with the singing of Can Little Child Like The roll call the naming of Spring bird was answered by 32 members and visitors 111 the ab sence of Mrs Sauntcr Mrs Pros ser read report prepared by Mrs Sauntcr 111 the Presbyterial held at Creemore recently The8111 shine Mission Band received large blue star for their good work Ilast year this being their 81h star They also have come fourth in allo cation Those exceeding them were Orillia Midland and Collier s1 Barrie There are 22 Mission Bands in Simcoe Presbyterial IThosc taking part in the worship service were Shirley Brooks Jean IProsser Kathy Browning Stewart Beamish and Glenn Brooks The Scripture was read by the Presid ent after which Mrs Prosserread prayer Mrs Russell Stewart told very interesting story on Machus Shrine taken from the study book Dike Against the Sea poem Grandmas Apron by Lois Burke piano solo by Ann Constable quiz by Glen Brooks poem by Margaret Sturgeon and iia singsong were very much en 1ijoyedM1STConstabie who with her husband and family is leaving shortly for years tour of Canada and the UnitedStates was the recipient of Mission Band pic ture and compass The President read the address and on behalf of lthe Mission Band Katherine Pat lterson and Shirley Reivc two of the past presidents made thepres entation after which eiferyoneY joined in the singing of For Shes Jolly Good Fellow Mrs Con stable replied in few well chosen words hymn andbenediction closed the meetingafter which re ifreshments were served IIWAVERLEY May 23 few of the YPU took in the tour in Toronto on saturday Mr and Mrs Burton have gone to the beach for the summer months car load of ladies from here attended the WMS convention in Creemore Mr and Mrs Frank Stacey have moved to the Millerfarm W61 welcome them to our community Herb Hornsby Morris Drinkle Bill Corlett and Charlie Simmonds went on ashing trip to Golden Valley over the weekend Weekend visitors Joan Wood of Barrie and Jennie Jordan of Tor onto at Mrs Wallace Woods Mr and Mrs Cecil Kells and family McWattersI and family New Tor cute with relatives Mr and Mrs Morley French andgirls from Brahtford with Mr and Mrs Chas mucus11111111 MrsWJ Pletch of Torontotat Mrs Margaret Frenchs Usher Mrs Dan Thomson Mrs A1 Simpson Foster and Mrs Toronto and Mr and Mrs Morris Miss 11 ll 11 Whitney attended WMS nutting in ColdwateIr Uni led Illllltll Thursday afternoon when the latters sisterinlalv Mrs IPlllll of Toronto va5 the chief speaker Shower for Miss Sheila Bowman miscellaneous shower was held in the SS room of St Johns Church Thursday evening May 19 for bride of the week Miss Sheila Bowman The room was decorated in pink and white Mrs Percy Black presided at the piano and played the wedding march vhflc Mrs hieMann dressed as groom accompanied Sheila to the front The baskets of gifts were carried 11 by Donald Bow man and Marlene Bell Misses Marlene Turner Betty Beardsall and Helen Middleton assisted in openingthe gifts and reading the good wishes Others assisting were Mrs Robt Ritchie and Mrs Do the Job Yourself 11 15111111 The following poiiii 11 115 world I11li sail 111 gay in you applies 111 11115 What You Think That Makes Ili1 World Seem Sad or lay 115 what you 11111111 that makes lhc Ill0011 Your mind may 1111111 all things prev 11 lle 11111 today 111 true all Waste about tlhc bridge youll never cr lllcrcs useful Work for you to do For hand and brain and Make every opportunity 11151 face it with will You 1111 not have to work 11111 Willi truth your shield 11 strong look 11p and 11151 ignore The bridge youll never cross 111ll wishes were served by the ladies make them radiant line 11 wise Ellistinguisll 1111111 from dross neither time nor thought 1155 11111 11 IIlIlltltIS urgent human service 11111 1111 which 111 take your part thwhile gain not loss 11111 best is yours s11 1111 not fear 11111 lilidgc youll ilever cross Illf life seems drab and difficult alone 1Since God is with you still ress on with courage toward the niboss Miss Iiowman thanked 11111 friends for their beautiful gifts and Dainty refreshmentsl liAFESA DAY second look notice that shes wearing better clothes than am Floor Sanding Machines and Edgers for rent by the day or hour Also Large Cement Mixers and Wheelbarrows ELECTRIC SANDERS FOR WALLS ORWOODWOBK FREE ESTIMATES FOR SANDING Ptlivincial Floor Srvide I100 Willidet Internationg leYou Thgsc6 151111111155 131113in cool their fullrated cart capacity to 50F lower twice every 24 hours They are economical to operate require little attention Past uniform rate of cooling forever can Pneumatic agitator cools milk without stirring even at tho top of the can to 50F or loss within an hour Threeinchbuiltupicebankull around the cooler greatly increuu ngainst moisture hoIldlI heal luhqo rate oi heat abloxption at all timel as thermal conductivity of ice is our times as great as water when not being agitated IThreainch insulation uulcd 35 night 51 3111113 Phone 2950 Milk Co on minimum mull coolers Come in and 1111 lull um about than economical anyto DOUGHEHTY BROS Dial 4963 re You Hllll Ha I600 lbs of Purina Hog Ralilm Will put your weaned pigs up to market 61111 lbs TODAYS Ill 11 You have the pigs we haw the feed Contact 11 for further information 1111 our feeder finance plan $24 Ships your hogs away If you feed the Purina way Dont delay act today See Charlie Brooks right away Farm Supply CHEKRCHIX HATCHERY ALLISTON CUNDLES Phone 230 Phone Barrie 81712131 sN pleasant cloning and wished Ml Pratt 111211111 and happiness in 1111 241111 Iurinu Feeder Finance Plan To reliable 11l1rs we will supply the $21111 11 111 feed for each pig You pay for the feed afteI the hogs are marketed No extra chart1 for financing IS IV Sb Ixsossssgts MONDAY MAY 30 1949 yelitnre Corby Motors Ltd HEADQUARTERS FOR FORD FARMING NU STUCK MANURE SPREADERS SIDE DELIVERY RAKES SIDE REAR MOWERS SWEEP RAKES See This Equipment At Your BARR FOR DEALER Corby Motors 1111 110 Dunlop St 1111 weight its 19 idea Io have SUPPOSE you have what you feel is good opportunityn whichcalls for bank credit If one bank cannot see it your Way or if you think you can get better deal elsewhere youre free to shop around no matter how specialized any of them may be personal busmess or farm loans money transfers collections to name justatcw aredecided rightIiIn thee1d in the branches1331 bank managers whotaken personalinterest in serving their cuStomersII individual requirements Going to your bank is not like having to dealwlfli stale bureaubuf thats how it would be under mm Imonopoly SPONSORED BY Banks compete toIserve the most diversied needs Morthan 95 out of 100 bank loan IappliCatiOns

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