Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1949, p. 5

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MONDAY MAY 30 1949 ie Examiner ClaRiiid Ads Bring or Phone your AdDial PINBefore 53 arr HELP WANTED SAY YOU SAW ll IN IHE IXAIINII AintIN MH 111i iliivlf1 12111 it It tilt of idilldilig being rerriodeiled itr 41113 idbp 15 RIEIIINISI f1ii professional Apply stilling age and ex llox IIICL perrence anilncr Barrie ivmiotftr MAN WANTED for tililitlllt wrli lows and IiUiii inlay Window Cleanl lsz3p week $3111 Week lirolic him GARDEN tilt aft week it Barrie Ilxiliilllill olrc look lay lawn IIUX flowers and Apply thib to lireii experienced on store tcr ior work ropoiitilii Store ililiiil WANTED housework person Ellll general suitable wrltc Barrie PO Box 34 li1117b with pay $1197 hssisl Good lilonc RICO NURSES wanted for general duty 8hour day Superintendent Memorial tallo tiic Ilorloi Apply of Nurses Lindsay rr llospltal kills11011 nous BUNNY 1110 11111111 clubl Reliable irirzh school girls lralnedif baby days 4311 lay till 11111 to 730 pm WOMAN wanted to Labor Day 1o sumnicr resortliASlllRli FARM wanted Must on i1tiltl Bay AecorniriodafionliiaVe good water supply Will ex iieferences required Ap IiXlllll iner or phone llarrie 2002 I351fbiit lIlrrrvale Box 27 llarrie fix1 liXllClillCNClll steady employment 45c per hour Meals and uniforms supplied with advancement of wages Iransporta tion will be arranged Restaurant 20117 AGENTS WANTED care lhone 2721i weeklm pm to 730 11111 Saturn iwlilip June 35 to 110 Box 20 Barrie SIX waitresses Apply Ritl Phone iuelph Ont AGENT to handle new lowpriced automatic fire extinguisher on an exclusive territory basis Good profit Sells to stores summer and lOAK norrrrrr for sale 44 Sanford St or phone 4404 willip Sells for $350 factories tages schools owners Write Tctco Dept EF 102 Slrcr bouinc St Toronto 20111 4773038b SALES ORGANIZATION doortodoor merchandise to carry high grade line and other household lines in organization sellian aluminum cookware lividuai have sufficient should capital to set up good sized organization and ex of work Icply giving flill particulars 111131111 19 Barrie Examiner Jericnce this line 43436b BE YOUR OWN BOSS guaranteed grand profits did openings rural areas around for those who equipment Never lull season sentative will be in your district Let us trave your name and he Retail necessities couple of splen your city II also have risk Our repre shortly and address specially Show you Film your part ier Montreal MISCELLANEOUS POST HOLES dug with tractor Apply Toni Exell Utopia Phone l4r14 Ivy SEWING or any work done at home Lewis 26 Hoigate St 3700 will call the Familex without obligation on amilex 1600 Dclorim 43538b clc auger 5304513 kind of needle Appiy Miss Phone 53638prl vq GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all appliances specialty makes Washer electric overhauls Home Appliance Shop Dial 3432 or 4424 BUILDING CONTRACTOR new homes built complete builtin cup boards remodelling Anything the building enees 3004 533tfb line Best of refer Free estimates Telephone 529tfb SINGER sewing machine servicei sa es repairs rentals For speedy gnaranteed service by bonded re presentative of Singer Sewing write direct to Mississaga St Orillia or leave telephoning Ma chine CO order Barrie 4015 5343637 wool FOR SALE SAY YOUSATI IT IN THE EXAMINER REAL BARGAIN in softwood Dennis Moran White lLStatioanayfreldSf 6361 delivered Rogjcrmc Phone 2907 MAPLE AND BEECH body hard wood in 4ft lengths Large quan tity available Phone Denis Sheard Stroud 20r22 FARMS FOR SALE GOOD FARMS in Dufferin Coun ty Apply to Baird Mono RR Phone 107W1 683713 Centre burne LIVESTOCK FOR CALE FOR VEALING Durham bull weeks old Ph 4396 9361 PUREBRED BOAR for sale 10 monthsold Apply to Wilfred Bell Cookstown RR PUREBRED JERSEY bull call months old Taylor RR Shanty Bay Ph Moonstone 93617 TEAM OF 9yrold hOrses for registered Jim Coyle Stay 9361 Sh 83Iip Ph 43r2 9361 alsof urebred Shorthprn bul lner OGREY MARE rising yrs make good Saddleror driving mare Ap ply Dwmnell RR Barrie one mile north of Dalston REG HEREFORD serviceable bulls open and bred Yorkshire serviceable Adams RR Barrie Telephone 9363713 REG SHORTHORN yearling bulls sons of King Royal Royal Winter Fully accredited OroSta 9343613 Onions sale 936p gifts boars Perry Im+13vI4mugtnrrgt 3651 Fair champion Crawford 81 Sons tion GILMORES Poultry 11 Breeding rm have afew Maychicks for Order now for June chicks wehave set our final sets for hone 2735 or Write Barrieoztaftidpv hone 49r3 Beeton 73536p ale ACCOMMODATION WANTED SAY YOU IT IN IN IXAIINIR lillli 111 r111i11lgt3111i 111111 111111 icar il1ilrc 1lllitl 11 illixlllcsa Lollllir llliiillslgt llcll ptloire ElliottI ii 711 Ll Uti 4IIOUMIID riliililillflic turn lshol or unfurnished by 111111111 tlfii riirlioititit children Apply ll Jordan Queens Illlli lliiti1 WANTED TO RENT by collegiate icirci unfurnished house or apartment iucful adult family of three 113 Ellen St Brarriptorr 1Allil man dum Wlilillil WANIICI iitltilNAllILY apiiil meat or mail 11111151 by young couple Ibbzlrlar rental corrlrriissiori CARPENTERS mm aim511111111 rim111s Phone Moria hair Div Eriiuriccis Office Ntt Apply to New Met18 11m 01 57111 even rail3711111115 11 31111 QUIET OLiLlL teenage dauph tir lltkillli for small collage af jfordini privacy and restful sur iouridirrgs Would occupy approx gmorith balance weekends ltcilsorr abla lossrirlilty of purchase later Excellent rcfercrices ilox liilrrlc Ilktlilllllfi it ROOMS AND BOARD AN AlIIIALIIVIl double room 111 ion with good meals Phone 13 llib FAR MS WANTED chance as full payment $3800 THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADI AITOMOBILES SAY IOU SAW II IN INE EXAIINIR 9411 ii1iili iot i111Ll conditioliiu lira 1111 211 llilr llli ULIISEIOIHLII 511111 good t111ill 11 Vlli cli ll aim Kidd 111 13 21111 31 41111 117 lrip Still LiASliill Llli 111eir 111 good cordltloi Appi lacksiri Gilli lt Square iil titldtl til hip ill illilliil gt1ilil tbiolli 11i1o Iiii heaters new rubber 121 painted itrorie tauip Dorrie lJ after it pin 11 ItoSlip itllll lftNliAf coupe rccolidrliolp ed irrotor new battery new can buretor and ncw generator four good tires Phone 2071 after 1011 rr 11 Iltip 1947 PLYMOUTH lair iealr ai inside and out arr condiiroricd 1936 Fold coupe lilllll llurck laiz orby Motors Ltd Maikct Square Dari 11 Ill 2111b PROPERTY FOR RENT litillSlIliiliillNG ROOM for rent Refined person lh 213111 31111 lliiilAilLl2 ROOM suitable for gentleman central Telephone 5111117 411111 FULLY FURNISHED folliloorncl apartment Adults ilefureriees Apply ilorx lll ilurrle lIxarn lrici 13 lltlp llOliSiC Hill liiiNl ti looirls cli tral good location adults only fllsl 1111111111 iit id on Loud furrr pummncm mums wwwrrml ply flux 13 lliirrie llxanr 111111111 111711 361 WANTED SAY YOU SAW II IN THE EXAMINER ANY lQUANTITY of live poultry my in 11vanter also scrap metals hides pl 31 n1 311 11111 lushkoff 31 Collier sci ml 1111 20113 Stilyiier 0812 Ii30301 FOR SALE SAY IOU SAW IT IN THE EXAMINER lfE tliIIdIIGERAIOR ill excel tix 14 BLUE cabin trailer and leanIo t1xl4 Apply 10 Iiffin St 71lfip BOYS scour suORis fit boy 27311 7531111111 lRlGIDAlllE cu ft good con Examiner 163537bl diliorr $150 Apply 15 Grove St 73011x1400FT FRONTAGE on Cook St 41 JOHNSON outboard motor $125 Apply at Carlcys Boat house 736p 25LB BAGS Bordciiu poison $180 per bag Joe chskcs New LIVELY 013w WORMS packed in moss Leon Garrick Peel St Dial 2750 7351fb PINE LUMBER for sale Apply Joe Higgins 123 St Vincent St Phone 5704 736371 FEED BARLEY and oats also selfoiling Brantford windmill Phone 818112 736371 GOOD GRASS fertilizers sheep manure bonemcal milOrganite and 1064 Brown Co 736b 30 BAGS of table potatoes also Cockshutt Kid jplow Apply Peterson Lot Con 11 Innis fil 736p GE REFRIGERATOR Owner is moving to different cycle Phone 5738 187 Bradford St even ingsi 730p FARM WAGONS suitable for cutting down to make rubbertired wagon Reasonable Apply Matchett Gilford 736v37p LUGGAGE TRAILER heavy duty ball hitch with attachment for car spare tire Apply 253 Eliza beth Phone 4708 73536p 3000 GOOD used bricks cleaned Will deliver large or small orders reasonable Apply Ronalds Gen eral Store Minesing 7353637p AUTO TRACTOR for Sale Buick motor suitable for buck rake Good condition Apply Harold Robson Shanty Bay RR Phone 010 163 JOHN DEERE manure spreader good working order Apply Stuart MacDonald New Lowell Phone Creemore 1022 7363738p TRACTOR PLOW 2furrow sec springtooth lever barrows cultivators for FordZFergson tractors Beatty and Otaco water pumps piping Wilsons Garage Minesing 73537p ICE REFRIGERATOR Quebec cook stove Quebec heater dining room set painted suitable for summer cottage Mrs William Sheldon Lefroy 736b DEEP FREEZE for sale 17 cu ft of which cu feet is temperature controlled Used onc year lllavc no need for it Good condition Priced reasonable John Patterson RR Barrie 812r3 73637p McCD 2Rovv potato digger QEPOrmn rubber dug only 20 acres Owner no more use for it Take $140 less than new price Stanley Walt Midhurst Phone 801r41 Barrie 7136p ICE REFRIGERATOR 75111 cap gasolineiron Rollaway cot springs and mattress scales platform with scoop 250 lbs Aladdin lamp new type cream odd dinner plates suitable for farm Mrs Albert Erwin Cookstown Phone 59J 736p FOR SALE Washing machine table and chair set el ctric stove chest coffee table china cabinet Chesterfield suite lamps bedroom suite plate glass mirror water color paintings box stove Que bec heater Apply Mrs Wilson Craighurst opposite school 736p BARGAIN Now have hydro Heavy duty Delco lighting plant unit 32volt 850watt selfstarter Com leter equipped lnSlI merit pane excellent condition elud Ing batteries $150 also two 32volt electric motors and water pump 50 Wicker RR Cookstown LOST AND FOUN SUN GLASSES lost 111 case loric Ilayf on Wednesday May 21 SUMMER COTTAGES IlUllNlSlIEI COITAGE to lfiil bedrooms at Big Iiay loirrw llirone 3412 Strand PROPERTY FOR SALE glent condition Ph 2584 7301 NEW IIOUSE for sale rooms at end of Elizabeth St 1Call at 34 Dunlop St Apt ltSSOtfb IllllSI MORTGAGE for sale $3650 on good productch farm 912 good condition $200 Phorrcltll acres at Eirnvule Ont Mort1 gagc wcll secured Will discount for cash Box 28 Barrie 120 ft frontage on NapicrSt corner Of Napier and Cook Prick111 very reasonabb This is nice 1district close to new school site tAI garden soil Apply to owner Garvey Barrie 6229 or 122 Cook St Illlelfb Lowell 736p iFOR SALE in the village of New lLowell Bliooined frame house doublc garage hydro hard and soft water good garden lot contains approx 14 acre Being sold to close an estate Early possession Inspection may be arranged by1 contacting Mrs Jotm Barker New Lowell Write Ilarry Lawrence 58 Jarvis St Orillia Ont or phone CARTAGE AND MOVING COOKE CARTAGE and STORAGE Local and Long Distanca Movers General Cartage Contractors 43 4406 for particulars 16361 Essa Road Phone 3359 3229tfb MONEY T0 LOAN NATIONAL HOUSING loan build ers loans properties financed at current rates mortgages purchas St 3429361 INNISFIL NOTES By RGS Dept Meeting not Arranged The committee appointed to dis cuss with the Dept of Education the matter of disbanding the NO Innisfil School Area as request1 ed by petitioners last week are still awaiting an appointment with the department head This is be ing arranged by Geo Johnston MLA Hig LOCAL NEW it 11111 1ppl iiu llKtlrlllHlf iiicric lIlH fol CAIHT IAIIIY ilaiiie Cuticl AlricTank llucrrsrriia 1II11115 Corps ililrl 11 t1 11 1i111s 1111l1 and 1lolilll 111 rrtlliiale 111111 Lillil Ar 11111 ll ri1 11I il 114111 Hall elite Still The ltrfl till tamed the DUI tadel 111 1l spiri 111 1rric uui rauc iirg followed by iurrvl MIDLAND IIITGIJC BAND liic irirrrr 1111i lunglv lliiilil flour Midland IIIHVI IlliSIi ilaliic adci MW ilurou orps Thursday it is 1pilcll the writ itlti ii the town lririlt p111 1de tilli Hayfield St and thence Armour orps NV ill lifSIt Io11111 15 Married lttlllilt iicrrrpcirfclt crrmr lunt lichl ll llic SEVEN DItlNK IIAItflIlS The police had iills tune on answering drunks ll moliilrir Saturday plaiirlr mph about offenders this 11rri Sonic rounded sewn persons appeared before the magistrate on charges of being intoxuatcd 111 public place and Special arri $300 wave for Beauty Parlor Restaurant $350 over aruerons Olympia phone 44114 lele Stfb LONG Iritcresti piojcct for Eddie VOTE Millplilillit arena expansion Yiitcriiik from Descronto last Dililol flew Friday here to cast Eddie was one of 705 who voted in favor 11f spending $130 000 to enlarge the arena SMALL IIIEAR FOR IAIIK Altair Watt and leccntiy were out illlllliiil ground hoits along the Sixth Line of Innis fit when they came upon den of into the bllsh with the hunters in pursuit1 Walt rrianaucd to corner one about months trouble picking it lip and bring ing it home 111 the car to Willlalri his park on Elizabeth St but it days later Stewart is small months 287303711 George Pct crs foxes They took Phone 4484 two old pre sented Stewart lied Several uddit ion however about Latest ironic bear weighing aroundofour pounds which came from up around Severn and was brought Lands and Forests F1 ewm BORN 2141COTC training is beinp carried on CRAWFORDfAt tlcmm IMOritu and EsquinralthC These RR Barrie black three here Dept Telephone Royal Vic1 on May Crawford Gordon Henry DAVISAt Royal Royal Victoria Victoria Hospital Barrie on May 28 1940 to Mr and Mrs Chester Pettil 128 Burton Ave daughter ROBINSONAt the 10113 HOSDllal Barrie 0n Maleiie undersigned has received iii 29 1949 to Mr and Mrs Hollis Robinson son SPENCERAt Peel Memorial Hos pital Brampton on May 24 1949 to Mr and Mrs ASpencei daughter sister Royal ROyal Vic Edgelcy Alicet Helen ISIBBALDAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on May 26 l949 to Mr and Mrs Arlie Sibbald Elmvalc daughter STUBBSAt the Louise John and Royal Victoria KEELEYAt the residence of his daughter 1049 McEwan Ave rWindsor Ont on May 16 1949 Alfred Keeley age 79 years Interment at Minesing May 17 22 IN APPRECIATION wish to express my heartfelt thanks to my many friends who showed so much kindness during my recent illness and mysrncere gratitude to my neighbors who so generously gage their time and equipment to put in my spring seeding These kindnesses are greatly appreciatedMervyn Park er 36p IN MEMORIAM vv LATIMERIn memory of dear brother and Uncle James Lati mer who passed away June 1948 What would we give to clasp his hand His happy face to see To hear his voice and see his smile As in the days thatused to be Sadly missed by his sister nephew and family 36p WONCHIn loving memory of our dear father William Wench who passed away May 16 1946 and our loving mother Addie Wonch who passed away May 31 1948 Asleep in Godls beautiful garden Sheltered from sorrow and pain Safe in Gods wonderful keeping Until we shall meet them agam Sadly missed and always re membered by Ernie Sadie Tina George Wes and Ilene 369 EARSONBEETONOn May 24 1949 at 630 pm the marriage Marjory daughter of Mr and Mrs Beeton to Robert Harold Pear son son of the late Robert Pear son and Lorna Beeton United Church Bewell officiating ARTIN SHILIDAY At First Ave Baptist Church Toronto on Friday May 20 Rice Constance Patriciu only daughter of Martin Shanty Bay to Abr day of Toronto TRY AN EXAM PHONE 2414 1949 by Rev aham Shiit NER WANT Ar WE ISPEC BRAKE SERVICE All Makes Dageifield Motors 65 Collier St Ask For Ed Hagan 36lt37b Phone 2577 Barrie Phone 2487 trinResults oclock Saturday or Wednesday 2c word cash minimum 35c 3c ward charged minimum 50c 8011 numbers 25c extra NEW HONORARY COLONEL FOR RCASC Reprinted from llll ll IIORDIN tlllZIIN 11 ll1rvot iii rl Lie aw fl $1 tilj Dir 11311 trici Tim tarraria lie 1231 or PM Scritczrzii 11 ltlltll 1311 ir in rank from captain to 1111 110 ilts 216 appointmer Iilt was Deputy Directorol Supply 11111 lrarzspoit at nd an Alan 11ps lieariltuiirtcrs iii the l111111i Klrrruiou 11le Northwest tic 1Q the uniteahatc pant charr 1irr 11f ile Chillreno of llefcrilc Ao111t1o1 and chin rit prorrl1nt lirc lioyai Canadian Army Sci mps s1cirtifil ile 11s 11il the Hill in Hill and the vctlzeriilrids Order 11 l1ilNil lli writ Swords itll and wax 11s11 rir rrtu1rie1l iii iilllfiti lIlliope of llailctt1 born 11 Iiarriiitori flirt rir 1111151 lililllllnll of 11 11111111 tlaitarzn tas called 111 the liar 111 rilario in 111215 lor many rears plor to the war lie was sel lctary and general counsel of the iooilrlrli ioiripiriiy and has 11111 i1e1n actilciy irsocilted With many corriuiunzl interests in Toronto ll1 llttilV IIYIIr latcs from 192 when he was comrrilssiorred 111 the Nonl1lriilnerit Active Militia COTC SUMMER TRAINING Reprinted from llIlI AMI BOIIIHCN IIIZIIN This surrrmer approxirrrateiy 20710 university cadets plus meni ll1ers of the LUllllrlililfl contiriizcnts and adcts from Royal lioads and Elltt Royal Military ollcpe will re leelye 11p to ill vecks training at various corps schools and Illilllill lristaiiiitions across fanada The university officer cadets ireplesentinn 24 aliadian univer sities began reporting for the practical phases of their training tiie first week in May and groups will be joining their corps at ili lidates for commissions in the iioyai anadirln Armoured Corps 11111111111 reporting for the first and second practical phases of their lStratheonas Horse at Camp Wirin wright on the same late Cadets May while the first group of tiiird 1training at Camp Borden on their training with the ltoyal Cair adiun Dragoons began arriving at Pctawawa Camp on 14 May in the Royal Canadian Artillery lat ttrc Royal Canadian School of Artillery at SililO Man Picton lwcck iii May COTC members of Victoria other corps will receive their prac Hospital Billlic on May 29 19401tical training at the Royal Canad to Mr and Mrs Gee Davisiari School of Signals Kingston Thornton 50 RObCll Alnold the Royal Canadian School of Mili FLEARAt Hospital Barrie on May 26 1940313 ya nadia Schml 011 to Mr and Mrs John Flour High St son GARNERAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on May 30 1949 to Mr and Mrs William Gal1101tical and the Royal Canadian Elec 91 Ross St son LAMBIEM the Royal Victoria School at BdlIlOIICld Ont num Hospital Barrie on May 211 1949 to Mr and Mrs James Lambic Phelpston son Jaohn Allan ed Henry Eliick OwenPETTlTAt tary Engineering at Chiliiwack Infantry at CampBorden Calgary and Valcartier the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps School at Mon trical and Mechanical Engineers AUCTION SALE Household Furniture and Effects structions from the Estate of the 83A Mary St late Mr and Mrs Thomas Reynolds Pdrf of Lot l6 Village of Stroud to Sell by Public Auction on Friday June THE FOLLOWING 3picce Chesterfield suite good as new Dohcrty organ in good eon tervais lirrtil the eird of June Cali1 phase cadets joined the Lord llarold Graham son 11 lr and Mrs llrrrcst ililliilllt 111 uirdlcs the rriilrriage to take place l1111 taking the third practical phase of flier if Cartels training for commis 1sions in the Royal aiiadlirn Arrrry Dunkirk Evacuation 501cadets also began arrrvurg the first 1Just Nine Years Ago PERM ii IA loS Accounts of social events and of visitors to and from Barrie and Allandiile are appreciated by the social deputmrnt PHONE 1114 lt lliz 11liirl =11 111 Illill1 Ill1llllll and 5111rru 11111 11111 Air If it It ll 111111 arid 1I l1111 pelrt tip 11111 11 YI Arm11 111 l1 11 51 51 and ibi ILIiilll 11l and M11 All illll ll 111=lir11i 11111 llll Iil1l i111 i1 l5 11 fiil lll111 111i11r Niill il H1111 1M1 11211111 11 ir1i1 11211 iirirl1 3111s 21111 li 111111l 111 11 11 111 1rgti1 lime 111 Allan 11 111 iii air war ii 11 1117111 parent lr 1111 ll t1 tclsorr ilralforl S1 Llast 1111 il1 311l iL11 errer Altair 1111 1111111 next month tr 113 f1i 11111 11111111 ltlilrlrr torr pair lrrrr DOL lf 11iw 111111 T1 lolilo 11ir1li1 lr 11 111 attend 1111 1111 11 111111 11 St los liils oilrrl Si111l l111 llflitrll u1hor1ri 1111 1111 graduates wu lrer nave Iil11 liuth Dunn 11 ho hora 2n ilillv rie arid lb 111111111 111 Dunn ll lCattr111uri r111crri lIirrruo and Mrs llurm Itl1 111111 cr laia Sinarm P17111111 ENGAGEMENTS M1 and Mr laclirorr wish to announce the eriizileearcrrt 111 llliil laughter Marion irtiierinc to LAC William iiiliallirri 111 tcttlt bridge Albcrla the irrarriauc to take place early 111 time 1111p Mr and Mrs lrvel liarh 4111 nounee the 111l111c11t 111 tirvr laughter Loraine 1511111111 lr 11 1040 at Ll p11 at 11lller Si United Church Illlllit 311x Medical and the Royal arimiiarr Dental Corps will scrl in vari ous military hospitals and dental iciinics inalddition to those allcnd ing the RfAMC and 111 schools Reprinted from THE AMI BURDEN IIIZICN Nine years 11111 on May 101th tan officile German communique announced that the fate of the Brit ish and French armies on the coii tincnt was scaled Beaten and drivcnright into the charrnct it appeared that nothing short of Imiracle could save flieln Theft miracle happened Slowly and in good order the British and French armies withw drew towards Dunkirk where thej naval forces of the two couritii began their colossal rescue lilgtl When the Germans at last enter1 ed Dunkirk on June it was of ruined port from which their prey had escaped Hospital Barrie onMay 2H94mrmnmrsmewsoud to NH and Mrs Gerald Stubbs 139Mary St daughter Pa tricra Anne MARRIED nut table lamp bridge lamp number of table lamps foot stool modern chesteifield table round pedestal table antique centre table solid oak number of end tables number Of scatter rugs centre table square top hall rack sion table and six chairs solid oak buffet with mirror solid oak radio cabinet writing Victor mantel electric radio Bea ver drOphead sewing machine sewing cabinet Martha Washing tOn antique sewingcabinet Wil liams sewing machine 3piece Mrs Pearson formerly bedm suit of Toronto took placein Central 0m comprlsmg bed with Rev dresser and wash stand bedroom dresser mahogany nice condi tion vanity seatspool bed with mattress and springs chest of drawers matching spool bed bed wash stand to match woodenbed set number of dresser lamps spindle bed washroom table Hoover vacuum cleaner McClary combination coal and electric 1range like new Quebec cook stove warming oven and reservoir kitchen couch Connor electric toaster 2burncr hot plate num ber of kitchen chairs number of hooked mats kitchen rocker grandfathers arm chair large kitchen cupboard hand made few painted kitchen chairs wicker rocker congoleum rug high chair number of fruit sealers number of earthenware crocks cooking utensilsnumerous dishes and glaSsWare approx cords body hardwoodcut and split 12 rolls of snow fence extension ladder 30ft like new 50 ft garden hose lawn mower lawn shears step ladder crossout sawhand sleigh AUTOMOBILE 1936 Chevrolet standard coach with heater and 36000 There will be numerous other articles pm DST 1R Slessor Auctioneer with mirror dining groomiextenrr desk 11 room dresserwith oval mirror and yvittivmattress and springs toilet washer electric iron electrici new battery original mileage1 reserve Terms cash Sale at Every loun lifeImuiod without extra chum No ondomn roqullld Rotor ore announcement on upon1m Savorsallow Plouovolablo Courteous private Interviews ill ll plane or will NOW NIAGllR 1011mm thlIED 55 The Wilson Building 1P SQUARE RARRIR PHONE 5533 mac luv 111 TRADEIN your oldfashioned washer on new 1111lvx 1lc 11111 Stairway Itt ifl 11 161 1ir1r1 lrilt illoli1r ti 1111 lll rjilii lli ll111r 311111 l1lililt ir illll Iirlill111 2111 1111 gt ll Id Elli and 11111 111 211 i11r 111ll1i lilv ltz Tim ilar lI1r111 11111111111 r111l11 511er1l 1111 111 11 1rl 3lliili 111211111111 the lll1l I1il3 iilllilill And lilr ii 111 lrlily many 111 ii11 11x11 li1 lluiulaln ill Illl 1r1l 1111111 school in that do 11111 II it li lIltl 11 t1uu cumm We Attended 111 ruct last illilrd1y lzrj liank lttciiliancc and Slrtiicr land Irs alirAlltlilWs coir articles Sail 11111111 illl ted than es tumu fills Lilurll the gttlllil Mr the li1ll lll lill ollrtlols animal For 111 iif automatic 5111 srrrall Washer Modc in Canada rru i1l1ri1i11t itely later appeal 1124111115112 llfill Special TRADEIN allowance Buying Car See Allandale Motors TERMS Ihillk if ill All you i1 is at Hill ljlllllt SAIE dial add thIpIIf your jobl IIlr Ihe lorill Ilcnilix fills ilsclf washes clothes sparkling etc111 rinses ririics their sliuis irscif olIal mm IIIuimy Your hands never touch writer Dont delay Act today Iiike iulizlniagc of our special irildcili offer ifs IiIiidl Imred EMMS Electric 47 Elizabeth Street DIAL 4383 BAIIRIIJ Taxi Business Exclusive Barrie Location acquired or without cars AIILY BOX May with Epletts Furniture Electric GENERAL ELECTRICAPPLIANCES authorized dealer WE SERVICE WASHERS RANGES REPRIGERATORS IRONS GRILLS HEATING mos ELECTRIC BLANKEIS AND CARRY LARGE ASS0R111E1 or PARTS 139 Dunlop St TRAINED RADIO TECHNICIAN AND SERVICEMAN TOWN OF BARBIE IRONERS TOASTERS VACUUM CLEANERS POLISHERS FANS Phone 3721M Notice Of Proposed By Law re Corporation Of the of tl Town of Barrie TAKE NOTICE that frornarrd after the publication hevcof in four successive weekly issues Of newspaper published in the Town of Barrie and kliown as the Barrie Examiner the Council 111 the11rporation of Ellie Town OfBmriievintends to pass Bylaw closing Ftorcpggeet as Shown on Plan 541 fromthe Westerly limit of Reid Street to its Westerly extremity in the said Town of Barrie moreparticularly de scribed in said bylaw true copy of which is hereunder written AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Barrie will hear inpersonorbyuhis counsel solicitor or agent anAyperson who claims that his land will be fected by the said bylaw who applies to be heard Barrie this 17th day of May All Smith TOwriClcrk BOYS Boys Barrios1111 Solicitors for the Cori of the TOvvn of Barrio prcjirdicially af DATEDat the Town or 1149 Ioration The following is in the Notice BYLAW NUMBER Bylaw of the Corporation Of the Town of 131111119111 fciose Florence Street WHEREAS it is deemed neces Street in the said Town of Barrie BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Barrie as fOlIOws That Florence Street as SIIDWIIVOII Plan 541 from the Westerly limit of ReidStreet to its Westerly extremity in tlre=4Said Town Barrie be and the same is hereby stepped up and clOSd That the land comprising the said Florence Street lying West of the Westerly limit of Reid Street to its Westerly extremity in the said Town of Barrie according to Plan 541 may be sold or otherwise disposed Of as the Cor deem advisable This Bylaw shall come into force and have effect after the happerif ing of all the following events The publication Of notice of the proposed passing for four successive weeks in the newspaper known as The Examiner Afterit iltrllc copy of the proposed Itydaw referred to saryand advisable to Close Flurence poration of the Town of Barrie shall at any time1 this bylaw Barrie has beehifinally pussed by the ution of the Town of Barrie READ first second day of June 1949 Council or the Corporh and third time and finally passedthe snail noose4011 111i

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