Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1949, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR for lean Llu 11s stiongtv 1111121 film to trloe rll rained air11 1111111 i11 lilsl11 il ll 11il 11111 211 111r class 1t11 be cut close ilr l11p 111 lillc 11111 meiy weather and tiloli1 11111 cut so 11fep ilss the liltltlli1 they are iwsl lei Iirrs 1i1 1121l 1lry1r ydd ill 11 ll11 Lll ilvrl lirr tall in rich l1r tunic will pro1i tlirlllit lawns 1111 is worth more than Lilil lrtt11 than lay the 11s 1111 they mass roots to conic close to the s1l1re1 licl11iiey will be injured by the hot sun 1tl1iillll Np tilii tiriizs The lllc r11r1 etirilllj llilolllatli Weed and Grassfree Drives When corms to gravel other lrrvvways i111 1111wtir 11f1 Better Value for Your Dollar at ALLANDALE MOTORS ll SINK8 IP INSUlB for Exterlor Walls Save repair and maintenance costs Provides pleasing colors and fire safe protection CAMERON ELLIS GIBSON LTD HARRIS SPRY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Owen Stq Barrie 19 Melinda St Toronto Herbert Harris CPA Frank Spry BADGLEY ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR 24 Dunlop Street 34llTelephone4735 gt INCOME TAX SERVICE SAMUEL ROSE Chartered Accountant 69 Collier Street WELOII ANDERSON co Chartered 1Ac Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto WARD MAYOR AND COMPANY Accountants and Auditors Ward Mayor CPA 18 Toronto Street Toronto Telephone Elgin 6116 LEGAL BOYS BOYS Solicitors Public Conveyancern Etc AMONEY TO LOAN Office 13 OwenSt Barrie Branch OfficeLElinVale Ontario BOYS KC SEAGRAM Barrie Phone 4949 vv couritants Etc Trustees Barristers Notaries VCURRIE CURRIE Barristers and Solicitors MONEY TO LOAN 97 Dunlcp St Barrie GCRRIE OWE Phone 3175 CURRIE DONALD MacLAREN KC JOHN MATHESON BA Barristers Solicitors Etc Money to Loan Masonic Temple Building Barrie JOHN REID TER SOLICITOR 24 Dunlop Street HEBER ESMITE Successor to DUNCAN McCUAIG KC Barrister Solicitor Etc Ross Block Barric MONEY T0 LOAN JOHN WOODS KG BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR of Toronto 3113 250mm 8t onev osTEorArnr Slim WILSON BSA no PATHIC PHYSICIAN HARRIS ETC Barrie Ont Phone 2719 one 2661 Loan osTEo mwmowqwmq nadian Garden Service IlyvtIOIIDONV VISAIVIIII Nllli time for IiJlllllit ti1 111 11 Us 11111h11 1tli11i 9117 111 i1l1 1lr 1i lilllrz 11111 111 i11111i r1 live 11 111115 11 11 ii llurrnir uni tir l1 1114111 lloxirrnlrr ll1 Ir 1i1i Ilia 11 c1111 lrruc 11 llllltlr 111111 51 mil 2111111 llt lr i1rr1i lr ii111 Slimlllilll 11 out lr 111 p111 11 11 l11z111t win 111 ir and Mr 111le tarkvr lie l111lrt1r tilla fllitli Spud lr 1111 llx ll1ruv1 loolic l111lit l111st lr arr1l I1lt liarl Sitzlrrrror and hay spent the weekend tlti ll 1111l11 lrrrs Shannon onto kiwi tstiom and liss III anlie ifiieatcicv 111 Toronto spcirt tirc 11l1111i urh lr and Mrs iaui lopc irs iconic lrrrcc and Mrs lis11cl 111 llarlic wcre John fovcarrs on loiulay and accom piurml Mrs John mvan 11 honor to attend the funeral of their aunt Mrs Reid Much sympathy is extended to the family of the late Irs Ihorrias Reynolds of Stroud who passed away at the 11V Ilosprtal Barrie on Sunday May 13 number from this community attended the funeral at Stroud on May 11 lSewinrr ircle Officers Knock Sewing rrcle held their rrroiithly meeting at Mrs llotvriian Alhns 1111 ledrrcsday cycnirru Tire election of officers conducted by Mrs llettl tiowirrarr resulted as follows Mrs Bowman Allln iilt ers tlruce Wice Vice Pres Mrs Paul Pope Seey Mrs Cliff Webb llreas Roll call was answered by an exchange of plants and bulbs Lunch was then served Next meeting will be at Mrs larker lKeic on Wednesday June Iii Mr and Mrs ilarvcy Arklcy and Keith Mr and Mrs Neal Jones and family and Mrs Lorne lIrwin spent the weekend wittr Mr and Mrs John Cowari Mailinen rise skis in the hrlcan mountains PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS ARMSTRONG MacLAREN CO Fitzmauricc MacLaren CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 53 Collier Street 67 Yonge St Toronto VETERINARIAN DR FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEON fl Sophia St Barrie Phone 4545 DR BRAfK Veterinarian and Surgeon Cookstown Ont Phone Cookstown 90 CHIROPRACTORS GEO RELSIE ABURNSDSC1 Licensed Drugless Therapists Electric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy 1151 Dunlop Street Phone 3194 CORBETT DC CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Phone 3070 17 Owen Street Barrie BY APPOINTMENTAW MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON RMT TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and THEORY Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conserw vatory of Music Toronto all grades Including ARGT Modern Methods Studio 27 Bradford St CRAIG HAMILTON RMT Studio 41 Maple Ave Phone 3875 INSTRUCTION INPIANO clRGAN VOICE THEORY Pupils prepared for Examinations at Royal Conservatory ofMusic All Grades DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate of Toronto Conserva tory of Music and LondonEngat College of Music Piano and Theory 152 MapleAvcnue OPTOMETRY ROBT BARRE FFSo BARRE OPTOMETRISTS 93 Dunlop St Phone 2963 Attendance 96 ROBERT SMITH 110 OPTOMETRIST 53 Dunlop StPhone2586 Hours 96 daily NOEL STEPHENSON 110 OPTOMETRIST Dunlop St Barrie Phone 420 FUNERAL DIRECTOR SMITH co Established 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Motor ambulance In connection lIelpcd at Seeding =iollowing severe spinal Operation had bee and plrt in his seeding an very interesting missionary pro Miss Rfrtherfordand native1of Mizpah Benediction tasty lunch and Mrs Muir The June meet Vingwill be at Mrs Wesley Johns stons home Christianity Mrs Otto Davis con theme read It contained 11 quota don Times the Empires greatest newspaper which said Our Instant After the WA hymn The Lover served delightful refreshments OPEN DAY AND MIGHT BARBIE ONT PHONE 2530 to get back on 1111 1141 1EIa The main iiihtrll our sales vol ume is dot1 is the shortage of critical illllltfitll r1 refer to money Ffgt DALSTON L1 ll111 llll 11 1111111 111111 11 llr 1311 t1 11111 l1gt11 that rfi CRAIGHURST kJh l1 Il fll r11 11 l11=1il11 11 tr 11 it H111 Il 111 if t1i oi trl1 lr 111i1 111 l1111 X1irrr =s 111 Ilirlllr l1 21111 1111 111l1t 11111 Ssrroll li l11111111Ioloruol11nrlill1 if 1111l l111111 1hr lift 111 llt li llilurww 111 lrillclr 1111 11111 lr iillll thwli 11 l11i =to guri 111 11li1t v1i Mr 1111 i1 iirr ll 111 re Sorry 111211111it iir1 lrs ilutcll r1rr who our illi3t ti1r tulipilg 11 M1 ilct1r1l1iri had to he alien to liairh illislillal on i1 illay itl1 lirr1l1 Utahs oi Barrie rislrrrz l11 lzl11ip1rrrts Air and l1 21111111 mu trs Dick Coward 111 Toronto also welc 1111111 11l111s c1111 li11111 Ils laslcr 111 lirrllla Major and Ir Yorrin 111 11Ll 11111 lr and lrs Lory rrlf or T1 11111111 islt c1l Mr and lioizcil Greaves 11111111 the 111 ill Weekend 111111 112111 Mr and lls fir11 Xlwton wore ll labcl1 litliiillthIII of Harrie llss lfom rior 111 litnusalc trss iletty aslori or iort ichcoli arid iiss flor 111l1y aslolr 111 ascy MINESING May 1111 Mrs Norval Luck speiullnu two weeks with Mrs ViillL all Whitby Mr and lrs lallei lraricl of lairrswick spent Sunday at Slang liralicks Mr and Mrs Lawson and Mary of Toronto were Irotiday vrsr tors at 1e11 lininips lllsic Jacobs of Toronto is l51l inrz her aunt Mrs Voystoii Mr and Mrs Lawrence Iearson and Mr and Mrs las lairre spent Surrdiiyat lled iaines Mrs leo lotrrist11nalil Mrs Dusto attended the Area cxecuV tiye mcetinr of Simcoe Womens Institute at ilarric on lucsday Mrs McDowell Mrs llcitltlilS Mrs Orchard Mrs Sriglcy Mrsi Irvin JOhiislori and Mrs Cook attended the Sirncoe Presbyterial WMS at Crccnrorc on Tuesday Death of Mrs ll Lawrence Sympathy is extended to Mrs Norm Wood who was bereaved by the death of her mother Mrs II Lawrence The funeral was held at New Lowell on Monday Last week the neighbors of Langclaan who will be in Tor onto hospital for several inbiiths This is anothcrcxampie of the fine community spirit that existsr in our neigthrhood where there is always time and willingness to serve wherever an opportunity presents itself We are glad to know that Mr Langclaan is imr proving satisfactorily Minesing United WA The WA of the United Church met at lVIrS Percy Muirs for their May meeting with eighteen pres ent After short business period gram was conducted by Mrs Clem ents Two articles were read by Mrs Muir and Mrs John ston depicting the lives of two missionarieswhy they chose that vocation and their joy and happi ness in their lifes work Mrs Clements and Mrs Sriglcy gave very fine report of the WMS con vention at Creemore The six delegates who attended were loud in their praise of the excellent re ports and addresses and the pag eant presented by the Orillia WMS Two missionaries were present Korea and Spoke on their work in the foreign eld After the Mrs served by Mrs Maw St Ieters WA St Peters WA met at Mrs Will Priestshome last Wdnesday The opening hymn Master let me walk with Thee was followed with the Creed Litany Members prayer and Lords prayer Mrs Stanley Pralick President led in the responsive Scripture reading During the devotional period Mrs Robbins gave splendid article on the place of the Holy Spirit in the lives of men from the beginning of tinued on the same theme stat ingtiiat some unseen power must haveguided the King in the choice words in his Christmas message for 1939 They have been put in place of honor in homes all over theBritish Empire Miss Tra cy also had an article on the same tion from an editorial of the Lon need today is of denitely relig ious inflow of the spirit of God of Christ Constraineth Mrs Priest MONDAY MAY 30 1949 ItiE BARRIE EXAMINER HARRISON IARK CANADA llIIl lrl 1ir1 tiarwy and 11111 LOWELL Nrw liialhis l11i IUPIUBEB YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF IO INVESTIGATE THE Dorris Truss thoo Exclusive Barrie Agent WHITTYS DRUG STORE ALLANDALE 1212l two =li1cs ice at Ilv 11121ILL1 11111 ttriuili 51111 urrl 1ti ii lr 111 holiday ultii chlilli ticli p1ze Mr and Mr oiriad Liuyd Sunday l1oil littiffa lltl It lclillr spent with ITS BULDLESSE ITS STRAPLESS 1111114 ezri 1111 llltlltlafv lr osser lilili IIJII and vl1 S111 tiarij to 111111 Iiiockuelt is stlt patriot in the 11 Ilthltilfil 11lirilv11i1d Arnold ha 111111 Lo ent in beenare hospital for u1 hope to iili ill lilll ixiii Ilollivi 3112111 111l You 411 to Mrs 111 More merits I11l llbSA ROAD 1111i ivlis 111111 lrrnfrl llrlt IIIIIIUIVI ilalryvlosszr lnot ncs ay 1sll 111121 sister Mrs Crelbywho is quite ill fill Toronto 11111111 111 May 2411 at Mr and Airs and occasion of Leon K111 tairis bi 111 the med iulfl and Mr c1i 5111111 Ilrliirl 111111111 P111111 Hrmmmrmi 42 Elizabeth 31 Next to Roxy Theatre HOURS OPEN May 30 to June 11 June 13to June 27 Allandale Liberal Committee Room WILI DIG OIENIZD ON JUNE 11 AT THE ORANGE IIALL ON BURTON AVE 111311 sion may li1 iIhl boys were Ilcll 11111 Illtl PliSU ltd WTON ROBINSON 1l1 Irs l1nrr11 11l11r1rit11 +1111 liu 1111kc111l witzi inoliier lizaltlllil 1i 1l11 Toronto ii111li lxcrs weekend 11111 ltrclma ortcil urlir for for liil lh iltltll lrss Zlaiiys weekend l= l11l I1tllf 4111111111 llow 11 rke iltl Vlillitllidilllr ll11 il lr md lis il111irt1rr111 v111oz llli7ill ltunlih 1111 111111 Spline 1111 1lill li11lri tiorrpiltuiis duriirr and Mrs arui if lpm to 11 pm Zlrs ilriiil1r1i 11111 lion liloulls on Sunday i111 11111 Jun 11111111 111 Toronto and llbs Stir 111 l11111 illalzrpton vxckerul Visitors weclicrul Mrillcan Phillips and tir Toronto and ford for Week Keith Nollie Now ll if our Xolrlc Nolvll the wclkclid rri i11111111n arm at Convocation Saturday llillihlli illdrra lr llllllil am to ll pm lion 111 I1csollr and i1 Ilitlllilis 111 liriui 11111Qllilllll at it were and HM lls family Check the Voters List to seethat you name has not been omitted If it has been omitted please contact our He adquarters or Committee Rooms and we will arrange to have your name put on the list JIhe Iliblic is cordially invited to our Rooms for further inquiries regarding the forthcoming Federal IZlcc tion PUBLISHED BY SIMCOE NORTH LIBERAL ASSOCIATION lrs ihillips Il Il 1s and and 1111 spciil lcltlr lliilllll ttrrrver sity iii11h Clinch wlrcl 111li 11nuncrce l1rec Iiss Ililrvcy Silolvercd pleasant afternoon very spent at llourzhtons last Saiur PiYMlllH 1T srrciAi DELUXE rouxnoon SEDAN withongor 812 wheelbase Heres the new Plymouth cartbat likes to be compared for VALUE In the nevvPlymouth Engineeringmagicgreetsyou rightfroni the start Youdont grope for starter button You donttpull on choke You Simply turn the ignition keyeand theengino sturtsl In the more powerful 97 horsepower enginefthere are many ChryslerEngineered features such 334ring platens for ghettor compression fuelandoileconompa oating oil intake and Oil lter for longer mere efcient en Ivill show you many more Moia Value where comloil Counts Plymoulms longer 118 wheelbase up to llg longer than competitive cars allows better cradling of passengers and greater comfort gine life Yrmrdealcr Plymouth dOOrS are wide atthe bottom to allow easy entrance Interiors are roomy Vandrestful with plenty of headroOm Seats are chairheight wider and deeper from front to back Windshi and rear windows are larger for bettersafer vision More Value where Safety Counts Plymouths chairheight seats up to higher than com parative cars provide more restful comfort and safer overfhehliod vision More Value where Parfarmam Counts The renowned simplified Lhead Plymouth engine has fewer moving parts to wear reduces main lenance costs Provides all of 97 hp and has higher compression ratio for ashing performance at all speeds old 11 sf Get the most for your automobile dOllar COmparo Plymouth On all counts When yOu do youll agree that feature for feature dollar for dollar the gre Canadas best pricebuy 32 at new Plymouth is 50 Whitcwall1ireslaiulRearFeiider Stone Shields are exfmiequipmemf YOU MAY SE THE liloVALUEiwplvMOUrH THE ELEGANT New cunvsirnv Alvp THE MONEYSAVING FARGO rrucxs erg11 gt tool will tell you where to getoff wise man willhelp you ETHSIREET OREGORfYS GARAGE Bradford Phone ELIZAB AROLDIDLL Zimmfyf GRAHAM3 GARAGE Alliston

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