Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1949, p. 2

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TAGE TWO Mrs Ivan Clemmens Elected President King Edward no Mr and Mrs John Gordon Mark Golden Wedding tr titl tm it May 23 or lt2tli do Illvl iltl in wit pmki ll It it Ii All tilll lt gtl liti It Illzf wvnt ilv 1r pat Ilzei tltit ti lillblttl it llltl Ill Mil fwd ii tlxe roepli tastel ittt ziooi il pik and II lc ilteizioei ii The serving ivtioii llll llirceLei prt with ik cztndlt and tt iii 1lt cacti mu Til ltolil Maelizim xi Mr Gordon the Kl Ii KI ion potiietl tea 1litl ls liail Thomas who were pre iitliion iltltlitgt and 21m nIy ille Sclioiitlieiiz Ii Holt Iziadr Ill IVIt iii lttliitil cw Lowell lll ZitiltlltL ttiiiiiztititins ltit lltliil consistintt of it on naiitcly llarry on lslhunluiw ii llll ll Nll llhvlll lllllll lltv iIt zittun of the Clear llllllll lis Frank tliibw lkl pub itlllt of ookstowir Ii Mn in Md Iontomt ry olean v1 no ll i2bers and od Mrs Lloyd Iattoii no iicsent of New Lowell and li oods IMIEdrcdl of New lo routine ze all alili to pit ham iii It cm um 12 spe tliss gt wv ltlifltlill ll lillgti of the ll Ill llcziltii uid ltibiic il 7th also Ittltll the imam ALLANDALE MOTORS For BETTER Cars TERMS CHOICE gt Poultry Fish Vegetables St 520 cows BUTCHER 17 Essa Road PHONE 3214 DELIVERIES ALL OVER TOWN For GIFTS tt it very informa and coirpiclnnsivc address on lhstziscs LXpltlilllltg ihotllt of control and the 1mm ll organizations can it e1ol Mrs Ii llan the ladies with after which soc enioycd and re tl served ii vi nw tinc will be lot oi the foregoing subject oiiiio int pictures at the ef lilt Ilynn on May 31 llll simtd attendance of members lttttllll One of the films be of particular inter est to teen ace girls The response to the roll call was Name cal iinet minister and his portfolio ll shown ill lfAINS IXSTIIITE ains Institute met on Thursday Mr May Vs with seventeen iiiioei and two visitors present litsident Mrs Bowser con lttcled the meeting at ill The roll call was answered by lDillrrtnt benefits of sunshine to mankind After business dis cussion on varied topics Mrs Mc Niven gave the motto Those that it from themselves presentation was then given to Irs ccntly moved to difTerent local itv lbers in few well chosen words lAfter the National Anthem the hostess and her helpers served tdainty lunch sers nannox SMALL CENTRES Today as never before the iback and out of the picture in tthe mad scramble of the larger the sun The cities today have whose duties For WEDDINGS BARRIES curiae Gilt Shop concourse Barman ruoNE 2395 gDICKISTEELE PRICES from 50 cents and up visn ilkcr presided and cive sunshine to others cannot keep Smith member who has re Mrs Smith thanked the memw The next meeting is to bcihicld lune Iii at Mrs Pros smaller centres are being pushed limits of population to get place in highly organized publicity bodiesi consist of pushing the city and its advantages always up in front of the enquiring public Deloraine VtManJ Times marriage fashioned Pinnochio For Parents Only ELlfEiR BARREE ONTARIO CANADA Value of Nursery School By Nancy Cleaver llit Nllll Silml on this coiiiim ii is statu Iinl lkr any tiifvn lllillit it cm or neiits iii lzie 11m st It istty tiat ltl looplt vlo known itlistIt Stliuiil dv itr paikint flaw tru ii iiv motion tlili ZiltLllIl Itli no to iv tree ttoii lieu Iil Iliev close tlit it nds Th real values til it ootl Xt3il School tlli on Ttltllhlillllml tut lint in spite of tlicii tit1iew musti schools ue pron to no tiill but oi tlllllllb ll our modern world lliqx l2=il itltluiilId lived Ill Illu sma tl elopment at small clulurou should hair the tlltlitt to xiiil and play Willi other Illli llliey Illllllt variiy oi twp to ence tinder IIitllillkl which it is ixtreimlj the ltvciaue Iiioiher to isitor to Nursery observe tlllltllill loin supple hand vork playing in liapii tive siiiciiitz listen story or acting in play IEn children are ltllllllllf the Lltt arid take with others which of friendship and which to master at older ace tli luis lizuw The coal o1 nursery school is WEDDTNOS KINGSAINDICRS lovely veddinc took place the home of Mr and Mix King 39 Donald Street Saturday May Ill151 when llllri Itlary Saunders became the of their son Lloyd Kine Luck ofliciated The house larrim or ltii was decorated with pink and white crepe paper atail Spring llowers for the wedding The bride wore gown of white satin and lace IIer iiiipeidip veil fell from wreath headdress of white llowers and she carried bouquet of red roses Her attend ant Miss Ellie Draper was in pink taeta and wore eorsace of white tcarnations and red roses Ted King was groomsman for his brother Following the wedding lunch eon was served The bride and groom left on anorthern vcddine trip On their return they will reside in Barrie SINCLAIRELK The marriage of Margaret Elaine Rix daughter of Mr and Mrs James Rix of Crown Hill to Robert Sinclair son of Mr and ers Sinclair of Crown Hill took place at the home of the tbrides parents on Saturday May 21 1949 atgt230 in the afternoon Rev William Henderson of WalkertOn oiciatcd Mrs James Sinclair played the iwedding music Soloist Georgina Hix sister of thebride sang Ill Walkchside You Mr Rik gave his daughter in She wore street ilength dresscf cameo blue crepe on simple lines with lwishbone shirring at the back lHer hat was matching bandeau trimmed with pink and white llilacs and she wore C1ISagO ol Sweetheart roses and white feathered carnations Her attendant was her sister MrszEldonw Atkinson in dress of ly to that of the bride She wore matching bandeau trimmed with white and mauve flowers and corsage of Serenaderoses and pink feathered carnations reception followed at the brides home in Crown Hill the mother of the bride receiving in navy dresswith touches 01 rose and wearing corsage of Delight roses The groomls mother wore pale blue dress and corsage of Johanna Hill roses Outoftown guests came from North Bay Toronto Walkerlon and Orillia Following the wedding the bride and groom left on wedding trip to Virginia the bride Wearing powder blue gabardine suit with tiumiig Al 01 idove grey crepe fashioned similar IHEMIXN ANNf ALIAN Hydro Homo tanomlll um all ll lo fate tr ligiil tlr tit on EII=l toil iitl llw ijii lit odit xiiown tit hat tit tiltiltftillt oI ttiitiiulte thn at llitlt lt Grimm Eli cwit tltl izi ittl Hi Illl il l3 Itil list out ltlt tlAIIl it lioiialtl lllit itt ii tlt ti lutel ztvtritli ill tlltitiz ltl to built lll ultll to in aid the piuieil one win itw imit liiil on llzl ground lzoi has always ditiii litilt lit in tlioigilus aid at the mill time is llititlltil about the Iltlltt in which the invtwt pti oi lone lilllt plan lIu it illt nay jtiiiralioii of any llto Itiitlllt ii sitierzttzon is How to jitltlt tlLe jusv piicbzm Ilit ritcond nucli can lust ill llIltl to pay loi it In addsiion to ltbe dollars and rents ttllli one Iiilll tolisulei lUlltlHIl tiiiivtiii eiire iiuialiiiity and tneiiilnew To the many iiiidt of llllr tc suizittst yotl Wiplis oi Bette ilSllll tollotv the pitti lluymansliip Iackle the Job with conlidence ind detcrmlntttuui Ionsult tltllllllllllt1 before izo mt into the market lv Iti al lmmiit in terms tlieol provides and ii iwtts pinbl Iin dam in mm 31 tliltl ltii lllt fIllll it Iltttl lti Tltv til Illlll HH Hm lnuni it litter oi tarts lit the iHIllintls 11 our modern oild rll bull tLlllitlllllltl The In hrs own lt motip lie ltilli Ill llml llllm no Illlt to train both sellillizuiet uid consultin Iia ltr is prepaitd lot ion ltil otliei xteli control LIN ltlt llttiiittIJ iltllll titiiis or numbers All anccr and lacinr rear illll ltillfsilltxi the tlltll not ready The number ol tiittil who ivxiel ti ltead the labels and ask for flv lltlllll it it tllll lreii are dome its Itll steplt in settldisci pinup his own age tregitanci HI lll own actions and tor iesponsibilitv ixiost important dimes llllll Iiap The lack oiipenctl in connection with Day tens zovt rnmt bin in many sclituils and ilit ttllltillitillill roupim of small ehildiin touttiter day time care tin oi the it tpiuiities oi characterlires tor Working jlothers as well ii= loltl in many adolescents as the relation to nuisery schools ill the maunitudc of much Iiic TIlilll pttti In lt Mitt gt was not the same necessity schools for children of cenerations ago who up tritmlly small town Imtits where iule rather than the ex Ilow lonely an only child ltiltl with no bitillici or sister own title can be todayl matter how loving parent be no matter how much time devoted mother may give to her lllltl ti his own ace Little children it the ftimpanionship nursery two it iiittill ltl 313 tistie wine topcoat and matching llllil and black acccssorics On IlllIt lLltllll they will reside at Glad llill larms in Crown Hill GIFIIZ ARSO Itlllili and white lilacs and snap illiliilll decorated Central United l1iiitli larrie on Tuesday May tfllll at 330 pm when Rev Bcivell united in marriage plmie IZlaine Carson daughter of Mr and Mrs Irving Carson Phelp aston to Arthur Orville Gilfen son if Mr and Mrs llrlenvzile Arthur Smith played the wed lrlin music violin solo The Lords Prayer was played by Daniel Horn before the ceremony ilhuine the signing of the regis Mrs Garnet Lenover sang lTiiroueh the Years Newman Gillcn hcr father was lovely in raggown of white slipper satin with fitted bodice embroidered in seed pearls and long sleeves coming to apoint at the wrist The gathered skirt fell into lull train Her peas and she carried bouquet of red roses and white sweet peas Mrs Murray Carson matron of lhonor wore gown Ofb1uenet over taffeta with matching mittens and halo headdress of blue car nations The bridesmaid Mrs Morley Feasley was in pinkfem broidered marquisette with pink mittens and wore similar head dress of pink carnations Beth at tendants carried nosegays of pink sweet peas and carnationsh Gordon Gien was groomsman for his brother Ushers Were Mur ray Carson brother of the bride and Douglas Gilfen cousin of the groan Following the ceremony re ception was held in the Sunday School rooms of the church The brides mother received in dress oiroyalblue crepetwith white ac cossories and wearing corsac of eardcnias She was assisted by the mother of the groom wearing mehm Iylykin1uiwmlI1Jmd 126 id lfcuttiplvn unthteteliout anemic delinquency probi large families The bride given in marriage by is iioi the same as play1 lloor length veil of embroidered net was caught with halo of white sweet Sunnidale underlying lor children whose parents lt the lieved in their ttltlttllltllllll value was an exceptionally line lltil tilt work Ill parent education Special ists tll this tield are agreed that any good nursery school is coit centred with the eiiiiclimcnt ol lainin lite as well as the healthy development ol the child The nur ery school never is and never ltt tends to be substitute fora moth ers care or lather direction to his childs growth rrrrr but good mir scry school can help parents who are eager for assistance in the most important work in all the ttlllllit training ol little cliild ren so thatthey will grow toward happy healthy useful maturity black figured jersey with black accessories and corsauc of par denies Thebride and groom left on wedding trip to the United States following the wedding For trav cllinpltlie bride write suit of loganberry eabardine with black accessories and an orchid Corsagc On their return they will reside on the grooms farm at Sunnidale Corners Guests from Lansing Langstafl Minesing Apto and Barrie were present at the wed ding Canadian Fashion COLLAR DECORThis decora tion collar beige suit in cabar dlne with crossed ends of collar out like ribbons at front and held in place by button is smart for this time of year nur liiit II the nursery school needed iii iiidustiy in llme tarts many child is introduced iorred the wna discipline which he countries in stud the pioneer is what wry lleiiinciples which should Ltiili the lioose according to your spe cml needs laiose modern aids that iii crease elliciency ll lii purchases into your Ioniz terni plan litfltespect the merchants busi sense and knowledce of his own merchandise tlltSS 11 Give due emphasis to spiritual land l1slltlilltl values Good buymanship on the coli lsumers part helps the merchant supply your needs more economic ally For instance avoid guess work by obtainingr information be ilore you buy Purchase with the intention of keeping the article jlollow directions on the label care llully and make any report or rc llttllligpylftvilllplLV We are impressed with the num iber of skillul shoppers in our town lThis was proven as we made our survey ttttllll cidcd to write this column for the ipany young people who have writ ten to us lately inquiringabout THIZ QUESTION BOX Miss It asks How can reduce food bills Answer Learn how to choose the least expensivc foods to make Lip an ade iquate diet Never waste flood throuin oyerbuying careless cooking over serving or improper storage Grow garden produce and pre andhardening there 35 Dunlap St IIIIIWI tuli However we do budgets IZifiY One of ltftl eizes of iov and celcliiiitieii is Iiiillllltl In his radio liIIHItI it It iziiazi workmen taken as the Itcilin tilitlttide Inn to avi eiiI llev are sh iwn prenarau tilts tor mid rit lltltllttttt for tlte tnst rt no Wayin rats in the air ihvv iic tIll1lll skit whali lldtl Iltiiran tc stzll litcl HINIHYING IllilOIHI Ilieie cant le xeiv much arttu imnt tiie that FDIllll illtlt ititns am busy llilILllll iiito llltl 1r itoiv to tecnll lii IItlINOMH IItIISIEIII iil tlrrottl the lot niany lill industrie tart ltltll taztiiit le lttilltililll serve it iiiplu lot viiitei use ICa nitals at home or carry ilmtcli Scit coiiiptuty Mrs It asks Should buy plain tasty food for Izirize or small Yllttlitill cleaner for liverooin house with pisi one run Aiiswci tnii ptncnnse of this item slioulvl depend upon your future iicciis tpo It you buy the Inrizcr tone and the polishcr attachment you will save time and expense in keeping linoleum lloors in condi tion and have adequate cleaninc equipment for the other vacuinn jlll Amie Allen Invites you to vritc to her etc The Barrie Examiner Send in your suggestions on lioine niakiiic problems and watch this column for replies gt7 Corsages Boutonnieres Brides Bouquet Ross Cook Flower Slit5p WE DELIVER JUMPING IACKS for Babies Famous RESEARCH and HURLBUTS for Children Misses Boys aridYouths So Shop at Neills for Foot Comfort and Foot Health Shoe Merchants In Ontario since 1865 19 112 Dunlop St FM Health Week AT NEILLS Mon Mayao to can June ChOOse your Foot Comfort and Foot HealttheillE Where you Willbe sure to becorrectly fitted Hundreds Yes thousands of satisfied customers acclaim these famous Foot Health Shoes that are sold ONLY at Neills in Barrie Styl ArchEShoes Specified Wedge Shoes Dr MarshShoes Your fOOt troubles can be relieved with the proper last of ishoe for your foot and can be correctly fitted at Neills Feet HealithffStartsWith AIf yOung feet are correctlyfittd While their little bones are changingr should bent not rouble in adult iiie AND IIECIIM Maui STORES TO SERVE YOU BARRIE Phone 4892 establixlnnenl lilttliv ieipzility ran wife lllIIIZIIItt be pm haul last Izad sprint as tgu lv as lmiw iwrrminn liliis No one ttlt vei oiiy in tpnt Itinti lAIilirs Neilllsare Specialists inliliildrensFootwear

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