Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1949, p. 1

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tion of his school gduringrr the summer of The First Column Current Comment Nturly two years ago iiiiiiiizizizii was opened to lllh lllfltls to build llariic and lllsillti Memorial hospital About 81101100 was subs scribed and tin committee staind negotiations With the Ontario lic pnrtmcnt of Ililillll Simcoe County Council and llii iliicctois of tlic Royal Victoria Hospital llans vcic considered vhcicby tlic prcslt ciit Royal Victoria liospztul might be bought by tho province on tlic condition lliaiii would be carried on as hospital for chronic pa tients llowcvci the negotiations Vtlt iiitciriiplcd wlicn lion lins scll Kcllc Minister of Ucalth stiflcrcd heart attacklliats whcic ilic nmttcr stands now and Mr Kelley is still hospital pa ticnl thn the tax bills wciit out to llillllt property holders couple of days before the menu bylaw vote lust vcck sonic of the rate payers said the Mayor iiiudc ii mis take in syndini the bills but at that firm Mayor Mayor who is chairman of the arena com mission had Vcry llilli to to with flit tax bills going out It just so lizippcncd that the iutc had been struck and thc town officials got the noticcs out is soon as possible iftcr that talc The tax notices were actually lzilcr than the previ ous ycar Rumor that the Barrie bathing beach will be closed for swimming this summer arc not triic Dr Scott director of the Simcoe Corriin Ilcaltli Unit said sziiiiplcs of the water have been tnkcii and the reports will be available sheri ly If the water is found to be not suitable for swimming tiii infor mation will be passed on to Town Council Aid Arthur Harrison was the victim of mistake by this news paper when we published state ment that he had said the speed limit was 20 miles an hour in Bar ric Aid Harrison said 30 miles an hour and was so reported but mistake was made when the type was set and it passed unnoticed until after the papers were printed Aid Harrison who is former pol icc constable probably knows as much as any mcmbcr of council about traffic regulations Our mis take was particularly annoying to Aid Harrison bccausc some of his police constable friends have credi tcd him witli the statement about 20 miles an hour Its good idea for newspaper to make mistake now and again because then we learn that some person actually read the item but we tire sorry that an error was made at Ald Harrisons expense How fast were those motorcy clcs travelling that passed through Barrie over the May 24 holiday You cant judge machine by the noise but some of the motorcycles that were entered in the races at Wasaga Beach on the 24th topped 100 miles an hour new Canad ian record was made when Eddic Stidolf of Toronto travcllcd measured quarter mile at 111 miles an hour in one direction andll7 miles an hour on the return flight dead chipmunk was presented by ab little boy in the east end to his mother one day last week The harrassed mother was slightly moliicd when she learned the boy had not killedthe chipmunk but had only found the body But this gift was only preparation for ceremony two days later when the same little boy dragged home the body of raccoon almost as big as himself Daddy dutifully buried the raccoon and mother is now hoping her young son wont nd dead horse on his wayyhomc from school Osborne Coulson who operated summer ice skating school for two months last year at Barrie Arena was in town last week He was one person who was very sad arena because it meant cancella about the program to expand the Mr Coulson and his pupils hadbecn particular ly happy about thevfacilities and accommodatidn provided in Barrie 1948 and they werehopingto cem back again this yeahThe members of the arena commission were like wise unhappy to lose the school this summer but it was not possible to bring on the arena bylaw vote any earlier The auditors report for the Town of Birrie has been preparedrand it is published in 36 pages There is much interesting information in this report and it seemsitoo bad that some could notbe foundof making cop ies available tofmthe taxpayersj owerer there are 15 town coun cillorswho shine the responsibility for these accounts and information may be obtained from them by any taxpayer sufficiently interested GC CRESTSfFOR MIDGET NHL BOYS ARE AVAILABLE All boys who played on cham pionship club in the Canadian Lc giorr midget NHL systomfthis sea son are asked to call at the recrea tion office at the Community House on Tuesday May 31 between 4430 pm and receive their crstsl GAME AND FISH OFFICIAL BALDUR Man CP George Fowler was reelected presid ent of the Baldur Game and Fish association here recentIy He out lined the work of the Rock Lake dam advisory committee and its new method of Fall andedrly Springdam control 19 86th Year No 36 ineXperisive method THE 151 St Andrews Centennial Anniversary Cdke MRS McLEAN STEVENSON is sccii licrc cutting the cakc it the supper bratc the 100111 anniversary of Presbyterian church Mrs Stevenson the oldest mombcr of thc congrcga Ablttoktfiu Ari SIQCAD CLASS HAIL BY CHICK DEPARHLNT GHANA My held to cclc St Aiidrcws guest is Rcv at the head tion is in her Brown Collegiate cciis Annual Inspection Ilic corps pcrioiincd stciidici llizinvtlicy did last year said ol incl lticld USO Garrison Ciiimizindcr of Camp lloidcii in his address following illt Find in spection of the Barrie District ol legilitc 711ch Corps at Qucciis lark Thursday afternoon lust Threatening rain and cool wcatli or forced Col Todd in mch his remarks biicf Howeyngi he did remark upon the splcndilt displays put on by the first aid and artil lery corps during the inspection and iipon the precise rhythmic exercises by approximately 200 girls of the school Accompanying Col Todd was Major Daifton of akvillc cn irzil Army Coiiiinzind cadet ofticcr Cadet Major Gerald lnlicison took the corps capany lliroughits ceremonial drill which included the ifsunl inspection of the ranks march past in column of platoons and columns of route and the gen eral salute taken by Col Todd Following this platoon drill was held in competition for the Squad ron Leader Rodgers Trophy There werc four platoons under the respective leadership of Cadet Lieiitcnants Jack Bouncy Val Van dc Wall Doug Allen and Don Croslt bic When tiic inspection had been fully completed nal analysis showed number two platoon under the guidance of Val Van dc Wall had won close verdict I01il0 trophy Jack Wallace MC former BCI strident who won the trophy the first year it was up for compe tition presented it t9 Van de Wall He added though the trophy had not been awarded on the best showing during the inspectionbut on the marked improvement in the platoon since organized THE ABOVE PICTURE shows shows an architects sketch of after the $130000 expansion The Old Arena very inspiring demonstration of unit work was that lisplziycd by the artillery corps iii antitank crash action Tadct 20 cutlets who llilillltl lTpnimdcrs and rlliffll guns llic first aid corps under the direction of Ni Synnott of thc BCl siafl and leadership ll Cudci Lieutenant Hob Lackie dcinon SllillLd the treatment icndcicd for fractures and later for persons overcome with smoke or those who had come in contact with clcc tiicity Colonel Todd took great interest in icvicwing these scenes Sonic 200 lllllSlllillflll by Miss Evelyn Gore and Miss Uiicl Kclso went through rhythmic cxcrciscs accompanied by Fern Hampcl it fhc piano Despite the chilly wea ther they voic bluc gymnasium suits and pcrfoimcd splendidly As body they had little practice but this was not noticeable in their work After the inspection the corps led by the Collegiate Band who livcncd the event both with their uniforms and music marched cast along Ross and Collier streets down Mulczister to DIllllOp and alongr the main street to the school taking the salute at the ccnotaph TROIHY TO BE PRESENTED Tonigbt Monday at Stroud The Barrie Examiner Trophy will be presented to the Stioud hockey club 194849 champions of athc South Simcoe Hockey League by Walls vicepresident of The Barrie Examiner Limited Stroud were the first winners of the trophy in 1934 The occasion of the piescntation will be euchrei and dance at Stroud Community Hall And The New the Barrievarna as it was built some years ago Recently an addition was put on the front of thebuildihg over the main floor The lower picture the building as it will appear program is completed The WIH ti ut Fl 97th year Standing bcsidc tlic honored James Ferguson Othcrs sccii table lllt Dr MaiInnis ol Orillia George Brown and Mrs George SMITH STUDIO lIIOTO hold he Home Economist Speaker Kiwanis Ladies Auxiliary Miss liditli Emma Mini hydro home economist spoke on meal planning and tho value of various foods at mcctiiic of the Ladies Kiwanis Club in thc oiiiinuiiiiy icutciiunil House last Iliuisday cvcninc Miss lilml llllltllt Doric ltiddcll was in charge of the Muir 1m Wm mim HH mow ltrcnd towards liciici citizenship dunym of Anne Alltll is the author of The Mixing low regular Monday ICleillt of flu ivoiiicns page of The Barrie Examiner She was tlL0lll1llllll by ic picseiitzitivc from the lieu of the Hydro Electric Power Commission who showed film oil Niagara Falls and the manner in which powcr is sienciutcd from illt ftillS Miss Muir toldtlic members liow meals should be illtpilltd to get tlic eicatcst value out of different foods hydro homo cconoinist shc stressed the wise use of hydro in cooking pointing out the value of cooking dinner all at one timc llOl talk was greatly enjoy cd by the members Miss Muir was introduced by Mrs Fred McDowell program convcncr for the evening Shc wast thande by Mrs Bruce Ncsbitt The program opened with two vocal selections suite by Mrs lack Couch accompanied on the piano by Miss Edna Theodore MrsB Robertson club prc sidcnt opened the business por tion of the meeting by outlining the commandments of the Kiwanis for the ladies it decided at the meeting to annual tea and sale of homemade bakingr on June 15 at the home of Mrs Craig ladies are planning to entertain their husbands at dinner ill Geor gian Manor Wasaga Bcucli on June 22 Mrs Griffiths played God Save The King to close the nicot ing roof span of 150 feet The The Army Medical kofi islhe daughter of Mr and Mrs ArthurMarshall Angtis creation Hall Moranw MAY lift nuns tiiiiiiuiiini ii iiisiruioi ldllllj 21 fi llill Sumatran aiii nib 211 lilit lil ll ll ii Lllitidl put tin11 lilllr 1111 ii liltliliii iiii 11 im itti 3i1 wt i131 fl fA itlv lilltl lf ilc iiiln iloli of ill tiic 29 innin llll Siluiiliil lll lliliiliil ii trill iiv Ill tlii luiitlm lil lititiv it lit Mi llti llll iii Mary of thc coiiiiitw lluc iiij of If ll i1i ltpiisim iliiii itii lllfl illll ili litStt liciiipcnicli lilnii ll 11 iif ioitl llcllv and Lt Iifil lllilv Siliiadion lcitlci 11 itliiilt lt lSifl lttlii lif li Ililtl1li Trill ltlllliflillill1iiillfii iii to jltiLI ruiioii ltl harlw iilttwll iN itiiiituiit illzll lH itflllllliilllli nificvi lvii tliitl lt liiuc1or Arnold otiiii iiistriiclnis Eliltiii loiild lliiiti liaivigaloi lriur lnliiistoii ll and drill iioff ltllilgt titllltil lion lakc gtlLllIl licv tios 1111lii iiii lltlltllt tin iiiidiciil tilllltl In his iiinal to tho vista 51 Liilclcy said rllioili our lillllw bcr is small it is madc up of lawn ipcrsonncl lint wi litillt 1o lizncl more than double litlt itilsLill strength and band illili it liicu iltllllll in Scpiciiibii Soiin lpiogrcss has lllll inridc ltl llll past lscveii inontlzs llll inost lillllttlllllt lot which is 1111 iniliiisiasin of lllti liadcu lliis ieilccts iiolily on their shows Si ladglcy itiarikcd the officers Hind instructors for tlicir loyal lsupport 11 all times You lwoikcd hard and lll Any crctlit foi the progress wc have inadc is lluvi Turning to the ciidcts the CO 0ifiplimbnicd them on their icl murkublc attcndaiicc iccoids Your lspirit has been unbeatable and can assure you fill llilll everything bcingy cqual you can look forward ito better times and better condi lions in the Fall Your officers and linsliuctors not only commend you Toronto vazlllNl yours Iuhlic litiliiiis Commission foals filial this lti of lighting should tliiicwood and Alliston iOlllllIl has lmildiiies along the main street illli old type will probably be rc pliiccd gradually all along the mam slllll 1liti that it is costing to install the ABC hil PAID AS OF DKC St lJi you 765 TO 408 TO ENLARGE ARENA IlltIt propcrly liilltr ho otcd in favor of lllJlIlli grant of $130000 to ilir Barrio rciii in med tho Stlllfli arcomnimtation Iiit toting was hrld List Fri day and Wk pcrsons voted txdiflsi thr bylaw FUlltltlIl 153510 names iiin on tho lists is riigiblc tilih llicrc has no idvalicc poll ind ilic votc by wards is is lnlltiiis iiirr To for Against Want it 113 rtflllflii Duniopi iirw ii lllt livc lllli OmiiiStriivi xim illiiiniiialid unlit ninthiii lit stir1 iiiilc ci fii itiii standards have Itllil tlic old lamp llll arc stilt Ill iz rill nihniv blocks of tin llialfll tliicv lllt lzinip had llltil ill the ptilOil cvcninc llie old idziids iiavi boon it liiii lli llt liizlit standards il placed little further back from llir tlfll liiun tlzc old type in illill no struck by motor illl iii duiic bit higher than the old type and consequcnly sii lnllil spicziil of liplil iivcr ltltl liltit The distribution oi littht on illt sidewalks is iqiiallr as good as it was Willi the UH tzaizziil typo and on the lllLLlll much better William Sziltci ii iii do lfiil deal to cut down the litiiiilui of accidents lliclainps 2111 ili product ind iri similar in tlic lighting stalled along Torontos Univcisityl Avcnuc They are also similar to lighting iiscd in the centres of 11 silniliii with the slicciligliling syslcin lights attached to the Thc block icpicsciits an cxpcuw mum lIl appearance and efficiency Winn installcd the old type 051 8110 cacti about the same now fixtures Their scrap value is however practically nothing Although no more of the old type will be purchased they will no he 735 Lird HS 11 Hard it til wmi ilJ 5i tfl 2021 113 iril ill ill on THE BARRIE+ EXAMINER BARR ONTARIO CANADA One Section Page 9415 To Enlar piid the Barrie iiczm an coinpictvit Millif ltii Zii Fi iiaii brezi lc to Struci in foido iibcct to flux approach Last lauds Ala 12 fiiw favor and 111 111 arriiu fiiililllismd In tip sibsiiitil inaiority in turn iii Light sagas Along Dunlop Street Tim it xi lllfJ pnii it ll an if my wit lti 111W in is iEii ll ESSAFESTIVAL AT THORNTON on THURSDAY Killian Iliti will take part lliit Ill 41 In mile lllllliil bands v11 drum of gtlliiltl llltlii Illllll gr Miss Shiilw lxwli li oincis vli Llffttlllllli tin cuts The piuiziuiii Will liiLllii pin lt1Sli ieiiiiul illli flli 33 cents Stiiiiciiis lll be itllil lLLl lltL of choice illAlHlillIS FRO ll Jack ltziiisay an honor of Queens lfiiivcisuy iii iiiii who lttIlll ciiihnlitcd its Has it Ulliniio lull Toronto as it Sch11cc spciilgtt JOlllLd illt stilts shill til Vii Beverages liaiiic lll tin lllcl Ill will inm 11m staff 11 Bioni riilcuiaiu in Septiiiilici lkl was with illt iil Tiiiiispoif niaiid during lil war lli say is the foiniii ilwcn of Barrie Mi and Mis Ramsay Iii ii iii Cozi cll replaced in the immediate future reports Mr Sziltci and son Donald l1 taken up residence how for ilc stllliiiiil Reg Ayres Chosen CCF Candidate Simeoe Narth lyour paticncc iiiidcrstznidiiie and indulgence in the past seven imOiltllS Barrio No 102 Squadron will have regular parade again next Friday night June it to picpaic for participation in Air Force Day June 11 Following the inspection the of ificcis and instructors entertained lthcir gucsts and the reviewing of ficcr and his nidc at buffet lunch Although he was unable to attend the inspection the new command int officer of RCAF Station Camp Bordcn Wing Commander Lccomtc DFC arrived later to visit the air cadet quarters and make the acquaintance of the squadipi officers and instructors DR POSTNIKOFF NOW PRACTISING MEDICINE HERE Dr John Postnikofi lias taken over the office and practice of the Limo Dr Fred Ross 140 Dunlap Street Barrie Ho and his Wiici arrived in Barrie recently Dr Postnikotl is member of the class 01 44 of the Eaculty of Medicine at the UniVersify of To onto He is iiativc of Saskatche wan having been born and raise near Saskatoon and attended the University of Saskdtchcwan for four years before coming to TUl onto iUnited Church on Tuesday May He entered the army after leav ing university and served with the Corps at Camp Bordcn during1945 Mrs Posinc arena will be widened 20 feet on each side This will require lval under direction of Paul MC sclcctcd as the CCF candidate for Thursday night allv growing and better showing rie town council and member of icstaurant and he is avcteran 01 litre first world war iis active in sports lspcakcr and all the seats in the ZMapie rivas nominated by Miss Raikes Entertaining program Boy Joe Tuesday June pm Reginald Ayrcs of Burric was Simcoe North at nomination con vention held in Colliiigwood last In accepting the nomination Mr Ayics said he had worked in pre vious elections and the CCF organ ization in this riding was continu was being madc in each campaign Mr Ayics member of the Bar the arena commission operates He is ber of the Lions club of Barrie nd Presiding over the convention was Thomas of Collingwood chairman of the election commit tee secretary and Mrs Greene of Col lingwood is treasurer of the elec tion committee Miss Agnes Macphail MPP for YorkSouth was the convention Leaf hall including the chairs around the walls were occu pied for the meeting Mr Ayrcs pm OMING EVENTS LTJ VON Tag Day Saturday June 3637b Youth for Christ Rally Central 31 pm 3536h Chilly Willy Club barn dance gElmcr Gibbins Barn Stroud Sat urday June 419 pm xlunch coun ter Admission 50c 36371 jDancing every Friday night Becton Community Memorial Re to Norm Burling andwis Kings Men 900 pm to 100 am 33tfb St An drews Lecture Room Film That Sponsored by WCTU Admission 25c 3538b Dont forget the play Miss iChattcrbox to be presented by the Burton Ave YP in Crown Hill Miss Elsie Raikes of Barrie is REGINALD AYRES For Sodialis States Agne Both the Liberals and Conscr vatives are drawing closer to the CCF program declared Miss Ag nesMacphail in addressing CCF nominatingdonlvcntion at Coiling wood last Thursday night The MPP for York South referr ed to radio address made earlier in the eyening by George Diew Progressive Conservative leader She quoted him as promising old age pensions at 65 social security and health Services Referring to the Liberals she said they were not much dicrcnt than the Conscrvativcs and she did notrthink it sounded very well for United Church Friday June at 830 pm 36b Bazaar sale of fancy work aprons and home baking After noon tea from 36 Wednesday June LOL Hall Elizabeth St Auspices of Blue Haven LOBA Bingo at night 815 sharp 36b North Simcoe Junior Farmers annual field day Springwater Park Midhiirst June Dance Midhurst Hall at night Admis sion 50 All eligible ballrteam en tries to be received by Miss Helen Caldwell Shanty Bay not later than June 36b Tenth annual Essa Music Festi work will get under way next week and will be done by structures and Foundations Lim ited of Toronto in Kelvey will be held at Thornton Arena on Thursday June at 815 ipm EDT Admission adults 35cistudents free Assisting will be the Simcoeaires double quar tetl 3236b the Liberals to promise so much after they had been in power for generation without doing these things Miss Macphail referred to her roots in Grey County and said she feltnear home when in Simcoe think back to the old days of the United Farm mcwemcnt and the convulsion that shook Ontario after the rst World war She described the united farm organiz ations across Canada at that time as the rock bed of the Socialist movement inCanada The first woman member of the House ofCommons referred to the Ginger Group including James Shaver Woodsworth Heaps and others who had not been lured across the oor of the House by Mr King Referring to people taking part of lltllt int Twice Weekly 12 lStart Next Week $130000 Project gel Arena Work wiil in stiiZiiwi nw prociiii to ex iim pznicct will bi 111 13 mixiac iiil $130001 at lriiliiviis Lilllliitl oi loi riijv irriiivi llairic votcd $130000 to lhcrc was iRfljy ward 2x piuiiii if if iii tii pic gt1 il xtlililll tl 111 hr ltl Siziii liiics lJi 111 in ilc lt for scrim liHA ii ii llr iilll lv vis lll he sitii The hi ififl ITl for and inirl illi in iiuS if HHs tilihlli will bi iizissakcwa will be built the from iiw 11 ii Illll llr rnoni llikt lit acoiizinodation for igwli ciid cpiiltini pioizram vill cri iimic rlccliiczil licatinc flilfl contractors no and Harold Forster hav cmniml llltM gtlllOllllilcli iicc ill not be ab ll thcrc llf any lflli to Ylic icemaking on lliillii in is owned by t1 rill10gt and is girlininistcicil in timid of iunznnssioiicis coni mm Mayor as Aid Reginald Ayics ianmw orhcft and two lint nicmbcrs of council Maswcll and Gcoruc llic aicna manager llgtiipp BCI STUDENTS SHORTHAND CHAMPIONSHIP hi gtlitilllllfld contest was lliltl ill the liaton Auditorium lmoiiin open in bonafidc students taking instruction in any system 11 shorthand inprivate or second ir schools iii Ontario BCl tntcrcd team of five con icsluiits lilltltl the direction jot ed llllflii tlm flitttlillll i=1 of my Kili tgtiiwi Fllllfl MW if iiioiinoiliiioii at ins vllltit Uriah 14 In altircd llic ils lt iii lion trial In wt iil 11 the pic will lu issirtii ooksi Ivl lit iii liilll llicic will School Iilltl tli Swimmii iill vln the new piojit doublc quartet inn tliiiit 111111111 llll iiil1 mainline ii im inl Hi iiilirl Dr Dunn iiiclii liritj mcrcial department in class ihosb taking the oneyear special course Barrie Collegiate won tlii contcst with an accuracy rc cord of 5131 and Betty Reid Cllllt third individually with 977 The craved trophy dividual trophy The members of the teams were Margaret Handy rcncc June Morrison Morrmv and Betty Reid This is the fiiSi time this coin petition has been held and the win ning team next year will receive litt tripto New York accuracy school will receive an on and Betty an in Herbert sriiiiaiis NOT INSECTS Spiders are not insectsthey be long to the class araclinida which also includes scorpions mites and lticks UFO MovzmeHrBasis Party Macphail in politics Miss Macphail saidI cloiiilike George Drew because the likes himself so much theres no use my bothering lagh and Duplcssis and Houdc as the four most dangerous men in Canada for Canada if Drewhnd Duplessis got in because Drew would have Quebec discussing housing Referring to promises by David Croll and Ar thur Roebuck she said these prom NII Croll was only an ordinary MP and Mr She quoted Mr St Laurent as ized housing The member of the Ontario Leg islature did not think it was neces sary IE have cocktail bars every 10 rods up and down Yonge street She thought that cocktail bars the atres and Service stations might have waited until after houseswere built The speaker referred to health services and said that when per son ws sick was no time to be worrying about doctor and hospi tal bills We insure our buildings against fire so why cantweinsure She ourselves against sickness said that althoughibe Blue Miss Coleridge head of the com Lorraine Law like most people in public life but She described Drew and McCiil It would be abadthing to depend on DuplesSis to deliver Miss Macphail spent some time iscs didnt amount to much because Roebuck was senator stating there would be no subsid Turn to his three he

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