credit of the Corporation sum not exceeding the Corporation exclusive $10000 or multiple thereof MEASURE OF SERVICE Norton or SUBMISSION of proposed Byiaw for assent of Electors Bylaw of the Corporation of the Town of Barrie to make grant to The Barrie Arena Commission not exceeding $13l50000 for enlarging the Barrie Arena WHEREAS Battle Arena is ownd by he oiporation of the of Harrie which is acriiuicil by ruiclai from The lizriiic Aint Arena limited pursuant to The Town of Hattie Act 194a 1941 OS Chapter 20 AND WHEREAS the ptcgtttl tt11tlll capicity of the Ear rte ttltrl inadequate and it ltililltlt to have air ltlltllititltllll iii the lownv Harrie with seating rarity tll tullll tiiiS AND tliliRlCAS it is ncrriiy to teplacc tire ltStililOUI on the Arena and it is tlntiltlti at ltrr samv time to increase the scaa capacity of tlie artiia from 1130 to itltlll seats will lc necessary to boiow on debentures on AM Him 11 313150000 bearing for the purpose aforesaid thtttiltlli to protide that the said debcng principal and lititltSt at the Branch of annual instalments at the rat til it AND VlllllliAS 11 is shall be rtptiyable Bank of Toronto in llariu in twenty AND WillZillth it is ctcllcttt to make the principal of the said payable in animal sums during the said teiinof twenty cltl suchamounts icspcctitcly that with the lltlrllSi iii tLspcct of that the aggregate amount payable oi principal and interest In each shall be as nearly as possible ill instalment of principal may be and that outwitltstautliitg anythini litvein lllSilllttlttllS of principal and lllltliSi may ditfcr Iicicntly to admit thereof AND WHEREAS it is tlttt1rltt lll order to repay the said sum of 31315000 to raise annually the fillti shown in the third column of hereto iiiruieuatitiit ill stiiii of 3135130000 hiring the said period of twenty ttti lll ottlct to pay the said animal sums of prtn cipal and interest as they become due AND WHEREAS the aiuotutl of for an even $10000 or multipl contained the an in amounts sttf by special rate or assessment is $23070 llt none of which is iit arrears either for principal or interest ANi VllliRiZAS pursuant to the Ontario Municipal Board Act Section 70 subsection flit Ontario Municipal lioard by Order Nlllll ber ll dated the day of All llllll approved the issiieol dcbtiilutes for Slitlfiulltltl for the purpose afore id NOW lllllllllOillI the Council of the Corporation enacts as follows THAT for the purpose of making lltlll to The Barrie Arena ommission to enlarge lliq liarrie Arena there shall belborrowed on the credit of the corporation at large sumnot exceeding $13150000 anddebctitures shall he issued therefor ltlllll interest at the rate of per aiiiiiiiii and liavim coupons attached thereto for the pay Will of the interest of such amounts respectively that with the iti lctest in respect of the debt the aggregate amount payable of principal and interest in each yaar shall be as nearly as possible the sonic sub jccl to the proviso that each instalment of principal may be for an and that notwithstanding anything liercitt cotitaiiicd the animal instaliianIs of principal atid interest may differ in amounts sufficiently to adiitil thereof The debentures shall all bear the same date and siiall be issued within two years of the date on which this Bylaw comes into effect and may boar any data within such two years and shall be payable iti twenty annual instalments during the twenty years next after the date that the same were issued and the respective amounts of prin cipal and interest payable in each of such years shall be as set forth in the schedule hereto which schedule is hereby declared to bc aitd form part of this bylaw The debentures as to both principal and interest shall be cxpicsscd in Canadian Currency and shall be payable at the Bank of Toronto in the Town ofllarrie The Corporation shall have the right at its option to redeem dc bcnturcs of this issue either in whole or ill part on any date prior to the maturity at the place where and in the monies in which the said debentures are expressed to ho payable upon the payment of the principal amount thereof together with interest accrued to the late of redemption and upon giving previous notice of the said intention torcdccni by advertising once iii the Olliitllt Gazette and once in daily ncwspaper of general provincial circulation published iii the City of Toronto and once in local newspaper such notice to be ad vertised as aforesaid at least thirty days before the date fixed for re dcmption Notice of intention so to icdeeiii sliali also be sent by post at least thirty lays prior to illtlltlevsci for such redemption to each person in whose name debenture so to be redeemed is registered at the address shown iii the debenture registry bdok The Mayor of the Corporation shall sign and issue debentures and the debentures atid interest coupons shall be signed by tltc Treasurer of the Corporation and the debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Corporation The signature of the Treasurer upon the coupons may be written stamped lithograpth or engraved During the said term of twenty years tltc sitiii shown iii the fourth column of schedule hereto shall be raised annually for tltc said payment of the said stun of 313150000 and interest by specia rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates on iilliithcitcibli property in the said Corporation at the same time and in the same manner as other rates The debentures may contain any clause providing for the regis tration thereof authorized by any statute relating to municipal deben tures in force at the time of the issue thereof THE ABOVE is true copy of the proposed bylaw to be sub mitted for assent of tlic electors qualified to vote on money bylaws If the electors assent to thcsaid proposed bylaw it will be con sidered by the Council after the cxtiration of on month from the 28th day of April 1949 The votes for assent of the said proposed bylaw will be taken OfiiillC 2lth day of May 1949 between the hours of it oclock in the forenoon and oclock in the afternoon at the undermentioncd places WARD NO lAMrs Freeiiians House WARD NO IBMrs Freemans House WARD NO 2ALibrary Hall WARD NO 2BLibrary Hall WARD NO 3AOddfellows Hall WARD NO 38Oddfeliows Hall WARD NO 4AClub 79 Elizabeth St NO 4BC1ub 79 Elizabeth St NO 4CClub 79 Elizabeth St WARD NO 4DCltib 79 Elizabeth St WARD NO 5AMrs Armstrongs House WARD NO SISMrs Armstrongs House WARD NO 6AOrangc Hall gt WARD NO SBOrange Hall Persons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing tip of the votes by the Clerk will be appointed at the Clerks Office in the Municipal Building at th hour of on the 23rd day of May 1949 Noe the afternoon tenant who desires to vote on the said propoSed bylaw and lease extends for at least twentyOne years and who has by the lease covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property other than local improvement rates if he makes and files with the Clerk not later than the 16th day of May declaration under the Canada Evrdence Act so stating shall be entitled to have his namc entered on the list of voters prepared by the Clerk under section 284 of the Munrctpal Act 272913133bt1 do their jobs KAMLOOPS BC SENTINEL Flour used in Newfoundland is goodstreetcleaner May he en all enriched by added vitamins Joy another onrid where menare and minerals but Canadian law not rated according to the kindof prohibits enrichment in the other work theytdo but by the way they nine provinces Death has taken David Dougans His life was unexciting unremark able But Davie Dougans was macleans furniture plcraft napkins UPHVOLSTERING CUSTOMBUILT 21 Worsley Street mama ONI DIAL 4346 itll itii National zoiw sitbiect to the transit that property of Roman bltlrllil or the whole rateabie property of local uuprotcmcnts and debts scctircd rearms couar NOTES iliiN DAYS llall tlctatlli of Danie attic liltititti guilt to ti tier of drank tiiiviitg at the tittigrsiia rllli on Wednesday llirtiitkil to in cool by vlagrstiau litiiiietli anieum iii lzceinc was sippended for months and ills cai littllmlitlrti llr tillcllt took place on Ma Pio vincial Constable illillt ltltilLt An additional charge o1 rgt days up it catcless driving was withdrawn THIRTY DAYS Willactl riileiicr to lJii hit Ht Scigiatri autp llotdr Jib days in gaol tor theft of gentia lor the property ol the Departincti llclettct BOY SENT HOME Air iliiisdale boy age ill va il lowed to go home to ill llttlti on it suspended sentence of two years after being convicted of tilt theft of lwu tatciirs cacli under The first watch tltc value oi $35 had been tile vyttlltll oti Apiil lr placed person The second rtttltlt ion April ill was tilt property or 31 Norris Coclirane on ltose faint liltt boy was Working at the tiiic lttnllltllli oiistable Les iatteison vtlittl laid the charge HARD LABOR was sentenced to 30 days at hard labor for uttering worthless cheque at the Rank of Toronto in Barrie lie was given an addition al 30 days to run concur ltilil with the ilISi sentence on charge of forgery Provincial oiistalrlc Townsend had laid illttl1ltllti LLEGAL POSSESSION ariicgic 0315 Avenue West Toronto cotticltd of illegal possession ol litiiior iii Harrie on May it was liiicd $15 and $375 costs or l5 days in gaol Joseph St tlait IlNlZD 315 James Harry illllil Ill Matilda Street Toronto pleaded guilty to charge of having liquor illegally in his possession on May 17 He was lined $13 and $173 costs or 1a days in gaol FINEI $20 Mitchell Tourncyea RR Angus Saturday May was fined $20 and $375 costs or 13 days lll paoi Provincial Constable Townsend gave evidence PAYS FOR DISTURBANCE lite Doitald Whytall of tlic lRCASCat Camp Borden was fined 5515 and $450 costs or 13 lays in 3gaoi for causing disturbance in Barrie on May 12 stable Townsend investigated ARELESS DRIVING Morra of Bracclnidge was ill JOllll rtned $25 and $1375 costs or Provincial Cont loiiii it Border of ltveu Sound At Maple Leaf Geld Guard ldays in gaol after pleading guilty to charge of careless driving at Innistii on May One thousand dollars property damage and pcr sonal injuries were involved in the case which was investigated by Provincial Constable George Hei libert MUSI srhvnwitr Robert Duric RR Pliclpstoii was given suspended sentence of tario RCASCall ranks the guard escort of the Toronto Garrison wcre the Colors of sixrcryt two years on the condition that he stayaway front the property of Royal Regiment of Canada 48111 Higlilandcrs Toronto Scottish Reg lating the petty trespass act Thct accused paid court costs of $1375 tor Party marched on irrslow time tgwith the drums of the Massed Pipe Bands beating the step the crowds gcliccrcd and the Escort to the Cub Lcnnox near Phelpston during that time after being convicted of vio Ogt Careless Driving Charge Dismissed charge of careless driving Street was dismissed at the triag istrates court last Wednesday at ternoon Stewart KCiwasiMinistcr coinplimcntcd tlic llscor solicitor for the dcfencc The charge had been laid incoii iicction with the collision man Craig of London Ontario on the evening of May in Essa Town ship Craig had turned off the road sharply in front of Young into alancway giving no signal He claimed that his brake lights must have given signal to the car behind The three passengers in Youngs car denied having seen the lights Provincial Constable Donald Weston had investigated the case OgtM Ailiston to Build $80000 Rink this Summer Thepeople of Alliston and South Simcoe have job to do They have an $80000 rink to build this summer The building will be worth far more than $80000 That figure is based on the assumption that gratis labor will be supplied by thecomntunity in whatever amounts may berequired by the buildingsuperviSor If therearc will not be built because it would cost far more than the amount available to pay for it It is hoped that free labOr pool of 300 Or 400 men will register with Jack Bowerman who has been ap pointed as organizer of the day labor force vlt is understood that Captains will be in each locality and will be responsible for line of 10 or 20 menAlliston Herald Since 1876 except during war years and bad depressions Canada has imported from the United States $48976553 each year For Delivery of Fresh Purina Chows PHONE 817r31 antitrust moors Danie of Youngs car with the car of N0r received an ovation that more titan nocenotigh volunteers the rink vcoivcd the Color Parties in the ceir THE BARRIE EXAMINER BAR Delicate be fouitd drunk in public place on Camp Guard Reprinted from THE AMI 15011th lllZlCN By tapt if MctiltiiOOli The amp Borden made very showing last Sunday in Maple Leaf Gardens Before seventeen thous andrspcctators and many notables the guard participated iii the ccrc monies opening Army Week in On Composite Composed of RCAC RCIC and ed the Regimental Colors of units There ous Regiments on parade t3 Ariiid chtl The Queens York Rangers lst Americans Thy iincnt and the Irish Regintcntpf Canada As each very smart Col ors presented arms When the whole group was on parade the IMinister of National Defence the againSt William Young 15 DUUIOD lHon Brooke Claxton received the General Salute In addressing the spectators the and Color Parties oti their fine pcrlt forniancc As the Maple Leaf Gaifdeiis spot lights swept the brilliant Coloii and sparkling bayoncts the escort opened iinto two guards and rc irc There was ringing ltllItill applause as the Colors were marclilt cd ill Returning to the Gardens after very short break the Composite Guard put on line display of pre cision drill very sympathetic audience applauded each precise tnotion2ind suffered in silcncc with rear rank soldier unable to fix his bayonet At the conclusion of the final movement the guard compensated for the rigid training periods and SundavParadcs Following the precision manou vets the audience was treated to superlative band concert by the Toronto Garrison niasscd bandsl variety of iiiustcalsclectioirs were offered including very coilt orful medley performed by the massed bands and massed pipes The lighting engineers madctltc Radio licences are now due Have you paid your $250 Have you forgotten your car radiotoo LAFFVAQDAY iMake that trip around the world 031 one instead of two and Pill answer the question if ONTARIO CANADA sallion of tlie killed pipers creditable ILondon pultriic on precision dis Cuard will reassemble in Toronto for repeat pctforitiaiicc at the Govcrnor GLllClltlSnllOlSC Guards GOC Central Toiiiiiiaitd Cirkzmw Demolition lob Proton WESTERN Parades Colour Parties in iiol of the cailcl lllli dress the llitlllltltill anti llie plaids and llllllllli tlit wetll the Coiiipositi riiard vtll ltIllI liitaiio in two div 1011 An RCAC and RClC cuard under Lt Rctincdy of the RCA School will operate out of plays at Sarina hatliauc Guelph Kitchener and ialt Lt lotts of the RtASt School will corti mand tlie RCASC portion of the Compositi luarli on tour toOak ille Toronto and Hamilton On Sunday May the Composite Gardens Congratulations on the perform ance of the Composite Guard have bccnrcccivcd front the Officers Commanding the Toronto Garrison Reserve Force Units and from the Evert the severe critics from Bordcn allow that they did well HON Minister BROOKE of National can UNLESS you look at the pictures on the right youll hardly believe there can be so many Yet this is only few of them For aluminum has so many ad vantages that you ntay sec hundreds of other things made of it e1 on the streets in store windows almost anywhere you look This is because aluminum is so very light and strong does not rust and has lots ototlier special features Today moretliaii 1000 Canadian Compliments Escmt nnd Receives General Salute lXIO STAFHSHED i399 PAGE NINE How to cirate once an Estate of 37 5300 lithllq il Hll tHi Silltlilil by if IiilIfllbI1AETitll=llli llliiiiliiiiltilitiliailfhjhtiltlti1lliiitl trimogu lit ifoiitiirciitai illi fill liriiaan liui ii illidiiY with stitikcuftoui itll yoti ii ttr tt llt or iiil offlil rlfltliii iiill sitl4 li iulu ls tour tiiuil uttt home from the liltlllrilli Htl pit oiii lust viviiiuliir and addition tiaiiiifvr no lull llll you lrillt lt ytriii taxiitinntal iii liv pi lliallic ilmiil litr llaii lnlay lllE CUNllNENlAl HEAD OFFICE illE lliSllRANCE COMPANY lOlsUtrlO GRANT MAYOR lit Dunlop Street bottle 22 Licutcnants Write Exoms this Month litlllillitti lroin llil til ltfiltililh it ill Iiilttiitllt oh imil ill at iiialrou ll titltl tt ii 11 tll ittwl If ti lllZllNl iii in tin lte iii liiltl 17 Laviwiuii ninpony lilttlt Liv viizrairt lllpni llll llltv litutlltll ll at to ill on tll iiilttii ext lllll tlvil ill ttlll other or in as and patta on rotwi or in both it lm strong for Brantford Army Week Review smart dealer Rating Products knows that custoincis talk He wants titcrii to bc completely satis fied so theyll rccomnicttd hint to their iicigii hours And that happens often with Biantford Roofings The Brijraiitford Roofing Company in Canadian 1t ltas over 40 years of inamifactur tug experience Bclicvcs in high quality Ami stands Solidly behind its products That contbinations unbeatable Ask for Brantford Asphalt Shingles Sealedin Siding Roll Roofings Building Papers Roof Coatings AsPhull Mastic Flooring Waterproong Materials BuiltUp Roofings Dclciicc companies are making altiriiiitum into so many kinds of useful and beautiful articles that no one can keep track of them all in Why is this so Because so many people all over the world want things tuadc of aluminum be have been able tormake more and more Recausgwe have been able to make mine we have been able over the last ten years to reduce the price of aluminum ingot by257 The Brit iiiiiiic tiiit Colid How many things mudeof alMIlllIf you see on street corner ALUMINUM COMPANY 05 uraniumg Producer and Protesters of Aluminum for Canadian industry and World Markels MONlRLAL QUEBEC TORONTO VANCOUVER WlNDSOI AlumiRum stare Trent novor mod point Also aluminum trafc lane markers parking meters street light brac kets direction signs and saves troughs roofs windbw sills awnings shades and railway cars airplanes and new things are being made of aluminum every day