Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 May 1949, p. 7

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36th YCQFVANQ 35 Volunteer Fire Fighters At Wasaga Beach SlitERA WASAGA BEACH volunteers fought fire which swept through the top floor of twostorey boat house on May 17 which destroyed 13 boats and furnishings of small apartment The fire started from can of varnish which exploded while being heated The building was the property of Charles Eberhardt and both he and his son Ken owned LIBERALS ELECT lliose elected to millen ilresidenl William lllllllt tllI oi liaiitiaiv Vice lies Mix Itii llii soli Secyvlrcas ll lillll Me Nabb Directors All llaili olz oil Lolliian ail Smith Al iiuu allil PRES TOWN ASSN Al Iiulnaliltionai lllltltiilllg ltor Jack HHUWV lllli ma was It in ii HIer may Tum Ilaiil ltuhanison Vol ldiiiilr liesidtlil hunttie loitil Liberals elect ttillllllliltl which will work iii ttlllitlliillill with the many Lib eral l1llii1iiltill lhroiiizlloul the riding of Simcoe North spoke briefly on tile pleat brutal thal anadian Liberals lane in lherlted from llll past liltixllillli lto the late election held in liasi ern leriiiaiiy Mr Richardson said Htllat we should cherish our free lloin The best way of seeuriin task of stealing ciedit for great Liberal deeds it is up to the lab erals aiid their supporters to gel olit among the people and tell illtflll who were the real initiators of social security measures Speak ing as man who represented the rural farmers of Ontario Mr Richardson showed how their greatly enhanced position ill soci ety was the result of thu uieat isnt everything with us Its gratifying to see good gar ment come back lit al administrations The people of ltfrom Qua lCzlnadazlre the judge and jurym Cleanlng EOIOF lLei us put forth the evidence be clear bright and fore the peoplelliey will decide alive thrilling who is to govern Canada Gladstone Currie Liberall candi to see the return date for Simcoe Norlll said that of style and lines great encouragement was shown to him in his many jaunls through that flatterthe extra values of this ner service ers of our riding are teiliiically enthusiastic over tile coming hat tie in Liberal representation through out the province and this would be the result of the past achievements of the Liberal administration The fiascos of the Tories of Ontario in their administration of the Hydro and the Charities Bill would be shown in the election returns in June Mr Currie gave some illuminat ing figures when he compared the prosperity period with that of the past years The Liberals he said will not goabout and make wild promises as do the Tories un ISterResliirping too Cloth Coats Wool Dresses etc Cleaned and Stored for the summer at 500 per gar ment plus the regular cleari ing costs Remember our thorough scrviecl includes careful inspection botchoming in going out under the person aldirection of Bill Long This in conjunction with our repair dept obviates any possible trouble for you by overcoming discrepancies such asnissing buttons tears burns etc but will continue to implement their social securityl measures with far reaching results The good conditions which we see about us have not come abouthy chance Theyare the result of great fore sight and planning on the part of the government which is concerned with the welfare of allthe people Employment figures show today that there are more people gain fully employed than at any time in the past The proof of the well being of the people is seen in the healthy increase of individual bank deposits of the ordinary Canadian As result of the Eamily Allow ances in our own riding of Siincoe North Mr Currie stated $2134 000 has come this way since the in auguration of what Mr Drew has Tories are calling for change dont think that the people of Canlt ada will change anadministration which has brought increased se NueISIeriricIe cuiiliilliis rDIIAL 2471 If Eon PICK UP We believe thalg your support of the Arena plan will help Barrie in every Way adian people Before the meeting was brought to close two films were shown loathe assembly on the fLife of Louis St Laurent and the Open ing of Parliament The meeting closedwith God Save the King lt Estimates are that nearly 50cents out of everyIdollarIof your person alv income tax goes to pay baby bonuses and maintain the organiz ation to handle the issuance of cheques mm cnrzsr F0r Finer Dancing Every Friday Nita pan lt1 am To ROSS RONALD HIS ORCHESTRA 9Imiles north of Barrieon Highway 27 one mile west tode Anton Mills Admission 50c Prop ChasMiller AUiilellU ailirll lASS HAIL OI lrsl Foal chat LtPAlIth liliat freedolii was to reelett to Ottawa aiiolllcr Liberal atlnliilis lralioii The Tories have gone over to name calling and to the foresight shown by the past Libcr Mll BARRIE UIlAwA 2g the boats Three of the volunteer fire fighters illlien the laines with extinguisher and garden hose and are gtlllllI above llelt to right Sarah Mailman Marielle ltis and her lilolller Mrs Beli Davis Ititzlll lrov ons lerry llren nan seen in civilian clothes had his unllorni burned while taking part ill the tirelighting Amir PretsIb terian Moderator Speaks Sunday Evening St Andrews Centennial llev llililili lltll llsl lllllllll1 ll the lllt Moderator of the itllllll Assliii lo the tllt at reality bl of the lresbyltiian lilircli oil mingled tlial llii iHlIi aiiadlr delivcicd llll llitsslit allielilly will own This litxi the Sunday ttllllt service of Si llilt Were The Andrews Illllltll llarrle This was lllll tll Iol tilill were quoted the ttitlilllllll service in lllt cell ilii traililiL cloud lclliliai vnek celebrations ol the tillll iIltIlll ioil lino lltltll Ilioiiu Iit uliled v1 lo that celestial Illllilll llle ttl lilllliI lloiiie litll litlo at this milestone of your history have no new gospel to bruit you but only llll old gospel declared li Bell The text was taken from verse ill the illi chapter of Daniel ills vlildows being opeii in his cham ber toward Jerusalem lie ltllttlttl upon his knees three times day and prayed and have thanks be lIltlt Ills loll II lr Bell spoke of Daniel being in Babylon that notor iolis wicked city He said it was hintiiialor said no lllil years were present at the ser vice that main Concluding lllrl lrllhil1 he told of illt itlLlIlll wtlli by lgilllti lo son who lllttl not been behav lllll you are lllc silvltt v12 lfllltlllllltl by tile lilililslei litv lllllts lIiiuiisoii out the ridiiiuilhe young farm Mr Currie stated that he felt that there would be bit increaseI IIiit soloists were lls illusion and Shannon lbolh toriner lliLIllltl of St knot just liomesielcnessor loneliness ltll even fervent patriotism tllal imade that young stliplinu of it ltliln toward the open window When Daniel opened his window toward Jerusalem it wassymbolic that he was opening his heart The Moderator declared that tillUSt people who chad started St Milli ii er the direction of Craig llziiliilttui Army Officers will Attend Andrews church had done it bc mus Hwy 110 CHINE llVl lop medical ollicers ol the vim lloyal alladlail Army Medical Impounvmcvd MW 1051 Corps including Brigadier our way because this picture oflLoke BIu DirectorI eiieral oi the open vlndow is not familiar Midli Sil 11 WWW 1er he declared the Army at the annual meeting of the Canadian Medical Associa We have stood at the openiviil dow of other cities In referring to these other cities he mentioned New York the city of comnicrce 0111 cars have been turned to tion at Saskatoon 1317 June Accompanying Brie Toke will be Colonel rIreinbiay OBlC Deputy Director General of Medi iiiloilllfti IrIi iie ix lltll Ill liliiiy llll vl boltnltg lillttl to think those who had tolled lll St Andrews cliiiicli during the past tilt at Collette lielneinlur wllosel ltill llv dltws church The choir was lllltlrl Western Medical MeetininWVill develop BARRIE XAMiNER ONTARIO CAllADx 2m Joxi xiVi Sponsored Night Class Concludes Ninth Season A9 hr PMJ AS GI Bil lat Section 2wPoges to i2 International Conference Federation Program tr any lzlvi li ll Doucett Urges Cor ll Check and Safer Holidoy Drivmg IlIlolla ariivi Hit l1litt Qureil Illit 11 Iy gt ital or llit iil lili In ill tli livl Ili of oltillil it ill USO follimailder ileadqiiarters Tanip ll rv if Bortlezi eoiilers wall Majorwileral lxalwalii Hlilull rb tl Hr tv gt vi iirilltla lzluza wzlo inspected amp Borden last week Alibi ti Ii ililli ilkAl btkIud ll It ll ilillniigtlI Ml liti Inn HH IIIIIII II III II IIIIIIIII II be thy LJ 11hligtlki ll lill lull lit il Hull 21H Me lti mule la ria lat l= ll mt bunny iw Lhilr mm Hi WHP llllltl thrill lflltlilll II IKI II la tiltlli lilltll tltlllll llii mi liil il iiii rlt 3h fltl llltf it EliiilIHl It IlrLAyllNIVII IVANT lzie ltllllltitl alumd lloiotl Ii vl iili iii1 lllllll of cals to inalw iie llll in Nzririiial lIliull tli in sale drum tiillllliiall IIIllllllillIIIILMICASFKl tl mail ex illil the liaitl ial of white IRHTIQI FROM 5i IFF TIHWI il Tannin or initial ii is foolish to iam II in liizal lltltllllI liiitltttsl ln said tlill pool lllillxif I3 Ill liltl SI III IIil IIS IllIl YOII IVIIIIII defects letmil trim IhIHyll STOlK srrr lttadv vllilt You Wait priced at 547 50 li ti iill ill l1ttl llitl Ik II II IMY It thatr ml il lllt Sonm ol thydill bale tlllll iciiullis mi Ins BI 11 10305 51394 i0 52250 tum ozzlaizi nw thouEl PM ilililllilttll ill the llltllllgt of SIICISllN HATS $850 Slilllil others 3235 in $550 tlil tlltl Sv ll ll lth ll pinup Imde Mm Hr MHMWHIK III II Sllllllh SI Itl bIlIIHSV Illr once said that loi some MENS and HOYS VEAR wlli llt om ii war of Wills time we have intn lllili all 55 Dunlop St BARRIE itll lllllllw in iiiicul WHH drive to watch out for llllv loiili lliIii we ital llliliilll llltli dreii and be prepared for llu ii my iti r2 rtti mwimggc wereiliirxpecled actions This piaclltt twill tii loin tilmr is inorp important when eliildielii E13 and in xtlii allelidnliceii lillIilIii llll twp mm HPKinlltll lllllltls occupied with anyI 41 Wm WM limit but their own danuer litli Hill liltl lilttlliilllts soils IIwlh IlIll1 llI WWIm1 mp iiiis lell of May holiday could so II II low accident record llt mili in igtli tiltill ervu MI Vlilypvvwl in liurmzliliei said ltlllillll oil that otlitll williIin ll liltlltvll tillItiislilll WISO IIIIIIIMII Ill IIIdIIIIIWIlIII IIIl face of record traffic volume QIV gtIIl lmlli llllmlws Illllllli make this the blaekest lltlliI Vl1 ymi lay iii the history of Ontarios lmtim iuial inwmitioil the iarnl lilllli llllilliliill poultry hydro on llu lilllll Iiltillllt lax landscape Ifiillltlllilli in lll iliiploeliicii2 ennui library ftlt lioiiietil lure id iiaiiv oiliers ll lupininn key in the success oi the pimtiaia is lllt lacl that rur lioiip must take illt initiative in milwiiii the main classes Illiey mitt illillll llie approval or the loud school board or area iliiililti to llllllllli the clasch and lliey must make arraileeuienls for suitable meeting place The stl eclioii of topics tor discussion must com lioln the group and ii is the hope that out of the season disciissions some concrete action In taken recently by the touiity lederatlon of Agricul ture it was lIltilllfl that aside from the diic2iliollal point of view Iiiiiore IltlLllllttlly atmosphere llas been created wherever tiles meetings have been carried on Mnle eoniiiainity cooperation has been developed as well as deep er llllflllSiltlltiillL of the many agencies vorkine toward the bet termeiit of rural life Illl lliliilways lpiovlncc der the leadership of George Drew gt Am INSURED called an iniquitous measure In Oflthe alalmlng Symptoms breakdown this gure shows that 61168 that had brought abOUt the LEANING there is approximately $60000 per dBfeain France month oming to the areaiur It 111 beCOHlCS man fronll SYSTEM rounding Barrie Although the QUBbEC to Come lO Ontario and curity andprosperity for the CanI the clink of silver and the luiiil of the ticker tape We have worshiped the god of prosperity Of all things we must be stic cess The minister related that some windows had been opened toward Athens centre of culture We have almost come to worship the intellect If everyone could read then would Utopia be here He added that until education was touched with the lingerof God it meant little or nothing DiemBell said that science wast being recognized as the ultimate saviour of mankind but he pointed out that this meant little to pcoplei who had lived near large military centre and hadlived through two world wars We have opened our windows toward Paris city of gayetyii He Iwent on to quote the pathetic words of Marshal Petain who said Laxity defeated my country Dr Bell referred to an article by Dr Alexis Carol who following the world war said he could see some ask where are the crowds onSun day Yet pick up paper to read how many thousands throng the first baseball game He went onto emphasize that more money had been spent for the openinglbaseball game than the whole Presbyterian church in Canada had raised forI missions in year Isnt it time that We thought again about the church at the open window The church has offered what Daniel found Clearness of vision sense of direction He suggested following Daniel moving with poise and direction submit to you that we Christians have got our road signs sadly mixed The church has called us through the years calls us now that we might hear Thus saith the Lord Dr Bell declared that Daniel a1 so found that the church furnished moralcourage Courage is univer sally admired Not the spectacular courage but the quiet kind that stands for right in the every day incidents of lifeI He said that many people were willing to let down their stand ards particulariyin the company of persons regarded as their bet ters but Daniel wouldnt defile himself with the kings meat People today he thought when in Rome were too inclined to do as fthe Romans do The church at the open window cal Services at ArmyHeadquarters lhe program has served as LtCol Ainslie Qiiebec Colii channel lliroiieh which various mandfnLthol Nancekivelilworking for rural people may coni CcntralCommand and Major bilie in an educational effort to as Derby Western Command sist the smallcoiiiniunity and at ROYAL VICTORIAHOSPITAEL Noliee III Special Meeting AT THE iCOMMUNITY HOUSE ROOM special meeting of the members of the Royal Victoria Hospital will be held at pm ON MONDAY MAYI30 for the purpose of electing two directors to fillmdlieies on the Board BARRIE MAY 19 ISM if CAMERON Secretary rtthnnual FESTIVAL CONCERT Barrie Schools JLLOYD Turrouu DIRECTOR PUBLIC SCHOOL GRADESS to in Songsand Dances PUBLICSCHOOL GLEE CLUBS THE COLLEGIATE GLEE CLUB SPECIALIFEATURE TheyBarrieCiillegiate Concert Band under the direction ot Fisher BA BARRIE ARENA Wednesday June pIIm TICKETS35 cents Under the sponsorship and management of the Kiwanis Club of Barrie Ao MALCOMSONS ell Illinlop St Sasluitcliewaii has nine perman enl parks scattered throughout the INSIIMMTI AfilIMY Ilile 3735 BANK CREDIT oils the driving gears of production industry and Commerce It helps to produce the goods and provide theservices and jobs which mark the Canadian way of life the foundation of credit You and some seven million other depositors have fMoneyin the bank is nearly seven billion dollars in the chartered banks To pay for work done geods produced bought and sold Canadians issueevery monthupwards of six billion dollars in cheques Cashing these cheques making loans discounting noteSin many different ways your bank keeps money and credit moIving through all theechannels of trade and opportunity like Voil in the machinery Iwhole vastfprivate competitive eCient process is possible your money the bank Iand II byTthe experience Tandskill and integrity of the men and womenon Canadian staffs II Golngfoyourbonlrhirot Ilkohavhgtodoalwithastdo bureaubuttlrdsliowirwould boundaritotomonopoly II sponsoaro BY

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